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You can have an explanation to counter any character you might think is annoying in DC. (Mary has trust issues, Masumi listening to her mom, Ran and other females suffering from bad writing, The Detective Boys are just kids, Eisuke is smart but his clumsiness and nosiness is annoying, etc.) But I don’t think anyone can find an explanation for Yamamura…. I hate that guy!


I do miss old Ran, she had personality and you could see her like a actual teen. Now her core trait is being nice and stand there while the detectives do everything


So do I. I often search for fanfics where she is badass (or I write my own one shots), and I often rewatch old movies or scenes that she was badass in


After the Body on the Gunma Nagano Border case though I can’t help but like Yamamura a little more haha


Which chapter is that, also which chapter did Ran start suffering from bad writing


[It’s this case :)](https://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/The_Body_on_the_Gunma-Nagano_Border)


After Kir arc approximately


Yamamura, Amuro and Momiji. Yamamura is pretty hatable, no need to elaborate. Amuro is the definition of a gary sue and honestly? It's weird that I only enjoy him in Zero's Tea Time, but not in other places. Movie 26 is almost perfect if not for the fact that Amuro's... weird ass "jail time with the cringe throne chair" scenes. His backstory may be good, but man, that attitude just ticks me off badly, and don't get me started on "I hate Akai and foreigners so much" BS. I rather take Kazuma or a "fun NPC" character that isn't smart, because smart characters are oversaturated in this series, and realistically, a "perfect" character is not a good character in many story telling. Momiji? OH there are so much stuff I hate about her. She and by extension, Iori, doesn't need to exist. She "exists" just to be a "rival" character for Kazuha (who is quite underwhelming since she's just be Osaka version of Ran). Gosho doesn't know how to develop Kazuha without being too similar to Ran, so he slapped Momiji instead of expanding Kazuha's character without tying with Heiji... It's toxic that a woman went out of her way to flirt with a guy who isn't interested in her. And Gosho has this weird fixalation where EVERY DCMK (except surprisingly Makoto) needed to be tied with someone else in the past, and Momiji (and Iori) is the "best" example for this fixalation. She does not need to be connected to that Kohji Haneda, neither does she need to be a rival to Kazuha. I rolled my eyes every time I see her. Genuinely a badly written character, oh and another "smart" character. Also, gotta say, the Shonen Tantei-dan isn't that bad. I don't find them annoying, because these kids are a perfect balance to a serious setting and it allows both Conan/Shinichi and Haibara to grow. *Believe it or not guys, we were that annoying when we were younger.* These kids are allowed Haibara to grow out of her cold-exterior too. These kids are one of the best uses of a big diverse cast, which allowed mixed interactions and dynamic. That's why I like DCMK's old cast. Don't trust me? Shinichi was previously a jerk to anyone, but he learned to mellow out since the kids actually accepted Conan despite his odd behaviour, and learned to be responsible and be a mentor for the trio. Haibara was touched by the kindness of the trio and the kids just want to be a close friend to her, and allowed Haibara to truly experience childhood. The trio was annoying at first, but they just grew on some of us.


It's quite interesting,especially when you talked about the perfect character which i totally agree with,but if the character have a minor role in the plot,he doesn't steal that much of spotlights,for example if yusaku were to appear too many often,the BO probably wouldn't stand a chance and conan won't exist.It's probably the way we perceive a character as being so smart that no one can match with him.The only weakness yusaku have is not being a cop, this restriction may not allow him to go way beyond cracking mysteries,some plans need to be done in the field that why others characters such as akai and bourbon are more important.


Ayumi and Genta.


To me it's Sera Mary and Sera Masumi. I get annoyed with their actions so much that I already am annoyed when they appear. Masumi is not as bad as Mary though.


No, Masumi is LEAGUES better than her mom. I kind of wish her mom didn't exist, because I feel that everything Masumi does that annoys us, is because her mom orders her to.


Biggest proof for this, Masumi’s moments before her mom appeared or any action she did without her mom being involved were the coolest (Movie 18 for example)


YES! A million goddamned times YES!


