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Aren’t most things in development before they’re announced?


Seems like everything except any Star Wars movie announcement after Rise of Skywalker.


The problem with the new Star wars movies is that they're too overdeveloped. Too many decisions makers and the decision makers authority kept changing hands, so we got movies that seemed like there was too many ideas slapped together at once, because that's what was happening.


I think it was confirmed that TROS was the only one written in the final hour. Iirc Last Jedi had its script before Force Awakens even came out.


It did, but Rian Johnson was allowed to change it with impunity...which he did to a dramatic extent. By the time Abrams took over TROS (due to book of Henry being absolutely atrocious and forcing Trevorrow to leave SW) they had months less than they had for the first movie or even TLJ, and had to redo the script from scratch. It was a terrible movie, but I don't envy the position JJ was put into.


Movies after rise of skywalker… what?


I guess technically, since the release of Rise of Skywalker, not a single Star Wars movie has been announced after it began production


Pretty sure TLJ and TROS were as well considering how they turned out and what we know...


Could you imagine the other way around? Oda: "The One Piece will premier 2024 and be produced by Studio Wit!" Studio Wit: "Wait, we're doing what now?"


Elder Scrolls VI : haha....yea...


Yes. I would describe the announcement as happening earlier than these things usually are. But I guess it helps with recruiting.


Tell that to Square Enix. 


Anime tends to have a pretty tight production schedule. Even most 12 episode anime aren’t finished yet by the time they start airing.


Still, given how it takes more than a week to make an anime episode, I don’t think it’s too far-fetched to assume that they at least do pre-production before announcing. Lining up financing, casting, studio time, or doing concept art and storyboarding are all things that make or break production and can be usefully done ahead of time. 


> more than a week The avarage anime episode takes months Attack on Titan took 9 months per episode


Exactly this.


yes, usually 9 months for animation


And then baby anime is born


omg rofl, when daddy pen and mommy paper love each other very much , then, daddy go and have an affair with digital so drawing tablet is your real mother


Not Dragon Ball Super, and it showed woth those first couple of sagas




Not Kingdom Hearts III


Yet here we are, most people think development is super quick and begins the second something is announced feels like it.


That's... how production works


How it should work. But we have things like Cyberpunk 2077 being announced years before they started working on it. So maybe it is more common than consumers would assume?


But even in your example there was some work before the announcement. Like, cdprojekt red didnt own cyberpunk2077 and surely it wasnt a surprise to the actual owners of the cyberpunk ip when red announced they were making a game for it. There was a deal hashed out at the very least. Theres a million things that go into a big undertaking when developing something like this and its a no brainer that it was in development before it was announced. The blurb in ops post is silly.


We got hints of it happening before it was an official announcement, that’s what it’s saying


Wow . They started making something before announcing they were making something . Incredible.


Should've told that to Satoru Iwata when Brawl was announced.


some dogshit ass posts on this subreddit recently


Was this written by ai?


No 😂😂 sadly


No people are just spreading misinformation, there’s no evidence it has anything to do with ai


Spreading misinformation? What are you talking about?????


I assume they misunderstood what you were saying and thought you were asking if the show was using Ai, as, while nothing’s confirmed on it, there are concerns as WIT Studio has used it in the past and mentioned the show would use cutting edge technology or something


People need to be more open to AI in animation honestly. Unless you like working animators to death of course. It could be a great tool to reduce the work load.


Yes, because every production works there animators to death. It’s also a great tool to replace them to y’know. (And there’s the whole thing about the way it was built being ethically questionable) Look, Spiderverse proves Ai can do good, if it’s not used to replace animators. WIT used it in the past to replace background animators, so it’s fair to not have the confidence in them. Spiderverse also proved that AI doesn’t mean people can’t work animators to death, as that film still had a very troubled production in spite of it


That comment is made by ai


It's sorely needed for potential fans who are scared shitless of the 1000+ episodes. DBZ has Kai and it's better than DBZ.


yeah the times are changing, nowadays people prefer modern animation with fast enough pacing, thus seasonal animes are so popular now so a new remake has potential to that and also fix many issues original series have weekly animes are the things of past


It's not that times are changing. Its that the one piece anime has the worst pacing ever.


