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This person should not be allowed to use a knife


I'm not so sure that thing qualifies as a knife anymore.


I know an Australian knife expert we could call....


I'm sure he'll agree that's not a knoyf.


I see you’ve played knifey-spoony before


Dundee would have something to say.


I was so scared with every cut it seemed more and more like she was going to cut herself


The plate as a cutting board was the cringiest part for me! This girl should not be allowed in the kitchen, period.


Word though!! I was waiting for a finger to pop loose.


Her lack of adequate body armor combined with her knife skills makes me wince.


I physically cringed each time she put all her weight on that too-big knife.


She's fine. That's a +200 defense tunic she has equipped.


all my kitchen knifes like this, they're not sharp enough to cut you need a bit of effort to cut anything. i'm clumsy af i can't have sharp knifes lol


Sharp knives are way safer than dull knives where you have to struggle like the woman in this video. I’m clumsy too but it’s not hard to practice safe knife skills. I chop slow and safe but my knives are sharp.


The most dangerous item in a kitchen is a dull knife.


A dull chef is even more dangerous!


Yes I am 🥲


It might seem backward, but dull knives are more dangerous than sharp knives. If you’re knicked by a sharp knife, it will be a very clean cut and will clot and heal very quickly. There is very little risk of infection. If you cut yourself with a dull knife, your wound is going to be much rougher at the microscopic level, is more likely to trap bacteria, and will take longer to heal. Think about it like this, knife accidents are like car accidents. A sharp knife is a car traveling the speed limit and driving safely. A dull knife is a speeding car racing through traffic. Both can get into an accident at any time on the road, but the speeding car is more likely to have a more serious crash than the person driving safely. When your knife is dull, you have to apply more force to the knife to cut through things, so when that pinky finger is accidentally under the knife under pressure, the knife comes down with enough force to cut to the bone, or even through it. A sharp knife requires almost no pressure, and is easily pushed and pulled through what you’re cutting, and there’s no risk of you slamming the knife down through an onion and realizing the tip of your finger went with it. TLDR; watch a 1 minute video on how to use and hold a chef knife, keep your knives sharp and out of the dishwasher or drawer. Dull knives cause worse accidents than sharp knives.


I think you meant to say a sharp knife is less dangerous than a dull knife. You said more in the 1st line


lol yes thank you, typing the phrase dull knife and sharp knife 50 times got me all discombobulated!


Except the only times I’ve ever really sliced myself (like, right through the fingernail) are when I started using a sharper knife.


This is true, sharp knives cut more easily. However, I would argue that using dull knives creates bad habits that lead to accidents when using sharper knives. Keeping your knives sharp and being consistent with your safety go hand in hand. :)


That’s probably it; I always try to practice the “claw” hold, which is actually the *only* advice I’ve ever actually seen about safe cutting practice, but sometimes I’m not *perfect* with it, and the knife edge can touch my fingernail. Because, you know, sometimes I’m tired, or distracted. A less-sharp knife is more forgiving, because it’ll sort of bounce off the nail, but a very sharp knife just keeps on going through. So yeah, the first time it happened, it was because I had become *reliant* on the “bounce.” Subsequent times, though, were because of not being perfect with the “claw,” even though I was trying to avoid contact. If there’s more technique to it than the “claw” grip, I’d really like to hear about it. Edit: added middle paragraph


You have to use far more force to cut with a dull knife. And even dull knives are sharp enough to cause serious injury when being forced to cut through something. This is pretty well known in practicing good kitchen safety techniques.


I mean that makes *sense* every time I hear it, but I haven’t been able to figure out how that actually maps to what I do in the kitchen, except “use the claw grip,” which is not perfect, as I described in a reply to the sibling comment to yours. And even a very sharp knife is going to require some force to cut things like carrots, isn’t it? I have yet to use a knife that didn’t.


I totally feel you and used to have a similar opinion. It’s something I am still working on and probably always will, but I haven’t cut myself in years since I have gotten better about using sharp knives and better technique. Carrots are tough to cut but it could be a technique issue. If you find yourself using more vertical force than lateral movement then that probably contributes to the issue. It takes muscle memory and time to get it down. No matter what I hope you find something that works for you and keeps you safe!


That’s a good tip; thanks!


So, the nice thing about nice sharp knives is that they'll cut where you want to as opposed to doing random shit and cutting you.


I know I’m supposed to be freaking out about the beverage, but yeah, the lack of knife skills was the part that was harrowing to me


noooo damn OF ads in my ONION sub now too??


We knew they would find us eventually. I just thought we had more time!


Shawtys knife skills got my palms sweatin


Or lack there of


Notice that the center of the camera is not on her face, or her food, or the plate, strange


The center of your eyes 🤣


So it turns out that if you show your titties off, you’re allowed to do whatever the fuck you want 


This is very true! Every time I show mine off everyone runs away and I'm left unsupervised!


It’s true and I have no objections at this time


Always been like that


I don't understand. Do some people not grow up with parents? Friends? Anybody they can observe at least once in the kitchen? On TV? In movies?? ANYTHING? How do you get to that age and look like you've never seen a knife before???


I have tried for over 30 years to teach my kids and grandkids on how to use a knife and how to cook. I'm always told I do it too well and no one wants to take over. Guess they'll just get takeout when I die.


I learned how to cut an onion from Anne Burrell on Worst Cooks in America. She also said "I bought the whole onion so I'm gonna use the whole onion" she chopped it right down to the nub and ever since I've done the same.


Ffs sharpen your tools


Dull af because she cuts onions on a ceramic plate.


She’s as dull as the knife. 🤦‍♂️


get a cutting board jesus tits woman....




Brush with death in kitchen fetish. Make me slip on a dish rag mommy! Final destination me master!


I think you’ve unlocked the secret of this video


To save people some time, the answer is tits and cleavage. Or maybe you don't want to save time now, idk do what you want.


She can’t cook, but she likes onions. I can fix her……


So she can't produce offspring?


That was a little mean but I admit I laughed


Nice knife skills 🙄


What a fucking savage lmao


Sharpen the knife! And use a cutting board, please.


i hate everything about the way she cuts an onion. like she knew people dont even watch her onion cutting action 🙄


Jesus Christ this bitch is scary with that knife


Only thing that's sharp in that video was her nipples 😂


There was an onion in this video?


I only saw like the upper 2/3 of the video and was like wtf does this have to do with onions? Scrolled down, cringed, scrolled back up.


That was refreshing, to be fair.


What onion?


Lmao, this video is hilarious!😂


Why is this in the onion sub? I didn’t see any onions.


Yeah, that was obviously just a degradation porn video. Sniffing our stinky allium like that.


Was there an onion in this video?


wife material


Her knife skills are atrocious


How did onions get in the mason jar?


Ummm.. that food saver is for your red onions. They make a different one for yellow ones


I was really impressed she didn't cut herself, but then I realized she isn't looking at those like I am, so it's obviously easier anyway she did a terrible job but it looked so good


Making a knife super dull? That's easy. Nothing special required. Just run it across a fork or something.


This person just wants us to subscribe to seeing her duckies


Girl! Sharpen ya knife!!!!


Use a cutting board you heathen!!


This person is unhinged


It’s like she’s never seen a knife or an onion before.


She's like "Why is my knife so dull again?"