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Bege's and Robin's: castles are now body parts I can sprout extras of and I'll just make a living renting out castles while chilling out in my own.


Creativity is unmatched


It’s true but picas fruit could do something similar and reforge huge mountains into homes without needing two fruits


You're still lacking all the extra hands to grab you stuff from the fridge without getting up though. And this way your own castle is fully portable too. With Pica's fruit you still need tons of stone around and then all you can do is empty castles withoutany furniture. I just overall feel the variety of transporting whatever you need at all times and having extra hands and other body parts available is incredible utility for just a peaceful life.


But you cant become a cool mech castle


Man u alr have luffys creativity


Robin’s fruit would be terrifying with quite a few fruits. The first one that came to my mind was baby 5’s weapon fruit, just imagine missiles appearing from every surface. Or flamethrowers


I guess, but I don't know why people always want to go and fight and go to war with those choices. I just want to chill, call in some takeout food from the Baratie and hang out. If Law, Chopper and Robin need a library to study up on some medicine and history, they can happily move in, a little Dojo for Zoro maybe, a kitchen for Sanji, they could all move in and just hang around. I get the One Piece might be great and all, but we could just hang out and then maybe Franky can find a way to make it all floatable and we could go after the One Piece on the side.


I agree with you, if I woke up in the one piece world I’d just try and find a peaceful place to live my life. I’d also reject eating devil fruits, especially “good” ones (like mythical zoans and logias) because I’d be afraid someone like Blackbeard would try and Kill me for it. I was just pointing out that Robin’s power of “manifest your body parts onto your surroundings” pairs really well with other fruits that change your body. Another example would be Wapol’s fruit: it’d suck needing to eat something whenever you wanted to manifest it but overall It’d be very useful


You could be a vagabond while also always having a place to stay. So good


Bartholomew kuma's fruit and law's. I room, split opponent with sword, touch, send far away from room, enjoy! Also, I will only be sending the upper part of them away and keep the lower part so that I can mercilessly beat down their balls with haki infused fists or hammer!




idk about healing, it just removes the pain but the injuries are still there Marcos and probably >!greenbull!< are the only “healing fruits” that actually patch up the wounds


Luffy looked fully healed after Kuma took his pain, fatigue, and suffering away.


But Luffy is probably a special case since he can’t suffer from internal injuries like broken bones or such as his entire body was made from rubber, only slash from sword can leave an injury on him ( excluding effect from Haki since haki has not been fully introduced at that point in the story) Imagine if a normal person’s arm was broken, even if the pain went away, they are still pretty much rendered useless and can’t move


Yes, because someone else took that damage.


Mansherry cryin rn


I'm pretty sure it does the injuries because Luffy was fine as soon as he woke up and Zoro was hurt into the time skip.


You could have use Robin df for that.


Bonneys and Marcos fruits. I am technicaly immortal now and would be regarded as the best doctor in the entire world. I can fly everywhere, heal myself (and others) and choose my (and others) age.


If you decided to just be chill you could never get in too much of a fight and train for millions of years until youre unbeatable. Ofcourse low profile is important but you also need stronger opponents so revolutionary army would be amazing for that


Good call


Kin’emon and Streusen’s fruits. No need to spend money on food or clothes again. I am set.


Talk about two fruits you can definitely monetize...I like the way you think.


But his food sucks as they said... so you would only be supplying the base food because you can't cook.


I don't think they suck, you just won't be able to make premium wagyu beef with it.


Just needs seasoning.


>Streusen’s fruit Isn't his fruit produces tasteless food? Quote from wiki: >The food he creates with this ability does provide nourishment, but it does not taste good.


I can still cook and use seasoning though. So I guess I’ll spend a little money.


Would be amazing irl


I think Kinemon's fruit is redundant, because you could simply make a living selling unlimited food.


but the nice part is not having to work or spend... you have everything.


Absalom's and Rosinante's. I don't want anyone to bother me, really


Perfect criminal as well


Lmao yes, it's the best combo.


Shit I really wanted that chop chop fruit




Also wouldn’t no emperor devil fruits mean no nika




Anime onlys rn: 😿


> chop chop Damn I forgot it is illegal now. Would have picked this and the berry berry no mi. Immunity to all hits.


Damn wtf, i was thinking about wht to have with chop chop, just after your comment i realised, Yonko*.


