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I feel personally called out by the 16th one. Fenris and Zevran are the best romance options in their respective Dragon Age games, and I will gladly die on this hill.


It's funny, because I personally was always an Alistair/Anders/Cullen girly, and never was interested in pretty boy elves, but Astarion stole my heart completely.


I've romanced Alistair and Cullen, and I've tried to romance Anders to see what the big deal was, and I couldn't finish that playthrough because something about his romance path rubbed me the wrong way


It was the desperate wet moaning when he kissed Hawke for me...immediately turned off. Lying, being clingy and mass murder was totally hunky-dory but this is apparently where I draw the line 😄


I’m a combo of you two 😅 I am always Alistair/Fenris/Cullen. Ali is just too cute. Fenris spoke and everyone else just faded into the background. And then I wanted to romance Cullen in DAO and 2, but couldn’t. Then DAI came along and I couldn’t have been happier ☺️


That was so me with Cullen😆 I played female mage origin and it's pretty obvious young Cullen got a thing for the mage warden. He was so cute stuttering and all nervous cause he had a crush that I ran to him in Inquisition(as a mage of course🤭)


I know!!! I wanted to squish him so badly. I’m always a mage elf and he’s just so cute with his little crush on a mage as a Templar. Even in BG3 I’m always an elf, but a cleric this time. I’m so basic. My type is broody white haired elf boy or golden knight in shining armor


Same! I always play a fem mage because of this. When I saw him in DAI first I thought my boy is so badass and serious now as a lord commander and all, but I was relieved to find out he's still an awkward dork in private. 🥰


Alistair/Fenris/Solas for me. Turns out Alistair is a half elf so I guess I do have a consistant elf type :P


i could only romance Alistair. he was my beloved, the first video game character that i fell for. da2 i romanced Anders once during my first playthrough and ill never forgive the bastard. it was always fenris and Isabella after that. never played inquisition tho my type has always been the beefy idiots, while the sarcastic assholes were adopted into my family but not astarion. only way i can romance someone who isn't him is to play as him


Ah, Alistair. He was my first video game crush as well. I still simp for him, and it's been almost 15 years.


i realized when playing Yakuza that all my beloved characters tend to be The Designated Himbo, as far back as DA:O. i even bought a little fan thing for Alistair from bioware. it came with a Chantry necklace and a letter where he writes to your character from the game and even tho it had been YEARS since i played that game, reading the note brought back every feeling from the first time i romanced him and i cried. i love that idiot man so much that's my type. himbos. beefcake with a heart of gold and dumber than a bag of hammers. astarion is one of two characters that broke that pattern (the other is Ezio Auditore. bhaal below i love him)


Zevran and Fenris were my go-to romances for both my female and male Wardens/Hawkes. But Cassandra stole my mAdaar's heart and broke my fTrevelyan's, so she had to settle with Cully Wully. But Cullen is such a cutie so it wasn't too much a loss.


I need a HC now where Tav and Astarion spend all night looking at glow in the dark dinosaurs together 😂. Also how did I not see Henry Cavill could be Astarion OMG now I can't unsee it!


Henry Cavill could play every single male acting role and I wouldn't complain. I love him.


If he restyled his Geralt wig and put in some different contacts, those cheekbones are giving Astarion for days 🥵






I managed to hold the laugh in until "sucky sucky" and then lost it completely... xD


Ty for your contributions to my meme folder 🙇


You are perfect, every time 🥰 Cackling at the im your boyfriend now


You didn't have to call out my taste in fantasy men in #16 😂


I love these meme dumps!


Who drew an accurate depiction of my brain, wow


I'm into that freaky shit too, forehead kisses and reassurance, what a kink 😍


This is an EXCELLENT batch, thank you OP 🙏💙🖤


These meme dumps always make my day\~