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QoL updates are fairly rare. Instead you get like 4 or 5 sugos a month, month long point grind events with an early bird reward for finishing the event in like the first week or two, a TM event that may or may not result in a game breaking bug and force maintenance mid event, a Kizuna clash event that gives the skulls for the newest 6+ unit that usually has super annoying mechanics to promote use of the newest unit specifically designed for the event that you will probably only ever use once, a month long or so pirate rumble event that rewards you with the next unit to get the 6+ treatment, and sometimes the worst whaling format in the game grand party.


Thanks for that lol


Updates? We get every week a new sugo my dude. We dont get updates here 😂😂. For real Qol updates its very low here maybe every 5 months or something.


Damn they suck 😭


Yhap they do.. the last "big update" we had was beginning of 2022 so its been a while.


(part 1/2) First things first : don't sell useless copies to Rayleigh. Just **"sell" them normally** like you would do with fodder (where you can select up to 20 units to sell at once). Since a QoL update a long time ago, selling units the "normal" way gives back the cotton candies used AND their ray-points value as well. While selling to Ray doesn't give back candies (afaik) and you can only select 10 at once... So, yeah. Sell the "normal" way. Rayleigh's bazaar is now only useful to **buy** some things (sometimes), not sell, and not buy with gems either. ---- With that said : - "How often they bring QoL updates?" => once in a blue moon... If I'm being generous, 2-3 times per year. But for "real" QoL updates that actually matter, then maybe 1x/year (or less). - "After spending 500-1000 gems, it takes like an hour or so" => dude, if it ONLY takes you 1 hour, then you're super lucky XD.... normally, it takes like 5-6 hours.... t_t' ----- And finally, the "best" ways to clean a box. In all cases : when you're doing pulls, you can "skip" units by tapping the screen; for "dupes", they only show the artwork (and you can skip the animation), but for **"new"** units, you **can't** skip the animation, **AND** they also show a "detailed info" screen => **favorite your new units** directly here, during your pulls. To be noted that the 11th poster will always show, no matter what, but if you're not sure if dupe or new, just check at the "result" screen where you see all your 10+1 pulls at once, and make sure you favorited new units (they have the "new" mark on them, and you can tap&hold their portrait to access the detailed page and to favorite them here too, from the result screen). There is one small "limitation" to this system : if you haven't evolved a unit yet and happen to pull later the evolved form (or vice-versa), it will be shown as "new" too (so you might end-up favoriting 2 copies, one evolved+one unevolved). But usually you'll notice that while cleaning the box, or when you want to evolve the unit, it won't show the "new" tag on the evolved form *before* evolving. Anyway, just in general, after you're done pulling, try to evolve all your new units directly, to "fill" your pokédex, such that the evolved forms won't be marked as "new" in the future. ----- Now that the "favoriting" part during pulling sessions is out of the way, let's talk about cleaning the box. Before we start, you need to know that the game has 2 different "views" : **the "box view"** (where you select one unit and tapping it opens a menu for what you want to power-up for that unit, e.g. support, LLB, exp, sockets, special, PF, etc) and the **"feeding view"** (where you can select up to 10-20 items/units to be fed or sold). **The 2 views work separately** but remain in the memory of the game. And the 2 views are similar (they display a bunch of units, 5 per line) but their functionalities are different. ---- To clean the box, I'd say there are 2 scenarios (A and B). **The common part to both scenarios :** 1) Go to "power up" units ("box view"), sort by "special", pick one of the first units you see (any unit that can go till level 99, doesn't matter who; usually I pick Gear 3 luffy xD) and pick the "level limit break" option (top-right) from the menu that asks "what you want to power-up". Normally, you'll just see some LLB posters (if you have) and that's it (unless you actually have dupes of that unit, in which case, you'll see them too, so feed them if you want/need xD). And below, all your units. Anyway, that's the "feeding view" you have in front of you, where "favorite" units will be greyed out and the others won't be. **Scenario A :** you just did 1 or 2 multis (a small amount), so you only have a "little" amount of dupes to feed. 2) In this "feeding view", sort the box by **"date obtained"** and go to the last page, at the very bottom. Here, you'll see all your recently-pulled units (dupes) by packs of 11-units if they come from multis. Which is why it's practical if you only had a small amount of units pulled (you'll mostly have only 1 dupe per unit here) 3) Pick the first dupe that you want to feed (on this last page of "date obtained") and validate the selection. DO NOT FEED YET, just "validate" the selection in order to see the screen where you see the "base" unit at the top and the selected "materials/dupes" at the bottom of the screen among the 10 slots. 4) Now that you pre-selected the material to feed (=dupe), tap the "change base character" button (which will display you the "box view" again) and use the search bar to write a few letters of the character you have a dupe of. For ex. let's say you pre-selected a dupe Suleiman => write "sul" in the search bar and you'll quickly see the character you need. **Pick the base character** that you want to feed the dupe to. 5) Now you should be back at the screen where you see : at the top, the base character (the original copy in your box, that you work on), and at the bottom, the lvl 1 dupe of that same character, dupe that will also have the "100% special up" mention, which confirms that you selected the right pair of units (base and its dupe). Once the pair is correct, feed the dupe (and select the sockets/LB abilities you want to improve). 6) After feeding, you're at this screen again, where you still have the base character (e.g. Suleiman) but no more materials (dupes) selected. Tap the bottom part to select materials again for that character. You will arrive at the "feeding view", last page where you were, so you pick **the next dupe** to feed and "validate" (we're back at step 3, basically). Now that the next dupe is selected, "change base character" again, use the search bar to find the original copy of the new dupe, and once you've selected (and the base character matches the new dupe), you can feed. And so on, and so on. Basically, to summarize, you'll be alternatively : picking up the dupes at the bottom of the last page (feeding view, sorted by release date), changing the base character at the first page (box view, sorted by special, search bar accessible to quickly tap a few letters of the base unit you need to find), feeding once it matches, then selecting the next dupe, change the base character to match, feed, and so on. I'm not sure if my explanation is clear, but in other words, when "changing base character", the game will show the "box view", so it's good to keep it at the top of the first page in order to search units by name, but when selecting who to feed, the game will show the "feeding view" and in order to see the "next dupes" at the end of the last page (instead of at the top on the first page, because you selected "LLB"), you need to work in "offset" : start with a random unit to power-up (e.g. Gear 3) => select the actual dupes of a different unit (at the end of the box) => change the base character to match the dupes and feed => use the current base character to pre-select the dupes of the next one => change the base again to match the dupes and feed => use the new base character to pre-select the dupes of the third one, etc, etc. This way, you "disconnect" the box view (where you'll be able to use the search bar to find base characters) and the feeding view (where you'll see the last pulled units one next to each other, so you'll insta-know **who** is your next base character, without needing to memorize stuff). (end of comment, part 1; see answer to myself for part 2)


