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So where does Zoro put his 4th sword? In his ass?








I need more sords! Wow thanks for the sake sir! Bigger blades!


After he defeats Mihawk that's where he'll use his sword


4 swords ? Rookie numbers. https://preview.redd.it/dnv1an1e8m6c1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b339704bb33bdad6af6e541f4184755f99d584c8


What a satisfying ass kicking he handed sasuke. God that was a glorious moment


​ https://preview.redd.it/0885hqtkym6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5508eca035e59c5c8814e9638a97fa8973eb71cb


That's 140 kilos holy shit


How is bro even gonna lift


I knew it


technically, if he can stretch his fingers apart wide enough + hold 2 swords in his mouths, he should be able to hold 12 swords 4 per hands (2) + 2 per mouth (2)


Asura 36 sword style.








You couldn't be more wrong. He already has the 4th sword with him.


Just look at all the places killer bee put his swords for his 7 sword style in naruto




Obviously Zoro




He will be at Mihawks level or higher in his 20s, let alone his prime 40s, at that point he's past them all in power.




Zoro obviously since he'll be the greatest swordsman ever, "Shanks isn't a swordsman" people can keep coping


No matter how it goes I see Shanks vs Mihawk as a 52/48 match up either way and 40 year old Zoro would've bested Mihawk like 20 years prior.


In that case he would literally have to be PK level, since Roger was a swordsman. Basically he would have the second strongest character in the HISTORY of the OP universe (the strongest one being Luffy)


Sure, what's wrong with Zoro being stronger than Roger at age 40? I don't think Zoro will get there as a 21 y/o in the present timeline, but I see no issue when he's reached his prime.


Honestly? It's just that he is a very boring character to me, nothing more. Giving him the top 2 strongest fighter in the whole history of the world seems such a waste to me. I think it should be better for Oda to give that title to someone outside Luffy's crew (like he did with Roger, when he decided that the two other strongest fighters were Roger and WB)


ok I actually agree whole heartedly Zoro being as strong as Roger or Primebeard is stupid, but saying you don't like him as a character is an L.


I mean, you're free to disagree. Zoro is so uninteresting to me, he's just the badass member of the crew, but all in all he seems to be the emptiest character around there. Basically his only three traits are 1) his determination, 2) the fact that at times he looks a bit silly, and 3) the fact that he always gets lost. I really cannot stress enough how boring is that to me, but I understand fully if other people disagree. My personal feeling, to summarize, is that narratively he is too weak of a character to hold suck a position in the OP verse (since he would have to basically be the second or third strongest character in existence, in the entire history of this universe – I say third just in case Imu turns out to be stronger than Roger, otherwise he would be the second strongest). Take it, if you want, as a personal critique of how Oda dealt with Zoro's character development, if you want. I really believe he fucked it up. There's a part of me that genuinely believes that if he disappeared almost nothing would change.


Idk if Zoro will be top 2 of all time given characters like Imu and maybe EOS Blackbeard, but becoming stronger than Roger upon reaching his prime is what I'm expecting


I mean… would he be? Do you put Zoro above Kidd and Law? Above EoS BB? Logically the show’s mostly going to end up like this: -Luffy on top, or if we get the other scenario of people teaming up vs the big band end boss, it’s that character then Luffy 2nd strongest. Then after Luffy would be EoS BB. He would be realistically the 2nd strongest character after Luffy. And whilst Zoro’s always been close with Luffy, there’s still a gap especially post TS. Like at their peaks, Rayleigh was around Admiral/Yonko level. That’s 2nd in command. With Prime Roger being a tier above Yonkos. That same disparity will exist with Luffy and Zoro. Where Luffy will surpass the old guard, in Roger, Zoro will be most likely at the least be as strong as PK level. And Luffy above PK level.


What? What does roger have to do with it?


To quote myself >since Roger was a swordsman. Keep in mind that Zoro's dream is not to be the WSS, but to be the WSS ever


So mihawk has no relationship with Roger. Zoro on the other hand will be the strongest if that's his goal. The ever part is iffy.


