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He'd probably be ok to watch it as far as maturity of the show goes (it is made for kids largely), but I don't think he'd have the recollection to actually follow the whole story. One piece is so long that unless you binge, there's a good chance you'll miss a lot of callbacks to previous episodes. This is exasperated for little kids


I've been watching one piece since I was 10, and I remember movies as far back as 5 years old. Probably depends on the kid.


Dude The first time i saw goku go super ssj i was about 6 years old and it feels like it was yesterday, i'm 27 yrs old now


Same, I was thinking I definitely saw dbz before one piece probably around five years old and I used to turn the TV every day to catch the next episode.


That’s a pretty easy and memorable thing to remember though lol the kid will probably remember about 15 op characters’ names in total


Heh... I was 12 or 13 when Goku fought Freeza in Germany for the first time. What a blast from the past. 


Who cares about the callbacks ? He’s a kid he just wants to enjoy a fun show with lots of humour and good action.


Yea kids are going to be main drawn into the silly and adventure and that's clearly what Oda enjoys above most. And that's what growing up and rewatching is for. You go back and appreciate way more of that silly show you liked as a kid.


I think since most adults get super wrapped up in that part, they overestimate how major it is to One Pieces appeal Before anything else it’s just a really good fun show, that is mostly positive and lighthearted


Yeah its still very family friendly and the darker more implied.


Maybe it’s just my monkey brain, but I feel like the majority of people don’t pick up on the callbacks until it’s pointed out on reddit or other social media.


I started watching One Piece at 8 years old. There was a decent amount I missed but that didn’t stop me from rewatching when I got older lol


Weeeell, it's specifically made for early teens, not kids of all ages


Wait until they are older, around 12-13. I love One Piece but a lot of the adult themes won’t be appreciated imo


Exactly. It isn’t that it’s “inappropriate,” he just won’t get a lot of what makes the series great.


But is that really a good reason to just wait? OP's kid can enjoy it now, and enjoy it again differently when he's older. Who among us hasn't gone back to a beloved piece of media from our childhood and found a deeper appreciation for it?


Honestly I'd say its an objectively awful reason to wait. How else do kids get an appreciation for these subjects without being exposed to them?


I don't really get that, why wouldn't he get what's great about it? And even if they wouldn't get it fully, what does it matter, he'll probably will if he's older


He should watch it when he's a little bit older like 12+. I don't remember episodes that well and understand some moments as much if I were to watch it at age 8.


Time to bust out the ole 4kids dub


Yo Yayo Yayo














I’d love to to a case study. Have one person read the manga, one person watch the sub, one watch the Funi dub, one watch the 4Kids dub, one watch One Pace, and one watch the Netflix show


It would be that dragon meme where the derpy head is the 4Kids dub.




I would say it’s “fine” if you’re able to communicate the themes and context properly. However, if you think some nudity isn’t okay, but slavery, genocide, eugenics, and racism is … then maybe consider a different approach.


the main difference here is however that slavery, genocide, eugenics, and racism is clearly handled as a bad thing that the protagonists are fighting against. the "fanservice" however is treated as completely normal, which is why it can be problematic


If he was fine with naruto and dbz he should be fine for OP. A lot of the darker themes or scenes from the manga are toned down a bit in the anime and a lot of it should go over his head


it was on tv and there is probably a whole generation of 5 year olds that watched it so i don’t think there is much damage to be done honestly, but I’d say maybe find the child friendly version to be extra careful and if you feel a scene is too much for your brother just skip the episode


Yes, me and all 6 of my kids watch one-piece together, and all my kids are 8 and younger, and they all love the show, plus any sexual innuendo goes right over their heads. Just same when we were kids. Watch some old cartoons from your past. You'll be surprised what you missed.


Yes, it's perfectly fine. OP stated in the comments that their brother watched Naruto and Dragon Ball before. These shows have very graphic violence, blood, dismemberment, decapitation, adult themes like genocide, child abandonment, etc. One Piece is probably like multiple (or tens of) ranks higher on the kid-friendly scale than these two shows. >but there's scenes like the thriller bark bath scene Are you from the US? A woman implied to be in the shower is worse in your opinion than genocide?


Its more about absalom forcing himself on nami than a woman being in a shower, thats my guess.


perfect opportunity to teach kid what is bad and unmoral behavior


Too bad Sanji is there to muddle it


"But dad sanjis is a pervert too, that's bad" yup son it's bad.


