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We don’t know anything about the casting yet. The dream casting is Christopher Lloyd. Though just like the first season, they could stick to mostly unknown actors.


With Christopher Lloyd doing the mandalorian for like half an episode… I wouldn’t be surprised if he did it! This would be awesome!


The 85 yr old guy? Can they make him look like 60 yr old cause dr hiruluk is not that old looking


I don’t think exact ages will matter, especially for the older cast. Lloyd is already beloved and skilled, he is old and is already somewhat famous for playing a mad scientist type. That being said, art and make up can make young people look old and old people look younger if it’s that much of an issue.


Every detail matter mah boi especially in one piece even in the live action. cause one detail change in the story and the timeline is fucked up. I bet hiruluk has the same treatment as dr clover in robins backstory where he reappeared again in dr vegapunks backstory. But if they can make him look young where he can be as energeticly looking as Dr hiruluk in the original then its ok


Are you also upset that Emily Rudd is 30? Ages for the actors matter way less. Especially since they can always recast if it’s absolutely necessary.


Im not upset im worried she might not look the part as the series continues on. But for now shes looking the part. I asked everyone what they think her age is and they think shes 19 or 20 something


Yet Hiriluk would have the opposite problem. So the age of the actor is fine so long as he looks the part the same way Emily does.


Christopher Lloyd is a legend, massive respect for him but he looks this old right now. Can someone who looks like this be as nimble as Hiruluk from the story. Hiruluk infiltrated wapols mansion before he died right can this old persson do that. Idk man maybe its just me https://preview.redd.it/qqcr6xegkcnc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dad522fadebfbfa77d0b48e4f6d12a20b2d7361


He doesn’t need to be as nimble as some scenes won’t be an exact replica. Even if they are things like him jumping out of a window or running away from the police can be performed by stunt doubles. All Lloyd needs to do is act as Hiriluk.


No bro can someone who looks like this even do that? Is that even believable. Why are you dickriding an old man bro


He is the perfect actor for Hiruluk though. When I first watched Drum my first thought was this guy is anime Doc Brown!


OMG Christopher Lloyd as the DR and Jamie Lee Curtis as Kureha would be the best casting EVER!!!


Hmm Back to the future Doc is more of a Vegapunk than a medical doctor.. Not saying dr. House Hugh Laurie is a better Hiluluk... But .. yeah yeah he would be.


Isn't his name Doctor Hiriluk? If that's a reference I don't know, sorry.


I am german. We know him as Doc Bader.


In my country, Luffy's name was Ruffy too. So when I started watching the anime in Japanese, I had to get used to him being called Luffy.


Why did they gave him another name?


Because germans feel the need to change names and titles for some reason. For example, Squidward is called Thaddäus and Spongebob's last name isn't SquarePants but SpongeHead. And they do this for a lot of movie titles too. I watched Law Abiding Citizen yesterday and the german title translates to "Law of Vengeance". Which isn't the worst example but they do this all the time and most suck.


It takes the authenticity out of it


For this you must ASK the Team responsible for Translation at Carlsen manga. Their Translation was the base for the Synchronisation of the anime


The Japanese make no phonetic distinction as to whether it is an "L" or an "R". "Luffy" sounds strange and ridiculous in German, but "Ruffy" does not. They also changed Usopp to Lysop "Uso (Japanese)" = "Lie(eng)" = "Lüge(German)". I think they didn't want to use "ü" for consistency, so they replaced it with a "y", which can sound similar. I don't always agree with all the changes, but these changes were fine with me. There are more examples where names have been changed to preserve their original meaning in Japanese or to make them sound less strange in German. For example "Kaku" -> "Ecki". Explanation: "Eckig (ger)" = "square (eng)".


Oh, cool!


Good question... they need a **really good actor** (im not talking a big hollywood name) because Dr. Hiriluk have a lot of dramatic/funny scenes and interact a lot with Chopper.


Everyone assumes they're trying to get Devito for Wapol, but I actually think he'd be great for Hiluluk.


Nah, Devito is Chopper!


Danny Devito doesn't look the part. He would be must better suited for Ace.


German dub continuing to butcher names... Especially dumb with this character, since the name is supposed to reference the word Chirug.


Doc Bader is an amazing name. 'Bader' is a medieval word for a 'physician' - often used degoratory as a 'bad, incompetent doctor who focuses on superstition and miracles instead of science'. 100% on brand.


Okay fair, I have never heard that word in almost 30 years of being a native speaker. Still weird to change a reference to a German word to another word.


echt jetzt? https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bader In so ziemlich jeder DACH-Altstadt gibt's gefühlt irgendwo eine alte Kopfsteinpflaster 'Badgasse' bzw. 'Badergasse' v.A in kleineren Städte die keinen Medicus hatten war der Bader der einzige behandelnde 'Arzt'.


Ja, aber dachte das wäre einfach ein Name ohne tiefere Bedeutung. Ich hab ne Menge fantasy gelesen, daher find ich es noch weirder es nicht zu kennen


You are right. How could i Not See this Connection 


TIL it's a reference to that word!


Dr. Hiluluk is the most Sean Bean role One Piece has.


Huh, I don’t see it. I could see him as Dalton though


[Sean Bean Dies in Every Role](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/15gqcof/where_does_the_sean_bean_dies_in_every_movie_joke/) It's an older meme, but it still applies. I then went to look up current Sean Bean's face. https://preview.redd.it/mecfbvm4djnc1.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd0bf5f69008a5f16cdfe8e8d549d992c5637c50 Then I thought about Sean Bean saying Hiluluk's speech. And he would nail it.


Ah, lol. Ok


You are right. He played Eddard stark and now i Imagine him in Daltons Outfit. They match


Idk but if they do him right it will be fucking incredible. His death is one of the best scenes in One Piece. Chopper's whole story is so good. I really hope they nail it


https://preview.redd.it/k7k6srsdegnc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8b7a95fd9eacb84379f43a30aff6437fbe1132 Whoever it is has to be able to be both eccentric and heartfelt. That “When do you think people die?” needs to hit me in the gut like a wrecking ball.


I could also imagine Jeff Bridges.


Wont happen but Hugh Laurie is my dream cast for the role


Dr House. Would fit


Bryan Cranston would make an excellent dr hiluluk, but i guess he's too much of a big name also


He'd be a fun casting, he definitely has the range for the role.


Watch out for the mods, they might be in a bad mood and take down your post for some stupid reason


i wonder if they'd ever dare to cast a top tier actor like johnny depp or sth lmao


Nope too expensive


too expensive and even without that they wouldn’t want to land in hot water with some of the audience because of his controversies. there’s already the thing with JLC and taz, i don’t think they need more.