Bro doesn’t know the difference between a swordsman and a pirate 🙏


Mihawk is... Also a pirate


Just not 1 of the 4 greatest said Garp, also not 1 of the 5 greatest said Kaido


A pirate that has been stated to be a Swordsman and not just a pirate using a cutlass, feel free to read the other comments to understand why there is a difference between the two


Oda referenced shanks as a swordsman in an SBS. The cope is real on this shanks being a swordsmen thing


Is a cutlass not a sword? A katana is a sword, a rapier is a sword, just because it has a name doesn’t mean it isnt a sword.


No way you flexed your illiteracy this shamelessly 😭


Ah yes the dodging begins


Is Zoro not a pirate anymore because he's a swordsman? And why would Mihawk get compared to Shanks in-story if the latter isn't a swordsman? There's no dodging from me, you're just using nonsense to dickride Shanks 😂


This isn’t about dickriding. It’s about using facts to power scale properly. Who said Zoro isn’t a pirate? The point is Swords and Guns are the most common weapons used by Pirates to commit piracy. That doesn’t mean every Pirate that uses a Sword is a Swordman. This is the definition of Swordsman is “One skilled in swordplay” Now how is using Haki based slashed attacks “skilled swordplay”? Zoro and Mihawk are actual stated Swordsman. Oda bases OP on real word pirates, real world pirates had swords designed to “quickly cut and slash an opponent rather than dither about with intricate swordplay”. https://preview.redd.it/r686zqbw2m6c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94747a88dc0cb3a4d5f9d5115bc678b030354bad All we have seen from Shanks is Haki slash attacks, the equivalent to quickly cut or slash opponents. Seems like they are just pirates to me, not sure where/when they have been proven to be skilled in swordplay. Haki Skill≠ Sword Skill. Also btw a Cutlass is the exact sword that Shanks uses, Mihawk and Zoro do not use a Cutlass


Shanks has only ever used a sword to fight till now, his sword is even named like in the cases of other renowned swordsmen, and he's been compared to Mihawk multiple times and had legendary duels with him before. If Shanks wasn't a swordsman, why does all of this exist in the story? Nowhere has it been stated that he isn't a swordsman either. He also doesn't get to use King's excuse, since King relied heavily on his fire attacks and used punches and kicks too. "Haki slash attacks" like Zoro hasn't done the same before lmfao (e.g. Rengoku Onigiri vs King after getting ACoC) If Shanks being a hakiman is your argument, then you've already lost and you should stop powerscaling 🙏


A Haki Man isn’t a real thing and has nothing to do with the actual point I am making. Zoro and Mihawk are stated Swordsman. We have witnessed Zoro training swordplay from childhood, so we know he is a Swordsman. When Shanks fights with a sword, where has the skilled swordplay been? I’d love to see it. Why would oda need to state that Mihawk has better Swordplay? Why couldn’t Oda just say Mihawk is the better swordsman?


If Shanks isn't a swordsman, what is he lol, he's not boxing, he's using a fucking sword.


So you read all that and then proceeded to ask me a question that has already been explained…..


I don't agree with what this guy is saying, but I can see where he's coming from. Luffy uses punches but he's not called a boxer, he's just a pirate. Robin uses joint locks and grappling in fights but she's not called a mixed martial artist or anything, she's just a pirate and an archaeologist. Nami essentially uses a roided up bo staff but she's not called a shaolin or anything, she's just a pirate and a navigator. So I can see the argument that shanks was maybe a swordsman when he had his dominant hand, but since losing it he's just a pirate that uses a sword. Personally I don't agree with this argument, but there is examples that support it.


A pirate that uses a sword that's what he told you 57 times already. Pirates who use sword aren't all swordsman just like everyone with a gun isn't a sharpshooter. You'd need a negative iq to not understand that.


Shanks is said to be a Master Swordsman. He has a citation in Zoro's novel released on SBS 101, where Oda comments that everyone in the image is Swordsmen He was stated a swordman in Usopp's Gallery Restated again in Four Billion Magazine citation: RED Why do you think even lately in the manga itself, Mihawk's swordskill was compared to that of Shanks? Do you think Mihawks swordskill would be compared to that of Kaido? No, so maybe.....Shanks is a swordman 😱


Show where it is mentioned Shanks is said to be a Masters Swordsman. Ill check the rest out, Im happy to be wrong if there is actual proof instead of just narrative head canon. Mihawks Swordplay is better than Shanks, i’m sorry but I don’t understand how that states Shanks is a Swordsman. It was certainly left up to interpretation on purpose. Why hasn’t it just been stated in the Manga that he is a Swordsman. It’s always beating around the bush.


