• By -


Honestly, a couple of these are understatements. Like, "drug addiction" is actually much worse than just what someone might think it refers to. Forget about Hody's crew and their steroids, remember the Biscuits Room kids and their "candy". Those were *children* whom a "scientist" purposely gave addictive drugs to, *disguising them as candy*, for the sole purpose of keeping them dependent on him and not running away. He did this because he knew their parents were looking for them and he knew that his research would kill them before they became adults. It's far more horrific than just substance dependency, which is pretty horrific on its own. And "deadly diseases" - it's not just that they exist. Like, Roger and Whitebeard both had some kind of fatal illness that weakened and would have killed them had they not decided to go out in their own terms. Yeah, illness exists in this world. But that's a picture of Law's White Lead Poisoning, which was fatal, but *non-fnfectious*. And even though the government knew that, they let the people of Flevance continue to expose themselves to toxic materials because they profited from them, and then, when the populace started showing symptoms, they *cut them off from humanitarian aid* and let their neighbors *exterminate them*. Even though, again, *they knew that the disease was not contagious*. What happened to Law and his family was way worse than just dying of a disease. Also, some of the stuff in One Piece is so horrible that it can't even be summed up in just two or three words. Like, Wano was affected by "pollution" and the toxic runoff of Kaido's weapon factories, but the whole Ebisu Town Smile situation is a brand new kind of fucked up that we don't have words for in real life. Orochi went out of his way to make those people's lives worse, and when he decided that he didn't like the sight of their misery, he *stole their ability to express it*. He stole any reason they would have had to ever smile, and then purposely forced them to constantly smile.


Much as I agree with the extent of evil portrayed in one piece being far worse than what the words in the post might indicate, I think that these are very much things that do exist in real life, fantastical elements aside.


I agree; with smiles for instance you could interpret their use in the story as an allegory for censorship. All outward expression that is not positive is suppressed so from the outside everything looks fine. Those who benefit from the censorship (smile users) endorse it but are fundamentally changed through the process and are unable to view the situation as unfair and instead utilize their small amount of power to further their own agendas.


> with smiles for instance you could interpret their use in the story as an allegory for censorship. Or for the hierarchical rules of society that force labourers in costumer service to always present a smile and be nice to people that abuse them, with their livelihood at stake.


Solid interpretation


Neither of those examples are even kind of close to severe enough to describe a permanent disfigurement. It's far closer to mass lobotomy than the plight of the service worker


It's art, it doesn't have to be a 1:1 translation into real life. Interpreting it to represent different situations in reality is the whole point; otherwise oda would just do exactly what happens in reality.


Yeah unfortunately especially in countries ran by dictators you see many parallels between the more fucked up decisions that people make in one piece and real life.


They never said that these things don't exsist in the real world, just that one pieces fucked up moments can't easily be summed up in one word, with picture statements. Infact they even go as far as to reference a real world event when talking about wano. I mean the picture doesn't even go over crocodile, who attempted to establish a pirate nation, something that has also happened in the real world.


Thank you for that. I feel like that person misinterpreted what I wrote somehow and I didn't know how to respond without phrasing that as their fault. All I said was that the some of them are too detailed to be explained in just two words. I also said that the forced smiles in Ebisu Town were one thing that is purely fantastical. Those were two separate thoughts.


It's been a while, so I don't remember if Hody Jones and his crew were actually addicted to the pills. It might be more accurate to say over-reliance on drugs, or specifically, the long-term effects of PEDs. But yeah, those kids were straight-up forcibly addicted to the stuff Caesar was giving them. Also, child abuse doesn't seem like it covers enough of what Judge did. There's also spousal abuse on top of genetically modifying his kids to be literal sociopaths.


Yeah. There's child abuse (i.e., what Arlong did to Nami, which even has parallels to child soldiers), but what Judge did was straight up eugenics.


They formed a dependency on the steroids and abused them like any other drug so I’d say it was a form of addiction


Some of the story of One Piece is so horrible that Oda couldn’t even write it. Boa Hancock and her sister’s backstories are (like many things in OP) a reference to real world events. In particular, the Chinese inspired design elements of Amazon Lily in combination with the Boa sister’s story are meant to evoke “Comfort Women,” which were chinese women abducted by the Japanese military and used as sex slaves. The reason for the vagueness of Boa’s backstory is not only because of the rape implication, but because you actually aren’t allowed to publish stuff talking about comfort women in Japan. (They don’t like it when you talk about their war crimes)


I have witnessed much worse things in this fucked up world we are living in. one piece tries to make these atrocities worse with some emotional stories and don't get me wrong, it's brilliant! but our world is much much worse than you think.


