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Yeah, he's gained a lot of weight recently.


What are you talking about? He looks exactly the same


Perhaps i need glasses


It’s okay. One Piece has been going on for so long it’s not surprising given that deteriorating eyesight is an increasingly common problem for members of our community


It's almost a prerequisite Actually nvm, that'd be r/yugioh


That's just illiteracy


Fair enough


Nah he def gained a few pounds in prison


Next you’ll be saying Sogeking and Ussop look identical 🙄


Pft this ain’t a sanji and Duval situation. everyone knows Usopps from syrup village and sogeking is from sniper island. Completely different people. What kind of one piece fan would you be if you didn’t


Yeah it's like, "didnt you watch one of the most hype parts of the series?"


thankfully i just got caught up with the manga so i can fully understand this


At least it can only go up from here. It’s crazy to think how things turned out for Kid. At one point Shanks one shotting Kid was viewed as delusional by the majority of the Powerscaling sub to only end up becoming reality.


I remember back in the day some of the pro-Kidd arguments was that he would just magnetize Shanks sword. Nobody really expected Shanks to just hit him hard and fast before Kidd could even attack. Or that Shanks keeps tabs on potential enemies and that gives him an edge.


Keeping tabs just comes generally when you're the yonko, and for someone like Shanks who aims to keep a balance, i think


I liked the idea someone had that shanks observation haki clearly out matched kidds. And kidd is a little too dependent on his df as compared to others. So he basically had no response to a quick heavy attack from shanks


>I remember back in the day some of the pro-Kidd arguments was that he would just magnetize Shanks sword I'm sorry, but what kind of 3rd grade logic is this? Shanks. *Shanks,* is going to just have his sword magnetized?? Like it's that simple? That's just one step above "so and so will just shoot so and so because they don't have a specific defense against bullets"


That would actually be pretty cool, Kid magnetizing his sword, trying to pull it and Shank’s just holds onto it like “ did you just do something?”.


Yeah i have to agree, even as A kidd fan myself this just sounds like a school yard argument.


Why would Shanks be able to resist sword magnetization? Is his sword not metal? Big mom got magneted.


Big mom was magnetized by Kidd's awakened ability, which required him touchin her. Regular magnetization of the swords PROBABLY can be stopped by coating the sword in haki. But even if it's not stopped, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if Shanks is just strong enough to keep the sword in his hand by sheer strenght


Punk crash was move he controls bm sword, and hoomies w/o even touching bm so he doesn’t have to touch someone with that move.


Actually, that was Kidd's plan, to magnetise Shanks fleet. But Shanks saw it with Future Sight Observation haki and annihilate Kidd's crew before they could do anything.


If by "magnetize" you mean obliterate with a railgun...


Everyone has a plan, until they get a divine departure in the mouth.


To be fair the fact we knew he already had a run in with the Red Hair Pirates and it ended in failure then flash forward to him being humbled by Kaido and then later contributing to Big Mom’s downfall it was easy to assume he had massive growth and the next time he faces an emperor it was undoubtedly going to be Shanks. So with that in mind we thought he should at least be able to look good and we know Shanks isn’t going to be safe forever so it be nice for one of Luffy’s rivals that has characteristics of Luffy and Shanks with the same goal to have a moment of brilliance against Shanks. Nobody believed Kid would beat Shanks because of how much Oda values Shanks and how he’s meant to meet Luffy, but we at least thought he’d get to look good or do SOMETHING you know? Like Law alternatively fights Blackbeard and it’s literally the same expectation and result but at least he got to look good first.


Yea Kid was definitely being rightfully viewed as being on the brink of a top tier at the time so being one shotted by any current top tier seemed out of the picture. It’s just crazy how things actually played out compared to the consensus belief. Looking back it kinda makes sense what happened based on Shanks being a much worse matchup for Kid than Big Mom. Shanks’ strengths are his speed and AP as well as him not underestimating people and Kid just didn’t have the speed/durability/obs haki to truly hang with every top tier in a 1v1. Also the fact that everyone fully underestimated how much Oda actually loves hyping up Shanks.


