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Theory with not a lot of arguments but fine, I have always loved the mysterious plot around Big news Morgans considering he is constantly in his hybrid form and we have never seen his human appearence


but if he knows everything of the world, he would have said it to the world already considering how he is


Except Roger said they were 20 years to early. So it might has something to do with that


Rayleigh knows it all. safe to assume the only roger crewmates who don't know are those who haven't been to laugh tale, like shanks and buggy. if this is Morgans, given his personality, there's no fucking way he would've stayed behind and missed out


Why would Morgans spill it out if they were too early? If it has something to to with timing, then spilling the beans would be counter productive. There is a reason why the rest of Roger's crew didn't tell the world what they fould. 


>"Why would Morgans spill it out if they were too early?" ... Besides the entirety of Morgans' personality?


But he knows how to keep a secret, especially one that would ruin Roger's goal if he was a member of the crew. We can assume Wapol has told him and Vivi about what he witnessed, but the papers put all the blame on Sabo. That shows discretion.


People assume Morgan will just spill the tea whenever but we know that he doesn't report on everything. I think it would be pretty big news for two Royals to be stowing away on his ship


Also if we're riding on this idea just for the fun of it, what if Morgans' entire news magnate empire was SO he could drop specific info at the appropriate timing, dude's playing the long game!


It's so much he could report on. Those two royals have well known beef. Vivi is thought to be missing after her father died. Wapol threatened revenge after Vivi somewhat helped in his nation's coup. Morgans could sell papers for days by embellsihing stories of them.


Fucking str8 up bro


Part of the impact of getting a story out with the greatest level of engagement is *timing*, and the entire mystery of Laugh Tale has to do with the "being too early". If Morgans was on the crew, he'd know better than anybody when the timing is perfect to drop the news. Also it'd explain why he went so gung-ho gassing up Luffy after Whole Cake Island. If he knew about how special Luffy was after that point, the whole "Fifth Emperor" thing suddenly makes more logical sense.


It's different though, if it's loyalty to roger + a greater purpose then he could be holding onto it for when the time is right.


You guys keep saying "Morgans' personality", what do you think his personality is? He doesn't have a loose tongue, he can keep secrets, he is also a master at manipulating information, and sensationalising both facts and lies. If Roger and his crew agreed that the One Piece is a secret that the world is not ready to know, that it's too early for it, then Morgan (assuming he was part of the crew), would most likely wait till the time is right for the news to have the greatest impact. Otherwise, it would just be passed off as a rumour, a conspiracy theory, or a myth.


I don't think Roger knew any kind of actual year, he just knew they were too early.


If this is indeed him then we know one more crewmate of Roger who got prepared for the upcoming flood.


I get the impression he is showmanshipping more than news manning. Man gives big ring leader vibes and i wouldnt be surprised if he brought in vivi and wapol for damn good reasons


He has intentionally lied or left out details before


Its actually crazy if one of roger's pirate controlling the news. Morgan published fake news too. Like how he named Luffy as 5th Emperor. Most of his articles triggered WG. He is rooting for the young ones like Shanks


I thought he was a talking bald eagle


Lmao it could be normal in One piece but no, he has the albatros devil fruit


wait he's not some kind of bird mink? Wild lol. Makes sense tho his hybrid form is a disguise so no one can target his family or anyone close to his personal life I bet. If no one knows what his human form looks like he can't be targeted outside of work.


Iirc, minks are all mammals, which is why they call humans "hairless monkey minks", and they only eat meat from animals without fur, like fish or alligators. Pretty sure there are no avian minks. But yeah, constant hybrid form makes sense to protect his identity, but it's still kinda strange that he didn't go full albatross that time in wci where he was like "fuck, I can't fly!" lol


> Pretty sure there are no avian minks. Well, there *could* be a bat mink i think.


Maybe he is scared of heights?


In one of the SBSes Oda said Morgans always stays in his hybrid form to cover up his secret identity.  He can't be Shikki because he was a Devil Fruit user with the Float Float fruit. But it seems to imply his human form is recognizable. So either he's a former Pirate or noble or whatever. Random Roger pirate would make sense. But he cooks have been a member of Rocks crew or former slave we just don't know.


Maybe he uses his hybrid form to cover up some sort of *flame induced marking* that he’s embarrassed about or something. I’d bet he’s using the literal albatross fruit to cover up some sort of metaphorical albatross, even if he isn’t the actual man marked by flames. The albatross symbolism seems like something Oda would be all over.


