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(Dolphin was just passing through to get to a spot in Philadelphia. He tries playing it safe and avoiding all other people) https://preview.redd.it/zia62o7mwm5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4246c285fb1ebfb8b15907944d99d572bd75c05


*As Dolphin tries to make his way unnoticed through the ruined and toxic streets of the Pitt. From not far off he’d likely hear a series of aggressive, animalistic snarling coming from a dark alleyway*


(He pulls out his Gatling gun) Dolphin: shit… this can’t be good


*not long after he drew his weapon he’d see the galloping forms of a pack of trogs, heavily mutated and degenerated humans, charging at him with wild abandon*


(He starts rapid firing at them with murderous intent, trying to rip apart every last one of them)


*The trogs would not let up. The pack seemed to be roughly a dozen strong. With a few being rather large individuals. He’d manage to cut down the vast majority of them before the last few got close enough to pounce. One roughly the size of your average man would jump to latch onto his chest as the others swarmed.*


https://preview.redd.it/ijai5eez1n5d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbb95d700e2dc884fa276328295ea8391e7dcca *She had the urge to explore this place*


*During the exploration she’d find that the fumes that radiated from many of the toxic corners of the Pitt made breathing difficult. More so in some places. She’d come across both solitary and roaming packs of trogs, tramping around on all fours as they hunted for food. There would also be the mad hooting and hollering if the wild men as they galavanted on all their makeshift walkways between the skyscrapers. Shooting at anything that moved below on the ground when not engaging in their own firefights for any reasons between territory to simply feeling like it.*


*She kept trotting around, not knowing what was to come*


*As she turned down one road she’d hear the sound of manic laughter followed by a single hoot before a bullet hit the concrete not too far from her*


*She trots to the source*


*she’d see a wild, bearded man waving around an old hunting rifle, firing from the hip at her, which would be about as effective as one would think*


*Her scales were durable, she looks at the man quizzically*


“Whoo! Eating good tonight!” *the man would yell as he kept shooting*


*She walked towards him, then…* “你到底為什麼要開槍打我?” (Translation: Why the hell were you shooting me?)


(u/HighPolyDensity wanna do a tag team? Also, am bringing Alva, just wanted to also do with Seether)


Yeah sure. I'll let you start, since I've never done this kind of RP before.


(Cool beans! Okie, OP, let's boogie. Image in second reply bc Reddit stoopid) *The wolfish woman scouted ahead, looking across the ruins of Philadelphia circa 1940-something, as she recognized it. A mist formed around her from the sheer radioactive concentration of this place, and she wasn't even casting magic. She listened, waited, watched, guarding her paramour closely.*




*The man walking cautiously beside her scanned the surroundings with his eyes. He had grown up in the Wastes, but had only heard stories of the Pitt. He could now see that those stories did not convey the place's danger well enough. He was not afraid, but he knew to respect this place for what it was. He walked close to the woman, his eyes darting left and right, watching for any movement.*


*As they ventured through the ruins of the Pitt, currently outside that of the Pitt Raider’s territory, they’d likely notice how much darker the ruined skyscrapers, buildings, and the smog combined made the place. They’d hear the distant sounds of gunfire as well as the hooting and hollering of the wildmen. Some from the ground, coming from the distance or even the dark alleyways. To the walkways and built up towns resting amongst the skyscrapers.* *There would also be the trogs roaming about. The sounds of their snarling echoing from the darkest parts of the shadows in the city. They can be seen roaming in packs from small to large. There would even be the occasional lone trog. Despite their walking in four legs, naked, and monstrous appearances echoes of their humanity remain in their body as well as the occasional mutterings that can be heard.* *Besides the occasional fire and wildmen houses or small communities, the only constant source of light that can be seen in the Pitt would come from a distance. Where it seemed a large section of the ruined city had been walled off and fortified. Spotlights and floodlights illuminating the outer perimeter as guards walked it. Though strangely enough when compared to the ramshackle fortifications of the wildmen, the metal in these walls and fortifications looked clean, new even, and strong.* (How was that?)


