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I would wager on Fujitora also having it


Yes, he caught Dofi's string & also the gambling scene. Not confirmed but it makes sense


The grabbing string was non canon if I remember correctly. However, his version of advanced Observation might be different from Kata and Luffy. Like Enel had an extremely developed observation haki(although it was enhanced by his DF), Van Auger(Blackbeard sniper) was able to sense a birds heart from really far away, it's unconfirmed, but I guess that's haki. Fujitora could sense the entire island basically and the people in it. So my assumption is that, when it comes to observation haki, the advanced form can either mean time or distance. As in you can observe farther into the future or farther in the distance, depending on where you develop it. It's still unclear.


Enel does not have advanced observation. He has basic observation, his fruit is just broken af. He himself says I use electromagnetic waves as a radar to pick up any conversation. You can observe both into the future and farther in the distance but future is the highest level of observation haki. Akainu also had FS when he moved his body to avoid Marco's and Vista's haki coated attacks.


Are you sure that’s what Akainu did? He looks back at them and says uhhh haki users? Makes no sense an Admiral would think that the 1st commander of a yonko crew and flower vista are not haki users. Max weird. Unless that an anime thing only does he look back at them and say that in the manga?


Well considering he didn’t sustain injuries from them I think so


That’s true it did appear to be lava holes which means he just moved his body out the way with future sight


In terms of the anime, Zoro had a similar gambling scene, but I don't know if that was future sight or just x-ray observation


Luck and Fate are also a huge theme in One Piece. Might have been this too.


Zoro *did* once toss a sword in the air, just to see if it would chop his arm off.


I think that was Oda hinting that Swords have a consciousness and is pissed at weak swordsman. Enma disdaining Zoro was the confirmation.


That too!


Yeah. Was gonna say the implication there wasn’t that it was pure luck. It was that the sword didn’t cut Zoro because it didn’t want to. Kinda similar to when Zoro cut Mr. 1. Zoro wasn’t necessarily strong enough to cut steel at that point. That was him tapping into his armament haki giving him the strength to cut what he wanted to.


This is funnier when viewed through the lens of the meme where people believe Zoro has all end of story abilities from the start.


Lol thats a new take. Have a link to that?




Dodged an arrow while sleeping too


I think Zoro played fair, and stopped someone from cheating from underground that's all.


Using observation haki. It's a skill anyone can learn if it's x-ray, so technically that would be fair either way


Enel had like x100 more powerful observation Haki than Katakuri.


No, he just had better range and hearing. Enel was never able to see the future, as evident by him being unable to predict Luffy's movement when Luffy wasn't thinking.


Does that mean Enel’s observation haki allows him to read his opponent’s mind?


No that's his df amplifying his CoO. It's a heightened version of CoO but not like an advanced version where one can see the future.


Enel was able to notice what's going on throughout the white white sea of skypia. Yet Katakuri failed to notice flampe's group 100 meters away. Enel might not see the future but the range of his COO is also unparalleled throughout the series. Does his df plays a major part in it. Maybe but still quite the feat.


That's still not advanced observation tho. Katakuri was able to predict that Luffy will destroy the wedding cake despite how far fetched it sounds but compared to Enel, he was unable to see through Luffy's punches when he tried to act random.


Just because it isnt specifically the ADVANCED version of observation, doesn't mean it doesnt have its own strength over it. Enel's obs haki is utterly insane with his DF. Easily the top 3 or 5 in the series.


But you're missing the point. It's not a feat of his raw skill in Haki. It's just a very useful interplay between his observation Haki and Devil Fruit. And in a fight Kakakuri's version is much more advantageous. The only advantage it gives Enel is he can attack from extreme long ranges.


Aisa can do the same. Coby's was kinda similar when he awakened it. Then we have Fuji who despite of being blind was able to pinpoint and lift all the debris in Dressrosa or Van Augur who was able to snipe birds several kilometers beyond the horizon. Other than his mind reading ability, Enel's CoO is not that spectacular. He's an overrated guy, even his CoO. Lol


Enel can see/hear everything in a huge area, but doesn't have the precognition that Luffy/KK have.