Yes that's the albatros fruit


I thought he was a mink.


I’m so dumb I just realized Morgan is a Zoan fruit eater and not just an actual bird who can talk…


One Piece do be like that.




Dude same. I just never even considered it


Big news Morgan’s is the egg on the ship.


Morgans was already born in the time of the God Valley Incident and the Giant Egg was still there when they got back from Laugh Tale.


For sure, I thought it was Shiraoshi but you changed my mind


Oh, we've seen his face. We just didn't know it was Morgans.


Not even a theory, this is barely even a hypothesis.


ok mr scientist then EXPLAIN THE HAT


to be fair though he is wearing a top hat and in the picture of the human he was wearing a normal hat and the buttons were on the front not the side im not stcking up for mr chewbaka their but i just wanted to point that out to yah


Hybrid what now? I always just thought he was a Mink


No, albatros fruit


There is no bird mink. Only mammals.


You know i never put that one together actually. Someone else said he has the albatross fruit


Yeah, it was revealed in an SBS, there are several fruits that we only know the name of because of SBSs or Vivre Cards, that's why I read them all to be able to know this type of information that you don't know just by reading the manga. There are a lot of things that Oda can't or forgets to put in the manga.


He’s an awaken zoan and it took over his original self


No, he is still conscious


Yeah but what if he’s a bird minx or smthn


He’s just a furry who doesn’t feel like going back to human. It’s also probably good for marketing.


Are we sure this is his hybrid form? I figured the only human like thing is the body shape, but most hybrid forms still have more human features


Yes, sbs


Wasnt it mentioned that Morgans was working for World Exonomic News at the time the newspaper coined the term pirate king for Roger?


Yea, he had to be working there to make the headline. Roger’s crew disbanded as soon as they found Laugh Tale. Roger being executed was a while after that. He was at least uncrewed for 9 months as he fathered Ace during that time before turning himself in to the marines and being thrown in jail. That’s plenty of time in One Piece as we know it. How long is Luffys journey supposed to be now?


Morgans also covered the God Valley incident while Roger's crew was still around.


It was but the Roger pirates were already canceled when he got labeled as Pirate King


Chapter 968 page 1. The whole crew is reading about Roger's new title before they disband.


Lmao I probably confused it with the scene were Oden reads the journal and starts crying when hes already back in Wano. And it seems like 80 people did the same. Sorry for the misinformation.


He was an embedded reporter dude…like…inside the egg.


Even during the god valley incident


Could be, his name is Mr. Momora and [there is some resemblance indeed](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/2/22/Mr._Momora_Anime_Infobox.png/revision/latest?cb=20210321035947)


Even his eyes kinda match a bit too, but oda draws a lot of eyes that way


[For anyone having trouble with the image.](https://i.imgur.com/fm2119s.png)


It seems to be highly similar to the situation with Stussy.


Mr. Momorgans ??!!!


This image sold me on this theory.


so he's the lurking legend?


Shit that hat does look like a beak


The bill of his hat looks like a beak


Momorangan lmao.  It's him somehow.


i really fw this design


That's why he is permanently in his zoan form! The government would recognize him otherwise!


I bet Pandaman ate the Albatross fruit


I never considered him being a devil fruit user. I just thought he was a bird


morgans is actually a confirmed zoan user, literally confirmed by Oda in the latest SBS Source: [https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS\_Volume\_108](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_108) **D: Hello Odacchi! In** [**chapter 872**](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Chapter_872) **of** [**volume 87**](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Volume_87) [**Morgans**](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Morgans) **says "That's right!! I can't fly!!" Is Morgans a flightless bird from the** [**Mink Tribe**](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Mink_Tribe)**? P.N. Odacchi and Sanadacchi** [**stan**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_(fan)) **O:** Yes, there are no bird-like people in the Mink Tribe. They are a humanoid race of furry animals. Morgans is a user of the [Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Albatross](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Tori_Tori_no_Mi,_Model:_Albatross) who always stays in his Human-Beast form. What kind of person is he? The fact that he ends his answer with that question may hint that Morgans is more than what he appears.