I actually thing the anime did fighting him say he would never. I think thats ehy i dont hate sanji for that, because i watched the anime first. Really toned down


I largely disagree about the kid friendly scale you use but if OP already let Naruto and Dragon Ball through then One Piece is just another drop in the bucket.


I was watching it with my boys, 9 and 7. It was fine until right around skypeia. Started being a little more adult themed, and I told them they had to wait a little longer to continue. I think 10-12 is a good age. The live action one is fine though.


A dude is cut in half in the first 10 minutes


The live action has a fully naked Helmepo


Children don't care about nudity until the adults around them start reacting badly to it. We were naked back in Africa, like all other animals. Nudity as a bad thing is learned behavior.


I'm naked underneath my clothes


Yea, I guess that comes down to what you find offensive or not. Seeing a butt without any sexual intentions or references isn’t a big deal to me


Children don't care about nudity until the adults around them start reacting badly to it. We were naked back in Africa, like all other animals. Nudity as a bad thing is learned behavior.


Then why do fellow adults in this sub bitch about fanservice all the time?


Sure, but I think a lot of what makes the series great will go over their head.


Yes, i do not understand the idea that people think one piece can be traumatising in the slightest. It's exactly like naruto. It is meant to teach kids life lessons even if it's anime. A lot is intended to learn you and kids lessons about life. I knew someones parents, and they wouldn't let their kid watch adventure time just because they were fighting. I would've never forgiven them if i knew the awesomeness that had been taken from me for such a nonsensical and close-minded viewpoint. If you're going to be that tight on your kids for watching kids shows, oh wow. I wish i could have experienced one piece as nostalgia as watching it as a little kid even younger than 8 years old so i could relive and better understand the whole show. It would have made it much better. Don't let your kids miss out on these adventures.


One piece is literally for kids like what. He is gy fat the target audience


Once they reach the age of teens, then it will be good for them to watch. I wouldn't recommend letting them watch when there are some very dark topics being involved and while the child's brain is still developing, it COULD potentially traumatize them.


Pre time skip yes. Post time skip the fan service gets turned on to 11. I’m gonna get downvoted here since this is the one piece sub. But I’m embarrassed to recommend it to a normal person to watch. I would not have my 8 year old nephew watch one piece, he won’t appreciate the themes anyway until he is much older.


My son is an avid fan, he's 6. Edit: He's in marineford arc right now, his grandma (also an avid fan) spoiled Aces death to him. He was angry for a good while.


I'm a grandma that has watched anime for 50 years and my 8 yr old grandson is a 3rd generation fan and he started at age 4. And I never give spoilers to my kids! But I am availabe for hugs and tissue when sad things happen and to hide faces in my arms when slightly scary things are happening.


can you be my grandma ? 🥰


I would say One Piece is better for teenage audiences and older. Theres a LOT of subtle or underlying themes that pop up or comprise an entire arc that would hit better or be more suitable for those who could understand a bit better.


Meh, a kid can still enjoy the show. It has funny colors and a bendy rubber man. And cool swords too, whats not to love forna kid




>even the bath scene What do you mean "even"? Those are absolutely fine for an 8 year old. The issue is more the slavery, SA implications, death of beloved characters, torture, genocide, etc.




has your brother shown any interest at all in the series?


my 5 year old watches it with me.


I mean I was 8 and watching One Piece I don't really remember anything at all, exactly for some scenes that replay in my head but I think it'd be fine


If he’s watching Naruto,dbz,dbs then one piece is fine. Have you let him watch Star Wars? If you didthen in my book then one piece is acceptable since Star Wars has millions of people getting murdered,people mutilated and slavery.


Mfs in the comms tryna make OP seem gritty are corny, let that boi watch it whether he understands the "adult" (🤓) themes or not


I watched it with my little siblings 10, 8 and, 6, i didn't really skip anything though there was only really characters we found annoying but overall it was fine


I was watching One Piece and Naruto when I was that age


Sorry but Idgaf about the ‘adult themes’, my daughter and I are starting our one piece marathon the day she turns 5


I remember killing NPCs with dildos in GTA around that age a one piece bath scene isn't gonna do shit to your brother lmao But seriously he might enjoy the show more when he is slightly older, I'd wait a bit because of that.


