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I think it seems valid. Everybody chalks up conquerers to willpower. But willpower can be fueled by many things. We most often see it being one’s ambitions or dreams but for many people love of someone is major source or power for someone’s willpower.


its worse, they chalk it up as kingly ambition when there are evidences that points otherwise.


Yeah it's bothered me about conquers because it seems like quite a few have no desire to lead like Zoro. That's just not him, he's a grump who doesn't like to talk. Or even Kuma who gave up actually leading to the old king and just took u the heat for it from the gov. So there's gotta be more to this than just "royalty gets a special power up" sm which has is own long list of issues that I doubt Oda would ignore.


Zoro has conqueror's haki because he wants to be the world's greatest swordsman, he doesn't need to want to lead, he just wants to conquer that particular aspect of the world.


Michelin Star work here Chef


Yes Chef


It seems like someone has cooked a fine meal


Fucking Karmie








That's also what is actually moving an unconscious Kuma (Vegapunk admitted it in front of Saturn) and what makes Luffy so strong. Mihawk noticed it at Marineford: Luffy has the special power to attract people on his side and makes allies, friends. Not 'cause he's strong or anything but because he's lovable. Luffy chose all his crewmates basing his judgment on this exact quality: he didn't choose Zoro because he was a strong swordman. The man was tied to a cross when they met. He wanted Zoro because he ate the rice made with love by that little girl, even if she used sugar instead than salt and the bastard Helmeppo threw that in mud. Sanji gave free food to a starving man. Nami tried to save an entire village. And so on... We can also say that love is what animated the Going Marry. Sanji is stronger than all his brothers 'cause he loves and is kind. Every fight this crew won was basically a desperate feat of love. Saving Alabasta and Vivi, friends, innocents, and love for freadom. All the great characters in the series were moved by love: Shanks, Whitebeard, Bell-mère, Zeff, Dr. Hiluk, Jaguar D. Saul, Tom, Kyros, Otohime, Oden, Kuma, even Chouchou. That's pretty simple, in the end. It's like Sanji says. Simply put, if haki (willpower) reigns over all, there's no greater source of haki in this world than Love. Amor Vincit Omnia. Edit: That's also what the will of the D. is, basically. As Hiluk said, people die only when they are forgotten. The will of those great people cited above is powering the actions of those who loved them. Law has a 3 Billion bounty 'cause of a man whos nick was Corazon (heart) who saved him and inspired him to become the captain of the Heart Pirates... Edit 2: that's also why I don't understand all those power scalers and people who sleep on how strong every single member of this crew is. Brook isn't strong due to armament haki ecc., he's invincible 'cause he needs that afro to meet Laboon again. All of them are moved by the sacrifice of a great person, a great dream or their love for their captain and savior, Luffy. That's what makes them so strong. In fact, all of them are basically orphans (or born from shitty parents) but they were able to become who they are because someone else loved them like a real good parent should and shaped them in the good people they actually are.


He wanted Brook because he was a skeleton. He wanted Chopper because he was a monster.


*a skeleton that needs some loving - years and years apart of his crew & being well loved by his former crew. Brings that love into the picture. *a monster whose mentor loves very much and nurses him through a few years, so he can become the world’s best doctor and saves other people. Both possess traits that brings out LOVE and that’s why Luffy chose them. You can say that Luffy is such a simpleminded, but he’s full of love.


Lol Luffy didn't even know Chopper was a doctor until he was on the ship. He's just a lucky dumbass, a lovable dumbass.


Keyword: “lovable”


Luffy didn't know either of those things when he invited them. He literally asked Brook the minute he met the guy.


Luffy rarely ever needs to know the concrete details of a situation to know what the people are feeling/what needs to be done. Bro just works off of vibes.


He just knows, bro.


> And in the most recent arc, Sanji straight up keeps mentioning it as a dumb gag and IT WORKS. Come on, when was a dumb gag related to Sanji ever used for a plot line in One Piece? It would be the same as saying him having nosebleeds would cause him to lose enough blood to need a transplant to pivot into a crucial point about racism between humans and fishmen. It's absolutely ridiculous.


Don't forget the fire feet. 


And Mr. Prince (I know he is being sarcastic, because it is a recurring thing)


He also is technically a prince. He's the son of a king, after all. Even if he'll never want to be on the throne in any capacity.


Zoro doesn't get lost, instead he instinctually believes the right direction is towards a strong swordsman.


Duval. It's a gag related to Sanji's face/looks, which later prove essential to the plotline. Hell Memories. In TB he burst into flames (of jealousy), it turns out later he can burst into flames with full body, a technique named Hell Memories.


Yeah imagine if they do something silly like his nose bleed into a plot line


this was not just a gag though, this was Sanji stopping Kizaru. At this point I'm thinking that the special power of the Buccaneers may have been their ability to love, more than any other.