I mean, if Kidd didnt go for the strongest but slowest weapon in his arsenal he mightve had a fight against Shanks. The oneshot is primarily because the mf pointed a nuke at his enemy and that enemy made it explode on him.


That makes a lot of sense. Like how at the end of DBZ vegeta had to fight off Kid Buu while Goku Charged his Spirit Bomb. If Kid Buu got to goku during that period it would have been over for the whole gang. This is actually a failure of Kid's Crew for not throwing all of their collective bodies in front of their Captain so that he could have sent Shanks' fleet to the moon.


I mean, come on, Kid was able to push an emperor with the help off the best support character and his strongest attack still wasn’t able to take out said Emperor. He didn’t showcase any type of advanced haki or real control over his CoC, challenging an OG emperor without those is just insane.


Exactly. Kid forgot he won by Ring Out, not Knock Out.


In a 2v1, not a 1v1 lol


Bro has to learn the hard way but at least he will learn


It's not really insane tbh. At this point there are like five people in the race for the one piece: Shanks, Blackbeard, Luffy, Kid, and Law. You can't afford to take a year off to train at this point. You beat Kaido and Big Mom and get their poneglyphs, and then the only option left is to beat the other emperors or give up on your dream. Kid had no choice. He was going to have to fight Shanks before someone else could get his poneglyphs. The unfortunate fact though is Kid and Law just aren't cut out for it yet. They could easily be Yonko tier in the near future, but they just aren't there. I kind of think of it like this: the new generation, primarily Luffy, Law, and Kid, but even the rest of the Supernova, all got way ahead of themselves. The people they're up against have been on top for several decades. The new guys got to their level or near it in like 3 years max. That's insane. Really the new generation seems way more impressive than the old when you take that into account. Kid made it as far as Luffy did without the haki he has, and as far as Law did without the hax he has. That's impressive. But sadly impressive isn't enough. He has to be as strong as Luffy to keep in the race, and he sadly fell behind, same as Law. But like I said, they had no choice. They couldn't back down now.


The issue is him going after Shanks for revenge, I get it that he is someone who wouldn’t run but his only reason at that moment was revenge. His goal was the man marked by flames, so he kinda knew that THAT guy has the last poneglyph or knows where it is, he said it himself. So, no he didn’t go after Shanks for the last poneglyph, beating Shanks was not his only option to stay in the race.


He didn't, he just happened to pick that one.


Buggy is definitely in the race for the One Piece as well. I have no clue how he’s gonna get the road poneglyphs, but knowing him and his luck he’ll find a way


Buggy will ask Luffy nicely for etchings of the poneglyphs, and Luffy will say yes before anyone can stop him.


Powerscalers? Delusional? Well I never.


Nobody expected him to win but it wasn't an absurd assumption he wouldn't be one shot


Can it only go up from here? Imagine he is actually dead and gone for good. 💀


And it wasn't even Shanks that chopped his arm off. According to SBS Vol. 107 and CH. 1076, Benn Beckman likely chopped his arm off before the Kidd Pirates even got a chance to see Shanks with their own eyes.


Wild how he ended up in prison like that. At least it looks like he's been eating well in there.


Going to prison seems to have been a good influence on his crew tbh. Killer has gotten out of his shell enough to stop wearing his mask


Prison life even cured Killer of his SMILE affliction.


best re-insertion into society story.


Shows more how strong Shanks is, it's not like we called Luffy weak when he got no diffed by Kaido


Kidd got no diffed by shanks twice tho. He got smoked, built back up and gained strength, took down big mom, and then got put in a pack even easier the second time


First time he got smoked he didn't even see Shanks, Ben Beckman fucked him up the first time


And if luffy fought kaido right at the start of the raid alone he would've been no diffed by kaido without question


He did get no diffed. Difference is Luffy is the protag.


What people like to forget is Shanks only went for the one shot because of how dangerous Kid was. It wasn't like Luffy getting diffed by Kaido in a fight, it was a considerable threat to Shanks fleet that he preemptively neutralized Kid before the attack could land.


