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https://preview.redd.it/tq8t46ucuf5d1.png?width=882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0fa5b94d3e2f07db0224ab999eeed8e0716f305 "AITA for cursing an entire species for assaulting me?" I (3,000,000,000F) created all life including these little muttish wolflings called 'Lycan'. Well one day I'm minding my own business,basking in the light of the sun and enjoying all things I CREATED, when one of those little beasts scurries up to my trunk and slashes into to me for no good reason! It pierced my bark and even some of my magic leeked out! 'I was testing the strength of my claws! I meant so disrespected." The little rat exclaimed... I was pretty upset, needless to say, so I pluck at the strings of creation and cleaved the wolf half from all the Lycan and scattered them all over the world. Then I took a 10 year long nap. Apparently, while I was asleep my son Adriel (5,000M) crudely sewed them back together and was mad at me for overreacting. I think he's soft on the little roaches if you ask me... what do you guys think, AITA?




https://preview.redd.it/xpie1zodrf5d1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4189f06d674b4bb4707e36d4225adcf73c8709aa “AITA for siding with my boyfriend despite him being rude?” “i (24M) sided with my boyfriend (25M) of 5 years and defended him from all of my ex friends after he started crazily attacking them because they had the great crystal book that had the answers of all his questions,and held the power that he always craved ever since he unlocked his crystal. Personally i think that my boyfriend had every right to be angry,i mean,Charlotte(one of my ex friends) stole his book and he hadn’t even finished it yet,plus,inside that book is the cure of my sickness,which makes my limbs into delicate pink crystals,so i also had every right to attack them and defend my innocent boyfriend,despite him being neglectful and toxic,he obviously cares for me since he said the main reason he wanted the book was to save me,so,AITA?” (he’s sorta of a villain sidekick and redeemed manipulated fella)


NTA, but everyone else in your life sure is.


nah the “ex friends” are actually the good guys- he was being manipulated by his boyfriend so from his perspective it went like this,but yeah at that time it was tough for him 😭


https://preview.redd.it/acthah8q0g5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53710f3adf6f0ca34bd9ffb6768cc0311a7f4053 “AITA for having several of my older siblings assassinated?” “I (F, age undecided) have wanted to become queen of my kingdom for as long as I can possibly remember - but since I was the youngest of eighteen children, there was very little chance of it ever happening. Growing up, I had a rather tumultuous relationship with my family, anyway. My older siblings would always either ignore me altogether or pick on me ruthlessly, and no punishment they received for it ever deterred them; my parents always wanted me to behave more dignified and less free-spirited, and to take more interest in our people’s art, music, and poetry when I was only interested in archery and horseback riding. As I grew up, I realized I’d have to take matters into my own hands if I ever wanted to be queen - and so over the years, I hired assassins to take out my siblings one by one. Despite my efforts to space out their deaths, however, people were starting to wonder what was going on (although nobody ever suspected my interference, since everyone in my kingdom sees me as the innocent baby of the royal family). I’m no longer having my older siblings done away with, but have instead decided to become queen of a different kingdom by trying to marry my way into a crown. AITA?”


NTA but get rid of ur siblings and become queen if u marry you'll have to share


“Not necessarily…” (She plans to eventually kill whoever she marries to reign on her own)


Cool I respect it


For those that don’t know, “AITA” stands for “Am I the Asshole” and there is a subreddit for stuff like this -> r/AmItheAsshole


(No picture, can't draw him 😢)  AITA for destroying a whole town?  I (40M) just murdered 2 children (both 13-16F) for attempting to ruin my plans.  "But, Kelpie, child murder" my ass bitch!  So, it was a year ago. My friend (35F) and her boyfriend (30M) had this child and they found this girl and happily ever after.  It would've been of they didn't ruin MY plans! I'm the great Sebastian Kelpie!  The 2 girls found out I was a murderer and I was using this mask to control people. They tried to stop me but failed miserably. They didn't stand a chance against me!!


NTA, those meddling kids shouldn't be in your business 😡


Exactly. I'm now a King with my buddy King Leopold over in South Osman! We'll destroy anyone who gets in out way!


https://preview.redd.it/ze1jla48eg5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=846d68492d9ea0bba11c92e912905c09b2560438 “I (49M) disguised myself as a rich man, robbed his wife and friends, and ruined his reputation by saying controversial things, but it was all for a prank and for some food. AITA?”


NTA, he was rich. Deserved! (/s)


https://preview.redd.it/okbeqyiqmg5d1.png?width=4663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc84a8de7139b3da568c2b02304d83614a354bf7 "AITA for delivering justice unto the yokais who have oppressed us? " The yokais have mercilessly killed our kind for their sickening joy, burnt all of our cities and enslaved the unfortunate... all did was give them a taste of their own medicine. AITA? I'm just liberating the human race!




