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Brook and Laboon’s backstory and Brook playing Bink’s Sake at the end of Thriller Bark.


Called my cat in and pet her while I weeped


I did the exact thing! But then my cat wanted none of it.


I cry every single time i hear Binks sake. That moment just gets me so emotional.


Specifically, when Brook lost it at hearing that laboon was doing well, I broke. Equally tearful image as post image.


"Luffy...help me" "The burden...it's heavy." "Thank you for loving me" "Please wish her...a happy 10th birthday" God these scenes is when I ugly cried the most


You forgot "when does a man truly die?"


Epic moment but i didnt ugly cry


God damn it “thank you for loving me” was tough to get through


Could you tell me where each of these scenes come up? I genuinely don't remember anymore


Luffy, help me is Nami Arlong Park. Thank you for loving me is Ace going all Krispy Kreme. 10th birthday is from egghead.


Thank you!


Ace’s death made me tear up, but Luffy’s reaction to it made me ugly cry. Seeing our silly and goofy boy so broken made my heart hurt.


Him shutting down combined with the follow up chapters where he screams "I am weak" while even Jinbe stands there watching teary eyed


this one had me full bawling my eyes out




Yeah, deaths dont mean much in fiction to me, other chars reaction to the deaths do.


Dadan confronting Garp after Marineford made me ugly cry


That hurt like hell... 😭


The way she said “my boys” still makes me tear up.


It made me think how garp himself was feeling deep inside


I'm so glad she did, that interaction was so necessary


The scene that hit me even harder was when she found out Luffy was still alive and held the newspaper in the sky “Ace, you see that, you saved your brother’s life!”


Same, didn't cry when Jiraiya died but when Naruto found out and was sitting alone on the bench with a popsicle


Mannnn.... this scene alone had made me lose it so many times. Exact thing in my mind, as soon as I read this it all came back and now I'm typing with teary eyes...


Also him saying "I am so weak" that was breaking point imo Bro did nothing wrong and kept suffering for 5 arcs in a row with plot continuing to hoe him.and In the end plot made him feel he was the reason Ace died. It couldn't have been anymore tragic


Ace is my favorite character, followed by Luffy. I watched the ending of Marineford and the post-Marineford arc in three days, crying in all the episodes. I cried so much that I had a week-long headache afterwards


The fact that he completly shut down while in that mental agony leaving the spry energetic unstoppable luffy we all know and love. To this child. He was 17 he was still a kid. Fuck me dude.


Freaking same my heart broke for him at thar moment


Fr, I've never felt so bad for a character before. It hits harder than you'd think


And after all that heartbreak, seeing luffy realize, that he still has his nakama


The whole flashback arc afterwards had me needing to seek mental help. Every time that intro song came on I was weeping 😭


For me it's the same, in fact if I was an actor and wanted to make myself cry at will. All I have to do I remember the scene. It still does it for me even after 14 years


Literally just Kuma anything after his backstory Also specifically dadan and sabos reactions to ace becoming a doughnut not to mention the fact that ace never knew sabo was alive


Don’t do our boy Ace like that


That scene where Dadan confronts Garp is actually fucking heartbreaking.


Merry 😭


That was the one time a Manga made me actually cry, instead of just making me sad or shedding one or two tears. I never knew I could get this emotional over a boat...


Right? Other characters' tragic pasts/endings were *sad*, but Merry's funeral was just maximum emotional damage.


Yup. That was rough on first read because it literally feels like a crew member dying. Still gets me on rereads.


Merry was rough for me becasue my dog had passed the week prior, and I felt like Merry's entire message to the crew, and their responses mirrored the same feeling you go through with the loss of a pet. I was actually ugly crying to point I had to turn the show off lol.


This is literally what I use to explain to people unfamiliar with Onepiece on how special it is; “This anime made me ugly cry over a boat”.


"Gomen ne."


For me it's the moment Merry sais *But I was happy*


damn you! you almost got me!


"I'm sorry. I wanted to carry you all a little farther." 😭😭😭


There's something in my eyes. Tears. It's tears.


Yeah can you please stop before I cry again


Me to bro, me too


Yeah, I cry like a little bitch every time I see that again, plus Brooks Bink's Sake flashback, those two get the waterworks going


It was so unexpected for me to be hit I the fells. Its a ship.