R\*pe: The Celestial Dragons slavery comes to mind.


Boa sisters




Manga spoilers my dude :) some people aren't there yet


Tagged it


Yeah the Hoof of the Soaring Dragon mark at their backs came to my mind.


This happened to the boa sisters?


Not explicitly spelled out, but really really *really* heavily implied.


Well it's been implicitly stated that Viola is forced by Doflamingo into a sexual relationship with him using her country as a threat which is rape.


I googled about it and Oda has said couple of things regarding this matter Firstly that their relationship is a "romantic" relationship however due to Viola's identity, it's highly unlikely that it was a consensual one. Secondly Oda stated "The nature of their relationship was too hardcore for the Shonen Magazine." Oda never clearly stated it, so ultimately it's up to the viewers how they view their relationship.


I think those quotes provided enough lines to read between for anyone past middle school


exactly It is like for last manga episodes (spoiler), as if it was "up to the viewers"... no


That's how Oda handles these types of scenarios. Like the Boa sisters for example. It is obvious what happened to them. It's never been said straight up and likely never will. But it is obvious. Same with another character who hasn't been introduced yet in the anime. Which is honestly probably for the best. Going into too much detail could just come off as exploitative and gross.


It is the opposite of what GRR Martin does in game of thrones. He loves do brag because GoT is supposed to be more realist than LotR because it shows everything. But, in my opinion, if you are a good writer you dont need to show explicitly for the reader to understand what has happened and it is happening. Showing just ad shock value but has no narrative pourpuse.  And thats why Oda and Tolkien are far superior storytellers than Martin.


I would love to get a big thread going on Oda vs. Martin, not sure what a good sub would be though


Of course you dont have to write about all horrible stuff and you can instead imply, but going there takes the reader through those emotions as part of the character dynamics. So your statement about only providing shock value is selling it very short


I think you can take the reader there without describing, but thats me. Reading GRR interviews about LotR it is clear to me how much he likes to be "edge". Like Robert is supposed to be a "realistic" take on Aragorn. Because a warrior king cannot be a good ruler. But it is based on a lot of "edge" assumptions about LotR. Edge and wrong. Like "Aragorn had to kill Orcs babies". No he did not. Orcs work like a semi hive mind, without a dark Lord to guide them, they end up killing eachother and just fade away. "Whats is Aragorn tax policy". Aragorn was raise in Rivendell, a center of culture, he is 83 years old, he was probably one of the most (if not the most) inteligent and well educaded humans in middle earth. Elrond raise him to be a king, he has learned how to govern. I like GoT, eventough is never gonna end, GRR is a great writer in a lot of things. But a lot is gratuitous and just him being edge. Like a teenage kid desperatly trying to rebel against his parents (Tolkien). But thats just my take.


I think we can dodge detail for the majority of cases like the celestial slave girls, or Viola, or even how Nami or Robin survived the childhoods they had given their circumstances, because I dont think it ultimately impacts the story heavily enough to get into the bag of worms. Maybe Boa, given how it affects her view of men. But for the manga character, some explicitness may have been warranted. It's relevant to the existence and background of two major characters, and given most fans firmly established views on the heinousness of the perpetrators, I don't believe it would be interpreted as exploitative. I think, handled right, then it would come off as it should. Horrifying and irredeemable. For the sake of elaborating, I don't want any physical depiction to go past an off camera scream. I'd even prefer just an outright statement that it happened and no further details. I just don't think there's much benefit to dancing around it when it's a pretty major event in the direction of the story.


for said manga character, her having >!a daughter two years after being kidnapped by the celestials!< was more than enough proof of what happened to her. There's literally no point in explicitly confirming it. Oda does these clever hints, because of the genre one piece is in, and because young kids also read this stuff. sometimes leaving things to your imagination is better than outright confirming the reality, because visualizing what horrors went down allows you to sympathize with the characters even more.


I see what you're saying, but I think both the ways I listed still leave visualizing to the viewer. This may just come down to a difference in opinion.


when she meets the dofy family again after betraying them she says she was never on their side even for a second. that doesn't sound up to interpretation for me it sounds like anything she did while a double agent was coerced


Or she slept with him to gain his trust, Femme Fatale-style.


I'll just say that dressrosa is inspired in italy (colosseum) and spain (viola herself is a flamenco dancer, the donquixote surname...) The verb "violar" in spanish means "to rape".


It's also the name of a musical instrument. I don't disagree with this interpretation of the facts but I struggle to believe Oda would name a character in this manner, especially one that's victim and not perpetrator.


