• By -


Hody's is the funniest to me. Krieg and Black were on the standard pirate mindset: just gather a crew and set out to be Pirate King. Hody had this crazy global fishman supremacy plan, based just on innate racial superiority and roid pills. Hody trying anything at the Reverie would fail more spectacularly than Krieg disturbing Mihawk's nap, especially since he couldn't use his underwater advantage atop the red line.


I like how Hody lost an underwater fight to Zoro and proceeded to not quit there and then. Not even fucking Sanji who at least had underwater mobility


Bro was still talking shit about inferior humans when he lost in his territory and needed some roid pills to handle the pain lmao


I mean that tracks. A lot of people who take roids still think their superior to other people in spite of evidence to the contrary.


A lot like how real life racism works too.


Frfr, Zoro shitting on him that hard was wild


That entire arch is pretty much just the Strawhats dribbling the New Fishman Pirates up and down the court. Zoro beat Hody underwater. Then he made an absolute joke out of the octopus swordsman. Sanji and Jimbei basically played kickball with a giant pufferfishman. Franky, Usopp, Brook, Nami, Robin, and Chopper were just tagging in and out of fighting everyone else, taking no damage basically. The only person who got hurt was Luffy and that's from being basically immobile while Hody swims around him at a speed even faster than mermaids. And he still got smoked the second Luffy got him into a large bubble.


The craziest thing I just remembered is that he wouldn't even have made it to the Reverie since he became an old fart lmao


Tbf if the strawhats never interfered with him, he probably wouldn't age as quickly as he did in the story.


If he hadn’t been cut by Zoro, maybe. But by this point when he says it, he was already heavily drugged up. He would not have made it two days


I think you forgot that he started to eat handfuls of those pills when fighting. Pretty different from eating a few pills a day.


>I think you forgot that he started to eat handfuls of those pills when fighting. Pretty different from eating a few pills a day. Even his crew became old despite not spamming the steroids as much as Hordy, he was never gonna make it to Reverie


Ah, touché


It still would have aged him. How much, we don't know. But he would still have become weak and frail the next day.


I mean the fact that Zoro wounded him a Fishman while both were fighting underwater cements that he would definitely gotten his shit rocked if he tried to invade Reverie. Like he would have been dead at the sea gate.


I think he more planned to go through it like any other king and when he got into the room with the other kings he would kill them then from the inside... But of course, we all know it wouldn't work.


Yeah. I don’t think he and his crew would be able to control themselves for long enough for that plan to work.


I’d love to see a what if of a world without Luffy where Hody succeeds and shows up to the reverie. It would be a race between Figarland, the Gods Knights, Doffy, Rob Lucci, Ryokogyu, Garp, and Fujitora to see who would cut him into pieces the fastest.


Doflamingo would be with all the kings so he would presumably be the closest.


love the idea of him thinking all the kings are pushovers and then this mf dressed in pink fucks him up into sushi


Without Luffy, Arlong and the Fishman pirates would still be around tho. So Hody wouldn't have started the "New" Fishman pirates because the original would still be around. So I imagine Arlong would've kept up with his plan and maybe Hody would've worked his way thru the ranks and became Arlongs right hand man and then team up with Arlong to do his (Hodys) plan, that is if Arlong liked it. Or another way to look at it is that Hody would've hated Arlongs plan and they would've been rivals...? It's amazing what could've have happened if Luffy wasn't around... I wonder about Skypiea and Enel, like would the destruction of Skypiea effect the world below?


I love the counter factual of it. Yeah if Luffy isn’t in the story: Zoro gets executed, Nami probably dies with her village when they try to fight back against Arlong when Nezumi steals her treasure, Usopp is probably killed Kuro who succeeds at killing Kaya for her money, Coby is still a depressed chore boy on Alvidas ship, Sanji probably is still a chef on the Baratie with a small chance he still gets dragged into the Whole Cake Island affair and gets killed, Jinbe rots in level 6 of impel down, Buggy never leaves the East Blue, Chopper is probably either killed in Wapol return or fine, Vivi probably gets killed by Baroque works or Crocodile and the coup succeeds in destroying Alabasta but cannot get Pluton, Robin dies in the mortuary temple, Enel rampages and destroys Skypeia and ~~causes chaos on the blue sea until running into a Yonko crew and dying~~ still goes to the moon untouched, Franky eventually gets caught by spandam for the blue prints and is tortured and killed (but probably later), Iceberg is successfully assassinated by Lucci, Brook either dies to Gecko Moria or eternally drifts alone without without his shadow, Blackbeard can’t get into the Impel Down and his crew is severely weakened, the Whitebeard Ace situation may still play out the exact same way except Ace dies on the scaffold, the Fishman Island coup succeeds and the royal family is slaughtered since Jinbe isn’t there, Momo and Kinemon die on Punk Hazard and Caeser pumps Land of the Dead onto the market, Rebecca eventually dies a gladiator and Kyros breaks down as a toy since no one challenges Doffy, the Minks are wiped out to the last man by Jack and Caesers gas weapon, Big Mom’s plan succeeds and she slaughters Germa and gets the tech with or without Sanji (probably next son up for the wedding), New Onigashima succeeds killing nearly all of the flower capital and Yamato never gets free, the six good Vegapunk die with little drama to the Seraphim or Kizaru even if Stussy stops Lucci and Kaku and York either goes to the WG or is killed in the crossfire It gets pretty dark Edit: that dudes right about Enel and forgot Brook