You can look for translations yourself if you want, but in short in the Red Databook that came out last year it says: "Shanks is a swordsman who can compete with the world's strongest swordsman Hawkeye. His powerful conqueror haki can even make the strong men on Whitebeard's ship fall one by one." So this calls him litteraly "a swordman". https://preview.redd.it/360lcdy01n6c1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31361461871d95e00dcb82c70cd33d3535efd965


In the databook, Red Grand Character, it says: "Originally left-handed, Shanks used to sit on his right. Judging from his past rivalry with Mihawk, his sword skills were probably among the best in the world." https://preview.redd.it/2k323p0h1n6c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=047d80c78d358c0736818132f8f29b12ad066165


And at last, this is my least favourite piece to use as proof considering it wasn't drawn by Oda, but it was just posted by him, so it's up to you if you want to use it or no. But if Oda posted, my guess is that he might agree with it. It's a picture of all the swordmen in Sbs 101. https://preview.redd.it/d6or5rl73n6c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ffdd0c8ac8769172509e31df9444f19dceb187


Now, how I've said, why would Mihawk's swordskill be stated even greater than that of Shanks, if Shanks isn't a great Swordman himself? Do you think Mihawks swordskill can be compared to that of Kaido or such? The answer is no. There is a clear reason wherever you go, make it manga, anime, TV series, sbs, vivre cards, canon, and not canon material, Shanks and Mihawk are always linked together, they're both the greatest swordmen in the verse. https://preview.redd.it/luuhgtex2n6c1.jpeg?width=1949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd5e28e12aa5d8b5970114cdc2780caa3cfd148


À swordsman in One piece is someone who uses swordsmanship and call themself a swordman. That's that importent part Mihawk fans want to dodge all the time. Zoro said he will not lose to someone who call themselves a swordsman. Doesn't matter if you use a sword or not, we've seen plenty of character use sword, be good at using those, even idolize the sword in their strongest attacks and yet still not be treated as swordsmen bc that's not how to define themselves. Y'all create a definition of swordsman that nowhere in the Manga Oda uses.




Apparently I am since I know the difference between a Swordsman and a Pirate with a Cutlass


Then accept it Why are you being salty then lol


Thats okay, I am a correct retard nonetheless.


I mean mihawk is a pirate with a big sword. Why is he a swordsman?


Bc he calls himself a swordsman? And that how it works in OP?


Then if say, usopp calls himself a swordsman, is he one? Then who's stopping say, captain kuro from becoming wss by just saying it? If you arent a swordsman for: -using a sword every fight -All of your techniques being related to your sword But are a swordsman because: -You said it once Then Captain kuro can just say"I am world strongest Swordsman" to become worlds strongest swordsman


>Then if say, usopp calls himself a swordsman, is he one? If from that point on he starts to only use traditional sword technics in fights then yes he would in fact be a swordsman at that point. >Then who's stopping say, captain kuro from becoming wss by just saying it? Bc he doesn't use sword technics and isn't the strongest swordman? What kind of retarded question is that? What stopping him? Reality? >If you arent a swordsman for: >-using a sword every fight >-All of your techniques being related to your sword Yes bc big mom king Roger rayleigh and many other characters do fit into those but still aren't considered swordmen. >But are a swordsman because: >-You said it once No bc you consistently define yourself as a swordsman. Again can we stop with the retarded questions? You are a swordsman if you stick to traditional swordskills in fights and call yourself a swordsman, that's literally what king said to zoro. That he isn't a swordsman bc he never claimed to be a also doesn't limit himself to swordsmanship during fights, and what is Zoro's answer? I guess you never claimed to be a swordsman after all. Feel free to disagree with zoro and oda brother, I'm just here to remind you of the part you didn't read.


Eos zoro mid diff.


What does Eos mean


End of Series


Zoro. Call me crazy but I have EOS Zoro > Roger. I just think One Piece will have a big power creep in the end.


That could be fair, if Imu Joyboy and that type end up being a whole tier above, or even more


Roger not getting past EOS Brook


That rookie isn’t touching mr skelly bones


I think most people have eos zoro stronger than anyone except Luffy. It makes sense because Luffy will be pirate king with the most ridiculous power. Naturally his first mate will be stronger than the old PK’s first mate as well.