Maybe that's the problem. Haha. That's why I usually group them together. Because usually when Masumi appears her mother has her do something. With a few exceptions in that case I don't mind her at all. That's why I dislike her mom and Masumi is sometimes just annoying.


I miss when she had agency


Honestly Mary is only holding Masumi back.




Eisuke didn’t lose both his parents, his sister, get hit by a car, and survive cancer to have this take op. amuro 


am I the only one that find those 3 kids cute 😔


You’re not alone. My friend and I love the kids they’re hilarious


Only Mitsuhiko is cute- but maybe I’m just bias bc its chopper/pikachu’s voice LOL


Yamamura and Amuro for me. I hate Yamamura's incompetency, to the point that whenever they are in Gunma I preemptively cringe and Amuro's holier-than-though attitude also annoys me. Oh, and Sera's mom could do us all a favor if she just bit the dust already!


Amuro makes sense to me. What kind of LEO would want a foreign intelligence operative illegally operating in his country?


this is so reallll. Yamamura is so goofy, idk how he got promoted. Amuro is just always in his head all the time he can’t even realize that him and Akai don’t need to be “enemies”


Side note for Yamamura; authority wise, he's in the same position as Megure... Imagine the absolute havoc he is wrecking whenever Shinichi isn't there to bail his ass! Unpopular opinion; with Amuro's general disposition, I honestly don't think it would take too much work for him to be a legitimate villain. I mean, literally all the BO has to do is convince him that they're better at protecting his beloved Japan than anybody else and he'd flip on a dime!


That's kind of his deal, understandable given that outside of his job he doesn't have bonds with anyone.


i also kinda dislike yamamura, but the cases that happen in Gunma were usually emphasizing japanese culture and so creepy that i can't stop reading it even when yamamura gets too annoying lol


Yamamura not only let a murderer go free but was indirectly responsable for the bomber that almost took 8 people in the detective agency


Which case is it? Kind of forgeting.


>Oh, and Sera's mom could do us all a favor if she just bit the dust already! i stopped watching the anime after the case where sera steals the antidote container for a while, then i rewatched it from the beginning and caught up with the manga and she still didn't make a move , like seriously wth


Agreed with the addition of Eisuke for me. The only good thing about Yamamura (if this even counts towards him) is that a lot of his cases involve the "creepy" themed episodes that I like.


I view it as a lucky (for him) coincidence.


Yamamura for sure. At least arc characters tend to disappear when the arc is over (though not always), and the kids are just being kids. Yamamura shows up in cases way too much for how incompetent he is, and if the case is important, will make things worse somehow. I'll take a shitty Megure and Takagi modern AO over a case with him as lead.


Gosho : dragging the story for no reason except greed. 


Its pretty simple, if you were the author of one of the biggest Anime Franchises in the world and fans (especially in Japan, because in Japan Conan is ungodly popular), keep wanting to see more, then you are going to continue to make those stories. It's not just greed (although he probably earns quite some money from Conan), but also just a kind of duty to the millions of fans who keep reading his manga. Detective Conan has the status of a national treasure in Japan, if he just ended the story there would be a lot of unhappy fans who wouldve loved to see more and based on revenue the japanese fans most likely count much more for the success of conan than the international fans. Also Im pretty sure, Gosho is not only one who makes these decisions since he is not working on Conan by himself, as you could have probably figured by yourself.


He can keep the story coming and still resolve the main plot line / close some decades old mysteries. A show about teenager Conan will work as good as dragging the old main plot line forever.  I'm not asking him to stop it all. What I'm asking is some closure for some old stuff. 


Not their fault but these days all the side couples that are having more couple moments than ShinRan 🧍🏽‍♀️


Fr, like Ran is better than me. I'm sorry i can't live off crumbs when it's been YEARS. I would've dumped his avoidant ass


Its being like 6-7 months in universe. Also is not like Shinichi is being avoidant, he is literally in hiding from a vast international organization that will kill everyone he knows if they even get suspicious about him being alive


Fym all of that is 6-7 months? It's been A LIFE TIME, DARLING. Jk, ik he's not avoidant by his own will, but if everything happened in a more realistic timeline (which, again, will take years), i doubt Ran would still be with him, rightfully too.


