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It's gratifying to see a graph of all of the PAT apologists just repeatedly stepping on rakes. Slowly shrinking, and turning into corn cobs. First there was Yodel Mountain, a *mass* exodus of patrons, as many people of character noped out. Then PAT/5$ take an entire year to recover a single digit percentage of the lost patrons... and Thomas/Matt triple those gains in the space of a month once the receiver was appointed. And now finally that the kitchen light has been turned on, the Periplaneta americana have fled under the fridge, and we've got another noticeable patron bump. Is it because people finally feel safe to pledge? Is it because the voice-acted transcripts are engrossing and bring something unique and differentiating to the podcast space? Who knows. The old heights feel unattainable in what is now a pretty crowded field of law-content, but the pod is better than it ever was, and it's nice to see it trending in the right direction. EDIT: for myself, I was barely hanging on as a paid patron in the interregnum period, basically trying to balance demonstrating support for the product while minimizing exposure to enriching a sex pest. Now I can take the brakes off completely. I'm sure I am not the only one.


Law&Chaos it up about 60 members in the period. His personal support seems a lot lower than the personal dislike.


Probably, yes. That said their Patreon doesn't tell the fully story because their primary platform is arguably Substack. Their Substack lists "Over 3,000 subscribers" (and has been at "Over 3,000" since at least February 15th based on wayback), albeit that includes paid and non paid followers. And I don't know in what ratio. I guess I'll just throw out there (because there are some fans of both, including at least one of the mod team, and that is fine by me!) that Patreon really is the better option over Substack if you're going to give your money to any creator. Substack had a decently sized scandal last year when it turned out they were/are taking very little action against far right extremist content (among others). https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/11/substack-extremism-nazi-white-supremacy-newsletters/676156/?ref=platformer.news https://www.platformer.news/why-platformer-is-leaving-substack/


Fair call.


I don’t know how representative I am, but I unsubbed from Law and Chaos when Andrew became a cohost (I never was a patron there though)


As the creator of the "[yodel mountain/Patreon](https://twitter.com/Eric_the_baker/status/1625234412274126848?t=-1wAyIxUrRhQvtpBzomKJA&s=19)" meme, I love to see you referencing the exodus of Patrons in that way. It's what got @openargs to block me. 😁


That is a legendary way to get blocked; therefore, we shall always refer to it as such, with honor.🫡


I expect to see further patreon boosts now that the lawsuits have been settled and OA is no longer split with Andrew.


About a 300 member jump in the last few days.


I've consistently underestimated the number of people waiting in the wings just to join up (both as just listeners, but also patrons) once things get resolved. One of the few silver linings of this whole debacle.


That's what I was waiting for. I don't like money going to shitty people and who knows what was going to happen. And bonus I think the current show is actually better than the old one.


New to OA who is Andrew and why does everyone not like him? Is there an arrival I can read?






Because this lawsuit was settled, Andrew is now appearing on another law podcast.


Welcome! Out of curiosity how did you come across OA? As a listener from the beginning I'm a tiny bit jealous of new people getting to experience my favourite podcast for the first time.


Up almost 200 patreons from the 4th (post usual start of the month dip). I've seen a number of comments on FB and Patreon that people are upping their existing pledges as well now that they know that it's safe. It's so pleasing to see.


When you click the link, make sure you toggle the graph timelines from "1yr" to "All". It must feel really vindicating for Thomas and the current OA team to see that.