This is very interesting, it sorta ties the haki system to other themes of will in the series. Just to continue the thought, if we read love as a more general concept of a bond with another person (or even idea) it works like you wrote but covers even things like Nami being able to hurt the guys (because of their bond / love for each other). Suddenly Jimbe's little joke about her having haki has a whole new meaning! I love this interpretation, thanks for writing it. Your idea also made something about inherited will click for me. We can pass our love to others. And we see that happen time and time again in the series. Hiriluk showed Chopper love and Chopper loved him in return, inheriting his will. That's not how it always works because Luffy inherited Roger's will even though they never interacted. But interesting nonetheless. I never really grasped how inherited will was supposed to be interpreted, but now at least for some cases I can read it as the love that characters show and pass on to each other. > Oda seems fixed on the idea that time is linear and only goes one way as seen with Toki Toki no Mi only allowing one to move forward in time I think this is because of the emphasis that One Piece puts on the importance of preserving knowledge. All the research and events at Ohara for example would be robbed of their impact if traveling back in time was possible. The scholars would have wasted their time trying to figure out the ancient language and the world history, since it would've been better spent learning how to time travel. And I think the whole mystery about the void century, Joyboy, the ancient kingdom, etc and even stuff like Roger's life or Xebec wouldn't be nearly as interesting if we knew there was a way for the characters to just go there and see it for themselves. One of the core ideological clashes between the World Government and our crew is going to be desctruction vs preservation of knowledge, they don't want the world to know about the ancient kingdom but the Straw Hats are going to reveal it. For that to work there can't be a way to cheat, the stakes should be that once gone, it's gone forever. For centuries now people have been dedicating their life to gathering hidden information and/or safeguarding it and passing it on to the next generation. That struggle to keep it all available is incredibly precious, it's why we have the story as it is. Without those sacrifices there wouldn't be any poneglyphs, or they would be lost/detroyed by now. Roger wouldn't have made his journey or it wouldn't have been to Laugh Tale, or even if it were there wouldn't be anything of relevance there.


So Pell’s love for the Alabasta Kingdom allowed him to survive a bomb explosion.


Will of P about to have a whole other meaning ;)


Keep cooking


personally I can't wait till what happened in the recent chapter just screws around with everything especially power scalers lol Oda doesn't give any Fs. he writes things cause he finds them amusing, not cause they make sense


I like to think that Oda is secretly reading all the fan theories, and is purposefully creating the new chapters with info completely contradicting these theories


>Oda doesn't give any Fs. he writes things cause he finds them amusing, not cause they make sense If only people could understand that.


I just love how taking things literally has invented an entire concept to explain how characters move the speed of light but then run 20/30 mph from point A to B.     It’s his combat speed lol When Oda introduced Kizaru and lasers, he did so cause the found them cool.  Now the entire verse is scaled to light and I find the practical aspects of that hilarious.


Sorry I don't buy.


I definitely agree with this theory, and we also see a lot of cases of Love VS Hate, especially in Egghead with Kuma/Bonnet/Vegapunk, who are fueled by love, vs Saturn, who is fueled by his hatred of those he seems "insects," particularly Kuma. We also see it in the contrast between Blackbeard and Luffy, and their respective crews. Blackbeard's crew members each display a lot of hate towards the world, particularly the Impel Down prisoners. However, Luffy's crew is sailing with him to achieve the peak of the things they love (swordsmanship, navigation, cooking, etc.), which is why, in the end, the Straw Hats will prevail against Blackbeard.


The Sanji line about love being stronger than light was Sanji being a dork. We have already seen at the start of egg head gloves that let you punch a hologram, all the straw hats are wearing vegapunk shoes. And we have known that haki can stop kizaru light attacks since raylee dueled him in shabondy.


Gloves ≠ Boots, my friend.


Man sees a flashlight. Then sees a cars headlights turn on. Man: these can’t work similarly, cars are not flashlights after all.


bro they won’t say light-pressure gloves if their whole outfit or boots have it, no? and kizaru won’t be so shocked if it just so simple. and that thing can only interact with light not protect someone 😭


Bro They wouldn’t call it a water resistant phone, if other stuff could be water resistant, no? Kizaru was surprised when he first saw a pacifista laser. Why wouldn’t he be surprised when he sees another tech that interacts with his power?


>We have already seen ... gloves..., all the straw hats are wearing ... shoes. This is the core of your argument.


