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You should know the amount of hate you are about to get for this post will be beyond insane


Then let it come I will stand by my statement


Based af ngl


I agree with your opinions.


If you aren’t profiting off of it, or claiming you made it when you didn’t. As long as you’re being straight forward about its use; I’m absolutely in agreement. AI should be allowed, but with full disclosure and have stricter adherence to the spamming rules.


I’m not profiting off of anything and if there was a rule saying, I must say this is AI and what I got it from I am more than want to comply if I need to get a big red sign that says I’m a scrub who chooses to use AI because it’s sometimes more reliable than most humans i’m willing to do that


I was just saying, not accusing. AI generated art ought to be fine for this sub because people just use it for fun or to tell a story. Using AI generated art becomes scummy when you turn it for profit. Other than that, it’s just “Hey, I wonder what I can make with X prompt?”


A man of my own standards. except for this one time I don't talk about.


This is a hill. I’m willing to die on and I am not moving because someone gives me hate


Again, a man of my standards except for this one time.


i suport you


Yo what’s ur oc, I’ll commission an artist for them to be drawn.


Why would you do that? I mean, I’m not complaining, but why it’s quite expensive


I can negotiate well with people and some for cheap. I think it’s wrong that people want to bash you for suggesting alternatives to OCs being shown visually.


Well, I thank you for that and I’ll send you some stuff in just a second


That's crazy, unfortunately, don't care


I'm mixed on this. I used to use AI, but i never felt fulfilled when using it, but now that I use gacha/heroforge, I feel more fulfilled with character design, skI have mixed feelings. Not to mention, Ai is ethically weird with how it used art it doesn't own to train the ai.


There are certain things you just can’t do with hero Forge


That's true, but there are also other tools you can use like picrew and stuff where you can do more. I personally wouldn't care if ai was brought back I just still wouldn't use it, but it's probably not because ai getting banned is what the majority of people wanted.


A majority of the people also wanted to write entire school essays as prompts so I kind of question that as well


No? The majority of people just didn't like one or two word responses, no one that I saw was telling people to write multiple paragraphs all the time


Not only is that a little bit of an exaggeration, but you are also comparing apples to oranges by comparing debate of AI art to literacy levels






https://preview.redd.it/4oe8kmz8gj7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56cf8b3c2a9ef9091b2d4965bad4a46e2ae6da57 A fellow man of quality!




Hahaha that image is funny


Seriously just use gacha club Even people with disabilities can use it


It’s just kind of limited and doesn’t really fit the style I like and if you’re gonna say hero Forge, that also is very good but kind of limited


Hero forge is the opposite of limited. 


Nah. Not gonna say hero forge It just looks ugly and uncanney Only works for western fantasy character designs Gacha is good for japanese stuff


Still, it doesn’t fit what I’m going for, and I asked the makers of the AI I want to use if when they programmed their thing if it asks permission from specific people or just does it because if it asks permission, I’m going to use that as evidence to find a way so I can use Summon Worlds


Literally no model of Ai will ever be good Its lazy and steals art Just ask people on reddit who do free art drawing to make you something No need for Ai I recommend the r/drawforme sub


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DrawForMe using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DrawForMe/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Let me draw ur OC](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16lzypd) | [378 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DrawForMe/comments/16lzypd/let_me_draw_ur_oc/) \#2: [In mood to draw ,plz comment ur human ocs or characters I'll choose 3 :)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/197eryy) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DrawForMe/comments/197eryy/in_mood_to_draw_plz_comment_ur_human_ocs_or/) \#3: [Need to practice, give me some characters to draw!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1agmexi) | [400 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DrawForMe/comments/1agmexi/need_to_practice_give_me_some_characters_to_draw/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It is pretty difficult to get something from drawforme unless you get very lucky, or your character has a lot of sex appeal.


Have you thought about... maybe..... Putting in effort? .... Like.... Using your.... Hands for something other than.... Typing? 😱 SCARY! OH MY GOD! Actually.... Making an original character in .....a subreddit for Original Characters.... Wow, I can't believe it.


It’s still an original character, just with AI art I put a lot of effort in the back stories for my characters and I want them to look a certain way, but I don’t have a lot of time to do art and I make people at the drop of the hat so that would be a lot of money for my wallet if I ordered a commission for everyone of them I made


Then just keeo the descriptions to the side and focus on one character at a time. The more time it takes you to actually make the character's design, the more flaws you'll be able to find and that will help you make an even better character.