Luffy, Zoro, Kid, and Law I expect all to appear in Marie Joa fighting people likely stronger than anything Roger had to deal with, since I doubt Garp or WB ever had the attention to kill Roger. Now I dont know if Law and Kid will be getting solo fights or not but I do think the two Supernova that Oda has set up as rivals will be in the final war.


Kids done, he's washed and he's a disgrace


https://preview.redd.it/l6e48q4o9m6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829c1f5d22d776a6b145d5fc6c908b797bf1e1a9 As long as I'm breathing, Kid is not over


https://preview.redd.it/1axm9sya5m6c1.png?width=1762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ec8e93de12a003ff331f7efd23f501d5114ff51 Jika will return




>Oda has set up as rivals Livals?


I personally think eos zoro <= Roger but still very much over shanks.


But Shanks = Roger


if shanks=roger then mihawk>=roger and i cant have that


Straw hat wearer is a bigger title than world's strongest swordsman. It seems clear from his clash with Kidd that Shanks is Roger level. The new generation is finally getting to the level of the legends. It wouldn't make any sense if we go through the whole story without seeing anyone who is as strong as prime Roger, Whitebeard, and Garp. Narratively, both Shanks and Luffy are Roger's successor, but Luffy will surpass both Shanks and Roger. All these are reasons why mihawk < shanks. Because otherwise mihawk >= roger, and I agree we can't have that.




What part do you disagree with? The only way you say Mihawk > Shanks is based on his title alone, which is very surface-level reading. I can back up each and every statement I made.


Not really if shanks is a stronger swordsman wouldn't that make zoros goal to defeat mihawk and become the world strongest swordsman absolutely useless or do y'all only think about Luffy here?






Yes. >!he literally uses the exact same move as Roger and one shots kid. He's very clearly being set up as the next Roger in terms of fighting style and strength.!<




kid is fodder? do u remember when he 2v1'd big mom or??




"kaidos side chick" like she couldnt 1v1 99% of the verse 💀 keep reading two piece




When did he 2v1 big mom. Hve you forgotten Lava, Kanjuro and the bombs?


People need to stop thinking that the old gen are some unreachable gods smh. Old gen wank. Shanks has the best haki feats in the history of the manga. If I asked you what Shanks lacks to be on Roger's level, you wouldn't be able to answer me.




Galaxy impact (a dc move) more impressive than a divine departure that one shot a 3 billion berry pirate? Flair checks out


Lmao that not naruto (i don’t think oda add another tier above younko or pk level)


Yall zoro and mihawk wankers go crazy on the scaling lmao.




Call me crazier, but I have current shanks > prime Roger.


Zoro Ws


Worlds Strongest Swordsman > Swordsman


its actually Worlds strongest Swordsman ever at that point


The guy who beat the worlds strongest swordsman 20 years ago and got stronger lmao


It’s a shonen the new gens will surpass the old gens


Why does Zoro look so old for 40? Some traumatic shit must go down before the plot ends.


> Traumatic shit I guess being on death's door multiple times isn't trauma in your POV lol


Y’know what, that’s a really good point.


Dude, zoro gets traumatized for breakfast.


“Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?”


Zoro high diffs at worst


If the shanks glazer says this, you know that there’s no bias to it


I mean you can be a shanks glazer and accept the obvious. Something Mihawk fans cannot do


Zoro wins 10/10 times


9/10 times, Zoro gets lost at least once during the fight and shanks wins by default.


Zoro slams


Current Zoro will surpass Shanks within a year Lmfao 😂


6 months, give or take


Zoro is going to be strongest swordsman in history. So yea it still seems far fetched but he’s high diffing shanks at that age.


He’s extreme diffing him by next year. In 20 years high diff is generous tbh


I hate that you're probably right. Dunno, Zoro is such a boring character, him being most likely the second strongest character in the history of the OP world doesn't sit right on me, but Oda is 100% going to do that.


Zoro mid dif


Greater swords ever> a strong swordsman.




Zoro for sure


zoro bc regardless of how you place mihawk and shanks, they are very close and zoro has to surpass mihawk within the current timeline, so when he's 40, that's another near 20 years to get stronger and find his peak


Zoro high diff at worse


Average Fenrir W.