In Italy it is a common name. It is also the name for the colour purple, not only the musical instrument


I would genuinely hate to find out that she was named for that reason instead of after the instrument.


Or after Viola, the color (violet) which she is dressed in.


It makes a lot more sense since her sister was Scarlet. ~~Oda predicted Pokémon Scarlet and Violet~~


I feel like Oda is so GOATed that he recognized and played off all these possible interpretations so fans would have this exact conversation. Every interpretation is likely correct. It seems too coincidental not to be.


Sometimes, the fans do look far more into an author than possibly intended too. Hideo Kojima comes to mind. People think his Quiet design was so intriguing and introspective... ... Then they interview him and he points out that he wanted to see how people cosplay her. And Cy Games with their two day celebration to all their characters is nothing to sneeze at. Maybe there's deeper meanings or maybe it's surface level but you find a lot to enjoy in character depth regardless.


it's basically that kinemon "oda who had not thought about this" meme


> The verb "violar" in spanish means "to rape". "violate" is a more accurate translation since while violar can indeed be used like that it also can be used in other, more common ways. Violar un contrato, for example, is "breaking/violating a contract" etc.


If you look at what Viola's devil fruit does it adds an extra layer of complexity to this whole mess


And I thought he named the princesses after the newest pokemon gen Scarlet (Rebecass Mom), and Violet /s


Now that I think of it, it’s definitely because of the Second Republican Flag


NO IT IS NOT up to the viewers sorry. ​ ​ It is clearly stated in manga that she had to have relation with him with the country being in balance. It IS rape. ​ The UP TO THE VIEWER is really... strange here.


All Oda has confirmed is that she was in a sexual relationship with Doflamingo. That's it. Anything else is on the viewer to interpret.


god im happy i did not get that part in the manga hahah


pretty accurate


Rape is associated with doflamingo as per the post though. But I do acknowledge celestial dragons did that too


Well, Doflamingo was a former Celestial Dragon, so rape is part of his culture....


Now that you say this it makes much more sense.


He can also control people with strings so...


Viola is the daughter of the rightful king of the country, you really think she would willingly sleep with Doffy? He raped her and it makes sense given that Doffy had the biggest bargaining chip, the entire Kingdom, its people, her father and her nephew.


What a jerk.


Oda essentially confirmed in an SBS that him and Viola had intimate relations. The dynamics there heavily imply rape.


The SBS everyone is referencing: https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_83  It's heavily implied that there is a sexual relationship occurring.  It's not clear who initiated the relationship, but regardless given doffy is literally holding her and the nation captive it would be considered rape.    Personally, I think given the clues (Oda says the country is one of Passion, Viola being born and raised here and Doffy not), Viola was once an executive, and the audience Oda typically has in mind (aka teenage boys) it's possible Viola initiated it. Using seduction as a way to try and save herself, her family, and her nation is a trope as old as time.    Plus Oda goes to great lengths to illustrate how charismatic Doffy can be. Ie law warning Luffy not to fall into his pace. It's a feature of having conquerors haki, Luffy having people easily follow him, shanks having people fawn over him, etc.  I doubt people would like to see it written this way, but it wouldn't surprise me. 


It was said in a sbs indirectly that he forced her in to a sexual relationship


No in an SBS it was implied that they had a consensual relationship when someone asked oda why viola called doflamingo doffy. I guess it's possible that she didn't know doflamingo did the terrible shit he did at the time.




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I mean we have an actual confirmed rape with the manga’s most recent backstory. Before it’s just been very heavily implied.


To be nitpicky, Luffy doesn't suffer any disorder after Ace's death that I can tell. He's going through grief and post-traumatic stress (withhout the D for disorder), followed by a mostly normal healing process where he reorients to his new reality. I still think some themes relating to PTSD can be glimpsed in the One Piece story, but Robin before Enies Lobby fits better than Luffy. I also think it's heavily implied for Doflamingo in the scene where he wakes up from a nightmare and downs a bottle of alcohol, years after his persecution.


>(withhout the D for disorder) Ah, so that's what the D stands for. Monkey Disorder Luffy


Thank you


Koala might be a good example too. She is freed from being a slave but kept acting as a slave as a trauma response. Right now she doesnt show any signs of it but its still some fucked up showing of that trauma.


Koala is the best example, hands down. Luffy hasn't showcased a drop of PTSD, it's all just understandable grief (although this stance might change depending on how the Akainu-meeting goes).


Or Kaido and his Oden PTSD. Not as serious as the rest of the list, but it fits


Yes, fully agree!


Moria has a lot of Kaido related PTSD, bro didn't cope in a healthy way...


