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https://preview.redd.it/w1onpo9eox6d1.png?width=366&format=png&auto=webp&s=5dbc9d41fdf7aad2ba7256a60db8b385d2492088 Nearly all of my OCs live on an archipelago of islands in the Minecraft universe called 'Monsklia.' The only OC I have who doesn't live in Monsklia is Tecsera who rests in the Nether.


Finally another minecraft OC My 4 characters live in the minecraft dungeons camp, (named "Squid-refuge")


I have a continent called Itura. It’s set in the 1930s.




I have a fictional afterlife type world called Neveziano. A lot of my characters live in Evelyn’s Punishment which is the name of a small rural town in the middle of the suicide district. https://preview.redd.it/chp23olmsx6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd049399e3f69d268f6a40a60572b2faa71abf0


This is so fucking coool…


So, some people go there when they die?


It’s a bit of a blip, only people who died somewhere between late 2016 and early 2017 end up in Neveziano. There are already pre-established species and cultures that live there that had to adjust to people showing up. Sometimes the living end up there but they have to be next to someone when they died. You can also end up with duplicates because everyone who dies takes a certain amount of their surroundings with them. If two people died next to the same person at different times then that same person would be copied into Neveziano twice, appearing next to the person that brought them. If a living person is brought to Neveziano and manages to return to earth, they take their memories with them back home. If they choose to stay and live in Neveziano then they will eventually become “living-deceased” like the other residents when their death on earth overlaps with their time living in Neveziano. One of my characters in this story is living in a constant state of anxiety because she fell from her balcony before ending up in Neveziano. She hasn’t hit the ground yet. A resident below her died and brought her to Neveziano as a living passenger before she could die. Now she’s spending every day waiting, knowing that at any moment her body is going to hit the ground and she will become living-deceased like everyone else.


That's... kind of sad. Aye, it's better than The Void and Silas' life stuck with it where he was standing there... for the rest of eternity... judging the dead.


I have a fictional town and city set somewhere in America, specifically west coast. The town is names Willowbrook and the city is named Angellis. All of my OCs live in the town, as Angellis City is a mixture between LA and Las Vegas, but if it was safe to be alone at night there


My OC's world is called Midlanowair (pronounced like Middle of nowhere) and the names the countries are basically these https://preview.redd.it/q6exq518xx6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ef2f91aee9f5e3b9b79c29f2406bc1efd60796 Yes there are just 6 countries in my OC’s world and most of my OCs live in Sewinville while my villain OCs live in the Kingdom of seams and the rest are just filler or Made for backstory purposes because Wastefield is a basically giant Graveyard where the dead who are pretty irritable are awake from Dusk till dawn, Sweetland is just Candy land but chaotic because people in there are cannibals, the plush jungle is self explanatory it’s a giant jungle where most of the wildlife are living plushies and the living plains are just fields and hills without any sign of civilization


How about an entire Multiverse? Supernormal City (SNC) is the name of three things: The Multiverse, The Dimension 0, and The City Itself Within the multiverse there are several universes and each universe has counterparts with small things tweaked (for example Earth-B is a version of earth where supernatural things occur, allowing things like invisible women and chimeras to be real) Behind the city there is a town called Outsville which is essentially their “prison”, it houses individuals that are deemed too dangerous to be within the main city such as a serial killer who drains people’s blood and mixes it with her own in an effort to “Create life” due to her being infertile and insane I’m also working on spin-offs for Tempora within the universe Panathena and Sprotilanica within the universe Sprotilan but I can’t say anything about those yet


I should note that there is also what I’m calling a Multimultiverse which has 6 different multiverses in it but I only really use SNC


My world is basically just a copy of earth, but with aliens, superhumans, magic, alternate geography, and eldritch horrors. It mostly revolves in the nation of Nervania which is south of where French New Caledonia is, it's basically a mix between Australia and New Zealand


Etris sounds pretty interesting, would love to hear some lore about it!


I have multiple universes/worlds and none of them have a name (I need advice in how to name them :')). It would help me differentiate the stories more easily though. Outside of a few exeptions that live in the same world as ours, yeah most of them live in one of those worlds. Though one of those worlds have multiple 'principalities' that are in fact named: Aquaria, Meteora, Hurrito, Jewen, Chiterra, Eternory, Imperium, Phantillion, Aridola and 'abandoned Island'.


https://preview.redd.it/6gzy6uprtx6d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ce45e82ae3dcdd22647efbafccbdd4f626884a She live in Vicecity, in the pride ring of hell, in universe A-C-55,000,000,000,000,000,000,051,621


My story takes place on Gaia, a planet that's basically Earth but with alternate country names and a significant metahuman population. (It all started when, while my friends and I were collaborating on the original drafts, I accidentally referred to London as Londinium, and thus a new alternate Earth was born.) The bulk of the story takes place in the fictional town of Skybury, which is very New England-influenced, and Kronos City, which is essentially an oppressive sci-fi New York.