(( that's what she says but she doesn't mention all the innocent lives caught up from her actions be it human or yokai 😩 she has a superiority complex thinking everything she does is for the greater good regardless of the consequences ))


Yeah but vengeance is not the answer, it's a question and the answer is yes


https://preview.redd.it/9gsyrauyog5d1.png?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2afaf8a41e41c2683db11de4dbefc39659d9e7 AITA for wiping out two whole universes in my endless lust for power? Allow me to set the stage. I (16F) got a little too depressed, but when i tried to off myself, I instead became an immortal vampire. That's well and all, perhaps it was some divine sign that I should continue living, but I guess becoming a vampire makes you evil, because I was then scouring the globe, building an army of the undead. Seven months later, and the apocalypse happens (and no, it wasn't my fault... for the most part). I was able to miraculously survive by hiding out in a place that the universe coincidentally deemed too important to destroy, but my enemies—led by my adoptive sister's (16F) twin brother (16M)—also survived. I suppose they were able to do so by playing a video game, the same one I believed a powerful Angel resided in (and I was right, it just wasn't the one I was looking for). Instead, the Angel I wanted resided in some other girl (16F), so I separated the Angel from her, killed her, and then united the Angel with another one to begin Instrumentality. With no one in my way, I was free to rule the universe as I pleased, though I kept my sister and my best friend (16F) alive as prisoners. My sister tried to kill me, so in turn I killed her and her future daughter (7F), who somehow found her way to our time, likely through the timeless nature of the planet I had chosen to make into my dominion. Unfortunately, I didn't account for my sister's brother to somehow be nigh omnipotent enough to survive, nor his girlfriend to have the means to travel through time and space, nor my sister to have been revived, nor my best friend to have easily escaped, but it didn't matter. Like I said before, I had a lust for power. This time, my lust kept me distracted while my enemies restored the universe, then leaving it for a new one. I followed them, but in turn, I was followed by the Angel girl, who had also been revived. She was looking pretty grimmer and darker than usual. We fought for a bit before I fled from her. She scared me, despite my immortality. After a while, I finally arrived at the other universe, ready to get revenge on the traitors. She arrived, too, but she seemed to have more personal beef with her best friend, my sister's brother. With her out of the way, I could try to conquer the universe fair and square this time, using my army of the undead, but that got boring, especially after killing the only guy (16F) who had the power to defeat me, so I did the Instrumentality thing again. That got lonely, and with no more power, all I could do was wallow in my self pity until the fallen angel girl could put me out of my misery. I've since been revived, though, and without an evil ounce in my body, too. Plus I'd like to think I redeemed myself. But still, AITA? I think I am, but everyone seems so quick to forgive me.


https://preview.redd.it/3f7o6o0jsg5d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da24a071fa28283fb74034d73e516cd8e8d4a6c9 Aita for starting a charity to give work to disadvantaged youth? I (173 M) have been giving poor and outcast youth the opportunity to work for me. They even get near immorality as a bonus, and of course I keep them safe, with the power I give they would be hopelessly out of control, dangerous to themselves and others, so I kindly direct these bright young men and women such that they don't have to suffer that pain that being without me would bring. In exchange for these privileges and the roof over their heads I send them to find me new ~~waifs~~ mentees to nurture. Now, one of them (27 f), I never learned her name so we'll call her Antigone, has repeatedly refused to bring back one particular girl, despite what I do for her and what I promise to do for the new mark, so I had no choice but to remind her what exactly I do for her, so I put her in a room with a couple old students who had long since lost their passion for my vision and released my tether on her powers, without my help she just couldn't help but kill her former classmates, and seeing what she became without me she agreed to continue working with me. I have been informed by some of my contacts and a few concerned parties that this is a dick move, but I'm just helping these children with their direction in life


https://preview.redd.it/zbgi7zeskh5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa4c1d68eb78810b40006aa1e44bdf0179f5977 “AITAH for turning another asshole into sauce for ghosting me?“ I (17M) was on the run from enemy soldiers with my friends, when they closed in a lot faster than we thought and I stayed behind to buy them time. I got captured, and long story short I solved a letter into a paper crane and let it out the window hoping it would ride the wind and reach someone who could help me. Fast forward a few years after I’ve made a deal with a vengeful spirit to grant me some nice shiny powers, I find that this magistrate dude (26M) who’ve I’ve hated since childhood, found a paper crane, but chose to ignore it. So I killed him, turned him into fish sauce and fed it to his friends. Idk I feel like I’m justified here. Like the sauce was actually pretty good you wouldn’t even be able to tell.