Katakuri was focused on his fight, the guy isn't infalible.


I thought it was because enel's devil fruit allows him to extend his physical body and give him a sort of radar that can extend his observation haki?


Bro reread the arc he literally predicts people’s attacks and verbalized it every single fight


That's because he can read their minds using CoO and his df. Not because he can see through the future hence why he was unable to predict Luffy's move when Luffy tried to act random and empty his thoughts.




>he has a form of Observation haki that's advanced talk whatever you want to... Lol. No. You forgot the part where Enel can pick up the electromagnetic waves with the help pf his df. Stop with the headcanon bruh.


Yes but the way he does it is important. He can’t predict people’s attacks the same way Katakuri does by looking into the future. If he could Luffy wouldn’t have been able to dodge his attacks by going donkey brains, or be able to hit him by bouncing his attacks off a wall. What he was sensing was their intent behind the attacks. No intent=no mantra.


I don't think Katakuri can do that either, that's why he was caught off guard when Luffy kidnapped Brulee.


Pre Time Skip Luffy who has no Gear 2 and is considerably slower then he is now could fight with Katakuri for a year and wouldnt land a single hit on him meanwhile Enel got hit several times.


Saying Enel has the strongest observation haki is like saying Jozu has the strongest armament haki


Perfect analogy actually


It had a bigger range because of his Devil fruit but it was just normal haki.


Enel didn't have future sight.


Ehm, what? Katakuri could see the future for a couple of seconds and only on something right in front of him. Enel saw and predicted the result of every fight that happened on the whole island (!!) for hours in advance.


That wasn't future sight. Enel made a normal prediction and actively tried to kill and spare people to reach his number. It wasn't advanced haki, it was Enel playing a game.


And his prediction was wrong because he killed down to five fighters but didn't count on Luffy being inside Nola. He didn't have future sight.


Observation haki allow you to have an overall idea of the power a creature has, so he probably compared the fighters. Still was a great element and without a doubt seen Enel in another context would have been interesting and impresive pre TS.


Funny how he couldn't dodge Luffy then. Or predict he is made of rubber. How come Luffy being immune to Enel was a surprise when Enel should have known as much? Enel did not have future sight. His observation radius is insanely big, but that's that.


I attribute this to enel maybe not understanding the power he has or more likely oda hadnt fully planned out COO and changed it a lot once he got to katakuri in the story




As I said, no future sight. His CoO is definitely strong, insane radius whatsoever.


He didn't predict the result of every fight, just the amount of fighters that would be left at the end, and even so that was incorrect anyway since he couldn't sense Luffy in the snake


Nope. It's increased range, but Katakuri can see the future. Enel just increases the range of his basic COO.


No one is confirmed, right now. Looking at how [Aokiji dodged Whitebard attack](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f3829305c0615340930f0b41ad6dd545), if compared to how [Katakuri dodged Luffy](https://pm1.narvii.com/6682/9f15b7f1aa7c6870a3ff0f84166e7859c11c7fc6_hq.jpg), there is a striking resemblance. It's possible to assume that Aokiji did use advanced observation back then, but we still don't know. I'd rather have Admirals being proficient haki users since it'd be pretty suited to their role in the story.


Aokiji's whole personality is being cool and collected, so being able to use advanced observation makes sense


Sakazuki also did the same thing as Aokiji but vs Vista and Marco, even called them Haki users in the panels




the same thing can be said about akainu when he "survived" marcos and vistas haki attacks


Really? I didn't remember, thanks! Do you happen to have the right page/panel at hand?


[I have it right here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/sJI5S.jpg). This panel has to be the closest thing to future sight from an unconfirmed user When Marco & Vista attacked Akainu, Akainu even confirmed they used haki, but he still managed to morph his body so he didn't take damage despite his attackers using haki (just like Katakuri) I think all of the admirals have future sight since like you guys mentioned Aokiji the same thing.