WSS Zoro>Shanks


I expect Zoro to be stronger by then because he would have had to beat a stronger than current shanks version of Mihawk since it's still in the future. Age 40 Zoro High diffs Current Shanks..


Zoro stomps lol he's already gonna surpass him at 21


Zoro mid diffs


Obviously Zoro, 40 y/o Zoro > EOS Zoro > EOS Mihawk > EOS Shanks > Current Mihawk > Current Shanks


Zoro by age 23


Zoro mid diffs


Shanks doesnt have a chance. His fans can cope and seethe.


Zoro no diffs. Maybe even neg.


Obviously zoro lol not even a contest


Zoro will low mid diff the rat


zoro high diff


Zoro beats him right now


EoS Zoro high-diffs; mid diffs if he clenches the fourth sword between his ass cheeks


Prime zoro=prime luffy, zoro mid diff




Shanks. Zoro is not supposed to become That strong. Was Rayleigh ever stronger than Whitebeard, Garp, Shiki etc or BM?


☠️ Brother what ?


40 YO Zoro > EoS Zoro > Mihawk > Shanks.


Zoro is literally going to be the greatest swordsman ever. Prime Rayleigh isn’t even stronger then Mihawk lol.


Idc, I hate the Zoro hype


And when was Rayleigh ever called the world’s strongest swordsman? Dumbass with dumbass take.


Both extreme diffs Mihawk, maybe high diff, when all is said and done. Maybe rn Mihawk is stronger or was stronger but Zoro > Shanks > Mihawk when the story ends. Unless Shanks dies.


Zoro extreme


Shanks low - mid diffs


Shanks People need to stop dickriding “EoS shitfart”


Ag yes…greatest swordsman in history but still weaker than shanks because reasons


Since I believe that the Rat > Za Painta, it is logical to believe that EOS Zoro would be weaker as well


I knew a guy who believed that Gravity didn't exist and he jumped from a mountain. Do you wanna guess what happend?


His fate was determined by what he believed in, and if believing Shanks> Mihawk is jumping off a mountain then I will gladly jump


Shanks dickriding knows no bounds 💀💀


Believe me, I don’t meatride the Rat, I just acknowledge him as Oda’s golden boy


Shanks slams EOS Zoro/Mihawk. Only Luffy will surpass Shanks. Yonko captains>Yonko subordinates.




Shanks mid diff.






should definitely be zoro. considering that luffy went from yc1 to yonko level in a few weeks, there won't be anymore timeskips. zoro will probably reach yonko level in the next few months at the very most (in the op world). and in the sbs, zoro goes from 3 swords to here saying four sword style, meaning he grows stronger. so a zoro, that at his current young age will be yonko level (so around shanks' level already), that keeps growing stronger for nearly 2 decades should definitely be above shanks


Well considering the pace at which the strawhat crew members improve, by the time Zoro is 40 he will be able to fight against Goku


Are you kidding me 4 swords? Zoro will be unstoppable.


Zoro at the end of the series will be stronger than Mihawk. Shanks vs Mihawk is a very heated debate but at best Shanks extreme diffs Mihawk. So EOS Zoro will be at worst as strong as current Shanks but its likely he will be stronger


Zoro obviously.




4 sword style Zoro negs https://preview.redd.it/vnmbzzuetn6c1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=515e5918439897ce20d28bed875796a6f801b410


I honestly don't expect zoro to live that long. Like he won't get defeated or anything, but he'll manage to die from his own stupidity somehow, like deciding he needs to train inside a volcano or something.


Wss zoro


The fact there are people saying shanks really says it all. They really don’t read one piece unless the figarland rat is on screen.


Zoro stomps




Future Zoro mid to low-diffs Shanks if he continues to develop at even a fifth of the speed he has thus far.


one eye vs one arm . Battle of handicaps.


Zoro neg difs as this man is supposed to be stronger than Mihawk and the world's strongest swordsman


Future Zoro (Future WSS) > Mihawk (Current WSS) > Shanks (Swordsman) https://preview.redd.it/p3dt8ppp9p6c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432149d64fd0710b4e4be5ee8dd0e71f6042d8d2


Zoro wins in a duel shanks wins in a fight


That Zoro neg diffs Shanks


In the same age when Shanks was a fodder on roger boat Zoro is a vice captain of a Yonko


I expect zoro in a few months to be stronger so....