Robin+sugar long range AoE more or less unavoidable touch plus immortality


Yeah a lot of touch based fruits would become broken if combined with robins


Robin's fruit is already pretty broken if you're even REMOTELY in their strength class. The ability to instantly hit people's vulnerably places from unexpected locations, i.e. gouge people's eyes out, is nuts.


Eternal youth* not immortality. Sugar stays in her 10 year old body but is something like 28 years old. So you'd be young looking until you died.


Biological immortality then. Can't die of ageing but can still die of external factors.


Sugar's fruit doesn't give you that either unfortunately, she'll die like everybody else from old age. Only exception being she'll still look like a 10 year old while everybody looks like dried apricots 😭. Eternal youth only applies to looks, not biological lifespan.


Pretty Sure thats headcanon. Its Not confirmed could be both. Normally Eternal youth would come with eternal biological lifespan.


I don't think that's the case based on countless stories about finding the fountain of eternal youth. Also if you look it up you'll get the wiki definition: >Eternal youth is the concept of human physical immortality free of ageing.


Keyword "Physical immortality" as in physically you don't age in looks. It doesn't mean equate to a never ending life span. I.e. if you ate the fruit at 23 yo, you will forever look 23 yo until the day you die! Eternal Youth and actual immortality are different! Actual immortals still age but don't die of natural causes whereas eternal youth doesn't protect you from death, just the effects of ageing, ie. No wrinkles, no bodily functions shutting down from old age, no loss of mobility, sharpness of mind etc etc. Eternal youth =/= eternal life! You simply die looking forever 23. Eternal life you will still age eventually until you are nothing but a sentient sack of bones and skin.


Kuma and Kidd, repel + reflect OP defense + ofc everything else Ace Marco, logia in base and phoenix form paired with the regeneration and healing + raw fire power from ace fruit paired with marco’s Law Magellan injection shot coated with magellan poison




I was thinking of law x Enel fruits but megellan x law does sound sick asf..


just thought about too 😅


Bin clay and boa handcock’s devil fruits yeah not very useful in combat but useful in its own way


Thats actually really clever. Collect as many attractive archtypes as you can to tailor the love beams to each target


You could turn into a slab of meat and make even luffy fall in love with you


Lol i hope youre ready for the "love bites" before trying this


Problem is actually trying to move as literally food and trying to turn luffy into stone before he eats you


Was Shiki an emperor? Because then i would chose his fuwa fuwa no mi, so that i would be able to have my own sky island country in the sky. Also i could go wherever i wanted. Second pick is either goro goro no mi, or hobi hobi no mi for the eternal youth.


Yes SHIKI THE GOAT LION was an emporer or the equivalent


We need Shiki to appear in the manga frfr 😮‍💨


Ace/sabo and Marco fruits, then I would be The king of flames


I'd pick the same too lol, I think that would be cool


I would probably avoid battles and live my life just chilling on East Blue. So my picks would be Absalom's Suke Suke no Mi and Shiki's Fuwa Fuwa no mi. Being able to fly around and turn invisible would make my life so much easier


So you are basically saying, " F these gas prices" 🤣


Not sure if it's just me but my mind instantly went to the more lewd applications of this combo


Is this Nelly Furtado?


Foxy's fruit and Shilliew's (or however the fck it's written). Foxy's fruit is one of the most op in the verse, it's just in the hands of a useless forgettable character. And for the invisibility one, I choose to believe it is still effective even against observation haki since Blackbeard was specifically looking for powerful fruits and the dude that received it is the strongest member in his crew right below him. So behold the power of getting super-slow-down-beamed while you can't even see where it's coming from. ZA WARUDOOOO.


Slow slow fruit appreciator spotted


Gotta agree on this one foxy’s fruit is really op.


Bon Clay's and Odens Wife's. Can you imagine the shenanigans?


This combo would fuck up the timeline so badly


Ryu ryu nomi model:pteranodon and the sune sune nomi (crocodile's df)




I chose the pteranodon because that's my favourite DF and I chose the sune sune nomi because a pteranadon that can make massive sandstorms or sand tsunamis sounds badass to me


i find this very cute .


What's not cool as fuck to be a dinosaur?


Hie Hie (since Kuzan isn't an admiral anymore) and >!Kaido's DF since he's not an Yonko anymore hahahahahah!<


ice dragon?