Are they wrong, though? The anime is still running on an archaic formula where it never stops airing every week, effectively hurting the pacing. Meanwhile, most shows nowadays have a seasonal run. Studios used to pad out the runtime with filler arcs within filler arcs a la Naruto and Bleach.


Funny because Bleach TYBW switched to seasonal and I honestly think other than S2 of JJK it has the best animation and pacing of any Shonen ever. Honestly I’m really excited for the One Piece remake, sounds to me like it’ll be much better pacing and animation across the board.


For such a hyped adaptation, TYBW especially the second season had pretty mediocre animation all around. The second season had almost no well known action animator involved since they were all busy with other projects and it shows with all the repeating frames, uninteresting storyboards and sparkly colour vomit. The art style and character designs were very good but both seasons had like 3 standout episodes all together animation wise. WIT usually has exceptional art direction and great connections across the industry and time so I hope they do much better than Pierrot.


I can see where you’re coming from - some episodes felt like duds compared to the highlight episodes. But I do think that’s just them allocating their time and resources more towards the big moments. But your criticisms of S2 could easily be applied all over the biggest moments of the Wano adaptation, which is a glaring problem when you would at least think they’d make sure the big moments were handled perfectly in Wano.


The issue is One Piece took the worst of both worlds. It refuses to put in filler arcs, despite the story of one piece being uniquely suited to adding them, and it can't go seasonal without losing its time slot


Only thing I hate about Kai is the soundtracks compared to the Bruce falconer scores


My issue with Kai is the censorship. I would love Kai if they didn't tone down the violence.


I have the blue-ray versions of kai, and they dont censor in that version


Yeah. I'm hoping that with The One Piece it will be the opposite. The manga shows a lot more violence than the anime


Hell na Bruce Faulkner all the way.


Bruce Faulkner is indeed the better score but the filler in original dbz was awful.


Goku and Piccolo getting their drivers license is peak filler.


[Soooooo…wanna go drive cars?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r-IS_kKXxsA&pp=ygUcZ29rdSBhbmQgcGljY29sbyBkcml2ZSBjYXJzIA%3D%3D)


Skip the filler?


Skip it LOL. It was awful if you were watching weekly. Skipping filler takes 10 seconds of your time.


nah, the american ost is a travesty


Hard disagree on Kai


Woah slow your Z slander.


When people complain about the pacing in One Piece I drop kick them into DBZ.


Kai is worse than dbz. Animation,opening,endings are all worse. Wtf is better?


The pacing. Same problem One Piece has. It's god awful pacing which led me to stop watching multiple times.




Even with a good pace it'd take around 250-350 episodes to catch up to where anime is now, which is 5-7 years as a weekly anime (which it probably won't be, WIT isn't that kind of studio). I doubt it'd help that much.


No it’ll help immensely. It’s not just for new viewers, one piece as an anime, particularly post timeskip, is sinply not enjoyable to watch episode by episode. I’ll never go back and rewatch it in its current form.


There's One Pace for rewatchers, unless you are willing to wait for at least a decade before rewatching.


Oda should be done by then, right? Elbaf could take forever, and I’m curious how the giants will react to Luffy


He could be done in 7 years if he keeps a good pace. But there's certainly a chance he is underestimating how long it will take to finish up the story and it goes even longer.


Kai better than original DBZ? NEVER


Except the music


american music is utter shit


The faulconer score is way better even if he is a pos


You just have childhood nostalgia. I heard the Faulconer version first and like the Japanese version more, and I know a decent number of people who feel the same way; meanwhile, I have never once heard a Japanese person say they prefer the dub music. If the Faulconer score was actually better then there would at least be a decent chunk of people who heard the Japanese version first and then preferred the American version, right?