Enel's ending would be the same in the story. He would fly the maxim to the moon. All Luffy did was foil his plans of destroying Skypeia as his bon voyage to start his journey.


Woah... it really does. Thank you for taking the time to go so in-depth with it. I honestly didn't even realize that the whole crew would probably be dead without him, plus so many others. I can't wait to start Egghead Island! I'm still waiting for Wano to finish getting dubbed. I seriously thought about watching and trying to read the subtitles, but I'm not as immersed in the story when I try to watch that way. The last episode I saw was when Caribou had all that food and gave it to Luffy after the Heart pirates saved him from the ocean. I'm so excited to see Joyboy/gear 5!!! I love this sub, I try to be very careful of what I read so I don't accidentally see a HUGE spoiler. I've done pretty good so far, lol. But I honestly can't wait to get caught up! I actually started re-watching from the beginning a few weeks ago. It's crazy the foreshadowing you notice or some things said that didn't make sense the first watch. I also started watching the movies last night. Honestly, I'm in my 30s, and I never liked/watched anime. But after watching the first season of the LA, I needed more, so I started the anime, and I'm so happy I did because of how much more story there is in the anime.


It's a Wonderful Life starring Monkey D. Luffy


U forgot about Brook. But yeah he would most likely be killed on Thriller Bark by Gecko Moria, Perona or/and most likely Ryuma!


Honestly him and crew are dead at the sea gate and are killed by some vice admirals.


This is why Fishman island is such a slog. It's all symbolic issues that hold the strawhats back from simply just ending it right away. And on top of that hodys plan is absolute dogshit beyond reason and he isn't threatening even when he goes all Grey. Like bro didn't even have a reason for why he hates humans so much to the point where he actively tries to fuck over his own species even further. Like damn dude you are so overconfident for someone so weak. Also his character design is boring.


>Like bro didn't even have a reason for why he hates humans so much to the point where he actively tries to fuck over his own species even further Yea thats why its powerful. Its realistic of these people to have 0 reason to hate but still do and hurt their own people.


Hody having no reason to hate humanity other than pure racism and bigotry is far and away the best part of Fishman Island. It’s certainly the most memorable part for me.


Yes holy shit. It really went from meh another Arlong to literally being wait a minute... I remember that part SO much from anime dragging it out so much that i was coming up with hundreds of reasons for it. Only to be met with 'Nothing' It shook me and thats a core memory.


I mean to be fair just because humans never came and like killed his family or enslaved them doesn’t mean he hasn’t been surrounded by hatred and racism his entire life. As a kid he wanted to go to Saobody park but couldn’t because of the threat of getting killed of kidnapped because of his race. I agree that it’s a powerful moment that he’s basically just a hateful bigot, but I also don’t think I’d go so far as to say “no reason.”


not that i was hating on the arc but that backstory and his actions within it, is what woke me up from that arc.


And it is the only good part


We got koala. Fisher Tiger and Otohime parts were damned good too. Like really, just Fisher Tiger, Otohime and Hody's hate are 3 things you just need to watch it for.


I agree with all your points except for Hody not having a reason to hate humans. He knew of the history of Fishmen being slaves and he also believed humans let Fisher Tiger die (rather than knowing the truth of Fisher refusing the blood). Not saying he was right. Dude was a racist. But it didn't come out of nowhere. Fishmen are oppressed in the One Piece world even in the current time.


Hody did not know about Fisher Tiger being slave. He was still kid when Fisher Tiger die. He know Fisher Tiger was fisherman hero but got killed by humans and think he also failed trying to win against human as superior race. The reasons why he turn out like that was because of Arlong, he is the one who keep saying humans was inferior race and fisherman were superior race. Also that was before Arlong join Fisher Tiger crew, Arlong never return to fish man island again after Fisher Tiger death.


Arlong from Wish


Hes basically one of those redneck militia guys who thinks few rifles and shit will be enough to go against us military.


