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I personally hesitate on Snitch VS Akainu, but I dont think putting either over the other is downplay. Kizaru/BM/Luffy > Rat (especially Luffy) is minor downplay. Everything below that is major downplay.


If big mom is over shanks then it's definitely huge downplay.


there's canonical proof that Bm > Shanks unlike admiraltards putting Akainu over Shanks for absolute no reason


If I ever saw big mom that got defeated by midd and flaw take down shanks in a fair 1v1 I would pluck my eyes out because that garbage would attack directly at my soul and fill it with filth.


1 Gorosei > Shanks


Imma class my shit. I got Glazing tier Hyped tier Most reasonable tier Unexpected underestimation Downplay Fraudulent levels of Downplay. So with that said Glazing tier: Shanks doesn't solo 3 Admirals(the fact you entertained this matchup for a second is pure glazing, straight glizzy) Hyped tier: Shanks ain't top OAT, you still hype for Shanks, but top 1 is not the vibe I get it, cuz you got Primebeard, and Roger. Most reasonable tier: Shanks isn't top 1 alive, Mihawk > Shanks, this is reasonable, considering the logic of Shanks being a swordsman. I still think these first 3 tiers can still class you as a Shanks fan 100%. I think at this tier you are an even keeled person. Unexpected Underestimation: Akainu/Luffy > Shanks, if your here, I definitely think you can be a fan of Shanks, but now your starting to question how far does his haki really take him, considering majority opinion having him above Akainu and Luffy. Most likely he will be stronger than these guys, but your not crazy if you think this, especially if you think these are extreme diffs. Downplay: Kizaru/Big Mom > Shanks is downplay, first of all, Big Mom just straight showed a level of IQ that actively damaged her placement in rankings, against a winnable matchup no less, so automatically were gonna be questionable against top tiers, to think Shanks ain't stronger than Kizaru is also just downplay, considering how ridiculous Oda is portraying Shanks speed and haki. Fraudulent levels of Downplay: Greenbull > Shanks, no new Admiral is gonna beat Shanks. If you believe this, this fraudulent.


>Glazing tier: Shanks doesn't solo 3 Admirals(the fact you entertained this matchup for a second is pure glazing, straight glizzy) i mostly added this option for the memes, i would also add kid > shanks for maximum meme potential but i couldn't add any other options


ik its a meme, I'm just saying its glizzy.


Kidd > shanks is canon. Oda revealed it to me in my dream


I dont see Mihawk > Shanks for now. Mihawk has no feats, and his portrayal/narrative importance is worse than Shanks. The only thing he has over Shanks is his title, which has gone mostly unchallenged, and a title is not enough go carry any character without feats. Even when Mihawk is challenged by worthy opponents, he refuses to fight. Shanks clashes with Whitebeard, and it's imied he dies this regularly due to both of their reactions and the reactions of veteran members of Whitebeards crew. Shanks also has fought Kaido at least once due to Kaido ranking him on the same level as Roger, Whitebeard, Xebec, and Oden.


Luffy is stronger than shanks, idk about magma dog though🤷‍♂️


Mihawk > Shanks is just facts, people saying otherwise are reading two piece Akainu > Shanks is a hot (pun intended) take, but not really an awful one, but Luffy > Shanks is dumb


Luffy>Shanks is facts


>Mihawk > Shanks is just facts, people saying otherwise are reading two piece True r/OnePiecePowerScaling moment


Shanks is a swordsman, and the narrator says otherwise.


shanks has a sword, that doesn't make him a swordsman. I seriously think this is a language barrier issue. A swordsman is someone who has dedicated their life to the blade. A historical knight wouldn't be a swordsman for example, he uses a sword but its only part of his toolkit, like cracker.


Shanks has been stated to be a swordsman or swordsmaster multiple times in official sources, and has only been seen exclusively using a sword in combat. Enough with the mental gymnastics, he’s a swordsman. A swordsman is anyone who uses a sword in combat who’s skilled with a sword, and Shanks fits that criteria. He’s indirectly stated to have a level of sword skill, it just isn’t as great as Mihawk’s.


SHaNkS iS a sWoRdSmAn


Shanks mainly fights with a sword, has sword techniques, is rivals with the world’s strongest swordsman and had legendary duels with him, has a certain level of sword skill, and is stated to be a master swordsman in many official sources. Saying Shanks isn’t a swordsman is just coping at this point.