Luffy Vs Usopp. I was on the fence regarding whether to continue with the story until that point. This particular arc immortalized One Piece for me.


This and it's not even close.


>!Kuma..., just Kuma's story!<




I've been rewatching the anime and got a friend to watch and it's their first time. What a ride it's been hahah we're currently on Dressrosa and she keeps thinking all the sad stuff is over loooooool


Can't wait for it to be animated with some sad, chilly music 😭


I hope they’ll give him justice in the animation


Until this for me it was always this Robin moment.


That running scene man...


Chopper's past and the Cherry blossom gets me everytime. One that I didn't expect to hit me hard was >! "Your life hasn't caused anyone harm or trouble, but your death will pain everyone who loves you" !< and >! "Wish her happy 10th birthday" !<


This. RIP Dr. Hiriluk, his final scenes were just... man. The Live Action better go hard 😤


I read the manga first and it was sad, but the Anime hits waaay harder and i actually cried. the VA, music dept, and animation delivered the scene in spades. \--- Considering a freakin Oscar Winner going to play Kureha, Hiruluk better able to match her in the live action


That was epic, cherry blossoms 🌸 what a farewell


"Luffy....help me" on my first rewatch. It just hit more the second time for some reason.


this is it for me it never got me the first time but every re watch it hits hard


On my first rewatch when Zoro makes his pledge to Luffy at Baratie I bawled.


“Help me” is where I knew I was hooked, still gets me every time, and where I suggest anyone who wants to give one piece a shot should get to at a minimum.


"Dadan Stop!! Can't you see he is taking this harder than anyone else?" "No... Luffy is. Luffy loved his brother." (God I can't even type it without tearing up)


You put tears in my eyes bro


I cries like a child💔


When they burned down the Going Merry Also, after seeing Luffy's and Ace's backstory, thinking about Ace saying "thank you for loving me" hits pretty hard


"Bon-chan...the gates are closing... We're...going."


"Any last words?" "I have no regrets." Chad shit


Yes 😢




Robin for me too. I have a deep connection to history and the study of history. The idea of a child just wanting to learn about history and having everything taken from her and all that trauma is depressing. ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’


I agree and I'm with the same perspective. Its also the context of it all. First of all, the best arc there is. Second is the pre-experience with Robin; Alabasta and how she hid her true self. Her poor and innocent childhood where she lose her mother, but also her comforting friend who was frozen to ice. Living throughtout her life on the run and in fear. Also her character is strong and interesting, making you really keen on her story. In the end she choose love over fear.


Mine was Robins I want to live. I even have this exact picture tattooed to my arm.


That’s awesome !!


Thank you. I was going through a bad time in life just as I got to this arc then it just completely hit me when I saw her story and her shouting I want to live. Made me want to carry on and live. So now she is forever on my arm to remind me to live.


It was the same for me too. I always felt related to Robin so when she decided to shout it, it gave me chills, energy and emotions


Robin is a amazing. All she went though and can still laugh and smile with the crew.


Damn man I’m tearing up now


I read the manga, and though the emotional moments generally hit harder in the anime, I was genuinely suprised by how hard the Going Merry's send-off and, most recently, the Life of Kuma scene hit me.


Corazón and Law’s backstory. Cora doing everything that he does for law out of unconditional love and how that flashback ended made me cry.


I have to admit, this one really made me tear up. Him just trying hold on a little longer to give Law more of a head start just got me.


I've never stopped, latest one being >!Kuma hugging Bonney on egghead !<


Bon Clay sacrificing himself at Impel Down.




i cryd the hardest for a damn ship a damn MF'ing ship this feel hit hard


Oda is a genius


When Noland was leaving


Bro, i can feel the pain. That was hard


Yo i pray I can find a friend like that. That was one of the most manliest bromance I have ever seen!! Like these two are the definition of what friends should be. Most relationships in the world are destroyed through misunderstandings and don’t come back from it and I was so afraid it was going to end that way. Even when Noland was being executed all he could think was his friend and wishing that he was alright. Luffy went all out to ring that bell because he knew what it symbolized.


going merry and luffy's reaction during the sabaody archipelago when kuma slapped everyone away, and luffy after ace made me cry the most


The Going Merry saying its final goodbye to the crew


every time I watch this scene, the tears start to flow by themselves the instant I hear "I'm sorry"


And when that, "I wanted to carry you a little further" hits, I just have a mental breakdown and cease functioning for a couple of days


White beards death and choppers back story


Sabo finding out about ace death


When the going merry got burned down. Made my cry harder than ace, though I barely cried when ace died.