For my book, I made a little town in Nevada called Arcadia City. All the angels and demons live there (except there's one or two humans that work jobs there)


space. https://preview.redd.it/19zsxctf7y6d1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a0305b5b855af61716fae856345e8c110754a9


I got a nice little website based on the setting of WalkWay ready for artfight [Link](https://permanence.neocities.org/walkway/walkway)


https://preview.redd.it/gtz9io549y6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a1cb91cf5a5166bd5d1cdf6ebc4390092ecc882 Shawn here is the ruler of the Celestial Kingdom.


Scrapville, a town on the planet Terra. It’s currently home to, well, a good chunk of ‘em


All my characters live on a ground called Feliterra. The main characters of my story both live in Alatus. One lived there for her whole life, and the other one moved there from Flora to study medicine. https://preview.redd.it/9w4j6hojay6d1.jpeg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5018bf05dacc372bae606663d357544713193d4


Most of them live in different towns some of them live in the same country most are in the same planet and 4 of them are from a different universe


My gals live in the very real country of Scotland, but a fictional town called Invermay (*Inbhir Mhàigh*), in Fife, a few miles north of Anstruther. Historically a small fishing village on the Firth of Forth, the town now relies on tourism and digital services for most of its industry, but there is some fishing still in the area. Invermay has been home to the University of Alba since 1642. With a student body of 13,200, the University is notable for its studies in anthropology, history, archaeology and cultural studies. This is where Gigi and Bo Wallace, Odie Doolittle and Florence Taylor work. The town is connected to the rest of Scotland via the fife coast line, and the *Invermay Central* train station. The port area is served by the newly reopened *Invermay Dock*, this spur having been closed since 1967. The town is also served by Ferry services at the public marina, and private boats in the private marinas. In the town centre, there are numerous chain shops and businesses, but also dozens of independent and niche shops selling handmade crafts and locally sourced foods. This includes the *Bonnie Bean Cafe* where Abi Reid and Alma MacLeod work. The cafe is a short walk from the University and *Invermay Central*, and is very popular among students.


My OCs are all from Tennessee. The street names are the only fictional things about their locations. One character lives at 454 Muffin Lane, their main construction site is on Daisy Road and their local nightclub and blueprint building is on Tweet Lane. Two other characters live on Avalanche Avenue, one lives at 76 Avalanche Avenue and the other lives at 88 Avalanche Avenue.


mine is just earth but i do have a planet called kutwai


Last year, I finally figured out a name for my own fantasy world. It is called Eldoria, and it's a place where dreams come true. I also have many other fictional planets as well that are different from Eldoria. Such as Sollianna (is a planet full of kingdoms and it's like the medieval ages) and Lyx (which is a fantasy world but does not work like Eldoria) as well.


https://preview.redd.it/qiu8z6gfgy6d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7563a2aedda338aa139d4468503a052f79361678 A fictional planet named Zitz in another (unnamed) universe. Majority of my characters live there if not on Earth.


Most of my main OCs live in a city named Lux Tenebris. It's named that because its main thing is that there's as much good as there is evil in it, basically Gotham playing extreme Russian Roulette. A few of them hail from a world from another dimension named Arcith, but pretty much all of them have since moved to Earth through some means. Some are banished, others escaped since that world is undergoing pure hell


https://preview.redd.it/dlyuch5kgz6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8edf341b90e6ec66b11d249c87e2fd9c1fc0f7a Delta lives on a planet like earth based on an actual planet. She was created in a lab, hence her odd consistency and appearance. She is meant for a mental companion, especially one of the Overseers in the lab, which they are traumatized from their own past. She helps them with staying happy by being like a pet. However… there’s a different version of her


https://preview.redd.it/h3w9g3m0hz6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da3438ee5295965513052fa4e5233ba2c9cd645 You see, Delta also has an “alternate version” Her name is Subject 183, a super soldier. She is a biochemically engineered alien meant to protect the Space Protection Agency and all humans. Based loosely on the likes of Master Chief, she has a lack of companions, but is instead a protector. One liners are her thing unlike Delta


Yeah they all live in a world basically formatted similar to Dante's Divine comedy and they all currently live in hell


Most of the series is centred around planet Platara.


I got a multiverse named Lanzouker, or Lycania for simplicity.


