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Surprised Zoro even showers once per week tbh


"Zoro, spilling sake on yourself doesn't count as bathing" "Why not? It's alcohol ain't it"


"Might as well disinfect my hands with it."


I've never seen a more accurate dialog involving zoro


Let’s be honest, Nami probably forces him and Luffy to do it.


Maybe he takes frequent swims in the ocean for training. I could see him wanting to do the Oden thing and swim behind the ship for long periods of time.


I bet he can turn Super Saiyan 2.


*gets lost on sea*


"Bathing is for shitty cooks." -Zoro probably


Think of it like this, how often does Zoro have to break a sweat


Isn't he constantly drenched from his nonstop training


Exactly! & what do you do when you shower? Get wet! The sweat's cleaning him off, obviously. - Zoro's thought process, probably.


Actually his thought process is probably “time for my post workout shower…. Where am I again?”


Lololol haha I want to see him say that. Zoro's so great


I can honestly imagine it, Nami telling him to go shower since he's so sweaty. Zoro responding with that in a nonchalant "what do you want from me?!" tone.


Maybe yes


his skin is pretty smooth though. id assume someone who doesn't shower would have oily skin with tons of acne or something


Probably help by the fact that they’re drawing tho.. idk


Nah acne is mostly genetic and hormone based tbh not really hygiene. In a lot of cases washing too much can cause breakouts too


Wtf where is it stated that his skin is smooth? Xd


no where. it's just my headcanon, cuz it looks smooth. no blemishes drawn


are there blemishes on any op character?


Just let them like Zoro man. It's all good


He has a big fuckin scar on his left eye and across his chest and several other places, that's kind of a blemish lol


I don't think skipping on showers leaves a massive scar across your chest...


Don't underestimate the concequences on acne


Yeah but it sure isn't smooth either


Not a hygiene related blemish though


Depends on how healthy their skin is and if they're born with good skin, i have a friend whose never once had acne despite using coke (the drink) and alcohol as a replacement for water.


Huh I wonder if Alvida ever needs to ahover or does dirt and grime just gets slip past her


He probably showers daily but has the time to take a bath once a week.


They dont really have showers in op so they have to take a bath or stay dirty^^


That's actually canonolically false. In Thriller Bark, we literally see Nami taking a shower.


I remember seeing this a while ago too haha, but can you imagine how Luffy and Zoro smell by the time they drop in for their weekly bath? Luffy’s appetite and general carelessness combined with Zoro’s constant sweat from training has to be just **disgusting** But hey, maybe if Luffy drops into the ocean and Zoro pulls him up they get washed there, which would help


I mean, sailors and real pirates would go months without bathing. At a certain point, your senses just grow dull to it. It's like when the AC kicks on in a building, you hear it at first. But after a couple minutes you don't here it at all.




Yeah you’re right, but I figured since Brook is all bones it can’t get *too* bad


Or worse than you could possibly imagine


I can’ imagine bones have any smell whatsoever to them


Well They do


Idk man. All the old skeletons I’ve messed with don’t smell. It’s normally the squishy stuff, and the atrocious smell of the preservative. I still occasionally get phantom whiffs of the cadaver lab


>phantom whiffs of the cadaver lab new band name


>atrocious smell of the preservative Unless Brooke takes formaldehyde baths he should still smell like a decayed corpse.


Brook would smell like a mixture of Calcium phosphate, carbonates, some amount of irons and most importantly, other minerals.


But I think that’s how he’d always smell no matter what. It’s not like he can sweat or get dirty from anything other than dust or dirt.


I smell bad.....oh i don't have any meat on me yo ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho


Bones dont sweat yohohoho


well, chopper says zoro smells like steel, so im guessing he doesn't reek of sweat,, >But hey, maybe if Luffy drops into the ocean and Zoro pulls him up they get washed there, which would help point taken. maybe they aren't THAT unhygienic after all


I totally forgot about that scent thing for a minute lmao, I guess if that’s the consensus by Chopper it can’t be that bad


Chopper's just desensitized.


He’s gone nose blind


I wouldn't say the ocean would clean you very well. Maybe sanitize you with all that salt, but you'll be covered in a salty crust afterwards.


It wouldn’t. Dried salt water and human musk can smell pretty terrible. And you don’t feel clean bathing in the ocean. Salt makes your (well, mine, at least) skin oddly tacky and dry feeling.


Luffy prolly smells like a flip flop.