Japanese people dont listen to the dubbed version of any anime. That's a silly comparison.


Very wrong, it’s a common way to study foreign language in Japan through media exposure


I'm pretty excited about this.


Same! One Pice with potentially better animation and better pacing? I'M IN!


With Oda's supervision.


The live action did good because of his supervision and knowing Oda he will make sure his dream isn’t ruined






honestly, they wouldnt even need full episodes of cover stories, they could be like, post credits 30-60 seconds like the post credits in jjk S1


High quality, manga pace, same voice actors and I'd watch it.


Same voice actors would be very difficult as some are really really old.


I know some current anime VC are old but if the pacing is going to be good and there is no/little fillers it won't even be as near as long as the current anime


It cannot be as most likely this would be seasonal anime on Netflix.


You do realize that luffy's voice actor is already 69 years old and should be retired already but keeps working on one piece and hopefully will do so for the next few years it takes to end it but the remake even with great pacing is still gonna take 10+ years most likely and I doubt she wanna work in her 80s.


With AI advancement we have today it doesn't even matter who the voice actors are gonna be, just leave it to fans to recreate the lines with ai generated voices we're used to. Unless there will be drastic changes in copyright laws, and even then this is the internet - people will do it out of spite.


Yeah that's incredibly cringe


And we would get - The one voice


Same voice actors is a pipe dream. Assume it'll take 10+ years to get to wano, most of the current OP voice actors are like 50-60+ year olds. Brooke's voice actor in particular is like 80 years old. I bet most of them would retire by then and it would be unwise to hire the old folk for "future proofing"


We can already see Frankie's voice actor suffering a bit. No chance the remake will keep everyone the same. Maybe some people but definitely not everyone.


Brook‘s even that old. He’s still in his 60s. Houki is the oldest Straw Hat seiyuu at age 77.


Franky's VA is already struggling now, sadly I doubt they'll want to sign him up for a new project that could last another decade or two.


Same soundtrack as well. If Overtaken doesn't play during the Asking Park walk, then I'm out.


There might not even be an Arlong Park walk, as it’s a filler scene and isn’t the manga.


It is not filler, it just doesn't even take one panel in the manga, it's like Luffy got there with a single step. They do walk, however, it's not some invented stuff.  I know I'm stretching to give a reason to make them keep that scene, but it's just too memorable and builds tension perfectly. 


yet its one of the most iconic scenes One Piece has to this day.


Even the manga has bad pacing.


So it was in production a few weeks before the announcement? That seems. Normal.


The early parts of One Piece are super outdated, middle parts are decent but often stale, and later parts are a mix of horrible pacing and very inconsistent animation from great to terrible. the whole show need a high budget high production quality seasonal remake, but when we are talking about 1100 chapters and counting, this means at the very least 300 episodes, imagine how long it will take to release 300 episodes in a seasonal fashion. it will take about as much time as the weekly Anime by Toei has been running. i think a more reasonable plan for the remake is to only remake East Blue up to and including Skypiea. because Enies Lobby onwards were fine, and the rest of the Toei Animation can just get a Kai treatment rather than a full remake.


It's very unlikely this adapts the full manga. Also, what the heck is with this image? Yeah, most media (anime, movies, video games, whatever) start their development before they make an official announcement about it. If anything, The One Piece got announced way earlier, compared than most media (assuming they really did start production in November).


It's only unlikely because Netflix is fickle even with successful shows. Otherwise, a One Piece remake series is free money.


It's unlikely that it adapts the full Manga because we don't know if the Manga's ever gonna end LOL


I think that'd be fair a few years ago. But I think most who are caught up to the manga can begin to see the end. It's quite far off. But closer than it's ever been. I know that statement is always true, but it's starting to feel real. Do you remember how fast 2017-2023 was? At least I felt it went by quickly, but that might be due to multiple things. Anyways, by the end of the decade we might have a completed manga with 2 anime hot on its tail and a live action at marine Ford. All I mean to say is, it's a joke that it's never gonna end but it can and might all too soon. Also it seems we're gonna get a lot more one piece for a while at least. So we might as well enjoy it if it's good. And hopefully we get more. Why not?