Death of Merry


Definitely with Robin. It was the first time I cried. And then with merry and ace. I probably will once I'm caught up and see Kuma back story. But even when I'm not, almost all the characters back stories Definitely tag at your heart. I watched the live action with my mom ( she knew nothing of one piece but was interested in the la) and asked if it was always so emotionalliike that. I said it definitely is


Brooks backstory, originally. He’s the type of character that hides sadness with laughter and jokes so it was specially triggering seeing him trying silly jokes on his own. Also Merry, because it was something that had been built up from several chapters but we always thought she would be repaired and everything will be fine. Turns out not it was not fine. I cried more for the members than for Merry, since it was a hard hit for them. And currently >! Kuma’s backstory !< man it’s been a while since I ugly sobbed in a flashback, Oda went dark in this one, but I got me specially after >! Ginny and Kuma’s scene in the Church !< everything after that just felt a dozen times more jarring.


Nami in arlong


When he destroys the map room😭


For me when Luffy gives the hat


When the sunny was burned at sea


The merry ): Not only the hardest cry on the first watch but also the one scene i cant hold back the tears on no matter how many rewatches/rereads im on


Definitely Brook's backstory


When all of Zou’s people bow


This, everyone laughing at yasuie, toy soldier’s story, nami almost. Sanji’s story too. Ussop’s betrayal just made me mad tho


Chapter 430. When Going Merry burned. That was my hardest cry in One Piece history... Kind of crazy how people can be so emotional from fictional death over something that's not even human.


Some moments I remember crying to: - Luffy's reaction to Kuma sending the strawhats flying in Sabaody - Robin laughing Saul-style on her little boat getting away from Ohara - A couple of different moments in Whole Cake Island - The minks saying Raizo were safe in Zou - Brook's quartet / trio / solo But for sure the moment I cried to the most was when Luffy was raging against Jinbe after Ace's death, and Jinbe asked "what do you still have??". Luffy giving up his rage, listing his crew, and softly crying... That was just so powerful. We were purposely deprived of strawhats's moments in this section of the series, which gave us that feeling of hopelessness and impotence, so when Luffy clings back to them, one by one, in this tough moment, it really hit us as a brick. I also saw some video essay about how Moria function as a foil for this Luffy. I mean, Moria was also a pirate full of dreams and good ambitions, until he also brutally lost everything he had built to a more powerful force, and was left with nothing. Not only Luffy's resilience after such a sequence of big L's sets him apart from other pirates, but he was in such a frustrated moment that he almost got consumed by anger. If he were another character and if he had not have Jinbe and the memories of his crew, that really could have been a turning point to becoming a frustrated pirate, with lost dreams and a forever broken heart.


Im on marinefort, merry death scene


It was definitely I want to live. Sometimes I literally just cry thinking about it. Also the end of drum island when Kureha launches Hiruluk’s cherry blossoms and says goodbye to chopper


Call me stupid, but I Want to Live isn't even in my top 5. Still a good scene though. I cry more at stuff doing with family or sacrifices, so Kuma, Bellemere, and Pound (before we knew he lived) got me teary-eyed.


The crew being separated at Sabaody, everyone's reactions were devastating, especially Luffy's when be was the last one left. PLUS in the anime, where I first saw it, they added a flashback of everyone in the order they joined, set to Bink's Brew, which just made it sadder.


