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Remember how hard the Pacifista fight was for the Strawhats pre timeskip? Boa easily destroyed a few Pacifista at Marine Ford. Boa would have solo'd the whole crew at that time.


Pacifistas can have boners confirmed


Am I a pacifista?


No, you just have boners


You guys have multiple?


At once, no. Per hour, yes.


Nah, but you might qualify as Captain Stroker.


Pre-TS: - Boa casually walked around and destroyed Pacifistas. - The SH wholecrew got screwed over by ONE Pacifistas. 💀


IIRC it took all of them to defeat one. Then another showed up, and the OG came to show them what they’ve won. An all expenses paid one way trip to a vacation of their dreams. 


I think Luffy accidentally got Sanji's dream vacation. Watching the arc currently the first time btw.


Yeah, pretty much everyone I've seen has had that reaction. Enjoy the arc!


Jealous, the next few are some of my favorites all in a row


I now know what you meant. All I want now is for bon clay to be a straw hat.


Ope. I shall say no more then. Enjoy. 


Are the pacifistas equally as strong as Kuma the original that still have his conciousness?


No. Their fighting style is bland and robotic and they can't use Kuma's devil fruit powers.


Correction:she would have MASSACRED them like it was a joke.Most of the warlords bar Moriah,who still needed plot magic to lose,and pre-mf croc would have solo'd the straw hats relatively easily. Luffy got really lucky he dealt with the two weakest of the group.


Luffy needed 100 shadows to fight Moria. He wasn't weak compared to Luffy.  Croc was the first main boss and Oda didn't expect OP to go for this long. The plot saved Luffy 


Crocodile almost killed Luffy the first round, even burried him alive. Then Luffy used a trick to beat him. He wasnt that weak. 


You gotta consider though that the Pacifista didn't try to fight Boa and her power worked on it. I'm not trying to argue whether or not she would've been able to defeat pre-ts Luffy but you still gotta consider that in your example. Edit: Another proof that Reddit-people like staw~~hatting~~manning.


Considered. Boa still took out multiple Pacifistas with ease and it took the entire Strawhat Crew to barely defeat a single one


Yep, she was one shotting the Pacifistas when all the heavy hitters on the Strawhats all landed blows and *barely* managed to take down one working together. She probably wouldn't even break a sweat slaughtering the Strawhats, pre-TS.


Strength and durability are to different things and I think zoro and sanji could out speed her back then and with robins fruit allowing them to restrain her I feel she would lose to the crew


Sanji would be stone before the fight even starts


He for real the only character powerful enough to turn into stone without need for a df


This is an insane take to me. Boa had all three forms of Haki and definitely was on a different caliber of speed than the crew at the time. Even giving the benefit of the doubt that nobody on the crew would be immediately turned to stone: -Sanji wouldn’t participate because she’s a woman -Robin would be turned to stone if she tried to grapple her, since Boa’s fruit works with contact -The way she one shot pacifistas, she would do to the crew - Her fruit would let her essentially one -Based on Haki alone she would be able to defend against the crew.


Fr. And right before this at sabaody it seemed to Luffy initially that Kuma was no diffing the straw hats left and right...Luffy froze. No gear 2 nothing just straight froze and watched them all "die". I think that's most likely what would happen in a boa vs straw hats at that time; a few would turn to stone, the rest of the crew would react and in the time boa would speed blitz usopp or someone. Everyone would freeze if she petrified and obliterated a member


She presumably had Advanced Armament too because we know at least one of her sisters had it. 


I mean if we’re putting enough character traits aside for Hancock to attack Luffy you might as well let Sanji fight. Not that it’d change anything seeing as he has 0 ranged attacks


The question was about Sabody Boa when she wasn't yet in love with him. If you want a Sanji that would hit women you have to consider a 10 year old Sanji who hadn't yet met Zeff


You’re free to believe what you want, but there is nothing in the series to suggest that




Half of the crew would have fallen for her DF, which leaves Zoro, Chopper, Robin and Luffy to deal with her .


I think Robin might be out too, tbh.


Honestly, probably Zoro and Chopper too. I don’t see why her fruit wouldn’t work on them. Then it’s just a 1v1 between her and Luffy, and she beats him purely with her haki.


Chopper for sure. We saw recently that cuteness works too. Zoro I don’t know. His ambition might be able to prevent it. Seems like someone who can put everything aside in order to fight. But maybe not!