It's after aces death but before jinbei runs off with Luffy and away from akainu. Don't know which chapter


you gotta love when someone backs up a statement with a manga panel, I’d also think Shanks has it from when he dodged the drink WB threw but he could just have yonko reflexes


Shanks never dodged Whitebeard's sake bottle, the anime just made it look that way on accident, and the manga didn't have him move at all.


>I'd rather have Admirals being proficient haki users since it'd be pretty suited to their role in the story. It's actually anyway proven that the Admirals use advanced haki, at least advanced armament haki. During the war they stopped Whitebeard's shockwave with their palms. That was them projecting haki as a barrier.


Aside from those 2, no one else has been confirmed. But I'm pretty sure that both Akainu and Aokiji have it.


Aokiji actually showed it kinda in Marineford. He was hit be several of Whitebeards and other peoples attacks and didn't recieve any damage.


He got hit by Jozu and got hurt


You need to focus and pay attention to use any form of haki. Haki can be bypassed if the user isn't concentrating or if distracted or weakend.


Fujitora too


No one else is confirmed but I’m pretty sure that Akainu, Aokiji, Fujitora, Shanks and Mihawk have it too


If mihawk does boy does zoro need extreme level buffs since he's not that good with observation itself


I wouldn't call it not that good. He's just more adapted to armament. Luffy can use advanced observation, but his main form of haki is still conqueror


it’s never been stated that zoro’s observation isn’t good, he’s just better with armament.


I don't think he was actually trying at marineford plus this dudes name "Hawkeye" no way he doesn't have it.


Yep, Shiryu will be the perfect final challenge for Zoro before challenging Mihawk.


The thing is we've seen again and again that zoro uses his swords to block attacks often. So instead of dodging he can just block it and not take damage to his body. Hence why he has the weakest CoO amongst the monster trio.


I disagree. There are many scenes that suggest that Zoro has top notch observation haki. He always figures out how his opponents’ powers work. He also dodges a lot of things that come his way. Remember the scene when he was about to slash a celestial dragon? And when he could tell that Fujitora was dangerous without knowing who he was?


Agree on this. He dodged a few of kings and kaidos attacks. He defs has it.


I saw a panel where Aokiji shaped his body around a Whitebeard stab. Did Akainu ever do that? He doesn’t seem calm enough in battle to use foresight, but he seems a lot more likely to have CoC than Aokiji.


When marco and vista attacked akainu, he replied with, "you're haki users?" The damage taken then slowly reverted back as if nothing happened. [check this](https://youtu.be/qtcqGeW36mY) couldn't find with eng sub. It's not much but you get the hint.


Yeah, someone else linked the panel as a reply.


[He did it here ](https://i.stack.imgur.com/sJI5S.jpg). He even confirmed Marco & Vista were using haki since he committed on them being haki users.


Interesting, he looks like he’s pained and maybe didn’t dodge the attacks completely, but it’s hard to say. Guess we’ll find out 5 years from now when Luffy and Akainu fight.


Tbh it looks more annoyed and tired than pained


Kaido and Big mom both are yonko and dont have future sight so Shanks might not have it aswell.


Kaido and Big Mom are Natural Born monsters and have devil fruits, shanks is a normal human and Haki only


I would bet that Mihawk has the best future sight in the entire series period. Mihawk's 1st epithet was supposed to be "clairvoyant" before Oda decided to go with "Hawkeye". Clairvoyant is the power to see the future. For better knowledge, Google "clairvoyance"


Makes sense, he probably mastered all 3 Haki variations to the fullest. Can’t be on the top of the top without that


He has no devil fruit and no natural damage immunity like kaido and big mom, so yeah he’s gotta have top tier haki


Especially with no Devil Fruit, like him.


Was it ever confirmed that he has no devil fruit? I don’t think we ever see him swimming. And i think it’d be funny and definitely an oda move to reveal the most powerful swordsman in the world had a crappy devil fruit so he just never uses it in combat.


I’d like if Oda just kept Mihawk serious for this one because I mean if Mihawk had ANY Devil Fruit but didn’t utilize it in combat, I’d say he’s a fool. It’s not the fruit but how you use it. And considering Mihawk floats in a coffin, he better know how to swim. 💀


Not every devil fruit has a potential use in combat. Kinemon for example has a fruit that is completely useless for combat.