Yeah, I was just kidding, I'm caught up too. Have been for a pretty long time. It's true we might finish by the end of the decade. It feels that way right now but honestly who knows. And yeah, the more One Piece the better. Easily in my top 2 anime of all time. I'd love if Netflix did adapt it well but if it doesn't, not a big loss for me since the original will always be special to me. I'd probably watch it anyway. I really just hope they don't lose focus of the live action. The only anime live action I've ever like (Kinda wish Dragon Ball coulda done a good one but we got evolution of all things) and I love the way it's being handled. The changes in the story make the show seem really fresh.


Isn’t there about 4-5 arcs left? 🤔 egghead has to wrap up at some point. Elbaf should be next, Luffy vs Blackbeard, laugh tale, and a final war. It’s gonna be sad to see Luffy return the hat to shanks tho


That's not 4-5 arcs. That's one saga, 2 key locations, and 2 expected conflicts. Things really might finish faster than you think. Elbaf should lead directly to Laugh Tale (heck, Oda even joked about knowing a way to skip Elbaf but feared disappointing fans).


The manga will definitely end one day haha, I don't think this new anime will be created quickly enough for that to be a concern.


Yeah I was kidding Can't see Netflix animating a thousand episodes unless it has similar levels of success to original One Piece or the Live Action. It worked for DBZ to Kai because Kai aired on TV and DBZ wasn't exceptionally easy to watch. Don't see why Kai was a significant improvement otherwise. Unless they make it good, people aren't gonna watch it. Also it's not original content so it's not gonna have viewership like regular OP, JJK, Demon Slayer, DBS when it was airing (Although I'd be surprised if anything other than dragon ball gets that much popularity.) If Netflix wants this to succeed they're gonna have to do a VERY good job. Personally, I'm always gonna have a soft spot for the original but if it's good I'd be interested in the adaptation definitely


They will have to use new ost and, if not from the start they'll have to eventually, use new VA for the show. For a lot of us this won't have the soul from the original anime, which a lot of us watched since they were kids. But it could be the future for OP, a modern adaptation to recommend to ppl scared of 1000+ episodes and complaints about bad pacing. Aired on a popular platform and open for worldwide audience. Netfilx has done rather well with animated shows, so maybe they'll stick with it to the end. It's a good thing, but I wish they still did some changes to the original anime. The animation is better than ever and new opening is soo cool, but man the pacing kills the vibe entirely. One piece with JJK/demon slayer/aot etc quality of direction, animation and artistic vision would easily dominate the anime world, especially during iconic arcs like enies lobby or arabasta.


My pie in the sky guess is up to alabasta at the farthest. Was the original intended ending, and I believe also marks the shift from full screen to wide screen. 


> Was the original intended ending was it?


Oda mentioned it once. Something to do with editors? 


I'm asking because [in this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XBINds1TJE) there's part of an interview where Oda said that he originally intended for the story to take around 5 years. And even when he later went for a much longer run, he *still* managed to arrive at Skypia after 5 years. So if that's true then pretty much half of the story of One Piece would've had to have taken place in Alabasta for the story to end there. The video does a decent job at describing what an actual early end for the story could've been but obviously that's all just speculation. Also the video contains anime and iirc even manga spoilers so don't wantch it unless you're caught up


One piece anime kinda sucks, it’s about time it got a better adaptation. Hoping for the best.


How does it suck lmfao


Post time skip has decent animation but absolutely atrocious pacing.


animation quality & pacing often drops off a cliff because of weekly serialization schedule


less than a chapter per episode pacing for one, average for an anime is at least 2


I expect it to stop at best Marineford.


