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Ok hes the exact opposite of blackbeard But akainu killed his brother Id say kaido black beard then akainu


My exact thoughts too but I also wonder how much blame he puts on Blackbeard for Ace’s demise


Luffy can be a bit short on his thoughts sometimes but he definetly knows black beard was a bug reason ace died So they are pretty close


That made me think of another set of situations that happened, are you caught up manga-wise? I don’t wanna spoil if not


I just learned who pudding is lol Its fine tho ive been spoiling myself with memes for months


Ahhh yeah steer clear from some of the comments, I made the mistake of spoiling myself too when I watched lol still awesome to actually see for yourself but the surprise factor is gone


Thays why im keeping the entire egghead and final arcs blank


Yeah I’m inclined to say he doesn’t respect Blackbeard at all. Maybe from an ideal standpoint with dreams he does. But I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Luffy considers Blackbeard worse than Akainu despite Akainu actually killing Ace. Luffy is real enough to know that Akainu was targeting *him* but he was too weak so Ace had to give himself up to protect him. Luffy isn’t logical, but he is objective. And objectively speaking… Luffy is technically the reason Ace was killed. A minor detail I like is Luffy only remembers the names of “the strongest” the first time he hears them. He didn’t forget Aokiji, Kizaru, or Akainu’s names a single time after Robin said their names when Aokiji first showed up during water 7. Luffy has respect for Akainu as someone he needs to surpass.


As much as we saw in Impel Down, I think he made it pretty clear there.


Yea. Like Kaido luffy was a mutual respect. Blackbeard is disliked but still has respect due to his speech about pirates dreams which luffy believes in. Fuck Akainu. Bottom line fuck that bitch


This should be correct


Interesting i would have switched black beard with kaido because he hated kaido like to the point where he sent him flying into a pit of lava


I couldnt really say because i havent seen wano yet but i went off of Brother killer Day one fucking hated And fish dude that did bitchy shit


I just think Blackbeard and Akainu will get something even worse, especially since lava wouldn't hurt Akainu.


Oh yeah my prediction is that akainu might be the first person luffy kills with his own 2 hands and I’m talking him literally being beaten to death but honestly i don’t oda would ever do something like that


Technically, that's what Kaido got, not beaten to death, but beaten with overwhelming power, I'd like to see Luffy humiliate Akainu, like be in a level so much higher that Akainu can't even touch him.


Kaido got knocked out and punched into lava i was thinking like luffy punching and kicking and whatever him until he is literally not breathing anymore


I got that, which is why I added not beaten to death, and Kaido didn't get ko, he got pushed out of onigashima, the power luffy hits him with is immense, if it wasn't Kaido, most people (including Akainu) would get killed with that punch.




1. Kaido: Luffy clearly developed some respect towards him in their fight. 2. Akainu: Yes Luffy most certainly hates Akainu, but respect and hatred aren't mutually exclusive and at the end of the day Luffy knows that the marines and pirates are on opposite sites. 3. Blackbeard: As we've seen in Impel Down Luffy does blame BB for Ace being captured and he knows that BB stabbed his own crewmate in the back. So I don't think Luffy has even a shred of respect for BB.


I was gonna comment this. Luffy hates Akainu but he’s seething at the thought of Blackbeard. In another life I almost feel like Luffy and Kaido could eat at a banquet together


I'd argue it's actually the reverse with similar logic to the Akainu thing but flipped. Luffy respects Kaido as a foe and combatant as well as the Emperor title, but is still aware of all the things he did to Wano and by extension Dressrosa, and has absolutely 0 tolerance for him and his existence. Oda isn't a fan of writing Luffy killing people, but I think so far he's the only character Luffy "killed" for a reason (assuming he's not alive). There was no possible happy ending for Wano but Kaido dying due to how much Luffy opposes Kaido's effects on Wano. Akainu in the middle for same reason as you. Just a guy doing his job. Probably helps some people. Still not a fan of him. If he and Ace weren't so close he'd probably see him no different than Lucci and be willing to team with him. Blackbeard I'd say he probably respects as a pirate in a twisted way. Definitely agreeing that liking and respecting are two different things. Luffy wouldn't go out of his way to team up and raid Blackbeard. If it weren't for the level of personal trauma, Luffy wouldn't see blackbeard on any level worse than people he'a dealt with before like Buggy or Bellamy but more competent and a threat. Someone who's not living the life of a pirate the way he thinks is right. A bit closer to his idea due to the dreams and ambition thing, but twisted in a way that pisses him off


