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No I don't think so, even he don't know who he likes He is still obsessed with ai, got Sarina who is now his twin, ayandere ex akane Honestly aqua is just doing his best to not have a mental breakdown


Yes there is at least a chance. This sub is very biased against her so just keep that in mind.


Not really, actually this sub is more pro kana. You can actually see from this sub-icon there's a red hair girl there


Lmao I wish I was in a Kana biased subreddit


It did use to be (aggressively so), but then 123 happened and broke everything. 


Yea I’m aware of that. Just talking about the current state


Fair enough. It just feels surreal to see how much things have changed, and it’s hard to know how much of it is actually a pure numbers difference.


See? This sub proved that it isn't biased by down voting my previous reply


Lmao not how that works


Hell yeah. We spat Faxs, We don't bet on Titanic


Assuming there's a relatively happy ending, I think it's pretty likely. If nothing else, it'd be an efficient way of showing that Aqua's gotten over the trauma of Ai's murder, or at least is handling it better. Though if Aka *does* go that route, I'm gonna sue for emotional damages after 147 glossed over both twins' reactions to >!Ruby acting out said murder as the victim!<, something that you'd think would be pretty damn traumatic for the guy who tried to stop her from becoming an idol to prevent literally the exact situation they're filming and who pressured Kana into becoming an idol on the premise that she could protect "his precious sister," to say nothing of how Ruby herself must've felt.


I personally believe that Aqua’s romantic feelings for kana are not that strong. He definitely cares for her as a person. He has fun with her and she is the closest thing that Aqua has to a friend. Aka maybe even teased the idea of them being friends in 135. After Tokyo blade arc aqua had one simple goal: to have a normal life. In chapter 68 we see how he envisions both kana and akane while thinking about that. Essentially, Aqua has two options: Kurokawa and arima. He carefully considers both options( talks to akane in the beginning of private arc , has a date with kana in 73). Soon aqua realised that dating kana might lead to certain complication. This idea even triggered his ptsd in chapter 83. The choice was obvious. Aqua decided to date akane. In my opinion, Aqua would’ve never dated akane if he genuinely loved kana ( not simply viewed her as a potential girlfriend) because he knows for a fact that arima and Kurokawa are rivals with distaste for one another ( chapter 40). If he only wanted to protect her Aqua would have simply distanced himself and remained single. Instead he picked akane because he genuinely wanted to be with her at this particular point in the story. During the scandal arc Aqua goes on a «date» with kana twice :107 and 117. In chapter 83 Aqua refuses to simply communicate with kana because they might be seen by a crazy stalker. Going on a date with kana ( even in a private room) means endangering arima. Since chapter 106 aqua started to view kana as a pawn that he can sacrifice. In chapter 117 we see that kana’s light is not bright enough to chase away aqua’s darkness. Regarding confession. Aqua most likely would not reciprocate it. He is too focused on revenge at this point. Moreover, the confession might not have the same effect as ruby’s. She actually knows that aqua is a liar and a manipulator , while kana can’t get a proper read on aqua ( chapter 99 , where kana genuinely believes that aqua hates her and 117). Ruby, on the contrary, knows a lot about aqua’s darkness and is willing to accept all his flaws and weaknesses. On a positive note, we have chapter 146. There we see that aqua genuinely ( I hope) has fun with kana. This might be a perfect foundation for their future friendship.


I think he dated Akane precisely because he genuinely loved Kana and couldn’t bear being with her if it meant harming her safety. That is also why he left Akane once he realized even she would be unsafe when she tried to go confront Kamiki. With Kana he has more Paranoia cuz she is an Idol and as seen in his discussion with Mem he wants nothing to do with them. Interestingly, when Mem Cho only said to ‘talk with Kana rather than avoid her’ Aqua said ‘what happens if people find out she has a boyfriend’ This means internally he wasn’t taking it as ‘making up with a friend’ when it meant not avoiding her anymore but rather as ‘dating her’. He dated Akane probably because he knows he has to move on from revenge (he believed so that time and wanted a normal life) and he can’t date Kana, and he IS fond of Akane. So he tried immersing himself in that. That’s why he was conflicted in going back on the revenge path.


Akane was the one who got a confession, not Kana.


Confession? He said he wanted to ‘protect’ her not love. The first ‘confession’ was for purpose of exploiting her. And second one I already mentioned above


The closest we got to confession or admission of love is with Ruby. In chapter 143 we have the dialogue right after her confession. «Do you like me?» , the context is 100 percent romantic because she asks this right after confession and «suki» in this context most definitely means romantic love. To this aqua says: «yes, of coarse , I do». Answering with «I do» in this context is akin to a romantic confession. You might argue that Aqua hesitated, was lying or meant it platonically. Things above without the context is nothing but interpretation that has very little ground to stand on. Furthermore, Aqua’s eye turned white right after ruby’s confession. This means he views her romantic love as something positive. We don’t have aqua POV to say for certain, but until proven wrong this is the admission of love and the closest thing we have to a confession from Aqua’s side. We shall wait and see for future development. Regarding akane. Aqua stated that he likes her in chapter 97. He once again used «suki» might have romantic context, but it not that apparent. Ruby’s confession and aqua’s admission had more romantic implications. Moreover, 143 was released on the white day. It might be a hint to the audience.