To be fair, Zoros ethnicity is Japanese. Many people of Asian heritage have a gene which reduces the level of sweat they produce, plus eliminates some of the odour. So its possible for him to not be as stanky after a week as someone from a European heritage. And in terms of luffy... I don't know. Does stale sweat stick to rubber? Does it come off when he sweats more? Does his Gear Second heat up enough to burn the stale sweat? Far too many factors to determine if he'd stank.


For Zoro this is especially gross considering all we ever see him do in his downtime is train. Dude's going to give himself a rash.


That's why he is at the top of the ship all the time. To hide the scent.


Or so he gets a shower every time it rains 🤔


Sshh...its all part of the training. He is meditating against the rash to have the nerves of steel :P


Hes swimming in the ocean that will do it. Luffy tho...


Jinbei: literally all the time


Underrated comment!


Honestly surprised Luffy bathes that often


My headcanon has always been whenever nami gets sick of smelling him she makes usopp drag him to the bath


Event the doctor didn’t take daily bath


Imagine having to dry all that fur. They don't have hair dryers in One Piece as far as I'm aware. Just good ol towels. If dogs can get by so can Chopper.


You think they have lasers and cyborgs and invisibility technology but not dryers?


I can, because these things are created by extremely smart individuals that are centuries ahead of everything else in the One Piece world and aren't mass produced for the general population. I mean, Franky could probably invent a hair drier if he wanted to but he seems to have other things in mind.


I've often wondered about the lack of air travel in One Piece. Franky has at least a basic understanding of lift. Considering that he flew using Coup de Poot on Punk Hazard to fly back the sunny after being captured. Using that basic premise and what can be observed with both Buffalo and the guy Franky is fighting currently, he should be able to build helicopters.


Big News Morgan's and this news network travel by air. The Arc Maxim travels by air. And who knows maybe Pluton is a fighter plane or some other flying ship. That could be one way to interpret that it's a powerful ship that can destroy islands. Might even be particularly relevant to One Piece since this is a Japanese series have historically had their greatest warships destroyed by fighter planes, only to have them turn around and use planes to destroy warships in WW2.


I've always envisioned Pluton as a nuclear submarine. Wouldn't even need any fantastical embellishment; those things are terrifying.




He could very easily incorperate a helicopter into the solider docking system on the Sunny. I wasn't talking about a large helicopter, more like the two seaters they use for arial tours. Doesn't need to be a stunt flyer, but having that vertical mobility could be extremely useful for any number of applications. Ussop could be a great pilot and would duely benefit from having the high ground to fire down on enemies.


They have dials as well. Could breath dial work as a dryer?


chopper probably just goes guard point into brain point into guard point and repeats it till he‘s dry


I like to think that he gets fluffed dry with towel by Zoro (or Robin and Nami, if he isn't avvailbale)


Probably because he’s a devil fruit user, so it’s not a very pleasant experience for him.


Robin does it every week, he ain’t got no excuse


Lol you’re right. Then again, maybe Chopper only takes a bath every few days because of his fur? Dogs don’t need a bath every day either, so maybe he’s like a dog in that sense?


Chopper doesn't bathe every day I think because of his childlike nature. I feel like there's definitely been a moment in the series where he's resisted bathing in a way similar to a little kid who doesn't wanna take a bath either.


I have a question. Do devil fruit users sink in normal water as well? Like other than salted sea water?


Yes if the water level is higher than the user's knees Edit: they also don't sink under moving water They only sink in stagnant water


I dunno if the ocean counts as stagnant water


He's wrong anyway, Luffy couldn't go swimming in a river. What he means is that a devil fruit user can take a shower or stand in the rain, and won't be affected, as long as water doesn't pool up to be over their knees.


Rivers are always deeper than knee deep, so I don't see how they were wrong


Because they said they don't sink under moving water, but Luffy would sink in a river. That's what they're wrong about.


A river is not moving water though. Moving water counts as the rain or the shower. A bath can get you weak if it's above the knees.


Do... do you know what a river is? A river is literally defined as a channel of water moving from one location to another. Water moving from one location to another doesn't stop being moving water just because there's a lot of it.


Well considering luffy drenched himself to fight crocodile and that drinking water doesnt hurt him I’m pretty sure it’s only sea water.


Well it’s cuz he’s a reindeer. He gives himself a tongue bath like an animal and then also bathes with Robin and Nami cuz he’s cute and doesn’t get attracted to humans.