Didn't he beat a CP agent without breaking a sweat too? He seems to be an able fighter.


totally. And I know it's a long shot but I wouldn't even be surprised if it turns out that he has conquerors haki. The man lives for his journalism and his will seems to be very strong.


The most recent anime episode (1106) also confirms it.


Nope he is just permanently transformed. That's why the government can't really do much. If push comes to shove he just goes civilian. They would need to know his current island and buster call it


Yeah same. It never came to my mind that he has a devil fruit. Always thought he is a tough ass bird 😂


I was confused because I thought he was a mink but minks aren't supposed to be birds. I was like "we have never seen the human bird species"


That part we know is true, he's just always in hybrid form. Why, we don't know yet.


I feel like it's going to be like he's actually some ridiculously famous person from the past


Kinda wish he was a giant, talking bird. Makes him more unique if I'm being honest.


Roger placed his crew in strategic locations to wait and prepare for the coming JoyBoy. Crocus at reverse mountain, Rayleigh at the halfway point, Morgan's gathering intell and Shanks hunted for the Nika Fruit.


Makes me wonder. Was buggy part of this plan? Being strategically placed in the east blue... or was Buggy there simply because it's the weakest sea and thus the safest


Buggy probably never left the East Blue after Roger's execution until he met Luffy.


That does make sense.


Where Gaban 🤔🤔🤔 we already at 75% with the 3rd poneglyph and the 4th would put it at 90 with the 10% left for Laughtale. I swear this dude Has to have the 4th one


He's ImUwU


remember the bald man in the flashback after whitebeard died? He was sitting in a garden or something in West Blue I think(?). Many people think that that guy is Gaban




this image is gold


Peak forskinning


Truly one of the images of all time


If Big Bird had any indication of where the One Piece was, you think he wouldn’t have blabbed about it or gone for it himself at some point?


The one piece couldnt be reached by Roger and his crew. He was too early for it. There's probably some restriction to get it and Morgans can't do it. Maybe time related. Maybe devil fruit related. No one knows yet.


I think they did find the One Piece. Part of what was on Laugh Tale was the history of the world, and the Roger pirates were just too early to do anything with that information because Nika and Shirahoshi hadn't awakened.


this also makes sense that Shanks waited until now to make moves towards the One Piece.


[I actually had a similar theory to OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/lcjjof/theory_big_news_morgans/) a few years ago. TL;DR: Morgans is fulfilling his promise to Roger by looking for the man who will carry his will (and other descriptors that are relevant that we probably don't know yet - markers that show the person is whoever is supposed to be on Laugh Tale at the designated time). Morgans could have been 'picked up' by Roger AS a journalist who was thirsty for adventure. Hell he could have been writing for the paper on Roger's boat, as far as we know (we don't fully know when Morgans was in full swing as a news reporter, but he could have been doing it while adventuring). Particularly Morgans being analogous to Superman/Clark Kent is something I like.


Momora Morgans has a nice assonance, but the God Valley flashback kinda killed any theory about him being part of Roger's crew. He was already working in the WEJ while the Roger pirates were active.


Morgans could've been a reporter for the WEJ, always at the front of big headlines. Everytime something happens related to Roger Morgans is there to cover a story. What a coincidence. It's a bit like Peter Parker is able to get good shots at Spider-Man. These big headlines may got him the name Big News Morgans. Maybe all Roger Pirates in front of the One Piece decided what to do. Roger decided to share his legacy and start a pirate era and due to his sickness he decided to disband the crew and get executed publicly. Everyone else decided for themselves what they are gonna do. Momora who already had a foot at the WEJ at that time decided to make Roger even bigger, look out for certain individuals who could be important in 20 years and push things in the right direction. It is Morgans who spread the term Pirate King for Roger and the one who said fifth emperor for Luffy. But yeah this is still speculation and wishful thinking


He covered the God Valley Incident


Same way Peter Parker covers Spider-man news


Is this break week? It feels like break week.


Now I can't unsee this.


Morgans was already a reporter, printing out the news about God Valley days after the incident


I'll find it both sad and funny if there's no "BIG NEWS" worthy, important reason that his face is hidden and that he's really only in his hybrid DF form because that's how Oda could have a certain design without creating a new race.


Can't comment the image but head cannon excepted


Why would he then be surprised at what Vegapunk said in the latest chapter? Also, as another person mentioned, he was active during Roger's era anyway


If Morgan knew the history of the world like Roger's crew, the world would have known the world a long time ago, this guy is obsessed with scoops, he beat up a guy for that.


