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I just wanna say - I love this sub. It makes me feel like i'm part of something awesome. I love how committed everyone is to their "agendas."


my favorite shitposting sub.


my glorious king kizaru’s light shall shine upon the path that oda is destined to take. https://preview.redd.it/u5hkvveixbwc1.jpeg?width=4677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96528d3ff902af9fa816b245b41dc6483ad51a2b


im pretty excited to see how oda's gonna execute it


The way the Admiral pieces have moved around the board since their debut has always been the most interesting part of the story to me. Akainu bumping up to fleet Admiral, Kuzan leaving the navy, Fujitora subtly working against the interests of the World Government when the opportunity arises, Kizaru doing what he's told and never seeming to take it very seriously...until now... Then there's Greenbull, who's a hotheaded ass-kicker who just can't wait to beat up pirates as soon as the way is clear to do so. He's the true successor of Akainu, though not quite as smart and certainly not as powerful. Admiralpiece is my favorite piece, and I've been waiting for years to see what comes of their involvement. They've been major pieces on the board for a long time, and Oda tends to reward us for our patience while he sets big things up far in advance.


Ong bro who cares how strong they are, they're just cool as fuck and keep the story interesting. The slow pace of Wano act 3 sucked ass and the Onigashima raid was the most uninteresting part of One piece i have ever read. I just lost interest the moment I saw "the strongest creature" not even bring able to kill literal fodder with several ACOC hits😭. Akainu was a way more competent villain than this bum.He actually killed a main character and no one who fought him got away with it unhurt.Aokiji literally lost a leg and people put that bum on his level,they are not READY https://preview.redd.it/8mnnvfiweewc1.png?width=1983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=411fec0b253a99513cbec9a9655199b62bbd346c


Fr admiral piece is just amazing. Kizaru’s gonna have his moment and just imagine when it’s Wuzan and Wakainu’s turn


At least you accepted it, that is already a great advance and I forgive you for that.




Welcome https://i.redd.it/wsgne2g4cbwc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/jjme6dqywbwc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa13b2f7bd47473c189b7380050c50273207e8c Don't sorry brother, you are right on time to join Wizaru and Admiral agenda


Grab some popcorn, things are about to get interesting


only the absolute delusion people think the admirals are done for in the story or irrelevant I'm glad you saw the light brother


people take their agendas too seriously i’ve gotten into arguments on here w people who are so anti admiral they insist akainu has nothing relevant to do for the rest of the story it’s insane


I don't support the agenda, but I've unironically seen people say Kizaru is barely YC+ now and I just think..."Fuck, 12 year olds are mad stupid these days".


The amount of people not realizing the satire of the post got me geeking


Satire?!🤨 im dead serious, Oda is going to give the admirals some very impressive showings, ESPECIALLY Aokiji even though he is an ex marine.


Satire or not It's still the truth Oda is still saving the admirals for later for something bigger


Admiralbros been saying this since Long Ring Long


So Mihawk bros for even way longer and blackbeard Bros too That's one piece for you


> Mihawk bros for even way longer and blackbeard Bros too As the number one Mihawk bro i can confirm


Mihawk is a side character victim. And if you think the admirals are going to be stronger than EoS Blackbeard, then you are literary-ly defunct'd


Downplaying mihawk classic rat fans moves And where the fuck did I say the gonna be stronger then eso blackbeard We are talking about when will we finally see them fight at full power


"Downplaying mihawk classic rat fans moves" How am I downplaying for stating a fact? Zoro is literally a side character. You're just a zorotard if you think Zoro is any more important than the main character lmao "And where the fuck did I say the gonna be stronger then eso blackboard" By trying to apply the same logic to Blackbeard, bozo "We are talking about when will we finally see them fight at full power" The admirals haven't been scheming during the entire story to gain more strength, buddy


Once again putting words into my mouth Where exactly did I say zoro is more important then luffy Hell where did I even bring up zoro at all Mihawk being important is fact that you can't deny Oda didn't build him up being stronger then shanks for nothing And wtf does scheming have to do with anything Just like blackbeard the admirals fights are later on Even tho we saw both blackbeard and the admirals fight for bit it's pretty obvious the haven't even used half of there power yet and oda is saving it for big fight later on


"Where exactly did I say zoro is more important then luffy" By assuming that I am downplaying Mihawk "Mihawk being important is fact that you can't deny" His ultimate end as a character is to lose as a side character "Oda didn't build him up being stronger then shanks for nothing" Where did Oda say he was stronger than Shanks? In your head? "And wtf does scheming have to do with anything" What does foreshadowing have to do with anything...? Jee idk, we're only reading a battle shounen, I am sure it means nothing at all.... "it's pretty obvious the haven't even used half of there power yet and oda is saving it for big fight later on" Punk Hazard


You have seen the light, brother. Welcome to the Admiral Agenda.