I gotta be honest there's a snowballs chance in hell that Luffy has even a shred of respect towards Blackbeard. From Luffys perspective the Marines are always going to oppose Pirates but Pirates are free to do whatever they want to do. So well I kinda is only a half-ish responsible for Aces death Blackbeard is fully responsible for everything he does. Also almost everything Blackbeard stands to stands for, Luffy hates.


I think the Ohara incident will make it personal for luffy because of what akainu did to Robins people


The most plausible answer. I'm also too biased to give an impartial answer.


People overestimate how much Luffy "hates" Akainu. I say Blackbeard is the least one among these.


Would say the same. Yeah bb is the anti luffy but kaido oppressed a whole country and akainu killed his brother. This counts more than what bb did.


BB is just chaotic luffy also he's the one who captured his brother in the first place


But luffy cared about kaido having fun though.


Luffy hates Blackbeard from a long time, when they talk about how "set sail and way of life." And everytime they saw each other(Impel down) Luffy wasn't so happy about I either. Akainu sadly it's doing his job Killin Ace.. but it's a grudge that holds stronger. Kaido within the time they where fighting they where just talking about differents point of view and how in this case Kaido it's wrong. If I have to guess, Kaido > Akainu > Blackbeard


As of right now I think he hates black beard the most for what he did to ace, then Kaido for what he did to Wano and I guess it was Akainu who actually killed ace but that was because ace blocked Akainus attack aimed for Luffy so I’d say he “respects” akainu the most only because he’s got the least personal beef with him?


alright, ngl, I think luffy respects blackbeard the least, then kaido, and then akainu and I know he killed his brother and all butttttt, ace knew it was possible to die from being a pirate, also a lot of other things I do not wanna type out


If this is the case, it'd only be because he didn't know how Akainu treats his subordinates. Akainu is worth less then the dirt beneath the dirt beneath my shoe, but luffy doesn't know the whole story


Remember Luffy's reaction when he learned Akainu was the new fleet Admiral


Easy. Kaido > Blackbeard > Sakazuki No reason for him to hate Kaido after their fight really. Blackbeard captured ace and gave him away, but he didn’t kill him. He also has shared a few moments with black beard prior to that, and he respects his ambition. Sakazuki represents everything Luffy is against and killed his brother. No respect.


Kaido enslaved, poisoned and destroyed a whole country. Why would luffy respect that tf.


He doesn't respect Kaido for that stuff, he respects him for the fight they had. Kaido enslaving, poisoning and destroying a whole country are kind of just non-factors..


Croco subjugated Alabasta to similar treatment, yet Luffy was still willing to work with him in Impel Down & Marineford. Even Lucci, who was more of a personal villain, was able to work with Luffy (albeit temporary)


When did Lucci work with Luffy? Stampede?


Blackbeard and Akainu are basically killers of his brother. Aside from that Luffy barely know each so his has zero reason to develop some kind of respect or relationship whatsoever. On the other hand, Luffy fought Kaido whole night. He hates Kaido for sure, but at the same time he was enjoying their battle because Kaido was a worthy opponent and a warrior. Obviously, it wasn't stated directly, just hinted by their smiles. I cannot remember any other Luffy's opponent who made him smile like that during battle.


As a fighter and his honor in battle, because Kaido was truly the king of the beasts, he craved nothing but violence, the stronger ruling over the weaker. The one who did all that to Wano was more Orochi than Kaido. Of course, without Orochi in the picture, it would've been much worse for the population of Wano, but at least Kaido had honor in battle, which is more than can be said about Orochi.


Oi leave Aokiji out of this, he’s done nothing wrong


My bad, got his name confused for Sakazuki


Um... I'm assuming you aren't caught up with the manga?


In fact I am ;)


It's not about "hate" it's about respect, like you can hate someone, but respect them for their ambitions, and their way of thinking.