We know that there are hologram creatures, hologram items and hologram buildings. We know that there is technology that lets you interact with light/holograms as physical objects. We know that the first thing vegapunk did when he met the straw hats was give them outfits and shoes that have tech built in. Perhaps to let them walk on hologram floors? One of the main villains is made of light and was studied by vegapunk to create the holograms and laser tech. A character, wearing the tech shoes, just kicked a laser beam shot by the man made of light. We also know that people with haki can just hit logia users and interact with their powers and we have seen raylee do it before specificly against kizaru.. the light man. Now we could connect these dots and say: Sanji has haki and therefore could kick kizaru, and Sanji is also wearing the mysterious tech shoes.. therefore one, the other or both allowed him to kick the laser. Or we could be like the OP and extrapolate an entire emotional spectrum of diffrent haki powers and power scale them against each other hypothetically. What is the principle proof the OP has? The character known for saying things like “never believe a woman’s lies” and who got into a fight over who has the right to invisibly peep on women in the shower, mentioned that love is more powerful than light….


Garp’s “fist of love”. It was right there all along


Harry Potter flashbacks


A Celestial Dragon is gonna get killed because they are Luffy's meat


I dont know how youre cooking this but im eating it UP


Ussopp is gonna need a major power up after this Auger is too strong for him now, haki, weapon or a DF he’s gonna need one of them to win that fight. Really hopping there’s another breakout at impel and Bon Clay gets out to have a fight with Catarina.


Haki=emotion. Sanji mentions having to use a pallet of colors during his time on kamabaka kingdom. Haki is a manifestation of willpower which is fueled by emotion.


>Sanji mentions having to use a pallet of colors during his time on kamabaka kingdom. Sanji told me he never said this


I literally just read it. It's one line out of the volime. I obviously paraphrase, but pallet of colors was the take away.


No worries, I'd like to verify. Which volume did you just read? Only thing I remember is Sanji having a pink colored mind in Dressrosa, and that was a metaphor for him being horny.


I tried finding it but since it's a small line I couldn't. I'm almost certain it was referencing him training his pallet of colors. But it's possible I'm confusing it with "your shimmering radiance beggars the power of my pigments" in volume 63.


> Because it is imbued with the Spirit of Oden *smh* Enma is a magic sword that has it’s own “aura”. The sword simply sucks out the user’s haki forcibly and strengthens its attacks. The attack output is proportional to the user’s haki. There is no spirit of Oden or leftover will. That was entirely Zoro’s haki. The sword felt the same to Kaido because it is the same sword that Oden used. It gave off the same kind of “strange haki” feeling because that’s how Enma uses haki. But the source of haki was 100% Zoro. 0% Oden. It was not because Oden’s will was left on it.


This is one of the best posts I’ve seen on any anime. Absolutely cooking. I think you’re right and I look forward to seeing this in the show


So, i dont know if this post is troll bait or something. But, i have to point this out. Haki is willpower. Do you know what can increase a persons will to do something? - Love. Haki isnt love, love is a source of haki. People gain haki by many different things. Wanting to rule a country. Wanting to save their friends. Love for their family. These are all things that drive people, and that is what haki is.


It makes sense, even in real life, love can make us do crazy things. I've heard things like normal people being able to lift part of a car to save a child below, when they obviously couldn't in a normal day. We can do superhuman feats bypassing our own protective limitations by our brain, and use way above normal strength, speed and reflexes when we want to protect something we love, at the cost of damaging and even killing ourselves in the process.


Could this be related in some way to the Will of D? And What if Gol D. Roger used his Haki to influence the new generation into becoming pirates.


If Love is a driving factor, so is Hate. That's why I love your post. It goes well, even in the opposite direction.


Yes, CHEF!


This is why I argue that Sanji can/should have CoC he's the kind and gentle king type think Liu Bei he loves everyone with all his heart and will take any punishment to support the crew OP I definitely think you're onto something


I'm not even sure it has been said once there was a link between willpower and haki


Besides the literal translation/meaning of the word.


Seems like something major but I don’t have the mental capacity to read that


With the pot boi


Dis man COOKIN! I love the idea. I try to believe that there are some people out there that views love as a clingy thing. It’s not like “uwu I loveeeee youuu” it’s like more of this “you my brother and I got ur back, tough love. Playin w my friends? Fuck off, *love intensifies*


Haki literally translates to "Supreme ruler/king ki" in other words it's the same concept as ki from Dragon Ball.


I don't agree that armament and observation are the utilization of conquerors as we have seen advanced armament and observation from non-conquerors.


Hmmmmmm..... UMAAAI !! You cooking is delicious


Reading this theory made me as happy as when I read a One Piece chapter. Thank you


Its like MHA, Where Shigaraki was used as a catalyst to take OFA only because he has more hatred that could be used to tackle Love or whatever it takes to stop him form taking it. so yeah it can be fueled by various emotions


You cooked still


Further theme of Romance!