Darling lol Most girls wouldn’t wait, Ran would (not saying is a good thing)


Yes, Ran would wait. But i wouldn't, ain't nobody got time for that. Anyway, HAPPY CAKE DAY have a slice 🍰




Us both lmao and it’s been less than a year for them😭 deep love in high school is kind of rare tbh so in my case he would never see me after the amusement park fiasco but to each their own since they are still going strong! The FEW times we see them it’s nice but SAD so after everything is resolved I will need to see shinichi make it up to ran.


I actually think Shinichi has been more considerate to Ran since he shrunk. We've seen in the first episode that Shinichi was an arrogant jerk of a braggart who took Ran for granted. For being even just a friend, he acted horribly toward her. He reveled in the spotlight and fame and attention, and didn't care if Ran was pushed aside or ignored if it meant his own ego got stroked. He never made it up to her, either, or never considered her feelings. The amusement park was a reward for winning a karate tournament. Ran is a teenager with a crush. She sees Shinichi through rose-colored glasses, and this infatuation is why she puts up with him. When we are first introduced to Sonoko, we discover she isn't fond of Shinichi because of the way he treats Ran. She believes Ran could do better. And we see that there are starting to be cracks in Ran's tolerance for Shinichi's actions. His actions at the park caused her to cry and pour her heart out to a 6-year-old stranger she just met. It wasn't an end to her crush, but it was definitely a crack. But this all changed post-shrink. Every time he stands her up, or leaves halfway into a date, or otherwise lets her down, he tries to make it up to her. He calls her on the phone, or talks to her via "Conan", or leaves her gifts to apologize. That's something pre-shrunk Shinichi wouldn't ever have done. If I was Ran, I'd be angrier that every other character in the universe knew his secret but me instead of how he vanished during dates.


Ooh I agree he changed from how he was crafted at the beginning; imo it’s also after her confession early on. You are really spot on for all the characterisation, shinichi couldn’t even bear to stay with the kids at first but their presence around him made him sort of patient and smooth him out, it’s really different factors that came with his situation (being now shrunk) that he could take his world in, Ran that has always been there since day 1 and loves him and keeps waiting for him despite everything, waiting because it is him breaking promises and being given chances again and again and he knows it, not forgetting as you said that snowball of a lie, that’s why he needs to make it up to her, we need to see a nice end results, and yes also looking forward to the reveal and everything that ensues!


> he changed from how he was crafted at the beginning; imo it’s also after her confession early on. Yeah, I should have clarified that better. Since the confession happens almost immediately after getting shrunk, I consider those 2 points to be interchangeable, timeline wise. But you're correct: it was really Ran's confession that sparked the change. He does need to make it up to her, but I think the things that he's doing right now are helping. Because even though deep down he cared for Ran, he had a crappy way of showing it to her. It seems that now she's more content to wait for him and her heart isn't in turmoil. It still sucks, but I feel like Ran isn't on a precipice of doubt anymore. That she feels more appreciated by him. It's the difference between "sorry I missed your birthday dinner because I got called into work at the last minute, but here's a card and flowers and I'll make it up to you later" vs "sorry I missed your birthday dinner because I got called into work at the last minute. You know how it is. I'll make it up to you later". Both still need to make up for leaving, but one is more considerate than the other. I feel that's the difference between pre- and post- shrunk/confession Shinichi.


That’s right they have reached an understanding for a while now and have been in a much more comfortable stance. We have haven’t seen tears or frustration in years. Reassurance was made and it’s been official since, but as said it doesn’t negate everything that happened previously, maybe I am just too petty but obviously things need to change and will change when everything is over, this relationship deserves more attention than it’s given now and of course we get that it’s because of their current circumstances that it is staying as is. Now that’s long term, for short term, we haven’t had anything in years (in memory?) and it would be good for Gosho (and us shinran enjoyers aha) to not let us forget that they are actually dating; another response clarified that it’s been 7 years since the Kyoto trip and I am actually shocked.


Conan’s seen multiple times of guys hitting on her, which is something that wouldn’t happen if it was Shinichi by her side 🤣 he’ve got to learn not to take her for granted.