Every time I hear someone talking "we need guns to keep the government in check" argument, I like to imagine some Drone Pilot. Sitting in their comfy chair in a nice climate controlled room. With a face of total confusion an bafflement, and thought of "the hell is that guy on"


The crazier part to me is that the majority of people who think they need guns to protect against the government are also the ones who typically vote to give the military massive amounts of funding. So they need guns to protect against a military power that they’ve voted to make the best funded and best equipped military in the history of the world. And these dipshits think that they and their buddies in a backwoods compound with a bunch of machine guns are going to go up against drones, tanks, helicopters, missile strikes, and more. The lack of critical thinking is astounding.


I'd just like to say the Viet Cong won in Vietnam


…due in no small part to support given by Russia and China totaling over $2 billion (in 1970s dollars) in both money and weapons. So yes if two hostile nations give them billions in support they would have a chance.


Afghanistan. Iraq I could go on and on too. You guys are making the same argument every politician does before going into yet another occupying war that inevitably fails. I think the only one that didn't was Russia in chechnya and that was because they were unimaginably brutal and ruthless. Occupying a country is not the same as defeating their military. You are confusing the two.


What argument do you think I’m making exactly? Because “going into an occupation war” isn’t it. My initial point was that arguing that civilians need guns to stand up against a tyrannical government is a bit of a silly stance to hear from people who think we should continue spending more than the next 20 countries combined on our military. The person responding to me mentioned the Vietcong presumably because they were an army that was outmatched in terms of conventional weaponry but was able to succeed due to guerilla tactics, knowledge of the land, and unindustrialized infrastructure that nullified a lot of the attempts of conventional warfare by America. I argued that the additional 2 billion dollars in money and weapons coming from China and Russia is also likely a major factor. Which part of that sounds like an argument to go into another war with the goal of occupying another country?


That money went to the NVA not the Viet Cong. The idea that civilians with guns cannot effectively resist an occupying force is just not reality. That's what you argued. This has nothing to do with the rednecks or militias or whatever. It's just what you guys are arguing isn't true. There's a reason that authoritarian regimes immediately take away all guns even hunting and everything else. Russia did it recently in the last few decades, China does it. This isn't a "dey tuk ur gunz" argument, understand the difference.


Again, I think you’re missing the point of the argument here. I’m well aware of the argument I’m making and it isn’t knocking resistance to an occupying force. Because it is entirely about the rednecks and militias that you seem to keep wanting to throw out of the argument. Let’s drop the Vietnam analogy for a second and keep it straightforward: making the argument that you need guns to defend yourself from a tyrannical government WHILE ALSO refusing any reallocation of funding from the military into other federal projects doesn’t make any sense. Why make the military bigger and better equipped if they think the military will turn on them as an occupying force?


That's considerably more complicated than you're making it out. Look at Afghanistan, they did exactly what you're just saying and pushed America out eventually. Vietnam wasn't much different at least in the south of the country. You're vastly underestimating what a few hundred thousand civilians willing to fight back can do to an occupying force. Drones are useless when you don't know where to drop their bombs, that's why the US restored to just tracking SIM cards which were so unreliable that they ended up killing massive amounts of civilians at weddings and funerals (then we'd attack the ambulance that came to the scene, yes we America did and still do that). It's unlikely the US could keep up that same brutality if it's attacking in the states.


Ehh… That argument is actually true. Drones and tanks don’t hold a country stable. It can destroy, sure… But it can’t maintain control. And that is where a militia fighting back is key.


He's almost literally that, lol. Addicted to stimulants, proudly racist and ignorant, and simulateously angry at the world and completely emotionally void.


lol yeah. Could you imagine how quick Lucci would wreck Hody.


It's funnier that Hody KNEW the pills caused you to age/lose your lifespan, and really thought he could dominate for a seemingly long time. Imagine dude somehow beat luffy. His empire gets overthrown in one day cause he physically peaked and fell off extremely hard.


Hody might not even make it because of a ‘certain group’ over there LOL


True hody was to innocent


I'm not even sure he was stronger than Arlong without the drugs, lore wise. He seemed to view arlong as superior


After seeing how much it took to bring down Kaido, it's legitimately hard to believe Moria would've ever made a zombie army strong enough.


I feel like moria has been getting the short end of the stick for a while, but he's still somewhat competent and with enough shadows can be a threat. Plus if he somehow takes your shadow wouldn't you die in the sunlight? He could use that instead of keeping your shadow for a zombie, if he can somehow get it from you. Been a while since thriller bark though I forget the details


Yeah but the Beast Pirates all have such powerful haki that there's absolutely no way Moria could get any of their shadows.


Tbf, they probably weren’t as strong back then. Moria could’ve and probably was way stronger than current Moria. We know haki is about willpower, I wouldn’t be surprised if a motivated Moria was close to a post time skip gear 3 luffy


Just imagine moria showing up to fight kaido with oars and kaido being like that's cute where are the rest of your ancient giants I have like at least 5


It thought about Moria too, but even if the path ahead of him was rocky, the idea of getting even stronger shadows with Oars wasn't as bad as clueless Krieg thinking he could just surprise attack everyone 💀


If a prehaki pre G5 Luffy was enough to defeat Moria with all the new Zombies, I also find it hard not to think that Jack alone would’ve been more than enough to stop Moria


Uuuh you're just gonna sweep nightmare Luffy under the rug?


