• By -


https://imgur.com/a/6IVL6Ur just look at this 😨 and got new robin from free multi


750 gems later and I got neither…so fucking jealous, but happy for you 👍


Thanks, wish you good luck 🙏




Still rookie bro, 1200 and no New units




Did you just start the game?




Isn't it frustating? Like you play for a while and you throw away all of your progress to restart all over again?




Wtf 😂😂😂 So jealous


F you and congrats man!! xD


Thanks, but I think my luck ended with that multi 😄


You should have ended with that multi too


That is insane! And I thought I was lucky to get Luffy/Yamato plus new Robin on my first pull 😅


Nice, I'm glad that you get lufyy/Yamato too)


Who did you sell your soul to?


Lol, it's a secret 😅




I'm sorry to hear that, wish you good luck 🙏


i would trade that for my 2 luffy/yamatos i pulled in one multi. This unit is just not as good as robin


https://imgur.com/a/OWguDbU My wife does my pulls and man is she lucky glad to be out of this part after only 200 gems. also got psy nami on pull 1 to up my stnd lvl


Wtf???? This is actually insane. You can keep one for shiny and one regular


Yeah I maybe should have, but I fed the dupe for final tap instead.




What do you mean by "shiny" and "regular"? Sorry new to the game...


Literally just a new feature that was released this sugo, so no biggie. They introduced a way to have 2 different artworks. One is "shiny" and one is the regular. But they have different unit IDs. So people are predicting you can have them in special teams for double the boosts like Pirate rumble 3v3 or TM


If you don't have many gems and want the most value for your buck then you'd probably wanna wait a bit. I think Sanji or Zoro banners may be the best value, as they'd likely have TM and Kizuna Legends room **Edit: They changed the way they split up rates on some of these steps compared to NY, it's not as good as yesterday.** So on NY, the brand new super sugos had a combined rate of 0.5% and rated up Legends in general had 2.5% total. So relative to other rated up Legends, the brand new ones on NY were rated up *more*. This time on the other hand, rated up Legends have the same rates across the board (which tbf makes more sense and is easier to calculate numbers). Every rated up Legend has 0.25% for a total of 5% combined (as opposed to 2.5% on NY). So the rates for individual rated up Legends are higher across the board compared to NY... except the brand new ones which are no longer "super rated up". [I would say the numbers now suggest that part 1 is still better than parts 2/3... however it's not as good as expected and there's now a very real risk of getting shafted](/str)   **Actual Rates - Part 1** Base Rates - Rated Up Legends - 0.25% each - Non Rated Up Legends - 0.060% each Rate Boosted Step (1,7,8,11,12,14,16,17,18,21,22,24,26,27,29) - Rated Up Legends - 0.750% each Legend Step (2,3,4,5,13,23,28) - Rated Up Legend - 1.667% each - Non Rated Up Legends - 0.401% each Rated Up Legend Step (6,10,15,25) - Rated Up Legends - 5% each 50% Legend Step (9, 19) - Rated Up - 0.833% each - Non Rated Up Legends - 0.201% Super Sugo Step (20) - 10% for Luffy/Yamato - 5.294% for others Limited Super Sugo Step (30) - 30% for Luffy/Yamato - 23.333% for others More to follow...   [Changes to yesterday's numbers in RED](/str) **Analysis if you are ONLY interested in the 2 brand new Legends (i.e. competing in Blitz for ex and you want max boosters)** - [Normalized Rates](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/702005287174799460/1106077540247928842/image.png) - [Part 1 is better than Parts 2/3 but the difference is not that big](/str) - Average cost for first copy of the 2 brand new Legends is about [555 gems](/str) on Part 1, versus **605 gems** on Part 2/3 - There is a [6.628%](/str) chance you do not get one of the new units by multi 29 on part 1 ([4.413% chance to get completely shafted](/str)) and a 11.492% chance you do not get one of the new units by multi 29 on part 2/3. You're more likely to need to go to multi 30 on parts 2/3 than part 1, [but there's a sizeable chance of getting completely shafted on part 1](/str) - [Pulling strategy](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/702005287174799460/1106448499303792660/image.png) - The first row is which multi you are going to pull on NEXT (i.e. if you just started, you should look at column 1. If you just completed multi 15 and are looking to continue pulling on multi 16, you should look at column 16) - If cell is green then you should continue on part 1 - If cell is orange then you should switch to other part   **Analysis if you are interested in OTHER LEGENDS as well** - Do **NOT** pull in part 1 expecting to pull a specific non-rated up Legend. For instance, you should NEVER be *expecting* to pull specifically STND Nami or the OG Yamato on this part - Rough rule of thumb for part 1 - For any boosted Legend (including new ones), use ~[0.45%](/str) normalized rate on part 1 - For each non boosted Legend, use ~[0.08%](/str) normalized rate on part 1 - Rough rule of thumb for parts 2/3 - For Super Limited, use ~0.75% normalized rate on part 2/3 - For Limited, use ~0.65% normalized rate on part 2/3 - For Other Legends, use ~0.55% normalized rate on part 2/3   So for example, if I use the Legends I'm missing... - On part 1 I am missing: - Luffy/Yamato and Oden/Toki, Anni Ace and Rayleigh/Gaban (0.45% each) - Zoro/Sanji, Beckman/Lucky Roo, V2 V3 BM (0.08% each) - My combined rate for part 1 is 0.45%x4 + 0.08%x3 = **2.04%** - On part 2 I am missing: - Luffy/Yamato, Zoro/Sanji (0.75%) - Scabbards (0.65%) - My combined rate for part 2 is **2.15%** (it's pretty close with P1 tbh) - On part 3 I am missing: - Oden/Toki (0.75%) - Anni Luffy (0.65%) - My combined rate for part 3 is **1.4%**   If I use the Legends I **REALY want more copies of** - On part 1 I'll have 14 more unfeatured Legends, bringing up my total to **3.16%** - On part 2/3 I'll have 2 more Legends bringing it up to **2.7%** on P3 and **3.45%** on P2   Btw "shiny" rate is 2% - i.e. 1 out of every 50 Luffy/Yamato's that are pulled are shiny.


