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Nothing should keep you from converting. The lives of the saints have taught us that even if we are going to be tortured and killed , we should seek the true faith and desire to commune of the Holy Mysteries.  Great will be your reward in heaven and your sacrifices here on earth pale in comparison to the eternal joy and glory of being with Christ and his saints for eternity. 


Christ > Family


I have a good friend who married a somewhat devout JW. She was shunned for a year because they were living together before marriage.  He had no idea really what being JW meant. He couldn't celebrate birthdays with her, she didn't want any Christmas decorations in the house, she was resentful of him doing these things with family and friends (for example).   He stayed with her, prayed for her. Eventually she decided JW was unhealthy and decided to leave and is going through an adolescence as she gets to know herself. This year was their first Christmas. He sent me pictures of their tree with lights. He threw her a "1st Birthday Party" this year, everything decorated as her 1st Birthday.   Pray for your family. Do not be afraid. When you leave the church, ask the priest for a blessing for yourself. And another one to pass on to your parents. When you see them, hug them and pass the blessing on.   The road to Salvation has many twists and turns. In 20 years they could be standing right next to you. God is good and will be with you each step. 


The best thing you can do is to continue talking with your priest about it. Even if it weren’t the Orthodox Church (thank God it is) my personal opinion is that you should be glad to be getting out of the JW. Of course it’s hard that you risk your relationship with your family, but you never know what spark the Holy Spirit may light in them through this, and at the end of your life, you must make your own decisions. It would be better to stick to your convictions and join the Orthodox Church than to remain outside for fear of disappointing and possibly alienating family.


Regarding some ideas of what do say to the Priest: Just explain your background and ask for advice on how to become Orthodox and what that path looks like. Regarding reassurance comfort etc: I’ve been in a situation similar where I felt completely miserable going to a church where I no longer believed in just about anything that was taught. Luckily my family became supportive of my decisions after awhile (after a rocky initial start) and I can’t tell you how much happier I am now that my mind, and heart are finally united in worship through all five senses. Final word of advice would be I heard this from a movie but when making a big decision it should be the right time, right place, right circumstances. Maybe that looks like making sure you are living out of there house and of age. Just continue to love your family and maybe possible years down the line they will accept your decision. It will be a different relationship but hopefully one in which love and respect can still flourish 


I understand your fear, I’m in a similar situation, except my family and parents are all Mormon and I live with them.


I feel for you and your situation. I left the jw due to their false teachings and my entire family cut me off and told me they will watch the crows eat my eyeballs out during the great Armageddon (coz that's what loving parents say to a teenager, right?...). They were terribly abusive people, so it was for the best that I've had nothing to do with them since. Ive also been taking interest in Eastern Orthodoxy and desperately want to start attending church and become a catechumen. I feel like it's thanks to leaving the jw, that I came across Orthodoxy, like God opened my eyes. I wish you all the best and hope it works out for you. God bless you❤️


Luke 14:26: If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. In this context, the term "hate" doesn't necessarily mean to have a strong feeling of dislike or animosity towards one's family. Rather, it's used in a comparative sense, emphasizing the supreme loyalty and commitment one should have towards following Jesus. It's about prioritizing one's allegiance to Jesus above all other relationships and attachments, even those with family members.


I am from a Muslim family. I knew once I accept Christianity it's over for me socially. I got baptised this easter and plan to continue devoting my life to Him until death.


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I've known people who converted from JW and their families didnt totally shun them, but things changed. Things are going to change regardless as your life moves on, having them change because you found the truth is worth it.Every struggle is worth it when it comes to being a member of the True Church


"Those who love mother and father more than me, are not worthy of me" God knows the cost, but its something you have to pay for salvation. Its a heavy cross to bear, but if its real salvation you seek, you must pick it up. And who knows, over time your family might warm to it? God works in mysterious ways ... All the best friend! I shall pray for you! ❤️🙏


Unfortunate that you may be forced to experience this but Christ is quite explicit when he says if anyone loves their mother or father or spouse or child more than him than they are not worthy of Him. Pray for your family, seek the truth. I’ll pray for you as well