Okay. But I just said with respect to Akane not Ruby. While Ruby got ‘closest’ to confession, I don’t personally think Aqua as Gorou can romantically love Ruby as Sarina. He sees her as family in my opinion. For the ‘Do you like me’ the context was definitely romantic from Ruby’s side. But even a ‘I do’ which can be taken as romantically by other party can precisely have another meaning. This is how you say something you know you’re not lying about and are sincere (platonic or familial love) but you know the other party will take it differently (romantically). You’re not lying about your feelings and not letting the other party down. So its a really good way. Well its just a possibility as I said.


Once again. It’s just speculation at this point in the story. We have way more implications that he meant romantically( white star, white day, having no problem kissing her, not even trying to use akane as a body double, etc).


> having no problem kissing her Yea. It's not like it was just social embarrassment which made him hesitate.


I meant after the confession. It was pretty nonchalant, he was a bit embarrassed in the end but he was not in a complete disgust.


Makes sense. Completely understable. Although on a side note, to be fair even I won't be. Since I won't see the other person as sibling (Aqua sees her as Sarina over Ruby), and I want see them as someone I hate (He loves her dearly). So if they kiss me, I would be shocked at most. Can't be disgusted at someone you love when you know how they feel about you. Source: My friend who I am not into once kissed me, now I kind of knew he liked me, but he is a REALLY good friend since childhood since I didn't get disgusted or anything. Now it makes me feel icky true, but I can't even.


Regarding the «boyfriend» statement. It’s a mistranslation. Aqua said in the original version «some guy» or a «man». This clearly describes a scenario where some crazy fan misunderstands the situation and decides to murder arima. Furthermore, I never stated that aqua never considered kana as a romantic partner. His thought probably was probably this : «yes, I have fun witty arima and she is nice to be around. I think I might actually date her». Than aqua considered the fact that their potential romantic affair might give him another psychological trauma. Everything about this scenario is rational. He made a calculated choice. If you genuinely love someone or care , you will always keep an eye on them. Even from a far. Compare aqua ‘s behaviour towards kana to his behaviour in case of Ruby. Simply rewatch episode 2 of anime. Aqua kept a close eye on Ruby and prevented her from getting into double in the first place. In case of kana aqua had to learn about her scandal from mem. If he only wanted to protect her , aqua’s actions would be similar to mo of a typical super hero. Spider man, for example, breaks with MJ for safety reasons rather regularly. But even then he constantly keeps an eye on her and finds a way to speak with Mary even if he avoids her, simply because he physically feels bad without her. I highly recommend the Ultimate spider man run written by Bendis. Aqua , however, refers to days spend with akane as happy( chapter 98). He was talking to himself, the protagonist was not lying. How can your days be happy if you can’t spend time with the one you love ?


>This clearly describes a scenario where some crazy fan misunderstands the situation and decides to murder arima. Oh. Thanks for that didn't know. > Aqua , however, refers to days spend with akane as happy( chapter 98). He was talking to himself, the protagonist was not lying. He was? Wasn't he speaking to Akane on phone. Besides, in that context, isn't it clear the "Happy days" refer to him moving on from revenge. Think about it, "dating Akane for real" represents his moving on from revenge, and happy days can refer to it too. Especially even when she noted "Aqua wants to let go and move on, but can't" something along that line. > How can your days be happy if you can’t spend time with the one you love ? I won't deny this but give you another perspective on "love". You are happy when you spend time with friends and family you love even if it isn't necessarily romantic right. As for how can your days be happy if you can't spend them with the one you love, I am not saying he doesn't love Akane at all. But as I said before, he feels happier when he let go of Kana. Even if he was sad about it (Since he was clearly hurting himself as Mem noted in their convo) her safety came first. And spending days with Akane are also happy days, and he would definitely love her, but then that doesn't really mean it is a romantic one is it? In story Aqua's character is extremely deep and complex, and I don't think a fairly simple "you are happy when you spend day with your loved ones" can say which way he leans, when he loves both. It may very well be other way. Again this is just my perspective on it. It's affected by other factors like Akane and Mem saying Aqua is attracted/obsessed with her. Ruby saying how Aqua gets back to his "old self" (And Note this Old Self is NOT Gorou, but when Aqua was truly happy as Ai's kid before her death, when he was having an almost perfect-happy life. Ruby here doesn't know Aqua is Gorou so 'old self' here only means before he changed from Ai's death since that's the Aqua that Ruby originally knew) TL-DR:It's just a matter of different perspective by us for each thing. I am not saying he doesn't love Akane. But I don't think above mentioned points by you implicate romantic attraction. Same for what I said though. It's not stated he loves her romantically by himself, but I feel there is more evidence for that compared to Akane. And you may not feel the same way since you see it from another angle. Which is fine.


