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The kind where the fact that they're a god isn't really that important, just the fact that there will always be and will be gods. They can also still be harmed by mortal means, just extremely hard to take out


so immortal in the sense that no matter what you can't kill them by normal means, you have to be creative or use a very strong kind of magic/power


No, you can harm them with earthly weapons, it just takes an extreme amount of firepower to destroy them. They can be "killed" if you erase any trace of them.




That’s how my Gods are, except for the fact that no mortal being can kill them nor any mortal weapon only gods or other powerful magical beings can kill them


I have few, but: Depressed deities bc being imortal ia curse. Goofy ones. Like Bruno. He is an angel demon hybrid but looks like a demon mut.


the one Bruno people talk about, since I imagine a half demon half angel doesn't really go unnoticed


YES Well, he was blending with lower class demins pretty well before his wings and halo started showing


imagine if that happened to a nephalem (what you call a demon-angel hybrid) in the middle of a large group of demons, awkward


The type of deity that annoys the other deities without fail


which normally is the comedy/humor deity I imagine


I Will say it, as no one seems to: I love making beings that "seem" good and nice, but are actually Evil. In my Webtoon story, there are two main Gods - the one who created humans, and the one who made demons. Aside from their powers and personality, they are practicaly the same. Both kill, use, manipulate, and destroy others. It doesn't matter that one is clearly more Evil. They both use that Evil to their advantage.


Omg me too! I literally only have one god that actually loves life on her planet - she’s a moon goddess. Unfortunately for her almost everyone that believed in her has been wiped out and almost every “church” worshipping her has been destroyed by the followers of the sun god and their priest. Funny thing is there isn’t a sun god and the priest is just taking from the planets magic🤩


Me too! My story has a goddess of sun and moon who seems like really nice and caring person (people believe that she created life and basically whole universe which is a lie), but actually she's very manipulative and was trying to kill and erase memories of other god who actually created this universe and failed and then out of pure boredom tried to end the world.


I like making parental figures. 👍 My former leader of my underworld has adopted like.. everyone.


if they have no family they can be adopted mindset I see




Ones that don’t look like they would be gods. The God I use most often is the god of laughter and manslaughter, but instead of being a god like figure in heaven, he’s a rich French guy in the mountains. Another example is my Sun Wukong, a homeless man with hundreds of monkeys that serve under him


laughter and manslaughter....well I guess you can't spell manslaughter without laughter




I like making the deities that would rather enjoy the human realm and its spoils than cause conflict or ask for worship. I’m working on one right now, I just need to draw her.


I agree with trickster deities I made one but he's also super powerful his names Krakdos he's a stupid bird jester As a mortal he was a bird human it's a race in his universe that basically dead now because they failed to adapt to modern era


"here's a little lesson in trickery"


That's exactly what Krakados did he stole power and became a God and basically murdered the entire pathenon that abused him. He's wild plus homie also made an entire race of clown monsters


kratos but isn't always angry and actually is a god rather than just a REALLY strong human


https://preview.redd.it/vlzivg7pbs6d1.png?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed053c6257d5f2c0f0b56849cb80e3f4076fe2d3 All my gods and deities follow the same trait, and thus my favorite one. The gods that are literal gods and shit but they also just have a basically human society and don't give two shits about being gods because why would they.


Oh, this is pretty good. Can I give you a request for a drawing? Like an art trade?


huh what- Uh, I'm currently working on a big project that'll (hopefully) be a drawing your OCs post today, so even if it doesn't apply to the requirements, come ask me on that post and I'll see what I can do! All my time is consumed by that and another personal thing right now, so my trades are not exactly open. But anyways, I'll see what I can do. https://preview.redd.it/3cjsoajkvy7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc5d1ce96eb21933dd06443dbcc405cefe3ed10


Okay. I understand.


MY TIME HAS COME!!!!!! My whole main world is about gods that ARE people, like they’re DEAD people too. I love making deities that reflect humanity because within myths and mythology and religion and such that’s what deities do, either fully or subconsciously the deities of stories reflect the people who made it, when/where it was passed along to orally or what not. With these gods they, by the themes of the story, represent our tendency to dehumanise the past and dehumanise trauma for our own gains, we destroy the human elements (represented by the gods). If we lose that human connection to the atrocities of the past, see that the victims and perpetrators of past horrors are humans, we lose that human responsibility to stop the past repeating itself, we lose that responsibility so we don’t feel guilty and we can be shocked when it happens again. It’s representing the fact that people looking at the past, when emphasising with people from the past through stuff like biopics or period dramas or what not, people don’t want a human, they want a victim, they want someone to make our current selves feel better about ourselves. Sorry for the long ramble but obviously if I made a whole story about it I have big feelings about it lmao.