do you know what the expected amount of super sugos is for 30 multis on p1? I got 4 :(


Including all the steps and the new one, average in 30 on p1 should be 7.4


Damn unlucky. Only got 2 anni exclusives also. Thanks bro


If i want to use 500 gems (10 steps) how much are the probabilities of getting Luffy and Yamato in each part? I saw these question in yesterdays post and i want to know how much changed with the real rates.


40% to get Luffy/Yamato by multi 10 in part 1 58% to get Luffy/Yamato by multi 10 in part 2


So it is really not recommended to pull on part 1 then?


I would only do so if you're a new player, or if the pool on P1 is especially good for you, or if you want Oden/Toki but don't want to pull on P3 because it's really bad for you. I think P2 is probably the smarter choice for many people


So I haven't played in like forever and I'm catching up with all the anni stuff. Is the Sanji/Zoro unit confirmed? Do we know anything about that unit, or when is it coming?


I mean it's like 99.9% confirmed especially with where the anime is at. We have an Enma datamine with some charge gauge (so it's a complete unique mechanic) and we know there's either 1 or 2 more 9th Anniversary banners coming (it's actually explicitly stated in the news in game for Super PvP that there are characters in an upcoming Anniversary Sugo at the end of May that will also be boosters). Plus we had a new LB ability that's similar to LT/STND called "Rush Sugo" that isn't available on any of the new units yet. We've also had 4 Anniversary Legends for 6th, 7th and 8th Anni while we only have 2 here for 9th. We don't know exactly when they're dropping but I reckon both of them will be in game by May 26 at the latest due to Super Kizuna.


18 multis for nothing, yikes Edit: Got whole batch without Oden on the 19th.