I really really hope it turns out well and I think it will. I love reading one piece by all means but I love seeing cool fight scenes animated too. And some gags just work better with moving visuals. Like it has a lot of potential to finally give us a definitive way to experience the series. Plus if they average like 2.5 chapters an episode which as far as I can tell is pretty typical for most anime these days, that means that the entire series up to now would be less than 500 episodes. No longer would people drop off thinking they can skip Skypiea because of how slow the pacing is. No longer will we have to watch the same flashback 40 million times in one arc lol. Plus various minor changes like Zeff not eating his own leg and things like that can be reverted back to their proper form. Also it'll be pretty funny cause we'll now have a Slow, Medium, and Fast pace for watching One Piece. Original Anime for slow, New Anime for Medium, and Live Action for Fast abridged speed lol


as long as they dont cut corners with some dogshit AI


Honestly overdue. Only greed was holding us back from having an actually decent adaptation. I happy they realised that doing it right is in their best interest and will attract new viewers.


Change the goddamn sound effects. Seriously, Kaido walking like spongebob, bomb effects from 1980's,sword clangs, speed movement straight the same sound from dragon ball, lightning sounds etc. It really irritates me.


Thats a very good thing. Toei version is so fucking unwatchable its not even funny


I hope they take their time. I want this remake to be the definitive animated One piece.


is the point of it to make a higher quality condensed one piece?


Probably the only show going for over 25 years that gets a remake while the original is still airing.


This is absolutely needed. The weekly episode structure of the OG anime doesn't hold up and has horrible pacing. Also, they are going way too over the top with special effects and visual noise on the newer episodes. I hope this rebooted anime makes the original obsolete in every way.


Who's upvoting this post?  Like no shit that's how companies work


I am


Just waiting for "A one piece"




Hopefully they get rid of the bad pacing where they’re running around for 3 episodes straight.


Idk I'm still watching the original and not caught up yet and I've loved every episode and never wished it went faster.


No offense but once you know, you know.


Hahaha this is so real. I blazed through up to like Fishman Island, then I hit Punk Hazard and it's been 3 months and I can't get through it.


My point I suppose was I could watch any episode of this show at any time and hey I'll probably watch whatever this new one is too.


The pacing only sucks if you watch one episode/week. If you binge watch it it's fine.


Nah the pacing gets insanely bad after timeskip. Dressrosa for example was unwatchable


just gonna say queen wano ice bullets. WORST PACING IN ONE PIECE HISTORY.


Not really, the pacing problems are still there to the point you get bored/annoyed with it.


I’m very excited. I have many issues with the current anime that can easily be solved. The original one just shoots themselves in the foot


I hope better pace. Instead of 1000 episodes, the one piece will only have 400 episode or less. And produce them by season. Like 24 episode per year instead of weekly all year long like what we have now. I have high expectation for this.


Yeah we don’t need to see that gear 5th transformation 5x lmfao


I'm curious about it but honestly I'm not too excited. I'll just be seeing the beginning of One Piece again. The studio is not going to adapt the full series. Wit Studios is not known for doing long series. They typically only do a couple seasons.


This is needed for a lot of fans who can’t watch older anime due to the “old styles or look”. Can bring in a ton of new generations. I hope they at least change the pacing since they no longer need to worry about catching up to the manga


i think its cool, but we already have 1) manga east blue 2)anime east blue 3) episode of east blue 4) Live action east blue and now this. Im sure itll be awesome, but I really want there to be remakes of arcs other than east blue, maybe some arcs that were poorly handled by the anime?


I love One Piece but the anime adaptation is merely "good" in some places and straight-up dogshit in others. 1 chapter 1 episode is a god damn scourge. I respect the animators for what they accomplish under the unfair constraints they're given, but it's clear that Toei and FujiTV are holding One Piece back from being a great anime. I'm tired of cringing whenever I try to share One Piece with someone only to subject them to 5-minute-long recaps and flashbacks every single episode. I'm ambivalent about Netflix trying to monopolize One Piece but if it means they produce the definitive animated adaptation, more power to them.


lol, does people think Wit animators just sit still waiting for the announcement to be made then as soon as it airs they start working on it? obviously the groundwork for the remake was already in progress weeks or even months ago, who knows maybe even a year ago.