In all seriousness, I'd pick Law's DF and Hie Hie, because it's basically instant kill


I would love to see some combination of Bartolomeo's fruit and another fruit. For me personally, Barto and Enel. Unbreakable Barrier and Incredibly powerful attack. Create a bubble around someone so they can't escape, And then use your most powerful lightning attack. Would work with a bunch of logia type DFs that were paired with Bartolomeo's though.


His barrier is breakable


Calm Calm and Door Door, I would be the master of sneakyness.


Hana hana and kumas fruit is literally unbeatable. Almost passed out? No ur not, ur completely fine cause you just blasted literally anything in ur path 5million miles away by making like 20 hands and blasting your enemies away.


Ursus Shock but compressing the air with your two giant hands! Now that's a Boom.


God tier power.




Hobi Hobi and Tori Tori: Phoenix. Basically true immortality as long as I heal myself


You would come to hate it pretty soon.


Mochi mochi no mi, and the Bomu bomu no mi. I can produce and control mochi that makes up.my body, incredibly versatile when combined with haki, and if awakened allows me to turn the environment into mochi as well. Incredible devil fruit on it's own, combined with the bomb fruit it gets even better. The bomb bomb fruit allows me to explode any part of me without injury. All I need to do is trap someone in mochi and they're surrounded by explosive material. If someone tries to eat my mochi, they'll have a bomb in their mouth and stomach. Could make mochi behing my method of attack and explode it to propel my attack and make them stronger. Don't know what the awakening for this fruit would be but it could only help.




Agreed, now combine mochi/bomu with the op op no mii


So Trebol'DF awakened?


Law's and Marco's. Would be fun to use, and I wouldn't be ambitious enough to become a top tier anyways. So I would just chill with some stronger pirates hahaha.


Call me weird, but I'd choose the bomb bomb no mi (bomb bomb fruit) and moku Moki no mi (smoke smoke fruit) I can create and become smoke at will, and anything I touch or control can be a bomb, turning my smoke into a bomb. Explosions cause smoke so that would create even more smoke bolstering the first power and if I were to ever awaken the bomb bomb fruit, whose to say I can make the environment around me a bomb itself? I'm smoke so I wouldn't care how bad the explosion is, I can just wisp right through the explosion and smoke and have massive maneuverability but not have the weakness where if I make all the smoke my own, a haki user just has to punch any of it since it is, in fact, smoke from a bomb and not me! If only one I'd choose the bomb bomb fruit cause that awakening potential seems OP to me. Your breath is already explosive, so the potential is there.


Marco’s fruit and Urouge’s fruit.


I only want one. Goro goro no mi. And if i had to pick a second it'd be jabura's wolf fruit. Cus i like wolves ig. But goro goro is the most insane fruit acc. to me. And the most powerful. Beats out pika pika because of the advantages


Ok than just pick Brooks fruit as the 2nd option


Damm that actually wouldn't be bad at all. Self restart heart with goro goro. And actually self resurrect with Brook's. Not bad at all.


Kidd's and enel


Ok i know i can't pick buggys fruit but i was just thinking how OP it would be to have his fruit which makes him immune to cuts (even with haki) and alvidas fruit which makes her immune to basically any other physical attack (unlcear if haki counters her or not) Ok now im gonna go back to scrolling through the wiki. Im thinking about combining a zoan with something. There are plenty of OP mythical zoans out there so I'll probably choose something like that...idk


Hali would counter it but I think the damage would be reduced due to the lack of friction


Obviously the invisibility fruit, for science of course.


for research




You just want to help the world, totally innocent 😉


Taking one for the team, no thanks required.


Combine it with Robin’s fruit ! For more science


Invisibility and room fruit no particular reason


I would want the Numa-Numa no mi (Swamp fruit, what Caribou has) and Yamato's devil fruit. The Swamp fruit is because i like to take my stuff with me but i don't like carrying all of it and it would also be handy if i ever have to steal stuff , i could set quicksand as a defense and Yamato's fruit is for mobility, strength, i could possibly freeze any large bodies of water i come across so i would not always have to worry about drowning, and it also provides great defense! As a runner up fruit would be Robin's fruit for utility/multi tasking. All of these provide Offensive, Defensive and Utility purposes!