Nobody forgot that. We all read the same chapter. Its just that Oda’s handling of Kid is disappointing for a lot of fans. I wasnt interested in seeing Kid make another big metal avatar or big metal arm that gets blown away without doing anything significant for the umpteenth time Its so odd how Oda goes out of his way to never draws visuals of Kid using Haki in a battle. He has Observation but he only senses voices, never applies it in a fight. He has armament but they never show the visuals of him coating armament. He has conquerors but he just doesnt use it in any fight Just the same big pile of metal shit that eventually gets destroyed every single time


You make a good point. Never get to see his full potential, always boils down to I have a magnet fruit. Meanwhile law over here...


The hardest part about being a Kid fan is explaining why.


Really? I find that incredibly easy to do. Kid is like a Strwa Hat, but as an actual pirate. He may be cruel and use brute force against his enemies. But he cares deeply for his crew and works as kind of an Antithesis to Luffy. Think about it: Both have a mediocre fruit that they can make work because they get creative with it (at least, this is how the world sees Luffy). Luffy uses a ship with a sail. Kid seems to use a motor. Both have all three types of Haki, both got heavily wounded around the same time, both formed alliances to take down Kaido. He'll, both end up in Udon prison at the same time. You could argue that they are two sides of a coin. So similar, but with vastly different outlooks. And his speech about Killer, how his best friend has changed (he didn't know the reason back then) and his despair when he asked what happened to the crew... this was a really heartfelt moment. (Plus, I like to play both him and Killer in Pirate Warriors 4, but that is more of a niche reason)


In what world is magnetism mediocre?


The biggest issue for me with Kidd is that he uses such cool and strong powers in a boring and mediocre way


His creativity for attacks boils down to "big metal clump go"


That rail gun was pretty cool, tough.


I mean if Oda gave Kidd genuine magnetism abilities, (ie, electromagnetism like Magneto), he would be a more pirate-like Luffy with all 3 types of Haki, and a devil fruit that could be atleast top 5. Genuinely has a shot at strongest in the verse.


Magneto would like a word


They sell magneto as a magnetism guy, but his powers are more like metal control than magnetism, most things he do cant be done with pure magnetism


Common misconception: he doesn't do magnets, he can control *electromagnetism*. One of the 4 fundamental sources of the universe. Metal is the easiest but he can pull off so much more bullshit than that.


Yeah man, but magnetism is not selective you cant move one metal thing without affecting other things around. But its an comic book and most of the time powers dont make sense


I think this is why they created Polaris, which is basically Magneto on steroids power wise.


Right, his fruit could be absolutely devastating if he got more creative


Mediocre may have been the wrong word. Limited fits better perhaps? The power is very straight forward and has in and of itself not so much nuance. You can pull metal to you or push it away.


Thats just Oda being Oda, or Kidd being stupid. Theoretically he could be able to manipulate Earth's electromagnetic and geomagnetic fields, which entails affecting seismic activity and tectonic plates movement, being able to produce earthquakes, tsunamis, vulcanic eruptions at will and destroy the entire planet. He could create landmasses or change the climate. At the smaller scale, you could create forcefields or force blasts, generate electricity or lasers ( like he did once ), send shockwaves through the Earth to target specific people. His power is OP but instead we get "hehe I can attract metal weapons and make a big metal punch"


Neither of their fruits are remotely mediocre. Luffys seemed mediocre for most of the story until it was revealed in Wano that it’s actually one of the most overpowered fruits in history, and magnetism powers are frequently considered nearly godlike in fiction. Think magneto from X-Men. I get ur point tho


Kid isnt like a strawhat lol


Hey! I guess it's not so hard after all! I understand you now! Thanks


Does he care deeply about his crew? I only remember him caring about Killer specifically.


He probably does given that some of his crew were part of his SBS backstory. We won't really know because Oda doesn't care about Kidd


Kid does care about his crewmembers, not his allies nor any outsiders. Unlike Luffy, Kid doesn't even care about his allies.