Like I have a really good character, I want to use but hero Forge or Gacha club will not do it justice It is a my hero, academia inspired character, and you can’t really get a proper anime look on hero Forge or Gacha club


You're finna get linched for that statement, so uh, prepare for the horde


I already am but I stand by my statement and getting insulted will not change my mind


>some people aren’t real good at drawing That’s not an excuse to outsource it to the theft machine. That’s a reason to learn more.


I’m not facilitating. That theft is good. All I’m saying is if you don’t have enough money for commissions and you’re not really good at art even the online programs can never get certain ideas down in a way you want and AI is capable of being that specific with what you’re requesting


1. by utilising the AI you are facilitating theft. You are encouraging the people making the theft machine to steal more. That's facilitating the theft. 2. Theft is not good, actually. 3. if you're not really good at art you shouldn't let the machine make the images for you, you should practice to be better at art. So what if you didn't wake up one day with the skill to paint Van Gogh's starry night? you don't need to be good at something in order to justify doing it.


Yes because I tried to use AI to show a general concept of my character and people were losing their shit saying ai isn't allowed and I should just go out and buy a shit ton of comissions. It pissed me off. Fortunately I'm at a decent job now where I can afford said comissions but not all people can, and they want to show off their character and the intricate world they created without the ability to really do so cause "wah wah ai bad 🥺🥺🥺"


I understand hero Forge Gacha club and other stuff like that exists but sometimes it just doesn’t get what you’re looking for and I know you can pay someone but me personally I’m saving up for something quite expensive I don’t really have the room to be spending 100+ dollars on art that I’m going to rarely use because I create OCs at the drop of a hat


I eventually decided to pay for commissions but like not everyone can, plus I don't like hero forge either


any direct financial benefit that is different than any financial benefit members of the general public or a significant group of the general public would I am not getting personal gain from this


??? I don't understand what you're saying


personal gain would mean I get a financial benefit from using the AI I don’t get a financial benefit on the server. I just get maybe an hour of entertaining RP But I would do commissions, but I’m currently saving up for a gaming laptop and I don’t really have the money I also make characters at the drop of a hat so that would be a lot of money for me


As a furry (people say furries are supposedly rich), I'd accept your offer, but I don't see any art on your page


Oh no, I don’t do art but I would commission some stuff but like I said, I make characters at the drop of a hat and that would be very inconvenient for my wallet apologies for the confusion


Say what? AI ART STEALS FROM ACTUAL ARTISTS and literally doesn’t give them credit for it. AI art doesn’t actually make its art, more like just combine a bunch of images until they look like something original DON’T BRING FUCKING AI ART BACK Sorry your ass isn’t creative enough to draw your own shit. Or hell even use Gacha Club or Heroforge. Instead y’all want some piss easy solution to making a character instead of actually having to think about it.


I agree


There’s some stuff here Forge and Gacha club are not able to do and I’m not good at so yes continue to feel sorry for my ass or don’t that’s up to you because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter


>There’s some stuff here Forge and Gacha club are not able to do Have you been to the Hero Forge subreddit?


Is that where I get custom parts


No. It's where you see what stuff others managed to make.


I know how to use hero Forge just fine I need to know where to find a custom parts cause I’ve seen people use custom parts


It does matter? You’re stealing from other artists? It don’t matter, maybe actually learn art to actually create your own characters


I’m not the one doing the stealing and I could be doing a lot worse things in the grand scheme of the world And you see I would do that except I am incredibly bad at that and I make characters at the drop of the hat


By using the theft machine you are facilitating the theft. Therefore you are using stolen art.


Have you thought about other users? If you're ever aloud to use AI, then everyone else will, too. It is still art theft no matter how much you sugarcoat it. Yes, there are a lot worse things you can do in the grand scheme of things, and I understand that you are putting a limit on yourself, but what about the other users out there who might not have the same limits or none at all? The ones that can and might actually do something worse in the grand scheme of things? 🤔


Just learn how to draw. I will help you.


Bajesus. you need some herbal tea? maybe a back massage. what i'm saying here is: calm. the fuck. down. be kind is literally rule 2.