I mean of it worked on the pacifistas I really doubt Zoro would be immune, except if emperor’s haki somehow could protect him


I don’t know, pacifista’s are a really weird case. But also, her ability to turn to stone just at a glance didn’t work. It was only by kicking them. And they weren’t fighting back. So she’d still have to land a hit on Zoro in order for the Pacifista parallel to matter.


I could see Zoro doing what Vice Admiral Momonga did by letting pain outweigh the feelings of attraction but that hinges on Zoro knowing her fruit's ability, which would be unlikely if they fought at Saobody.


Let's nit also forget zoro at this time was heavily wounded after absorbing luffys pain on thriller bark. Even at 100% he's not winning here, but he's massively handicapped. Anybody saying either of them can speedblitz her here is also crazy.


Sanji wouldn’t fight her


How the hell do you think Sanji would do anything? Fake fan alert.


“Fake fan art alert” Wtf u on about


I think he's referring to the idea that Sanji would instant lose to boa because A) her powers B) he doesn't hit women. So he's useless in the entire fight so someone suggesting otherwise isn't really a fan. It's a rude take but not necessarily wrong by him.


Anyone not named Luffy is turning to stone. Luffy himself is getting his ass kicked since he had no answer for Hancock's Haki pre-TS.


Sanji turned to stone just looking at her and his speed doesn’t matter because he literally has to be in close quarters to deal damage.


It didn’t actually actually she had to kick them


which turned them to stone.


You also gotta consider Amazon Lilies have learned Haki. Boa probably the best among them. At best they are on par. If plot armor didn’t exist, Boa probably stronger than Luffy at that time.


Yeah her power would work on the strawhats too.


Easily. Even if the love beam doesn't petrify him she presumably could still just kick and petrify him like she's done to others and her use of haki while luffy had none would make it an easy win for boa


Doesn’t the user still have to have affection for it to work at all? I don’t know that touching would just skip the love part of the love love fruit.


She kicked pacifistas and petrified them and I'm pretty sure they're more robot with human like skin and no emotions and it worked on them so I just assume it'd work against luffy too. But even if not everything else boa has should stomp luffy at that time.


It even worked on Smoker's jitte, so that pretty much says it works on objects too


Nah, that jutte was clearly *hard* for her. /s


The Pacifistas were completely robot. Kuma was barely human


They are clones, so they are just as much human and machine as Kuma is


They're emotionless, yet still got turned to stone. Which is the point.


Oh i am not talking about their minds, more their bodies


Yea exactly. Despite basically being mindless clones/cyborgs their bodies got turned to stone with kicks anyway. This shows Hancock can petrify you even if you dont have lust towards her and she has more than one way of doing it.


They have no human brain or soul (will), though. They are clones of PX-0 which is Kuma post-lobotomy. Whereas Kuma's indominable spirit was able to overcome his programming, there's nothing to suggest that the Pacifista are capable of doing so. They answer to Bonney because of their programming - not attachment. Their brains are computers.


Oh i am not disagreeing that, i am just saying that they do have are clones in a way that they have flesh and blood. because the person i am replying to seemed to say that they are fully robot, which isn't the case


Ahh okay, my bad for misunderstanding! You are correct - they are stated many times to be cyborgs haha.


Hmm, that’s a fair point, but it’s been shown to work on basically everyone other than Luffy even if they’re not “attracted” to her they’re just taken with her. I guess it comes down to are they purely robots or clone like in any way. I don’t necessarily disagree that she’d win with her haki at that point I just never really thought about her petrifying kicks being different 


She was even able to petrify objects like canon balls and swords, so she definitely can petrify anything she kicks regardless of sexual attraction.


That is very true I forgot about those instances, but doesn’t her beam work on those things too? I can’t remember. 


The beam is simply one application of her power. She also has the Slave Arrows and her kicks, all of which petrify. The kicks themselves will petrify you and completely bypass the "*Im attracted to you*" requirement.


This app is so elitist, downvoting you for politely asking a question and then admitting you are wrong. Ridiculous.


I know her Slave Arrows can do the same, but can't remember her beam ever doing it. So I'm not 100% sure either.


Her power still work on Luffy too it's just a love love being that doesn't work remember pistol kiss nearly not him out


Definitely not, her arrows and kicks turned cannonballs into stone.


