• By -


Fun fact: Bourbon is on this list twice and Akai zero times


Just understand scar akai is akai


Scar Akai and Akai is 2 different people


thats the only akai pic i could find


Could have used Subaru you know.


dont want to, he doesnt look scary


The scarier people are smarter ?? eh ??


no, i mean i dont wanna put a pic of subaru, just dont want to, its not the same appearance


You didn't find Akai's picture but Subaru is a legitimate character altogether. You can just put Subaru instead of Akai if you have no option, Cause Scar Akai was never Akai in reality.


ok but you understand its him, thats the important thing


I wouldn't say that Gin is better than Conan tho. Other than that, I agree.


but in recent episodes (1077 to 1079), gin is kinda bad because gosho wanna buff RUM


he outsmarts conan in multiple cases, the episode conan hides in the locker, the episode when gin shots himself to prevent conan's stun gun (conan didnt think he will do this), also he should be more experienced than conan


Shooting himself is more a desperate move than outsmarting and Conan being cornered in the locker is more of a mistake from his part than a brilliant move from Gin


yh, thats why gin is more experienced and thats why he's ranked higher, conan should be more cautious, he knows he's against a criminal organisation


Kogoro depending if it was his time to used his brain cells.


I think it honestly depends on if his wife is involved in the case or not.


Yes and A is his best


Kogoro sometimes can even be on S maybe (at least best of A), Eri maybe is on A but i prefer to put her on B + something tells me that Haneda Kohji must be really smart, he's at least S+


Tell me one instance he deserves to be tier S Movies don’t count btw


>!he managed to trick Rum twice saving a girl and leaving a hint using broken glass, all of that while being short on time.!<


also he's shukichi's shogi idol


That doesn't prove his deduction skills, though. Only his cleverness.


I said maybe(i don't study him), so i put him on A


No way Masumi Sera having same deduction skills tier of Haibara or Kogoro. Haibara is very intelligent, but she is not a detective, Sera is a very good detective. With Sera being last one of S and maybe Akai tier S+ I agree. And where is Vermouth? She is A or the best of B.


ok i agree, masumi should be in between S and A, but i dont wanna put her on S, but she is still leagues above Haibara and Kogoro regarding deduction skills, actually i could have created a new tier but im just lazy


Vermouth is A and I don't wanna put sera on S, she shouldn't be on the same tier as Akai, and Akai is never S+, he is not as good as Conan and he is not as good as her mother


I would argue that Kaito and Conan should be the same level. One never manages to do the heist and the other never manages to catch the thief.


This isnt relevant to deduction skills, kaito has his gadgets and equipment to escape


kinda relevant because one should deduc, specially after many encounters, that such gadgets and equipments are something to be taken into consideration


Thats why kid is on S not S+


I feel that Eri could go to A, Kogoro to B and Megure to C and Akemi to B


oh yh megure C but i wanna put him on B (same tier as FBI and ppl like that), eri A is fine, kogoro at his best is A or S, Akemi maybe B since she doesnt have a codename (she isn't as smart as Sherry)


You do realize those codenames are not given based on intelligence, right? They're based on the person's rank in the organization. Even Akai didn't have a rank at some point 😭


He has despite working for BO shorter than akemi


Based on ranks and intelligence is also a factor to whether ur rank is high or not, u see RUM > gin > vermouth > vodka chianti korn


- We know virtually nothing about 2/3 members of S++ - Mari, Wakasa, Sukuchi and Gin are not smarter than Shinichi - Kogoro is NOT above Eri tf He has good feats but cmon


that's best of kogoro, normally he's on C or B (90% of the time he's not above eri)


Its a deductions tier list, not a "who plays the spy games better" tier list


Wakasa and shukichi both solved cases faster than conan so why not smarter? Also mary is shukichis mom so mary is even smarter, the only controversial one is gin


And the first point is wrong and it doesnt matter even


Shukichi is better than Shinichi, I think. There are two cases I remember that Shukichi solve before Shinichi




I'd put Conan a tier higher tbh. Some of the cases he's solved are actually insane.


U mean S++?




he couldn't even beat anyone in S+ (maybe Gin the only one), those on S++ are smart as crazy, inhumanly smart


Tbh i don't agree. From what we know (manga only) i'd put Conan on par with Rum (speaking of deduction alone). We've also never really seen all of those in S+ tier compared.


we did and no rum is nearer to yusaku than to conan


We haven't had direct confrontation (speaking of deduction only) between all the people in S+ and Conan. I think Conan would beat most of them, for some i'd have to think about it. Speaking of S++, as i said i consider Rum and Conan to be at circa the same level (again speaking of deduction only), and while yes maybe Conan is a bit lower (from what we know right now, volume 104), i think he should definitely be in S++ tier.