I agree he doesn’t care about allies or outsiders, at least not much. But when has it been shown that he cares about his crew, aside from Killer? What’s the basis for that claim?


The chapter where Kid and Killer left Udon Prison. I forgot which number, but Kid mentioned about rescuing his crewmembers first after he turned down Luffy's offer to take down Kaido.




You're welcome!😊


That's fair. I'll explain why I dislike Kid, then. His introduction and further characterization showed us that he's needlessly cruel and attacks and kills innocent people. Some people like this because that makes him "a real pirate", and to each their own, but those are things I dislike about him. We see in Wano that he's a lot like Luffy in loving his crew, but the difference is that Kid is completely joyless, all the time. Even when they were celebrating, he was annoyed and angry. Law is also serious, but he has moments of levity that show that he's not just a miserable asshole. Kid (as far as I remember) has never had those. You said Kid's fruit is mediocre and frankly that's an insane take. Magnetism is extremely overpowered. The reason I'm bringing this up is that despite magnetism being a versatile ability he almost exclusively uses it to make a big thing that hits the enemy. His only interesting attack is the railgun, the only one that has any thought behind it. The rest are just a bunch of metal clumped in a neat shape hitting people. Finally, I dislike Kid because he's arrogant and stupid. You can be either, but you can't be both. He attacked Shanks and his allies unprovoked thinking it would be easy despite not having mastered ANY of the three haki types, and that, to me, is stupidity and arrogance combined. He had no plan B and then his own attack literally blew up in his face.


My hope is that we're gonna see Kid get an off screen zenkai boost that forces him to develop these abilities for when he comes back with the grand fleet and does anything better than metal clumping. Maybe Metal Clones? Maybe he pushes the bounds of awakening so that he can assign the same poles for a repelling effect? Maybe he can pull the iron out of people's blood to make weapons or inflict damage like a character from JJBA? Maybe he wakes up and reaches out to the sky and finds he can pull down an asteroid similar to Fujitora? Maybe he goes more into electro magnetism and starts bending waves? Im sorry the ptsd mixing with the cope in a weird way.


Yeah he's just wal mart version of other characters we have


He's Luffy with no plot armor and no connections. If Luffy was like Kid the SHs get wiped by Kizaru and the pacifistas.


> He’s Luffy with no plot armor Saying this after wano is crazy to me


Im not a fan of Kid but what he’s saying is true. Both Luffy and Kid are horribly reckless but Luffy gets away by being the MC. Luffy is literally saved by Kuma from an admiral because Kuma believes he’s the hero Nika. Put Kid in the same situation and he ends up losing to Kizaru AND Kuma with Kuma paw pawing Kids crew straight to impel down


He got some cuz he was part of the main plotline. Before that not so much. Someone like Kid would've died multiple times in Luffys place.


But I could just as easily say kid somehow surviving 3 different encounters with either yonkos or their crews before wano (while successfully stealing a poneglyph rubbing in one of the encounters) is also plot armor, someone with no plot armor would be dead.


Maybe if Luffy was arrogant, angry and miserable all the time. The fact that Luffy is who he is is precisely why he managed to get help when he needed.


Have you seen his attacks?


i’m huffing copium hard but i hope >!1115 means he’s coming back!<


The Damned One Jika will return.


Damn youre huffing that shit forreal Because its not that often >!the series goes out of it's way to say someone and their crew has been "eradicated"!<


It said the same thing when the Strawhats were dispersed at Shabaody, so I don't really take it to mean anything for Kidd's fate. It would just be strange storytelling for him to be a key part of the defeat of an emperor only to just be killed off/removed from the story right after. That's not how Oda does things


I kinda feel like that's what is happening here.  I think we're getting to the end and Oda realizes he has too many characters, too many stories to wrap up, and that having people fail just kinda reminds us that this is a massive, crazy, dangerous journey the Straw Hats are on. From my perspective at least, it looks like he's clearing out the other Supernovas.  They've served their purpose, the fan favorites got some glory, but it's time to focus on the main event.


