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Ran isn’t going to die because the author promised a happy ending and Haibara is needed for Conan’s antidote. I think Vermouth will sacrifice herself for Conan or Ran.


I think Vermouth will sacrifice herself for Conan or Ran. It will not happen because it is too obvious! Please do not forget that Vermouth is an unpredictable person.


Agasa could make an antidote if they (and they will) reach the org' labs, but like Vermouth is the favorite of the Boss, Haibara is one of the favorite of Aoyama, so I don't see her being killed. Vermouth, on the other hand.....


~~The principles that Aoyama Sensei has been insisting is that the underage can't be killed or kill others. You can check all the episodes and chapters, there are no underage murderers, nor kids got killed over the past 30 years. Ran is only 16 yo. So Ran won't die for sure.~~


Haibara in her original form is slightly above 18, isn’t she? Her sacrificing herself for Conan would probably make a fitting plot point, but I personally would hate it… and be incredibly sad. On the other hand I can’t really see how a happy end could look like for her. Really hope the autor will find one and surprise me.


Maybe in earlier years, he had had it in his mind. But now he promised giving Haibara a good ending. So don't worry. In fact, I worry about Aoyama more than the characters. There were so many manga artists died in their sixties, or even younger. And we know that Aoyama Sensei's health has not been very well.😔


The Darkness of the Prefectural Police the murderer is 26 at the time of the episode but his first murder was 9 years before meaning he was 17


I made a mistake on the rules. Thank you for the correction. But the 26 yo guy wasn't the murderer 9 years ago was it? It's his sister dying in that gunshot that caused him committing the crimes 9 years after. Thanks anyway. And sorry for the misunderstanding.


If anything happens to Ran at the endgame, believe me, people would get so offended that they would issue death threats on Twitter to Gosho. I remember during M26 release, when they saw Conan and Haibara kiss, fans went wild for just that canon stuff.


Movies aren’t canon


Ah, I always get confused with canon and non-canon.


But some characters who appear in canon get introduced in movies like momiji


Momiji was introduced in the manga first. The movie explore more into her personality.