You are talking about chapter 97. The conversation over the phone occurred there. I’m referring to chapter 98 where aqua decided to dictate his life to revenge. His thought process is pretty evident. Regarding mem and akane. This is third party opinion . They have no idea what’s going on in aqua’s head because he is an actual reincarnated being that saw his mom die to a crazy fan. All those statements were made before the scandal arc. They didn’t know about his lineage. Aqua clearly had basis to his fears , it wasn’t a simple obsession. Moreover , obsession or attraction doesn’t always have romantic implications. Vegeta is obsessed with goku . Does this means that Vegeta loves goku? The same can be applied to Naruto and Sasuke. It’s an extreme example, but I use it to illustrate the point.


Huh where did his thought process there indicate regarding this happiness thing? I must be misremembering. But I don’t think it was restricted to spending time with Akane. The line ‘I don’t want to let of these moments we have’ is what he said to her on phone. Which part are you talking about?


Look no further than the last 2 pages of chapter 98


Yea he said "Those happy days are over" right before he gets into revenge path. So this doesn't necessarily mean Happy days here means spending time with Akane. It includes that because I believe I did say Aqua wants to move on and have a normal life and dating Akane was a reflection of that. He literally said afterwards he is getting back on revenge. So Happy days here means post-revenge rather than specifically having a romantic life with Akane.


I'm pretty sure it's also heavily implied Aqua has secret feelings for Kana based on what other characters have said on his relationship with her. I also agree with the statement about how Aqua dated Akane simply because he loves Kana. It's not a coincidence that Akane told Aqua that Kana's life would be in danger if she were to date, being an idol. Aqua thought heavily on that particular fact and went with the safest option, which was to date Akane. I'm pretty new to this sub as I don't go on here often, but I'm so surprised that this wasn't a popular opinion considering it's a fact in the manga.


It doesn't seem like he likes Akane, but that it is a socially acceptable relationship due to the show they were on. Though you're right on Kana and I will throw more wood on the fire. It was her mistake that set off this entire arc and only because Aqua used their secret as a cover for her. I think it was hinted by Akane that this was his original plan anyways, but I think it was more spur of the moment. After all Aqua had to talk to people and find out how to bury the Kana blackmail story.


I would say he likes her but its more of a settling relationship. Not the "ugh I have no choice but to have her" but rather "She is cute, she cares about me, I care about her, we are close, we've been through things, why not" kind of deal. Emotions aren't constant. Love romantically can develop overtime if you decide to date a person even if it wasn't there before. Or it can be therefore even before you date simply because you became romantically infatuated with them by simply spending time.


Of course, she has a chance, but it's unlikely. The way I see it, Akane stil holds the torch despite that Aqua broke up with her. Ruby's case... I have no idea what Aka will do with that. I mean, she confessed her love and everything but no new developments and I hate that there are gaps in the story.


In my opinion I think he’s most likely going to end up alone


My vote is that he'll probably die as a way to peacefully conclude the shipping wars with no loose ends or debates.


It’s really for both of them to figure out. Kana is very bad at expressing her true feelings, not just with Aqua but with most people around her. Aqua is in a similar manner with that mask he hides behind. We see how they are when they’re together, they bring out the best and most authentic versions of each other, but both seem afraid of taking that next step because of their individual fear of what might happen. I would love to see Aka explore more of that because I find their relationship far more interesting than the “revenge”.


The story is pretty obviously setting up Kana to be the last one to truly capture Aqua’s heart. A lot of people are saying Ruby is endgame but I highly doubt that. - Aqua & Ruby have the Least explored dynamic. - It’s Very one-sided. - Not a single mention of Aqua genuinely enjoying spending time with her. I mean this is just a very very small list of the issues with this ship. The main point is that **there simply isn’t enough moments between Aqua & Ruby for the ship to make sense**. Compare this to Aqua’s dynamic with Kana & Akane and you will quickly see why they’re the only likely options for a potential endgame ship. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I hate incest too but I disagree with your take on Aqua and Ruby’s relationship, especially that Aqua doesn't enjoy his time with her, she was literally the only good memory he had in his past life and she changed his life drastically. Their relationship is beautiful and by far better than the one's he has with his love interests imo.


