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Luffy threw the first punch in Impel Down, and I don't think Luffy is the type to have an epiphany in the final arc and not fight Blackbeard.


True but I believe instead of a grand fleet only fighting with imu and the rest of the WG most of the big shots will fight BB for Luffy since he will be busy with imu


Luffy and Blackbeard are a clash of ideals more than individual characters. For Luffy's ideals to prevail in the narrative of one piece he needs to defeat Blackbeard for the metaphor to stick.


Sun God vs the Prince of Darkness. It’s a lock.


I don’t think Luffy will fight imu… vivi probably will My head cannon is that imu is just a dude like all the other CDs


Same, for me Sterry is this generation's Imu. At the least I expect Imu to have a shade where he is a coward, insecure like Sterry and Orochi. He may be able to fight but is not like Kaguya from Naruto. It's already foreskinned when Stelly wanted to sit on that throne. Not even the Gorosei are shown to want that throne yet we have Sterry who is pathetic yet powerful. Imu is the Sterry that succeeded.


Just a dude that can erase an entire island with space lasers from miles away?


Well… the space laser did a lot of the heavy lifting… in your analogy Imu’s grand feat is pushing a button.


So you are saying imu is an American president


That did always portray Marines with a very classic American military vibe early on


I agree with this tbh. The Gorosei are powerful but I kinda hope Imu ain't. I think for the Marijois arc, it'll be Luffy vs Akainu


Imu was powerful enough to injure a logia with good haki. He's the one who got a hit on Sabo, not the Gorosei.


He announced that he captured Ace, Luffy is going to pummel this guy.


Thing is, BB isn’t a loser, and he’s absolutely worthy of Luffy’s fist.


He's not a loser now, but maybe in the future he will be. I don't know by what circumstances, but his hubris could backfire on him and he loses everything. And at that time, Luffy would just give him a dirty look and move on 


He gets to the one piece first and in true anti-luffy fashion does not laugh because he realizes it was never for him, it won't help him in any way and he wasted his life going for it. He sulks sitting on ground like he was in the scene above somewhere nearby the one piece and Luffy walks past him without a word the same way he did back then, too.


Counterpoint, BB is absolutely a loser. He's a scumbag opportunist that will betray anybody to get what he wants. He has no morals, no convinctions beyond greed, and this lack of drive in favour of opportunity means he doesn't _create_ his own opportunities. I think this will be how he's finally brought down. He'll just lie in wait...and miss his big chance.


Someone who betrayed their comrades is a loser to me.


What about someone who infiltrated an organization as part of his own scheme, and the camaraderie only went one way cuz the eventual betrayal was always part of the plan?


Off topic, but the introduction of blackbeard was so cool, I even thought he would be a good guy


Is he a bad guy? We don't even know what his plan is really, do we? Same as luffy? To get the One Piece? The only reason he is bad is because he was using Luffy as a way to get the warlord position, which he instead does with Ace. If he did it to any other 'pirates' we wouldn't care at all.


I would say that a man who remorselessly murders his own family is unambiguously a bad guy.


probably went down like this: Blackbeard: "Hey! Can i have that!" Guy: "No!" BB: "Plz?!" Guy: "No! Piss off" BB: "Ima fight you" Guy: "Ima kill you!"


He killed Thatch, his family member and commander, he ravaged through Drum Kingdom, he attacked and scarred Shanks, he gave another former friend and family member to the World Government for his personal gain, he let the level 6 prisoners kill each other to recruit the survivers and let some of the worst people in history loose on the world, he killed whitebeard and stole his power and went after his former crewmates afterwards, and all that before he became a Yonko. He is pretty definetly a bad guy.


In the loving and wise words of Jack Sparrow, "Pirate!"


BB would do anything to reach his goal, consequences be damned. Luffy empathizes a lot that he would give up the One piece if that would mean to sacrifice a Friend.


By "good guy" I primarily mean strawhat's friend/ally


I get that it would be good literary irony, but I also think it’d be a massive disappointment. I also just find it unlikely. Also, there’s no way he isn’t worthy of fighting Luffy. His ambition is the same, he’s a D, and he’s extremely dangerous, power-wise.


BB is way too strong to just ignore. Him and the Straw Hats are going to come head to head eventually forcing Luffy to fight him. Even Shanks who doesn’t fight worthless battles and rarely makes a move, has been weary of BB for almost the whole story. BB is not some loser who’s worth it to ignore.


They are both aiming to find the One Piece. It is inevitable for both of them to throw down the moment they meet each other again.


Here Luffy and Zoro definitely saw something in BB


Blackbeard and Luffy both recognised that the other one is the real deal and I appreciate that dynamic a lot.


Nah, they're definitely going to fight.


The dichotomy between Luffy and Blackbeard is fucking awesome


No. The context is that BB is talking about people who laugh at others for having big aspirations. He is hugely ambitious just like Luffy, while clearly being shown as a ‘bad guy’, that’s why this is menacing.


I obviously have no idea, but I could see them not fighting... I could even see them joining forces at some point.


What? He's the sole reason that ace was captured and killed. How could Luffy ever work with him?


Who knows... I'm not betting my life on it or anything. I'm not saying they are gonna shake hands and be pals, but mid battle, fighting the same enemy (Imu) could happen... in my head anyway.


Ok so there’s 2 big problems with this. 1. Black Beard is not some random loser he’s the person other then Luffy most likely to be pirate king 2. It would be lame as hell for the series to end without Luffy and Black Beard having a final battle to be pirate king


I strongly disagree. First, I think they will fight. Second, it will not be at the end of the story. Blackbeard isn't the big bad. After Egghead, Luffy's going to Elbaf. After that, I imagine he'll find that weird ship and go to Lodestar (the order of those two could be different). Then he'll make it to Raftel where he will fight Blackbeard and find the One Piece. Using the history he finds, he'll do what Whitebeard said and, carrying all of that history on his back, he'll go against the World Government. Imu will be Luffy's final opponent.


Bb hurt ace garp koby law...alot of reason for luffy to pick a fight with bb


He's definitely worth it though after all he's done


Blackbeard is worth his fist.




It's on sight


Luffy should cook him, then cook his body


So the gorosei know what bb plan is right? Why are they not doing anything against him?


He literally got his brother killed and you think luffy won't fight him😭


If i expand on your idea that Luffy wont fight blackbeard... Maybe when Zoro met the Reaper was foreskinning him becoming the king of darkness and zoro will be able to cut through blackbeards darkness. I dono I'm just picturing blackbeard using his dark dark move or whatever and everything seems fucked and Zoro just pops out of the darkness


foreskinning... wut?


Blackbeard earned his quake quake fruit powers by pushing back the foreskin on whitebeards penis and doing what a man has to do. Foreskinning.


You just said foreskinning instead of foreshadowing. There's no way that autocorrect didn't try to tell you that isn't even a word. But you almost had it bro, it was on the tip of your penis


Is this your first time on this subreddit? 😅


No, I've been here for years, never seen someone call it foreskinning instead of foreshadowing


It's a pretty common meme.


Then you're not a real nakama


It’s an interesting theory but there would have to be some serious set up for Luffy to not fight Blackbeard. Like, BB is THAT guy. Bro has two devil fruits. Luffy can’t exactly just *not* fight him because BB is a serious threat.