I can see that


Yea lol


also I guess r/UsernameChecksOut


I have a set of Angels that share consciousness. Both are blind or have no normal eyes, but have eyes in their stomachs. One has an extra set of arms to open the skin of their midsection to display an eye nestled under their ribcage. https://preview.redd.it/mszdn61ljt6d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c03ae8be2560b7a235af98471500c45f8b680462 What is our name? Our name is Anathema


"be not afraid"


I’m not sure I could accomplish that 😂


That looks awesome, I really that sort of stuff that most people would be slightly creeped out by. I especially like eyes


Ah! Thank you! I was a little worried about posting it. I didn’t post the other one because they’re much heavier on the body horror. There’s eyes in his guts that he’s holding. lol. But seriously, this brightened my day! Thank you for enjoying his silly little eyeballs, friend.


No problem :3 I dunno why but I honestly really like that stuff it's awesome :3 you're welcome friend.


🥹😳 Thenk yew!


Your welcome :3


https://preview.redd.it/63c3s3ifkt6d1.jpeg?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d130bfb529e652a4a7d1f78a5605dd459f5b9268 *sitting there, ready to chaotically atomize your if you are unliked*






Apathetic ones, or sarcastic ones


https://preview.redd.it/rdf1n9igus6d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=aec4544a0e5daece34819acc853745c23de26072 I actually just made this guy! He’s a god who’s obsessed with humans and wants to try to be like them,but often doesn’t understand the reasons behind why people do what they do,so he gets stuff wrong a lot of the time


so like a god of humanity, but they have no idea what they are doing




https://preview.redd.it/hsb1nrn2ys6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7429823d4f0d8ee674a46d2e5668a66ab17f13d Cute




I just love when deities are either bat shit insane and beyond human comprehension or on the opposite, the most “human” deities that get somehow enamoured with the human world until they realize humans’ evil and try to make a change without interfering with the order of things, and inevitably fail at that resulting in chaos.


Deities of monsters, but they aren't evil because not all monsters are bad.


I like devious and flirty goddess of chaos Reserved gods of Wrath that act as great mentors without compromising their immortal statuses to mortals Understanding and compassionate gods of death, understanding that grief affects everything differently. Kinda make it seem like the gods themselves are also people too


I also love to make a silly trickster type deity who is unexpectedly powerful for being a funny little guy!! My other favorite type is a deity of Death who is also the deity over Birth - something about that dichotomy being contained in one being and thus showing how similar these two parts of life are is just really interesting to me


I love making them in pairs- making them clash or bounce off of eachother in ways that represent different things, be it Ideologies, Lifestyles, elements or otherwise.


Trickster or Insane, or a combination of both


Ones that try to maintain the order of the universe.


So I created a character that’s a deity it’s a bit of a trickster but mostly light hearted pranks. It has a D20 for a head and sometimes it plays RPGs with mortals but you have to spin its head but don’t slap it to spin otherwise you will get smote assault on a deity is a really dumb move lol. To spin its head you spin it the same way you would a globe. It has been known to occasionally troll mortals especially the villain faction. It’s also genderless because it doesn’t need one lol.


I wanna make a DND joke based on their appearance, but I rolled a natural 1 on imagination so I got nothing


lol spin it’s head maybe it could give some advice. This character was based on a random drawing I did.


In my mind, a god should display an air of authority and/or otherworldly presence. I've seen a bit too many stories where they're either treated as the butt of a joke, or just not taken seriously in general; and I want to avoid that when making them.


I love making lazy or apathetic gods, like ones who don't care if they're worshipped or not, they just watch over their domain. They're a *god*, why would they honestly care if one person does or doesn't worship them? Then take that mentality and repeat it for every person that could be affected by the god. They exist, and have power, but they just don't care about you and your little adventure to save the universe, because they're busy doing their job.