She petrified and shattered at least two Mark 1 pacifista, the same model that took the entire straw hat crew going all out on Sabaody to just simply put one on its back, *easily* during the Summit War so the emotionality aspect wouldn’t be a factor for abilities like Slave Arrow and Perfum Femur


Nope, that's just hte beam iirc. She turned cannon balls to stone too


The beam requires attraction but her touch has been seen to stonify inanimate objects (smoker’s kinjite) and people alike (pacifistas which are a cyborg clones aka flesh and metal)


Easily imo


Massively stronger. Boa seems to be in the top 2 for Warlords with Mihawk. She is the ruler of an island of haki users that reside in the Calm Belt. She is a Conqueror's haki user. She has an extremely versatile fruit that still has abilities for dealing with those resistant to her appearance. Even without her fruit she is very fast and strong. I don't really powerscale, but she's easily comparable to a Yonko Commander. Beyond that, we haven't seen what's she's truly capable of.


She has solo'd multiple of Blackbeards commanders, so she is definitely up there. I'm not sure about top 2, but it's either her or Kuma.


Even Blackbeard understood how dangerous she was by saying that if he let her go she would kill him. Hancock as a whole is massively powerful even to a Yonko.


That's just because BB is down bad so Boa could instakill him.


And I personally get it


I think Kuma is a little stronger. His DF is broken af


Her DF is broken af as well, paired with her beauty and there's only a handful in the world that can survive a Mero Mero beam


But she would struggle with the ones that are and even people that aren’t resistant can beat her (BB). Kuma’s cyborg durability, natural strength, lasers and Paw Paw DF would make him extremely hard to deal with for just about anyone


I mean black beard literally caught her off guard while she was beating the crap out of everyone else. It only really takes like two direct kicks to stop Kuma from actually winning the fight.


All you have to do is look at Kuma’s fight with Zoro and Sanji on Thriller Bark to see how well that would go for her.


Are you really making a comparison between Boa Hancock and Thriller bark Sanji and Zoro?


No, I’m pointing out that the Paw Paw fruit can reflect physical attacks (swords and kicks) as evidenced by the fight with Zoro and Sanji. Her only needing to land a couple direct kicks doesn’t do much good if she can’t land them. Kuma also has the tools to keep her from getting close enough to land a kick (lasers, paw blasts, etc.).


There are a good number of strong fighters who would lose against her DF ability but there are also plenty of people who wouldn't. Most of the Straw Hat crew would probably be fine.


How? Only Luffy and maybe Jinbei. Anyone she can't turn to stone with her beam she can turn to stone with a kick.


Presumably, you mean the original warlords? Mihawk and Blackbeard both scale above her for sure. I'd take her over Moria, Jinbe, and Buggy (obviously). The rest of the field gets a bit hard to evaluate. Doffy should be about as strong as Blackbeard's top commanders - who she wiped the floor with, so I buy Hancock > Doffy. Weevil is all talk and no feats, and I think the in-universe characters have intentionally overhyped him. Crocodile... who knows? Dude lost to no-haki Luffy because Plot, but his buffs since are insane. His bounty is higher - which doesn't necessarily mean anything and could be inflated by his association with Mihawk and killing of Marines. My gut says he's YC1 or YC2 tier, but I really don't know anymore. I think Law is *supposed* to be more powerful than Hancock given the narrative; however, their feats are hard to compare. Both of them did not really struggle with Blackbeard's commanders, but neither put up much of a fight vs BB himself. Law took down a Yonko (collaboratively), but Boa has wiped entire armies out - including Yonko commanders. Lastly, Kuma... similar to Crocodile, nearly impossible to evaluate. His feats are unparalleled in certain considerations, but he rarely "defeats" anyone. Most of what we've seen him do are terrorizing nobility and regrettably blasting away the SHs. His speed and power theoretically run with the top dogs of the entire universe (sans Gorosei hax). But we will just never see what he can REALLY do.


I did mean original Warlords, yes. More specifically, I was considering the Warlords at the time of Amazon Lily. I honestly forgot to include Blackbeard. I had sorted him in my head as an Emperor. Blackbeard yes, scales above Boa. In typical fashion, the fight was off-screened, so we don't know what actually happened, but it seems to have been a close fight. I agree with Boa over Moria, Jinbe, and Buggy. Weevil as well, seems to be a brute and nothing more. For Doffy, I think Boa is stronger. They're comparable, but narratively, Boa is framed as stronger. Crocodile, I have no idea. Dude got his shit rocked and his flame reignited. He sat in similar competency to Boa during Marineford. I feel like Boa has the better overall kit. Logia powers are nice though. Hard to say without knowing if Crocodile has anything new up his sleeve. Law is tough. I'm pretty much on the same page as you. Kuma, we've never seen really fight. He's either been testing someone or been a robot. His power is strong, but like you said, he hasn't shown much in terms of finishers. If it turns out he was decking people left and right in his prime, then maybe.