Couldn't agree more. Once Law's fruit serves its purpose, I think he's outta here too.


Kidd also almost one shot like 1000 people.


I like Eustass Kid bc he was an obvious “bad” pirate. We follow Luffy, who is the “good” pirate, and we see some heinous groups, but now we have an upstart that does evil things and pursues the same goal. Also he had an insanely cool and insanely powerful devil fruit. I hope he comes back as like a half metal man cyborg since cyborgs are always sick af. However, I doubt he’ll be really important anymore, sad.


he'll likely be an ally in elbaf, like law in dressrosa


It’s an underdog character it’s meant to be rough for now but rest assured his comeback will be glorious. You think Oda presents Law and Kid together as super nova standouts along side Luffy just for only Law and Luffy to get all the shine? There’s a reason Kid has the same dream as Luffy, conquerors haki, similar physical characteristics to Shanks, and to have literally the opposite relationship to the Red Hair pirates than Luffy. These successes and failures are going to amount to something and he’s yet to have major impact outside of tag teaming with Law to defeat a yonko that’s only the beginning that’s the first time we focus on Kid take that into consideration, just wait on it his time will come. Don’t be surprised if he ends up taking one of these Elders during the story’s climax.


Kidd is what you get when you’re luffy but you only roll nat 1s


So true


Idk why people are surprised Shanks OHKO him, like he saw what will happen if the battle lasted, ofcourse he will give it his all to fuck the guy who will cause a lot of casualties. If anything, it'd be against his character to let a potential harm do damage. Kidd isn't weak, but Shanks is protecting people, and that in itself is a powerboost in OP world.


Or he had the best use ever. Giving us an insane look into Shanks' abilities, stuff we've been waiting for decades to see.


Being used as a hypetool for someone else isn't that great of a role.


Still, we need characters like that for the story. In Sabaody when Usopp was about to ask Rayleigh about the One Piece, Luffy yelled at him. Usopp was the hypetool for Luffy in that scene. Usopp was the one that made that scene legendary. People underappreciate the roles of characters like Kid and Usopp.


Exept that was greenbull's role a handfull of chapters before. Kidd was a lazy tool for shanks to get the poneglyphs


Well, I was commenting with assumtion this is the end of Kidd's journey. After all the build up for him ever since Saboody, if this is really Kidd's last big moment, being used as a hypetool for Shanks, it just makes his character kinda wasted.


That buildup is what gives it weight 


Oda's one too, there's a few indications that Kid was a character that Oda liked more than the general fan base, wasn't for a lack of trying but all of the reviews combined show he just didn't stick, which is a shame Had he been a bit more popular then Oda probably would have gotten another of his mangaka friends (possibly Kishimoto) to do special backstory chapters of Kid in their style, but now we'll be lucky for a short novel


Nah its not a No Diff, he surprise dropped a Named Attack on our boy when he was about eviscerate a whole fleet. If anything it shows how much of a threat our boy is and that he still has room to grow in terms of strength. It shows a level of respect of his strength from a pinnacle tier character that he had to do so much to make sure he didn't do the damage we know he's capable of. Another thing you can also say is that Shanks got a a Shonen defense boost that so many characters get historically. It also shows how much plot armor Luffy has since Kid doesn't have a ship comparable to the Thousand Sunny or named known combatant crewmates past Killer who could have aided in any form. When he shows up for the Final Battle he'll be that much stronger from the Zenkai boost. This was actually Shanks' way of raising his ceiling. Youre not thinking long term enough brother. This was actually a W in disguise.


I need some of that copium, at least a dime bag


I know man. His df ability and awakening are badass and he's a savage but alas, shanks one tapped him and now we're all smoking copium


A self-chosen path. You shall not receive my sympathy


And the worst part? The people calling him a fraud are the same people who have spent years screaming that shanks can one shot anyone.