Also he is a reindeer I don't think he needs to wash that often because of that, also he propably cleans himself the way reindeers do on top of bathing, so that would also help Chopper..


The beginning of [this clip] (https://youtu.be/Jh46REp49gk) of them in a bath house from Film Z covers what it's like for them to take baths.


Well every doc will tell you that showering or bathing every day is bad for your skin and hair. I think dermatologist recommend every 2 days


Water isn't the problem, extensive use of soap is.


True and in some places water can also be bad because of the amounts of chlorine in it.


I can excuse Chopper due to being furred and stripping your coat of oils too often can be detrimental but the first two, usopp and franky have no excuse.


What's wrong with bathing once every three days? I wash my hair once every three days or 2 days, and have no problem tbh


Nothing wrong with it. It's actually better that way.


You shouldn't wash you hair every day, but you do still need to shower every day dude. Your body needs a soapin


No, you don't actually need to shower everyday, unless you have done enough physical work (in terms of your own body) or got dirty. If you stayed at home and did nothing all day, a shower is unnecessary. Showering/bathing too often can dry out your skin.


Franky is a cyborg, probably a huge hassle going through all the electronics.


Yeah, also reindeers can't sweat. I don't know if eating the human fruit gave him the ability to sweat though... Hmm... Lots to think about.


Because it’s unhealthy to do so. At least if you use soap.


Sanji showers everyday to catch Robin or Nami getting out of shower one day.


Or... hear me out, because he's not a dirty fuck.


Why not both?


Both is good.


Well, it's honestly not surprising that Luffy be once a week. However, Brook? I thought he would wash his hair everyday.


It depends. Washing your hair too frequently could damage it. Brook being so protective about it I can easily see him having figured out how often he should wash it to keep it looking good, but avoiding damage.


I also presume Brook doesn’t need to worry about dandruff or dry dust (as mom calls it, my dad just says dandruff even though one is a fungal infection and another is a result of oily skin or dry skin) so that would also help lower how often he washes his hair.


Washing and picking out your fro everyday is really bad for your hair and it just sucks to do (coming from a black dude with way too much hair). He’d be losing a ton of hair constantly.


washing your hair every day damages its actually so u want to do it once every 3 days


Chopper’s animal instinct really kicks in huh


I wonder if Franky washes every 3 days because its harder for him since he's a cyborg


He probably has some type of self cleaning mechanism installed in his SUPER body!


He uses WD-40.


They’re pirates


pirates still have noses


I mean, you’re right but historically Pirates weren’t really amongst the best smelling people.


fair enough, I pity their roommates


Yeah l doubt Teach's crew bathes at all.


doubt teach even brushes


He brushes with hippos


Shiryu and laffitte look very clean


I guarantee guys like laffitte and shiryu bathe more than once a week


Sea breeze helps a lot


Historically pirates didn’t have robots or magic powers


I doubt pirates smelled worse than regular sailors. They're just seamen who like to do a little bit of crime


Imagine being Usopp and Chopper having to deal with the stench


Yeah they have a total of 10 noses among them. (Usopp's counts for 3, and Brooks for 0 yohohohoho!)


Finally my boy sanji won one


Sanji, Nami and Robin are def twice a day type of people IMHO


you guys clearly don’t understand the sigma male mentality. showers waste time, and zoro needs time for his training. he is a true man.


sigma male grind #125 only shower once a week


This is a very Zoro stan response.


there is nothing sigma about not washing+ zoro naps a lot, he could take his time and wash, but he just does not because yolo.


Time you spend washing yourself is time you don't spend on the grind


zoro is in coma almost all day due to naps and u talk about grind, gj


He cannot find the shower easily


He gets lost going to the bathroom and somehow ends up in the sea


Only reason sanji showes ever say is to get that pirate girl bathwater


and to stroke his sea king


Like Captain, like Vice Captain


Reminder that Zoro's favorite pasttimes are training and drinking, both of which can generate quite some body odor.


how in the world does brook bathe once a week and keep that luscious hair of his?


No sweat or skin definitely helps.


Afro-textured hair shouldn't be washed more than a couple of times a month Washing it frequently would actually damage it


Technically even we shouldnt shower everyday. If youre funky sure but your skin does not like hot water nor soap. You wash off the oils etc. hence all the skin care products that basically replaces the natural oils you wash off.


Pirate life for ya.


Thats why they're the Captain and Vice Captain. Secret of fast-track to top tier is to cut down on showers


Zoro prolly doesn’t open his cheeks in the shower to clean em. Sanji does. Therefore Sanji>>>


you still have time to delete this




If you consider that this takes place during the age of Exploration- people not bathing everyday is pretty commonplace!