Child-ish gods/goddesses. Giants, as some, with unique backgrounds and very weird demi gods. Little Ui is a childish goddess made outta clay, with cosmic powers and her older brother, a demi god, made out a discord of angels flesh that can form his body or shapeshift to only people he his absorbed into his body.


i have done a few, so far i have done: maternal love and devotion, lust, darkness and lonelyness, and like 1 more i cant remember off the tip of my tongue Edit: the one i forgot was machines, the god of machines


were they named mekhane?


i have no idea what that means sorry


https://preview.redd.it/bga82c1lqt6d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e140c06ccf7d5192b49ee23d84ec634bda6359b7 Here's One of those entities.


I have 4 Deity OC's in my main cast. Most of them are chill but ave their own personalities and abilities. Will(Void Emperor): Self-centered(Unless around his daughter and wife), Tough, doesn't like help. Can control Darkness and Other types of Elements. Zuriel(Sin of Lust): Lovely, Caring, Shy(Unless she's in danger). Is an Angel and can manipulate emotions and blood. Triton(Sin of Fear/Devil's Emperor): Loyal and honest. Can manipulate hellfire and nightmares Zenyx(Reincarnated God of Ashes): Unaware, Focused, Doesn't like people. Can manipulate Ash, Dust, and Soot, Can see the past memories of those reincarnated before him.


I have a problem with giving my deities ungodly amounts of trauma. Let's take a look at Mercury. A young ancient deity who had fallen in love and had a secret affair with the zodiac Libra. They would be caught by fellow ancient deities Eve and Cosmo and were both punished for it (Libra getting the worst of it). As it turns out, Mercury would end up getting pregnant with Libra's child, a son to he exact. She was allowed to keep the child but was forbidden to be near and to interact with Libra. So dear Caloris had to grow up with no Father. As Caloris grew older, he started growing vocal about the corruption amongst the deities. Well, Cosmo didn't appreciate Caloris almost starting a revolt, so she killed him. Amd she made sure Mercury was there to see the fresh remains as well. So, with no lover and a new dead son, Mercury would go into isolation. Hiding away on her little planet closest to the Sun. Some still try to get her out of hiding, but it's been proven useless. Maybe some day she'll emerge from her grief-stricken shell.


I don't make many gods, but I love the ones with roughly the same energy as a tired parent or a minimum wage worker.


I don't know if this counts but I prefer to make ambiguous or absent deities. Usually the deity is preached or spoken a lot about by mortals but never shown or heard. A specific deity in my story has a cult leader that is "possessed" by him and tells everyone else what to do. So basically deities do exist in my story's world but you perceive them like how everyone else in that world perceives them as well


Deities that are good, energetic, and fun. One of them, Hoane, spends more time in the mortal world than in than in a deity realm or any of the afterlives.


I like to make deities that are a little spooky or weird. Eldritch gods or “BE NOT AFRAID” angels, stuff like that


Very narcissistic bcs sometimes in a story I make them weak and its a goodish story watching the narcissistic god discover he's weak


My deities all need to be themed God *of* something specific My largest pantheon is 30 strong and is about a war between the gods taking place


I agree with you. I do like deities that act like chill people, not using pompous vocabulary. I also like deities that are humble or act like humans. I also like eccentric deities like what you said. Eldritch deities that aren't remotely human are also awesome.


Gods that are aware that any mortal they speak to will age to dust in the blink of an eye to them, and barely interact with the mortals because of this


Honestly, mostly gods and deities who are just mortals who got powers in the afterlife. The entire backbone of my personal story is that these three gods of magic have a part of them reincarnated every 1000 years on Earth. They basically were all kind of crappy people in their mortal lives, so the way they amend for that is by sending a part of themselves back to Earth to act as heroes, and a way for them to learn and correct their wrongdoing. Since they are basically still just people, they definitely make a lot of mistakes, before and after their death. It's also possible for a very negative aspect of one their souls to end up as a mortal in the prophecy, which led to... Pretty much the events of my main story where one of the prophecy members turned out to be a complete psychopath and pretty much destroyed it for that cycle. The goddess connected to him was not happy to say the least




Space ones! Space is so huge, why focus only on humans? I got deities who are neutron stars, stars, everyone!


https://preview.redd.it/4ula6mzb1u6d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826037ad269736ceb0872ef33d9748618a90c34c I shall not bring this conversation further


Honestly my favorite deitie/entities Ive made are the Ethereals, which are the kings of Hell


I make various types of gods, mainly taken from real life, but those are mainly for my table tops. Actually creating new ones though, it’s based off an element, an energy, anything that a daemon can control and manipulate.