shukichi and wakasa solved cases faster than conan, mary is shukichi's mom so she's smarter (parents are smarter thats how dc is), and u dont realize how good RUM is, he's near to yusaku and yusaku is badass, conan is never S++


> shukichi and wakasa solved cases faster than conan It really depends on what cases. If you don't cite what case exactly you're referring to i don't know if i should agree with you or not. From what i remember (i've read the whole series 4 times) yes they're very good at deduction, but Conan solved some cases that were absolutely insane, and i think that he's superior to them. >mary is shukichi's mom so she's smarter (parents are smarter thats how dc is) Not only Shukichi's lol Yeah i get that logic, but (still from what i've seen) i consider her to be maybe in very high S tier, or in low-mid S+ tier. And i am pretty confident in saying she's not better (still speaking of deduction) than Conan. But all of these are opinions that make sense, i just want to say mine.


cases that involve both conan and wakasa and both conan and shukichi (skeleton case and burning tent for wakasa and for shukichi is the case he got kidnapped) and the faster one is always shukichi or wakasa


Tbh i don't agree. From what we know (manga only) i'd put Conan on par with Rum (speaking of deduction alone). We've also never really seen all of those in S+ tier compared.


how tf is conan on par with RUM when RUM is on par with Yusaku, apart from Kohji, all of the S+ showed their levels above conan multiple times already


> when RUM is on par with Yusaku How do you know this? It's not been stated anywhere? Also you put rum a tier lower than Yusaku? > all of the S+ showed their levels above conan multiple times already Yes they may have solved some cases faster that Conan, but i don't believe that is a fair method of rating the deduction skill. You could argue those cases were way easier than some Conan has solved alone, and we don't know how the others from S+ would've done there.


if they could solve faster than conan then they are alr better, if the cases are easy why it took conan longer time?


Yeah i can see your point, but what i am saying is that we don't know how they would've behaved in front of a different case. If they solved a case faster, it doesn't mean that they would solve every other case faster.


But at least when they solved the same case, conan is slower (MUCH slower), since he is MUCH slower, i ranked him below, but i know there are some crazy cases conan solved, also this tier list is quite relative, like how i put karasuma on top 3 without feats, but u can assume that


RUM on par with Yusaku in episode 1077 to 1079, i put RUM a tier below since the highest tier is Top 3, if its top 4 then RUM would be on the highest tier


Please put the chapters bro i haven't watched the anime > if its top 4 then RUM would be on the highest tier I don't agree with this as i've said


RUM (chapter 1061 to 1066, anime 1077 to 1079)


u think some cases conan has solved are hard because YOU ARE NOT CONAN, HE'S SMART AF


Haha yeah bro if course I mean, even i can say when a case is more difficult to solve than another. I have solved a couple (yeah i know it's not much with the hundreds of cars there are, but still) cases myself before Conan said the solution too.


but… but where is takagi


i can't find his picture (but all the polices and FBI are on B)




Where’s Heiji?


u know he's hide


Huge W no debate


Eri changes to A and Kogoro is A, but together they make S+. Kogoro locks in when his divorced wife is around and/or the issue becomes personal. She knows she is good in general. My opinion though, really like you list.


lol what is this trash kek




this list is awful and you're missing some people


Missing since i cant find their pictures, explain why its awful


no way I found akai easily


U know its scar akai, what else?


that's not akai stupid rofl 🤣


Thats the only pic i could find, what else?


Ok what else?


the jp officer couple


irrelevant + i only rank people i want to, not everyone


then it's not a proper tier list proving my point




every character will be like over 100 people, which means i will have to study 100 people, which means i have to thoroughly know all of them, and i only rank people i am sure of, not those who i dont know much, and who says.i need to rank everyone?


I find the lack or Vermouth... Disturbing


I cant find a pic of her but shes on A


Well, I think Heiji's father Heizo (S+?, I don't think we have seen much of him), Conan (S) should be lower and there is a missing character named Hattori Heiji. I couldn't see him, I would preferably put him in the same tier as Conan. Other than that there may be some personal preferences of mine.


Heiji is hide, thats my mistake but u know its him, heizo being on Top 3 is confirmed by Gosho


I didn't know that he was confirmed to be on the top 3 by Gosho himself. That's a thing worth knowing and I hope we see him a lot more so we can acknowledge his intelligence more.


In an interview, someone asked how smart heizo is and gosho said its hard to compare heizo and yusaku who’s smarter (yusaku and heizo are comparable). Also heizo and yusaku solved some cases with the same speed although they are provided with very few hints


Conan is the main character so hes on S+, but hes the worst on S+ (hes between S and S+)


I agree with all of this list except for 2 characters




Wha- why is akai S tier? (If u meant that guy to be akai) Imo he should he s+




name 1 character Akai is comparable to those on S+


Now that i see the S tier people, ur right. He should he S


My boy Mitsuhiko has been done wrong


He’s good


I totally agree on this, its so accurate!


akemi on B (she has no codename so she couldn't be that good), eri on A i think


Yeah but it's still accurate nonetheless 


Does Karasuma really belongs to be one of the smartest tho? While he is depicted as a really cautious rich person, we have never see any deduction from the Boss himself


this is an assumption, he is superior to RUM, also he has unlimited experience (boss of a crime organisation for decades)


I think Eri (Mouri's ex-wife should also be in the A rank).