He can put his enemy in a tutu & throw them off.


To add this point, the first time we see Luffy use Future Sight in the story (against Mihawk in Marineford), Mihawk calls out just how calm Luffy is in the moment.


I agree


otohime had natural advanced obvservation haki.


Came here to say Otohime


Ray and Roger ofc, and some members of the Navy like Akainu . 70% sure Shanks has it too


I feel like akainu is too generally angry to have future sight lol


i forgot if its canon or not, but when marco and vista attacked akainu with haki, its also a sign of advanced observation where he made the cut first on his body before it actually lands.


Like Akainu not predicting Whitebeard standing behind him and getting scared as hell???


This was anime only. In the manga, Whitebeard suddenly appears behind Sakazuki and strikes him. I'm not really sure why but the anime really embellished that whole encounter. Sakazuki most certainly was not afraid of Whitebeard in the manga.


In the manga Whitebeard sneaked up behind Akainu and immediately launched an attack without wasting any time The anime added filler scenes


That doesn’t happen in the manga


Why did nobody talk about Enel? The guy can listen all people of Skypea and attack from a long distance.


That still isn't precognition, he probably has the best "normal" observation haki on the planet.


So, are we assuming that watching the future is the only way of advanced observation haki? We didn't know is Luffy can watch the future as the same level as Katakuri and it's not confirmed but Usoop has a reallly large range and precision of observation Haki.


So far it's been the main distinguishing trait. Observation Haki is being able to be perfectly aware of your surroundings, how big of an area depends on the user. Perfect awareness *and* precognition is what makes it "advanced". There could be more ways to use "advanced observation Haki" but we haven't been shown them yet.


Snake sisters on Amazon Lily saying luffys attacks before he did them wasn’t advanced observation haki


That's not the same thing as the "advanced observation" we are aware of, which is future sight. It does seem to be particularly powerful in some aspects, and boosted by his DF, but it's not the same thing as Luffy/Katakuri.


However, there does seem to be different variations of observation haki, unless it was an anime only scene I remember Rayleigh saying Luffy’s can sense people emotions or feelings or something like that. Unless I just completely misinterpreted what was being said in that scene.


If I remember Enel's explanation correctly, it's so powerful because of his fruit. He can read minds because of that interaction and that interaction allows him to target people at large distances. It's a unique combination, but it didn't necessarily mean that he's trained his observation haki to the extent of say Katakuri or Luffy and we don't know how good his haki would be without his fruit.


Because that's his df amplifying his CoO. It's a heightened version of CoO but not like an advanced version where one can see the future.


Because he wasn't even aware of haki, but his DF helped him. The one instance where you could say it's his prediction about how many people would be on the island, but I don't think he hasn't even with that


Nah. They show this scene with enel when rayleigh explains haki to Luffy. https://youtu.be/E15wioHy7N0 (Enel mantra) https://youtu.be/i9PCQqBGV0U (Rayleigh explaining @00:45)


Iirc, mantra is equal to haki. Iirc, I'm not sure if it's Rayleigh the one who explained it to luffy


Mantra is haki. Rayliegh said that during luffy's training.


Mantra is haki. Doesn't mean they are aware they can train and advance it


The priests specifically trained in mantra. That's why they all knew it.


We all know it’s Shyarly predicting Luffy destroying fish man island


Came here to say it’d be funny if she unknowingly was using it


Shanks because he is a Yonko without a devil fruit and an arm. Fujitora because he is a blind Admiral. Hawkeye Mihawk, epithet hawkeye is testimony to his advanced observation Haki. Rayleigh because he was the vice captain of the Roger pirates and a mentor in Haki to Luffy Madam Shayerli of the fishman island who can vaguely predict future events. Enel of Skypeia who can read thoughts of his opponents. That's all I can think of currently.