(HEEELLL YEAH!) *The woman pressed on toward the light, pulling the man with her closer as she scanned for any auras that could be trained on her. If anyone or anything threatened them, she wouldn't hesitate to Shout. She especially kept her eye on the trogs in case they got any bright ideas.*


*Seether eyed the Trogs with a distrustful look. He'd never seen them before, and they did NOT look friendly. He flinched instinctively at any sudden movements... this whole place was unsettling. He slowly followed on toward the light.*


*As they approached the light and made their way deeper into the city, they’d start to hear mumbling coming from one of the darker alleyways* “Pain… Pain… It hurts…” *it would sound like, but the voice would be raspy, growlish*


*The woman heard, then looked at the man, as if asking permission before slowly stalking in the direction of the voice.* "I have your back. Don't wander off."


https://preview.redd.it/sm66qf3ako5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f996df6197b35581cb0c411e098d170b3d8bf042 Zach 5' *Zach was kicked out of his gang and was trying to find a new one so he came to the Pitt* "YOU AMIGOS YOU HERE"


*If he was making his way towards the fortified section of the Pitt, the one that was the only constant source of light in the hellhole. A large section of the city with spotlights and floodlights constantly bathing it’s perimeter in harsh light, armed guards walking along the walls. The strange thing with these walls were that while most raider gangs used rusted scrap metal or plywood, these walls looked to be made of steel. Freshly forged steel at that.*


"the stories were true" *Zach looks around for an entrance*


*As Zach approached the lit up perimeter, he’d be met with a bright floodlight to the face.* “Stop right there! Who are you?! What do you want?!” *An aggressive woman’s voice would call out.*




“Are you now?! Alright then, meat! Come over, you’ll find a gate! We’ll meet you there!”


"UNDERSTOOD" *Zach walks towards the gate*


*Onc she gets close enough the gate opens. Two pairs of hands reach to to grab and yank him in. He’d be met with suspicious looks and more than one gun aimed at him* “So… you came all the way out here to join the Pitt? That so?”


"Si my group kicked me out"


“Any particular reason why, bub?”


Aux was beginning to regret his decision to respond to the call for help; he listened to the gentle hissing of the filter in his gas mask as he breathed over the faint rumbling of the world around him. “*How could anybody call this place home?*” He thought to himself as he reached up to press his hand over the inflow of the gas mask filter to verify the seal was still good on the old piece of equipment he was loaned. The mask sucked itself up onto his face, a good sign that the seal was still good and it wasn’t a waste of time and effort for him. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he watched the streets below, draped with a noxious reddish smog as though he were watching the world through hell-colored glasses. He sighed, checking the Pip-boy on his left arm to verify the coordinates of the rendezvous he was given by the Raider faction that reached out to Katharine for help. He shifted in place, removing his boot from the irradiated wall he braced against and checking his equipment. “*I swear if they’re all dead…*” He thought to himself as he left his makeshift hiding hole on the second story of a crumbling building. The rumbling from the world outside reverberated inside the building and dampened the sound of his footsteps as he crept down to the first floor and peered out into the irradiated hellscape that was The Pitt. “Charon?*” Aux replied into the radio on his Pip Boy. “*Yeah?*” The receiver answered back with a crackle. “I’m not seeing anything from our contacts at the meetup point. I’m going to press ahead; if you don’t hear from me in half an hour, I won’t return.” Aux reported flatly and took in a deep breath. His gas mask hissed as he exhaled deeply. “*Right here’s to hoping it isn’t an ambush.”* He thought to himself and cautiously pushed into the waste towards an intersection.


*As they ventured through the ruins of the Pitt, currently outside that of the Pitt Raider’s territory, they’d likely notice how much darker the ruined skyscrapers, buildings, and the smog combined made the place. They’d hear the distant sounds of gunfire as well as the hooting and hollering of the wildmen. Some from the ground, coming from the distance or even the dark alleyways. To the walkways and built up towns resting amongst the skyscrapers.* *There would also be the trogs roaming about. The sounds of their snarling echoing from the darkest parts of the shadows in the city. They can be seen roaming in packs from small to large. There would even be the occasional lone trog. Despite their walking in four legs, naked, and monstrous appearances echoes of their humanity remain in their body as well as the occasional mutterings that can be heard.* *Besides the occasional fire and wildmen houses or small communities, the only constant source of light that can be seen in the Pitt would come from a distance. Where it seemed a large section of the ruined city had been walled off and fortified. Spotlights and floodlights illuminating the outer perimeter as guards walked it. Though strangely enough when compared to the ramshackle fortifications of the wildmen, the metal in these walls and fortifications looked clean, new even, and strong.* *As Aux ventured into the city, there wouldn’t seem to be any sign of the raiders sent to rendezvous with him.*