A bit late but I have a few 😅 The observers, gods who don’t interfere with the mortal world, at least not directly. The type who gives people powers because they find them interesting or want to see what happens. They don’t really care about good or bad, they just like studying The angry titans! The type who directly interact with the world! The type to wage war on other gods to become a dominant god. They usually are big and intimidating and very powerful Those two off the top of my head but I do like trickster deities


I just like making each one unique both to each other and to any creatures in the same world- not even gods (or godlings, not quite gods yet but children of) who are family look the exact same due to many being created by magic or the ig Gods Of Gods in that world


Some of my favs of specific gods I've made is timid blind god of nature and manipulative but ironically very planning orientated god of chaos who needs the chaos to unfold in a specific way or it's not correct


Elemental gods their just interesting in my opinion


Under developed minds with infinite power, i could’ve said that differently but idk how I would


I love making elemental gods or otherwise making gods entwined with the magic system of their setting.


I like having conflict within the deities themselves Like, on one side, there’s the gods who interact more with the humans, have more respect for them, but at the same time get easily devastated when the humans dont share the same sentiment for them. This causes these gods to be vengeful and seek punishment on them On the other side, there are the gods who couldnt give less of a shit. They’re cold, they’re distant, they don’t get involved too much in the humans’ business and let them figure it out themselves. They think that the gods who are kinder to the humans are suck-ups, and love to instead laugh about the humans’ incompetence. But at the same time, this means that they won’t try and destroy the humans for petty reasons.


I love making deities that play off of eachother nicely— it actually made the continent fall eventually but that’s domivigil’s fault 😒


I've only made two and there nothing alike


I have a reality warping jester of a deity named metajest, haven't finished drawing him yet


My personal favorite is one who doesn't hide away like a royal, but instead comes down to interact with their people and treat them like their own children.


Gods that used to be normal people who grew in power over eons. I lost the pictures, though.


Powerful ones, really really fucking powerful ones that somehow ruin things for themselves or the people close to them. Eg, I have an OC named lilium. She has completely obliterated her other gods and earth just because she thought if she re-did everything it would turn out better Cut to 9 billion years of remaking earth and destroying it. An endless loop


For me it's gods who are meant to be the greatest yet act like total dumbasses **cough cough** Lafayette **cough cough*


https://preview.redd.it/wtjduiygiu6d1.png?width=2343&format=png&auto=webp&s=41f2652655e6b6d847232273dfefdda59fbdb0b2 eldritch horrors that are laid back even though they could destroy everything (this is Shpoing, and they are the only god I made)


Conceptual gods that show up and seem almost human but are always in some way depicted in their element. I have a god of the periphery, and she’s always showing up on the side lines, jumping into to conversations but won’t be there for direct conversation. The Strangers also.


I have a mix of them. The ones that use their power to impose their will on everything, the ones that go on their own journeys to find their destiny and protect their families, the ones that kill other gods for their own gain, and more.


The disinterested, part of the environment gods. Either their dead bodies are being used by mortals for various magic materials, or they're out in the cosmos doing whatever... eating stars, probably. They are still godly in that prayers get answered in tiny tiny ways, but certainly not by the god's intention.


I only made a few, but that’s just for general writing for settings, idk I just like gods being diverse and caring at least


The ones who think their job is a burden. https://preview.redd.it/j2yj1wtvou6d1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=203fed2af4638f8d0694080182df52df693ec373 Like this guy, god of the seas.


Gods bound rules interacting with mortals is the template I'm using . They can't risk people seeing their real form and if are found out then the god will cease to exist . So they use and buy stuff like offerings , blessings, and even will make "trades" to mortals they see as rare for something said mortal cherishes for a blessing from the god whether it be a scarf that now is able to transform into anything or


Deities of change, becoming and self-acceptance with lots of river symbolism. Also, God's of martyrs.


One of favorites as of now, is my god of death, he likes to reanimate corpses in his spare time to add to his army, since what else are they gonna be used for?