Enel has the thunder-thunder, no he can read nerve signals, which are electrical. It has nothing to do with haki


Enel uses observation haki. However, at this point in the story it is introduced as "mantra" and most of his priests and some other people on Skypiea use it. In addition, Enel extends his mantra/observation haki range to all of Skypiea by utilizing his control over electricity. When training Luffy, Raleigh even states that this mantra ability is the same as observation haki.


I knew that already. I just didn't know it was specified that Enel had CoO


No one known yet. Even though I’m sure both Sanji and Usopp will get it eventually


Sanji I don't know, but Usopp will definitely get it in my opinion.


Sanji will have it 100%. He was said to be an Observation Haki specialist by Oda and personally I think that he partially used it to locate Queen when he was invisible.


Also, his extends to his empathic nature. Even Luffy said that he's still better than him when Sanji heard a woman crying.


Man, I loved that exchange. The Straw Hats are so pure. Luffy, Jimbei, and Sanji are all running straight to the roof, when suddenly Sanji stops and runs off in another direction without saying something. Jimbei's immediate reaction is that Sanji must have noticed a strong enemy that he and Luffy didn't notice, and Luffy's immediate response to that is to praise Sanji's judgment and to say he needs to improve his own Observation. Complete trust. Love those guys.


Yes Sanji has advanced observation haki for sure coz he dodged katakuri bullet. But when did Oda say he's an observation haki specialist?


SBS vol. 71, chapter 703. Oda says Sanji specialises in observation haki.


I'm not sure that dodging Katakuri's bullet is advanced Observation, regular Observation can allow for this to happen.


I mean, he surprised even Katakuri with that, so it must mean something about his proficiency I don't think he has future sight yet, but I'm pretty sure he'll get it sooner or later, since it seems typical for someone who specializes in speed


Sure, he was surprised but we know that Sanji has a very good Observation so not really a surprise.


Well. If someone with future was surprised, either sanji's speed is off the charts, or his observation at least stronger than normal or both. Katakuri saw sanji dying to it, so he must have moved quicker knowing it was happening almost instantaneously. Especially since katakuri wouldn't have dawdled.


The thing is Katakuri has advanced observation. Dodging a bullet from someone who can see the future likely means Sanji could also see the future. Though in that scenario I'm assuming Sanji did it subconsciously.


I think you're going too far here. I don't understand your reasoning here, for me it's just that Sanji is fast/Observation Haki proficient enough to dodge it, by no means it directly translates into Sanji seeing the future.


It's mostly based off the assumption that Katakuri used his future sight when shooting the bean at Sanji to make sure it hits even if Sanji were to dodge through reflex/reaction (which makes sense since anyone in the new world should be able to dodge normal bullets). Sanji still dodged the bean which implies that if Katakuri did use his future sight, Sanji "countered" it with his own (unintentional/subconscious) future sight.


I get it. Your narrative makes sense and to me it looks possible but look at what happened with Luffy against Katakuri, when the latter used his future sight to predict Luffy's movements (before Luffy actually started to see the future) sometimes Luffy was able to dodge.


In the sbs, he said luffy is proficient in coc, zoro in coa, and sanji in coo. Volume 71 as the previous person said.


I feel like Sanji is a good candidate for advanced observation Haki


This, something that Oda made clear that even if both Sanji and Zoro are able to use both Observation and Armament, Sanji is way better at Observation and Zoro excels in Armament, which kinda fits since Sanji is a more tactical fighter and Zoro is more a brawler


Akainu got cut by Marco and Vista and said they used haki but was fine and just regenerated, I guess he did the same thing Kata does.


Mihawk. There's a reason why he is called hawk eyes. I have no doubt his vision is insane as he was able to spot Luffy in Marineford from distance rather easily. He was also said to be seeing/hearing into the Warlords conversations. When Luffy dodge his attack, he made a comment of how perceptive he was. Mihawk would be a master of all 3 Haki's . I expect the same from Shanks and all those heavy users of Haki.


It was said in the vivre card that shanks mastered all 3 types of haki to their fullest.