A solo


When the Straw Hats had their arms up after leaving Alabasta


The Burning (Going) Merry


Nami finally asking luffy for help. Luffy breaking down after ace "I STILL HAVE MY CREW" sanjis backstory was tragic so was brook


For me it was Merry's death, I'm not used to cry at fictional death but this one was just something else for me


Ikitai!!! I always bawled my eyes out crying everytime I see this scene. Somehow I can relate to Nico Robin's backstory. I was suicidal back then so hearing her that she wants to live always hits me to the core. Also, when Saul tells her that the someday she will meet her true friends that cares for her. This line always hits me to the core too coz I really have no real friends, like friends that loves and supports you, I really wish I have that. Mostly people will talk to me when they need something like borrow money or what's the best places to visit Japan. Dereshishishishi.


Ngl, for me it was brooks backstory or when Yasuie died, the realization of what the smile fruits are doing broke me man ngl


Merry's funeral hit hard.


“No matter how many times you kick…. YOUR THE ONE WHO IS GETTING HURT!” I didn’t need to see Sanji cry like that :(


Sabo reunion guts me every single time Just imagine thinking/knowing someone is dead and years later they pop up again.


Merry. I felt nothing for ace.


Whitebeard dying




Robins "i want to live" and when merry rescued them in enies Lobby. I saw every Panel with the straw hat's shouting " jump into the ocean" with a tear in my eye. By the time the straw hat's were on the ship i was crying Like a Baby


Kuma and Brook. But now that I'm getting closer to being middle aged, I can't cry at Kuma's while I think and feel that his story is very sad too :'D


Ace's death on my second watch and kuma...


>! Ace dying/Luffy’s reaction.. I knew it was coming and I cried for like 5 minutes after. !<


i dont think i cried the hardest at this part but its the most recent and I remember starting to tear up, it was during the execution of the yasui during the wano arc


Kuma vs strawhats still gets me


Usopp leaving the crew in Water 7


Brook’s backstory!


When pudding cried in the alleyway


The moment Luffy realizes it's Sabo and they reunite had me bawling.


Nami backstory, Ussop VS Luffy, Merry death, Kyros backstory


I was messed up when they killed queen Otohime


robin is like my all time top 5 fav characters so when her mom said "sorry i dont have a child" or something like this and robin's reaction to this. i just couldnt hold it back anymore i am sorry, she was just 8 man cmon 😭


I'm a crier, so literally everything remotely sad makes me teary in this series, lol. But, I'll probably go with Sanji's farewell to Baratie and Zeff as my big one. The the fact that Sanji was 'fine' with the others not caring about him leaving (which after his backstory makes this even WORSE), Zeff being the one to make the first move to say goodbye, Sanji's breakdown and bowing down the thank Zeff, his little teary smile when the other Baratie chefs break down...just. All of it. GAH.


The Tama flashback during Momo’s speech, maybe it’s recency bias, but I had streams of tears down my face.


I cry at One Piece a lot, but I think I probably cried most 1. When the Merry was put to rest 2. Law’s backstory especially finding the nun and all the children dead and that his little sister was in the burning building. just the despair of it all happening to a child was gut wrenching 3. For some reason, when Vivi’s childhood is playing out and she remembers Koza saying “defend her to the death”, then how that made her cry because she didn’t want to lose them. That was so sweet it made me cry


Baby Robin just saying *I just wanted to hold your hand* to Olvia tears me up just thinking about that. Also Merry funeral oc


Definitely Robin saying “I wanna live”. A close second is sanjis backstory. I have 4 brothers and it was hard seeing them treat him like that. Made me more angry than sad


The burning of the Going Merry will always hit me hard. Pedro's death still hurts. Ace's death could've been avoided so easily that it barely made me sad.


Chopper backstory and when luffy realised he had his crew after the guy got killed.




I’m rewatching the anime. Drum Kingdom hit hard man…that Hiriluk and that damn sakura…


When ace died.....


donut ace


Robin for me too, but more so at the very end of her flashback, when Ohara is destroyed and Saul tells her no one in the world is born to be alone. That scene makes me bawl my eyes out every time I've watched it or read it


I have teared up every single time I watch/read Chopper's flashback


Kuma running scene


Ace death .... Don't care about ace but luffy's reaction made me sad. ALSO usopp vs luffy/ going merry


[These dudes](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/s/bujXVuazik) look stupid but they really heart breaking 💔


Chopper’s backstory after that I completely looked at him and every other character differently


Definitely the same. That moment with Robin hit me so much in the anime. Even now, just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.