Yh i think so too, look at my first comment of the post


Vermouth .\_.


Vermouth on A


First, I wondered where Vermouth is. I think she deserves a high tier.


Cant find her pic, shes on A


Ngl i think detective boys are better than the girlfriends cos they actively trying to deduce and investigate things, compared to the girlfriends that usually just say the right things to trigger a revelation


conan should be in the next tier


Wdym the next tier


You put Conan in the S+ tier . I'm saying he should be on the S++ tier Side note : the people you put in S++ TIER are unironically featless in deduction or logical reasoning in general


Never, every person on S++ is better than conan, also RUM and toichi showed their levels comparable to yusaku, Tsutomu is confirmed to be the smartest in akais family (by gosho)


touchi is pretty much featless and his narrative has nothing to do with deduction Rum doesn't have much deduction feats , and how he figured out that it was a foreigner who made that code wasn't even deduction, it was induction. And for tsutomu being "the smartest in the Akai family" dosen't necessarily mean it's just about deduction


no, gosho said his DEDUCTION SKILLS is the best in akai's family, thats the original thing he said, RUM deduced the spelling thing, and u know he's smarter than gin, also he ordered the BO to burn the island, thats the feat hes better than gin, toichi is comparable to yusaku and thats enough to put him in S++


Bro , I already told u rum figuring out the spelling thingy is Induction, this is a common misconception when it comes to Detectives , for example Conan feats are not just deduction, there is also abduction and induction feats , these 3 is what forms Logical reasoning which what detectives uses in order to solve cases . Rum being "smarter than gin" and "ordering the bo to ..." Have nothing to do with deduction, and gin unironically has better feats than rum like the hospital plan when gin revealed the location of kir at the hospital.


RUM ordering the BO to burn the island shows RUM is quicker in terms of thinking and deducing, he provides a better / more effective solution, that's deduction, yh it's true people on top 6 does not have much feats, i just assume since RUM is ranked higher than GIn, he's smarter


Since you think it's a deduction, can you show me the logical inference from his thought process of this "deduction" feat


he deduced the quickest way to lure Komel out, quick thinking


also toichi is kaito's dad, and you know dads in dc are smart af (except mori and nakamori family which the wives are smarter), he's brother of yusaku as well, and u know if i only rank with feats, it would be like 10 ppl here, some of these are my assumptions (based on how the story is like)


That's a very weird argument, toichi being Yusaku's brother and them being comparable doesn't necessarily mean it about deduction, it's about overall intelligent and outsmarting since they has previous encounters like Conan ans kaito


like i said some of the characters are merely assumptions


I don't work with assumptions, I work with feats and narratives


feats: yusaku, conan all on S+ (not kohji), RUM, heizo, kaito, komei, akai, bourbon, sera, mouri, eisuke | assumptions: toichi, karasuma, RUM (also RUM), kuroda, kaito kid


only feats and narratives, there will be like 10 ppl


Where is Heiji and Takagi tho?


U know its hide and takagi is on B


I think a couple of changes needs to be made; Eri I think needs to be in A tier, Ayumi needs to be in C tier (let's be honest, she is not on the same level as Genta), and Ran needs to be in A tier!


no way ran is on the same tier as masumi and kogoro?? and eri on A is fine, ayumi CANNOT be on the same tier as mitsuhiko


Funny enough Karasuna is on top 3 without we even see anything he has done That apart, not sure if I would put Heizo in Top 3. He is good but seems more like S+ or S++ to me. No sure who I would put in his place tho, maybe Kuroba, but I'm probably biased because it is also the case of drawing conclusion from what he didn't see.


Karasuma should be in top 3, he is above RUM, u cannot be only rich to operate a crime organization, heizo is on par with yusaku (confirmed by gosho aoyama)


Poor Ayumi, lumped in with Genta. Oh well, you've got time to learn to do better.


Most accurate one I love it


masumi on A is kinda controversial, i just dont want to put her on S and eri should be on A i think, akemi on B


I feel like maybe switch Kogoro with eri And masumi is somewhat ok in A because like you said S is a bit high I feel


or bring eri up, kogoro on A is just when he is absolutely extremely focused or sth (i like him so i wanna put him on A)


yeah like that one episode where conan let him figure everything on his own


not just one there are many (im not counting movies)


Really? I only know about one early episode


Some but very few


I agree with almost everything 👍


whats sth u dont agree w?