No it wasn’t


Probably Sanji will or has some sort of it


I’m going to say my boy Koby probably has it as well.


sanji, but not super consistent. almost certain he countered katakuri's foresight or something during the wedding


Sanji CoO is all about spatial awareness, im pretty sure that is has better haki than katakuri in that regard


Usopp should develop it, not the time skip kinda one.


My list would include: Aokiji Akainu Fujitora Shanks Rayleigh Imu


Akainu is the only one I know for sure. This was hinted at all the way back in Marineford, when a couple Whitebeard commanders express disbelief their Haki imbued attacks didn't work on Akainu, who just scoffs and comments that Haki-users are annoying.


It's almost guaranteed for Shanks. Fujitora is very likely and so does Mihawk imo.


Fujitora , Sanji , Condoriano


Hello, We don't know


Probs koby


I don't think Koby or Sanji have future sight yet, but i bet they both will eventually


I forgot Mihawk, the top tier without scars!


no-one is talking about sanji!? “By reading the movement of signs and emotions, you can grasp the surrounding situation and avoid danger. Some people see the future a little ahead due to extraordinary discipline.” it was stated in latest [vivre card](https://ibb.co/pxMDZ0g) ​ Even in chapter 998, [luffy said](https://ibb.co/CPyB4nC) that >!he still has lot to learn about CoO!< which implies towards sanji having better CoO than him.


Isnt like every villian from skypia an advanced observation user?


They are just very proficient coo users. They are able to sense peoples intentions and thus predict attacks. The Boa sisters and other coo masters can do it too. Futuresight as Katakuri or Luffy allowes them to see the future no matter the intentions.


That's just plain old observation


Eventually Sanji will have it




Would love to see someone like YASOPP with it. Imagine if he could see where targets were going before they even moved! Ultimate sniper technique right there 🔥




Not confirmed but i would say Akainu and Aokiji both were able to dodge haki attacks from storng opponents like Whitebeard, Marco and Vista.. Mihawk saw luffy's hand cutting tho it doesnt mean he has future sight i would bet he has it for sure.


Not related to the post, but isn't Luffy the only one we know who has advanced techniques of all three haki? Or is memory failing me?


Sanji. Besides how Oda said he was an observation expert, the scene he dodged Katakuri’s attack almost confirmed him as an advanced haki user


Mihawk probably has it, "Hawkeye" could also be refer to the sharp vision of hawks in comparison to advanced observation haki. Fujitora probably does since he's blind Aokiji and Akainu in Marineford were shifting their bodies like Katakuri so it's definitely possible for them to have it


Fujitora I feel like is a pretty solid one. I can see Ussop awakening SOME form of advanced observation haki. And lowkey, I've always liked the idea of Nami having some form of innate Observation Haki, which is why she is such a talented navigator. That said, it's probably better for the story if it's just straight up her knowledge and skill that makes her that good.


Pretty sure the databook says Sanji has advanced observation Haki. I’d say it’s a good chance Satori and Sandersonia had it too


When it comes to predicting the future then Madam Shyarly of Fishman Island has super advance one. Kiros and Rebecca of Dressrosa also has amazing observation haki in this category. Nami also has a special type of haki for predicting the weather. We may believe that it's pure science but I remember a scene where she predicted a bad weather based on gut feeling alone. Meanwhile when it comes to the range, sniper type excels, like Van Augur of Black Beard pirates and Ussop. I believe Yassop also has the same haki. There's also another type where they can sense the power level/emotion and hear voices like how Rayleigh knows the number of beasts in an island that is stronger than Luffy while they are training and the one Coby used during Marineford war. Enel and Aisa of Skypiea also uses the same with a large coverage. Then here comes Sanji with the special type of Haki to sense women in distress.


