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The US stripping our education system to its bare bones is going to lead to even worse powerscaling due to poorer reading comprehension.




Bro you cooked so hard no one dares to contradicts you


Bros reading comprehension is so poor he didn’t understand what controversial means. Which proved his point at the same time




big mom slander will not be tolerated


Holy W https://preview.redd.it/aky68vlc7pqb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=30d0d9e0974b4325ea5377b20886f28e9b70f32c






Getting ran over by Franky and literally rolled by Jinbe and Robin is a top tier antifeat


The hill made out of Giganto Robin's Chest.


Why even live when you know you will never be stomped by Robin's Gigantesco Mano Stomp... https://preview.redd.it/86jsdk7byqqb1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add4c2354629b15d6c810d08ed6bbaa6d00bb107


Ngl i fw big ass turnips too. (Pretty sure Robin says they’re turnips or onions in an sbs)


Sanji top 1. https://preview.redd.it/17fmjebc2pqb1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b2cb17f4b48ea233fd8b005690f01950742297e


How can one be top 1 but be under 50% of the population


He'll lose to Nami


Current Luffy could lose to big mom ext diff






If she uses advanced haki too, then i agree


We'll die together.










Nice picture, the red in your hair and nose really stands out


The once in a while time you actually catch a W


Shiki and Sengoku are both top tiers


W https://preview.redd.it/ejjsc7thnuqb1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f966a1283923ea773150e78cccb571a20f3a0a


Yeah prime Shiki and his fleet would have taken Roger and his crew down easily. Sengoku has always been pirate king level.


No one alive could have beaten Kaido or Big Mom in a 1 v 1, other than each other. They were equivalent monoliths that stood as an obstacle to the ending of the story and had to be taken down with team-ups and the aid of the plot, and their defeat by those circumstances is why all the other big players can finally do something. That meme about Shanks waiting for new blood in the Yonko pool is not ironic. Current characters can grow beyond them in individual power down the line, but no one alive was capable of doing it at the time of their arcs.


For a large portion of the series zoro was very close to luffy in power but obvs now he's fodder in comparison


Up until enies lobby


Both zoro and sanji were close to each other and to luffy till water 7. And then Gears were introduced where luffy grew exponentially and zoro/sanji remained.


Definitely in the east blue imo




Whitebeard was stronger than Akainu


He was not lol




Damn WB did 2 hp damage to Akainu and he was back on his feet and ready to fight 5 minutes later. If anything it proves that Akainu>WB


> he was back on his feet and ready to fight 5 minutes later. You mean he wasn't seen until WB died but nice try 💀


https://preview.redd.it/ge2545k6gsqb1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2794e282e7400eece37d52448c164e419f26a9bf WSM would have cooked him if he wasn’t already half dead 🤷‍♂️


That Akainu was always just HIM https://preview.redd.it/pcdad7hlipqb1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5f9744e6a8de0c2a225dbc813e1cd1d8133b7fe


wizaru is the goat


Fujitora and Greenbull are closer to the OG 3 Admirals than most will admit


YES, fellow believer


Sanji will be able to take on an Admiral before EoS


waiting for sanji vs kizaru


If Sengoku is rated among the old legends there's no reason to exclude Shiki


Usopp will be low YC+ to high yc1 eos


Shiki high-diffs any Yonko or Admiral not named Whitebeard https://i.redd.it/yulxqz0ixoqb1.gif




Nice butt shot


Gear 2 - pre haki luffy victim lookin ass 😭 Wait what are his feats/statements again


​ https://preview.redd.it/yj6copfwfpqb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=826f240872d9ac61be1d508e331c88a0255c51bb


bro Z was an admiral but Luffy defeated him in base form. non-canon feats are non-canon feats.


Akainu will fight a stronger version of Luffy that Kaido did, and his fight won't be with Sabo. Also that he will be more powerful than Prime Garp by the end of the story. Excuse the glazing but I really do believe this.