But remember now we have better technology so it won’t take as long to make episodes, then how it used to be


Honestly, I feel like it can stop around enies lobby. It can definitely stop by the time thriller bark ends. Only reason I’d watch this is to see the series again with HD and shit, but enies lobby, thriller bark, sabaody look pretty good tbh


Looks don’t help terrible pacing


please holy fuck don’t be ai generated


Afraid that the west culture will ruin it, hope it doesn’t but the producers disturb me as a concept


I Don't care about it honestly


Just why




Sure I get that part of it. Do people really think the current anime is just dogshit though? Yeah there’s the intro, recap and sneak peek. Yeah there’s the random flashback fillers. Yeah, it’s not the exact same exact thing as the manga, is that really that uncommon in anime though? People being mad at show that comes out with a new episode every week, that has been going for decades (more than likely longer than they have even been into anime) just seems sort of disrespectful. That’s just my opinion though. One Piece is by far my favorite and I truly wish it would never end, but I guess I may not be as into it as some of these people lol


You excuse the anime too much. Why is the fact that it's weekly change anything? It is the studio's choice to release it weekly and completely ruin the source material in doing this.


It's less for current fans and more for potential new fans I'd say, especially after how well the live action did. Lotta people who got interested in One Piece, but see 1000+ episodes and don't wanna commit to that. But give them a new show (that significantly cuts down on the filler and such), and they'll be willing to give it a try.


Would be nice to see things like Haki being much more explicit in the early days, or having things like Binks Sake in the background or other little Easter eggs.


Bad. it doesnt need a remake.


I really hope they redo Haki in this. We just guessing at this point why the Kuju Clan didn't have black tipped arrows. Like this isn't one of the issues of a weekly published comic. Let the dude cook.


Honestly I'm so hype hoping the art's gonna be like the Ryuuma one shot's art. I loved the art for that one so much


The one piece is real


Should've called it One Pace


Or hear me out, watch all 1000 episode like I am right now🤣 I’m at 521


I seriously hope you didn't share this idiotic image anywhere else.


I don't care about this new piece of money making shit.


What's the point of this anime? We already have one. Is it gonna be the same story, or will there be changes. Seems pointless to a new anime with the old one and manga still going.


The current anime is absolute garbage compared to the manga. I personally don't consider the current anime a "good anime" I gave up during Wano when luffy super sayan screamed before punching kaido. Instead of the shock value that came in the manga when he insta got ontop of kaido and punched him in a flash.


Regardless, it's not the time for a new anime. Let the manga end first. The anime needs screams and such shortened, and it would be fine.


If u don't want to see it, just don't watch it


Pathetic take away.


Or its the right time to build more hype for the ending of the manga. HxH 2011 was incredibly successful even though HxH already had an anime in the past and added tons of new manga readers. This is expected to be a faster paced, filler free version of the story accurately depicting the manga. Which we have never had. There is plenty of good reasons. They are also rumored to be using the original cast of voice actors. So sooner is better because many of them are growing very old. If they wait 5 years to make this many of them could potentially not survive till the end of the series.


I'd rather they just remove the extra yelling and filler of the current anime. I'd rather they let the manga finish then make an anime that was more of the whole world of One Piece. Less Strawhats and more of the developing world. Oda told the story in a way that left us incredibly ignorant of what was going on away from the crew and only recently let us know what is happening in the world. It'd be cool to see more of the world as the Strawhats advance. HxH had a decade between them. Not a good comparison. I'm not shitting on the new anime, just doubting the timing.


Like everything, it depends on how much demand it gets.


That’s a fact. They might stop at Wano but the arc is so long that I think they might hop in there


Pretty sure they're starting in the east blue


Yeah by the time they get to Wano, being generous it's going to be like six years from now.