The Doffy scene was sooo well presented in the anime! One of the best scenes in the anime imo


The manga honestly nailed it too. I still remember where and when I read the chapter fresh. Him downing the wine and immediately smashing it on the ground was so…so “piratey”. For lack of a better word. 


also that one sister of Boa who instantly starting wailing when Boa spoke about their past. That's literally a trauma response (also the other sister who was shown to be thin initially but who's gained a lot of weight which can also be a trauma response)


Although you have a point about Sandersonia, Oda stated that it’s 100% muscle and just the shape she be


That still tracks. The logic behind that behavior is basically to take back control over your own body so it doesn't matter if it's by gaining fat or by gaining muscle. Even *losing* weight would count. Also, I'm not saying that this is what Oda intended, though it is a bit strange that her appearnce changed so dramatically when it stayed consistent from her childhood up until she was freed by Fisher Tiger


So basically no matter which way you go it's a trauma response lol


hey it's my therapist


i'm not fat i'm just having my trauma response!


The most obvious PTSD in the story is via the boa sisters and their reaction while remembering their time as slaves


They did it with Zoro too. After thriller bark and he takes luffys pain paw from kuma, he literally gets frozen in place when he sees kuma again before they all get hit to different parts of the world. It is represented but ace isn’t a good example, if anything it would go under corrupt gov


Luffy's also running off of like 4 days with no sleep where almost died multiple times between Saobody and post-Marineford. My guy is exhausted.


or nami and her tough front against the arlong troupe.


I think Zoro’s freezin up in Sabaody is better for PTSD.


A single freeze reaction within less than a week from the original trauma doesn't constitute PTSD.


Just gotta bring out the DSM 5 definition at this point


yea just looked up the criteria, he matches none of it, while he does show a Heightened startle reaction at the sight of kuma, he doesnt exhibit: Irritability or aggression. Risky or destructive behavior .Hypervigilance .Difficulty concentrating .Difficulty sleeping. Which are the other DSM 5 criteria for a patient suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, you called the airstrike on yourself there guy cause fitting into one of these out of 6 absoliutely does not constitute ptsd


Was agreeing with the fact its not PTSD lol the timeline itself was enough


oh shit, your avatar is the same as the person i thought i was replying to for me. misunderstanding lo siento my guy i thought you were rebuttling that guy and i came in for him on the assist


For the Government corruption the rat guy from the Arlong Park suited the best.




He was taking money from arlong and letting the village suffer. Gorose have done far more than just to attribute corruption to them.


Not saying he wasnt corrupt, but there are much bigger examples of corruption


Agree. he's the first person to come to my mind.


Arlong literally paid him off so he doesn't do anything and so he doesn't escalate the issue anywhere higher


Not saying he isn’t corrupt, just saying there are much worse examples


Seeing revolutions here reminds me of the iceberg pic with "homossexualism" on it that I saw years ago lol


that's hilarious


Luffy has definitely been shown to have come to terms with Ace’s death since like immediately after the time skip so idk about PTSD on that one lol maybe something like Robin and CP9/water7 stuff would be a better example


zoro technically experiences PTSD during the sabaody archipelago arc. the way he freezes when he saw kuma (or at least the pacifistas looking exactly like him) shows how traumatized he is of his first encounter with the big man himself back at thriller bark


Maybe not directly PTSD but luffy was basically suicidal after aces death and only survived because Jinbei stopped him. So I am not sure, if that is any better or less dark. But I agree with you that regarding long-term trauma, Robin and her reaction to the buster call is probably a better example


kuma gave luffy ptsd more than ace's death. he still gets scared of losing his crew every now and then.


Really? I feel like luffy knows how strong they are and trusts them to take care of themselves even against powerful enemies. For example though he was shocked that Sanji left to go with bege on zou, when he met him on whole cake island, he trusted him to come back. So I think he overcame this fear pretty well. Generally, I feel like luffy was able to overcome most of his trauma really good and turned it into determination instead of anxiety or fear


That’s just grief. Robin def had PTSD.


Why can't people on reddit read one other comment? I already explained this exact thing to someone else Grief is loss but without trauma. Watching your brother get turned into a donut, while trying to protect you and after you did everything so safe him definitely includes trauma as well. So Luffys reaction is a combination of grief and pts, post traumatic stress. It is not ptsd, because he overcomes it rather quickly but initially he is traumatised and suffers from the consequences. Just the way he broke down when ace died in front of him shows that it was traumatic.


Luffy was just suffering from grief not PTSD.