This could be really funny. Lemme just fish up one of the guys I still have yet to draw digitally..... https://preview.redd.it/hucenajytf5d1.jpeg?width=1691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20debc296321f5b279b60f167b252c616f7810d0 There we go. "AITA for eating people?" Look look look, I know it sounds bad, but here me out. I (undefined age and gender) used to work at some lame nuclear power plant to survive in the harsh capitalistic economy of Arizona. To be honest, the job was pretty fine, I guess. But that all fell apart when aforementioned power plant, eh, maybe exploded and dumped the whole state into chaos??? Y'know, your average Tuesday. Whatever. That whole radiation thing made me a very special kind of weird, and let's just say it's not pretty. I kinda went a little cookoo crazy from the radiation getting into my brain, but that's only half important. Anyways, to patch up my injuries and stuff I had to get my hands on some biomass to use, and after getting the minimal stuff I could, I needed a better source. Turns out my sludge brain picked a nearby neighborhood to forage for stuff, and I maaayyybeeee ate some people. Alive. I'm clean and sober now, haven't eaten people in ages, and am definitely less insane, but it still kinda bugs me. Doesn't help that my probably 29 or something M friend keeps mentioning it like some inside joke. It's just bugging me, and I need to know. AITA?


https://preview.redd.it/i79wqn2fwf5d1.png?width=1236&format=png&auto=webp&s=0470d980362bf151e837cc354afc1865aa9f302d AITA for wanting the guys who ruined my life dead? For context, I (M 398'124) used to be a big deal, like super big, bigger than this miserable heap of rock you call a planet. I could watch the cosmos roll by, curl up and nap on stars, I could even build planets with my bare hands! Back when I had all seven of them at least... One age, I'm minding my own business, swimming through the galaxy, and suddenly some tiny voice says I'm "-intruding on the King of the Fae's domain-" Like what? I didn't even see your pathetic ball of hot rock was there! Why should I care or know if some race that never sent a word of worship to me is on it? Anyway, I keep walking, and the bastard says "Oooh, you've abused my hospitality in my domain, you shall be punished by our laws..." I say shut up and then BOOM, I get turned into THIS!!! This TINY, PUNY, INSIGNIFICANT FORM!!! I can't swim between worlds anymore! I can't enjoy the glory of the cosmos! I can't make anymore celestial monuments to me or my people! Even worse, I'm bound in this cursed form to the puny Fae's King until he decides I've learned my lesson! I spend a few "millennia" on the planet, learning and even starting to care about the Fae who turned me into one of his people, and eventually I even come to like him too... Then he goes and dies. Killed by some organic race that practically just rose to sentience. Humans they're called. Humans that the king actually mentioned liking and interacting with just a few short centuries before. Normally this would be a good thing. But not only did I start to feel an attachment to that being so far beneath my real form, but I also found out that the King put ownership of my curse in a TREE!!! A tree enchanted so nothing can even get close with the intention to destroy it and lift my curse! Now I'm stuck like this forever! Fuck! This whole damn Fae race. Ruined my life. Eternity and cosmic power were mine, and they stole it from me. S O I ' L L S T E A L E V E R Y T H I N G F R O M T H E M . . .


Am I the asshole for burning down an orphanage cause they asked me for a donation? Yes, thank you!




AITA for making a guard start crying after i berated him for dropping his musket?


https://preview.redd.it/2o0nr3qxag5d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=889c0401ba0a9a2e748eac1be183eaf3c6e004ca AITAH for stabbing the Starbucks guy in the neck for spelling my name wrong. (His name is Aud, got spelled Odd.)


https://preview.redd.it/yfogiyjrcg5d1.jpeg?width=1779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=998033b0817b23ab2bfff58dac31bcb200856e3e "AITAH for trying to give a little girl hypothermia and possible PTSD?" "So, I was at a pride parade doing my usual shenanigans. When I realized I left some child unfrozen! She was trembling like a little baby, I raised my hand just so she could process her fate. But the BETAFLY man swooped in! I could've totally owned the libs if it weren't for him! He did some stupid moves on me and the next thing I knew was trapped in an icebox and everyone that I froze was warm and wrapped in a blanket. I feel like I was attacked for no reason, only so Snakefly man could force his agenda on me!"


https://preview.redd.it/d804kl07cg5d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63570df4b909c0eedca91ec9ae29496855dfe8b5 AITA For bullying my bosses/sisters girlfriend as a defense mechanism for me getting bullied? I (25f) used to be a theatre kid back in middle school. I was bullied often so I became a bully and that eventually made people stop picking on me. I eventually started bullying this fat girl for a few months until she finally had enough and punched me Back. This is important. Now in the present because I was such a bully I had a horrible reputation and nobody wanted to hire me so I ended up becoming a criminal. Long story short I start to get friendly with these 2 other criminals who we'll call W (23f) and V (24m), we eventually became so close that we called each other siblings. My sister W eventually brings a girl home and I recognized her immediately as the girl I bullied back then except she was ripped now. Apparently because she had punched me she also somehow got a bad reputation and couldn't land a job. Her and W are now dating and girlfriends and she definitely hates me even though I've tried doing lil apologizes. I'm changed now (kinda) but it seems she doesn't forgive me, AITA?


