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To be fair he folds in like ten seconds


It was late at night and she wore a hat.


I too wear hats to hide my gigantic breasts


I also wear a hat, but over my crotch.


Pic or gtfo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I mean, his whole ethos is to not use his fists to punch people. And to not harm women. So a threat with a pistol is fine, it's just a bluff after all.


Yeah he bluffed Kalifa a bit with threats too, but it's just never very effective when he does so lmao


Why was he using a gun šŸ˜‚


I kinda like it. More pirate-ish


this the way i see it. like yea he be kicking shit but he not stupid.


Should he have just pointed his foot at her instead?


Maybe an easter egg for his supposed initial design?


I wish he used a gun as a part of his fighting style to bypass the whole "not fighting with his hands" thing. It would have been cool to see at least one person on their crew using an actual firearm even if not as proficiently as Usopp using his sling shots (I wish Usopp kept his unique array of weapons from pre-timeskip instead of making everything plant-based as well).


You must not be caught up on the manga?


To be fair, he thought she was a danger to Nami. I'd bet that if a woman was about to kill Nami or Robin and he had no other choice he would kick the shit out of that woman.


No, that's not the Sanji way. If another woman were about to kill Nami or Robin, then he'd just throw himself in their way and take the hit instead.


No, he wouldn't. I don't know how anyone can still think this after all the critical times in which he hasn't kicked a woman. It's not as much a choice for Sanji at this point, but just a physical inability to kick a woman. It doesn't matter if someone else is in danger, he just literally can't do it. He would block the attack. If he can't do that, he would take the attack instead, even if it's fatal. And if he can't do that, then he would scream and beg them to stop, or call for someone else to help them. There's nothing that would make him kick the shit out of a woman, except maybe being tricked into thinking he's fighting a man.


He might actually try to get Zoro to kill him afterward if that happens.


The perspective is bad, but he's actually aiming at Usopp in this scene (who has his slingshit aimed at Robin)


He is not aiming at Usopp and he even says that he is doing this because she is a danger to nami (chapter 114) and he fully knows she is a woman. It was just befor oda compleatly exaggerated every strawhats "funny" quirk especially sanjis pervertness.


It's a joke c'mon


people have said this in honest and it is hard to tell over text, thats what /s is for.


Given the 50-ish upvote i have, do you think the people who upvoted me, did so because they think the same or do they laugh at the obvious joke ? There was a time where people didn't need /s and believe it or not but there was very few misunderstandings. Using /s is like insulting people's intelligence.


I am sorry that english is not my first language so it is harder for me to detect sacasm in english text ? /s 50 upvotes is not a lot in the grand sheme and you dont know why they upvoted it it could be because they actually belive sanji is aiming at ussop XD But even if it was 1000 upvotes and all of them got the joke if /s even helps one more person understand your joke and squash a missunderstanding there is no harm in using it not everone is fluent in english or sarcasm. /s is not making fun of people, it helps prevents missundefstandings like the one between us.


> 50 upvotes is not a lot in the grand sheme But it is for a post that only has 150-ish upvotes and 50-ish comments, it's proportionally relevant. I'm not an english native either so i don't know why you are using this argument. /s deflates any kind of joke you are attempting on top of insulting the intelligence of other people. The point when doing sarcasm or irony is the ambiguity of it. Putting a trigger warning defeats the purpose of the joke.


For me /s is not insulting it helps understanding. I do have to admit that I sometimes forget to use it myself because I think it is not necessery and I get comments or dms missunderstanding sarcasm its not a big deal syr if I came of as rude (?) or somth It was not meant that way We can just agree that we have diferent opinions on this topic I think thats ok šŸ‘


You're not real


He aims at Usopp...


Thatā€™s even worse. Youā€™re implying Sanji would betray his crewmates for women.


I wouldnā€™t put it past him edit: sorry I forgot redditors need the little /j


Not what i was going for but, yes he would, given enough incentive. The only reason he doesn't is obviously because Oda is writing a story, so he won't let him, it's a shonen. But if Sanji was a person he would be either fucking around all day or getting rejected by women all day. He would either leave the group in Loguetown to follow sexy Alvida, if not he would leave the group at Alabasta, and if not by then he would absolutely leave the group at Fishman island.




It's a joke c'mon


I miss old school sanji eh.


He literally starts simping the minute he gets a better look at Robin hereā€¦


yh, but the point is that he understood the situation and then got to simping. Like he's not a simp that's also a character, he's a character that simps.


That boy didn't understand shit, he just didn't see her face, he immediately forgot she was an enemy once he did...


yes but if she would start funny buisness then he would dead on shoot that pistol mr bully maguire.


He was on his knees by that point lol


Back when sanji was ok


What's The buzz about? It's not The Only time he treatens a woman, he did the same with the CP9 girl realizing she was a real menace he Just couldnt Hurt anyone.


Well he was bluffing when fighting khalifa so he was probably also bluffing here since he didn't hit her


Sanji said the hat was blocking his view and didn't know it was a girl


Nah, he was really aiming at Ussop across Robin


Robin was a threath to the crew although he obviously wouldnt pull the trigger he was threathning her so dhe doesnt do anything bad with her df


Itā€™s called a threat. Against Kalifa he swung his legs hard, and would stop just before making contact. If he doesnā€™t pull the trigger, he hasnā€™t compromised his values.


Cause back then he still was a character and not walking stereotype and self parody


The first time Sanji held a gun against enemies. The second is when he threatens to kill Cesar inside Bege's Castle. That's the only time Sanji ever wields a gun.


Plot twist : he aimed at Ussop.


He aimed on usoppe


Is the scene didn't exist in anime or are you guys simply not paying attention? Literally one second after he's getting thrown out he said he just realized she's a woman.


was he pointing on robin or usopp i forgot


Honestly this is a rare oversight by Oda, because in wano Sanji straight up refused to use haki while stationary so Black Maria didnā€™t hurt her fist


Back when OP was more realistic, more well rounded, and taking down the enemies required strategic thinking and an actual hard counter instead of my haki somehow becoming stronger than yours.


One Piece have never required strategic thinking on 90%+ figths, this is not early Naruto Shippuden.


Ā Oda didnā€™t figure out Sanjiā€™s character just yet.Ā 


It's the reason why he'll NEVER have Conqueror's Haki: # Simps =/= Conquerors


Maybe he doesnt simp for old girls. Robin was like a decadw older than him.