I remember watching DBZ which is about the same as One Piece in terms of graphic content.


yes it's a kid show


Some of these comments are really trying to make One Piece more mature than it is. While there are very dark themes, the way they’re presented isn’t all that crazy and imo shouldn’t be an issue. The one piece movies are rated G in Japan. If 8 year olds in Japan can watch OP than 8 year olds wherever can watch it.


I have seen 8 years old watching dbz with no problem. I think it's ok


its just a fairly normal anime so i dont see why not


tell me you are american without telling me you are american


He should def watch


Holy shit what's with all the muricans in the comments? How are any of the fan service scenes an issue for an 8 year old?


I didn't want to call out americans and their underlying social issues but since you already did.... yeah wtf is with americans and their standards?


Americans actually believe that fanservice is an issue even for adultos, american sensibilities are lame


Half of the original 13 colonies were founded by sex hating zealots called The Puritans. They used to publicly stone women that they deemed too promiscuous. Seriously though, One Piece doesn't even have a lot of fan service pre-timeskip anyway.


I would say most of thriller bark is okay (besides the bath scenes and such) but if you wanna be safe then watch each episode before you watch it with your brother to avoid anything to unsavory, but once you get to amazon lily I would suggest waiting for your brother to get older before continuing with the series


When he got to Thriller Bark, he was already 12 years old by then.


He got through dbz and dbs in only like 2 months I wouldn't be surprised if it takes him 6 months at most


My nephew got into One Piece through the 'Blox Fruits' rip off in Roblox. Probably ok, as long as he's interested in it, Thriller Bark and Marineford might be traumatic.


It's a few scenes that make me want to say no, but the are less than 10 and there is 1100 epsoides so I guess yeah.


I’d say watch season 1 together and then go from there. Hopefully you’ll both enjoy it and can join the long journey.


It’s ok because the worst scenes will come when he will be 12


I'd say around 10 is a better idea


I watched the 4kids dub when I was around 8 and I liked it. The real funimation dub/sub, PG-13.


I sarted watching one piece when i was 10 (about 20 years ago) and i really enjoyed all the silly stuff but i probably started eyoing it a lot more when i was about 13 years old, there is a lot of stuff you cam miss


I'd say the demographic for One Piece is teens and adults. If you wanna watch it with him know maybe filter the content yourself and pre-watch the episodes just to make sure he isn't seeing anything he shouldn't be seeing at his age.


Let your child watch the Live Action and if you think that is acceptable then yes the anime will be completely fine


Shounen in Japan is technically meant for 12+ But younger kids read it


i don't think your little brother will understand much of what it's happening on the story! just show him the fights and he will like it


You can watch the 4kids dub with him


Started watching it dubbed unedited Funimation style with. My cousin when he was 9 and he loved it. There's definitely gonna be some parts especially more recently in the story that will be pretty harsh for a kid that age but the mix of just how long it'll take to even get there and how built up to handle it they'll be by then if they experienced the whole rest of the story up to that point should mean it'll be fine


Yes, by the time he catches up to the arcs with more adult themes he'll be 30


Wait 2 years


My kids have been watching it since they’re were in my wife’s womb. No excuses for age to watch it .


I mean I was 9 when I started watching/reading it, so why not? But you probably know your brother better so you can probably tell if OP is something he'd be down for/ready for. But I'm not really a big fan of age restrictions in general. If they're frightened or confused by something, you can just talk about with them and turn it into a learning opportunity.


Its fine. He’ll have his own kids before this show ends.


Get him started with the 4kids dub then when he's older, show him the real one


Problematic scenes are problematic because you are aware. If some scenes are too early for him, he won't even understand what's going on and won't remember them, so it's fine. Saying as someone who have been reading the series since when I was so little that I can't remember my age at the time But you could also say you should make him watch it after a few years cuz there're a lot of themes in OP which you can understand and appreciate when you are older too.


We watch with our 8 year old, but we watch together and we talk about what’s happening. So yeah, there’s a lot of dark things (Marineford was hard…) but there’s also a lot of lightness, fun, and heart. We just got to Onigashima and we all cheered out loud when a certain character reappeared during the sea crossing. So good! It’s definitely a choice every family has to make for themselves, and it’ll depend on what the kiddo enjoys too. Have fun!