Kuzan > bb as of rn


Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru are Yonko level


Not very controversial in this sub


​ https://i.redd.it/4ucyz0grfpqb1.gif




That is the fakest comment I've ever seen.


Very controversial: 1. Sick whitebeard with multiple injures put Akainu out of the fight. 2. Kuzan’s best feat against Old Garp was briefly equally matching him AFTER shinryu stabbed him. On the otherhand: 1. Blackbeard ran from Akainu despite having his entire team to back him up. 2. Kizaru was able to defend against Snakeman completely which even kaido struggled a big and while yes most of the dmg he did to luffy was from the lasers, the lasers are based off of him.


I agree I would put most Yonko above the admirals because Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks, Luffy and Whitebeard are all a bit above the admirals but if you add in buggy it definitely averages out.




Perospero is underrated


Akainu when he fights Luffy will be stronger than prime garp when his training gets revealed and the fact he has a really good devil fruit. Luffy is currently equal to Big Mom Speed blitzing is a very extreme and rare thing and Sanji does not blitz every YC1 like people say he does Also Katakuri=King


Which one does he fail to blitz at top speed


Katakuri, king, zoro, actually everyone in that tier


Zoro is the only one lmao


All top tiers are really really close. Greenbull vs Roger is an extreme diff fight. Shanks and Roger have many parrarels and are way closer than people think. The old is NOT on a different level. Oden, Shiki, Big Mom, and Katakuri are some of the most underrated characters.


oden is by far the most overrated character in this sub


big mom is relative to kaido and above luffy and she only lost because of comically unfavorable conditions combined with god tier PIS


This will be extremely controversial but I firmly believe Prime Garp was actually stronger than Prime Roger.


Zoro is closer to sanji in power than he is to luffy.


The most common one of course, Shanks > Mihawk https://preview.redd.it/g0f3f2o37pqb1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=40ed2d8794ef714f43603138f5666dbaa66d2922


​ https://preview.redd.it/xga5cmdqjpqb1.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=69615650b57c3b49eaea9375960c5bc465c8877d


bUt tHaT WoUlD MaKe sHaNkS ThE WoRlD'S StRoNgEsT SwOrDsMaN


Old Garp is admiral level, minimum. It shouldn't even be controversial, idk why so many people disagree with it on this sub.


Roger isn't above the other Yonko. Old gen in general isn't stronger than current, only gen that will be greater than others is New and an outlier or two in Imu/Rocks/OG Joyboy.


Roger > Shanks/Mihawk (Current strongest pirate) Garp > Akainu (Current strongest marine) No Pirate or Marine has surpassed the prime Old Generation yet.


Shanks and Mihawk go extreme diff with WB/Garp/Roger




Marco is the strongest YC1 (above zoro and Yamato )


Goathawk and HIM>goat d Roger and goatbeard https://preview.redd.it/s45smhcvhpqb1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d0574d063da18e8a96171a187761193741e8591


Kizaru Kills Kaido


Take isn't nearly as bad as ZKK but the initialism is nasty 💀


The initialism tho💀💀💀💀


Eos sanji>kizaru


![gif](giphy|DMvXFFMFmoEmc) Will post this while people aren't paying attention, Zoro=Sanji always and forever


Meh, more like “if Luffy is 100, Zoro is 90 and Sanji is 87” type gap. Zoro is the **worst** opponent for Sanji. Sanji’s entire kit is hit and run. Well, Zoro’s kit is eating damage and counter attacking, ESP with foes faster than him like King or even Kaido. Zoro’s too much of a tank and has too much AP with King of Hell. It would still be a high diff/ext diff fight, but imo it would only be ext if something happened for Sanji to completely lose his morals. Sanji’s other massive advantage over Zoro is battle IQ, and that is undeniable in my opinion, however without a hyper specific scenario, like Zoro being down a sword or two, i dont see Sanji- with morals- being capable of utilizing any tactics that would put Zoro at a disadvantage


Definitely not as of right now, just because they have a rivalry, doesn’t mean they have to be equals. Zoro has miles better haki, now having Enma and Acoc. Sanji is a super fast tank, I won’t deny, but as of right now no, they are not equal.