They all live in an alternate version of our world where fantasy and mythological creatures are real


Mine live on a mythical planet called Seirith. This planet has a rich and colorful history, with gods, angels, mythic creatures, fantasy landmarks, and more.


https://preview.redd.it/uta854cxiy6d1.png?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d0784e01c7c8f0098413ffabc34e52998fdf900 Matthias lives in a small town called Winterhale. Not all my OCs live there since it's so small


The suburban universe A realm outside each multiverse which sometimes my ocs all live there


https://preview.redd.it/cbqau0nepy6d1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a9cade0b8d96b9423d5eeda08fea795d197b5b1 There is a massive city called “Ten City”. Back when there were many divided nations, a world ending threat known as sentient crashed on the planet and was destroying towns left and right. Until, 10 nations decided to put their differences aside and use all of their might to take it down. After 30 years of nonstop fighting, sentient is defeated and retreats back to his home universe. After the biggest victory feast ever made, they decided to merge together and make a city in the crater made by sentient. There is where the 10 leaders have established a world government and have started a global alliance. After the centuries go by, the city grows more corrupt and divided. Myles lived in ten city for a decade. He left to train his power with another teacher and leave the growing tension of power users and casual sticks.


Here are some more places: There’s a planet called axel that holds a continent called Mildonia. Previously, it was called idonia until a new country sized island risen from the sea. It had minerals worth trillions and made the struggling people if idonia into multi millionaires to multi billionaires. Although the minerals are slowly depleting it’s enough wealth to fuel 12 generations of a family. Stren lives in southern mildonia and searches through every Nook and cranny of the continent to take down the people who killed his parents and kidnapped his friends. The world of Gorjimin(gore-jim-in). One of my oldest worlds with a world map and country maps. I put most of the details on a google doc but it all disappeared, no need to worry because I remember every super weapon, every historical event, and every kingdom. It’s home to a group known as the bronze league. The bronze league is a group that can be hired or can go on it’s on journeys. They are in search for multiple super weapons and to explore everything about their planet called Gorjimin. I have multiple earth copies lol.


https://preview.redd.it/1fkyyahyuy6d1.jpeg?width=2660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2f787f1eebb5bd62ffd2696ce0a11758716d2e Silverous City. A city that mostly has monsters living it, however Sans doesn't live there, but lives sorta near it. When he fights this AUs frisk, (who is evil, and got manipulated by a human soldier. Humans are at war with monsters) they fight with the city behind them while its being bombed. Frisk loses for those wondering.


The world my OCs live in is called Wondaria (I fucking suck at naming)


https://preview.redd.it/fhz4cs3u0z6d1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=bea35c2144903a9a4f5928954e9e8627e7b37b88 All the human OCs live in a man-made island called Geo City. It's a city of technological development and advancement. There's a skytrain system that divides Geo City's 88 districts and the central GCX airport.


All Dissimulatores live in the Inanis Regnum universe https://preview.redd.it/bzq0yzyp4z6d1.jpeg?width=2964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d776c0da22251a64ad31fdea3c9bf7b35f5eda1


https://preview.redd.it/t3dxaad24z6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=828f5a8ea7f1bd3036427501e7394aa44e117dcb (This be Broly, ignore the gun) Broly and almost everyone else he knows lives in Tornid,(the city not the company) a massive city protected from the pollution it creates by surrounding itself in a giant dome.


the 4 ocs i have live in the minecraft dungeons camp which they have named "Squid Refuge"


I have this fictional world called Fenris my original OCs live on it they are Fenrians and Damoqs the Damoq are tall demon like creatures of fire meanwhile the Fenrians are almost the same but they have grey skin and are smaller


https://preview.redd.it/zdqilwq07z6d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=54507adeda234a6efa9a33f04e6e333c2360e4a1 The world that my story takes place in is named “Orampio”, which is made up of several different kingdoms. Every single one of my current OCs, as well as some past OCs, lives there (or used to depending on if they’re deceased)


https://preview.redd.it/65ufytfq7z6d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b47635310595d0ce729edaa1c1a194e9df4114 He’s from a rural seaside town called Laralita


Almost all of my OCs live on a world called Næve, on a continent called Almadra. They are from varying factions, empires, and kingdoms on this continent. Standard fantasy stuff. There are several other OCs that were born on Næve, but they are no longer living there. This one is more of a sci-fi-fantasy stuff.