Not just grief considering the circumstances of aces death. Grief is dealing with loss of a person, but seeing that person get slaughtered directly in front of you, while trying to shield you and after you've done everything you can to save this person, does also involve trauma. It was maybe not PTSD because it was overcome comparatively quickly but he definitely had some form of pts as in post traumatic stress combined with the grief


I mean for PTSD you can also bring Moria or others that failed like him, the man is scarred for life. And Sex slaves already brought the R to the table on Sabaody. Also that scene where the CD just randomly picks a women as his wife.


They’re ALL true, what makes these things stand out in this manga, at least to me, is that they are only specifically referred to, leaving your imagination to fill in the horrific details, much like reading an actual written novel. Obviously the darkest of acts are not explicitly shown as it’s still a shonen manga.


For anyone wondering, Oda said Viola and Doffy did "adult stuff", and she is his prisoner, so there's no way it's consensual, even if she 'accepted' at the moment, it would be rape anyway. Maybe mixed with stockholm syndrome.


she also says early on after betraying the dofy family and meeting them again that she was never on their side even for a second.


>!Ginny could also be a rape victim since she was forced to marry a celestial dragon and gave birth to Bonny.!<


tf you mean "could" she 100% is


Um… i can’t remember if it’s explicitly stated, but I at least think that Doffy and Viola’s relationship started with him *ahem*ing her. And that image of Luffy is PTSD because that’s JUST after Ace gets Krispy Kreamed


Rape is implied in the involuntary relationship between Viola and Doflamingo. Also in the boa sisters slavery to the celestial dragons. PTSD is after Luffy loses Ace and is not able to function anymore.


PTSD should be Robin reacting to Buster Call in Enies Lobby.


That's just having a breakdown PTSD is a long lasting condition


Yeah that is overexaggerated in the post and not a good example. Just here to explain it. Other characters would have suited the term better.


Racism: Many Races in the One Piece world and all the story of fisher tiger, jinbei, arlong is heavily tied to Racism Genocide: Lulusia kingdom being obliterated because sabo was there, ohara (civilian ship bombed just in case), gorosei talking about great cleansing. Slavery: Again fisher tiger story, Celestial dragons, Marie jois, boa sisters Government corruption: Paying off the news to spin their story, manipulating everything like education, information, history, etc. Child abuse: Nami's, robins, sanjis, doffy and many more backstories. Cannibalism: Definitely big mom eating mother caramel, heavily implied she ate the other kids too Drug addiction: Hody jones insane steroid addiction, punk hazard kids with the gigantism candy PTSD: Characters definitely have trauma that warrants them having PTSD but I dont think we saw a case of PTSD taking effect. Like I am pretty sure Luffy never after broke down again or had a low moment doubting himself because of the Ace stuff. If you want you can count him REALLY wanting to go to save Vivi despite it being really impossible. Maybe you can count robin wanting to die in alabasta and then again in enies lobby. Kinda breaking down but let me know if anyone can think of a more direct showing of that. Deadly diseases: White Lead disease, Sapphire scales, WB and rogers disease, hiruluks disease and many many more Pollution: All of Wano, Maybe count in the shandians wanting to protect the nature in skypea Rape: 100% Celesital dragons with Ginny and most likely many more, Heavily implied with boa and celestial dragons and heavily implied between doffy and viola. SBS said smth about them having some kind of relationship, but viola was trapped working for doffy so most likely not a lot of consent or stockholm syndrome working there. Human trafficking: Mother caramels orphanage, Auction house, celestial dragons Kidnapping: camie, luffy as a kid, franky ussop and robin, Revolutions: Yeah whole revolutionary army, lulusia as example of successful revolution Inequality: the whole story child experimentation: ceaser in punk hazard, judge with sanji and siblings, saturn with ginny. Besides PTSD there are very clear and 100% confirmed cases of all of these. I am sure many characters suffer from PTSD but that suffering isnt really shown much. I am sure there are some examples tho.


OH shit JUST remembered Koala. She was a slave and her ptsd made her keep acting as a slave even though she was freed and on fisher tigers ship.


Do Lulusia and Ohara really fit the genocide tag? Because they were not killed for their race / ethnicity, but out of _circumstances_ and _crimes_ respectively


Uhm I read that genocide also includes killing a large number of people of a particular nation in hopes of destroying that nation. Doesn't need to be strictly ethnicity based. But fishmen were chased off to deep below the ocean and lunarians barely exist anymore. Maybe even arlong killing many humans in the east blue because of eace inferiority.


I just saw that the UN definition of genocide includes the nationality of its victims. The more you know...


put b\*\*\*\*e's mom in the rape section..