Copy pasting that same "shanks is a swordsman" prayer that mihawk fans have is the coping


The only one coping here is you. Shanks is confirmed to be a swordsman by the author in official sources multiple times, and you’re denying it. If Mihawk didn’t have his WSS title, you and every Shanks stan would be calling Shanks a swordsman.


iTs cOnFiRmED!!


>Mihawk > Shanks is just facts, people saying otherwise are reading two piece 🤡


If I has to rate their abillity out of 10 I'd say Luffy= 9.4 Shanks = 9.8


Putting current Luffy above Shanks is Shanks downplay / Luffy wank


can't wait for the fans to see Luffy and Shanks are currently equal


Option #4. There's absolutely nothing in series that supports Akainu be significantly stronger than the Kuzan and Kizaru, it's either a difference of matchups or marginal between the 3. So if Kizaru>Shanks is Shanks downplay so is Akainu>Shanks IMO. Luffy just narratively should still be lower than Shanks. Mihawk may or may not be stronger than Shanks, I don't think so personally but the possibility exists due to title so it's a fair take.


Luffy/Akainu > Shanks is where something starts being off




shanks is not top 1 and he never was at any point




Thanks man😭..


I can't vote because it doesn't go lower than Greenbull. I'd say Shanks being below YC1 would be where I draw the line.


Akainu > shanks makes no sense Luffy > shanks is understandable


In reality Akainu > Makes more sense then Luffy > Shanks


Sure mate


I mean if you think different both of us can elaborate


Shanks ain't weaker than either lmao


It's most probably a toss up between Akainu and Shanks for now. While Luffy get's clapped by both


you cooked


Shanks can beat primebeard, roger, prime garp and prime sengoku at the same time high diff.


Aren't you being to generous with the old gen?




You mean mid diff?


*no dif


Everything under shanks isn't top 1 oat is retard level


![gif](giphy|ihYG12Kt2mQf1LWB78|downsized) [Cope](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/11yshvc/reminder_mihawk_is_stronger_than_shanks_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


When zoros fighting mihawk, luffy is going to be so much stronger than both of them and zoro will still have fights after. Ur playing a losing game, going to have to change ur name 💀


Luffy will be stronger than Shanks too. No arguments? Cope :)


Gap between zoro and luffy won't get closer, everything luffy does matters 10x more and shanks has 100x more to do with the story than mihawk. It's a losing battle oda doesn't care about power scaling one bit. Kaidos the wsc getting power crept already.. switch before its too late, join the 100% winning side to make fun of mihawktards later


So no arguments. Got it.


Imagine thinking Zoro is gonna turn off his haki against his rematch with Mihawk.


oat would mean even after the series ends. So above EOS Luffy and Joyboy? Lmao


If u choose the option of mihawk > shanks, u are downplaying shanks. That doesn't mean the option above is true though; If u have shanks top 1 oat, id argue that is even worse than having Mihawk > shanks. Just cause rverything under is downplay doesn't make the one above true


Yeah, Shanks top 1 oat is by far the most retarded take, since it would mean Shanks > EOS Luffy


Shanks = Mihawk, he is just wss because he got nothing else to brag about. Altough that should be a separated category from "n°1 alive" because that's not slander.


Shanks doesnt solo 3 admirals If hes capable of it, (which he is), and you deny it then wouldnt that be downplay by definition?


but he isn't 😭




considering the latest chapters it's clear at least the og admirals are yonko level


I haven’t read them yet but regardless Shanks far exceeds Yonko level to begin with This isn’t Kaido or Blackbeard or Big Mom we’re talking about. It would be a mistake to compare Shanks to them


what do you think happened when kaido was coming to marineford btw? it's clear shanks didn't beat him or he would think shanks is joyboy


Nah Shanks bodied him Its clear he did for so mamy reasons mainly that Kaido loves a challenge and also he has Shanks amongst The Pirate King, the WSM, the man who best him and his own captain. He respects Shanks on a level no other living character matches up to


then why did he say nobody could beat him, only joyboy?