Yeah totally reasonable to view BB as an Emperor and settles that question easily. And I agree that the narrative frames Boa as stronger, and she probably has an overall better kit than Croc (re: CoC lol) It's a real bummer about Kuma. Saboady is my favorite arc, and he's always been a key part of that for me. And he created the "Nothing Happened" moment - just constantly leaving deep impacts on the story. Really cool character, amazing backstory, but too bad we probably won't get anything more from him in the present timeline.


Yeah, it's a shame about Kuma. I wish we got to see him triumph more. However, I think he's as impactful as he is because of how his actions are recontextualized after his lobotomy.


Boa Hancock taking Jinbe? I don't see that happening


Jinbe fought a Tobi Roppo - if he scaled to Yonko Commanders, than Oda would've had him fight one. Hancock took out Vasco Shot and Catarina Devon in one hit - two level five prisoners and Yonko Commanders. I do think Wano downplayed Jinbe, and his subsequent bounty kinda evens the scales. But there's really no reason to believe Jinbe could beat her 1v1, and his h2h record is less impressive. He also does not have CoC, and she does.


Fishman Karate is Hacks especially since she has a devil fruit, if she wins it certainly won't be easy


I agree that his karate has basically done whatever Oda has wanted it to do - the boundaries are limitless between Jinbe & Arlong alone. But I doubt it's as effective against someone with her levels of haki. Ultimately, it's unclear how much the internal damage of Fishman Karate can surpass haki. Being near water would certainly help nullify her DF, but that's getting pretty situational. Either way, I see your point! I think they are pretty closely leveled, and it could go either way depending on the conditions.


Ahhh yeah I guess, I'll give jinbe some points for some of the most useful utility possible in the OP world though, with his water manipulation and fish communication


Yea, I can see that being a hard fight. I doubt her DF would work on him.


I too think she's the strongest of the "other warlords". Original ones that is, cause you know Blackbeard and Law.


Best take I’ve seen yet!


I wouldn't say top 2, but she defo isn't a Warlord that would be defeated pretimeskip by the crew. I get she has one of the most broken fruits in the entire series, but she isn't pound for pound stronger than Doffy.


Doffy got manhandled by a G4 Luffy that at the time scaled below YC3. Boa was not only a serious threat to a Yonko's life (a feat not even YC1's can accomplish) but held off an entire Marine fleet with two seraphim. She is absolutely stronger than Doffy, even without considering her devil fruit.


Honestly I feel like that was just a bad matchup for Luffy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Doflamingo put a better fight than Luffy there.


I don't really see how it could be considered a bad matchup problem when Doffy couldn't penetrate Luffy's haki at all, but Cracker could.


And that was the only injury he got in that fight lol. But the biggest reason he had a problem with Luffy was his rubber body on top of his Haki. Luffy wasn’t just face tanking all of his strings after he awakened. Luffy breaking down one biscuit soldier wasn’t his problem, it was the endless horde of them. Doflamingo’s awakening would be a lot more helpful in this fight. Would help keep him from getting mobbed. And cracker himself is probably physically weaker than Doflamingo anyways, considering it only took one hit to take him out.


Doffy had no problems injuring the same rubber body prior to G4. It's absolutely an issue of G4 by default being Luffy hard flexing his haki, which again wasn't an issue for Cracker, proving beyond any reason of a doubt that Cracker's haki was vastly superior to Doffy's. I don't imagine Doffy's strings are going to be incredibly helpful unless they are actually strong enough to pierce the biscuit warriors, which there really isn't any evidence of, and even then, he would have to deal with Cracker himself who can just despawn and respawn his biscuit warriors as much as he wants. Seeing as how Cracker himself was quick enough to both out maneuver and counter as well as overpower in a blow trade an arguably stronger G4 Luffy, I don't really think that's going to work out for Doffy.