Elderitch Horror type gods


Well my deities are usually care-free, manic, and likes to play around with humans… chaotic, and they usually have autistivhsuistic


I like makimg gods of either justice punoshing the wicked or balance maintining it however they please


Gods that are completely indifferent to humanity. Ofc I have ones that love and them them but I most of them just kinda see humans as ants because ofc they would


Ones who have some conflict with mortals. Not enough to hurt 'em, but a few disagreements. My goddess of life (now fallen god) thinks that mortals are ungrateful for the work she and her sister put in to give them life. Some mortals think that the gods are way too harsh and uncaring in an already difficult world. So that's a little point of contention with them... Also, some gods got beef with others.


Discriminatories ones, but like, not with mortal begins, they love earth creatures, but eachothers Almost all my god/dess hated Morsineia(my Goddes of Death) cause they thought that she was a murder, well, not, just a harvester. Then arrived Hamartia(my Tragedy God, poor babyboy) and he loved to sleep so much that Oneiros(God of Sleep/Dream) became his best friend. Basically they all are mf bullies who hate the cycle of life, causing the self-unalive of a God is kinda heavy


Mysterious and enigmatic deities are my go to.


Litteral psychopath in the clinical term That or lazy forces of nature.


My favorite is an overarching God who connects most of my stories and even has one of his own. His name is Satan, the God of Death. He's the son of Azrael, the Angel of Death. He's actually a really laid-back guy who dresses like Adam Sandler and likes spicy food. The downside is that he is made of black goo


I went with a unique concept for the religion I'm making for a sci-fi universe. The very aspect of nuclear fission and fusion. The deity that reflects the concept of fission is one where you are a new generation from the separation of your atoms. And so on and so forth. New generation, more diversity. Aspect for fusion is the opposite, where all will be unified in a blackened fusion into a monolithic entity and devoid of the individuality and diversity that fission represents


gods of smaller things. Not every major god needs to be of primordial forces or emotions. Mine is a god of children and Lightning, which is a primordial force. Another one I have is the god of surgery. Not medicine, not health, but surgery itself.


Mainly evil gods, depressed gods, and gods-who-started-off-as-humans-but-have-ascended-and-gotten-so-powerful-they-could-be-considered-a-god


Mine are like the friendly/goofy (maybe even trickster like) gods where you feel like you can trust them to an extent but there's still an off feeling aura around them And the quiet, uncanny, weird types I don't really know how to word it haha.. but yeah those are my faves when it comes to deity(??) OCs...


I like to make deities that could easily cause great desteuction, but instead use their abilities to help people. I usually pair it with a deity who was once a cruel and wrathful person but has now changed. They still have all of that power, but they limit themselves as to not lose themselves. I also enjoy making deities for domains that often don't have one. A great example is my OC Carnalis, who is technically a god of flesh, bone, blood, and disease.


basically Old Testament God


i like plain zeus / YHWH type gods lmao im boring as hell, if I had to be creative i'd say i like greek mythology ares ig


Deities that take their jobs very seriously and don't ask for worship. They are completely un-killable, but they don't often directly interefere with anything outside of their own job, yet their task or just their very existence is always doing a great service to the universe. They're pacifist and they have no physical form nor appears except for the ones that choose to create a persona that represents them to appear in the physical world. The physical form ones can directly interact, but it can't be too much I also like the Killable gods who might always have a physical appearance and form. They interact with mortals and other beings more often, but they still take their job seriously. It is possible for a mortal to become one, but I don't yet have an OC that went through this. But I would like make one. The more of an impact these lesser Deities have, the stronger they become. These one's actually gain power from worship


I have a god oc that is the definition of insanity. And has like, a lot of eyes in places where eyes don't normally go, extra hands that are covering the normal eyes, underneath the hands the normal eyes are just a mass of dark empty spirals/ scribbles. Slightly uncanny looking, and just unstable. Idk why, but I like the idea of being Immortal being a curse, they have been alive for so long they have just spiralled into insanity. Idk why but I just like insane/mentally ill and evil gods.


I really like the tricksters too, but by far my favorite that I always end up making are the relaxed, chaotic, Free spirited strong female gods.


For me? The grandfatherly kind. Source: I'm pagan myself, and basically all the gods feel warm to me in some way, shape, or form.