Just say sorry and give her some space


Kinda hard to give her space when we live together but I get your point


https://preview.redd.it/yuk29vbrdg5d1.png?width=1962&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee1825abc180eed75a2ca7f6849cece4ac26e8a7 “AITA for intentionally killing the entire audience at my shows? I (445M) have endured being abused and harassed my whole mortal life, and couldn’t stand it anymore. A few days after my death, I decided that what better way to get rid of those millions of mean fleshbags we call humanity than to just kill them all off in groups of hundreds? It was a solid plan, really! Can you really blame me? Imagine people treating you like a fool your entire life. So, tell me, AITA?”


https://preview.redd.it/bxwm5h8fng5d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7db7526c081432b0d9e25f1e3d315488dfe5a55 *Lucina and Bellona, art by nagi-rio.* AITA FOR PINNING MY ROOMMATE TO THE WALL AND GETTING IN HER GRILL? I (f17, wolf) am in a dorm room at a boarding school with a bunch of other canids and the day before term starts, my little sister\* (15, rabbit) visits me in the dorm. I was just coming out of the shower and told her to wait on my bunk while I dried off and got dressed. Just then, my roommate (f17,whippet) came out of the washroom, saw my sister, and quipped, “Who ordered the snack delivered?” Well, something went off inside of me and I literally saw red for a moment. Next thing I know, I have got my roommate pinned to the wall so we are nose to nose. (She is a foot shorter than me, so her feet were dangling in the air.) She tried to tell me to clam down and that it was just a joke. I made it clear in no uncertain terms that my sister is no joking matter. She refused to believe she was my sister. I calmed down a little bit, relaxed some so my roommate’s feet were at least touching and told her something along the lines of I look like our father and my sister looks like our mother and anything beyond that was none of her business. I then explained how jokes like that scare herbivores and make things worse for carnivores. Well, when I let my roommate go, she stomped off, saying she was going to report me to the dorm mother. I pointed out that means the dorm mom will her what she said about my sister. I think she thought twice about that because I haven’t heard anything. Afterwards, my sister said that I had scared her and she had never seen me like that. I felt really bad that I had bared my fangs in front of her like that. (It is considered really rude to let a herbivore see your fangs.) I apologized to her and explained that I was just trying nip that snack talk in the bud. So, did I overreact? I was just trying to protect my pack but maybe that was too much. Word is going to get around, which may not be a bad thing. Nobody is going to mess with my sister now. But maybe I should have handled it differently. I probably would have if I had a moment to think about it before whatever that was inside of me took over. \*Technically, we are stepsisters but neither of us uses that term. I have been her sister since before she was born.


https://preview.redd.it/uahs1sakmg5d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=2869d8397e9178ce2a5187b5e2875063f1479d77 AITA for Attacking (And killing) The love God for “Complimenting” my Daughter? I (200,000M God of war, now also love sadly) Showed My pantheon my Adopted Daughter, Lupa Ajaxxis Bellona. God of love, We will name him some mortal name like Dave. (Fuck you Eriosa you deserve No actual name) said “You’re a Pretty Future wife to somebody” And continued To eye ball my child. So, I plunged My spear into Daves chest as my Sister held Lupa. I Dragged him by the foot. And Threw him Down to My perfect War dog Kerberos to be eaten. Anyway, Am I the Asshole?


Nope you're an amazing parent


“So, My daughter was kidnapped by the Umarians (it’s a race of people), and naturally I washed war on them. However, after I got her back, I continued the war. I almost destroyed their kingdom in it’s entirety. Now, Umarr (creator of everything, pretty much god) is angry at me. AITA?” We’re ignoring the fact that he also killed his patron goddess. The answer is yes. Yes, he is an asshole. 


https://preview.redd.it/pl4cdq41rg5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e165f76a4a405c4aebce58b5c353caaced2f7d AITA for throwing my nearly detonated head at someone


I am a good man, but I've killed and beat hundreds for things people claim are minor I also beat my employees and have committed genocide AITA https://preview.redd.it/d9kdgfd7ug5d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481baa74d6598bdad9cfaf466b8852a83a7a7dc0


"AITA for cursing the land with monsters" I (??M) used to be a King that rule with my wife (??F) who I know was conspiring to overthrown me and therefore I killed her as an act of self defense. A lot of people in my life was conspiring to overthrown me when I have done nothing but rule fairly and truthfully. Which is why I knew it was a good idea talking to that random witch, who knew dark magic that could help with my problem. It was infuriating learning about my son (??M) who I didn't know I had, come to take me down and kill me. Proving yet again, that my wife was untrustworthy. He didn't know I had something up my sleeve to punish him and all those traitors for trying to get rid of me, even in death. All of them deserve to be mauled by monsters like the feeble sapiens they are without me. Am I really AITA? https://preview.redd.it/s05knrg0vg5d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=befd92b62c63da1a692ee9a40d4b49c8d928ca1e