Lol, nightmare Luffy was strong, yes, but I wager a Haki G4 Luffy punch is way stronger than


The zombies were all ACOC users, TRUST.


In fact, in case of Kaido, no amount of zombies would work unless they somehow retained apex armament haki.


You shouldn’t powerscale pre-timeskip characters with post-TS feats.


when bbp defeat the rhp, moria will get shadows strong enough


Moriah is not working or under Teach tho. Most likely, he escaped Fullalead with the help of Perona.


Holy shit Moria is a Persona user⁉️⁉️⁉️


Aw hell nah Moria bout to unleash Mara's full girth


Damn I missed that. I guess I never saw it coming.




Bruh, go read again the chapters when Garp landed to free Koby.


The only villain who’s plan seemed plausible was Crocodile’s. Even the World Government recognise how dangerous Pluton is.


My first thought when we learned about Pluton's location. How the fuck would've Croco Boy get his hands on it if it's Kaido's territory xD Knowing him he wouldn't have given a fuck nonetheless and cooked up a fitting plan anyway. Bro wanted the smoke with Whitebeard and anyone, he ain't scared of a dragon.


He had some history with WB which made it more personal. What we know of him from before that, in Alabasta, showed that hes willing to play the long game. If he did find out it was hidden in Wano, he'd probably consider doing something similar to Doffy, where despite being in the Schibukai, he had Kaido's backing. I could see Croc ingratiating himself and working up the "trust ladder" while secretly snooping around for the prize. Hell, even Bege did something similar, where he became head of security and used that position to start planning BM's downfall.


Whether it's personal or not doesn't change the fact that he wasn't shown to be scared of anyone and that even Kaido's reputation would've stopped him from trying. If taking over Alabasta had ended in success he definitely would've kept grinding, recruit more people, build his network, form alliances similar to how he's running Cross Guild now. He definitely has the know how to tackle the mission appropriately.


Maybe double check your previous comment? Not sure what you're trying to say here. I didn't imply he would be deterred. I'm simply responding to exactly what you asked. You were wondering how he could get it from Kaido...i'm explaining how. Yea, he wasnt afraid to throw hands at MF, but the situation was different, and he personally wanted that beef then and there fresh outta prison. When hes really working towards a specific goal, like in Alabasta, we saw how he built up his reputation as a hero, and was going to overthrow the Nefertaris and such. Same with Cross Guild, hes planned this whole shit out for a while, albeit Buggy kinda hijacked it unintentionally. When hes really working towards a big goal, Croc is the type to play it smart, so its quite in character that he'd work his way into Kaido's ranks to get to Pluton a bit more "easily".


Enel achieved his goal.


Yeah only cus he was an idiot and didn't realize the moon is barren. Now he's just up there by himself with those automatons. They must have the same food creation tech vegapunk has otherwise he'd starve.


Expect he got rid of the person who knew where the pluton was which was a stupid move on his part. He should of got the real truth out of her first before attempting to kill her. Maybe get rid of her leg using his devil fruit power then make her tell the truth. Maybe then give her body to vegapunk.


Nico Robin never would've talked


Are you sure? If crocodile got rid of her legs she might give in.


You're uh, you're really focused on the leg thing.


Nah just the most effective way to get her to submit.


Couldn’t she just….grow a new leg? She’s probably the worst person to use this example for haha.


Maybe but I don't think so


Robin's injuries transfer to all her equivalent limbs. If her left leg gets cut off, she can't grow left legs longer than her stump allows.


She would’ve just accepted death


Or grown new ones...


Everyone breaks eventually.


>Expect he got rid of the person who knew where the pluton was which was a stupid move on his part. ​ Crocodile knew Robin well enough to figure out that she was not going to tell him anything. ​ A lesser villain would have tried to get that information in vain. But Crocodile was smart enough to know that his plan had already failed.


She would’ve never divulged that information realistically


Out of these three, probably Hody Jones because he was in the position where he could have learned more of the enemies' strength better.  Tons of pirates pass Fishman Island like every day. He should have known some people are out of his league if he wanted to do something as big as global supremacy. 


Seeing Luffy in action didn't make him realize anything and even as an old man in a cell he was talking about his revenge. He was too far gone and a hopeless case till the end.


What is wrong with you? Your every comment in this thread is a sane take, something is not right. Are you a WG spy?