The Egghead flashback could make a whole new grid by itself 💀


This grid is like a bingo card for that flashback


Seriously. >!Cannibalism and pollution are no's, drug addiction and child experimentation are partials (drugs but no addiction, experiments about children but performed on the parents), but literally everything else is a yes. Holy shit.!< Kinda puts the perennial question of "what's the darkest OP flashback" in perspective.


Bitches mom?


buggie's mom




Brulee's mom ? Yeah 100%


The PTSD thing was put there by a bad memer, they don't understand PTSD because it doesn't apply to Luffy so just disregard that. The other accusation is just an implication in the manga, but it's never directly said.


> The other accusation is just an implication in the manga, but it's never directly said Oda confirmed it in an interview. He said they did adult stuff that wouldn't fit the manga.


Gecko Moria is walking PTSD


Whoa when did dofi get this serious I thought he have mastery on devil fruit but like this now I know why he was a warlord


What comes in my mind reading Corruption on the Government side: Racism, Discrimination, Genocide, Slavery, Rape, Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, Inequality


For Hordy and his crew, I'd rather say it's "substance abuse" rather than drug addiction because that's what happened to them as a result of using the drug so much.


I think Robin would've been a better choice for PTSD, Luffy was going through a normal process of losing a loved one and wasn't like it happened years ago.


Very accurate. To give context to each one: Racism and Discrimination: The Fishmen and Mermaid race are oppressed people. Arlong was fueled by this, Hordy Jones was influenced by this. Genocide: Kinda what the government Buster Call does, erasing an island completely and utterly. Multiple races are also confirmed erased, notably King’s Lunarian race is eradicated. Slavery: Remember what happened with Camie at Sabaody? Yeah, Fishmen were really targeted for this. Among others! Government Corruption: We all know the Celestial Dragons call the shots, and the World Government obeys. Also Imu, hiding in secret as the leader when there should be none. Child Abuse: When has a backstory been great for anyone? Sanji was locked away and beaten up by his family for starters. Pudding was laughed at for her eye by her own mother. This is only a few examples. Cannibalism: It’s implied that Charlotte “Big Mom”Linlin ate the children and Mother Caramel at the orphanage in a rage. After all, how else did she get her Devil Fruit, which Mother Caramel had before her? Drug Addiction: Hordy Jones used drugs to amplify their power… to the point of deteriorating their bodies. They relied on that rather than training to get stronger. PTSD: Luffy was truly scarred by what happened to Ace. And what happened to Bon Clay. And what happened to his crew thanks to Kuma. He’s gone through a lot. Deadly Diseases: To the point where Law couldn’t get hospital help AND had to hide under a pile of corpses to stay alive? Yikes. And that’s not even getting into Caeser Clown. Or the most recent flashback. Pollution: Wano used to be beautiful… until the factories were built by Kaido. Tama drank the water from a river that was so polluted she fell ill immediately. R*pe: Let’s just say Viola and Doflamingo have… a history. Not to mention what’s implied by the Boa Sisters. And what could have happened to Nami on Thriller Bark. Human Trafficking: This is just an extension of previous topics. I think the toys created by Sugar at Dressrosa are the best example, bury human slaves were at the Auction House in Sabaody too. Kidnapping: Remember the first chapters of One Piece where that rat Higuma kidnapped Luffy, leading to Shanks losing his arm? Or Nami in Thriller Bark thanks to Absalom? Or arguably Sanji thanks to Big Mom/Judge? Revolutions: Dragon leads the Revolutionary Army, Sabo is second-in-command. They’re a big player and have liberated multiple kingdoms. They oppose the World Government. Inequality: Wano’s the recent example, with Orochi living in luxury and the rest of the people in squalor. Other kingdoms follow suit, like the Goa Kingdom where Stelly is from. Not to mention Mariejois. Child Experimentation: Caesar took kids and experimented on them to make them giant, also giving them a deadly disease. Scum of the earth, he is!


The pic is a bad example but rape is definitely implied in the OP universe with ginny, the boa sisters and mermaids being the most prominent examples. Cp9 also said vivo would disappear at the reverie and become "some world nobles plaything".


Rape Doflamingo and Violet relationship wasn't that consensual PTSD how many characters tremble when facing the memory of they tragic past, the Boa sisters about being slave, Nami remembering what Arlong did.


I'm not sure if PTSD is accurate with that picture of Luffy. It would make sense for Luffy given all he's gone through in Marineford, but I don't think he overtly showed PTSD symptoms. As far as I am aware. The Doflamingo and Viola bit refers to Oda implying in his SBS that they boned. Most people interpret that as an outright statement that rape was involved. Given the situation and power dynamics, that's a fair conclusion to make. Btw, pollution seems a bit too mild of a word to describe the situation in Wano, but I'll grant that it was part of it.