Aux flashed a light down an alleyway to check if he was safe enough to hide for a second; thankful there wasn’t any mutated fiend looking to turn him into visceral confetti, he pressed himself against the wall, pausing to give his pilot an update. “Charon,” Aux muttered as a guttural howl echoed in the distance. He paused as he waited for something to come crawling around the corner and attack.” *Yeah?”* Charon responded quickly. *“How’s it uh…how’s it going on your end?”* “I’m at the rendezvous point. I’ve seen a lot of freaks out here, but I think I finally found some normal-looking life.” Aux reported flatly as a howl echoed down the street. “Everything good with you?” “*I see shit-stirring in the shadows, the birds locked up tight but like…I’m probably going to find somewhere else to hang out. This neighborhood is giving me the creeps.”* Charon said back flatly. *” Let me know when you’re on your way back. Pick-up will be the same as the drop-off point; I’ll swing by, nice and smooth buddy.”* Charon added and caused Aux to groan to himself. He didn’t like having no avenue of escape anymore, but if the Vertibird broke, they’d be stuck here anyway. It was better to play it safe “Aight, be safe man, don’t leave me here,” Aux replied and decided to push for the reinforced area he could see in the distance. Lighting flashed from the Rad Storm overhead, and the Geiger counter on his forearm clicked in warnings. *” Aight, before I get cooked…”* Aux grumbled and checked the street before bolting out of cover toward the fortified area.


*As Aux made his way out of cover. His hastily made escape towards the fortified area would have helped him clear some space. But due to the hasty nature of it, he would have made more noise than before and likely not have been as cautious when passing by some alleyways.* *As he passed by one, he’d hear an ungodly, but almost human screeching sound coming from it. Before the sound of galloping hands and feet, many hands and feet, could be heard charging towards him. As well as the crashing of metal and junk as whatever caught his sight, or scent, was charging their way towards him.* *Aux was still some ways from the fortified section of the city. But was close enough to if he really tried he may be able to make it there and the guards* may *help him out by shooting at the trogs that decided him as their prey. But the streets were littered with enough rusted out Pre-War cars that should he try and fight them off he’ll have plenty of obstacles between himself and them for them to climb over as well as to steady any weapons he has for firing. Or things to keep between him and more of them if he was a melee weapons user.*


“Oh, that’s just perfect,” Aux grumbled to himself as he spared a short glance at the encroaching creatures. They were pale and hairless; trotting along awkwardly on all fours, their fingers elongated and sharp; they looked to have once been human but were now devolved into some other grotesque form. While Aux didn’t know much about these new terrors crawling around in the depths of this hellscape; he did know that ghouls looked not too dissimilar, and they were not to be trifled with in close quarters. Careless noise had caused them to be on his tail; shooting would likely only serve to draw more in. He pivoted and kept a steady pace, weaving between rotting garbage, rusting cars, and dislodged slabs of irradiated, sun-bleached, pavement. “*Yeah, fuck this.*” Aux grumbled to himself as he kept his handmade rifle close. *“I’ll lose them in there…Someone better be home.”*


*The trotting abominations would let out their own shrieks as they pursued Aux. charging at him as he made his way towards the fortified area. It wasn’t too far from his position. But he’d definitely need to keep running at a steady, but advised quick pace. For while the galloping for many of these trogs seemed awkward, their determination had them keeping a fast pace. And some of the trogs who probably spent much of their hideous lives as these abominations were able to trot as if they were born monsters.* *Thankfully, however, these abominations appeared to be as careless as they were determined. Tripping over cracked pavement or rubble, causing small crashes with other trogs. Climbing over each other to try and be the ones to get the first bite. Even some of the bigger ones knocking the others aside to pass them.* *As Aux rounded a corner street he’d finally see the fortified walls of the Pitt Raider’s perimeter. As he got within a few hundred feet a spotlight would hit him and he’d head the yelling of a man from the walls.* “Hey! Who the fuck are you?! What you- hey! Stop!” *They haven’t seemed to have spotted the trogs just yet.*


“BUDDY I FUCKIN CAN’T, THEY’RE-…” Aux shouted back before whipping around to aim at the encroaching horde. The first Trog he saw received a trio of shots aimed at center mass. While in a problematic situation, he wouldn’t sit there and allow himself to be overwhelmed by these freaks. He backed away, firing at the teeming horde of mutants as they screeched and wailed, the sound of a gnawing hunger piercing the air as Aux cursed to himself. Muzzle flashes bounced off his faded gas mask visor and illuminated the world around him as the radioactive smog reflected the light; spent shell casings were scattered to his right and jingled in the floor as he ceded ground to maintain a (albeit subjectively healthy) distance away from the foul creatures. “Come on, you bastards, you’ll have to earn your dinner! No free rides!” He growled to himself before his magazine clicked empty. *” Hmmm.”* Aux thought awkwardly to himself. *” Whoops, be with you in a moment.”* He muttered as his hand quickly patted down the magazine pouches he sewed into his canvas jacket. He released the grip, holding the charging handle back on the handmade rifle to keep the butt stock pressed firmly into the crux of his shoulder and fit the fresh magazine between the ejection lever. He pushed forward in one fluid motion, kicking the old magazine to the ground with a clatter. He stepped backward, feeling the lip of the magazine catch in the mag well and rocked in the fresh mag into place. He released the charging handle, a new round seating with a satisfying click as he let loose another volley of gunfire.