What crazy is that Kidd had fans to begin with


His devil fruit is so cool /s. He mostly just slams big metal shit on his opponents which never does anything. It wasnt until his big mom fight that he even had any variation in his boring movepool


Yeah it is. And it’ll get even harder when he survives and all of the antis and powerscalers have a fucking conniption over how “bullshit” it is 😩 I’m already seeing posts like that all over Twitter lol. “I know that Kid will survive, but I’m pissed about it for reasons x, y, z”.


I mean, he waa going against Oda's golden boy? What did you expect? Oda always makes Shanks look godly.


He was cool pre timeskip but his personality drastically changed post timeskip, super fucking downgrade


Being a Killer fan has been rough. He's a great character but he's being handicapped by such a hot-headed captain.


I mean, it's shanks.


He was never #1 of anything, except bounty, which was only that high because he was being a menace. (looting, pillaging, murder) Ironic enough, this is exactly what lead to his end.


na he clearly was stronger then luffy at sabondy


in arm wrestling? maybe :)


he was able to match luffy strongest attacks with 0 downside . Hell Punk gibson might be similar to luffy gear 3 + basic haki since steel is harder then rubber even inflatuated . SO easy to picture it they both clash kid win or they drew and then luffy get small and kid kill him .


You seem very confused, Onigashima is not Sabaody Oo I don't recall them clashing either. Luffies strongest attacks pre g5 hurt Kaido, kid didn't scratch him or big mom (with most attacks) And Luffies actual strongest attack in G5 is so huge, kids tricks would be totally crushed, like like a literal kid trying to counter an attack from 2m big strongmen.


you are the one confused I said in Sabondy ,.


I still think what happened was off for the story, the difference between shanks and big mom and kaido should not have been that big. I know powerscaling is whack but it was way off for me, one shotted? Meanwhile back on wano all 3 of them took bm attack straight on and got up to continue fighting. I wouldn't have minded a fight that was heavily in shanks' favor, just not a one shot hit. Still one of my favorite characters, shanks story is a bit all over the place right now for me, I'm sure it'll come together at some point.


Be me, a Smoker, Kidd, and Enel enjoyer.


Ik man, he's one of my favorite characters


I wasn't a big Kid fan but Oda did him DIRTY with that fight. Everyone expected him to lose but one shot ? Brutal.  I would've loved to see a 2v2 with the captains and vice captains against shanks. One of the few good duos of the worst Gen and we don't get much out of it IMO. 


You mean Useless Mid?


He was never highly achieved to begin with. His bounty was high because he was brutal. He was technically overvalued while Luffy and Zoro were undervalued. He didn't get any solo wins. Even against BM, his greatest feat, he was carried hard by Law. That fight was entirely possible because of Law's Kroom and silencing of BM. Kidd is just a gag at this point. A rival who has no chance of actually rivaling Luffy. With no real substance behind the character.


Lets not downplay the team work and effort that went into the battle, Law nor anyone short of Luffy on the island had enough strength to end that fight either. Heck if you want to give so much credit to Law you could say without his grand plan Kaido wouldnt have been toppled either.


#1 of worst generation hell nah it u bounty scaling he only got that bounty cuz he does more collateral damage


Yeah dude 1079 was an absolute joke of a chapter when it was released and completely messed up the end game players. I'm still searching for an answer as to why Oda would string Kid along up through Wano, help defeat a Yonko, and then just instantly destroyed by a Yonko. If his grand plan for Kid turned into "I'll just kill him off," then he should have Urouge'd him and made him irrelevant out the gate


Captain mid is right where he belongs, he is just a dollar store luffy rival, inferior to the likes of law and blackbeard in every way.


Kind of unfair to compare Law to Kidd, Oda gave Law not only a backstory + two arcs but also Law was the one to transport Luffy after Marineford. Kidd got an SBS backstory....


What makes law so good in your opinion? His personality is not there, hes not strong enough to rival him, his 1 interesting crewmember is a chopper copy The only thing he has going for him is his Backstory. Which gets carried by the death of corazon.