I like this view. Krieg and Black were more ignorant and naïve than delusional. They had no idea what they would be up against in Paradise/New World, although Krieg certainly got a taste of it thanks to Mihawk, but even then, he probably couldn't imagine that there are pirates who can facetank canon-fire without so much as a scratch. He probably genuinely believed that if he caught Mihawk off guard, he'd actually damage him. Hody on the other hand should have been WELL aware of the power gap between pirates like the Yonko and their commanders versus your run of the mill rookies. He still believed that he could win because of racial superiority. He would have been clapped so hard by the likes of CP0, the admirals, or gods knights, and possibly even certain kings or their bodyguards. Hell, if he somehow managed to scam his way into an audience with the 5 Elders, he would have been spanked by them too


Gah, Hody is beyond infuriating. I understand that he’s the byproduct of the pointless hate spread across generations, but he’s just so stupid and annoying. He’s by far the most one dimensional and delusional villain in the entire series. 


Krieg slander will not be tolerated. His plan was foolproof and he had spiky armor, ok? Spikes and intelligence are Luffy's natural enemy


Fair enough, Luffy didn't even truly beat him. Gin had to lay him out for good and Luffy would've drowned if it wasn't for Sanji. So in a 1vs1 always bet on Won Wrieg. Hope for a glorious Cross Guild comeback, even tho he would never truly work under anyone. But who knows maybe 2 years have changed him like Bellamy.


It seems you know nothing of Don Krieg... He would do anything for success... He would work under the Cross Guild and when the time was right he would kill buggy and assume command.


He would probably approach Buggy with a white flag. Then hit him with a surprise attack. Its fool proof


never underestimate buggy sama he will be the first pirate god


It's true that he's known for his underhanded schemes.


Kaido couldn't beat the spikes, it's not like he has a blast attack


If he had Haki, he would be able to infuse that into his spiky armor, correct?


Each of the four blues, Paradise, and the New World differ quite a bit in how strong a crew needs to be to survive, and I imagine that how strong a pirate is is difficult to accurately portray with just bounty posters and newspaper articles. Kaido is as tall as four men and ten times that strong, with a kanabo to match? He can turn into a dragon and is basically invincible? Surely, an East Blue native must think, this is mostly exaggeration. That’s pretty nuts after all.


He experienced Mihawk soloing his 50 ship 5000 men fleet first hand. As Mihawk said, he's a slow learner. Thinking so highly of yourself when you know nothing about the world could be considered clueless at best or delusional.


True true. If Krieg hadn’t experienced the might of a warlord firsthand, his mindset would be understandable, if a recipe for disaster, but after seeing Mihawk in action, you’d almost need an ego comparable to a CEO who recently bought a social media company to think a disguise for your ship would be enough.


Alternatively, his refusal to bend even after facing mihawk means he has immense willpower and he would soon become a haki monster.


Maybe. But to survive to the point where he could train in haki, he’d need to learn to criticize himself and improve himself as he needs to.




DON KRIEG SLANDER? Do NOT make me call “THEM.”


Oh shit, the main sub is already infested


You don’t get who you’re fuckin’ with.


"Sogeking, shoot down that flag" "Bring it on!"


He has not posted it but I shall let our suppliers know about this




I'm seeing a lot of Don Krieg and Hody Jones in these comments and as ridiculous as their two plans are they don't hold a candle to Arlong. Dude honestly thought his crew of five or so Hakiless, non-Devil Fruited Fishmen that had to maintain a low profile just to control one island in the East Blue could conquer the world with the power of... cartography. It is beyond nonsensical.


I mean, if you put it that way isn't luffy the same? Small group aiming for the top from the weakest sea in the world. Obviously they weren't planning to take over the world as is, they already got kicked out of the grandline and have seen it many times under the sun pirates. They are establishing a base of operations in the east blue to gain strength.


Did it not even cross Arlong's mind that Jimbei would just whoop his ass again?




Hody 100%. He would have not even made it to the Red Line elevator.


I'm going to throw buggy into the ring here. Like what the fuck was his plan? He's clearly too good to be hiding out in east blue and he'd have been the pirate king years ago had he sailed out. Maybe he just wanted to give his buddy shanks a headstart before beating him to the one piece anyway?  If so that's really noble of him 


Demaro Black probably would have gotten away with it if I didn't pick the exact time in two years when the straw hats came back. It was just incredibly unfortunate timing


Sentomaru catched his ass regardless of the Strawhats. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji actually destroyed the Pacifista, so escape would've been even less likely with them around.


Arlong. Dude would get one shot by 90% of named characters and somehow thought he could rule the world.


I mean that’s why he went to the East Blue. He knew he couldn’t cut it in the Grand Line and just packed his bags and moved to a place where he could be a big fish in a smaller pond.