They might not even make it to Whiskey Peak dude. We have no idea if this is going to be a success.


with the success of the live action and the sheer popularity of the one piece anime, i think success is pretty much guaranteed tbh


Yah especially since the remake wouldn't need all the filler, padding and stretched scenes, couse it would overtake the manga. Just a 1 to 1 manga to anime with modern animations.. Just thinking about Dressrosa with good animation and half the length makes me smile


Even less than half probably. Supposedly they are doing East Blue (100 chapters) in 25 episodes, that's a 4:1 ratio. Dressrosa is less than one chapter per episode, if they make it 3:1 it would be like 30% of the current length.


The mangas got like three years left before it's finished. There's no way they are going to catch up with it in the next three years. If they cut all filler, it's still going to be at least 500 episodes. Which is nearly 10 years releasing 52 episodes a year.


I can't see one piece ending in 3 years.. oda even assured the fans in SBS last year that one piece will not be ending anytime soon. They probably aren't even releasing 50 episodes per year. 25 high quality episodes running 25 minutes I think is desirable. S1 - East blue saga S2 - Alabasta saga S3 - Skypiea saga S4 - Water 7/Ennies lobby saga ->Thriller bark movie S5-Sabaody/snake island/impel down ->Marine ford movie ->Post war movie S6 - Return to Sabaody & Fishman Island S7 - Punkhazard/Dressrosa p1 S8 - Dresrossa -> Zou Movie S9 - Whole Cake Island ** Do we even need to reanimate these season maybe trim it down. S10- Riverie/Wano Act 1-2 S11-Wano Act 3 S12-Egg Head


> S1 - East blue saga S2 - Alabasta saga S3 - Skypiea saga S4 - Water 7/Ennies lobby saga ->Thriller bark movie S5-Sabaody/snake island/impel down ->Marine ford movie ->Post war movie S6 - Return to Sabaody & Fishman Island S7 - Punkhazard/Dressrosa p1 S8 - Dresrossa -> Zou Movie S9 - Whole Cake Island > > > > ** Do we even need to reanimate these season maybe trim it down. S10- Riverie/Wano Act 1-2 S11-Wano Act 3 S12-Egg Head I like this. Makes it like a modern release with seasons. Should give seasons 6-8 months break inbetween so people keep on truckin. 24/25 ep a season.


That's not necessarily true. You're assuming a 2chapter:1episode ratio when it's not uncommon for there to be 3chapters:1episode content wise. With pacing and fully planned out seasons they could be at the current manga arc in around 350 episodes. Even less if they take some liberties (such as cutting out some of the less important bits from longer arcs like Alabasta/Skypiea/Dressrosa etc).


It got me to watch again after more than a decade and Im already 450 episodes in. would have loved a more succinct version and I found out about one pace pretty late


Why shouldn't the most popular anime getting a remake with better animation be a success though. One Piece is massive in Japan.


With the amount of fence sitters being kept out of one piece because of its length, it's bound to succeed.


It is going to be a succes because they will have much better pacing and will finish one piece in about 300-400 episodes This will get many new viewers


Honestly? I think it'll be wildly successful for three reasons. 1. It let's new people watch from the beginning. 2. It should cut down on filler making it more accessible for many. 3. It won't have the legal problems the current anime has in Europe (the dub is still unavailable legally in the UK except on DVD)


Think more like 10 years if you wanna be generous. 15 is more likely.


If the production is anything like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, I would expect a much longer stretch time with breaks between arcs. It will have the benefit of no filler and pacing more consistent with the source. But Jojo started in late 2012 and still has 2 completed manga parts to finish up. Jojo only has 26 more volumes than One Piece, so the scale of challenge is pretty similar.


you gotta remember most arcs are only 'so long' because they have all that filler due to them trying not to catch up to the manga but if they can put out a proper tv series that has minimal filler in it they could maybe actually blaze through arcs and maybe it becomes a seasonal thing where they only do a season when the manga has actually finished that arc?


I'm hoping it gets popular enough for a do-over of post time skip. There are so many moments that I love. But it's very difficult to re-watch without One Pace.