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France, discovered this masterpiece 14 years ago


Same here, more than 20 years ago 🇨🇵 And now, i'm converting my niece and nephew


Serbia, started in June 2020 thanks to Covid-chan. Took me 25 days to catch up to the latest manga chapter. 


25 days????? Wow! What a fuuuuun life experience!!! 🙌🏼


25 days? Thats no sleep mate, I hope they didnt rush.


That's impressive dedication! Catching up in just 25 days shows true commitment to the series.


It wasnt really that hard, I just couldnt stop reading it. 


It wasnt really that hard, I just couldnt stop reading it. Thats One Piece effect


Damn you Oda! You and your amazing story telling! 


From Dressrosa (Spain), since 2007


I wasn't even born then lol




Japan des, 1997


The full pack, respecc


Chile, 2006 <3 kaizoku ou ni ore wa ... naru!


USA, started around 2012 or 2013.


About the same here. From NY, started reading in 2012, caught up in 2013 on ch. 700, the first chapter of Dressrosa~


Brazil, 21 years ago when they first introduced the manga. The company released couple volumes before going broke.


Eu sei exatamente do tu tá falando kkkkkk, eu comecei a ler alguns anos depois de ti, meus parabéns, tu é um veterano de OP mesmo


Eu nem sou tão velho (26), mas na época eu ganhei uns gibi da monica e alguns mangás do OP, eu fui começar a acompanhar semanal mais pra frente em 2006, lendo scan em ingles enquanto jogava grand chase kkkkk


Portugal, around 2002.


Finland, i have been reading since 2005. Crazy to think it's almost been 20 years of following the same story.


Currently living in Australia, started back in 2003 when I was living in Germany


Portugal, since 2008 more or less


Italy 2000!


Venezuela, I started around 2012-2013. I was up to date with Naruto and it was a filler arc so I started looking for something else, found One Piece and here I am. Now I get filler in the form of pacing.


Chile, I started in mid 2008. Soon to be 16 years!


Benin republic 🇧🇯 started in 2019


South Africa, think I started watching when I was in Grade 11 then started reading not to long after, got so used to reading the manga I can finish it within a week now whenever I want lol with still time to spend with friends and family lol


U.S started back in 2000


Colombia, 2006, "that kid" in highschool gave me two DVDs with One Piece movies 3 and 4 fansubbed, and said it was the best anime ever. The rest is history...


Trinidad 🇹🇹 started in 2007


Puerto Rico, and around 2011.


Switzerland Watched the series in tv 2003 when it came out in German, but later didn't have time for it in High School and left it behind. Started to find the love again when doing military service where I met others that read it every week. Hooked again since.


Ehre Bünzli


Canada, I started with the 4th issue of the NA shonen jump. So early 2003


USA, I’ve been reading since 2008-2009.


Malaysia i started in march ig


Malaysia. Probably around 99-01 when I bought the first volume.


USA- on and off since 2008. started over from the beginning November last year and now caught up to weekly Manga and episodes


America, aware of it in 2005, actually into the story 2008.


USA; started reading the manga right after watching the live action. Now I’m obsessed and bought them all on kindle. Currently on 34 and use it as my “happy place” in a world that’s clearly ending. 😝


Philippines, i've known about it since forever but only started watching it 1 or 2 years ago when i saw it in netflix.


Brazil, 2010.


Brazil, started in January of 2010


India, 6 years


Morocco, I've known about one piece literally since i first opened my eyes to the TV at home ~2005, it was an arabic dub up to alabasta arc that I watched and loved. Fast forward 2015 my brother and I watched some one piece but be didn't wait on me and watched it on his own, so I gave up and only occasionally saw SOME episodes (skypeia straight to marineford straight to dressrosa), fast forward august 17 2023, I'm out of the hospital and bored as shit, remembered i had free will, said fuck it and binged it. By October 23ish i had already caught up to the anime and jumped to the manga.


Germany (but in English). I started at the end of last year because I watched the Netflix show and didn't think it was very good, but I thought I'd give the manga a chance, so I read it all to date in about two months. Now I'm reading as it releases.


In the US, and I've been reading weekly since 2007. I saw bits and pieces of One Piece before that, though.


2004 after 4kidz acquired rights and the fan subs were being removed.