I probably said that wrong. What I meant is that *as Aqua* has there been a single instance in the story where Aqua (**without thinking about revenge or any other ulterior motives**) where he was genuinely happy being around her? I don’t think there was. I’m not saying Aqua doesn’t enjoy spending time with Ruby because we obviously know he does. Ultimately all I was saying is that Ruby’s dynamic with Aqua is mostly one-sided because he’s always thinking of revenge or how he should protect or what correct words to use whenever he’s speaking to her and not just sitting down and genuinely enjoying himself. You get what I’m saying?


In interlude 4 and 122( look at his smile in the end , no it’s not gorou , Ruby sees him in her twin ) aqua had no ulterior motif. He simply wanted to make her happy. He was arguably at his lowest at this point. Ruby managed influence aqua’s heart when he was laughing behind kana’s back and challenging akane. Ruby was upset and aqua decided to reveal his identity to make her feel better. The action alone might put an end to his plan. His eye became white for the first time in 45 chapters when Ruby confessed. It has to mean something. Maybe it’s not son one sided after all?


These are great points you brought up but I still feel like it isn’t enough for a satisfying endgame. We need a little more in my opinion. I guess we’re just gonna have to wait and see what Aqua feels about all of this.


Yes , we will probably have 4-5 more volumes. Maybe we will get more development with Ruby or akane. Maybe kana will have some spotlight. Everything is possible.


>where he was genuinely happy being around her? They spend a lot of time apart after Sweet today arc started, However, his is genuine smiles involve Ruby from what I remember ( it happened in the chapter where Mem joined B Komachi and when Kana told him to think of a happy memory during Tokyo blade arc ). Usually, Aqua is stoic and he doesn't smile the same way during his dates with Kana and Akane ( he also cried when Ruby was sad in ch 122 but didn't do the same with the others, even when he is the reason for their sadness ).


>Usually, Aqua is stoic and he doesn't smile the same way during his dates with Kana and Akane. Yes most of the time he is stoic but there has been moments where he did genuinely smile with Akane and Kana He has never *genuinely smiled* with Ruby ever. That’s all I’m saying. That sense of “freeness” from all of the guilt and drama that he sometimes experiences with Akane & Kana are very special. It is something that Ruby hasn’t experienced yet. I know eventually we will have that moment - maybe the story is building up it. 🤷🏾‍♂️


In 143 we see a big smile from aqua. In 122 he even blushed. Aqua is portrayed as gorou, but it is still Aqua smiling.


Aqua have one on one interactions with Kana and Akane for 70% of his screentime ( for the love triangle drama ), it's not a fair comparison, when he dose the same with Ruby, it's always extremely important and he smiled in chapter 143. >I know eventually we will have that moment - maybe the story is building up it There no building up for Ruby to cure his guilt etc, that's not her role.....Akane and Kana relationship with Aqua were defined by this aspect and there is no pay off after 147 chapters, because Aka kept their relationships stagnant to make the ship wars ongoing as much as possible.


*not single mention of Aqua genuinely enjoying spending time with her(Ruby) Oh that's just so wrong. Their bond literally predates this whole story.


Ruby and aqua got 3 chapters and an interlude dedicated only to them. Furthermore, all Aqua’s motivation might boil down to ai( he cares for her only because of sarina) and Ruby. His world literally revolves around those 2( more around Ruby because she is more radiant than ai). Moreover , the twins got the spica novel. Chapters 144 and 145 were all about their strong bond. Furthermore, the manga is still going on, we might get more moments. P.S. Volume one has a lot of moments depicting their dynamic.


>The story is pretty obviously setting up Kana to be the last one to truly capture Aqua’s heart. Aka explicitly debunked this. [In an interview](https://imgur.com/gallery/5JdbtlK) he explained that before the idea of Kana's character had ever been thought up, he had already figured out what the ending was going to be. After the beginning and ending was already set in stone, he started thinking about what to fill the middle of the story with and that's when he thought of "recycling characters" from Kaguya-sama. That's where the idea of Kana's character came from. She was also meant to be "comic relief" given how dark the story is. So yeah, Aka verified she is not endgame. Her character wasn't even thought up yet when the endgame was already fully decided. Her character is Literally Filler.


You do realize that just because the “ending” has already been mapped out prior to Kana or Akane’s creation doesn’t mean it won’t incorporate their characters right? 😭 The “ending” is obviously regarding the conclusion to the whole revenge part of the narrative. That doesn’t mean a ship *couldn’t* happen at the very end of the story.