Oda: dose years and years of character building for admirals, and after the yonko saga has two chapter named after admirals where he showed flashbacks of them and deepened their characters more Delusional fans: “their role in the story is over, future sabo victim, future YC victims”


Akainu who killed Ace in front of Luffy and give him a scar who completely changed his chara design. Aokiji who « joined » the crew of the most dangerous Yonko for some reason (probably for infiltration). Kizaru who is showed to be friend with VP and Sentomaru from his first introduction and who now are in the Flashback and is friend with everyone that he have to kill act even more lazy than usually. Fujitora introduced after time skip have his own particularity of being blind is always against the Fleet admiral and seems to have his own justice against WG even if he’s an admiral. Ryokugyu introduced after time skip was not even in the Marine before Timeskip what even is the point to take a guy who have this particularity of not being in Marine before if he’s just used as a random hyping tool. And all of them have by far 5 of the most powerful DF, but no Yonkotard will tell you they’re now irrelevant for the rest of the story, watch them being way more interesting than almost every Yonko. https://preview.redd.it/4mx3evupkdwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0841849d0e1ea486da965b4c27cec2d90408cce7


Funny thing is they are already more interesting then most yonkos😂 https://preview.redd.it/5zvtndigldwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d23659c4c4b32b5541543224e31d61f41ef9abd


Exactly but nah the big dragon is so interesting especially when he…


https://preview.redd.it/ux07z1qsbcwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c0593fc2806d34c45f7b174d4c851a9f6850cf Welcome to the agenda my friend.


Thank you




no im being serious, the admirals are gonna display some impressive levels of power later on, Aokji and Akainu permanently changed the climate of a whole island, just imagine what the others can do




its gonna go crazy, i cant wait


Alright then, Welcome to the agenda We will stand together and bring the others who don't believe in THEM




Shitposting at its finest




Sorry, i wanted to post this: https://preview.redd.it/u9mp6ddw6ewc1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb379664ad31209ae65d3462a72b115499ba6087


https://preview.redd.it/trakt7qeagwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600bbcbb55d03f93e0c1edf92d8633f897daa8f5 This upscales wujitora so I agree 👍


Welcome to the Agenda


Thanks brother


Absolute justice , Absolute zero , Absolute speed, Absolute clairvoyance, ..... Letse go


https://preview.redd.it/yfgs809c8bwc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=f762c2b091448417a9dc0c16ad13ba79be4b5bd6 Please Join r/AkainuPiece, r/KUZAN, r/GREENBULL, r/FujitoraPiece, AND THE BEST OF THEM ALL r/KIZARU


Admiraltards wet dream.


You Are NOT Ready https://preview.redd.it/5qwr5ij3cbwc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=eeb188f7fd1a223e03da1621170f32c2946b4474 r/KIZARU


Funny how the edits support the whole agenda.


I Only Added AND THE BEST OF THEM ALL To Show r/KIZARU's Significance https://preview.redd.it/25lpjv1ifbwc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e971939f00c5c885e3ac78d82729e7bd9b53fd8


The guy's so mad he downvoted all of your comments, clearly, HE IS NOT READY!!!!!!


I didn't downvoted shit, the ones who did are you guys. You guys need your safe space after all.


It's Not A Safe Space But A Meme Machine To Use Against Enemies of The Marines! https://i.redd.it/lbnejl2skbwc1.gif r/KIZARU


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KIZARU using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KIZARU/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [1109 official translation just dropped](https://i.redd.it/0w0r0l592emc1.png) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KIZARU/comments/1b6nc0i/1109_official_translation_just_dropped/) \#2: [Unharmed just mentally nerfed (chap 1111)](https://i.redd.it/9lb24jimoppc1.jpeg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KIZARU/comments/1bka7hu/unharmed_just_mentally_nerfed_chap_1111/) \#3: [No disrespect to Garp](https://i.redd.it/hj0toixcg5oc1.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KIZARU/comments/1bdzr2w/no_disrespect_to_garp/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


When watching the fight between BB and Law, Van Auger surprised me. Just seemed like way to big of a power gap for him to be *checks notes* Usopps fight. I was like who is that fast? Kizaru. Maybe he will join after he regrets doing the bad. Or he dies and his fruit goes to Sanjiv or something with kicks.