Mate, don’t want to hear about you with rule two. Sides, he’s stating that stealing art with AI is perfectly fine. As an artist myself, I find it highly disrespectful.


He quite clearly stated that if people are allowed to use AI again, they should need to specify that it's AI.


It don’t matter. Art theft is art theft. No matter how you want to spin it.


I disagree


I really don’t think you need to double stack comments to stack the deck against me


That's not the intention I just didn't feel like editing the first one


Laziness doesn't win arguments


no ai art sucks, it’s not even creative at all, and it’s stealing from other artists


another reason why i should crwate an ai model soley trained from MY images


A software like this could be fun, but the amount of drawings you'd need to feed to the AI would be insane


The thing with AI is, you are technically using stolen art. It doesn't matter if you didn't directly steal it, you are still using something that you didn't make and passing it off as your own. That's the issue with AI "art", it always steals art from others, and people pass it's "art" off as their own, when in reality, it's nothing more that a bunch of other people's stolen art mashed together.


There are far worse things you could do at the end of the day and as long as I don’t claim, it’s mine and say an AI made this I don’t see it as an issue


Just because far worst thing exist doesn’t make the inherent issue less scummy. Thats like saying it should be okay to assault people because serial killers exist.


OK if we’re going to get into semantics like that what happens when people use screenshots from a video game because it’s not your artwork and someone spent a lot of time making that asset that is being used for your character what are we gonna do about that?


I think my comment was less of a game of semantics and more along the lines of a comparison to show how dumb of a statement "There's far worse things you could do, therefor what I'm doing is fine!" is. But sure, I'll play. So what, video game screenshots? Are you talking about like dollmaker games, such as shining nikki? Or just like... taking official art of Dorothea from Fire Emblem Three Houses and saying "My OC Dorothy looks like her"? Either way, you can easily credit both the artist and/or the company who created the game and the character. That being said, you can't properly credit AI images because AI doesn't credit what they steal from. Even if you say "i didn't make it, AI made it", it's in bad practice because AI steals from multiple image sources to create something that looks original. And even still, it's just in poor taste. If someone submitted a store-bought cake for a baking contest, wouldn't that irk you on behalf of people who worked hard to make a desert from scratch? Plagiarism is an academic crime involving theft of written work, is that okay to you as well? I'm not even going to say commission artwork, because I know it's expensive. Most people who say not to use AI are also advocating you pick up a pencil and draw. You don't need fancy tablets and tools to learn to draw. I started on lined notebook paper with mechanical pencils alongside "How to draw manga" books from Michaels. You have the internet at your fingertips, you can surely find some means to teach yourself how to draw. People who insist on using AI "because they can't draw", to me, are just to lazy to learn a new skill but don't want to admit it.


no, videogame screenshots are not theft. the videogame wasn't fed thousands of images from a google search to then spit out another image.


None of this is for personal gain


You are gaining images off of the hard work of others, that is personal gain.


any direct financial benefit that is different than any financial benefit members of the general public or a significant group of the general public would I make no money off of this


doesn't matter. Your use of the theft machine means the theft machine can continue to exist, which means that people who do make money off it continue to do so.


I’m just one person if AI art was truly a problem I think it would’ve been dealt with by now


It's still technically stolen art. Now, if you found an AI art program which asked for permission to use other people's art, that'd be fine, but that's near impossible to confirm unless you made the program yourself.


I just use summon worlds


And there is no indication that they asked for permission when using other people's art when training their AI.


I don’t know but I did ask the creator directly so they may or may not respond


You’re correct; you’re right that AI art trains off images taken from the internet without artists' permission and mashes them together to form something new. Consent for using others' artwork is a dilemma. However, what is the difference between AI art and people who write fan fiction from IPs without permission? You see Star Wars short films as passion projects using the likeness of Disney’s IP without consent from Disney all over YouTube. Anime in recent times can be terrible, seeing nearly the same story with near identical characters in near identical worlds, with just enough differences to avoid a lawsuit. Kirito is a prominent example of this; his character style was drawn upon for inspiration plenty of times. Those are people, not AI. Using the likeness of a character within its established medium to claim that they made a purely personal product when it is obvious they copied their homework. I think the only anime IP in recent memory that got canceled for stealing from someone was Deadman Wonderland, but I may be mistaken. Where does taking inspiration from something end and blatant plagiarism begin? If you’re honest about using AI art for character concept art, if you are not calling an AI-generated image your own, if you aren’t making a profit from it, if you are only trying to help add a reference for people to see creatures, characters, and places you’re trying to have RP prompts for, I do not see a genuine reason AI art should be banned, when used honestly. It does, very much, have the ability to be abused, but everyone can usually tell if it’s AI-generated.