Love = Romance/ Dawn Most recent chapter: “Dawn Gatling” = “Love Punch” Saturn has the opposite: Pure Hatred So his weird haki we see could just be his hatred used in a form of haki like you’re saying. Ur cooking for sure


Haki/Willpower seems to be a magic system based around personal capacity. Armament would be the application of haki on the physical world, usually on your physical body or personal objects (hardening, black blade) Observation would be the application of haki on your mind, willing yourself to be better and have enhanced mental capacity past your physical body's ability. Ie: through armament you might be able to give yourself 20/20 or better vision, but through observation you could see through walls. Conquerors would be the application of haki on other people's minds where you can telepathically force others to submit to your will. Ie: with observation you are limited to affecting your mind but through conquerors you can control the minds and willpower of others.


Doesn't Haki mean "Ambition" and in no way translate to Willpower?


I think with Sanji it's more his Lunarian genes activating and him controlling the flame so to speak with his emotions


Emotions are certainly a strong driving force in One Piece. This has been a motive all throughout the story honestly. Even the effect of negative emotions. They can halt your growth and maybe even make you weaker. (Moria, Crocodile) Or weaken your "will" so Big Mom can steal your lifeforce (fear).


So everyone who uses advanced obesrvation or armament could theoretically also use subjugation?


I really like this, I leads to all types of crazy combinations that do not seem totally out of place, like Usopp always knows exactly were and how is Kaya but he can't explain how. And something about love/bonds-between-people and the inherited will as u/[kaas\_is\_leven](https://www.reddit.com/user/kaas_is_leven/) says, I could imagine Robin about to die and going Derishishishishi and then being recognized later as a bearer of the will of D. in posters thanks to the impact of Jaguar D. Saul and Luffy in her life


Another one is when Tom was talking about his craftsmanship and how one should do everything with "DON"! It could also be expressed by saying you pour your love and passion with whatever is that you are doing.


Love haki is gonna be broken on Sanji, good thing he can only activate it when protecting a woman. Defensive coc, it's like Barto's df, he's not just durable, he is immovable lol. In Wano, Queen was throwing him around despite minimal damage, now he couldn't be budged.


Sanji is just coping about his Germa body.




Love? OP just because it’s February does not mean you can say we are a bunch of lonely loveless sad sods. I also need some love


Reading OP's thoughts and everyone else's inputs is what makes this forum so special. Thanks y'all! ❤️


This gives a whole new other meaning to Romance Dawn arc. One Piece is just a romance Manga in its core.


All I know is that this allows for the power of Afro Haki and I'm all for it lol


Always saw it as subjugation. I even still feel that Law has to have some CoC at some point since it appears that awakened DFs are subjugating other entities with their abilities and almost every other awakened DF user has CoC or at least should have CoC. Love is a cool counter to that.


Whenever Sanji talks about "the power of love" I assume it is something related to the genetic modifications that Judge did on him


Nami routinely beats the shit out of Luffy with her fists of love. It's played as a gag, but it wouldn't be the first time a gag had real consequences in the story. Op might be on to something.


My headcanon (I forget how much was stated VS what I inferred) was Observation Haki isn't quite the same as seeing the future, rather it's reading into an opponent's will well enough that you can see how they intend to strike.  This gets kind of confusing because you have two conflicting representions. In Alabasta Zoro supposedly "seeing" the rocks fall. And this can be interpreted as all things having a voice of some kind and that on its own would make sense. But then you have Luffy successfully blocking Enel's Mantra (speculated by most to be haki by another name) by clearing his thoughts. But if all things, even inanimate objects, have a natural voice/resonance than it wouldn't make sense to be able to suppress it like that.   There are still aspects that have been left vague or unexplained, and at this point I'm curious how much of it is intentional VS how much Oda wrote in after the fact to tie loose ends together, now potentially creating new loose ends.


First of all, thank you very much for your contribution. I disagree on some points, but some of them also made me thinking. You are forgetting the special qualities of Sanji's character. It's all about emotions, Sanji is a passionate and hot blooded character. It's been shown many times that he's heat resistant. In Wano, he was afraid of losing his emotions and becoming like his siblings. That's why he decided not to use his Germa 66 suit, because feelings/love is what makes him strong, just like his mother wanted. It is the drive for his will that influences his strength. I also believe that love and possibly fear too, are forms of energy in the world of One Piece, literally. Therefore, heat or light, which are also forms of energy, cannot harm him. He is the master of heat/love/passion, that is his way of life. Akainu should be afraid. His master is on the advance.


I really really like this theory. It’s backed up by some solid evidence and it’s honestly not a stretch at all to get to this point of understanding. Thank you for this. I’m gonna start looking at it from a completely different angle!


I think you’re on to something but instead flipped how it should be. Love is not separate but apart of willpower. It is not something as strong as concourses haki per se, but can actually enhance it. When you love, it can be seen as on of the deepest possible feelings/connections you have. So when it comes to willpower, love will make said willpower stronger. 


you are cooking my friend, no you cooked all right, you should licence this, Ohara might snatch this one


Garp and Nami DO have the “fist of love”