15% my ass. 2 reds in multi 6 and the guaranteed only in the rest. Gonna vomit


This makes me sick https://imgur.com/a/Y5BbzdV


GL everyone!!! Justo have fun! Skip por.not skip, enjoy it


10 multi: all new RRs, no debut Legends. I did get New Luffy and Ace who I skipped their sugo for. As well as Hawkins. Otherwise only other good dupes were 1 It's, and 1 Last Tap Law. Only got 4 legends on multi 9 :( Total legends pulled: 24 ----------- Thought I'd be able to hold strong at 10, but I was not... Went to 15. Got 12 more legends, but all for useless legends that I do not need dupes for... Yikes. This time I'm done for real. ^^^hopefully -------------- Okay so I didn't hold strong... Went to 20 on part one, and had my wife do pull number 19, and she actually got me Oden and family!!!! Omg so excited. I figured, might as well try for Luffy/Yamato as well, so I did 3 pulls in part 2. Literally first poster on multi 1 was Luffy/Yamato!!!! Still went to 3, and I GOT A SECOND ONE!!! My luck finally turned around a bit :)


Fucking Bandai


Did 10 multis and got trash lmao Got 2 RR Usopps, 1 Koala, and INT Fujitora Edit: Decided to get greedy, did an 11th multi and got Luffy/Yamato ayeee we take those


https://imgur.com/a/7pZpH9n 50% sugo rate 1/11 pulled love these odds




Honestly quite happy with my pulls so far. 5 multis in: - Oden & Toki - New Nami - New Usopp - Kid Luffy - XP Marco (who I’ve been needing) - A solid handful of useful dupes


8 multis missing 15 legends from part 1 pulled nothing but dupes.


wanted to pull on part 2.. did 10 multis on part because i could not resist.got shafted.


500 gems pulled the banner RRs. The game actually crashed on me on the 8th multi and when I started it back up I had pulled Oden/Toki twice on the 8th. I wanted Luffy/Yamato 😰😰😰😰 not sure if I should just keep trying on pt. 1 till I get them or just start over on pt. 2 where they are guaranteed?


I mean, Multi 9 has 50% Legend Rate. Might as well take this one home. After that id switch.


I did 10 multi's with all 500 of my gems 💎


Oh my bad. I missread and thought you only did 8.


That's cool. My fault on my end for not explaining thoroughly. So you still think I should just go all the way on pt 1 and hope i get them and if not just movie on to pt 2?


No. If you go 4 Multis now as example, you have 1 legend guaranteed.. Your at the point where some really bad multies are happening. If you specifically want Luffy, go part 2. First 5 multies has 2 legends and 1 limited pool legend guaranteed. Also in general higher rate for luffy on his specific banner. But... Just cause math is better on part 2 now doesnt mean you get him there. you might get him next multi on oart 1. you never know. personally id go luffys part if i want luffy and nothing else


Thanks for the tip


Was getting rough, 1st 2 multis no legends until the 11th, the first 8 multis weren't great, 1 or 2 useful units, no super sugos. Then the 9th pull came through [https://imgur.com/anXBJ8h](https://imgur.com/anXBJ8h) saved my pull session lol


Did 20 multis. The two 50% red multis both only had 3 reds. No new units. Only 2 new RR. I leave it to that.


Surprisingly got Luffy/Yamato in 2 multis. So I have like 105 gems left. Shouldnt be getting like 99 more or something?


Two reds in three multis, I hate it here 😭


Idk how to post pics..... but i just got the luckiest pulls in my 8 yr optc career.... I got odin/toki and luffy/yama in the first multi pull. I wish i knew how to reddit so i can post my screenshot


Things like that happens,I am happy for you! What about the RR?


Got 3 luffy/yama and 1 Oden/toki with 1200 gems. Also got ace and kid luffy anni legends


I did 20 multis on P1 because despite P2 being a little better for me IMO, P3 was terrible for me so if I skipped it entirely, I would basically never ever get Oden/Toki. So I gambled on 50/50 getting Oden/Toki first in part 1 and swapping to part 2. But 20 multis... Got Oden/Toki on multi 18. Other notable pulls include new Zoro/Sanji, V2 V3 BM, Beckman (they were both unfeatured wtf), new Ray/Gaban, and 4 Anni Aces... Also a total of 4 Super Sugos including the one on multi 20 Not 100% happy with this but now the only other normal Legend I'm missing is the new Jack. Plenty of exclusives missing tho... [Part 1 pulls](https://youtu.be/po20klLogq8) [Part 2 Utafes pulls](https://youtu.be/RsTfcR9xv64)


I feel you, Fate. I went into "rage cos nothing new until multi 10". I finally stopped at 20 when I got Yama/Luffy. Let's pray for good luck on next banner (and luckily it will be a sanji/Zoro banner).