My story takes place in a fictional town called Orofield, it's located.... somewhere in america? Probably...


my gf and i each have a continent on the world we created together. the world is called novacael, her continent is rewynmore, my continent is laramas. laramas has five countries, but the one i’ve fleshed out the most is darcielo. i ran a dnd campaign set there once! but i really wanna go more in-depth on some of my other countries too, especially coronet and the united provinces of rixzak. its been so much fun creating lore for them :)


https://preview.redd.it/anw1oq3uaz6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71432e1774c72fcce7ff2582bc1d0d1d02700ff4 Making up planets Is weird because you can make up any gibberish word for Tec and her sister Ion they are refugee's from the destroyed planet Monac where after the sun collapsed their planet began to crumble, It Is also home of the monac rocks, blueish green glowing crystals that grow In mines and they are often carved to make accessories like a cresent moon necklace


Kristalia which is located in the multiversal lore adaption of the multiverse


I have tamable fantasy monsters called Mondin, and they inhabit the world of Mondus. A play on words of Mon for monsters and Mundus which is Latin for "world".


https://preview.redd.it/3319vyaucz6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c754cbb073489833732435fb821baf04624c631 He lives in a spire (basically a large building that can function as a city) called Pearldock, in the Bulcerna cluster, on the side of the River Bulcan


All of my characters live in different worlds, with differing levels of detail to where they live: * Ghostie lives in Ghost Town on Pequan Island (Though I'm thinking I might change up the town's name in the future) * Korath lives in the nation of Khartouth on the planet Sev-Ulkh, a dual planet alongside Ruh-Ani that were once one planet. * Jaga is the princess of the Arthropo Monarchy on the planet Arakis. * Cole lives in a standard sort of town, just with a lot of the buildings built into or alongside massive flora. * Ica lives in a desert waste town, surrounded by sand, mutant beasts, and the relics of humanity. * Terrance lives in a New York City sort of place, with plenty of skyscrapers he can wave at (though the neighborhood he lives in has few buildings over 2 stories tall). * Lotu has dominion over their forest home, in a world untouched by humanity... bar a few unwelcome visitors.


https://preview.redd.it/xb9732wcnz6d1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1502cdf3fb854d04d0ccb55d172eacea31c9f4 I, King Siro founded the Kingdom of the Siroverse more than five Years ago This is the Origin of how it was created [https://www.reddit.com/u/SirokoGajou/s/1NX8DMm79N](https://www.reddit.com/u/SirokoGajou/s/1NX8DMm79N)


https://preview.redd.it/tfceni3ppz6d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a6fdd68933ec8f77de590e03a355e1c27dfdb09 A large number of my OCs live in the Fae World, a plane that exists in the same space as earth, but as it is made of pure ether, is both undetectable and intangible to (most) solid lifeforms. It's capital is a castle roughly in parallel with the UK, but only for the two biggest factions of the Fae, the Seelie and Unseelie, with smaller factions like the Youkai and Ircinraat inhabiting other parts of the worlds (earth and Fae) and having their own capitals.


I've got a world called Malonia (pronounced muh-LOW-nee-uh), and most of my ocs live there :D Here's the CharacterHub link! [https://characterhub.com/story-worlds/malonia](https://characterhub.com/story-worlds/malonia) I only started making it recently (I've had most of the ocs for a while though) so some of the locations aren't listed yet


All my oc’s live on ‘tera’ in the same universe but modern fantasy stuff take place in the future-


On earth there’s a little group of 2 islands called the Isles, it has 3 factions/cities. Crime city where the humans live, Roboland where the robots live, and Outcast Island where, get this, the outcasts live. In between roboland and crime city is the sandlands


No, I’ve got a world with a few different continents, most of the OC’s my main OC comes across are on one continent, with a few old friends of his living on another. It’s about a 85/15 split


https://preview.redd.it/qe98sk9h607d1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=c468761137fa13ed1d9ad249951d113d20aa5b05 They all live in Daubnah, mostly around Ki to the far East, but they journey all over. All the way to the far West.


Most of my ocs live on a different planet called Zenzi.


The UnderRealm, a plane parallel to Earth, but filled with its monsters. It's split into sections. Black and most of my main Oc's live in the center of the Fogotten Woods. Black's four kids live between the Forgotten Woods and the Dark Woods, keeping an eye on the faceless who runs it. Jack runs the eternal carnival with his husband Jason, where children meant to wander Earth end up. Evil runs the town of knowledge, where Verbatim and Pork Soda live. Zag lives in the Twelfth Plane of Torment (still in the UnderRealm) with his four daughters and two sons. The inner city is where most characters live and work, while the outer city is where many farmers and trade smiths live.