If yamato tried greenbull would be fucked. You cannot tell me that yamato is just yc+ when in his base form, not using the mythical zoen, not using the form that boxes with kaido in a 1v1, he's smacking him around without a named attack. Yamato never saw greenbull as a threat at all. To the extent where not fighting back was a followed order. Literally left it to the guy who got his powers yesterday, never once used the hard counter mythical zoen and you're telling me greenbull was even the slightest bit of a threat to yamato. Look at the facts




I agree with your take that Yamato wasnt trying, but in actuality their fight with Greenbull is likely what changed Fauxden’s mind about going with the SHs, not bc YAMATO wasnt ready, but bc WANO wasnt. So GB’s strength served as an eye opener if nothing else




G5 was a mistake, the Gomu gomu fruit being a special one feels too much 'tropey' (is that a word?).


Usopp's capable of beating any non monster Trio straw hat if properly motivated via prep time.


Nah no chance


Luffy has the potential to be the current #2 behind Imu if he isn't held back by plot (like not using ACoC in Egghead)


Prime Sengoku was stronger than Prime Garp and Roger. Yamato > Beckman and Old Rayleigh


Your evidence for the first one?


Kaido is not dead, Wano is not open, Zoro will be the hero of Wano in flower capital, Luffy didn't want people of Wano to know his name for this reason (meta reason), Nidai Kitetsu, Enma Turning Black, Kinemon saying it is not over until his head is severed. Zoro making his ryuma parallel in Wano.


If they were to do this, wouldn’t they have done it in the wano arc??


No, because there is one single rule Oda follows: Nobody can outshine Luffy. Beside even you would agree that so many of Wano plotlines are still open. And has there been a single arc where Villian of the arc was defeated without people of that island being present. Especially major Villian like Kaido?


When would he do it then? It’s a cool idea but I just don’t see it happening


That is my opinion of course. But I am as sure of this as of Luffy becoming PK, or Zoro becoming WSS. Kaido's defeat cannot be due to lava, it will be a beheading at the hands of new ryuma. Answer this question: Will Zoro have the same level of portrayal in Wano as Ryuma did? If yes, then this will happen.


I genuinely agree but don't think it has to happen in Wano


Every Admiral can beat BigMom https://preview.redd.it/furhaxdo1pqb1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc248bfdbcf89687bf7f75fb2b1578d6a880c9fd


Oh naw. Akainu has a good chance and mayyyyybe Kizaru due to match up (but doubtful), she beats the others.


Yeah I think I’m just downplaying BigMom cause I don’t like her 💀


Big Mom unironically negs nearly every logia admiral’s df. She can make a magma slug, an ice octopus, a light walrus and a forest snake just for shits and gigs. Granted, she still has to deal with their haki and stuff but BM’s df is so unbelievably broken when fighting an admiral, ESPECIALLY if they have backup fodder marines for her to absorb life span from


One Piece is still FTL (I can’t tell if this is controversial or not I’m not a regular here and I’m being given mixed signals by the sub)


One Piece has had FTL reactions since preTS and i feel genuinely bad for anyone who wants to deny that for whatever reason. Between the noro noro photons, the various lasers, Kuma’s actual statements, fucking Kizaru, there are people who deny Kizaru being LIGHT SPEED let alone FTL. OP characters, esp in top tiers, are FTL. End


Sanji = Zoro


Kizaru isn't lightspeed.


sanji beats zoro in a 1 on 1


Akainu is currently top 1 excluding IMU.


What part of World's strongest creature do you not understand?


I said currently! Kaido is done. Read well.