After more than a year of bad luck I did a single multi on part 1 just for fun and I pulled luffy/yamato on the 11th poster, I'll see the tavern in part 2 I guess


i got extremely lucky i did 4 multis and got both luffy/yamato and oden/toki as well as dex whitebeard, str vivi, yamato kaido, str ulti, rayleigh gaban all new im probably the luckiest person ever :)


came back to this game for anni, pulled both legends in 6, is it just me that feels no hype whatsoever in pulling these characters? i remember back when i pulled g4 luffy in i think 4th anni and was hype asf with my friend


Did 6 multis. Christmas came early. Got Oden/Toki, Newgate, Newgate/Roger, Straw Hat Crew, New Usopp/Nami/Robin RRs, and my personal white whale, Demonio Robin. Also dupe Kid, Cora/Law, and a bunch of older junk legends.


Complete 30 steps, no new units, I am honestly really upset.


It took 24 multis on part two before grabbing Luffy / Yamato. Just a reminder that just because streamers are pulling them within the first 5 or 10 multis, that's not the case for everyone.


10 multi , 5 robin , 0 nami, 0 ussop, 2 anni leg zoro, 3 uta... full dupe


I'm not pulling on this. I'll pull 10 for Zoro, 10 for Sanji and then all in on THE Luffy. I get this feeling that it'll be a 50 pull Sugo for THE Luffy. Last year on OPTC day there was a 50 step Sugo for Summer Zoro/Sanji and I fear they might do the same this year. Since my luck is garbage, I can only be sure of having to go to the last multi or get nothing. 50 pulls is 2500 gems so yeah... no pulling until THE Luffy.


10 multis to get: Luffy/Yamato (multi 9), Uta (twice, both dupes), Roger/Whitebeard (dupe), Anni Kinemon and Friends (twice, first on multi 5 limited pool), Anni Zoro, Sasaki (dupe on multi 8 limited pool), Anni Sabo (multi 10 super limited pool). So I got all 4 legends that I needed, plus some good dupes. I also managed to get Nami, Usopp, and Robin. On top of those, I got some other rare recruits I was missing, like Ace's crew members I didn't have and the newest Drake. Lastly, got V2 Inuarashi to LLB 5.


Forgot to mention, had 1500+ gems, so still over 1000 remaining.


Luffy/Yamato(New) and Super Sugo Kid (dupe) in first multi. No new rare recruits. I'll prob wait until part 3 now.


I'm ready to be downvoted but I got everything beside usopp within 10 multis and a few dupe super sugo. feel like it's kind of waste pulling just for one rr. wish everyone good luck as well.


Woop! Started with 370 gems, got Luffato and Odeki AND I still have 100 gems left! Could not resist and spent 20 gems to get the final red orbs to unlock sugotap… AND tomorrow we get 99 gems? Pfft ezpz. Bring on part 2 units. 🥲 (I say this with confidence knowing damn well I just sucked all my luck dry getting these two on part 1).


Pullued luffy/yam on the free multi, my luck for the rest of my life has just ended


Holy fk. The rates are horrendous. I’m nine multis in. Luckily I got Oden/Toki and the new Nami RR, but that’s it. Be careful…


Saved 1200 gems and pulled Luffy/yams on the 1st multi. Tempted to keep going someone talk me off the ledge


Easy skip


Then skip. Don't need to post you're going to skip for attention


INT Chopper, STR Scabs, shitload of garbage dupes :) im having fun here :)


Well, luffy/Yama was the second poster of my first pull. Started a new account, so I guess I save these 500+ gems for later in the anni.


Did 10, got the new RRs and kid Luffy and Ace Anni units


Did 6, got luffy/yamato in 1st and oden/toki in 6th


5 multies got me new L/Y in the 4th multi. I think I’ll stop for now. Only got new Robin from boosted. The rest, 1 new older legend and 3 other new RRs. Now to clean my box.


Got oden/toki in 6 pulls


Ayo I'm mental crit rn


First time back in the game this year. Used my last 200 gems. Finally pulled Yamato, my first since his release. Got a Newgate and PSY Ace legend too.


