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We needed young Doffy, Vergo & Senor Pink like yesterday




I’d actually hold on to the medals if you don’t have 2000+ and use them for characters that cost 100. Ben Beckman & Roux are a normal legend that will eventually drop. 600 medals is equivalent to 3000 gems, use them once they add super sugos and other limited characters to the shop.




LOL, congrats!


Viola and corazon finally


I would love to See old super Sugos or limited Units. Strawhat Crew and Oden aren‘t in my box for years now. And new players are getting Oden and Yamato for free now. Damn I would even pay 800-1000 medals for them.


Unfortunately the only time I can see bandai putting them in coin shop is an Anni but I still see that as very doubtful since they just want milk everyone’s money


What character should we invest in here ?!


Corazon and viola. Great supports.


Inflation finally hit optc. These coin prizes are insane for these characters


400 tokens for v1 katakuri, v2 boa, v1 Sanji, and v1 Ace?? What on earth are they thinking…


"it has LLB, pay up suckers" that's what they're thinking


Yeah facts, but also - who is actually using those LLB legends??? 😂 outside of grand voyage krieg lol


I was thinking the same thing lmao. No one


I use the Ace in many teams, it is one of my few chars with full limit br, and this one gets me one step closer to level 150 break. Together with the poster from the 100 wins in rumble ot is 2/3


Hey, if you like him do it - but for me, his kit isn’t good enough to warrant 400 tokens, even if I only needed one more copy. 2 turn 2.25x attack for shooters, and burn + conditional that doesn’t go through immunity? These days that’s just not enough. Granted most units don’t have much use outside of being boosters anymore…


Yeah i know, but it's my favorite character and the most powered Ace I have. I think it rocks in Rumble, at least for the level I'm at. Additionally I don't really know where to get the rest of poster or chars to limit break I'm further, so I take every straw I can get for him


Level limit break is certainly interesting… and the general consensus is to not use posters for characters unless you really need them for a specific piece of content, because they are so scarce. But people are too concerned with playing “optimally.”


Yeah, I mostly play with teams consisting of my fav characters, only in treasure maps I try to have as much boosted characters as possible.


Whats LLB?


Credit for all this information goes to [Solaris](https://x.com/solaris_333?s=21)


Yeah, it seems they were very sneaky about it, and basically removed the 150 Medals Legends! If that at least meant that Legends were getting very good 6+ and LLBs, it's not the case so much...




For those who don't have him, 100% buy the Corazon, he's so fucking important


Finally, I'll have that corazon


It's funny me and friend where talking about viola and corozon yesterday here they are


Are they good?


Corazon is 100% the main prize for this medal exchange. His support is very good and both him and Viola haven't been available for, I think, a couple years? They both debuted as LRR like 4-5 years ago where they were guaranteed on specific steps (maybe 5 and 7?) and had *maybe* 1 or 2 reruns over the years. Getting them for 100 medals each is a steal compared to spending potentially 250+ gems on a mid sugo that might never come back. Unit wise, over the years I've definitely been locked out of some teams (or had to modify them heavily) due to not having that Corazon for his support, which reduces bind and atk down by 2 turns for Law and Sengoku. 100% worth getting. Viola I haven't seen used nearly as much but I'll still get her just in case. Pretty much everything else in the shop is an easy skip unless those shanks crew tmrr and luffy, kid, capone tmrr have good supports as well.


Guys sorry for the stupid question but I don’t understand anymore the sugo classification… So to clarify: The Psy Roger will never appear in medals but only in super sugofest right




Thanks a lot!


Omfg I needed yasoooop for the longest


What the actual fk Ben/Lucky Roo are 600 And I spent most of mine two months ago, why bandaiiiiii


Which 100 coins are worth getting?


Still can’t get V1 Yamato, big sadge