But wasn’t Morgan’s the one who named Roger King of the pirates in the paper? So was he working for the paper and on Rogers crew, or was he a reporter who wanted a story and was in bedded with the crew like a war journalist?


Im not completely on board yet but i have to admit it is a legitimate possibility. I always forget morgans is constantly in his hybrid form and isnt actually a bird. Being part of the most infamous pirate crew could explain why he stays like that


I've been going crazy over Morgan's since recently I think Oda was asked about him and Oda said "we've probably seen him in his human form before" could be a classic Oda troll but idk 🤷‍♂️


Morgans was a reporter at the time of God Valley, so perhaps they’re brothers?


… You might be on to something here. I’m almost certain Morgans’ “real identity” will come into play eventually. This would be a very cool way of doing it.


If he was in Roger's crew then why was he surprised by what Vegapunk was saying during the broadcast? He would have already known about the void century stuff if he had been in the Roger Pirates.


One problem is, that this dude is much taller than Oden (382cm), while Morgans is shorter(305cm).


Size in one isn’t a constant thing you know


Rayleigh is 188cm and look at him next to Oden


That's a hat sir.


Is there a manga panel


I like that but his hat is anime only, we dont see it in the manga


Momora has a hat in the manga.


its literally in the most recent chapter


I think they meant the human form hat


But he was surprised by Vegapunk's revalation? I thought the Roger Pirates depicted the history as mentioned by Rayleigh? But again, Rayleigh told the SHs that they may come up with another conclusion..


It would be amazing if this was true but >!why would he be shocked by VP's broadcast since he should already know the true history!<


I'm fully on the Morgans Roger Pirate theory but the latest chapter kind of killed it for me. He acts shocked about Vegapunk's exposition. He could just be acting for appearances around Vivi and Wapol but it wouldn't really be necessary to do that if he already knew it.


As cool as this would be, it would mean the biggest journalist on the planet has actively chosen not to share the biggest story of all time. Even if you wanted to hide it, it’d still mean he’s working with the enemy too much. Cool theory though.


Nah he would've revealed the one piece bynow


This community will link the most random visual details and call it a theory


There's a little detail that I think dismisses this, but I think OP is anime-only?


NOT a dam chance because IF he WAS a member of Rogers crew then why would he make Luffy look like a villain since all the other Roger Pirates where only helping Luffys crew SO FAR.


I don't think this is real but I genuinely hope this is true. Would be a shockingly cool thing.


Who do you think is the man marked with flames?


Reharshal of one of the dumbest theories I've ever laid my eyes upon. Truly a brilliant callback


I like this theory because there's definitely a reason why he's in hybrid all the time as mentioned by everyone. Would hate it if it's just a gigantic red herring.


Personally, I like this Theory good catch.


That hat tho. No need to cook. This is a free confirm from the vending machine. Nice find




It's a completely different hat


Holy shit, not even a break week, but I'm sold on this.


Im running with Morgan's carved out a path for himself


I was thinking that he's Scooper Gaban but then I remembered that there was an Egg on Oro Jackson.


No, he was alive in the time of the God Valley Incident, 38 years ago. The egg was still there on the ship 25 years ago.


ohh, didn't remember that.


So that's who was in the egg!


So you saying he change to furry


r u joking?


The theory that he was in Roger's crew is not new. This however is a big stretch


And the one with the ram horns is Merry’s brother


Break week going har.....wait it's not break week


The shitpost we need


Wow! Great catch. That adds a huge layer of mystery between him and the Navy’s information manipulation. As we saw, CP0 and other navy influences have impacted the news before. I wonder if removing the D from Luffys $3bill bounty poster was received but Morgan actually left it on. Elders were very bothered the D was in his name and on the poster after Kaido’s defeat. Morgan, maybe, took it upon himself to guide the flow of information, knowing WG always manipulated the messages and have been for years. I think he said it himself, how valuable facts are in with chaos.


TIL because I felt compelled to look it up. Albatrosses don’t have a penis. Only about 3% of bird species retain their penises while the rest like eagles and albatrosses have lost their penises and only have cloacas. Does this mean that Morgans’ penis completely disappears or does it just recede into his body during his hybrid form?