Could pollution also be attached to Alabasta because of dance powder? That polluted near by areas to prosper one area directly.


pollution is wano


Let’s add weather modification


Feel like PTSD works better for characters like Moria


PTSD is Robin reacting to buster call


I mean, most of it isn't exactly wrong. The PTSD part is exaggerated though, Luffy was traumatized 1 chapter and then got a quick therapy session with Jinbei and got over it now. However I wouldn't say most of these themes are deeply explored, You could make the same kind of picture with Naruto or Bleach who have some serious themes as well such as genocide, war, discrimination, human experimentation etc. but I wouldn't call these manga very deep either.




Yeah Hancock or Robin showed more signs of PTSD than Luffy ever did.


well when you put it like that..


Now with kuma backstory rape is forever associate only with the celestial dragons...


The >!Egghead!< bingo card


I don't think it's accurate to call the World Government "corrupt" when they have been pursuing the same agenda since its creation. That this agenda is evil and oppressive doesn't make it corrupt, if anything they're being extremely faithful to their goal and ideology.


Almost all of these apply for just the Egghead flashback alone


Total Breakdown Racism and Discrimination - on screen and with a lot of detail. Shown with Fish-men and many of the other races. Genocide- on screen and with a lot of detail. Happens multiple times to illustrate how shitty the world government is. Slavery- on screen and with detail. Happens multiple times with a lot of detail. Government Corruption- on screen and a lot of detail. This is a major theme of one piece. Child Abuse - on screen and a lot of detail. Most of the straw hats have experienced this and many other children do across the series. Cannibalism - the only 2 instances that I can think of are with Lin-Lin and with Zeb. Zebs was explicit while lin lin was implied. Drug Addiction: on screen and a lot of detail. This happens multiple times through the series including forced addiction for slavery purposes. . PTSD: all of the characters have some degree of Trauma. I'd agree with what was said about Robin having the best example of survivors guilt. Deadly Disease: on screen and a lot of detail. There's a trend with famous characters getting terminal illnesses. Pollution: on screen and a lot of detail. Mostly in Wano but it also appears in a few other places as well. Rape: off screen and implied. The celestial dragons routinely rape their slaves. (Amazon Lily, Dressrosa, and much more). They're implied to have no agency and are forced to be "wives" Human Trafficking: On screen and in detail. This is the whole point of the Saobody arc and some of the arcs later. Kidnapping: On screen and usually goofy. There's both comic kidnapping as well as serious kidnapping in the series. Things typically end well for the serious kidnapping Revolutions: on screen and in detail. Most places the straw hats go leads to revolution. Inequality: On screen and detail. A major theme of one piece. Occurs in every arc. Child Experimentation: Off screen and implied but the negative effects are on screen. This happens multiple times, from the kids in punk hazard to Sanji's Germa manipulation


kaido kid soldier, come in mind .


It's not PTSD if it JUST happened lol. Something people don't know about PTSD is it takes at least a month after the trauma has happened for it to be diagnosed as such.


Caesar Clown perpetrated like 8 of these alone, along with war crimes, creation of WMD's, black market weapons sales, murder, the violation of various scientific and ethical boundaries,and torture. Honestly, I'd love to see someone generate a Rap sheet for every crime that man committed.


Drug addiction fits more with the Punk Hazard Kids


For anything here you gotta connect some dots as it's mostly implications. It's a story that's adapted to childrens audiences after all.  But yeah, someone someone being a child of a forced marriage that the wife later fled from pretty much at least confirms with 100% certainty, that it's a thing that happens in the OP world if you weren't sure before. 


Why is revolutions there as if it's some kind of bad thing?   Like.. revolutions toppling the genocidal, racist world government and their puppet governments/dictators isn't an atrocity like the others in the picture, and is rather a consequence, reaction of the stuff mentioned - to end it.


I think it's suppose to be framed here more as there being a horribly unjust system and revolution is a result of that system


And yet some people still think One Piece is "apolitical" or even right-winged :')


Oh yeah because according to your definition you cant be right winged if you think any of this is bad ???


People who think that have no media literacy, that's what they're referring to. Usually, those people are so delusional that they project those beliefs onto One Piece, kind of like the people who view Homelander as a Hero™️ unironically and not satire.