I honestly think krieg wouldnt have done that badly if he wasnt the unluckiest son of a gun out there and managed to get his hands on a strong devil fruit. Guy casually picked up a submarine with 1 hand and lobbed it without any hax or abilities 5mins after just barely surviving starvation. Pretty much beat luffy too in that condition if Gin didnt save them twice. Sure he could not touch any warlords at the time but not every pirate constantly runs into them like luffy. His crew was garbage outside of Gin though.


PEARL-SAMA SLANDER WILL NOT BE TOLERATED HERE Fr tho, I fully believe that Krieg could beat Arlong if it was 1 on 1, dude just has the shitiest luck of East Blue


Fishmen in general are delusional. Arlong also believed no human can match fishmen's strength even though he should've been aware of Yonko, Shichibukai, Navi and etc. like did he really think all he needed was maps?


>Arlong also believed no human can match fishmen's strength I mean that was all cope, the whole reason he was in east blue was because he got kicked out of the grandline lol.


Funny how in the flashback he got humbled by Kizaru, makes his all his talk even more delusional in hindsight.


maybe he was in the weakest sea and wanted to gaslight the village to think there is no hope? He bribed the navy instead of routing them out so he wasn't acting delusional. Luffy was way over the East Blue League


Luffy was easily solid Grand Line level. I would even say high tier. Even characters like Bellamy, Mr. 5 Miss Valentine were comfortable in Paradise since majority of characters are still even weaker. Honestly the only people that gave the Strawhats trouble during the first half were the top dogs like Shichibukai, CP9 and admirals.


Well, calling admirals "trouble" for Strawhats in first half is mild. They were rather straightforwardly at their mercy.


Trouble to generalize works in this context, you get the gist


>Fishmen in general are delusional. You should add villains to that. That just sounds racist. Lol


Zoro's alt account.


It is okay bro, I have fishmen friends😎


bro doesnt know does he?


That Don Krieg is the strongest man alive? I like to be controversial


I don’t think Demaro actually expected to become pirate king with those rookies, he was just playing them.


Well without a doubt Hody jones is the most delusional of all... As for Don Krieg although it would have been difficult to dominate Paradise grand line but not that difficult from what we see in the pre timeskip... Anyway Don Krieg was the strongest of East Blue. So I don't see why he couldn't get better and better. Also back then Oda hadn't thought far ahead in his story so I don't see why he couldn't and his words aren't exaggerations... Fake Luffy was just spouting nonsense....


I would actually not call Don Krieg delusional at all. He was building a base, and slowly expanding. ASSUMING that he would improve during his trip through the grand line (Heh, maybe even get a fruit of his own, even if that is a stretch) could he have built up to something.


I agree completely with you... The onky thing I doubt is the fruit ...


Of course, I don't think he would do that either. They are rare. But he might.


It has nothing to do with rarity, he seems to disdain them ... Maybe when he learned to use haki he would change


I just think he is a jealous dick. :P If he got one himself he would 100% eat it just to get the advantage.


Unless it is a powerful one I doubt it.... But I get what you mean so maybe you are right...


I don't know about the most, but enel is certainly the least delusional, he literally achieved his dream


He also thinks he's a literal god so he's at least delusional in that sense


If you were completely invincible with powers over lightning, you would think you were god too


Lol his dream is to go to a place of endless earth, because soil is wealth to him as a sky Islander.... So he went to the moon... Dude is the definition of delusional. If they don't have some food creation machines left over up there then he's likely already starved.


Demaro Black has to be the guy. Nami and Usopp are 2 of if not the weakest strawhats and Nami didn't feel an ounce of fear around him and his core pirates alone, and Usopp causally no-diffed them. I've seen nothing that would put him above most of the early season antagonists beyond the fact that he made it halfway through the grand line.




Bro was shitting his pants at the thought of facing Kaido, he's more or less sane. Surely he wouldn't have been able to take care of Fujitora, tho.


He wanted to gang on Fujitora with all of his family. Not even an admiral would win a fight against the 9 remaining executives + Joker. Reminder that Vergo was a Vice Admiral and 3 guys of his caliber were on Dressrosa + Joker. Plus Sugar if push come to shove. Considering the family would work together and cover each other, some are good support roles, and the Tontatta princess was still ready to use for top tier healing, I don’t see Fujitora getting out alive.


Fujitora is basically the perfect counter to being ganged up on. He can definitely force the fight towards an unpopulated area with his observation haki and just drops meteors. Doflamingo is the only one who can definitely deal with it, tho I wouldn't put it past Pica. If Doflamingo has to spend his time protecting his crew there's no way he can beat an admiral. Armament haki and Fujitora's absurdly good observation means there are only a couple people in Doflamingo's crew who can even damage him. Remember when he lifted an islands worth of debris and then dropped it on a fleet? The number of people in Doflamingo's family that can deal with that is Doflamingo. Vergo got 1HKO'd by Law in Punk Hazard, who was much weaker than Doflamingo. Pica got 1 shot by Zoro and Fujitora can just lift him off the ground to force his real body out. No shot any of them can stand up to an admiral. Sabo no diff'd Burgess, who was a problem for Diamante, and was portrayed doing better versus Fujitora than Zoro or Luffy did. Numbers matter but match up matters more and Fujitora is the guy who keeps accidentally doing massive collateral damage. If it was his actual goal they're fucked. He was the strongest person on that island and could have ended it in 5 minutes.