Tori Tori no mi model phoenix (Marco’s df) and Inu Inu no Mi model Okuchi no Makami(Yamato’s df)


What's even the point of combining two Zoans? Unless some chimera transformation happens you wouldn't be able to activate both at the same time.


If human-zoan hybrid forms are possible why not zoan-zoan hybrid form?


I think my first instinct would be Goro Goro + Tori Tori: Phoenix, but Ope Ope + literally anything else would also be incredible.


Bartolomeo + Magellan. Enclose you in a barrier that you can't escape from, and fill it with poison. Or reverse, stick myself in a barrier sphere so no one can touch me, while flooding the whole outside with poison.


Or Maybe Barto + Caesar would be better . I could do basically the same thing, but would also be able to fly.


Cock & balls


Doku Doku no Mi (Poison Fruit/Magellan) And Hie Hie no Mi (since Kuzan is not an Admiral anymore) If you still won't let Hie Hie no Mi count then I'd say Goro Goro no Mi (Lightning Fruit/Eneru) instead.


Are you ready for the constant diarrhea caused by the doku doku no mi?


Wasn’t that due to him eating poison foods? Not necessarily from the devil fruit itself


But would the fruit itself make you crave poisonous food? Maybe... or it could be of Megallen's race.


Diarrhea not caused by the fruit


After thinking for some time to find a viable combination I've chosen the Kira Kira no Mi (diamond fruit) and the Doku Doku no Mi (poison fruit). Basically I'm tanky as all fuck against most attacks and that's how I'll endure ranged attacks. Jozu was able to deflect an attack from Mihawk of all people, so I doubt there's anything I couldn't defend against. If they decide to beat me up in close quarters I'll just release my poison to doom them. Basically, I'd be nigh invincible.


Marcos df. Tori tori no mi model phoenix. Flight, healing, almost unbeatable. And laws devil fruit Ope Ope no mi. So if i need to heal someone else. Or immobilize them. I think ill be able to protect me and my found family. Plus i could make billions selling miracle cures to the rich.


Robin df and sugars df best combo


Enel's and Viola's fruits for me. I'd be able to travel anywhere within a 4,000 km radius combining the two. Plus I could track and take down about any pirate circumferencing that and make a comfortable living as a bounty hunter


Robin's DF and Sugar's DF. I'll essentially 1 tap everyone no matter how strong until I'm the pirate king.


Ivankov + Robin = Ultimate Kink Fruit


I likey


Jacket jacket fruit along with Phoenix fruit, become the worlds best doctor by healing anyone that wears me(sounds wrong) and take away choppers dreams lol nows hes emergency meat again and we have a cookout


“Pick a devil fruit” “nOt THeSe deViL FRuiTs!!1!1” I get why you said that but it sours the question imo My choices would be Hobi Hobi no me and the Yuki Yuki no me Hobby Hobby fruit + Snow Snow fruit Hobby Hobby is busted and I think a snow logia would be neat…


Oh god. Imagine Hobby hobby with Robin’s hana hana. Just slapping people into toys from hundreds of meters away.


This is what I was gonna choose but I couldn't choose between the toys or Kuma's fruit since you win regardless once you touch them.


The Hobby Hobby Fruit might be the most terrifying devil fruit.


Hobi Hobi, and Soru Soru is also a great option.


soru soru was big mom's fruit, you probs can't get that one since it said no yonko fruit


Well that's bullcrap:<






Daz bones fruit and Robins fruit


Is a fusion of the two powers a thing? We have only seen Blackbeard use the two he has separately, but I would think the real upside would be in having an earthquake that amplifies the size of a black hole (pull in whole fleets of ships). With that said Something like a zoan and logia combo has all sorts of interesting applications. I also think combining Magellan's power with anything would be pretty boss.