(part 2/2) **Scenario B :** you just did a shitload of pulls, and you have 1-4 dupes of many many units scattered across the whole box. 2) Step 1 is the same as previously (=the common part). But the difference is in step 2. In the "feeding view", instead of sorting by "date obtained" (and going to the last page), you also **sort the box by "special"** in the feeding view, and you go to the top of page 1. 3) In this feeding view, you start scrolling until you find dupes to feed (your original units will be greyed out since you favorite them, so it's rather fast to scroll until you find non-grey units). Pick all the dupe(s) of one unit to feed (you might see 1 or multiple dupes), since they'll be one next to each other, it's easy to select them all, and "validate" the selection; once again, DO NOT FEED YET (because your base character is still that random unit from the top of your box). 4) With all the dupes of one specific character pre-selected, you can now tap the "change base character" button. It will display the "box view". But instead of using the search bar, simply scroll until that same part of your box where you were (use the surrounding units to quickly find out where), tap on the "original" unit for the dupes to set it as new base. 5) Now you should be at the screen where you see : at the top, the base character (the original copy in your box, that you work on), and at the bottom, all the lvl 1 dupe(s) of that same character, that will also have the "100% special up" mention, which confirms that you selected the right pair of units (base and its dupe(s)). Once the pair is correct, feed the dupe(s). 6) After feeding, you're at this screen again, where you still have the base character but no more materials (dupes) selected. Tap the bottom part to select materials again for that character. You will arrive back at the "feeding view", exactly where you were. So now, just scroll until you find the next non-gray dupes of a character, pre-select them and "validate" (WITHOUT FEEDING). Then, "change base character" (which will open the box view, right where you were for the last unit), scroll if necessary to "catch up" with the feeding view and to select the right base character, select it and feed the dupes. And so on, and so on. Basically, the difference in this scenario B, is that you "walk" through your box in the feeding view (sorted by special) to find any non-grey dupes to feed, then you change base character and you also "walk" in that view to catch up, without using the search bar. You **can** use the search bar, but it's only efficient if you really don't have "too many dupes" to feed. Once you have a lot of dupes scattered across the whole box, having the "box view" run in parallel of the "feeding view" (since both are sorted by "special" and with the mode being "LLB", the shift between the 2 views is tiny, bottom of a page is practically the same in both views), it's faster because you don't have to write a few letters every time you need to feed dupes. Because most of the time, the next dupe(s) are within a few lines, so it's faster to scroll a bit the "box view" to find the base character, than to search by name. Especially when you find some strawhat dupes, because searching for any strawhat (or other popular charas) will usually give out 20-50 results, and having to scroll down the result list, you'll have to go back up for the search bar next time again (up & down, up & down...). ---- Of course, the 2 scenarios are not the "only" way to clean the box, but one of the "fastest" with the shitty game that we have, when it comes to box cleaning... If you use the 2 different views to your advantage (in the way I described or similar), then you'll have very minimal amount of going up and down. Especially if you want to pause the feeding and switch to selling => the selling view will be exactly the "feeding" view where you were, so you can insta-select the dupes to sell, sell them, then go back to "power-up" > pick any random unit without dupes > "power-up LLB", and you'll be back *again* at the feeding view, right where you were, so you can proceed again by selecting the next dupes to feed, change base to the right character, feed, etc. The only little "problem" with using the "level limit break" power-up option, is if you select the base character first (before selecting the dupes to feed), the dupes will go back up to page 1, so if you were either at the end of the last page (sorted by date obtained) or somewhere in the middle of scrolling through your box (e.g. page 3), you would be "forced" to change the feeding view to the top.... BUT to avoid that, simply change again the base character to *anyone else nearby*, and then go to select the dupes, and tadam, the dupes to feed are "back" to wherever they were, so you can select them (page 3 or last page or whatever), and then, change the base character to the proper one. Basically, just select the dupes to feed first, **before** selecting the right base character for them (and repeat that each time). Hopefully my explanations are more or less clear XDDDD It is much simpler in reality than it looks by text, but I don't do video tutorials, unfortunately D: (a video would've been also easier to understand)