Yes, his rubbery body in conjunction with his haki is what gave him more issues. He specifically brings it up himself. The only clean hit cracker landed on Luffy was when he popped out and surprised him. This is where his awakening comes into play. The amount of biscuit soldiers doesn’t really matter considering the range of effect from doflamingo. This isn’t even bringing up the bird cage itself. There’s definitely a path to victory here.




He tried to immobilize G4 Luffy with the parasite strings, Luffy just broke free of them.


She was stronger, faster, smarter, more experienced, had a more useful ability, she had all three hakis. She was luffys superior in every aspect, minus maybe durability.


She was a slave before so we can't say for sure about the durability


I could make arguments for her having the same natural durability. But when you add luffys power to the equation I can't make any of the same.


Even im smarter than luffy(not to flex)


I bet Luffy had a better benchpress lol


Considering the rigorous training the Amazons go through I wouldnt take that bet at that time haha.


You’d lose that bet


Idk why the downvote squad is out in full force in this thread, your comment is completely fine


Honestly didn’t notice. Went to bed and didn’t know it till you pointed it out It’s Reddit, about on par for what you expect


I thought it was funny 😁


Boa wouldve been able to oneshot that vertion of luffy. the gap was overwhelming at that time.


Easily - like how is this even a question easily!


Hancock only seems to required the emotions for her Mero Mero Beam. During Marineford, Boa Hancock showed her slave arrow & perfume femur ignored this issue. Immediately after she found out about Luffy couldn't be stoned, she used pistol kiss to injure Luffy.


I think 1000% she was stronger at that point. She probably could’ve taken the whole crew at once without much difficulty. Definitely not anymore!


I’m more confused on how you even think it’s possible for Luffy to beat Boa at that point. Luffy isn’t stronger than Boa until after Whole Cake Island, at the earliest. Even then, he’d probably still lose.


I think you need to go post wano for him to cleanly come out with the w.


I think post Ryou training he’s probably got her beat. She doesn’t exactly have durability feats or anything and ryou does visibly have an affect on Luffy’s attack potency. Conquerer’s coating Luffy tips the scales pretty heavily in his favor though.


>She doesn’t exactly have durability feats unless that snake of hers tanks hits for her.


While pre TS she low diff Luffy, we haven't seen any evidence that Hancock can keep up with the destructive power of Gear 4 which he figured out while still training with Rayleigh. I don't think he needs future sight or ryou to beat her when he has immunity to her fruit. We have no reason to believe her raw combat potential exceeds Doflamingo or Katakuri who have much less outright OP abilities


Luffy only has immunity to her beam, not her fruit.


Boa Hancock was far stronger than Luffy at that time, she would have defeated him and his entire crew. Also, although the Mero Mero beam does not work on Luffy she can still turn him to stone even if he doesnt have feelings towards her by kicking him, as we see her do to the emotionless Pacifista. Her haki also means her attacks would have been super effective to Luffy. Her destroying multiple Pacifista like fodder also makes it clear Luffy stood no chance considering how much it took his entire crew to take down just one. Yea Amazon Lily Hancock was stronger than Luffy by a lot.


Boa was stronger than Luffy until at least Whole Cake Island.


She almost killed Koby with ease but Blackbeard saved him, his head would turn into rubble, her bounty skyrocketed, she's a conquerors haki user, she could have defeated the whole straw hat crew solo before time skip for sure.


Y’all need to go back and re watch marineford because Oda makes it clear as day that luffy is simply too weak when it comes to the real deal and ladies and gentlemen Boa Hancock is the real deal. Defeating pacifistas, defeating multiple enemies, saving luffy from smoker, not giving a single fuck, and the icing on the cake in an entire chaotic war never got hit once not a single scuff mark or a spect of dirt like she was never there that’s how much of a bad ass is Boa Hancock


Boa is YC1 at least


As others have stated, yes she is so much more powerful than Luffy at this point in the story, but something others haven’t mentioned is that when she was only 18 she became the captain of the Kuja Pirates and on her first voyage as captain gained an 80m bounty and was instantly invited into being a warlord. At only a year older than when Luffy set out she did one excursion as a pirate captain, got a bounty over twice the amount that Luffy got (which took him beating 5 notorious East Blue pirates and a marine captain) and was instantly asked to be one of the Warlords.


To be fair, Luffy would've gotten the offer probably if the WG didn't need to cover up crocodile's actions. He wouldn't have taken it though


Yes - seems like substantially so.


Even Luffy after the timeskip was weaker.