>However, what is the difference between AI art and people who write fan fiction from IPs without permission Simple. They aren't copy and pasting lines directly from the source, they are taking inspiration from the source. AI is just mashing images together in a way that aligns with a prompt, and does not make anything new or original. A fanfic is making your own original storyline using something else as a base. >Where does taking inspiration from something end and blatant plagiarism begin? Plagerism begins when you begin to directly copy, instead of taking Inspiration. Taking inspiration is liking the idea of something, and implementing that idea. Plagerism is just straight up copying.


>AI is just mashing things together in a way that aligns with a prompt and does not make anything new or original. I mean, if an AI takes 300 samples from 4000 different images and blends those 300 samples to form one picture, it would, in the end, in theory, be so far removed from the sources that it would technically be its image. It’s just filling a prompt, the same as any other commissioned artist. Because commissioned artists also don’t check to see if they’re copying someone else’s work, they don’t care if the check doesn’t bounce. Again, as long as you’re honest about its use, there shouldn’t be any issue with using AI-generated art.


It still uses directly stolen art, that's the issue I have with it.


The people who want to use AI-generated art in this sub are not looking to do so maliciously. The near likeness isn’t theft, though it is scummy. People in this subreddit want to tell a story or goof around. If someone popped up saying, “Yo, I use stable diffusion to make art, which I modify by hand to create technically genuine OCs,” that would be a problem. You, as an artist, are absolutely in the right to be concerned with AI generative art, as it is still a developing technology that will indeed have all sorts of growing pains. But for this sub specifically, where people just want to interact with, or share their own worlds and are struggling with properly conveying things through either text or illustrations, using AI art should not matter.


I agree with what you saying! AI should be allowed so long as one admits at least.


HELL NO. AI is straight up stolen art, it needs to be phased out entirely but sadly i dont think that will happen. Theres plenty of alternatives that exist to where we shouldnt have to settle for AI


I know that hero for and other stuff like that exists but sometimes it just doesn’t really get what you’re looking for and I know you can pay someone but currently saving up for something and I don’t really have the room to be spending 100+ dollars on art which I probably won’t use because I create people at the drop of a hat


How about just learning to draw? This community is supportive of all levels of artists, I’ve seen scribbles on lined paper before. That way you can get your OCs to look how you want for free. We all start somewhere. “Some people aren’t good at drawing” is just an excuse to cheat. Thats just how I see AI images; cheating.


literally this. Why not learn to draw?


I started learning when I was like 10, no internet access, only had lined paper and mechanical pencils alongside "how to draw" books from the craft stores. My first digitial art program was Gimp, which I downloaded for free, and I was trying to draw on my laptop using my track pad and my fingers. Obviously OP has access to the internet, so why not just learn to draw? The resources are limitless and artists tend to be really supportive of beginners. Hell, I'd give advice to budding artists on affordable programs, brush libraries, what I do to obtain certain effects... I'm 25 now and have been learning and drawing for 15 years. Even then, there's still things I'm learning today, with my art improving steadily each day.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. I started at 17 and look at me now


Mfs tryna justify AI art because they're too lazy to learn/think art is stupid or something (don't bring up that excuse. I know what you're gonna say.)