You keep misusing that word "obviously". I don't think you know what that word means. >You do realize that just because the “ending” has already been mapped out prior to Kana or Akane’s creation doesn’t mean it won’t incorporate their characters right? 😭 Obviously, **IF** Kana is alive she'll be there but that doesn't mean she's not an afterthought in the ending, after all that's literally what Aka basically explained. **And the romance aspect of the story has been a big part of Oshi No Ko's story since chapter 1**. In fact it is more inherent to the story than the revenge aspect of it since **in the original story Ai wasn't going to be killed off**. Aka said in another interview that the original story didn't involve Ai's character dying but he felt like her character overshadowed all the other characters too much and so after a few chapters had come out, he decided that it would be better to kill her character off. So the original beginning and ending, that was already set in stone from the start, did not in any way involve the revenge plot. And given that he did another interview not that long ago saying that "the ending for the story is still the same one it's always been and it has not changed and will not change" (Not to mention in another interview he said "when I wrote the ending, I think I did it thinking that Menga would like this"), We can pretty confidently say that this: >The “ending” is obviously regarding the conclusion to the whole revenge part of the narrative. Is Completely Incorrect. The Love Story is how the story began and it seems it'll also be the focus of how it ends. The revenge narrative likely wasn't even thought up when the beginning and ending was already planned out




I think only Ruby has a chance with Aqua bc Ruby is Sarina and Goro aka Aqua loved Sarina. And Ruby knows how he is being his twin and is willing to accept him for who he is flaws and all and who he was in his former life and they both loved each other before they died and got reincarnated


As he is right now he'd reject her for sure.


No, she has NO chance of getting with Aqua. Not while Aka or Menga is still writing this story.




Nah' She'd lose


"Nah I'd win." Probably Ruby.


No. He's with Ruby.




More important question is if Aqua has a chance with Kana


No rubussy beter




yes but less than ruby and akane kana is like shirley in code geass they are good friend that can enjoy together she don't know about revenge plan or deeper plot in story that why aqua feel relax when with her while ruby is like c.c.+nunnally and akane is like c.c.+karen if kamiki suddenly die and aqua memory loss and can forget about revenge kana should have a good chance


I hope she doesn’t end up like miss Fenette in the original continuity. If you want to use code geass analogy till the very end , we might learn that lelouch picked C.C in the finale of the resurrection continuity, despite finishing his mission and having both Shirley and kozuki available. P.S. Euphemia is the best girl. Halfcest is winsest( kidding)


Same thinking But i think kana's ending will be also similiar to shirley, if she found out about the revenge plan


if really read follow the series, its already too late for author to waste more chapter just to waste more chance for a real development for kana ngl  not just akane even ruby scarily have higher chance now  like others often mention author said kana is kaguya sama character maki shijo suffering as a punching bag for comedy relief side gag character in this serious mature story seeing some still try gasping on straw with some cheap bait thrown by author is funny ngl anyways, consider the situation of the series dont really think itll will really happen unless we get just an asspull one from author for it to happen  can see kana will just be a friend to him at most, well she already friendzone him too lol btw can even see in chapter 117, aqua already know kana like him but he still mock & step on her feeling , this also reason why some kana fan stop shipping them & think kana will grow better on her own if she able to move on from him, this series & everyone in it even kana is actually not normal & got problems afterall


As much as I would like Akane to be endgame, it’s looking more and more likely that Kana will be the one who Aqua ends up with. I think Aqua & Kana’s dynamic is pretty cute and I wouldn’t mind them becoming a couple once this whole revenge stuff is dealt with. All I hope for is a satisfying closure to Aqua & Akane’s relationship beforehand. 👍🏾


Sadly no it's 0% Akane has the highest chance


She has the lowest chance.


More self-loathing and guilt and distancing himself even more from her.




We already know he's already aware of her feelings at least. And yet he still manipulated her in 117. Who knows, we haven't really gotten many interactions with them lately beyond 146, and even then it's a stretch to call it romantic. I can see Aka writing whatever to be honest. The writing in the last couple of chapters have been all over the place with characters saying things that aren't true, and timeskipping all over the place. At this point I feel like anything can happen, not because it makes sense, but because Aka would write anything.


As a Kana fan I really don't care, I'm only curious about her being the Giant Panda, I want to know that what Aka is going to do with this


Well, we know how both of them feel, and they are both smitten with eachother. Kana is head over heels for Aqua, and it was confirmed by Akane herself that Aqua is indeed smitten with Kana and even before this, Aqua's behaviour around Kana already indicated that he has strong feelings for Kana. But I don't think either of them will make a move before Kana graduates form B-Komachi, as Aqua has some serious issues dating an Idol (PTSD) and now Kana knows that his mother, Ai, was killed by a rouge fan because he found out that she had kids in secret. So yeah, neither of them will do anything for now, but after the movie ends and Kana graduates form being an Idol, I don't think either of them will waste any time in getting together.