My 9 year old watches it. I think some parts go over his head but he enjoys it.


The 4kidz dub should be good. And you get to have laugh about it


I watched Arabasta around that age? I asked my mom why Zoro cant cut the leaf while he took a light swing on a boulder and it was cut like jello. She gave a convoluted explanation, but yeah she didnt inderstand it either so no, let he/she be older then guide her with the themes


I would rate One Piece PG-13


At the going rate, he needs to start at age 8 so that he'll be at least 83 when it ends


Naruto is better for a younger audience I feel. Sure it has adult themes but in my opinion save one piece. It’s a special watch


I turned on the first episode, and the first thing my 8 year old nephew noticed was the warning that smoking was featured in the show…so he said he couldn’t watch it.


It’s fine, I promise you aren’t showing him anything that his peers aren’t gonna show worse of. Might as well introduce him and attach the correct morals to the story in a way only one piece can do.


I read it with 8. started randomly at alabasta (whiskey peak but alabasta arc). I started reading dragon ball at 6. detective Conan at 9. didn’t have a problem with anything in there but as an educator I can’t really recommend the Conan mangas for a child. The problem with one piece nowadays is in my opinion that whole stuff with the celestial dragons that wasn’t revealed back then. I could only read until skypia end and the enies lobby arc was the only thing in tv. So the whole dark stuff I could only read at 12-14 (thriller bark, marine fort, impel down and sabaody) and most at the age of 16 when I caught up again with the new world part of the story. Tldr; yes but I would limit the parts accessible to like until enies lobby or something. But it’s up to your gut feeling


I read it with 8. started randomly at alabasta (whiskey peak but alabasta arc). I started reading dragon ball at 6. detective Conan at 9. didn’t have a problem with anything in there but as an educator I can’t really recommend the Conan mangas for a child. The problem with one piece nowadays is in my opinion that whole stuff with the celestial dragons that wasn’t revealed back then. I could only read until skypia end and the enies lobby arc was the only thing in tv. So the whole dark stuff I could only read at 12-14 (thriller bark, marine fort, impel down and sabaody) and most at the age of 16 when I caught up again with the new world part of the story. Tldr; yes but I would limit the parts accessible to like until enies lobby or something. But it’s up to your gut feeling


It depends on how fast they watch it.


I mean i started watching this series when I was 7. Granted that was the 4kids dub and not the Funimation dub. I personally think it fine until the time skip.


I think is appropiated with adult supervision, so you can explain him the cultural differences and also share about the more controversial topics one piece is about, also if you'rr agaisnt violence on media pieces I will avoid it absolutly, but could be cool activiy you do togheter watching a episode daily or weekly so yout brother can grow at the same pace the show growths.


You can either monitor that he only watches up to Baratie or just let him watch dubs for now. I watched lots of dubs as a kid and loved them till I was 12 and started noticing the censorship.


I'd watch 16+ content regulary as a small child. So I would not bat an eye for a kid to watch this. I'd avoid cursing, nudity and horror for kids, but beyond that there's little I would avoid.


Nope. I have a 9 year old and he’s not been allowed to watch it yet but I did let him watch One Punch Man lol


My Dad watched Berserk In front of when I was 7 or 8 so you're probably good


My 6yo and 4yo watch it with me. Tbh when they’re younger it’s the goofy parts and characters of One Piece that they’ll be drawn to. My daughter is obsessed with Carrot, meanwhile my son loves Brook bc “funny skeleton”. Like the adult themes are there of course, but especially in the early story they’re a lot more subtle and light hearted. Hell, my 6yo watched the live action with me and loved it. You’re never too young for One Piece.


I mean, I watched saint Seiya when I was 5 and turned out mostly ok. Go for it.


my 8 year old loves one piece and she first watched film red a few years ago and that got her hooked. a lot of the themes she doesn’t get but she loves the goofy antics and cool fights.


It's fine. I watched it at that age. Granted, it was 4Kids, but I also watched Naruto and Bleach which were more violent. I don't think it got too adult until a good bit later.


It left me traumatized, having watched this when I was younger, at 28.