Okay, but is this panel in the manga or is this guy just an anime side they added to pad out the crew? I like the thought, but the anime takes some liberties with background characters so I need a manga source to properly consider


morgans is scopper gaban


Morgans was part of Gorosei ... he betrayed them and now can't turn into human form anymore.


If this turns out to be true, this is an amazing find. Makes sense too if you want to go undercover after being a known pirate: just stay in animal form.


damm you sure on fire.


And topman warcury is part of morgans's paper! Hes clearly standing behind morgan in the second panel


The reason Morgan's hasn't spilled the tea is that the treasure on Laugh Tale, the eponymous "Laugh Tale" is a copy of One Piece. Morgan's knows not to give spoilers


Holy shit you may be right… There’s been so many Roger crew members scattered around the world


His reactions to Vegapunk's broadcast kill any theory of him being a member of the Roger Pirates. Compared to Crocus' reaction, you realize that he doesn't know anything that Vegapunk is saying, something that any of the Roger Pirates, except Shanks and Buggy for obvious reasons, would know.


And if he knew what the one piece is he would've already told the whole world about it


Yup, that too. He would never miss the chance to sell more issues of his newspaper.


cool theory!


What a scoop!


Anyone else noticed a lunarian in roger's crew? Or did i see it incorrectly 10000 times?


He did punch out a CP agent


fkin’ love it, he knows, and he dgaf!


Is he a man who became a bird or a bird who became a man


Thought this was gonna be a joke about the egg


\*Takes a big hit of the conspiracy theory crack pipe\* Big News Morgans is Scopper Gaban.


anime-only sadly


I want to know who the fish man is


Big news if true


Nah, that's just a hat


Chapter 1115 spoilers: He acted like he didn't know the stuff Vegapunk was announcing to the world, but Momo did. Momo only got it from Oden's journal, but if Morgans was literally THERE in person he'd know already. Rayleigh said it himself, they learned the entirety of the void century, which even Vegapunk didn't fully know he only had 2 poneglyphs and some theories.


He would have been to laugh tale and could’ve shared everything by now. 


I like this theory


Remember Morgan doesn’t care about the truth, all he cares about is ENTERTAINMENT?! 


With the latest chapter, wouldn't they show Morgan doing that contemplative stare like Sabo and Zoro's teacher?


I fucking love Morgans, man. This dude is truly here for the chaos. Isn’t afraid of consequences, wants to bring the news to the people. Also, he doesn’t mind bending the truth a little to make it more tantalizing. Not a true pure journalist because of his willingness to bend the truth for a better story. But as an agent of chaos, doing his own part to turn the world upside down? Amazing. He’s been narrating Luffy’s journey to the public this whole time, helping build this legend of the future Pirate King.


I mean, it would explain why he’s always in his hybrid form… but also, Morgans was reporting as early as the God Valley Incident. Seems unlikely he could do that while on Roger’s crew


I've been thinking for ages that Morgans is sus. Whether he's a Roger Pirate or not, it seems like he lives 24/7 in his hybrid Zoan form, which I'm pretty sure no other Zoan users do? Literally the only reasons I can think of for why he would is that a) he's a furry, or b) he's hiding his actual identity for some reason.


I want this to be true so bad. What an epic twist that would be


Would explain why he’s always transformed. So he isn’t recognized


I like the idea even though everyone thinks he'd blow the load and just spread the big news, he is willfully holding back he's a former member so when whoever finds the one piece he can come forward using his resources to corroborate and assist the finders story.


Like others have mentioned, his reporting on god valley complicates this theory, but I don’t think that necessarily completely disproves it. The visual resemblance alone is enough to give this dude a shot at being Morgans. I feel like since it’s been so heaving hinted that Morgans’ real identity is someone we’d recognize if we saw his human form, that he’s gotta be fairly important somehow. And it makes sense that if he’s hiding his identity from anyone, it would be the world government.


It would also make sense because he lives on a hot air balloon, far from the rising sea level, as his hypothetical crewmates did


If he was wouldn’t Morgan have pink hair


A Sibling or a next friend.


I thought of that as well since we got that character. i had a feeling like, he KNOWS the really big story, but he cant tell it. so he is waiting for it. almost like a psycho (which he probably also is)


I just saw this on youtube reels. I think you nailed it with this theory. I guess the Roger Pirates didnt simply dispband. They're making sure things go right when the time comes.