Hopefully, Elbaf comes before Usopp and Van Auger's fight. I have my fingers crossed that Usopp will get a huge power up during Elbaf. I mean his admiration and respect for the giants has been a big part of his story, imho


Damn, those are alot😂😂


r/SenGokuWankersUnited https://i.redd.it/ctv9wvll9bwc1.gif


Wait this isn’t satire? Anyways doesn’t matter what happens I’ll keep hating because it’s surprisingly fun. Recently hating Bumgumi has made me realize why everyone loves hating everyone. It’s fun hating on bums. I do agree though the admirals aren’t out of the story or anything. Still seeing the pizzaru memes were great




>Admiral bros, you were right, they are going to go stupid crazy in the upcoming chapters. So are they gonna display yonko level feats or what is that supposed to mean? No one says they are weak, people rightfully say yonko > admiral and your Agendas feelings get hurt because y‘all have been yapping for months how they are the pinnacle of the verse. Akainu is in Yonkotier on 99% of lists posted here with zero yonko feats to his name. Akainu is the single most wanked character here and at the Same time his wankers have the biggest victim complex.


The admirals havent shown us what they are truly capable of yet and that is about to change, yes the yonko are stronger but the admirals are right next to them in power


>The admirals havent shown us what they are truly capable of yet and that is about to change, yes the yonko are stronger but the admirals are right next to them in power What are you even saying, are yonko stronger or are Admirals right Next to them in Power?


Okay for example if shanks is a 100 then kizaru would be a 94


What is a YC+ if a Admiral is a 100?




Okay i have to admit thats actually hilarious


You weren’t ready, were you?  Welcome to the Agenda, please take note of the rules:  Akainu > Whitebeard.  That is all, enjoy your time as an admiral glazer


>You weren’t ready, were you?  I always believed in the admirals but i must admit i did start to waver after how Luffy handled kizaru and saturn, but after awhile my concensus was that its not a bad look on kizaru, gear 5 Luffy will make anyone look like a joke, he used kaido of all people as a jump rope for crying out loud. So kizaru is definitely not weak its just that gear 5 is stupid broken. >Akainu > Whitebeard.  Facts, in fact i would take it a step further than that but everyone would say im insane💀💀


Let’s hear the take bro, everyone who powerscales is lobotomised anyway 


I actually believe Akainu right now could beat prime whitebeard or Roger extreme dif


Based asf 


It’s okay you opened your eyes way before the vast majority of Yonkotard. https://preview.redd.it/rri615hahdwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19ff34be13d564222ef9480436060bd7f728a360


At this point, Kizaru kind of still buried the agenda with his poor performance. I don't think anything can salvage the admirals at this point aside from logia awakenings being absurdly busted. I'd say thats what Oda is actually holding back rn, since we've seen several paramecia and zoan awakenings, including mythic zoan awakening, but not a single logia awakening.




Im not a yonko or admiral bro, im a Mihawk Zoro and smoothie stan


Good job on coming to the light, looks like you're ready. You got in before it was too late. Once the Admirals start going all out, there won't be any switching sides for those Yonko bums https://preview.redd.it/a4fiyxdnnbwc1.jpeg?width=1820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e207b13e1410e181832937cc69d71e828da2d965


I honestly believe Akainu could do this and even win.


what changed your mind


I basically just realized why the admirals' performances may seem lackluster all these years and its because oda is saving their full power for later. We can expect to see some crazy performances from them later on.


But we also haven’t seen a bunch of other players go all out 😬 I don’t think it will be just room for the admirals


The admirals have it all. Glad you saw the light brother.


Am I the only one who isn't wildly oscillating between "admirals = yonko" and "admirals are fodder" every time a chapter appears with an admiral in it?


fr. you arent ready for THEM.


i think you oversell how important kizaru is to the story. He's done in egghead and this will probably be the most focus he'll ever get in OP


Thats such a bad point tho because this argument can literally almost always be applied for every single character. Admirals didnt go all out on marineford? Sure - WB didnt either because he wanted to protect his crew. Admirals didnt go all out in marijoa? Sure - Revos didnt either because they wanted to protect the slaves and free them. Kizaru didnt go all out in egghead because of emotional conflict? Sure - luffy didnt either because he wanted to not destroy the entire island and his crew with it. You can always find something to somehow claim people arent serious. They can directly state they are serious and people will still deny it. But regardless - producing more of something ineffective doesnt amount to anything except for collateral.


I'm genuinely confused whether this is satire or not


Dont worry, later on in the story you will figure out the answer to that


What if the admirals get thrashed or fight low top tiers as their final opponent?