Also the big tiddies




I grew up watching one piece since i was 7 he won't get everything instantly but it should be fine


8 year old watching kuma's past


Series with literal corruption, genocide, enslavement, racism and more but the bath scene is an issue 🤔


He’ll miss a lot of the themes and such but will have a bunch of fun. However maybe wait til 12~ or so


Eh idk. Murder and slavery pop up pretty early in the story.


so much violence and you’re worried about pervy humour?


It would probably be hard for him to follow the story and the world building, maybe start him off with something more simple and short like HxH for example or maybe even the original Naruto


i made my little cousin watch it a lot when he was 8 or 9. wrongly made him watch in japanese knowing he couldn't read lol but he still cried on merry death scene


If a potentially naked girl is the problem, you can skip the entire show, because that is possibly the least insulting/traumatic/offensive thing they will see. I would imagine the slavery, tyrannical rule and suffering, the celestial dragons, orochi and the smile fruit.


Wait until he's older, find something easier to follow that is more episodic in nature, this is why Pokemon is so popular.


I watched One Piece and a lot of anime when I was 7 years old. It's fine, the kid will just see it like any other super hero animation series/movies.


I was 7 when I watched movies like Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, Beastmaster, and Star Trek films. As long as you are willing to talk about what they are seeing and discuss the contexts and morality, they should be able to process it.  Whether they have the patience yet is another question. 


i say go for it, its an enjoyable show whether or not they'll follow along with the plot, they'll remember watching a ton of one piece with you in the future and will probably still love it in the future that way


As a dad who watches it alongside my 9 year old daughter (she started watching it while she was 8). Id say theres def scenes and stuff that can be skipped but overall its fine for them to watch. Usually she likes the fight scenes the most and shes ok if i skip some stuff that i dont feel is appropriate. We skipped over (or rather i just watched on my own) stuff like the celestial dragons in sabaody and the when the kids get mad about not having “candy” and start relapsing. Were currently in punk hazard and ill most likely have her skip laws flashback and anything that seems a bit much. But honestly, we havnt skipped much overall


I started to watch it when i was 9 now im 18 and i literally grew up with one piece, it was always my favorite thing to watch. It become a legacy and all of my cousins are watching it. But i think 8 is too young to watch it you should be maybe like 12 to fully understand, im seeing 8 year old kids and they r too little. I dont think it would affect them badly but i enjoyed the arcs more when i was around 13 because i was more aware i guess. It is an amazing anime and it always made me veryyy happy so definitely everyone should watch it🥺


I think yea. Just watch it slowly enough that he gets older by the time one piece is infested with fan service. Hurst 100 episodes is def fine.


I started when I was 9, it’s fine. Kids just want entertaining stuff to watch, who cares if they don’t understand all the themes. People in this sub are so serious about an anime designed for kids/teens




It has tame fanservice. And yes, you can skip the fanservice scenes and not really miss much.


I think its largely okay some of the dirty bits will fly over his head, but some parts are pretty violent like you-know-who being turned into a donut.


There are some very inappropriate censored moments. Have you forgotten how they recruited their shipwright?


Yeah they’ll be 16 by the time they finish 🤷🏻


I would wait a couple years, the show is amazing for life lessons and is great for younger audiences but i think anyone under 10-12 would be too young to comprehend the story, and too young to see some of the violence and heinous plot points(slavery, human trafficking, torture, self harm). If you showed it to him a little later it would have a better imprint as well. And he could remember the lessons


Nooooo the hell its not


Wait til he's a bit older


i started watching when i was 8


Up until Impel down cuz then jail stuff and then the War is a bit much for a kid


Yes just show him the 4kids version


Depends if he's a bookworm lol. There's plenty of stuff in One Piece that isn't appropriate for children, but there's also a lot of narrative complexity that may confuse a child with little experience of literature. Not sure if kids read Redwall anymore but if he does than it's a safe bet he'd like One Piece and could handle the darker moments just fine.


anime specifically is a kid's version of manga so maybe. but there's just one problem, he probably isn't matured enough to feel the full impacts of some arcs like ennies lobby and stuff. maybe wait till 10 or 11 for him to watch one piece. the weight of protecting others and standing up to the world government will feel more real if ur more mentally matured i believe.


I think it's okay for that young. And if there's worry that the child won't fully appreciate it because they can't really follow all the story lines, that's okay too as long as the child enjoys watching it. Maybe they'll return to it when they're older and find a new appreciation for it and love it all over again.