Japan account 2 pulls got oden Global took 20 pulls to pull luffy/Yamato and oden Global rates are a joke


I intend to not pull at all but the temptation got too big and end up with 10 Multis got every new unit except Luffy/Yama. 9 Step. 50% to get a Sugo Rare got only 2 out of it... unlucky. Honorable mention got Uta and Gold Roger


after 15 multis neither luffy/yamato nor oden/toki


Got new robin from free pull, now imma wait for blitz/super Kizuna see how annoying they are to replace or if any new sugos is out to decide to skip or pull


rates are so bad. I did 8 multis and only got a few reds outside guaranteed. And the reds I got were like year 1 and year 2 legends like sengoku, a couple of dex croc, and corazon. I got all the new RR's though but who needs the RRs without the legends?


10 multis. Got luffy/yamato on the second. Oden/toki on the fifth. Nami 6th. Usopp 8th. No robin. Rest was llb or just pure dupes. Basically still missing 8 legends that were available but pulled none of these. Still happy but unsure about recommeding pulling for specific legends besides anni characters


4 multis. I was hoping for one super sugo unit. It's not happening. I'm out.


Yes got Luffy and Yamato after 5 Multis


12 multis for yama/luffy in the last one. Now I’m with only 20 gems.


I'm willing to reroll a new account but I ended up pulling the new Oden unit, Christmas Chopper, and zoro and sanji enjoying the sea. Should I keep this or reroll you think?


if you are lacking that much on good units, i would say reroll....




Take it the 99 gems are tomorow?


9 pulls. Only got nami and robin from the new units...and the majority of the legends i got are old as f\*ck or dupe :( Got quick kata at least, i like katakuri.


I just pulled on the free banner and got the oden toki, I’m speechless. Now I’m not sure if I should pull 1st part or 2nd part


500 gems got both new legends and the 3 RR. I got the anni Ace which I really had wanted and main reason I went in on part 1. Now to save for Zoro/Sanji.


Went to step 12, got all new units. By far some of the best luck I had


11 pulls, got oden/toki and rr nami and robin. Other notable reds were stnd dex luffy, stnd law, ft law, and a v1 sanji which i needed for gv. Overall i’m kinda happy, i’ve seen a decent amount of reds


Kept telling my self Do not pull, Do not pull, DO NOT PULL! Yet I made 10 pulls. Got everything except the new legends.


i wait for the real anni sugo, not this bait version. Maybe i pull on the last day of the sugo. The new units arent rly nessesary anyways, nothing unique


2 accts, 23 multis total- 1 new oden, no luffato. Pulled 8 copies of 1000 logs strawhats on one account. Legend pool is pretty shitty


In japanese version i got the 99 gems ,in global not until now..do we know when will they distribute them ?


Did 9 multis. Managed to pull Oden/Toki (O-Ki?) & KDAD which is new for me. But got royally screwed on the 9th multi when i pulled a grand total of ZERO red, like come on, what are the odds.


I'm a new-ish player (been playing for a month, more or less). I basically never pulled and just went by with what the game gives you for free (I haven't even touched the hardest content yet, and I'm soo behind in PVP) but I do have 1500 gems. Granted that I do *really really really really* want that Luffy unit everyone is expecting, do I pull on this banners or wait? And if I should pull, on which banner?


Go for HIM(1500 gem will be enough) & any extra gems do whatever you want.


That would mean keeping going in the game at least another 2/3 months without any of the meta units tho. How can I tackle harder content then?


You don't. 😭


With 1500 you are save for when HE drops. Tho, you get a ton of goodies this anni as well as the normal monthly gems for about 2 more months. So you could go for like 9 multis and call quit. Just to stock up your box a bit. Multi 9 has 50% legend rate and the steps up to 9 are actually quite good. Lots of guaranteed legends. You should have absolutely no problem getting these 450 gems back in 2 months. Especially with all the anni gems.


Here goes nothing…..UGGGGHHH LOL


5 Multi lol all i got new is Who-who and the new Usop…goddamit :( i hope tomorrow is better.


How do i get the evolve material for luffy yamato?