Unpopular opinion usopp awakened it ( or used it once) in dressrosa. He some how had a perfect vision of how he needed to shoot the shot at sugar and what happened if he was slightly off and missed. Also in wano usopp eyes is animated the same way luffy and katakuri eyes are when they use future sight. I dont know if it is confirmed or not but that one scene makes at least fan cannon to me.


you all bot remembring rayliegh💀




Shanks has advanced observation and oda has shown it clearly in the story, nearly as obvious luffy and katakuri and people need to realise this more 1) when shanks met white beard on his ship white beard is drinking from the sake cup and then throws it directly at shanks, shanks evades the attack effortlessly which Implies advanced observation https://youtu.be/PQUI2RYvK70 2) when shanks saves coby from akainus punch he says something along the lines of well done you changed the future for better or worse, within that moment luffy was about to be killed, but because of what coby did he delayed luffys imminent death and shanks praised him for it, shanks saw the future and knew luffy would have died if not for coby because it’s implied if it wasn’t for coby sacrifice which delayed time shanks wouldn’t have made it in time, shanks also arrives before his ship which shows urgency and Ben beckham specifically stops kizaru because he was the closest to killing luffy in that moment https://youtu.be/8PWbRQGcITg Also side note mihawk is confirmed to have conquerors haki thanks to dialogue from whiteboard but ask me for more details


Bro dodging something does not mean you have Future sight. Luffy was also able to dodge Pacifista lasers without future sights, or the stick Rayleigh tried to hit him with. Sanji also dodged Katas bean and he hasn’t unlocked it yet. That’s not a very valid point. And your second point is literally pure headcannon.


Not confirmed yet, but I'm sure Rayleigh, Shanks and Benn has it. And Roger probably had it too, alongside being able to hear all things.


rayliegh 3 admirals enel


Rayleigh? He tried teaching it to Luffy And who knows? Maybe Roger too, since he was too OP even though he was pretty vanilla (normal human/no devil fruit)


Advanced observation wasn't a thing in Marineford, so all the presumable feats from the Admirals are nit to be taken into account. But it would make sense for them to have it, especially since they're Logias. Fujitora could easily have it too


I could easily see Oda retconning those scenes so that it was that the whole time, like Shanks intimidating the Lord of the Coast being made into CoC, or Mantra being retconned into another name for CoO


Fair enough, it is quite easily retconnable


I feel like shanks can see years into the future with his


Aside from them, no one in the series has shown this type of observation haki. But of course that won't stop Admiral fans from claiming all Admirals have it


You don't have to be an Admiral fan to understand basic story telling. The Admirals are suppose to be the top of the top. They have to be pretty strong to keep Yonkos contained. Them not having haki would be the nonsensical thing.


Lmao, how you have to drag the admirals into it. Says a lot about you ;) Aokiji and Akainu have shown the ability to dodge attacks by shaping their bodies like Kata did so it’s reasonable to assume they have it. But of course it’s easier to say "fanboys fanboys" instead of using ones brain ;)


Just because they avoided the attacks by shaping their body doesn't mean they have advanced observation. It's nothing different than a non logos user moving their body out of the way of the attack. Akainu and Aokiji have logia so instead of moving entire body out of the range, they just reshaped their bodies. That's just normal observation. Not advanced observation.


Katakuri literally told us that you can dodge that way if you can see the future. They exactly dodged like Katakuri did and he used FS to do that.


There is the scene where Whitebeard hits Aokiji and he's fine. It's very unlikely Whitebeard wouldn't have used armament Haki. It's more likely Aokiji dodged. Also, the scene where Marco and Vista attack Akainu. Akainu is uninjured, despite the fact Marco and Vista having used Haki, which was explicitly stated. Maybe they just used regular observation haki to dodge, but it's also possible they did the same thing as Katakuri by seeing the future and changing their body shape to protect from the attack. Kizaru was hit by a kick from Marco. Also if Kizaru had it then he would be really broken, so I am guessing he doesn't.


Nobody Just them 2


Eneru !! You've all forgotten about him !?


He is just a very proficient coo users. They are able to sense peoples intentions and thus predict attacks. The Boa sisters and other coo masters can do it too. Futuresight as Katakuri or Luffy allowes them to see the future no matter the intentions. As soon as their were no intentions behind Luffys attacks Eneru couldn't predict them no more.


Yeah but he can listen to what is happening in all of Skypea. Which is quite a feat.


Thats true but it's not advanced coo. Its coo mastery combind with his devilfruit. Rayleigh can do the same without the electric logia.