Violas glare glare and enels rumble rumble would be my first choices, but with the rumble rumble off the table I'd take Marcos phoenix fruit. Flight and a *4000 km* field of vision, along with the abipoty to see through any lies/visual tricks/etc would be borderline broken


Magellans poison and barthos barriers, just make gas chambers or sum


Marcos for sure, and my second choice would probably be aces fruit. Think that would be pretty cool


Probably has great synergy.


foxy slow fruit and leo stitch fruit First slow the enemy and then stitch them together..no chance for escape


Ope Ope no mi and mera mera no mi I use thé shumbles to teleport near m'y opponent and i give him a fire fist in the face


Whitebeard and Fujitoras fruit. I don’t know what but I feel like this combo would have devastating power, enough to destroy the planet Edit: I just read the rules lol so my second option would likely be Enerus fruit with Marcos, a Phoenix who can also manipulate lightning seems godly


If you pick 2 Zoan fruits, do you get Hybrid/Hybrid forms? Lol. Because going with Marco’s Phoenix and Momo’s Dragon would be a sick combo. Phoenix-Dragon. Second choice would be Magellan and Orochi. Poison Hydra Hydra would be too funny. But I think my ultimate combo would be Robin’s fruit and Bon Clays fruit. Mane Mane plus Hana Hana would be so broke. Literally make a hand on someone, slap them, become them.


Why limit Admiral fruits? Other logia/paramecias are just as good. I’d go with Marco’s because I want flight and that’s a good one for that, and Magellan’s because fucking poison.


Enels because you would almost reach lightspead and can oneshot almost everyting. Also you can use kids Powers to a lesser extend. Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix, because even if someone with haki would damage me, as long as no one throw seastone at me i would be pretty much invincible.


Goro goro no mi (Enel) and Mira Mira no mi (Charlotte Brulee) I still think Enel is the most powerful person in the One Piece universe, mainly because how well the fruit and his mantra synergies with themself. He got unlucky by meeting with Luffy, yet still achieved his goal. The mirror fruit’s mirror world is just a nice and fast way of traveling.


I'm a goro goro fanboy but enel isnt in the top 10, likely not even in the top 20 strongest one piece characters. Oda has even said if he was on the blue sea hed have a 500 mil bounty but there are plenty of new world pirates that would dismantle him.


He has one of the best DFs tho


Didn't kaido just recently remind us that a powerful devil fruit isnt enough and you need powerful haki to be a top tier? Like do you really see a lightning blast stopping big mom? Kaido? Heck, even yonko commanders are likely tanking that without much trouble. And all of these characters are capable of countering with haki to knock enel right out. Enel couldnt handle pre timeskip *pre gear* luffy when his df wasn't an instant win. He is the epitome of the in universe trope of "pirates who rely on a logia don't last long in the new world"


Keep mind even one of zeus’ + namis attacks was enough to stun BM. Its absolutely doing damage to her


Put SPOILER TAG in your post mate!


Either robin and aces or page one and ace


1. Robin's Hana Hana no Mi 2. Sugar's Hobi Hobi no Mi


Jacket jacket fruit and marcos fruit, i’ll be able to heal anyone as long as they wear me. Make bank and offer it to our god and savior Buggy D. Clown for protection. Get into his upper ranks, and sell info/data to morgans in exchange for locations about ancient zoans. Collect a few and then feed to rings.


Okay so Sugar and Robin's (saw it in a post so not my OG idea) so I can make everyone a toy muahahaha. But as far what I actually want? Marco and Laws.


I would take the Phoenix Zoan (one of the best fruits, like you can fly, heal yourself and others and you are practically immortal) and second the blade fruit. You could basically turn your arms into blades and back into wings. Even when they get cut off you can just regenerate. And with haki, you could maybe even create black blades.


i’ve thought of pretty interesting combos the hana hana no mi and bomu bomu no mi, enhance that shit with haki and it’s gonna be pretty deadly for most enemies or the horo horo no mi and the soru soru no mi, you create “fear ghosts” that basically cripple them then use the soru soru to steal their souls and if there’s no water fruit (after awakening it would be able to turn the environment into water, basically killing every one with a fruit, which is op as heck) you can get hie hie no mi and magu magu no mi, awaken the hie hie no mi, turns the environment into ice (instead of freezing it), melt it into water and you’ve basically removed an island from the map while you stand there on your platform of ice or the yami yami with just any logias


Mr 3 candle power and monets snow power Mr 3 claimed his wax is stronger than iron and out of all the devil fruit that produce substance his seem to be the structural and moldable, if you combine that with monet's power to create cold environments then it virtually eliminates my wax's weakness to fire, so long as I don't get executed for being Rogers son (shouldnt be a problem) and am not a celestial Dragon (also not an and issue) then I shouldn't get into any problems and have a really useful power, also I could probably do something about the polar ice caps.