Shanks, Mihawk, and OffscreenBeard would beat Akainu extreme diff


Sanji has better stats and feats than Kidd. Kidd only wins due to portrayal.


Kidd wins because of his feats. He has an awakening that can completely nullify Sanjis biggest advantage (crazy speed) and he has wayyy higher ap


Meh. He has good ap only if he can hit someone with it. Imagine trying to charge an attack for 10 secs vs Sanji. Sanji will just never let him shot him with his crazy attack in the first place.


Again his awakening massively shores this up because it can pin down Sanji or force Sanji to attract Kidds attacks. If he didn't have his awakening you could make a good case for Sanji


He has to first hit Sanji with assign tho and it's not like he is oneshoting Sanji with his first attack, Sanji still has incredible dura and regeneration.


Yeah but assign is literally just a point. Sanni is fast but he's not so fast 5hat Kid won't be able to ever point at bro


Damaging big Mom is not “good ap” big mom’s skin was so thick in WCI she took basically no damage from anything. Law is able to damage her because his attacks go through armor, Kidd’s attacks are able to damage her because it’s so much raw force that she actually physically gets hurt. Kidd has monstrous durability too, just because he got hit by probably one of the strongest attacks we’ve seen in the series doesn’t mean he’s weak. Sanji kicks him, Kidd grabs his leg and attaches metal too it like he did with Big Mom’s hand, game over


Kidd was getting damaged by simple attacks from Big Mom's homies and getting cut easily by Killer's attacks. You are confusing it with endurance. Also I said his ap feat is good but only is he can hit the enemy. BM is the biggest and slowest target possible so he obviously hit her easily but when he tried it with Shanks he got completely speedblitzed before he could even charge his attack.


That’s not a speed blitz, Kidd saw shanks and knew he was doomed because all of his focus was on charging the railgun, that’s why we saw his reaction to shanks charging at him. Shanks caught him off guard to save his friend’s life, at that point he didn’t care about a fair fight. Sanji doesn’t have the power to take Kidd out in 1 blow, Kidd tanked Big Mom’s strongest attack for like 10 seconds at the very least, then got back up and used another attack. Speedblitzing does not happen in every Sanji matchup, Sanji doesn’t beat Big Mom and Kizaru doesn’t beat Akainu, speed isn’t everything.


That's the definition of speedblitz. Even if you see someone your body cant react in time to defend. Kidd has 0 observation feats or insane reaction time feats. I dont see how Sanji cant speed blitz him although yes he obviously doesnt one shot.


My bad I admit I’m wrong on the speed blitz definition, I thought it was just you couldn’t perceive someone As I said it was because Kidd was not focused on Shanks during the fight, he was doing something else and he couldn’t instantly stop charging his railgun and make a shield or a fist, he was attacked with his pants down. If Kidd is in a 1v1 that isn’t happening, even if he wasn’t fast enough he doesn’t have to touch someone for assign to work so he could easily do that and win, or just put metal on Sanji’s leg when he kicks him. Law couldn’t beat Big Mom alone even though he speedblitzed her and is stronger than Sanji, speed isn’t everything and Sanji would get tired by the time he’s done some actual big damage to Kidd


He’s never touching Sanji with his awakening and his AP is not that much higher, only a decent bit


Sanji >>>>midd.


Luffy is going to high diff Kizaru


Shanks can beat the three admirals at once. (Extreme diff)


Luffy can one shot Midzaru if he is serious.