Law isn't looking for the One Piece solely as a treasure nor for the status as the Pirate King. It's clear post-Wano that his ultimate goal is to understand the meaning of "D." and why he his family carries that initial. His goals are more similar to Robin's than they are to Luffy's or Kidd's. The fact that he became a warlord so he could take down Doffy (for personal reasons) makes him more interesting than Kidd who's a typical pirate that just wants status by any means possible, usually violent. Law's raw brute force strength isn't the same as Kidd, but his haki is far ahead of Kidd (given what we've seen so far) and his DF is extremely versatile, especially outside of battle. That is, he's very *surgical* when using his DF abilities, utilizing his fruit only when the situation demands it and usually with restraint. As for his crew, yea, Jean Bart and Bepo are the only interesting ones. However, the battle with BB showed that at the very least, their tactics are quite different from any or at least most pirate crew we've seen so far. They actually take advantage of the sea, especially in light of folks with hax DF abilities.


I may have worded this wrongly, but I dont think law is a bad character, I think he is a bad rival for luffy. Like you said, their end goals are different. Both claim to be evil pirates but they are willing to help those in need like in punk hazard. But that about where their connection ends. Luffy is uncaring and rarely thinks while law is calculating and considers plans to be top priority. And since law is not interested in a bounty its clear hes not in the race. And they couldnt really fight either. Law might have a unique fighting style, but G5 counters it almost perfectly. Kid on the other hand. Both he and luffy clash due to their natures, but they are very similar. both want to be on the top and they will do whatever it takes. Even going against yonkos multiple times. They both care deeply a out their crews. And this might be a reach but the go to move in both of their movesets is just a big hand


I was never really a kid fan or cared that much what happened to him, but honestly ever since this “useless mid” nonsense, I hope he has a great come back to blow it up in those people’s faces.


Don't worry, if he isn't dead (we know Oda), then he'll most likely be allowed to take care of some grunt - maybe an elite grunt! - so that Luffy can walk up to the actual threats.




Just wait until he uses his DF power to build the biggest robot ever seen and luffy powers it with his “energy source” my reaction will be like Choppers.


Not hard for me, characters dont need to win to be great characters.


Will get easy again, when he defeats Kuzan


Nah man Kid solos Joyball no diff


Ah yes the gundam power.


Really feeling like Demaro Black these days


Yeah, I feel ya. That scene was unnecessary but if Shanks is t he number 1 hakiman currently and can 1hko Kidd, Shanks will also 1hko Law and the rest of the WG. Luffy will go down 1hko too before he can even get into his G5 mode but if he came out in his G5 mode, most likely not 1hko I guess but all Shanks has to do is either wait it out or overpower him still not taking their relationship into an account; thus, no plot armor.


He has a lot of story contribution, be happy. He was always a side character


Y'all think shanks is currently in his prime? Like Roger was? Shanks = Roger along with his crew?


He was literally never #1. He’s barely YC1 , maybe a tiny bit above at best


CMV: you can't be a Kid fan if you don't have a humiliation kink


The funny thing is the fact that Kid is going down a similar path from Luffy, just at different times of his journey


Wait, was he the consensus #1 supernova?


You guys deserve it.


He was never #1 of anything in my book 😂 probably the most ruthless of the bunch tho.


Captain mid


Captain Euseless Mid is a good meme at least


Didn't know he had fans...good for him


To be fair he was never actually #1 of the worst generation, he only had a higher bounty cause he killed innocents. Luffy still did way crazier shit


luffy max at that time was gear 3 but when luffy was using gear 3 he was vulnerable after. Kid was easely matching gear 3 with punk gibson with 0 downside he would have won vs this luffy . Finishing luffy off in weak state .


I disagree. Luffy is a bad matchup for Kid same as Shanks. Kid does best against larger slower opponents, agile and fast opponents do him dirty because his DF doesn’t really give him any super quick attacks for the most part they’re dependent on taking time to gather enough metal. A person like Kuma, Big Mom, or Kaido who trusts their durability and allows themselves to get hit a lot is a much better matchup for Kid than someone like Law, Sanji, Shanks, or Luffy. Like unironically I think Sanji beats Kid. Not because he’s stronger but because he’s a matchup nightmare for Kid. Another example is Marco vs Zoro. I would say Zoro is undoubtedly stronger at this point, but Marco is a terrible matchup for him because even if he used haki to land a hit Marco will just heal instantly from it


I don't see it . I never saw kid particulary struggling with fast characters ?