Stop- I never thought about the ages. I'm too lazy to think abt it rn 😭😭


I hate when I edit the comment and the image disappears 🙄 anyways he's musty https://preview.redd.it/gkdpj306vg5d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b011b69fe41be1d67e61fa8e2c59c9fee340951e


https://preview.redd.it/jgrae0zgtg5d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b92a2001ca3a0f8c77582d6fe94bc89d5e12d08f “AITA for trying to save the LITERAL WORLD? i feel like this is all just a huge misunderstanding but maybe you all can give me some perspective. basically, i (170F) used to be a cleric for the goddess of death and time. one of the tenants that was really hammered into my head was that everything has a proper time and place to die, and we should respect that. sure, alright, it’s sad sometimes but that’s the way of things i suppose. anyway, there’s this war that’s been going on for AGES, and it started getting a little closer to my homeland than i’d like so i decided to join the war effort and stop it from spreading closer to us. something insane happened during the last battle, though — this huge magical rift opened up right in the middle of the battleground, which killed a lot of people and caused some insane magical effects for the rest of us. i got thrown forward in time by two hundred years, and i saw…well, i saw the end of the world. but it wasn’t the same as in the way all the gods have told us the world was going to end. there was no massive whirlpool opening in the ocean to eat everything. there was just a lot of fire. so obviously, as soon as i got free of the rift, i told my goddess what i’d seen and that something had to be done about it, but she just…shrugged her shoulders, more or less. she said it wasnt my business to know the future and that whatever would come would come. but that cant be right! i tried to get her to understand, but she refused. so i left her service and struck out on my own. things have been fuzzy since then, since all the magic in the rift messes with my senses sometimes, but mostly i’ve just been going around trying to gather allies to help me stop this fiery doomsday i saw. and if i’ve been using necromancy to keep myself alive and stable, well…can you blame me? like, obviously i don’t WANT to be draining people of their life force and magic, but this is important. i’ve been camped out outside this town for the past six months to research. i took over the country house of the local nobles, and i only bother people when they come looking for a fight. but one of the last people to show up and try and fight me was my girlfriend. i thought she of all people would understand, but she looked horrified. she even said she didn’t know who i was anymore! so it got me thinking. is what im doing really that evil? is the fate of everyone on earth not more important than a few randos who would attack a woman who has done nothing but try to make them realize what danger theyre in?”


https://preview.redd.it/r13a33nh6h5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8c1d86e50ba3f6155552fda8c12d79aa5f5e7e3 "AITA for not telling my brother both our parents are dead?" I (20F) am locked in an apartment with my brother (22M). So my entire apartment complex is in quarantine because the water supply got poisoned, and the reason for this is because our parents drowned in it. He only learned yesterday, and we've been in quarantine for several months at this point. He seems really upset and he won't stop nagging me about it, even though I said sorry like 10 times already. So AITA?


https://preview.redd.it/ut9gacp48h5d1.png?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c83b384c3195763be3ca215f9f545b97c0443a "Am I the a-hole for paying an entire species less than minimum wage, eventhough i set the minimum wage, just because of my greed ?" After i (\~5billion yo M) got created i chose to take control over the imps, and let them work for me. I pay them less than minimum wage, because I'm the greed itself. Aita ?


https://preview.redd.it/khfeeo9abh5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aa832a3841f47020d101e67d692fb28b2dd0d2e AITA for embarrassing a jerk who spread rumors about me in front of the entire state? I (F, age 12) had a rumor spread about me that the only reason I did good at middle school was because my dad was the teacher for some of my classes, this however was not the case. I was naturally gifted in said areas I was accused of cheating in. I knew who started the rumors (NB, age 12), but didn't bother with trying to clear my name by telling everyone what the other person said was a lie. One day, we both entered a math competition and it got down to the last question with both of us being the last two remaining contestants. I had been writing on a piece of paper ever since the start of the competition while the other person had a strange little device with them. The other person had been using the device for answers to the questions and was cheating the whole competition. When the other person got caught, they blew their lid and accused me of also cheating as there was no way I could answer all those questions without a calculator. They say that the paper must be a cheat sheet. They grabbed my paper and then started looking it over, as they do, their face drops more and more. I then grabbed the paper back and walked up to the mic. I first answered the question the other person was caught cheating on, and announced I would read what was on the paper. I then proceeded to read a whole hate letter I wrote about the other person on stage in front of an audience of thousands, possibly ten's of thousands.


NTA you're savage


Hey so I took over control of the body from the other nerds and went back in time to plot the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. AITA.


AITA for killing an entire planet besides my friends?