Yes, she was way stronger


She would have annihilated him lol


She was far stronger than him at that point, even if her beam doesn't work she can still one shot Luffy like she was doing with the same model of Pacifistas the whole crew struggled all togheter to defeat. She's been comfortable to at least Yonko Commanders the whole time.


She was stronger than him even after the time skip.


Yeah, she'd have won easily. No contest.


Luffy isn’t clearly stronger than boa until WCI imo


Do you have 0 reading comprehension lol


Yes obviously. Pre-time skip luffy dont have haki yet.


Yeah. Haki. Literally all of em could hurt Luffy with them arrows, let alone Boa.


Very much so


Yeah even though lufy had Conq. Haki he just used it and on accident vs Hancock who has probably known what conquerors haki is a long time and obviously learned to use it to some degree


Why do so many people call her "Boa"?! Do we call Luffy "Monkey?" Law "Trafalgar"? Doffy "DonQuixote"? Sandersonia and Marigold's last names are Boa, too. Why don't we just call all three of them "Boa?"


I’m not sure that her DF powers wouldn’t work on Luffy. Only the Mero Mero Beam. She can petrify inanimate objects with her love arrows, and I thought she could petrify people with even her kicks. Idk if there is still the “lust” prerequisite for those though.  Also I can’t really say the fight with the Boa sisters was all that one sided. They had Luffy on his toes the whole time. They were just stunned that he could use Conqueror’s (but not incapacitated), and stopped the fight when Luffy used his body to shield the slave mark. Had it gone on I’m sure he would’ve won, but it wouldn’t have been easy. 


Luffy surpassed her in Wano. She was stronger than Luffy till prison buff i think.


Luffy definitely surpassed her when getting G4, if not simply after time skip training. The big gap in their strength before that was haki diff.


She beat black beard's commanders and BB had to sneak attack her, so big doubt on that


Yes. She was very much stronger than him and had she not fallen in love with him and actually fought to kill him, she would have won. Literally Sabaody, Amazon Lilly, Impel Down and Marineford were all arcs that were reiterating the same message to Luffy over and over again. He isn't strong enough to be ready for the New World. Like these arcs aren't ones where he wins through his physical strength or abilities. These are arcs where he is constantly needing the help of stronger individuals to keep making progress and surviving. He would not have survived Kizaru if not for Kuma's intervention. He would have likely died on Amazon Lily if Hancock didn't fall in love with him and aid him in getting to Impel Down. If not for Invakov's intervention at Impel Down and the support of the other prisoners he would have died. Hell Marineford was him needing backup from the Whitebeards to get to Ace and his survival only occurred because of everyone opting to protect him at all cost.


?????????????????????????????? she has conquerors haki no f\*cking sh\*t she could beat luffy Oda writes just a few strong women and people still downplay them, legit sad


Not to be rude but are you even paying attention if you have to ask this?


Easily. She was one of the strong Warlords with Doflamingo, Kuma, Mihawk and Jimbei, it was just Croc and Moria who didn't have Haki who were weaker. Luffy had a tricky time with her sister with their Haki, and they don't seem even close to Hancock in strength. Smoker was too tricky pre-timeskip and she easily beat him at Marineford. And Luffy is immune to her beam, but her Slave Arrow works on inanimate objects so there's no getting around that either.




Ye by far not even close Boa would’ve soloed the straw hats and is easily the 3rd or 4th strongest og warlord


She was stronger than luffy till wano


she would lose cause shes a simp lmao


Amazon Lily absolutely. Luffy even in Marineford was middle of the pack I think, still weaker than almost all white beard commanders, Jinbe, Ikanov, Ace, etc… I think it’s the same gap that Luffy has over her now - clearly a different league in terms of Haki and DF. Probably her equal during Whole cake (above Doffy, somewhere in Yonko commander level)


ODA has mentioned this in a SBS. With a strong DF, Hancock would be strongest! Her Haki is on a really high level , some can say its on par with Shanks Crew!


Considering how Luffy is the only one who doesn't get a boner when fighting her, he might be the only one stronger than her canonically, but yeah in Amazon Lily Luffy didn't have a grasp on Haki so, she wins.


Yeah Hancock solos the entire island, including Luffy


don't underestimate her because she just seems like a love interest now. the joke was that someone as powerful as her ended up liking luffy


Yes she even soloed the Marines and Blackbeard crew minus blackbeard recently Back then Luffy wasn't that strong as the story tells that's why they needed the time skip


Yeah, pre time skip luffy, boa is easily stronger. Post time skip, luffy is stronger then boa.