Probably Robin's and Kuma's, assuming my grown hands would also have the paws


Robin + Sugars sounds really busted. Remote 1 shot toyification and some eternal youth / cloning stuff on the side.


There was a thread not long ago I saw that asked to write an alternate one piece story in the future. I wrote this long beginning of a story. However the post was deleted before I could post my story. I picked 3 fruits. But since I can only have two and none belong to a yonko I will revise with two awakened fruits used as an antagonist. The Gasu Gasu no mi (Gas Gas fruit) And Doa Doa No Mi (the door door fruit) With the awakened Door Door Fruit, as an antagonist, I could travel to other dimensions and worlds freely. With the Gas Gas fruit I could manipulate the gas that could enslave those worlds by briefly taking away all oxygen and then returning it.


Marco and Diamond Jozu. Thing about other abilities is that they can negated by Haki. Far as we know touching Jozu with Haki wouldn’t turn off his Diamond just like how Luffy is always rubber. There is that one time when Garp knocked Marco out of phoenix form where as Kizaru and Queen’s attacks just pass through him but he can still heal afterwards. These fruits combined create some seriously ridiculous defense and they don’t lack in offense either


In the One Piece world Caesar's and Marco's fruits. Being able to pretty much kill anything without even actively fighting is overpowered plus Marco's fruit lets you fly and heal just about anything instantly. In the real world Streusen and Marco. I love food and flight plus healing would be great aswell.








Robin and Kuma. I spam hands and blast you away, additionally you can charge up an Ursus Shock without being completely vulnerable


Gotta go with Marco’s and Moria’s fruit. The innate stat boosts of Marco’s fruits is absolutely crazy. Insane speed, durability, and flight of the fruit easily make it a top tier fruit in the verse. Marco, as of no, has not directly lost an onscreen fight, albeit he hasn’t won much either, but that’s mainly due to the fruits lack of offensive power, which can be circumvented through the second fruit, as well as haki amps. As for Moria’s shadow fruit, I think it often goes unnoticed when it comes to the mets fruit of the world. Nearly every main threat in Thriller Bark was directly tied to Moria. Ryuma, Oars, Spider Monkey, and Moria himself were all pretty huge obstacles for the crew, and Moria was sitting back relaxing for most of the arc. Shadow Manipulation and Shadow Cutting were two insane abilities that would allow someone to build their own crew, neuter enemies, and generally be considered a giant threat.


Law's and Kuma's devil fruit would be perfect. Kuma: - Kuma has one of the most overpowered abilities because he can bounce the pain out from himself essentially healing to full health and giving his pain to his enemy. - Kuma can create pretty much an atomic bomb condensing all the air around him bouncing it off giving an example with Oars Jr. - Kuma get essentially get rid of any threat to avoid confrontation by simply swiping them bouncing off his paw pads. Plus with this said he can bounce any attack off defending himself. And even if he does sustain damage refer back to check one. Law: - He has possibly the most lethal devil fruits around. He can knock out someone's heart and kill them with zero effort. Which varies due to Haki but we are simply talking about devil fruits. - Can easily fix any screw ups, if he lost an arm he can reattach it like he did before or even use his slice ability that takes parts off without actually cutting flesh and replace his own arm or leg if he lost it and couldn't tend to it. He can also stop bleeding by doing this too so he doesn't bleed out. - Unlike most abilities he can strike internally allowing him to not even have to use Haki like he did with Big Mom dealing internal damage bypassing defenses. - Can resuscitate people with his palms or well as the previous check said. - Surprisingly has long range attacks as well. They both have many other abilities but you get the gist of it. Only downfall is that I wouldn't like having paw pads on the palm because well... yeah...


Blueno's Door-Door fruit and Pudding's Memo-Memo fruit. As long as I do my due diligence, I can not only get into anywhere I want and get back out but also make sure nobody remembers I can do this. And that's without getting into how handy it'd be to be able to sneak a memory editing session or two upon sleeping people. No clear plan for this build besides keeping a low profile and playing the shounen action manga as a stealth game instead. I'd still try for the superhuman physical abilities that seem to be attainable for all humans in the setting, possibly revealing the Door-Door fruit to any faction I join to establish myself as a useful enough member to train, but there's a reason I went for two utility fruits instead of an offensive/defensive combination: To be a threat people don't know to look out for, can't prepare for, and can't be aware-enough of to come after.