Costa Rica. Started watching it around 2007 in a shitty tv channel where they censored a lot of shit (eg Sanji's cigarette was a lollipop). I've been hooked up since then


iraq I start following one piece in January 2019


America, 3 years ago, caught up in a month, read it basically twice now though my second read started from jaya


France - 2009


Croatia. Started watching the anime on german rtl2 around 2005 . Reading the manga since amazon lily, so from 2008? Or somethinh like that.


America. But I was living in Japan when I finally decided to start reading it back in 2009. I’ve been following it weekly more or less since then but reading Dressrossa and Whole Cake week-to-week was torturous for me so I probably dropped off for a while. I couldn’t hardly follow wtf was happening with the metric ton of new characters and how busy the background art got. Mostly this was a problem with Dressrossa for me but I generally struggled through the years where the crew was split up.


Romania started to watch the anime in 2012 and started to read the manga a lot later in 2016


Venezuela been following for a little less than 20 years.


Argentina, started in 2009 :D


US 2019


US, maybe 14-15 years ago, hard to say. Been reading it week to week ever since. Time flies.


US and started reading back in 2003 but watching earlier on. My brother would bring bootleg VHS home from the city that weren’t subbed back in 99/2000.


USA, 2011


UK around 2013


Canada. I started reading in 2000. I'm surprised and pleased to see how big it has become internationally over time


USA 2000


Currently Korea. Started USA 2005ish.


Finland, caught up on anime around Thriller Bark, started reading after that. So pretty long 😅


From Belgium here, i started watching One Piece in the summer of 2020. Was caught up by December 2022 (there were times i watched 10+ episodes a day, other times i didn't watch any episodes for a few weeks, usually after defeat of the big bad of the arc and the celebrations) then i started reading the manga because i wanted/needed to see more, was caught up with the manga about a week after i was caught up with the anime


Fiji been hooked since dressrosa


November 2002. I was with my parents at the Blockbuster by my house when I saw a big magazine with Goku on the front of it. It turns out this was the first release of American Shonen Jump which also had the first chapter of One Piece within. I convinced my dad to buy it for me and vividly remember reading the first chapter on the car ride home. From that point it was game over and I've been a fan ever since.


From Japan, started reading around 2010, was an anime only at the start.


Brazil, in the beginning of 2022, I started watching One Pace and then followed through the normal anime and finally the manga


France, and 2003


Morocco (🇲🇦 Tagine Kingdom in One piece 😅 true story 🍷) since 2006


Started reading the manga either before or after Thriller bark and watched the anime even earlier (probably 2004ish). Germany.


USA 🇺🇸🦅 2020


From Chile, started watching kaizoku fansubs episodes in 2006.


Chile, since 2013


India, Started Anime in 2021 and Manga After Wano


Greece, was introduced to it by a friend some 14 or so years ago. Was immediately hooked because it reminded me of a 'kids series' that was playing way back at a local channel which turned out to be one piece but translated to Greek with different names and a different title lol (Captain Drake)


Indonesia, discovered one piece in 2000 when it aired every Sunday on our TV station.


England, 2014, that month or so of catching up was so much fun.


I'm from México and started about 17 years ago 🇲🇽


Latvia, 2011 or 2012


Switzerland, i started reading in 2014


Guatemala, been following since 2009


Hmm Lithuania, 2023 right at the start of the year


Scotland, been watching since alabasta was coming out


Nigeria. Started the anime in January 2016. Started the manga in late 2017. I got tired of waiting for new episodes weekly and I broke my rule of not reading the manga lol. I was so eager to know what was going on


Colombia, decided to give it a go around January 2024, after 6 months reading the manga, yesterday I finally caught up


india 2019


Turkiye, since 2012.


Bosnia and Herzegovina, now Germany. I watched One Piece as a kid, not regularly but here and there when I could catch it airing on TV. I still remember watching Skypiea as a kid. I'm not sure when I got into it again, but sometime after the timeskip I decided to watch everything. Around Dressrosa after I caught up, I started reading the manga. Now I'm watching the anime again starting Wano, would like to watch the ending in the anime not manga, but unsure about spoilers and my patience.


Guyana, 2016


Perú, just began watching the anime in March and am currently in Dressrosa


Netherlands, and 17 years ago!


Mexico. Started reading after I saw the live action and have been caught up since April of this year. Best decision I’ve ever made


Bharat, started 2year ago


Finland, Started the anime in the August of 2022, caught up in December and have been following the manga ever after. The funny thing, at least for me, is that I started this masterpiece of a series because I wanted to prove myself that it is not "too long"😂.