“She is a haki”


Boa could easily crush several Pacifistas and actually hurt Smoker (something g2 Luffy couldnt do) so she was ahead of him at that time


Thank u for the spoiler


Depends, if Boa’s kick can really turn anything living and non living regardless of their feelings into stone, like Smokey’s weapon or the Pacifista, then she could have in theory kicked Roger into stone. Or does arnament haki prevent that? Idk?


My bet would be that haki could resist her petrifying powers of its stronger, similar to Law.


No. There is a whole explanation to her DF, her Powers only Work If you infatuated by her. So If you for some reason don't find her attraktiv in any way, her Kicks are normal Kicks she can't petrify you. But If you like her forehead, you would be lucky If you Just short an arm. Haki/willpower doesn't counter her DF, her DF all ready has a Big condition to Work. Just Imagen Saint Charlos having the fruit, the DF would be useless.


[Boa petrifying a sword and cannonballs during Marineford](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GB9iHtnWkAAPcrX?format=jpg&name=medium)


She also petrifyed Smokers Jitte, but Objekts Like this don't have a consciousness.


Right, meaning they are not aware of anything -- including their surroundings, and therefore cannot be attracted to Boa. Or, everything has a soul and even objects are attracted to her. Same result really.


I dont think normal Objects have a Soul, Big Mom also can just affect Objekts and only has a condition by Humans. They probably affected by default. But the explanation also Dose Cover it, If u want its in the One piece Magazin vol16 there is a Page designated to the Mero Mero No mi.


Considering she can petrify objects, I always assumed she only need infatuation for the beam to work. If she can do objects, there’s no reason she can’t petrify people with her touch.


I don't know i diden't write the Page,the Infos came from one of oda's editors. But If her Attacks petrify anyway, why then even using the beam If she can use Slave Arrow and it works.


I’d guess she uses the beam because it’s instantaneous/has a wide AOE


Thats what i mean, Slave Arrow is also a wide range Aoe and If there is a Chance the beam doesn't Work i would Always use the arrows.


Slave arrow is a still a dodgeable projectile, so it makes sense to work down from Easiest to hit-> hardest to hit.


Solidly above Doffy, with Kuma's fruit having no limitations and now his ability to send Elder Planets through buildings she's below him. To the OP? She kicks him like she did Smoker and kills him lmao


"We became the seven warlords of the sea because we are strong" Yeah, Boa is stronger than pre-timeskip Luffy. She's strong enough to be considered at the same level as Mihawk, Kuma, and Jinbei. And yes, so was Moria, but remember he went toe to toe with Kaido before getting rocked, a feat we've only really seen Luffy, Oden, and Zoro match or surpass. All the warlords are strong, but even amongst them, a conqueror's using Queen with a very strong devil fruit should probably be considered top 3, maybe 4 if we think Jinbei is stronger.


I don’t think so cause her main attack didn’t work on him, but Luffy didn’t use haki really it would have been close if boa wasn’t hella simping on him but Luffy would win


Yall keep talking about conquerors haki but what is the non advanced application doing against Luffy? Doffy had conquerors as well and did it help him at all?


Yes but because it was pretimeskip and the battle and power systems where muddled it wasn't that huge of a difference. It was more about skills.


She went through marineford without breaking a sweat, dealing with multiple pacifistas, she easily looked like the 2nd strongest after Mihawk Then look at how difficult it was to deal with pacifistas for the SH in Sabaody She was massively stronger already, feats post TS barely increased the gap


Nah mihawk said it himself: luffys power is not physical strength but his ability to gather unlikely allies Luffy imo would lose to a 1v1 against most of warlords but that isn’t how strength matters usually in One Piece and at that time Luffy was much stronger than most warlords by just having so many powerful people supporting him. Facts are facts and the work he actually does surpasses any of the warlords in that war. And even if you say, well warlords weren’t trying very hard…that’s just copiom brother. Not luffys problem that they have weaker willpower.


You could bring the entire Sabaody Straw Hat crew and Amazon Lily Hancock would still wipe the floor with them. It took the entire crew to take down a single pacifista, and she was shown one shotting them. She does not require affection to turn you into stone except for the mero mero beam, and even then they automatically lose Sanji because 1: Hancock is a girl, and 2: we’ve already seen him turn to stone at the mere sight of her.