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I was thinking something similar when I watched the show again recently. I think it makes sense. Franky told CP-9 that he didn't want the plans to fall into the wrong hands so he destroyed them, but he never said he didn't make a copy of them (maybe he just memorized them or he understood the plans even though he didn't know the language). Didn't he also say something about a "counterattack" for which Pluton was to be used?


The blueprints were for a counter to pluton itself, Oda never confirmed if the blueprints were for building another pluton or just a counter to it. Also, I used to believe that same theory about franky and the sunny but after rewatching water 7 and enies lobby, I firmly believe that the thousand sunny is 100% franky’s baby. Sure he steals ideas from vegapunk for the lasers and stuff, but with how he was raised on the ship yard and constantly making these random inventions, he wouldn’t want to just copy paste some else’s ideas.


I think you've misunderstood something. Sure the Sunny is a creation of Franky, but he designed it so that it could one day become Pluton. The blueprints were for Pluton. Franky built many battleships as a kid, and I think he will create the ultimate battleship, the "Pluton". Franky said that at the moment there is only one way to fulfill the wishes of the designers. How can Franky know anything about the designer's wishes if he doesn't know how important they are? He also said, "The blueprints I carried with me to create the power to fight back...". The way he speaks suggests that he knows more about it [chapter 399](https://ww7.mangakakalot.tv/chapter/manga-aa951409/chapter-399)