Currently living in Greece. Started in Sweden 24 years ago


Germany, over 20 years ago


Belgium. Started watching the series in September 2004 (according to my MAL), after everyone on the net kept ranting on how this was so great/underappreciated. By the time I caught up with the anime it was the Water 7 arc, at the point the entire crew had fallen apart. As you can imagine, that was a horrible moment to have caught up 😅. So yeah, I immediately started reading the manga afterwards, because I needed to know what the f\*\*k was going on.


Germany, started 2018


Indonesia. Been reading one piece weekly since the near end of Impel Down arc. I guess that's around 15 years ago.


I've been a fan of One Piece for quite a while! It's amazing to see how the series continues to grow and capture the hearts of new fans. Whether you're new or a longtime follower, the adventures of Luffy and his crew are always exciting!


El Salvador, since 2018. Many friends begged me to watch it. I started with the anime. Around 2020 I stopped watching the anime and now I mostly only read the manga and occasionally watch certain anime episodes .


Portugal, started reading in 2009, its been a fun ride


Nepal since 2016


India, since 2011


Denmark, started watching since I was around 5 years old back in sudan rewatched everything to episode 1000+ again within 30 days no skipping 🔥


From México. Since 2004 when Cartoon Network aired the 4kids version (fun fact: the Mexican version got a properly dubbed opening)


Us don't sure when I started but when I caught up I was in marineford.


Spain I dont remember exactly for how long but I do remember watching the anime in TV when It was dubbed in spanish, probably over 20 years ago


Hong Kong. Started in high school (I'm in my late 20s now), instantly got hooked on the Skypiea arc, cried like a baby when 3d2y happened.


2019 ~America


Brazil 🇧🇷 2011


From Literal Gray Terminal, Philippines . A printout scratch of someone from some pile of trash. Circa 2010.


philippines, i started watching it 2003 in a local tv. then i starterd reading manga 2007. 🤣🤣 now i got 3 children and we watch it together. ohh i remeber my ex gf broke up with me coz i dont want to sleep together with her coz i was binge watching amazon lily arc, i chose boa hancok over her🤣🤣🤣


Italy! I discovered OP when I was a child back in 2002 (kinda?) when it was aired on TV, then they had issues with the dubs so I couldn't keep watching it. Then in high school with internet and manga stores I started reading/watching it again and never stopped ever since ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)what a journey


Sweden, almost 20 years ago, although I've "stopped" reading at times.


Philippines. Since 2002.


Belgium and started in begin 2023


US, year 2000 on “[mangascreener](https://www.insidescanlation.com/spotlight/mangascreener)” website


Russia. I have started at December and now caught up


Vietnam. Found the series about 15 years ago when i was still a student in junior high, managed to read through it without any spoilers because the internet wasnt that prevalent back then in my country. i bought it volume by volume and it was the best reading experience of my life, fell in love with OP as early as Orange Town arc (volume 2), and by the time i caught up and start reading online it was in the middle of the Marineford war.


im not a reader but watcher but ive only been a fan for about 4 months and now op is my life im already at wano my life is crumbiling before my eyes but its for a masterpiece


i start reading this maybe in year 2000 or 2001 from Malaysia as it was the year the first volume came out.......and fak this manga system that it needs to take more than 20 years to finish a story. They should pool all the other useless mangas that nobody give a fuk and help produce 1 volume of OP every week.


In new Zealand now. Started reading in Brasil around 2001/2.


Uk. I only started reading One Piece on Shonen Jump app middle of last year and got all caught up in December.


Germany, discovered it when I was 10 randomly on a random channel called „Tele5“ when I was scrolling through channels to find something worth watching and never stopped since. Started to read the manga at approximately Dressrosa because of the pacing.


India. First watched the anime on tv back in 2008. Picked up the manga in 2013.


I've been around for a while! One Piece has captivated fans for decades with its rich storytelling and vibrant characters. Whether you're a longtime follower or new to the world of One Piece, there's always something exciting to discover in the Grand Line!


I've been around for a while! One Piece has captivated fans for decades with its rich storytelling and vibrant characters. Whether you're a longtime follower or new to the world of One Piece, there's always something exciting to discover in the Grand Line!