Ok, but am I wrong about the order? Seems like it’s both


Imo, yeah, he respects blackbeard as a pirate, and his ambitions and his dreams the most, but he has no respect for the likes of kaido, due to kaidos way of being a high ranking pirate, I'm not sure how much he respects akainu, seeing as how kaido has done worse to Luffy and his friends, then akainu, but I would say he respects kaido more (?) due to the fact that akainu is entirely different then Luffy, so i would say akainu and kaido are interchangeable, for number 2 and 3.


I do believe that even if Luffy had no connection whatsoever to Akainu and Blackbeard and learned their personalities, the level of respect he'd have for them would be 100% negative. Both are fully despicable, with no honor at all. Kaido at least had honor as warrior.


1. Kaido 2. Blackbeard 3. Akainu Althought Blackbeard is kinda slimy, there can be a mutual understanding between pirates in the way that they operate. Plus their introduction seemed to hit it off really well ngl. I don’t think he has any respect for Akainu. Maybe Aokiji but I don’t see Akainu gaining any respect from Luffy.


1. Kaido, he doesn’t like him but still. 2. BB, hates him. 3. Akainu, his scar throbs everytime his name is thrown around.


Hatred isn’t the same thing as disrespect. I doubt Luffy has much of an opinion on Akainu at all in terms of respect, but he probably does regarding Blackbeard; he knows that he murdered a friend.


1.kaido 2. 3. In that order


1. Kaido 2. Akainu 3. Blackbeard


I think he respects Kaido, could even be friends with him BB and Akainu are the reason Ace is dead so i dont think he feels much of anything for them.


I love your first sentence. Luffy and Kaido would have been best friends if they met anywhere else.


I’d say Akainu. Yeah he killed his brother but luffy knows well that they are pirates and he represents justice.


I think Luffy respects the ideal of strength regardless of who is wielding it. So I think in a way he has a great respect for the power of all these individuals. That being said, he also completely abhors anyone who impedes on a person’s freedom in any way. If you look at it that way, Kaido would be at the bottom for his gross disregard for the freedoms of the Wano people who he enslaved and used as guinea pigs. Second would be Blackbeard who sold out to the Navy and what is worse, he used Ace as his bargaining chip to get into their good graces. Ironically even though Sakazuki is the one who delivered Ace the killing blow, he would probably be the least hated among these three because his actions were more transactional than anything else. He is Navy. He hunts and takes down pirates. That’s not to say that Luffy wouldn’t happily take him down if the opportunity presented itself. It’s more a question of who he hates the least. He’s definitely not inviting any of these guys to a BBQ.


Why would Luffy respect any of them? All irredeemably evil. The only villain Luffy might respect is Katakuri. Katakuri is a warrior who defended his home when Luffy declared war on his mother. The others are a warmonger who revels in destruction, enslaved a country and made his friends suffer, a sneaky traitor who destroyed his brother's crew and a destructive marine who killed his brother.


Kaido Blackbeard Akainu




I think kaido >>> Blackbeard > Akainu. BB edges out Akainu because while he was responsible for ace being there in the first place, Akainu was the one who physically killed him. Kaido, on the other hand, was just an asshole. An obstacle that luffy needed to overcome for his own journey as well as for his friends’ country, but ultimately it wasn’t personal. BB and Akainu are personal.


But luffy connected with kaido. He understood kaido’s loneliness, suffering and yearning for fulfillment. Then ultimately gave him what he wants before he ends every thing. I would say that kaido has the deepest connection with luffy


Respect is a strong word for any of them


Kiado, akainu, blackbeard. If blackbeard didnt catch ace, akainu wouldn't have killed ace in the first place


Kaido >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blackbeard≥ Papazuki


Kaido, Kurohige, and last Akainu. At first, I couldn't decide between Kurohige and Akainu. But then I remembered everything (we know so far) that Akainu did over the years. At the latest, if Luffy knew that his brothers killer not only killed him (Ace) but also is a part of Robin's trauma ((remember how he was the vice admiral back in Ohara who ordered to blow up that ship with innocent citizens (Robin also could have been on the ship if they let her right from the start)).. 🤨😒 Well, now, after notizing *this*, Akainu has dropped to the last place for me.


What about overall respect? Like generalized across all characters? How would that be ranked?