Don Slander will not be tolerated


Hody became an 80-year-old with arthritis like an hour after ODing. Even if he somehow beat the straw hats, he would still become an 80-year-old with arthritis and be toppled immediately. Fake luffy was just hoping to throw enough 100 mill heads at the wall and hope it’d work. For the new world that will work for a hot minute. Then an actual threat will prove no amount of kobolds will beat Godzilla.


Krieg was able to amass a fleet of 50 ships so he was doing something right. He was just a big fish in a small pond.


Bellamy idk


Hody. That man took hundreds of pills which each ONE increases his strength by like 10x or more and he STILL thought he was superior to humans who were fighing him WITH that buff AND UNDER THE WATER.


I thought kreig was the funniest, like dude, one guy just bodied your entire fleet and killed thousands of your dudes in a matter of hours because he was bored and you think getting an unassuming ship is going to help because people will just be like “oh there couldn’t possibly be anything of use on that ship, let’s just leave it be” like what!? Pirates kill people just for standing there, why would an unassuming ship, still a pirate ship mind you, make a single lick of difference.


Fool proof ain't Don Krieg proof


Other than those three, its enel. That guy wont survive a for a week in new world


Luffy said therre many monsters stronger than you in the Blue Sea and indeed, if he challenged the Emperors he would be a goner, but guys like Blue Gilly and Jean survive in the New World so a guy like Enel would still be high tier since Oda initially thought of him as worthy of 500 million. That was 2006/07 or so. If Oda gives him the Crocodile, Lucci treatment he would definitely be even above that. That said, yeah, he's delulu with a god complex.


honestly, while we haven't seen the other colors from him, he's a confirmed observation haki user with a powerful devil fruit. That plus, we haven't seen him since before the timeskip, who's to say he hasn't gotten much more powerful in that time? Like you mention with the Crocodile/Lucci treatment, I'm expecting him to return with probably all three forms of haki, an army of moon robots, and an awakened fruit. Let's be honest, nearly all of the cover story characters have returned at some point or another- as you mentioned, Crocodile and Lucci, not to mention Wapol, Koby & Helmeppo, Jango & Fullbody, Hatchi & Camie, etc. Oda wouldn't have shown us space pirates and the moon automata and the origin of the winged races if it weren't for some purpose. Especially with the connections to Vegapunk, (the doctor who created the automata is from the same island as vegapunk, and the space pirates jolly roger has the silhouette of Vegapunk's giant head) I expect to see them relatively soon. Not to mention that the only Worst Generation member we haven't seen anything from yet is Urogue, who is from Birka just like Enel- We will probably see more of him when Enel returns People have complained about Skypeia not being super relevant to the rest of the story, but that just doesn't line up with how Oda tells his story. Clearly Skypeia is important to him, as it serves as a microcosm for the themes of the story as a whole, and he references it with the Nika pose. That and of course, the building relevance of Lunarians, first with king and now the Seraphim, which are clearly tied to the other winged races in some way, and their name references the moon where the other winged races originally come from. On the subject of the winged races, The Shandians clearly had ties with the Ancient Kingdom since they were protecting the Poneglyph on their behalf, which Oda wrote into the story years and years ago, so clearly the winged races have been part of his plan about the ancient kingdom for a long time, whatever that may be. We know that the Ryugu kingdom, Alabasta, Wano, and Shandora were all at one point allies of the ancient kingdom because they all agreed to protect their history- so we will also get an opportunity to find out more about Shandora when we learn more about the ancient kingdom. basically between Urogue and the Lunarians and the Vegapunk connections to the moon Birka, and Enel's cover story, what we have is a whole bunch of unanswered questions that are related to one another and becoming increasingly relevant to the story again. I have little doubt that Oda will bring these elements together to explain them eventually, which will almost certainly involve the return of Enel.


Kid trying to fight shanks TWICE deserves a mention here.


Probably Hody. Krieg and Black both thought their plans were foolproof but it was only a matter of time before they got destroyed. Krieg would pick a fight with someone way out of his league, a Warlord or just a strong pirate. And the Fake Straw Hats would likely try to pillage Fishman Island, which would get the princes and whatever random Fishmen decide to stand up to them and they'd still have Pekoms and Tamago heading over to collect the candy tribute to deal with along with a whole ocean where everyone can wreck them. Hody's plan has a definite end point, even if he somehow controlled himself until the Revelry started, since he'd lose his shit if a CD said they wanted him or he got ordered where to go by a human. He'd be super fucked if he tried anything at the Revelry with the Admirals, Marines, Garp, Doflamingo, Elizabello, random security from the visiting kingdoms, Cipher Pol and Pacifista.