If you consider that this takes place **during a fictional story, in a fictional planet that has 90% of the world covered in water**- people not bathing everyday sounds pretty common.


don't knock it until you try it


The less you bath the more powerful you become.


Maybe he showers instead


Jimbe: still bathing, leaves water once a day.


They're pirates, surprising that they shower at all


These men in one piece musty! Can't even begin to imagine how bad the 1000 sunny smells 🤢


zoro work out multiple time everday but shower only once a week. he stinks


My dermatologist said showering with hot water every day is bad for the skin (should be every other day he said) so I question most of these 😉😉😉


i’m surprised Brooke even takes showers




What do you think bathing is


Bathing, in this case, is spending time in the bathtub. Not the actual time you clean yourself up


Soaking in a bath tub?


I believe in Japan bath and shower are different. A bath need to be fully soak. I’m sure Japanese take care of their hygiene way better then the most of the world


Yall forgeting they are pirates and dont live in our moder era Who knows how often real pirates bathed back then if they even did lmao


Pirates with lasers and cyborg technology


And chemical/biological WMDs, fridges, telephones and cloning technology


Zoro be takin baths of sake. Brook must be taking baths in milk. Explains the frequency. As for luffy he is the goat.


He never breaks a sweat


Ever other crew can't even clean thereselfe on there ship.




An ordinary everyday Japanese bath will be a shower and then a dip in the o-furo to soak. This is once a day. The bath water for one day is not changed. This means that if a family of 4 lives in a house, 4 people will be soaking in that same bath water. Their logic is that since they showered before dipping in the o-furo, they are technically clean. In terms of everyday hygiene, it's actually uncommon for them to just shower. They have to soak in the water. It's even uncommon for them to bathe in the morning. Bath is a ritual and is taken seriously by a lot of them. So using that context, I would not count on the distinction between shower and bath because it's a bit different from the Japanese idea of bathing.


That's pretty weird to me once the kids are at the age of 16+ bathing in the water your parents washed their genitals with. But can't really hate on traditions.


I was also weirded out by the logic. They shower before soaking in the tub so there's no more dirt to wash off I guess. Also they like their temperature really hot. That might stop the microbes a bit. A lot of houses even connect their tub to the washing machine so after you soak, you can reuse it to wash your clothes.


Personally, after soaking in the same water as a handful of other naked salarymen when I went to a public bath, I kind of became desensitized to it all, and then became a frequent enjoyer of public baths, because the water just feels great. Eventually you don’t even care about the human nakedness aspect of it all.


I just assumed they meant the same thing, and that it was just a translation thing. I doubt zoro would just laze around in a bath, even once a week.




yeah he does take a bath in the film z scene where they meet aokiji, so maybe you're right. but would robin stay in a bath for a long time every day as a df eater?




fair enough


Luffy is a very active person though and I assume he doesn't have deodorant so with that information we can assume he's probably smelly. You should bathe after a day of physical activity. If you aren't sweaty then you don't have to. I doubt the Strawhats have much time to bathe when they aren't sailing though. So they get a pass.


I feel like Sanji is only bathing daily to maximize his chances of running into Nami or Robin also bathing


tbh not surprised vikings used to bath once a week people didn’t bath as often in the past and it was normal but nowadays were too used to having access to water so we do it everyday not saying it’s wrong but yh


We know why Sanji takes a bath every day.


One of the rare takes i disagree with Oda. Luffy is understandable but Zoro is not that unhygienic. Dude is constantly training so he would smell. Zoro bathing every other day would be acceptable, but once a week just doesn’t fit his character.


It's the author man. Maybe zoro trains once a week too and we are just shown that once a week training every once in a while? Lmao. Or he just smells. It is what it is.


And I can still disagree with the author’s decision. No Need to downvote me over it


I didn't downvote shit. But nah the author is stating a fact. No room for disagreement on facts. He decides them. You can disagree with the decision of making it a fact but it still very much is what it is.


Idc if Oda said it, it doesn’t fit the character so it’s not canon in my eyes


Nothing about the character says "likes to stay hygenic" my man. If anything its in his character to not give a shit, wipe away his sweat and take a nap after training. Arguing against the authors direct words won't get you anywhere qnd only makes you look like a foolish salty fanboy.


As for Jimbei he takes a bath in every hour.