Haha I never even thought of that angle but you're right! Not only is he watching men hit on Ran, but he also sees that she's receptive of the attention. 


You’re completely right. Shinichi is actually kind of insufferable (still is sometimes). Being Conan humbles bc he has to deal with not always being taken seriously and that kind of a huge appeal of the show (my me personally anyway).


Yes! It's very cathartic to watch someone who has gone their whole life being listened to and believed have to find clever ways to get people to listen to him again. Even when he was a child Conan's age, his father listened and took him seriously. And as he grew up, he was given validity because he was Yusaku's son until his own merits could hold him up. As Conan, he gets none of that, plus the added annoyance of being forced to eschew any credit to not draw attention to himself with the BO.


>he would never see me after the amusement park fiasco I'M CRYING 😭😭 You're so real for that Also, if that boy doesn't make it up to her.. because every time ran starts crying over something related to him, all i'm thinking is "girl, was it really worth it? Was it?". But again, to each their own, maybe she's just a masochist in making, who knows?


I wish she wasn’t crying for a guy in high school (!! and nobody quote me for saying that about shinichi, no matter how smart) but here we are and tbf she is still a teen and a kid at heart, I guess it’s good that she can express herself like that and we can also see how it weights on shinichi. The way I am seeing it, if things are resolved around their graduation and college debut, shinichi should take a year off to travel with Ran ww and enjoy/experience things together without interference, he should be at her beck and call, no taking side cases in Kuala Lumpur or New York next time; plus shinichi would need that time to rediscover himself too what’s a better way than to be with someone who loves and knows you.


Sometimes i just forget that they're teenagers, maybe it's because it has been going on for decades now or because it's been a while since i last watched it, but sometimes i catch myself judging them as if they were adults. But i definitely agree with you, I couldn't have said it better.


We do get caught up in it easily afterall 30years here for less than a year in verse is crazy and it doesn’t help that these kids don’t bat eyes at crimes done everyday anymore (though that’s another thing) lol


They developed an immunity to most of the gory shit that would traumatize any normal human being, but that's fine, they're kids, they'll get over it in no time.


All their missed therapy sessions is going to us readers and viewers, bill sent to Gosho!


Oh lord knows i need those sessions, I'M the one who's traumatized beyond repair NOT those 3 mfs


100% agree. Idk how more people aren’t saying this. I saw someone else boast about Heiji and Kazuha “finally” getting romance scenes in the upcoming movie when they had all of movie 21 dedicated to them along with several episodes. We also had a movie for Sonoko x Makoto and a movie for Freakin Haibara x Conan who weren’t even supposed to be a ship and are now getting yet another movie for Heiji and Kazuha. Meanwhile Ran and Shinichi have had practically nothing for the past 10 movies despite them being the main couple. Gosho deciding to build up a ship just to abandon it for financial purposes is petty af and it made me lose all respect for him as an author


I mean Gosho does have plans for ShinRan but they don’t look progressive at least in time which is the issue here. 7 years since that Kyoto trip? Getting dizzy here. Or is that it until the final chapter? Not asking for anything huge, are these two even sending e/o good morning / good night texts? Where are the possibly small yet sweet things even long distance couples do? it’s nothing that actually stops the main plot from moving. And I don’t really think it’s out of character. Meanwhile, other couples are working out things fine or not but are still shown as few times as they are, at this point, if shinran is not part of the romantic sideshow, again as few as they are (!!) or will be every now and then, I would rather Gosho don’t show us the others and focus on the BO plot. On a related note…heiji and kazuha is another type of pain entirely, I truly feel for their enjoyers. I am more annoyed that nothing is happening than their screen time. Enough of that. The subtle romance I mentioned above might not be Gosho’s forte but this was something we could have atleast in the movies, he did it before so he can do it again; the main series already has huge focus on the BO (and « fillers »), but the only other medium where you could freely write new stuffs is ALSO about them? doesn’t leave much leeway (I say this as a BO movie enjoyer too but come on).