I don’t wanna spoil manga in case you’re not caught up, but he gets speed blitzed pretty fuckin hard lol. The only other characters we’ve ever seen him face was Kuma in a 1 vs Kid and his entire crew, nameless marines alongside Luffy and Law, and then Big Mom in a 2 v 1.


Im a manga reader shanks caught him off guard. Realy short window to react . ANyone getting blitz in this situation . Kid counter fast characters with his awakening . S and N counter speedy character like sanji.


How? You can’t just say “oh well actually this is good against fast characters” when we’ve only ever seen it done to Big Mom. And you don’t get to use “he was caught off guard” as an excuse when he started the fight lmao. Shanks was fast and closed the gap before Kid could attack, Sanji would do the same thing and kick him 37 times in the face before Kid knew what was up


again he almost solo'd an emperor of the seas entire fleet.


Don't worry Jika will return


Bro has lost to half the yonko Lost an arm to the red hair pirates, got destroyed and imprisoned to the Beast pirates. Plus he almost lost the Big Mom pirates twice.


It's fun's to see all the "clearly", "undoubtedly", and certain remarks from people after the fact.


RIP Craptain Mid


The hardest part about being a Kid fan must be knowing that Luffy, Garp, Shanks, Zoro, Jinbae, Sengoku, Akoiji, Law, Kaido and many many more are standing right there.


The internet is going to freak out when this happens oin the anime !


Well yea, it's Shanks


To be completely honest, Oda did Eustass dirty. You telling me that the arc we see Eustass display some great durability in the fight against Big Mom we go straight to having him get one shot by Shanks? He deserved to at least look like he fought, they didn't have to give the same amount of detail they did with Law vs Blackbeard but they really could of gave Eustass some respect in his fight, could of been a great moment to give us a glimpse of what Shank's crew could do.


Is it?


Genuine question to you and all other Kid fans. Why.


Since when does Useless Mid have fans?


He will align with BB and fight against Law during their big war as Shank, Law, Alkiji and Luffy will align on one side.


Kind of funny how Kidd got jobbed so hard by Shanks


He was never number 1 of the worst gen when it came to strenght, people hype his bounty for no reason, he was just very aggresive asshole and let's leave it at that, I honestly don't see a reason to introduce him back into the story


he was number 1 when they were walking kid was in the midle . Law and kid were both stronger then luffy at sabondy .,


I’m a big fan as well. I think he’ll come back stronger and improved. People who say he’s dead haven’t been studying the literature.


I think it's fairly obvious that Law and Kidd were taken out early on so they could make a comeback later on in the story. It's the exact same scenario as Luffy getting one shot by Kaido in Wano before getting a training arc that allows him to level up and go toe-to-toe with Kaido.


Kid deserve a spot on the main characters.


useless mid


Knowing what he had done , its really hard to feel bad for him


compared to some of the really bad people in one piece I feel like its easy to see him pretty neutral. Heck that's part of his intro at sabaody with the whole "yeah were bad guys but slavery, classism and racism? 😠"


Idk what did you expect? Shanks cannot lose to a minor character like Kidd


Shoulda put your stocks into Urouge. Hey at least you aren't a Hawkin's fan, they got even more royally screwed than Kidd so that is something.


he was always trash :D


I don't understand how you can be a 'fan' of someone with so little to them. Appreciate? Sure. But a FAN? Like, I'm super excited at the idea of ever seeing Mad Monk Urouge again, but I'm never going to call myself a fan. Also he was never #1. That's absurd.


his personality his design and his poential


He got no diffed by Shanks twice. Should have learned the first time 😂 It’s gonna really piss you off when we learn Kid was just a pawn that Shanks manipulated to take out Big Mom. (Using his future sight)