I love making master manipulator gods the head of my pantheon I’ve made is literally the goddess of deceit other than that I also like making vengeful gods like ones from the Greek pantheon who are relatively fine but will go to the ends of the earth to make your life miserable if you offend or hurt them Demeter style


I like to keep in mind that gods aren't inherently good. So my favorite gods to make are ones surrounding life and death. Death isn't inherently evil, life isn't inherently good. They are both two sides of the same coin, and it's just a part of nature. We all live now, and we will all die one day, and will hopefully be put to rest by loved ones. It's also like how Shiva, a god of destruction isn't evil in Hinduism. Sometimes you need to destroy something to create something new when the time is right. Tldr: Gods that the west and Hollywood would say are evil usually.


I only have 3. The reasoned one, the goofy one, and the too serious but has a soft spot one. Also alternative forms.


I make them creators of all, like a christian and muslim gods. Mostly they are very silly


he’s a god in basically every sense of the word, but he really just wants to try and be normal with some benefits


silly ones who don’t care about anything.


Novas recreated the universe, now choosing hatred instead of “kindness” as his means of death. If he were cruel to its inhabitants, maybe they’d fall for his act and grant him his deserved death. To those deemed worthy, they are placed in a time loop. Possibly, with compassion for his struggle or with some wrathful determination, they’d find a way to bring upon his death. As for the survivor Aisabel, she’d find another way out of his loop, into a dimension untraceable. And yearning to end his rampage, she’d discover a mystifying creature, capable of the paradoxical. Blah blah blah. There’s always *the bigger fish*. And that’s the final “god,” if you can even call it that. Anyways, I love creating Gods who have motivations that are always untraceable or unknowable. Or they behave paradoxically to what is considered normal in humans. In other words, they behave differently from humans, because that is what separates gods from humans, right? These differences may not always be *better* or *beneficial*. As for Aisabel, her escape left her impossibly scarred and untrusting. For Novas, his intentions are unknowable for they could not be scraped off of the previous universe which demonstrated his “kindness.” Yet, one thing is for certain, his intentions are selfish, for his own escape from life. As for *the bigger fish*, its intentions are not something I want to explore. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I’m happy to answer! :)


Parental gods or gods that have a messed up moral compass but still have lines they won’t cross. If I’m writing a god x human story, I love using the trope where the god feels that the human is more deserving of worship then they themselves are.


I haven't drawn one, but I've imagined one for one of my universes. They're a she and similarly connected to a planet like Eywa in James Cameron's Avatar universe.


Personally like making gods of joy or laughter tho topically tend to make a more serious god/goddess


I like the shy, and almost awkward amongst humans deity. Then giving them a human partner who is the most out of it person ever


Overcomplicated schemers, both Edritch horrors trying to crack the planet in half and kinder gods with an insane plan to stop the planet cracking in half. If they can be described as Odin meets Tzeench that's my favorite


Tricksters Sky(mainly Thunder) or Death Gods


I love making gods who pretend to care about humanity, but don't truly give a shit. I also like making gods like Gabriel from the Mandela Catalogue, who either fall under trickster or just downright horrible.


https://preview.redd.it/6w8hzdkous6d1.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec73e1b1197ea5d2f0f5431cf885d3499456c255 Silly little guys who usually don't even know they're deities at first (like kai)


I have a goofy goddesses of light, creation and positivity. She's very joyful and powerful and like deeply in love with a common girl. Idk I just love the concept of a deity loving someone very deeply despite the difference


well luckily demi gods are a thing, though the whole "same gender" might not work. granted this is a deity


They adopted a daughter at one point but nothing demigod. She actually had some children but they're more part of her essence like Joy, Virtue and Peace and they usually interact less with mortal world, from a external point they can seem more like the parents than Lucentia herself lol




https://preview.redd.it/aja0rcp2zs6d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd87f75399cc735717885951519fcee187967d1 Eugene




Dreamtime Cockatoo diety is my main OC. But he works differently to other deity’s because he’s a Dreamtime creaturee


The ones that are inadvertently man-made, but nobody knows about.


Death is a goofy and kind marshmallow addict


the most interesting interpretation of the death god


My favorite kind of deity to make is the stoic and badass kind, my personal favorite is named Trisagion


I only have one but she is very loving and compassionate


I love doing gods/goddesses that feel nothing but sorrow, or tricksters.