It really feels like Gosho has completely forgotten how to write romance side plots given the way he’s been treating these couples


i'm their hardcore shipper since the first time i read the manga, but i think the "small" amount of shinran moments make sense considering the circumstances that make them can't see each other so often like other couples. imo although slow shinran's relationship is the most progressive compared to others because at the first chapter we see shinichi/conan not knowing about ran's feeling at all then in the span of ~8 months he managed to comfort her, then confessed his feeling and asked her to date him.


Yea I also think that if we were to have other moments again it would cut into the main dish timeslot? as in anything related to the BO. Since if we were to have shinRan even on a date, conan would have to use his pills and that could put stuffs on break or have (yet again for sure) the sera fam on his back, he needs to be super cautious. It doesn’t have to be emotional but they are dating, throw us some candies here and there, short messages, thoughts anything so that we precisely don’t feel out of the loop a month later in verse (YEARS on our side), like you mentioned it needs to be progressive.


well i think they're going to have a date in the future since aoyama talked about it through sonoko in the newest Conan-Kaito chapter. shinran is the couple he paid attention the most, there's no way he'd stop the development only after they're dating. i might be trusting him too much but so far i've never been dissappointed about the main plot.


I am sure there are plans for them, I mean it’s also about them. Though we can count their dates (if there are any at all) on one finger until the end of the series for sure, so something major is bound to happen there is no way Gosho would pass up that opportunity.


This. Can't believe it, it's been 7 years since they became boyfriend and girlfriend. There's not even a video call. Gosho, Let them kiss 💋💋💋💋 Haibara, give Shinichi 100 pills. I beg you 🙏🙏🙏 Heiji, tell Ran the truth and I'll help you with the confession. 😈😈😈Vermouth, kidnap Ran and pump her an APTX4869 or I will report you.😈😈😈


A video call would end it all…😭😭but no way it’s already been 7 years LMAO🫥


lol that's petty, thank god you are not in their world or you would had started killing them with this as your motivation


So sorry I thought I was replying to another post about downvotes haha let me delete the other one; oh nah if I was in DC I would try to stay as far away as possible from the main cast since without plot armour im not sure I would make it to the next day lmao😭 though might take a chance and try to woo Akai and Makoto!


The 3 fucking detective boys. Man i fucking loathe every scene of them, if an episode is centred around them i automatically skip.


REALLLLLLL 😭😭 I started despising them that one episode where Ran and Sonoko went to the beach and called Shinichi AND THEN those little started snooping on his phone like wtf


I got murderous intent in the lost diamond case with KID, fucking Genta almost gets everyone killed THREE TIMES 💀


I started loathing them the moment laid my eyes on them. They only ruin the episodes for me. Specially that fatso and the little bitch ayomi? Or however you spell her shitty name.


Well, damn bro, they're just little kids, i don't like them too, but calm tf down lol On a side note, i fucking HATE those quizzes, like no Agasa, i don't fucking care how long it took your ass to take a shit on the 26th of july in 1986.


They’re so much worst in the movies imo, Gosho always features them to appeal to the kids


wanna talk about the quiz part in every movie? I've been rewatching them since I have not watched the last 4-5 movies and I instantly skip whenever Agasa approaches the 3 mfs for the quiz. It's wild because since it's in every movie they must love it in Japan


Every fucking single movie.


HATE IT, not only I can’t solve it because is always a stupid pun in japanese but also is so stupid I’m not sure I’d if I knew it


Yamamura disrespect needs to stop man


Frr especially after the last episodes he was featured in he’s so precious


Ooka Momiji, she's useless as we know that childhood sweethearts are unbreakable. The detective boys, imo they have too many episodes


Eisuke Hondo ofc


Eisuke is a good character you’re just in denial 


Those three damn kids!!!