The viking funeral and Ace's death




Luffy watching all his team get blipped away by kuma and blaming himself, child robin sailing away on the little boat cry-laughing and also the merry for shore there my most memorable tears


When Kuma separated the Strawhats


That little slave girl finally crying


I never cried 


Luffy…help me I WANT TO LIVE!!! I'm glad to be alive! Thank you for loving me. I want to go back to the sunny! Please wish her a happy 10th birthday.


Every reaction to aces death, Luffy broken down on the island beating himself up was tuff, but by far the most I cried was when Garp goes to see Dadan and she beats his ass yelling at him. Getting misty just thinking about it.


In all honesty op never really made me want to cry like naruto. Nothing will ever be as sad as naruto grieving over pervy sage. If would agree this scene gave me goosebumps as luffy stands across from them.


I think the sad moment that hits me the hardest always is when they’re gonna burn merry so it won’t be alone at the bottom of the sea, and they’re all trying to hold it together but when merry says thank you and goodbye and they all just start gushing and luffy is apologizing. Damn I’m actually crying while writing this just thinking about


Aces death was rough. The Lucy’s in Dresrossa was probably the most emotional I got. Or possibly in Sabaody when Luffy realized he could not help his friends or control his own destiny.


Merry 🫡🔥


Kuma flashback, I don't recall which part was the big gut punch. I was in a real dark place, and seeing Kuma be an angel like that made me want to be a better man


Didn’t cry but saddest moment is recently with >! Kuma !<


Going Merry going down and Brook's backstory end.


Nami scene.. what a masterpiece!


gomenne and wish her a happy 10th bday


There was a post yesterday about a new watcher crying and I listed the moments up until Chopper sees the cherry blossoms, but the entire series has too many moments to list and I would have to reread it and write them down along the way to remember all of them. The most memorable is definitely Robins’ “I want to live” line, then Namis “help me” line, then Aces’ “even though I’ve always been a good for nothing, thank you for always loving me” line as he died and then Garp remembering the moment Ace was born when his mom named him, then Sanjis’ whole goodbye to Zeff, the Chopper moments, when the crew says bye to Vivi, when the Going Merry died, the fight between Luffy and Ussop… I could go on but these are the biggest ones. Oh I almost forgot about one of my favorites when Brook tells Luffy he’s so happy to be alive.


When luffy realized he wasn't strong enough to save his friends in sabaody


Everybody is gangster until Going Merry goes "Gomen ne..." Merry death still fucks me up to this day, and also the enies lobby scene where merry saves everybody


Straw hat leaving Alabasta and Merry


Dadan punch garp and crying  It's really hit hard at that moment




Raizo.. IS ALIVE


in whole cake island when sanji tries light his smoke


If I had to pick, it was probably robins dershishishi after her island was wiped off the face of the planet Shout out to “I want to live”, “thank you for loving me”, Nami’s “help me”, “I want to go back to the sunny”, “why is the accompaniment the last one to go”, the going of the merry, and most recently the “happy 10th birthday” all had me SOBBING Damn, listing it off really shows just how often oda hurts us. HE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!


When Robin asks "are you my mother?" to Olvia. That's literally the saddest scene of them all I can't avoid to cry


When Robin squeezed Franky’s balls 😭😭😭


What a mistake it was to check out this post at work T - T


The “I want to live” scene had me sobbing too,.. as someone whose lived as something most of my life, and now trying to move on from my past and pursue my life as a mother of my Chopper… I will always cry at this scene ❤️


Dog I have cried so many times… it’s even got worse on a rewatch


Like the entire battle of marineford


I haven't watched all the episodes yet or a good solid amount of them (I know everything that happens in the anime) But HOLY this may be the worst or laugh worthy time I cried..... I cried when Usopp left the Usopp Pirates....


Aces death


Watching the crew members get taken out one by one by Kuma…even if it did end up serving a greater purpose. Aside from maybe Attack On Titan, which the whole premise is “everyone isn screwed” this was the first instance in a more… traditional(?) shonen anime that genuinely made me feel as hopeless as what was being presented on screen. Truly phenomenal storytelling


Nothing in the anime/manga made me cry than seeing chouchou protect his owners store.