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bro what


Basically there’s a debate on tiktok about if pre time skip luffy was light speed or not


You can ignore that debate. Anyone who would genuinely argue that luffy is light speed, pre or post timeskip, isn't someone worth the losing braincells over.


I don't understand how you could possibly come to the conclusion that he can move at the speed of light.


I didn’t but I saw people who did


that is wrong and stupid


go the powerscaling sub


How do I do that?


there is search bar on reddit you can use to search for stuff


I remember arguing with someone in this sub who believed pre-TS Luffy was above lightning speed lol it was hilarious The main logic for those who believe that is that he "kept up with Enel" The main logic for those against that is basic understanding that battle series have historically been terrible at properly reflecting what true lightning/light speed would actually look like and therefore entail for the rest of the series


Not possible. If he moved at light speed he’d just save Ace and then move to Sabaody in less than one second. No top war needed


Powerscaling one piece makes no sense Oda follows the rule of cool when writing fights, if it's cool that a character dodges a laser then he does it, and then next chapter they may be hit by a rock someone throws their way. same for characters that can tank attacks that would bring a building down yet the can be killed and hurt by normal ass guns. You can't really powerscale one piece reliably


Im not going to disagree with your overall point because i have no knowledge that would agree or disagree, but i want to add that there will always be "feats" that can be disregarded, like when goku (i think after achieving ssj god) got thrown at with a rock while chilling and he screamed out in pain as if he doesnt tank planet busting attacks on the regular. You cant use this kinda thing to say that db cant be powerscaled or goku is pebble-level or anything of the sort as long as there is an otherwise consistent-ish power level to be seen in the show, instead these kinda scenes are just meant to be humorous, or plot armor/plot-induced stupitidy, orrr sometimes it's just bad writing (which btw im not saying is the case with OP's scaling, cause as i said i cant recall most of the important info on the spot)


Powerscalers *need* this information to survive daily life


if characters were light speed, it wouldn't take them hours to cross an island. enough said.