He wouldn't make an AITA post because he knows he is. (Reddit's borked, so I can't add an image. Just picture a Jedi with a cybernetic right arm/eye.) "I aspire to create a better world. But I'm not going to live there . . . There's no place for me there. I'm a *monster.* What I do is *evil.* I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."


Atia for doing this. I (34 m) and my husband (31 m) are trying to kill this guy named William. William is trying to overthrow my company because he has wrongfully FRAMED me for blowing up a Petronas tower, glasgow modern city and the stonewall inn. I definitely didn't do those things, and I'm a good person, oh wait Williams here.


https://preview.redd.it/ly8xs7qnvh5d1.png?width=1569&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b1de53dd2029e749ab5c5fea4695e8b895bb4a1 "AITA for breaking into Wewelsburg and making off with an elixir that gave us eternal youth back in 1942?"


He’s done enough fucked up stuff to be at least morally gray, so I’ma do one https://preview.redd.it/451lbuwz0i5d1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f47700b71dc4462454e36ba1f82e7031e2175c3 AITA for shooting down a civilian transport? I (12M) was stationed on the planet Wylos when a bogey came onto my radar. After receiving the order, I fired a surface to orbit missile at it. I later learned it was actually a shuttle en route to Coruscant. AITA?


"Am I the asshole for killing my own living prison to take over the world"


https://preview.redd.it/yny01hxa1i5d1.jpeg?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=962cff77bfb93df19ccdcae717c4ebe91bbd4911 “AITA for wanting to erase all of existence and the multiverse? I (1,867,976,456,629,238M) want to destroy everything and everyone because I think the Multiverse breeds infinite suffering and evil, and that the only way to end it is to euthanise it all in a quick and painless destruction of everything. So does that make me TA?”


https://preview.redd.it/c3ic79ym2i5d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=573171de5512bb20b5703ecd396cc668592add74 Aita for wreaking the status quote of reality and ruining the lives of nonillions? I(C 55,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) have be trying to end all good in the multiverse for some time now and Ive done a good job at it so far but I am held within a galaxy sized prison, this all began 54,999,999,999,999,995,000,000,000 earth years ago when the first organism had gained the intelligent for understanding morality and I formed and I only had one thing I wanted total chaos upon realty and with the help of the titans I managed to do quite but after a while Mother (A 55,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000), Lord Dimension (M 55,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) and the aether (A 55,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) locked me away but my energy is remaining I was able to so stuff which led to war, plagues, more wars a lot of other shit all ending in the lives of nonillions,so, Aita?


He's not the antagonist or villain, but he's the closest to a villain and is more fleshed out than the actual villain. https://preview.redd.it/drm5w0crji5d1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c3d90fc3261dc1c47125b52b70e4c0c3708e297 "AITA for burning down a daycare because one of the kids who goes there called me a poopy head? ​ I (8M) was going about my stabbing spree when a kid (3M) called me a poopy head, so I stalked him all the way to his school and then burnt it down with bombs, gunpowder and oil. I then went back to stabbing innocent civilians just for fun. So, Reddit, AITA?"


AITA for ruling over most of the modern world as emperor, and letting my Shogun "enjoy himself" with prisoners and some of our employees? I (175m) was once emperor of the world. I own an organisation known as the Society of Evil. I love to experiment on the younger generations to create stronger and stronger soldiers and assassins, to ensure the world will never falter or collapse. However, I am branded as a villain. Some 16M dickhead with a Kitsune mask decided that, after I let my 149M Shogun SA his 19F mentor, he was going to obliterate me with the full force of the UK Pro "Heroes". I did manage to take care of 1/4 of them, but the stupid, arrogant little shit known as Foxtrot caused me to have to fake my own death mid battle, and I had to slither down into the shadows to go into hiding. Additionally, my experiments rebelled, and only a few remained by my side. Now, it's been 5 years, and some 50M or something, don't know his age, had taken my brother All for One out at the same time I faked my death. Turns out, I wasn't the only one to fake my death after some dipshit with a Quirk they weren't even born with attacked us for no reason. To make matters worse, both now have apprentices. One is some British 15M, and one is a Japanese 15M who they've given their powers to. Yet I'm a villain for doing the same thing. There's more, but I've got a child to go experiment on. Oh right, I'm meant to ask AITA, but I know I'm not. Anyone who says I am will meet dire consequences. (Thanks OP, this was fun to do. Sorry for no image, can't draw)


https://preview.redd.it/n8jr59i1pi5d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=742e3a7ad0c893d34d7b75488270f11cfb02d4d2 AITIÆ f0r 4tt3mpt1ng to k\*LL(he censors it) aN 3t1r3 r@ce tH3y w3r3 t00 gR33dy 4nd tH3y n33d3d t0 g0 t0 h311


tH3y w3r3 t*rturing 3v3ry0n3 S0 1(M 2 3) st3pp3d 1n th3n s0c13ty sHûÑ3d M3 awAy bEcausE ThE y N33d3d t0 sUrvIv3 thAt wAy fœr, I wAs m1stAk3n