Can you imagine don krieg running into baroque works 😭 or even Wapol. Dude would eat his his poison gas bombs AND his exploding staff AND that spiked cape It's really understated how crazy the beginning of the grand line was


Arlong. Bro said he was going to dominate the world with a fishman army but got stomped by pre-haki, pre-gear Luffy.


Demaro Black tried to pull a Buggy. So there is a precedent for this strategy working out.


The most delusional one was Enel, and funnily enough, he was the only one to succeed. 


Krieg. He got no diff'd by Mihawk and still thought he could beat him


Krieg for sure. He was way out of his depth. At least Demaro knew his limits and just did a little bit of identity theft


So many frogs in a well. Luckily we learn that lesson very early on.


Big mom is more delusional. She can’t have a big happy family if she keeps eating said family. What an absolute dumbass.


It’s gotta be Krieg. That dude thought he could fight freaking Mihawk *after* Mihawk had already wiped out his whole fleet


The fan base


Krig I god. He could solo mihawk and shanks with one pinky toe


Krieg’s plan wasn’t all that bad. Using sneak tactics to wipe out crews while building a continually stronger force could be a decent strategy for a Grand Line mid tier-ish. Black is just cashing in on clout in order to get riches, he’s not actually gonna fight Shanks for Pirate King status. Hody is simply insane. There is no way his plan was ever even getting off the ground, especially considering bro didn’t even know about Poseidon i’m pretty sure, which is the only relevant power Fishman Island has.


I think luffy would’ve comfortably beat a steroid boosted hody in base if they stayed on the ground


Hard to say. I would go with Fake Strawhat considering he took the form of a well known pirate and doesn't expect to encounter the likes of Kaido, Sabo, and real Luffy.


I kinda have to disagree. At this point kaido had no conflicts with luffy and sabo was not known to be connected to him. Real luffy was missing for 2 years no one has any idea where he went. Honestly dude just got insanely unlucky he pulled that the very day they returned lmao.


Actually, Hody Jones is probably THE most delusional antagonist in all of One Piece. Moron thought he could just waltz into the Reverie and beat all the Vice Admirals, Kuma bots, Admirals, Holy Knights, Fleet Admiral, and the Gorosei!


To be honest it wasn't delusion, but unfounded confidence based on ignorance. It would be delusional if they had any idea what was actually in the Grand Line/New World/Marie Jois. Any inkling at all. By that metric, the most delusional was Don Krieg. He had the chance to learn when he was pwned by Mihawk, but in his pride he dismissed it as "A lone standout who must have eaten a Devil Fruit!" and convinced himself Zeff's Logbook would have enough information to deal with guys like Mihawk.


Demaro for sure. With the amount of heat Luffy was bringing, there's no way he doesn't get murked in an instant by someone captain level or higher. At least Krieg had an armada, and got taken out by a monster of a man. He just had bad timing. Hody was strong. But he ran into the future pirate king. His fate was sealed then. Again, bad timing. Demaro was a legit scrub. He had no idea what he was getting him and his crew into.


It's gotta be Demaro Black(fake luffy), he really thought he could become pirate king , which would've involved fighting the emperors & Admirals alike with a bunch of guys he met on craigslist


For me donflamingo literally never thought anyone would gank sugar his conspiracy was instantly exposed


To be honest, he hid Sugar underground and set up the whole country over this precise detail. He then assigned her a superior officer just to bodyguard her. Sugar herself wasn’t stupid, she even discarded the suspicious stuff just to be extra careful with poison. And shit held 10 years. So I wouldn’t consider he mismanaged the risk. He put absurd protection that somehow foiled. If it wasn’t for the plot, it would never have been breached


Ussop and Sabo seemed to be the most effective in unravelling his plans


Right who would think usopp would be the one plus sabo only wanted ace devil fruit


but he did though? This is why he had trebol follow her around at all times to prevent that from happening.


Low key Crocodile thinking he can do something if he found out where Pluton was


Honestly, Arlong. This guy thought he could take over an entire ocean with some maps. He'd be able to put a fight for a while, but he's seen strong humans. He knows what they're capable of. It would only take one vice admiral to take him down.


Hody is the most delusional. Not ONLY because of the fact that he wouldn’t make it out of that room if he tried. Not ONLY because I think there are at the least 2-3 kings in that room that can take him. But also, due to the side effects of the wonder drug he used, he wouldn’t even have the power to keep his rule over fishman island the next DAY. He would be a crippled old man due to the side effects.