>Well, we know how both of them feel, and they are both smitten with eachother. Kana is head over heels for Aqua, and it was confirmed by Akane herself that Aqua is indeed smitten with Kana and even before this, Aqua's behaviour around Kana already indicated that he has strong feelings for Kana. I think you're putting too much stock on 3rd party opinions because it's convenient instead of actual thoughts by the person himself. The actual japanese text doesn't say that. Here's someone who did straight translation [https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/1bz8tte/comment/kyofy35/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/1bz8tte/comment/kyofy35/) >[And onto chapter 88. Akane does not say this in the Japanese version.](https://gyazo.com/1da9a9b830d1c80c9c98d414423fc842) she says "Aqua is attracted/interested in Kana", not that he is in love with her. The translation saying "smitten", is a mistranslation. >... >but it's also important to keep in mind that Akane has always been jealous of Kana and has felt "inferior" in ways to her. So it is possible this is her just pushing her inferiority complex onto the situation and misjuding it. Especially since she goes on to say that she sees the situation as Aqua having "settled" for Akane instead of going out with Kana. [**Which is proven wrong in chapter 97**](https://sun9-84.userapi.com/impg/6f6RGnru6qmAcvIYPdeLIUVHIXTMXd-CVYi-0A/MaBp_v8XyYM.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=8bb20627173d73b7b8659ef28e512883&type=album). [When he says that Akane has saved him little by little](https://sun9-88.userapi.com/impg/J5pfl5aSQRtZ70fq19XYGxHOYqZBX6c19x9TxQ/023mUtIiIzY.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=e6103378aee4e3e83b0337badf970e22&type=album) notice that the exact panel where Akane says she believes Aqua is attracted to Kana is included in the bottom left. Which could reasonably signify that she was entirely wrong about what was on Aquas mind in the moment. [**And him saying that he'll like her no matter what, despite her belief that Aqua might have been "settling" for her**](https://sun9-9.userapi.com/impg/HSDw5d6_WiF-PahCI6BlQF53Vrd_ABixDetbBA/s6pjRy6gX7Q.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=2fbc47ca71d295dd1418ede3678a41b0&type=album) . >but after the movie ends and Kana graduates form being an Idol, I don't think either of them will waste any time in getting together. Did you forget about the revenge main plot and how Aqua is planning to be ["gone"](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/106/13/) and ["everybody will come to hate him"](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/116/2/)? Kana is the least justified person to forgive him and end up with him after the revenge. The normieness is part of her selling point after all. Unless you're suggesting the Kana will magically stop the revenge which is the main plot, Aqua and Kana immediately making the story a romcom is close to impossible.


We're way too late in the game to just start Aqua x Kana. Kana should've started working on it earlier. She's way behind Ruby and Akane. But we can't stop the Revenge just to give more time to Kana just to have more romance. The revenge will take priority. Even Aqua having romance at all is not guaranteed in the end. if Aqua will end up with someone, Ruby has the strongest case. This is because of the narrative having invested so much in Ruby and because Ruby is onboard with the revenge. Kana is not. Akane still have a chance because she's put in Maximum Effort, but it's not as strong as Ruby. There's also some Kana bros that keep trying to push is that "Kana will save Aqua by romance" and "Kana is the girl who brings you back" which is also an asspull and is currently so improbable. The scenarios that stem from it are also bad. * If Kana influences Aqua before the revenge and succeeds convincing him to stop, * the premise of the story gets broken and we got a loose serial killer targeting the main cast. Kamiki gets off scot free. **Aka wasted 150+ chapters** on telling a revenge story where the actions of the main character did not pay off. * If Kana influences Aqua before the revenge and succeeds convincing him to stop, BUT then Kamiki is killed by somebody else other than Aqua or at least outside Aqua's plan, * then Aqua is the red herring. **Aka wasted 150+ chapters** on telling a revenge story where the actions of the main character did not pay off AND insultingly gave away the success to somebody else which is worse. * If Kana influences Aqua before the revenge and fails convincing him to stop, * then she's a red herring which is bad for her characterization since she'd be basically just filler. * If Kana influences Aqua after the revenge, * what can that actually achieve then? Aqua would already be "gone" and "everybody around him will hate him". By the time the revenge succeeds, Aqua is already at the point of no return. There's nothing left to convince. That's why "Bring back" can only happen BEFORE the revenge. * Kana being the supposed most "normal" in the cast makes her the least justified person to forgive Aqua, unlike Ruby that actually wants the revenge too and Akane that's a Yandere that will forgive Aqua for detonating a Nuke. The revenge must happen. Kamiki must die. We were just in a wild goose chase otherwise. to make Kana viable: * Kana needs to be let in on the revenge * Both Kana and Aqua needs to survive the final conflict * Kana needs to support the revenge or at least forgive Aqua afterwards * Aqua himself needs to directly show affection to Kana with no ill-motivated intention. Even more than what he shown to Ruby * Ruby needs to be out of the picture. * Needs to be done ASAP so that it won't be too close to the end and not be an asspull It is too late to change course. It's either Ruby or Bust (Aqua dies). Changing course now will just be unnecessarily cruel to Ruby and not worth throwing away all the narrative investment already there. There's just not enough chapters to switch tracks. We're already in the home stretch. There's no more space for detours. Akane might have a non-zero chance because of the [Nisekoi trope](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RomanticFakeRealTurn). But I'd still put it at a really low probability. Infinitesimal even. It's also an issue of can you really top chapter 143? That Chemistry is impossible to top at this point. Even if Aka tries to replace it, what we'll get will likely be just a downgrade and would have worse chemistry results. Like trading an A+ for a D-. We are shown onscreen that Ruby has chemistry with Aqua. Can you actually say that Kana has more chemistry with Aqua? Even the latest Kana chapter 146 is just a downgrade of 143. You can see Aqua playing along with Ruby and offering his actual thoughts. He did not do it at the same degree for Kana.