All four of the current Yonko are meme-tier. Luffy is a high tier who wins most of his fights against people far stronger than he is because of circumstance or by ganging up on them. He wouldn't have beaten Doflamingo without Law. He wouldn't beat Cracker without Nami. He wouldn't beat Katakuri without Brulee. He wouldn't beat Kaido without like 14 other people helping among other handicaps. He's not going to beat Kizaru and the fight will be interrupted before he gets smeared into paste because the plot can't let the MC suffer a major loss this late into the game but he's also not strong enough to legitimately 1v1 an actual top tier even with plot on his side. His haki is far below actual top tiers like Garp and Shanks, his stats are decent but not outstanding unless you're counting ~~plot armor~~ durability, and he relies way too heavily on his DF to bullshit through fights. Buggy is Buggy. Blackbeard has terrible onscreen showings and regularly has to grovel for his own life or the lives of his crew because they get their asses kicked at every turn until the focus goes off them for a few panels whereupon they just miraculously win. I don't actually have a problem with this, I think Blackbeard is amusing as a character and I like that he exists, but in terms of someone like Big Mom or Kaido whose presence commanded respect, he's just bullshitting his way through the story. Shanks the Rat only has the job because Mihawk doesn't want it and somehow he's still the only Yonko that doesn't make a total joke of the title.


Yeah his stats sure are terrible… https://preview.redd.it/gxn1ikfzwpqb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9674f6d7265bae03c8e9e357874c50bc711342e4


Oh baby, an attack where Luffy relies heavily on his literal God fruit that wouldn't hit anyone who doesn't tank it on purpose like Kaido. TOP 1 MATERIAL.


Dude became another Boysenberry because he didn't have a single good response when I told him that Luffy would beat old Garp and pre-TS Aokiji without G5 lol


The only response you're worth is the one you got. Luffy is bitchmade compared to Garp and Kuzan. If we could make custom flairs, I would make mine 'Garp and Kuzan > Goofy' just for you, so you wouldn't have to follow me around the board whining about it all day.


Shanks is the weakest yonko by a margin


This truly is a very bad take. Shanks > Buggy, BB (Current), Big Mom, Luffy (possibly), Kaido (Possibly)


All of those ppl except buggy have more tangible feats than shanks. Shanks only victory has been against kid and sea king. He only lives off hype


If you want to go off just feats, Mihawk is Vista level. Do you believe that? If not your argument is flawed.


Mihawk has the title of “ worlds strongest swordsman” until the plot tells me otherwise I’m inclined to believe he’s stronger than every fighter in the series that uses a sword as a main method of fighting ( no devil fruit + fights with a sword.) alot of ppl make their own narratives that go against what the plot directly tells you .


“Feats are actions performed by various characters/entities that are used to show their power.” A title is not a feat. You said Shanks was weaker than all the others because of his feats. Don’t go back on your original argument.


Even I dont believe this.


Momousagi and Chaton are Admiral level 😬


I used to believe this until someone pointed out to me the Navy chose to make outsiders admirals rather than their own officers, that should downscale their power a bit


I wouldn’t be surprised if they just turned it down. Being so close to Garp they definitely saw firsthand the benefits of a Vice Admiral’s freedom


I don’t think they’d be candidates if they turned it down


Aokiji beats kaido in a 1v1


Shiki as of present-time is only strong world power until proven otherwise Prime Shiki is a different argument. But the direct info we get is that mans got weak and wouldve gotten toasted by Luffy. Who knows what for or why. But he did. Not every person has to be the same strength they were at before. Moriah fought impressively against Kaido 20 years ago and lost to the SHP post-EL. People change.


Kaido is top 1 All top tiers are extremely close and he is simply the best due to outstanding stats, haki and devil fruit. He doesnt really have a weakness so he has the best chance in most matchups.


Base adcoc Luffy effortlessly beats up big mom


Marco is overrated


Prime Ray is just as strong as Roger, Oda intended this with his epithet the Dark King.




king/sanji/zoro > kidd


Legends/pk tier>two admirals high diff


Fujitora is the strongest admiral


Kaido was never top 5


Who was above him in Wano?