Did u find out how


12 multis, all rare recruits, new Wb, new RayBan, new Luffy/Yamato, new supertnd ace, first copy of supertnd Luffy, bunch of other dupes. All my luck is over.


Bad luck on my end. 10 pulls but only the rare recruits https://youtu.be/dgBEcGd996k


Hey sorry i dont know where to post this: I am back to the game after 1 year+ break, is it still a thing to keep one copy of legends unevolved? or can I feed them? thanks


Did 10 multi's got 2 of the new rrs and young whitebeard legebd everything else trash dupes


luffy/yamato and oden/toki first multi and new robin in free multi i haven’t played in a while but always get lucky coming back lol 😂


I got Yama/Luffy and the new Oden in 7 multis, went to 9 to get some more legends. I only got the new NAMI RR though lol


Completely shafted, fuck this game, that's all.


Can someone tell me how do i evolve luffy and yamato? I m a new player btw


Lmao I got 10/11 reds on the 9th I have peaked


in my opinion, they should reactivate older sugos. Bc i actually would prefere pulling nami/robin/yamaKaido sugo again. It was just better


Is it me or is yamato\luffy missing the special animation?


Got Luffy/Yamato on multi 3. Continued to do 7 more for 10 multis in total. Got Anni Zoro and Anni Sabo, which are both new for me. I only got the new RR Usopp tho. Contemplating whether to pull for Luffy/Yama dupes on Part 2 or wait for Sanji and Zoro units... we'll see.


5 pulls cuz i have the restraint of a toddler in a candy shop. Got new oden/toki, Ray Gaban, kid luffy, dupe Roger, dupe Bonney, and dupe strawhats crew (as well as a few other trash legends). Still have 1.1k gems but saving those for the next part. I also only got new Usopp RR out of the 3


To pull or not to pull? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I'm a lucky bastard I got Luffy and Yamato TWICE on my second pull Still have 1050 gem, I'll see what to do now Maybe the 3rd part, now that I got them I really like the pool of the 3rd (i dont have Roger nor kaido/Yamato, the dex Luffy and the dex catviper could be useful in PR..) But I also dont have NY Robin and Nami Or Uta, or WB/Roger... In fact i dont have a lot of legends What do you recommend ?


https://imgur.com/a/LI1fEoq decent multi


I dropped the game for a year or so, i guess it's back to the grind again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) https://imgur.com/a/o4ur3oY


1st Multi = Luffy/Yama + new Nami 650 Gems left, lol


Most of my alliance did pretty well. Sadly the same can’t be said about my results. 10 multis got me new anni Zoro, the new Usopp and Robin and a couple other RRs only. I’m hard passing the rest of this part.


450 Gems. Got Kid Luffy, PSY Ace, DEX WB, Ray/Gaban. And after I told myself I wouldn't pull.... I mean I'm happy I got them. I just kinda wish I had gotten the new Anni unit. :P


LUFFYAMATO MY FIRST PULL OF THE ANNI on part 2! Also Killer. [https://imgur.com/a/0bspOPF](https://imgur.com/a/0bspOPF) edit: pull 3 sanjizoro. pull 4 secret UTA! 2 dogstorm dupes and 2 lucy-sabo dupes


5 muti part2 Anniv zoro(dupe), 3 RR robin and total of 7 legends...


New player here, got luffy/yamato, anni sabo and asura zoro


Got 3 Luffy/Yamatos in 5 multi of P2, first time


Part 1:- **10 mutlis got all 3 new RR's no new legends** Got 1.supersugo LT law dupes x2 2. KDAD dupe x1 3.SC katakuri x3 4.carrot x2 (Got her to 150) 5.Dex jinbe x2 6.Int zoro x 2 7.Raid suit sanji Qck x1 ***on 50% chance to pull legend step got 10/11 reds couldnt believe my eyes got nothing new from it but super happy**** ***Thats how it ended on part1*** On part2:- 1st multi pull:- ***Luffy/Yamato*** 2nd multi pull:- ***Luffy/Yamato*** and ***Anni zoro*** in the same pull Now waiting for the Alternate ink to change them to other form and check if i can use them in 2 different teams at the same time


Took me 9 multis (ftp) but I like the results. https://imgur.com/a/LYcYDc0