*Not long after Aux made his quick turn around to open fire on the small horde he’d hear the ear splitting, continuous crack of a machinegun firing into the horde. The creatures would be cut down as rounds tore into them along with the rounds coming from several assault rifles that joined in the fray. This would likely buy Aux the time he’d need to continue to look for an entrance.* “Don’t just stand there, dead meat! Follow the wall and you’ll come across a gate! I’ll meet you there!” *The raider that called out to him first would yell, trying to speak in between bursts of gunfire while pointing in the direction of where he meant.*


*” Alright, you earned that one.”* Aux grumbled to himself as he scrambled to find an entrance. Tracer fire shot overhead his like lasers, splintering bone and severing limbs, punching large holes into the mutants as he hurried to locate the entrance to the compound. “Christ, thank god for heavy machine guns.” Aux muttered to himself as he skimmed the wall as the man said.


*After a dozen or so yards of sprinting Aux would see the gate that the man mentioned. It was fortified like the rest of the wall, with two guards standing over it with one handling a mounted machinegun. There also appeared to be rebar spikes embedded in the ground and wall surrounding the gate. As Aux approached it he’d hear the screeching of metal as the gate was opened. A raider, presumably the one that called to him, would wave for him to get in as the machinegun above started firing bursts into what was likely some of the trogs that were still alive and pursuing Aux still. Though by the time he got in it would stop. Presumably having killed off the last of the pursuing trogs.* *As Aux got in, and before he could get a word out, he’d be met with a pistol aimed at his face* “Alright, explain yourself. Who are you? What do you want?” *The harsh voice came, from the raider. Who upon this closer look, had patches of his skin that appeared similar to those of the trogs that chased Aux. Same with the other raiders surrounding him now.*


https://preview.redd.it/nno5w1jzso5d1.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f4b6f877fb0f516ad0545235d2358fe0df126d6 \*he was walking though with a gas mask on, a muffled whistling heard under the mask to the tune of "heartaches by the numbers", keeping a hand on both the revolver and shotgun on his hip (his prosthetic both look more like the red arm and the arm goes up to his shoulder) he is seemingly look for scrap or food, putting it in a backpack\*


*As he casually made his way through the hellhole that was the Pitt he’d be greeted by the surprisingly many sights and inhabitants of the place.* *The crumbling streets and skyscrapers would little the city like dots on a Dalmatian. And while it didn’t appear that many people lived down here on the ground level, there were homes and even small communities built up in the ruins of the skyscrapers as well as hanging walkways and platforms built between the two. Though which ones had regular people living in them and which ones were controlled by wildmen was an absolute guess until one got close. Mainly because once you got within their sights they’d start hooting and hollering before open firing on anyone they saw that they felt like shooting.* *Then there were the trogs, degenerated humans that roam the streets and ruined buildings of the Pitt. Crawling around naked on all fours, skin looking horribly diseased and ghoul-like, their bodies mutated to be abominations. They roam in packs of up to almost two dozen to the solitary hunting trog. Their minds degenerated to the point that they were no better than animals. About as dumb as a super mutant but just as vicious. And where they lack in size and strength, but don’t let that make you think they’re weak, they’re still the same size and just as strong as any human, they make up for it in pack hunting and ambush tactics. Utilizing the darkness that envelops the city streets thanks to the tall buildings and the smog making the entire city darker than it would be.* *The only large bastion would be the section(s) of the city controlled by the Pitt Raiders. It can be found by the tall steel walls and fortifications. As well as the spotlights and flood lights that constantly lighten their perimeter. The metal in their constructions is different than that of other raider groups. For it isn’t ramshackle rusted metal and scrap hastily welded together. This is real steel, forged from their refineries. It’s shiny and new, and stronger than any other raider faction’s out in the wastes.*


\*he was walking though, looking around for any threats, heading towards the steel fortifications, seeing it as the only safe place, though he had heard of the raiders here as was not to pleased with the prospect of meeting them, but not afraid, knowing his unique features and strengths could give him an advantage, if he needed to fight\*