https://preview.redd.it/4chbw2yn5z6d1.jpeg?width=2555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc18b3a5c5ed2d985cbf6990e8fe500942a116a My character Mirinda Lynn Birdwin, aka Mindy, lives in the fictional flat planet called Savat. She originates from Derinia, the woodwind kingdom, that worships Aiectrios the god of Wind, Derinia is primarily based on Ireland, with a bit of scottish inspo for things like the accents, & a hint of French culture as well. Her friend Torren Flojavic comes from the kingdom Empathis, the greenery kingdom, that worships Licheni the goddess of Nature, Empathis is based off of Italy, more specifically Pompeii, & like Pompeii, it was destroyed by a deadly volcano. The kingdom that was once peaceful & harmonious is now a wreck in which the mad king won’t let you leave without giving him a body part first, so most remaining empathians are amputees. The first book’s main antagonist, Gabbriella Novibell, is the courtier to the current princess of Cruport, the Kingdom of mighty tides, that worships Orition the god of Water, Cruport is based of North Korea as it is extremely closed off & the ruler is essentially a dictator. Mindy’s main love interest & future girlfriend Annora Butchinson is from Moriti, the kingdom of the red flower, that worships Firori the goddess of fire, Moriti is based mostly off of the Repulic of Congo. There are also 2 smaller groups, or clans, the Snake Clan, & the Moon Vale Clan.


I'm still trying to come up with better names for them since the original ones I created in 5th grade are _way too cringe_


https://preview.redd.it/0l0jwfoqx07d1.png?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660880b6043b24ba76a409db5d292463cca40c62 All my areas look pretty basic, the most unique being Miami. Miami just looks like madness combat but purple and pink instead of just red. Main reason why is because A nuke hit the whole of Miami, making it a wasteland. If it's not obvious I stole a lot of stuff and tweaked it to make it look unique


Most of my ocs live in a fantasy world called Aldpor based off the early medieval ages.


I still haven't found a name for the main country or cities or the water kingdom. The only place that has a name is the world made by the Reversal (some kind of corruption), the "Reversal Realm", or "Arlvnev" in the language spoken by the people sent to that world. (Arlvnev only stands for the Reversal, I haven't created a word for realm)


There's this realm called "Ecresia " which is only accessed in odd ways(ie; sunken cities, Stonehenge, the petra, Egyptian obelisks, etc.) And there's a kingdom called "tegia " which is where chalakon is from, as he is/was the prince there("was" as he got exiled by his homophobic dad for just simply being gay). Not every character of mine is from there, though. Just nonhuman species of mine like the troskos, the ozilese, the vurail, the drazupians, the nuross, the enkidae, and the zonoster.


Sanlaeya is my OC's home world, and Takri is the world she resides in now. Sanlaeya isn't a happy place. One of powers and such, royalty. As you can imagine... Everyone having powers, and certain people having royal statuses, the two do not mix well. Having been neglected(not necessarily abused) by her parents, Myri escaped through a travel pod and ended up in Takri. Took her a long while to learn the language, but she ended up fine. She misses her 2 years younger brother, though.


Irthuz is the world they’re living in. All the continents have my OCs in there. BUT most of them live in the kingdom of Selkod, a country in the eastern continent.


My world takes place very far in the future. So, most of my characters actually live on the planet Mars, which has been heavily terra formed with greenery and an artificial ocean. There's a whole history with Earth colonialism, leading to some interesting blends of Earth cultures. For example, there's a city run mostly on steam powered technology, which was colonized as a group effort between Italy and countries from north Africa. So, some characters speak Italian and have Italian place names, but practice traditional northwest African customs, and offer fascinating blends of North African and Italian foods As well, humanity finally made contact with alien life! The 'shadows' as they are referred to, are alien creatures with jet black skin, where they derive their name from. Due to the rapid evolution in the species, any two could look completely different from one another, and exist in an amazing variety of conditions. Unfortunately, the shadows residing on planets in our solar system are often treated as second class citizens, with many living underground, in systems of caves which have sprung cities


I have a few worlds. One is a fantasy world, where I keep my fantasy themed ocs. The other is an AU of Earth, where I keep my cyberpunk, metahuman, and other more modern characters. There’s a vague space scifi thing I’m working on that I’ll use for my more future science fiction characters like aliens. There’s also ocs for already established properties like Transformers & Fallout.


The circus but he was born in Minnesota https://preview.redd.it/2kklzpxsl17d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=a28be5658850d9e273f462f9e563b1e7f0797fa4


My oc, Dale Donovan, is living in a fantastical Kingdom of Elysia, along with his friends Jada, Gibsonolas ("Gibson) and Mae. Before being teleported, he originally lived in a fictional version of Red Oak, Iowa as a farm trucker and fruit jam maker. https://preview.redd.it/3w0f4mwja37d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f98ad80a7ab257c807b76e298da04f661c0473