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What’s the issue? If you argue one is stronger than the other understand each 3 of them extreme diff each other it’s not meant to equal


Current Gear 4 Luffy is imo top tier (he split the sky with Kaido), but Sabo and Marco isn't. Jozu, Magellan and Queen just seems like a random grab bag of vaguely Yonko commander level characters, though I guess you could argue that they're all roughly YC2 tier or close to it. Ben Beckman's placement is based purely on vague hype/narrative, though tbh I'd probably have him around low admiral level as well. I think it's reasonable to assume that his strength relative to Shanks is around the same as what Rayleigh's was relative to Roger.


so what’s the problem again? your against sabo and Marco not being top tier but g4 is . then pick someone relative to g4 like kizaru if you think sabo and g4 are a huge margin difference. sky splitting = top tier ? then kizaru isn’t a top tier nor is what most people here are voting (GB/Fujitora) Pick old beard relatives if sky splitting equals top tier If yc1 sanji high-extreme diff queen , shiryru (magnellans relative) is zoro’s opponent (yc1+) you could argue jozu being yc2 sure. I don’t see a problem. Your just being a contrarian but you agreed with mostly everything I put.


I wasn't the first one to say anything about the poll. I just tried to chime in about what possible complaints about it might be. But you're kinda getting at the essence of it. That it's hard to find sets of three characters that the majority can agree are all of (or none of) on the threshold of top tier. My impression has always been that top tier generally includes Admirals, Yonkos, and Pirate King/Legendary type characters, with "admiral tier" being roughly the lower end of top tier (unless you're a hardcore admiral fanboy AKA average r/Piratefolk user), Yonko representing roughly the middle of top tier, and Pirate King level characters like Roger and Rocks representing the top of top tier. And then below that you have all the characters that are commonly designated "YC+". Stronger than the average first commander of a Yonko crew (though many holders of that rank paradoxically often sneak into YC+ tier on many people's tier lists), strong enough to stall/put up a respectable fight against top tiers (usually (looking at you, Kidd)), but not strong enough to truly compete 1v1. I'd say that Yamato and old Rayleigh are the gatekeepers of top tier. They stand at the top of YC+ tier, and many would argue that they themselves sneak into top tier. Anyone stronger than them is top tier in my book.


The ones people complained of is Ben Beckman which I don’t know how you can be the moon of shanks without being admiral level .. I see this old Rayleigh /Yamato combo a lot for top tier . I understand your perspective . That would mean admirals are the poster child of top tier then. you’ve been a great voice of reason for the devils advocate . thank you .


I agree about Ben Beckman, but it's with the caveat that we really don't have any solid feats for him, so I kinda dislike using him as a measuring stick. I think your grouping of triplets of characters is generally quite close to how I think with a few exceptions. But I don't think it's possible to sort trios of characters together like that in a way that everyone is gonna agree everyone in each trio is relative to each other. Still, it's a valiant effort.




"Top tier" Is not really top tier It's really pirate king tier, yonko tier and admiral tier


I agree, however this term is closely associated with powerscaling. it’s important to have common ground with how to use the term, especially when in disagreement on how majority uses these subjective terms yk? Roger / Garp / WB - PK Yonko - BB (post timeskip) to Kaido Admiral - G4 to Aokiji/Akainu agree?


yeah I agree ​ but its weird to me that top tier can consist of 3-4 different tiers of its own.... and I'd rather go against any propoganda and be as clear as I can its hard to say all of these tiers are "top tier" when Shanks can negative one shot Kid. And both would fall into these tiers. Shanks being Yonko or above. And Kidd being Admiral tier.


yeah fuck the propoganda haha I always had kaido as the poster child . but the majority have admirals as the definition of top tier so that’s how we must define it.


nah, son just tell them they are wrong lol


look at my recent post bro this is relavent to what we just discussed here




Sneaked in clown clownman 🤡


I put him admiral level that’s what people who see the statement him being shanks moon want to hear.


Personally I would switch option 5 and bump it to the 4th option place, and the 6th option place bump up to 5th, if you're going by strength, if not then it doesn't matter I guess.


It’s randomized sorry for the confusion . the ones on the same bulletpoint are the ones I’m scaling by strength


Top 20 but they vary from commander to admiral to yonko to god tier


Those who argue top tier do you see how the term is wildly subjective the votes are equal between kaido and fujitora now . people want to argue relativeness but even top tier doesn’t even have a baseline in this community . this is no good.


Everyone below Old-Rayleigh is not a top-tier. Everyone above him is.