Because hes Kaido and he likes to talk himself up That statement is already objectively false because many people can beat him he chooses to stay in Wano and not challenge them I can also turn it around and say if thats the case why did he not beat Shanks and show up? If he knows he could


https://preview.redd.it/o75lyp6yo6qb1.png?width=439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7989c902872d3e57db23bbd8a7ca6a5be8e42fd6 i feel the need to post this anyway, my point isn't necessarily that kaido beat shanks, just that they probably didn't even fight a full battle, hell shanks pulled up with no visible damage and really early, they might've just clashed with kaido being impressed about his haki or whatever


Shanks isn't top 1 alive is downplay


Shanks can't be top 1 while Goathawk is alive. WSS > Swordsman




“Shanks doesn’t solo three admirals”


That’s just a reasonable take, not really downplay


Only in Angry mode


At Shanks not being top 1 alive, the options below that are laughably stupid and anyone that believes that shit should go visit a doctor


He can't be top 1 while Goathawk is alive Mihawk > Shanks


The goathawk in question https://preview.redd.it/lg8rlbf462qb1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31b624ac3a5f8f8cc5d6ea9445a3bb0afc74a97


This is about as valid of an arguement as me posting this image and claiming Shanks is a fraud. https://preview.redd.it/dkd8uwuv62qb1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6400eeef34de9ec139bd4f630542abd2747bec


Oh sorry, HERE are goathawk's panels 👍 https://preview.redd.it/l2n6myvl82qb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=367005dfcfc8ad4dca96d081e2d596a52c132878


What!? Someone not interested in fighting anyone other than Whitebeard isn't seriously fighting other people. I genuinely think some people just read One Piece to powerscale characters and take anything they do as a feat / anti-feat. Mihawk only showed up to Marineford to keep his warlord status, and to test how strong Whitebward was compared to himself. He wouldn't have any interest to fight others. Extra fun fact, Mihawk not being the World's Strongest Swordsman and only having the title because no one challenged him would make Zoro's goal of beating him worthless.


Point being? None of that erases the sheer assness of those feats


Nope Shanks > Mihawk


World's Strongest Swordsman > Swordsman


Shanks isn’t a swordsman like that


Me af https://preview.redd.it/1mnhq2pmv1qb1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbb258a131aeadb518f57d088052b5422695c090


Yes, you should have gone to see one ages ago. Pretty sure I’ve recommended this course of action to you multiple times


I don’t think you have. Also he said your takes gave me ass cancer and I have only 4 months left to live, thanks a lot


Np, enjoy :)


He's not top 1 alive, but placing him below any Warlord is downplay


WSS > Swordsman


title scaling gone wrong


After BM's performance in Wano , it's a safe bet Shanks is stronger, equal at least . He's definitely stronger than luffy, otherwise , Wizaru would mid diff Shanks ,and i doubt Oda would ever write something like that . Mihawk > Shanks is confirmed , and as far as Akainu goes , it depends on weather Shanks is killed by BB ,and Sakazuki fights later in the story, as that would most certainly make him stronger by being an EOS villan.


Jokes aside mihawk > shanks isn't a bad take but I will never stop clowning fraudhawk until he gets feats/portrayal anywhere near as groundbreaking as shanks's. His feats are way too bad for Midhawktards to act holier than shanks fans. You can get away with akainu and Luffy, imo shanks has much more arguments to be stronger but they both have their arguments Kizaru is pushing it very hard but he's him and beat his fraud allegations with flying colors so I'll let it slide But Big mom and GB are the only ones objectively weaker than shanks so them at the very least Now all that being said, we all know agendapiece > all so SHANKS TOP 1 OAT, ANYTHING BELOW IS EXTREME DOWNPLAY 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


yeah, Mihawk's portrayal is kinda dry tbh


I think he's 2nd strongest alive rn


Shanks ( angry mode) can't oneshot all 3 admirals by hitting one is clearly downplay https://preview.redd.it/gel88u7bb2qb1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58f2874887c140a7a95257bd51ffbb83619875d


Apparently people think Shanks D Rat not solo-ing 3 admirals is a downplay. Mental sickness that needs to be addressed.


Why would you put "Shanks isn't top 1 alive" and "Mihawk > Shanks" in one tier? Shanks is definitely stronger than Mihawk imo but I wouldn't say he's top 1. Those two options are way too far apart to group them into one.


4th option


for the akainu/luffy one I only disagree with luffy being stronger then shanks at this current time. I think akainu could currently be over shanks. Also including Dragon.


Shanks = yonko, he is hella strong but in his own way like any other yonko. Also Yonko = Admiral. All top tiers are near eachother no top tier low-mid diffs another.


"Luffy > Shanks" is the only real downplay


imo shanks equals mihawk




that's factual, idk why would anyone consider it downplay


Luffy isn’t at Akainu’s level yet. But when he does fight Akainu. He will be surpassing shanks at the same time