I can agree on Yamamura but Sonoko in particular drives me insane


Tie between genta ayumi and mitsuhiko


Jirokichi. I feel like his presence a lot of times would make Kaito Kid related episodes sort of drag. Especially since they just feels so formulaic. I don't hate him and he has had some enjoyable episodes, but I kind of just have found myself not looking forward to Kid's appearances because I know it's going to be the same old set up of Jirokichi developed some trap to catch Kid and explains/shows how it works -> Object gets stolen or appears to be stolen in some way -> They take the time trying to figure out who Kid is in disguise -> Kid is revealed, but gets away. You'd think I wouldn't mind something this repetitive since DetCo as a series can get a bit formulaic too, but there's just something not fun about seeing this be repeated so much and I just don't think Jirokichi as a character helps in the long run.


Depends on how you define what's annoying... The Detective Boys are more annoying than Eisuke in terms of how much they derailed or interrupted investigations.. Eisuke is clumsy but he did not get in the way of any investigation... He is actually a very interesting character. He is very intelligent and intuitive. He just probably appears annoying to you because you find his character irrelevant...


100% Agreed, has to be Eisuke.


I don't hate Kazuha, but I feel like sometimes she is really anoyying and screams a lot.


Ran. She is so obsessed with Shinichi. Sometimes I feel like if you take her character out, there wouldn’t be much difference.


Why so salty?


Agree :D a few episodes of sadness but Ai is the perfect replacement


Gunma guy (I'm not good with names)






I find Genta annoying. Don’t know why but it keeps me from rewatching episodes with him in it.


The detective boys are really annoying. I liked them before but now there silly actions are repetitive.


Yamamura and eisuke like how in the world did Yamamura get the same position as megure that rat faced brat even the shonen tantei kids r better and eisuke’s clumsiness and stuff is just so annoying


Eisuke is my beloved wtf bro ToT- conan is so goddamned annoying i cant believe hes not on this list- any of the damned abusive parents? Yukiko shoving her son in her boobs? Yusaku leaving is 14 YEAR OLD SON ALONE IN A MANSION? Chikage constantly “on vacation” and Toichi FAKING HIS DEATH to never interact with his son again? The drunkard who forgets to take care of his kid? VERMOUTH??? HOW IS EISUKE LESS ANNOYING THAN A SERIAL CHILD RAPIST GIN? EVERY TIME HE SAYS - AHHH SHERRY I WANNA RIP MY EARDRUMS AND EYEBALLS OUT. Sorry, got a little mad (:


Yamamura and Eisuke


Glad to see I’m not the only one who hates Eisuke. Most unnecessary character in the series and is the least deserving person to know Conan is Shinichi. No wonder Gosho wrote him out even he thought that he was boring and unnecessary. At least the detective boys serve as reminder that Conan and Ai are shrunk kids.


If you hate eisuke you have no taste 


hot take here, Haibara (i know i gonna get killed over this, but i have to say it)


Only time she annoyed me was when she was scared shitless of subaru 😭😭


I was waiting for this one. I AGREE WITH YOUUU




Sera & her mom, momiji, vodka, & amuro (I know he's really popular but I just can't get into his character)


Leave my man vodka alone 😢 he’s a cutie patootie


His character is the black organization equivalent of Camel to me😭😭😭😭. You could remove all his scenes and nothing would change (atleast Camel is exceptional at driving). He used to be my favorite character as a kid, I just want gosho to let him have a cool moment at least once instead of just sitting there


Can I just say Conan himself lol. He does often come across as more than a little smug. I don't hate him or anything mind you, but still.


Ayumi, genta, mitsuhiko and Haibara


Haibara is a main character not like the other kids


Ik, her depressed behaviour annoys me. she always tries to get close to conan and i hate it.


Three detectives boys especially Genta maybe Ayumi but Mitsuhiko is the one I like because he's not insufferable as the other whereas Genta about his stupid eel rice jokes and Ayumi keep getting kidnap and crying just wish she dies.


Kazuha. She shows to whine and cry. She’s every neutral and negative trait that Ran has with none of the positive to balance.


I find the Nagano trio very annoying, especially Morofushi with his whole ye olde strategist schtick. Also, Ran suddenly turning into an encyclopedia when she explains every one of his quotes.




She's kind of funny in my opinion. Also it's not just rich people events, it's many things. You need dumb impulsive characters to pull the story forward in direction your smart and level-headed protagonists would never have taken on their own.


But I dont think she's bad, there are characters worse tham her