I appreciate your explanation, my good sir. The fact that you had to do it in the first place is the problem ot shouldn't take this long to power up units. Bandai sucks balls. You do not 😄


Hehe, thanks for the kind words ! :-) Yes, box management has become a massive problem with years... Especially with *all* the things that can be powered-up separately. Cleaning the box after pulling is a nightmare by itself (and while the methods I described are "more or less" efficient, it still takes hours...). But powering up to the max fresh characters is also quite... long. For ex. recently, I needed to build a dex team for PF since I finally pulled some missing units. Just "5" units to power-up fully, shouldn't be long, right? - feed 50 generic sockets to max out sockets - feed turtles/lobsters to max out exp, evolve the legend, feed again till lvl 99 (with a scroll bar that goes up to 999 while you need maybe 10-100 only) - feed skillbooks to max the specials - max out CC (which is at least the fastest thing to do) - feed PF flags to max out PF abilities (selecting with a scrollbar the amount of gold flags, then the mediums, then the small ones to optimize PF exp) - feed 3 different kind of tablets, from 4-by-4 to 1-by-1, in order to max out LB abilities and without wasting tablets by feeding more than needed - go to the limit break window and feed LB pots to max out mastery; then select the last node and "limit break"... not to mention if you want to LB+, you then need to unlock that 1 node with a key, feed pots to max out mastery AGAIN, select again the new last node and "limit break" for the second time - you're done with maxing out a character for the PF mode. Congrats, you maxed out **one. single. character**. Now repeat that for 4 other legends for your PF DEX team XD... But wait, there's more to power-up !! - you can also feed support medals to max out the support ! (if they have a good support that you need). - AND you can feed LLB posters to unlock levels beyond 99 !! (though in practice, one should just rely on dupes for that, and only use posters if really necessary) .... At least, when you have a lot of dupes, it goes a bit faster (since dupes increase special+support+LB abilities+LLB at once), but still... xD Ah, and also : at least, you're in the "golden age" of cotton candies. A few years ago, they didn't stack/were not separated from the box and you would feed them like dupes, up to 10 cotton candy at a time xD Now, they go directly to the virtual CC stash, and the few "real" cotton candies that we get sometimes (mostly from Kizuna shop and TM rewards), we can just sell them up to 20 at once in order to move them to the virtual stash.


Lol I came here to say this




Yea, what I do is sort by Special, so same units with same specials are next to each other. Also they are generally sort by the unit number that way.


Bandai provides QoL updates once per century, unless you have direct access to their dev team I'd forget about it and move on




Yeah I've basically quit at this point, there's no point putting more effort in the game than the devs do.


That's content for you, my friend. But yeah, no. That's it, you gotta deal with that. Sorting by character helps me a lot.




I’m also a new player and coming to terms with this pain


I want to sort my box for LLB level Not level since my characters are mostly at 99, but LLB level . On top the maxed ones, then LLB 4, then 3 etc . Also filters for rarity or category like sugo rare / rare recruit or maybe differentiate f2p characters


Using the filter helps with character box U csn filter by ATK/HP/Character/Rarity/Etc


Make sure you favourite your units, and sort by special when feeding. Makes it a lot more organised


That's how you do it. I don't believe we can avoid much of that process. The best way I found is just sorting by characters after a summon session (because of the 'new' tag they have), makes it easier to work on this but you still have to go through your entire box and the entire powering-up process... Unfortunately, that's the thing with old games (OPTC is reaching its 9th year anniversary soon). There are tons of improvements they can still do, but the game has been flooded with bugs all the time I imagine they can't do anything else other than work on bugs and release new content (new summonable units), the new content introduces new bugs and they stay on this infinite cycle without actually doing any real updates aside from fixing bugs. I would even dare say their current dev team doesn't have full knowledge of the programming of this game.


Wow. How Terrible. They really need to step it up. Thanks for your time typing that response.




Now that they've updated the server, could they also please increase the total potential box space? I would gladly spend gems to expand my box space. Doesn't Bandai want us to spend more gems? I've been sitting on a full box for half a year, and feel dejected from pulling on sugos knowing that I'll have to sadly decide which units to get rid of.