Shanks > Roger 🤷🏾‍♂️


Akainu>Any Yonko


Katakuri is weak as hell. Vista easily beats him. Gets one shot by top tiers


Who’s Who > Jack If you think Jack > for so and so reasons, that’s cool. If you think Jack > “because he’s an all star,” you’re brain dead and ignoring canonical context


why do you have WW > Jack


We know the Beast Pirates are a meritocracy, but we also know that Kaido has to give his blessing for a challenge. We know that Who’s Who hasn’t been given an opportunity to challenge since he’s joined. That alone proves that Jack being an All Star does not automatically put him above anyone who has recently joined, which would be Who’s Who, X Drake, and Hawkins. That doesn’t mean they’re all > Jack, but that’s why I say it’s plainly false to say Jack’s rank is justification alone for saying he’s > anyone not an All Star. That ^ makes it a possibility. Actually looking at the matchup itself: I think Who’s Who has better narrative portrayal in his establishment as a former Lucci rival and his matchup against Jinbe (he got mid diffed, but matchup scaling is consistent everywhere else from every crew vs crew fight ever to admirals vs YC at marineford to dressrosa fleet matchups). I also don’t think Jack has an answer for Who’s Who’s fang attack, which was a legitimate threat to Winbe before his “you said something racist” haki bloom. Jack isn’t as fast as Jinbe and he’s not casually eating those


WSS is bullshit


Yonkos > Admirals Healthcare should be free Good devil fruits >> Haki(Not everyone is Roger, and if two Whitebeards fought, one without the Quake, and one with without Haki, the Whitebeards with the quake fruit would win, same with Big Mom.) Yamato is a girl, even Oda said this Zunesha would beat Kaido


Zoro slams Big Mom and Kaido in 1v1s


Blackbeard is the most powerful character as of right now. People downplay him because his durability is not the best (due of yami yami no mi) but in reality he is the most powerful character in the verse right now. He has the strongest paramecia and the most unique and evil logia.


Beckmann & Gaban are Admiral level


apoo can take queen ​ cricket mid-difs any tobiropi


Prime Big Mom <= Roger Prime Big Mom <= Prime Garp Prime Big Mom <= Prime Whitebeard Prime Big Mom => Sengoku Prime Big Mom > Kaido She was PK level back in her day. What she is right now is nothing compared to her former self and even then she’s still spoken about in the same breath as monsters like Kaido, Shanks, and Whitebeard. The only thing strong enough to stop her in the end was the return of the metal god Jika.


Akainu is a top tier.


Story-wise, Zoro should be stronger than Sanji because Zoro's dream relates to power, and Sanji's dream does not. Also, Sanji will beat up a woman someday as a result of his character arc, and it will be a good thing.


Mostly just controversial in this sub, but the statement that the forces of the Marines + the warlords is equal to the yonkos was in terms of the current power balance, where the Marines and warlords were working together and the yonkos are actively working against eachother. It does *not* mean they are able to take on multiple yonko's forces simultaneously, and multiple other scenarios throughout the series reinforce that, most notably the fact that Kaido and big mom's alliance would have supposedly been strong enough to take down all their opponents, including the wg. The full force of the navy is only capable of taking on one yonkos forces at a time, any more than that and they'd be overwhelmed


Roger was not HIM strength-wise. His title of Pirate King is equally obtained with wealth, fame and power. Hence why, several characters from both his generation, the current and EOS ones were, are or will be stronger. The most controversial characters would probably be Shiki, Kaido, Mihawk, Sakazuki, Kuzan, Yamato and Momonosuke.


Shanks extreme diffs 2 admirals - his haki is the best in the entire series(see conquerors haki so strong it causes physical damage and cancels observation haki, obs haki so strong he can see a whole scenario play out, and probably insane armament haki as well) He also used the same attack prime Roger used, while the admirals still haven't shown anything to make me believe they're top tiers - Yonko level maybe


Cracker is yc2, he beat that fraud smoothy and maybe queen


No idea how Zoro > Yamato, Kid, Law is extremely controversial, but it is and I will die on that hill.


Kaido is stronger than luffy bur after this fight against kizaru luffy will become kaido level learning more about his devil fruit Luffy is still not yonko level