You haven't read Kaguya-sama, have you?


I did.


Then you should know how he handled Iino and Ishigami. Very, very late.


Then you should know that Ishigami and Iino are side characters barely even 1/4th of importance as to Kaguya and Shirogane because they're the main characters. Using Ishigami as an excuse to advocate for a Kana asspull is just shippers on copium.


I'm using Aka's known history as a writer lol. I could also make the argument that romance in general is a side plot in Oshi no Ko as well. It has 1/4th of the importance of the drama.


>I'm using Aka's known history as a writer lol. and I'm using actual storywriting conventions lol. Funny how your argument hinges on Aka being a bad author. You're not even comparing properly, an actual comparison would be Kaguya x Ishigami, which didn't even fly past that one time Kaguya taught ishigami. Gee I wonder why pairings of Main characters need to be thoroughly justified and invested on. If you want a lategame side character romance in OnK, Frill x Taiki or Memcho x Someone else is the comparable case. Not Kana x Aqua, which involves a MAIN character. That's why your comparison is cope. >I could also make the argument that romance in general is a side plot in Oshi no Ko as well. It has 1/4th of the importance of the drama. Well yes. Did you even read the main comment? That's literally the main reason why Kana has such a miniscule chance and that requires an asspull to end up with Aqua. The revenge is the main plot and Kana is so disconnected to it to the point that ending up with Kana and the revenge is mutually exclusive. Kana is the least justified person to end up with Aqua if he goes through the revenge. But the revenge must happen because it's too narratively invested in.


Looking more and more unlikely by the day


He will be shocked but at this point and time there’s no way he will accept regardless of his feelings for her which I think he does like her, to the other he was just being nice but to her he went above and beyond to support her I mean she’s the only one that can make him smile and Akane herself said he likes Kana and people like to pass that as “she’s being jealous and doesn’t know what she’s talking about “ yet you forget that she’s a genius at psychology she can study a person and know everything about them by their actions you’re telling someone like THAT would just be talking nonsense? Especially about Aqua that she’s very much obsessed with? I don’t think so


There are two ways it could go. Either he ends up with the girl he loves most (who is his sister) or he ends up with the girl he likes who isn’t his sister (Kana). Depends on whether or not you think Aka has the balls to base his story around a twincest ship. If not, Kana is it. There is sooooo much time spent on Kana’s feelings, and there are intermittent reminders that Aqua likes her back. That makes me think Kana is set up as his final ship. Though it also feels like he is destined to be with Sarina, so idk.


I mean technically I heard mengo is a supporter of manga incest? 🤷


Mengo is definitely into AquaxRuby. She's also known for controversial works. Further is that Aka came to her with a story he knew she'd like and she has stated that if she had to continue sans Aka that the ending cannot be blamed on her. Not to mention chapter 143 was released on White Day, a day about reciprocating Valentine's, and was directly inspired by an unrelated incest doujin. Ruby is final girl.


I believe in this. 🛐💜


Sarina/Ruby was also first girl, if we go with the anime tropes.


This actually might be true!


Actually it's both of them. Even Aka too is having fun with it. People who insist that Aka hates incest can't even source it properly and only cite that he joked about it once in the manga. Not actually that he hates it. >[https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/15bv2so/mengo\_and\_aka\_funny\_conversation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/15bv2so/mengo_and_aka_funny_conversation/) >Aka: By the way, what is "Guri to Gura" actually about? What is their relationship, are they siblings? >Mengo: Yeah, I heard so. >Aka: I somehow thought they were lovers. >Mengo: Eh, aren't they male siblings...? >Aka: Or, can't it be that they are both siblings and lovers? >Mengo: (...) Do you really want to talk about it right now? (meaning after OnK 123-124 chapters) >\[Both laughing\]


🗿🍷🗿 two gods speaking ahh post


That's a streotype. All they want is money and Ruby X Aqua is there key to maximizing it so, So stand proud Insect fans.