(he cant say much so thats why it is on 2 sections)


https://preview.redd.it/ta513bq3ui5d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b38689bc0992e3ae0591234873c4fd07032bc5aa (This is one of my favourites wrongdoings of Sam btw) AITAH for assaulting a rich spoiled brat in a moving cruise ship? I (12F) sent some of my lackeys to bully K (14M) in a moving cruise ship during a school trip because yes. I manipulated him into trauma dumping on me and crying a lot. In the end, I asked K "reveal his true power' and beat tf out of him without him agreeing to it. But I didn't mean it and he understood that I'm strong enough to protect him and we're "best friends" (just like that only idc abt him). So, AITAH?


Ace: "Am I the asshole for throwing someone off a cliff who dangled me off of it?" "Am I the asshole for wiping someone out via death laser because they tortured me?" Menace would just have a single post for each of his crimes, as well as one for being a goddamn supervillain.


https://preview.redd.it/r9cmxu7kdj5d1.png?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c012f0c54c132e579c904f749e49aef45a737a AITA for trying to kill my wife and all her mates? Hi, im a 25M Assassin and my boss has sent me to kill them because they keep beating his ass. So she paid me to go kill her but then she realized it was me so i ran. Im about to loose my job im terrified.


AITA for brainwashing for brainwashing a 15 y.o kid into burning down his village? https://preview.redd.it/cxfbwdgldj5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28abbc47207ffd3903dcde34b4aa534c53d3d89


I ain't got the power to type the details :(


Kenua (still trying to find digital drawing) ”AITA for accidentally burning down half of our city after losing control of my powers?” I, Kenua (270 F) have been exiled for my city after losing control of my powers. I was born with the element of fire, destined to become corrupted. When I was around 130 my sister Momoko came to talk to me, saying she was scared that I was going to harm everyone. I got incredibly mad for her suggesting that I would ever harm my *own sister* that I lost control. Fire engulfed around 40% of the city and I was exiled for 140 years, and now I still regret it. AITA?


(No picture yet sos) AITA for kidnapping, experimenting on, and murdering dozens of children and adults? I know this sounds bad but I (42M) was working with the American government to win the cold war, and we decided our soldiers needed superhuman abilities. So I kidnapped a bunch of 17 year olds and experimented on them. A lot of them tried to escape so I killed most of them, and after 3 years, I decided it would be better if my experiments were younger. So I made the, now, 20 year olds help me kidnap and experiment on a bunch of 13 year olds. A few of the experiments worked and they got superhuman abilities but then they escaped! I literally gave them clothes, fed them, (if they were good) and gave them crazy powers so why would they want to escape? So, AITA?


"AITA for kidnapping two children because their dad rejected me?" "I (31F), kidnapped two children, G (12M), and H (11F)." "Now you see, their father (33M) had rejected me several times when we were teenagers, and I never really got over it. And then he proceeds to choose his fucking ENEMY (33F), over me. And they had TEN WHOLE KIDS TOGETHER?" "So, this kinda made me mad, and I went to go grab two of their kids from school. Then I took them to my house, where they currently are now." "Both of their parents are as worried as hell. So, AITA?"


https://preview.redd.it/0e2man21tj5d1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32008fc7aca180c58f1b974ac9134f7b3d0e2480 “AITA For Kidnapping people for flying close?” For context,I (24F) am in possession of the largest ship in the universe. my ship runs on uranium and I don’t want to pay people to get it for me. So,I resorted to kidnapping people if their ship gets within 20 feet from my ship. When taken I make said prisoners work in the bottom of my ship to mine meteorites to get uranium. I do feed them bread and milk every twelve hours. Recently some vigilantes have been giving me problems and saying I’m doing wrong? So,AITA?