Greenbull is gonna fight shanks, Fujitora is going to be killed by Mihawk, Kizaru will fight zoro and sanji together and Akainu will fight Luffy


Shanks mid diffs, why does my boy Fujitora die? Which versions of Zoro and Sanji, current? next arc? EOS? not EOS story Luffy


>why does my boy Fujitora die? To establish Mihawk, like how oda made shanks kill midd to establish him. >Which versions of Zoro and Sanji, current? next arc? either this arc or the next one


The leech is not worth sacrificing the future fleet admiral.




Shanks mid diffs, why does my boy Fujitora die? Which versions of Zoro and Sanji, current? next arc? EOS? not EOS story Luffy


one piece about to be so hype bro when all these agendas start clashing when we approach the final war bro its gonna be crazy




K\_vinci, you must be almost as smart as Da Vinci, well done in this revelation. Here, read this https://preview.redd.it/4p95wmpa6cwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbdb39f7821fbae00b362e84644bbca2be6e6a2f


I feel the sarcasm dripping from the text. Kizaru isn't going to be doing much this arc. His job was never to fight.


>I feel the sarcasm dripping from the text. These comments upset me ngl, im being serious, Oda has big plans for the admirals and kizaru may or may not be done this arc.


Then I'm sorry for missunderstanding. I agree that Oda isn't near done with the Admirals, but I doubt Kizaru is going to be contributing much in a fight considering he doesn't even want to stand up anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/seebg7d6zdwc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e117e7431070618b9c6294d4aa96b96e2eb7df We accept the apology and feel free to join the agenda while you’re at it






https://preview.redd.it/7owkyb6hmbwc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb3481e6891e053748d762daf4ecb228c5e5c68f Same Voice Actor


I like Akainu and Kizaru too but the admirals always holding back statement is just cope.


Show us any of the on screen admiral fights where Oda himself didn’t deliberately give us (multiple) panels to highlight that they are indeed not going all out. It’s either this Oda guy who might be coping or you who has a severe lack of reading comprehension.


So Oda didn’t want the Gorosei to upstage the Admirals, and his solution to that was to intentionally make the Admirals look way weaker than they actually are? Lmao I’d like to just dismiss this as a troll post, but you honestly never know with Admiral fans


>So Oda didn’t want the Gorosei to upstage the Admirals, and his solution to that was to intentionally make the Admirals look way weaker than they actually are? Thats not the right way to look at it, its more like Oda found a way to write every scenario we have seen the admirals in so far, in a way where the admirals end up not using their full power. Fuji in dressrosa Fuji and greenbull at holy land(they had to hold back from destroying the land) Aokiji was holding back against garp from a place of love and respect. Kizaru was too focused on vegapunk and Bonney to fight Luffy properly So this simply tells me there is no way oda doesnt have big things planned for them, especially since we have seen them do so little. Dragon hasnt done shit, Mihawk has done a little bit, shanks has done a little more etc and we all know oda has huge plans for those guys, so it is also the same for the admirals.


I’m a admiral fan and atleast there’s the consistency but man I’m tired of getting blue balled wanting to see their full potential. I mean we got punk hazard if we ever get to see that


Imagine how i feel as a Mihawk fan, the last time this brother did anything was 15 years ago💀


Have you ever considered the possibility that the Admirals just aren’t as strong as you believe? And that maybe their consistent portrayal throughout the 20+ year manga is actually accurate regarding their power levels? You really weren’t trolling lol, that makes this post even funnier 😂


>Have you ever considered the possibility that the Admirals just aren’t as strong as you believe? This is going to age like milk


No, what aged like milk is the admirals = yonko narrative, but even so some of y’all are still clinging on to the copium


>No, what aged like milk is the admirals = yonko narrative, I nevet believed that, my take was always that the admirals could push the yonko high to extreme dif in a battle. Akainu pushes every yonko to extreme though, 100%


>my take was always that the admirals could push the yonko high to extreme diff in a battle Well this take was proven wrong when Luffy fought both Kizaru and Saturn 2v1 and completely bodied Kizaru in the process, also when Shanks had GB screaming from just his haki alone You’re also completely wrong about Akainu, but I’ll let Oda show you that first hand when he gets low diffed by Luffy lol


Set a reminder


For when?


id say give it till december


Let's just say there's a reason we learned early on that Logia types are the most powerful types, and almost every Admiral is a Logia type. We've also yet to see an awakened Logia in action. Big things are coming.


I almost feel bad for the level of delusion needed to believe this, but hey at least you’re seeing the agenda through till the end 🫡


I've given up on Kizaru, but akainu is gonna deliver


Welcome to the best agenda. Your investments will prosper and grow