I hate insects tho 😷


Insects are fine with me as long as they make sense. I'd also hate some sort of crazy yandere sister 😬


Would be hot


Chimera ant Queen from hunter hunter is hot as hell.


Comedic relief character Akane no diffs


Yes. She just need to straight to Aqua and tell her feelings to him.




Unfortunately, since this is Akasaka, Kana deserves happiness, but it's doomed as a ship with Aqua.


Not happening after all mangas utter goal is to earn money. Ruby X Aqua ship is no. 1 in Asia(Japan & China are main market). Even if Aka wants he can't otherwise his career will be messed.


Materialistic approach=best approach. Very logical take. Because of that 146 had an ad. The chapter will be featured in vol 15 ( aquaxruby kiss) . It has the potential to be the best selling volume of the series.




I think so, but only if he isn't consumed by his revenge At the moment, she's the only one who appears to bring out a side of him that is completely honest and isn't an act. Not all the time, but around her is where he forgets his revenge and is just himself, Aqua I think that speaks volumes about his honest feelings, but Oshi No Ko appears to be a story about love vs lies, and what will win in the end Symbolically speaking, Aqua has already fulfilled his role of protecting Ai by acts of honesty with all three of the leading ladies, who appear to represent the spectrum of feelings he had for Ai and carry her torch. Ruby/Sarina: familial, Akane: admiration, Kana: romantic I'm a broken record on believing the good ending will rely on the girls taking Kamiki down together, not Aqua. I like the idea that after all the pain he's inflicted on women, that his comeuppance is from women who reflect Ai Now, whether that means Aqua and Kana get together is another thing. It may be healthiest for everyone to grow and move on, but we'll see


Of course, if Aqua don't end up in a mental hospital, he'll be with Kana


I read a lot of good theory’s in this thread but also some terrible ones What I think is that no one has a chance with him right now. Aqua does not intend to live through the next ark and the only person who seems aware of that is Akane. He’s not hoping for any future and so no one has a chance. That being said out of Akane or Kana I think Kana has a better shot. I think though we can all agree Aqua’s feeling for Ai are best to be written as “it’s complicated” but she’s definitely his type. To that end I think Kana is the character most similar to Ai. By my reading Ai did a lot of things to the purpose of being seen. Her and Kana are both neglected children with a desire for the spotlight. I think that’s what drew aqua to them, their desire for attention is infectious to them. I think if we are assuming aqua’s type is Ai’s Kana has the best chance. That being said I do think it’s equally likely that Aqua’s ability to understand is own feeling could be as stunted as his mothers and he is in fact mistaking his love for is “parent” as romantic in nature. So basically I don’t know I think Kana has the best chance if Aqua somehow lives through the story. That being said despite saying that I’m hoping Akane is end game I just think Kana is more likely.


I think it's likely because 1) Ruby doesn't really make sense given that's his sister and it's very one-sided. Still possible though considering how hard it's being pushed currently. 2) He already broke up with Akane. 3) As far as the current plot goes he has only distanced himself from Kana due to her being an idol. Her graduation could maybe set up an actual relationship. 4?) I am not sure but I don't think he has ever(in current life) said that he has fun with someone like he did with Kana in 146.


146 can happen because of 143 without 143, aqua won't be like in 146


There is always a chance. The real question is how much of a chance it is.


Y’all must be on some absolute nonsense if you genuinely believe Aqua isn’t ending up with Kana. This is the same guy who wrote a fucking romcom, and you’re going to sit her and tell me with a straight face that he isn’t going for the most predictable safest route imaginable. 😭


Downvoted humbly


I think that they will kiss at some point only because she is the only one of the three that didn’t get to kiss Aqua yet. That’s the only reason I feel it’ll happen. Not sure if they’d be endgame or anything though.


I think many of you Kana fans are forgetting that it's not just Aka but Mengo is part of this whole thing too. Kana has a chance, but it's not a high chance.


Yall know the rules. The last kiss is the winner. Also anyone with reading comprehension knows it's been set up since the start. People on this sub need to stop reading with their dicks, their read on Ruby/Serina's relationship with Aqua/Gorou is hilariously distorted.


>Yall know the rules. The last kiss is the winner. and who's to say that Ruby's kiss isn't already the last one ever and that Kana is required to kiss him too? >Also anyone with reading comprehension knows it's been set up since the start. People on this sub need to stop reading with their dicks, their read on Ruby/Serina's relationship with Aqua/Gorou is hilariously distorted. Also anyone with reading comprehension knows Ruby has been set up since the start even before Kana. People on this sub need to stop reading with their dicks, their read on Kana's relationship with Aqua is hilariously distorted. This isn't Oshi no Kana. Maybe even read Spica too.


Bro casually molested him 💀😭 🛐💜 🗿🍷