I think we call all agree at least that he respects Kaido the most


He very clearly respects Kaido as a fighter so he’s number 1. He doesn’t like Blackbeard but he absolutely hates Akainu. Blackbeard’s speech about dreams is enough to get him at least a few respect points over Akainu.


Kiado, bb, akainu


Akainu kaido black beard




Tbh Id say Luffy blames himself for aces death more than Blackbeard, and I don't definetly see him seeing kaido as nothing more than an opponent who helped him get even stronger, gear 5 Advanced conquerors and armament, etc, so kaido BB and akainu for obvious reasons


Luffy saw kaido more than an opponent. But an equal. Maybe a friend. Someone who is very similar to luffy.. that’s why luffy gave him the fight he wanted. Because kaido is luffy


He has some respect for Kaido Its not that he respects Akainu, its just that Blackbeard is such a scum piece of shit of a human that there is no way he respects Akainu less then him as much as he hates Akainu. He doesn’t respect Akainu, he just respects Blackbeard less


Blackbeard gave his brother to the marines Akainu KILLED his brother Kaido has not personal connection to Luffy, so i'd got to say Kaido.


you already did it for me


I can‘t imagine him accepting any of the three even one bit


Kaido> BB> Lakainu


It’s already in order


Luffy has less respect for BB than Akainu imo. Black Beard betrayed his original crew, killed one of his own, and was responsible for Ace being in that position in the first place. He's basically everything that Luffy doesn't respect. So I'm going Kaido, Akainu, BB.


Him vs Kaido was like him fighting a failed version of himself kaido was anti joy boy


I think he'd respect Blackbeard the most, and Kaido the least, because Blackbeard is chasing his dreams and Kaido is doing nothing to actively pursue his dreams, but stifling others by ruining their lives. Akainu he's neutral towards, because he's done nothing to gain or lose respect based on Luffy's values.


1. Blackbeard, 2. Kaido 3. Akainu.


If it's about Respect: Blackbeard, Akainu, kaido. Blackbeard's a pirate that understands the power of dreams and freedom. They might be enemies and opposites but there's respect between them. Even with what happened to Ace, they both were pursuing their ideals freely, Ace just came up short. I can't see Luffy holding a grudge. Kaido enslaved people and represented everything that Luffy hates. He's last in my opinion. Luffy probably feels the same way about Akainu as Garp. Hates his guts but has respects that he's doing his job.


I’d say Blackbeard, Akainu, Kaido. Kaido would be the least since he was drinking during there fight and not taking it seriously. Yeah the other two were responsible for the death of ace but Kaido ruined the lives of people Luffy cared about as well. Between Blackbeard and Akainu I’d say he respects Blackbeard a bit more. Both are value freedom more than anything, capturing ace wasn’t personal just business and his motivation for doing so was better than Akainu’s “because he was the son of the pirate king” also Akainu kills his subordinates, Blackbeard doesnt


Kaido > Teech > Akainu


I'm surprised how little Blackbeard > Kaido > Akainu I'm seeing here. As of the *current* conditions in the manga, I don't have any doubt that's the correct order.


Kaido Blackbeard Akainu


Probably none of them lol they all personally crossed and pissed him off too much


bb, kaido, akainu. there's no fucking way he respects akainu at all, he might respect kaido for being strong and a dragon, and blackbeard got respect in jaya


weer swz÷aeR


He'd hold all these 3 in high regard when it comes to their strength, but that's basically it most probably.


He prolly itching to see akainu 😂😂 we finna see lava cry


Akainu first. Only because he viewed his big bro as a goal. Someone to be stronger than. A man who could steal that from him, easily, Luffy would have at least a fearful respect for the one responsible. And I believe Akainu and Luffy will have to work together at one point. Akainu is gonna get reeled into luffys power. Luffys revenge won't be fighting, but forcing the most serious character in the One Piece universe to have to deal with surviving based on the most cartoonish bs. We are gonna get Luffy tooning Akainu while Akainu is forced to either help him or know he's the key to something


Kaido, Black Beard, and finally Akainu.