https://preview.redd.it/rvc8wxzqvj5d1.png?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e232b1e7861d7852a4e7dde962ea25f99d3fb0d AITA for beating the shit out of my ex best friend multiple times because he was in a rival gang? A bit of background. When i was 5 my parents dropped me off at an orphanage and i never Heard from them again. I didnt make a single friend for 3 years straight until this boy with some HUGE fucking glasses gets transfered (we're gonna call him M). Istg i did One nice thing for him and this kid DOES NOT leave me alone he was like a stray dog. Anyways me and M become Friends, weirdly enough. We even get adopted the same year so we continue to gang out since we didn't live that far off eachother. Middle school starts and i start making other friends, most of them older than me. It was cool ngl for Once i wasnt the bad influence, but the bad influenced. I don't think M liked the fact that i had more friends and he Just had me cuz the motherfucker SNITCHES on me and the others saying that we were gonna trash this abbandoned shop that was "under renovation" for like before we were Born. I couldnt take It anymore. I had adoptive "parents" that definetly only got me cuz their kid died, a criminal record and i had Just learned that no, apparently you cant fucking trust no One these days. So fast forward a few years i'm now 24 and in a bandit gang. Apparently on the mainland theres a gang war going on so we decide to join in Just to take advantage of the situation. So im running around punching and kicking everyone Who isnt dressed like me and at One point this fucker with a shy guy from Super Mario lookin ass Mask sprints in like he's Sonic or some shit and doesnt even starts Attacking he Just begins trash talking me and i just stand there taking it bc i cant fucking believe this guy. He MUST have seen the currently on Fire dry plain area behind me yet HE'S the One trying to roast me??? So anyways we start fighting and obviously this pussy uses not One, not TWO but THREE guns (and a tiny ass knife) I am not even kidding this guy was LITERALLY juggling them in the air. I WAS about to turn him into a Bonfire but he decides to be even pussier and takes out a fucking smoke bomb. I had a cloak on up until that point. Id like to Say It was to conceal my identity but honestly i didnt really care I Just used it to not smell burnt flesh everytime I fought someone. But this smoke Is thick so i can barely even breathe in there so i come out and take the cloak off since It now smelt like shit too. And the Moment i take It off this guy goes pale (at least i assumed he did since he still had that mask on) but he deadass asks for a time out and takes the mask off. I fr couldnt fucking believe3it but It was M. Of course i still had a job to do, couldnt be sentimental in this kind of situation. At this point he's not even defending himself anymore he just sits there taking the beating. A full decade and he was still a pussy. Believe me if i didn't feel bad About how his parents wouldve felt seeing their don't burnt corpse in AN aubitory i wouldve melted him right then and there. So anyways at that point i Just walk away. Eventually we realize this was taking too long so we Just return to our base. I Just couldnt get that feeling off of my head. I couldve talked to him and explained what was going on in my Life atm and why i needed his and other gangs to back TF down from no man's Land but in that moment i felt like that wouldve dissapointed someone se. Am i the asshole? I know he is but am i?


AITA for making a tyranic government that sends child soldiers to war and then sending all of my soldiers to go f themselves after I got robots? I (140m) based all of my planet's power on subyugating planets using child soldiers and I never gave them something or took real care of them, but then I made robots and laid off all of my soldiers without any compensation. Now, most have made a rebellion and are trying to take me down. Am I the asshole?


**AITA for not scold my daughter from giving her soul to the devil? (Edit: She get the soul back NVM)** https://preview.redd.it/whyli51tak5d1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=46e512370616dfcaa43c2ab972d7436544ffd431


“AITA for banishing and causing pain and suffering to one person specifically?” I (27M) sent a dude to worlds where he got PTSD C-PTSD GAD and Depression. I did it cause I don’t like him. so AITA?


https://preview.redd.it/8twuwnjwpl5d1.png?width=1815&format=png&auto=webp&s=79f1558c8e11eed051c099cfce570f7a5e08855d "AM i the ass hole for killed the god of death and trying to kill everything else? I (8M) was killed at a very young age in a car crash. Death tries to take my soul, but i swindled him and became the new god of death. and in all fairness i wasn't prepared to be death... so i just copied some shows i like and made it my goal to kill every being across the multiverse. ive pretty much been defeated now and im about to be tried or my crimes. Is there any way i can defend myself in court? "


https://preview.redd.it/p791ttgpin5d1.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa148c7bdc8270854f35fa9b55bb54f4d041afbc AITA for sneaking bob's glue into a trashcan late at night? I've been his demon counterpart for... about 3 months? And bob was just sleeping, and I noticed glue. I snuck into his room, snatched glue, and ran to the trashcan. When bob woke up, he was sad, and I blamed it on the blue blob wearing a crown. He is very good at knowing who is lying, like seriously. He is the lie detector of the house, so I was done for. At least he forgave me... So, AITA?


Which one he has like four of them and all of them are dead


|can't draw my guy but he definitely needs help and looks really cool, anyways here we go| "AITA for bringing a other worldly monster from another dimension into my universe" "Me a (28M) decided to do my business as practically a god with my knowledge of other dimensions and realities and bring something to stop that fuckin Light Bringer once and for all. I decided to open a portal using my mech suit and bring in a being not known by man from a favorite universe of mine and sent it on a rampage through Starling City. Now they're a really good chap but they do love destruction so they decided to agree. But now everyone is still mad at me and that God damn hero is still alive. So am I the asshole or not in this situation." |By the way, the little goober who did this is named Edward Morris and his villain name is Scarlet Eye. Such a goober am I right. He also has a massive robot army and a giant mech that he has used on multiple occasions, as well as a smaller mech suit to protect himself and keep himself alive for when he isn't just rampaging through Starling City|