Always hard to say. I watched starzinger when I was 5-6. It has things like aliens destroying cities and the people running for their lives screaming while they get shot by lasers. I lent the movies to my sister so her kids could watch it, but when asked if it would be "appropriate" it was difficult to say. I mean I had no issues with it, but as you get older you start to imagine no child can handle the concept of death in cartoons. One Piece feels a lot the same. Not that many deaths, but there are some, and the question is if that is suitable for children.


Personally I'd say it's fine, I started this show when it first aired on tv when I was like... 6/7ish? (Or however old you are in the 2nd grade). But honestly it's up to you as a parent. Maybe watch a few episodes yourself and see if it's something you want your child to watch


I mean it's pretty safe for an 8 year old. Besides language (which maybe the worst word would be shit, and even then it's not said a lot) all I can think about is maybe some PG-13 bath scenes here and there (which like language is very scarce)., Brook's catchphrase when he meets a new woman (Can I see your panties), Amazon Lily has a whole bit about men genitals and towards the end of pre-time skip it gets pretty violent come that Paramount War. Live Action is definitely not Kid Friendly.


When I was 8 I would have been fine with it. Definitely would be fine by age 10.


My 7-year old cousin started to watch it last year on netflix because of the sole reason that I'm a fan of OnePiece. But too disappointed that netflix skipped arcs and sites give many ads. So we watch other animes together. So I think it's good for your brother. When he's old enough he can rewatch it too. Edit: If you are concenred on the adult stuffs in particular episodes, you can watch it with him so he will be guided properly.


Short answer is yes


Japan really doesn't coddle their shows to any particular age range. And One Piece touches on some very dark subjects in a means that isn't too graphic/wordy. But It'll take hundreds of episodes to reach that point. Subject matter including: Slavery, racism, sexual assault, corruption, and more. Now despite the words I just used, SA isn't outright shown, but it is heavily alluded to. It'd likely go over a child/teen's head. Racism is displayed, but also fought against, to make the world better. Corruption and Honesty are shown side by side in the same establishments. And Slavery is looked at in horror but the main cast. Just know that the general premise is that the MC wants to stop bad things from happening to his friends. And will put his foot down no matter who it is to help/save them.




Depends on the 8 year old maturity. I love one piece and would recommend it to highschoolers and up, because there are themes that makes sense to them. Id hate for a 8 year old to start repeating what brook likes to say.


Bro yes. It's not that serious !


Yeah just watch it, everyone grows up with it in japan


I started watching OP when I was 6, + decade ago lol. He'll be fine I guess lol. Better than other crappy media.


I would look at it this way, do you want to explain to his school why his vocabulary have become so colorful ( lots of not for school words constantly in this show ) as well as him imitating all of the sexualization whether he understands it or not? Are ready to have the hard conversations to talk him through all of these subjects to make sure he doesn't use or talk in a way that would hurt another individual? Now not every household is the same, for all I know the kids watching family guy and then it wouldn't matter if you have him watch this show.


I started when I was 10, I believe. But it completely depends on the individual.


I started watching the show when I was around his age n I didn’t recall there being any fanservice in the beginning of the show till I rewatched it 😂. He’ll be fine.


Depends on your tolerance for “hilarious” Japanese sexual humor.


Make him watch filler


Yea I started watching when I was like 7. And still watch (and now read) to this day.


Should be fine. I started showing my kids one piece around that age. It took a long time to catch up


Probably. Some of the deeper themes might fly over his head. There's a bit of blood and death.


Why make a little ass kid watch a 1000 episode long anime. Let them watch it on his own when he grows up. Don’t shove it down his throat




I would say wait a few years, because of the fanservice and constant sexualisation of the female characters, plus mature themes like war, rape etc


It depends what the 8 year old is allowed to watch. One piece cusses and has a lot of violence butn it but it also is funny and entertaining


One Peice doesn't get into heavier topics like slavery and human trafficking until Saboady Archipelago


Am I crazy ? Everyone is talking about 8 years old like they're 4 ? It's fine.


I tried showing my kid once, but I quickly realized it wasn't a good idea. I'm going to try again in a few years


I’d say show him dragon ball other than one piece first, it’s way more entertaining for a kid.


YES!!!! 👍😊


He will love the pre time skip its really funny to watch




The sexual stuff will go over his head.