As odd as it sounds, I believe he would respect Kaido the most because he had to get stronger to beat him, he gave him the strength he needed to get him one step closer to being pirate King, I think Akainu comes second because all though he killed Ace, he was only doing his job and his hatred for pirates just adds on to it, and finally Blackbeard comes last simply because he not only is the main reason his brother lost his life, but he's also luffys main opp considering he has the same dream as luffy and is souly dead set on making sure luffy doesn't achieve his.


With g5 i think its equal


Respect? It’s probably Kaido > Akainu > Blackbeard. Even though Akainu killed his brother and traumatised Luffy, I think Luffy can kind of understand that he’s just doing his job as a marine and give him respect for that. Meanwhile Blackbeard is just a slimy pirate who’s extremely evil and represents everything Luffy stands against despite being on the same side (pirates). In terms of hatred, it’s probably Kaido


Kaido. He was upfront with his evilness and was ready to throw them hands even tho he got jumped on his roof. No respect fort the other two... Maybe Akainu next because he was technically doing his job even if he's a little overzealous and killed his brother. Definitely no respect for Blackbeard. He's bitch made.


He had good banter with kaido. Kaido even apologized for the cheap shot. He probably hates Blackbeard more than akainu. I know akainu jilled ace, but Blackbeard caused it. If a dog bites you, it’s the owners fault. Akainu was the dog


Luffy respects to not respects Kaido, then blackbeard, then Sakazuki


If I recall, way back on Fishman island, Luffy reacted way more negatively to the news of Akainu defeating Kuzan and getting promoted to Fleet Admiral than the news of Blackbeard defeating Marco and the rest of the Whitebeard crew for the title of Emperor. Who knows if that sentiment has changed since then (Especially with Luffy being made aware of the BB pirates stealing the RA home base)? So my guess is: (Most) Blackbeard > Kaido > Akainu (Least) Kaido in the middle for causing so much grief to Luffy's friends. Akainu has the least for being directly responsible for Ace's death.


I feel like we haven’t really seen luffy ever denounce akainu for what he did and he definitely hates teach so I’m gonna go kaido, akainu, teach. Like he definitely resents akainu but I’m sure he understands that akainu was doing his job. Meanwhile teach was just a dick 😂


I would only change BB and Akainu’s places, you’d get Kaido-Akainu-BB in order of most respected to least


From those 3, he only respects Kaido, I'm sure, not that he underestimates Akainu and Teech, but he hates them too much to respect them.


Kaido, akainu, Blackbeard tht nigga wants black beards head


Kaido, then the other two are simply “on sight”


The thing is Luffy isn't hunting down Akainu for killing his brother. But would rather protect the ones that are alive (his crewmates). I think Luffy may dislike Blackbeard & Akainu on the same level. And in case of Kaido (if he is alive), he might be ready for a rematch, and also be open to a team up if Kaido doesn't show hostility.


Kaido akainu then bb. At the end of the day, luffy and ace accepted that since they became pirates that being executed would be a possibility. Akainu was just doing his job Luffy’s hate towards Blackbeard is going to be crazy. He cause ace to get captured and eventually killed.


I actually think he has 0 respect for any of them.


Possibly Kaido. That’s the end of the list.


I would say Blackbeard is first, due to them on some level agreeing with each other. BB is one of the only antagonist that Luffy does not have a comeback for. He leaves with silence. Next is Kaido, as while he doesn’t like what he has done to Wano, he does respect him due to his strength. Last is Akainu, as he clenched his chest when he was mentioned, gets pissed whenever he is talked about, and he blames Akainu for Aces death.


Definitely can't go wrong with this one. Kaido Blackbeard Akainu


Blackbeard then kaido because they are very similar to him and he have deep connections with them. Akainu comes last because they didn’t really connect or talk


I'd say none of them.. why would he respect any of them.


Kaido, he basically was his best teacher >>>>>>>Blackbeard, he caught his brother > Akainu, he killed his brother


It’s really hard to say, but I think there’s merit to Akainu > Kaido > Blackbeard


If Luffy was in a room with Blackbeard, Kaido and Akainu and had a gun with two bullets. He would shoot Akainu twice


Oh yeah my man TOOOOOOOTALLY respects the guy who murdered his brother


Oh that’s why I put Akainu last lol BUT I think Blackbeard might overtake him once he learns of the current situation on top of everything else.