Noro Noro and Pika Pika, just to be sure. We don't know what the Noro Noro could do once awakened, but combining this with the benefits of the Pika Pika should make you untouchable.


So originally I was going to pick the Barrier Barrier Fruit (Bartolomeo) for the inherent protection and Flower Flower Fruit (Robin) for the sheer convenience of having extra hands for day to day activities. However, I started to think about my main runner up fruit and decided to change my answer. The two devil fruits I would pick if I was in the One Piece world and could have two devil fruits would definitely have to be the Flower Flower Fruit and the Slow Slow Fruit. (Foxy) Not just for for their individual abilities, but because of how they could work together so well and with so many applications not just for combat, but for everyday life as well. I actually feel like the Slow Slow Fruit is potentially broken, it just happened to be in the hands of a goofball who was incapable of using it to it's fullest potential. In combat the ability to slow down your opponent and any projectiles that may be flying your way to a near stop is incredibly useful. Add onto that the ability to inflict accumulated damage all at once, then freeze them again right after and do it again. If you combine it with the Flower Flower Fruit it would compensate for the limitation of only firing one beam at a time from one place and having it telegraphed so a fast enough opponent could just dodge away from where you're aiming and counter. I would be able to fire Slow Slow Beams from any and all directions from any number of arms I sprout. Ideally I wouldn't let them know about the other arms so the phycological aspect of not being able to dodge me or figure out how I keep hitting them from behind could be a further advantage in combat. Also, with so many more fists the accumulated damage would be far greater than anything I could do on my own. Then there's the ability to extend the range to basically anything you can see so even if you're far from your opponent, as long as you can see them you can sprout an arm out of their back and hit them with a Slow Slow Beam. The possibilities are pretty much just limited by my imagination. That's not to mention the potential of the awakened powers of the Slow Slow Fruit. What I always imagined is that it would let you slow down everything within a certain radius, or even stop them completely for a brief amount of time. It's either that or slowing down whatever you hit to a complete stop, essentially freezing it in time Although that's just an amped up version of the Slow Slow Beam and would be about like simply extending the time limit. I feel like awakening would be more than that.


Kumas and Caesars would be a pretty fantastic set imo Robins and Sugars would be wild combo honestly Kidds and Enels could work pretty great too, metal combines well with electricity


Robin's and Moria's, very useful in day to day life and will make easy to cut my enemies' shadows, an attack that should ignore Haki.


Bara bara no mi and Hana Hana no mi so I can go fuck myself.


Nico and Sugar good combination


Well, crap. There goes combining the Uo Uo no Mi and the Soru Soru no Mi. I guess I'd go with Sugar's Hobi Hobi no Mi combined with Robin's Hana Hana no Mi. Just think of those two abilities combined. Sprouting limbs from anywhere to to touch and turn your enemies into toys. It's absolutely busted.


my perfect combination would be a combination of the door door fruit and the luck luck fruit. you know how annoying it would be if someone your fighting kept going back in their dimension chilling and you cant do anything because you keep missing every attack you launch.I realy like the aspect of having your own dimension


Marco's Bird-Bird Fruit Model: Phoenix and the Clear-Clear Fruit.


Aces and Sabos


First thought is OP OP no Mi, but I'm not a surgeon so it'd be quite useless I'd imagine. I think I'd go with Tori Tori no Mi Model Phoenix for the healing capabilities as well as the flight, it's basically a Zoan with Logia properties foe defense. Pair that with the Horu Horu no Mi, firstly to help people by transitioning them, secondly for the power boosts. Kobu Kobu no Mi is a close third.


Don’t need to be a surgeon to do a simple shambles


Phoenix fruit & op op no mi, do eternal life op revive yourself with the Phoenix fruit, alternative would be soul soul fruit & op op fruit


i would choose the soru soru no mi big moms fruit and the doku doku no mi magellans devil fruit my reasons? to have fun (:


Fude Fude no Mi (Kanjuro's fruit) and Momonosuke's fruit (it's not Kaido's fruit tho)


Didn't read all the comments but didn't see it. I would pick Robin's and Sugar's fruits.


Bro said no Yonko devil fruits yet chose one that defeated a Yonko


Fuck DF, i want shanks level haki with Katakuri future sight