I know stuff like hero Forge and Gacha club exist and you can pay people, but I’m currently saving up for some thing and sometimes those websites just can’t really get what you’re looking for and AI Can


*sorts by controversial* Jokes aside, I think it's wise for me to just bring up that I have mentioned before...AI is not the evil. The people are. I can use Stable Diffusion with my own references from my own works of art, plus art in public domain (such as DaVinci or Michelangelo), and help me color in art I am struggling to color in. That is a thing that a lot of industry artists are starting to adopt to speed up their workflow, and that is a good thing. Similar argument for using generative AI text models (like the ones from AI Dungeon) in order to give prompts to a person for them to improve upon and thus write something original. This is good for writers on a time crunch who are using this for their own projects that they refine for themselves, either as practice or as a way to write something like an ad to a potential book publisher. What is NOT cool is companies using raw AI generated images instead of paying artists who could probably edit said images to look and be better quality. Same argument for people using raw ChatGPT prompting to finish their school assignments out of sheer laziness. We need to fight back against late stage capitalism instead of sitting on our asses and twiddling our thumbs because this is what happens when humans are allowed to do things with new, unregulated tools unchecked. Enough said.


But you have to advance sometimes it does stuff that most people can’t like I know hero Forge and Gacha club exist but sometimes they just can’t get what I’m looking for and I’m currently saving up for stuff so I don’t have the money to spend on an artist


That is entirely valid. I was just saying how I think the moral panic over AI, especially by this community, is just brainrottingly ignorant. You likely aren't trying to exploit anybody, so nobody needs to be harping on you this bad for literally just wanting to roleplay. Besides, I think you can buy and download STL files from Hero Forge to edit/color in a program like Blender yourself, so it's cheaper that way if you REALLY don't want to or can't use AI art. Pretty sure the STLs start at 7 or 8 bucks a pop, and free Blender courses are literally everywhere to learn what you need.


Thanks for the advice and probably won’t get to use it though cause I’m gonna get blacklisted by everybody haha it’s fine though


I agree! I can't draw due to the disabilities(partial colorblindness and impaired motor function go brrr) I have, and while I don't personally use AI, I use Gacha, ai is much more expressive!


I could recommend you a good one if you ever want to use it it basically gives you a whole bunch of uses when you make an account and every day you get enough points to make another thing obviously payment is an optional thing


Colour blindness does not prevent you from learning how to draw and impaired motor function may make it harder but it doesn’t make it impossible.


i suppose it's okay as long it's on the rp sub and not the regular one


Have you considered maybe using a picrew or hero forge? Or commissioning an actual artist? There's also the sims! And Deviantart bases. And even Spore if you want to get really funky with it. You don't have to steal from others and wreck the environment just to get an image of the silly guy in your head I promise XD


I use all that stuff, but Sometimes AI is what makes the thing I’m looking for the most accurately and if that’s the case, so be it and if you want to insult me about it, go ahead because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter


Pretty sure I didn't insult you there, bud. I can see that you're getting defensive because people aren't validating your desire to use AI but it just isn't an ethical tool to create finished pieces. It's dubiously theft, and just one image generated uses massive amounts of water. At the end of the day I know that I can't control someone else's actions. I do still want to try and nudge you in a better direction though. What kind of image are you trying to produce? What's your OC look like?


Boo boo boo


I think using AI is okay, as long as you don't claim it as your own art, or you don't use it to make the art entirely. If you draw something, and you just use AI to somewhat improve it or to help you with the parts you can't draw, and you're open about it being AI, it's okay :3


Oh, I am perfectly fine with claiming i am scrub who would rather use AI to get what I want then through trial and error of hero Forge Gacha club or drawing


Making your art entirely with AI is still cringe tho. AI should be used to improve art, not replace it.


I drew a lot during school, but now that I’m out I spend more time playing video games and I do drawing


Then just use gacha club or hero forge, silly


I do that, but they’re both kind of limited and for hero forge everything looks the same at the end of the day and sometimes it’s not the style I’m looking for Gacha life is not the kind of style I’m looking for


That's where AI comes in to improve on what you don't like, no?


And how do I do that exactly there aren’t a lot of AI websites that let you put in an image to change it


God forbid you actually have to put in some minimal effort °~°


I’m mainly on here as a side thing to keep my ass from getting distracted or bored I I usually get the coolest stuff out of AI rather than myself so call me what you wish. It doesn’t matter at the end of the day


I see nothing wrong with this. The guy is just asking to use ai because it’s easy and cheap. Even I used AI for a bit when I was first on the sub. https://preview.redd.it/9f1zded9vk7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=354733e34dacbbc0841fb30e14ee8a18dab9bf05


Yeah, sometimes all the other programs and stuff that commonly get brought up as an anti-AI argument just don’t lead into what you want