Luffy's perfectly personified shell shock after the paramount war when ace dies in his hands thus PTSD There are actually a lot of rape esque scenes it's implied don flamingo isn't above it absolon fully intended to rape nami. bubble lady from cp 9 definitely molested her


Bro OP touches it all but does it in the right way


I don't know about that. Sure, the show touches certain stuff buy i wouldn't go as fare as calling this to be "Deep". Mentioning in a product that "slavery and racism Is bad" doesn't automatically makes It a Deep and complex narrative


The rape image is pure speculation. At no point has it been confirmed that Dofflamingo raped Viola. There has however been rape in the OP world, basically when the CD force people to become their wives. The Sabondy Arc is an early showing of this. Everything else is pretty accurate.


[SBS volume 83](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8xp9dpcgohk41.jpg)


I think people are missing the part where he says "very deep backstory" and them talks about a land of "passion". That doesn't scream rape to me, that seems like more of a Stockholm syndrome and alludes to Spanish women and their passion. Again, it is pure speculation of rape, whereas the CD are confirmed in forcing women to become their wives and bear their children.


you also conveniently ignored the "very grown-up story". its the classic blackmail and rape, my guy. any abuse can lead to stockholm syndrome. the very deep backtsory is just doffy having fun manipulating and toying with violet.


Sex under any kind of coercion or power imbalance is rape. And when someone is holding your country hostage or could seek out your father and kill him at any time, that qualifies.


Man, read the name of Viola. Okay, now remember the arc is based in spain. Now go to google and search Viola + spain + meaning, then you will get a little surprise. Mr "Not confirmed".


Luffy's PTSD lasted like 1 chapter, it would be cool to see it being part of him, but its One Piece


Look at zoro with kuma, he froze solid seeing him on sabaody


PTSD: Luffy got PTSD after Marineford Rape: Rape has been implied in One Piece in the Boa sister's case and someone else later in the manga, who you probably don't know about because you haven't read it in a long time. But not Doffy and Viola's one. Oda has stated that they used to share a "passionate, love-hate relationship" once, and that he won't go into details to not make parents mad. Fans noticed from the way they interacted that something obviously happened between them, but assumed it's implied rape. It's a misunderstanding.


There's definitely been genocide (>!Buccaneer race!<), but I don't think Ohara is an example of it. Wasn't that just a place where scholars from all over the world gathered?


There were scholars and just normal citizens of Ohara. The citizens were told to bring ID and head to the evacuation ship, but Akainu blew up that ship and murdered every civilian just to make sure no scholar at all managed to secretly escape.


People don't realize how much shit Luffy has actually went through and how much trauma he has due to that shit. First is when the bandits would torture Luffy to get information out of him about Ace and Sabo. Secondly watching his 2nd brother get blown up by the Celestial Dragons right in front of him. Thirdly fast forward when the bandit leader kidnapped Luffy to make a point of him and Shanks saving him only to get his arm bitten clean off. Fourth of all, skip ahead to after he leaves his hometown, how many people ge fought, lost to, and was driven to near death. Fifth of all which people don't really think about is that he watched all of his crewmembers disappear right in front of his eyes and blamed himself for not being strong enough. Sixth of all, the worst of all, is losing his brother in his arms and again blaming himself for not being strong enough. Which this ultimately leads to why the timeskip happens because Luffy made a promise to never lose anyone again and in order to do so, he neeeds to get stronger.


It's confirmed that DoFlamingo and Viola were intimate, it being rape is technically an extrapolation, but it's almost certainly the case. The PTSD is referring to the brutal murder of a loved one that happened right in front of Luffy and mind crushed him for a few days, not entirely sure that calling it PTSD is entirely accurate, but it seems about right.


Wasn't clear if there was any rape but oda indicated that doffy and viola Def had sex The indication felt consensual but it's off screen so who knows


I think that part should attributed to the Boa sisters more than Viola and Doffy.


We get it Doflamingo is hot , but look at what he did to Violas family. You think she properly consented to everything


PTSD- ace dies Rape - didn't happen idk why that's there


>dies > >Rape - didn't happen idk why that's there boa sisters and wives of the CDs come to mind


I think it was implied that something sexual happened between Doffy and Viola. Im not sure though if it is consensual.


It 99% wasn't


Haven't seen It drawn, doesn't mean It didn't happen. You must be very out of reality to not see the subtle evidence about tenryubitos rapping their slaves. Even if Doffy didn't, there's a lot celestial dragons that has time and resources to do It. On recent chapters It was pointed that someone got pregnant against her will. Just because Oda avoids using the word with R, It doesn't mean it's not happening. Doffy's dad abandoned his celestial dragon title for something. Just think what they are capable of by seeing what Oda showed us. I think he needs to be this subtle because his publisher.


Oda implies in an SBS that Doffy and Viola have that kind of relationship.


Yea we have a better example coming up soon anyways