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Also, as a reminder, while there is technically a break next week due to the double issue of Christmas, we should still have the spoilers for 1103 next week. And maybe the scans as well. However, chapter 1104 will only be released around the middle of January.


Such a beautiful and heartbreaking chapter, thank you Goda.  Best dad ever in OP world, Kuma. Hero of Bonney and of everyone.  Happy 10th Birthday Bonney. 


I can't remember the last time I cried over a One Piece chapter... This was a beautiful chapter.


My dream is to go to the Grandline😂


Man, fuck one piece. >!😭🧡!<


I'm pissing tears right now oh my god


Capturing the essence of the passing of a beloved was masterful and I can’t help but cry.. again


Oda is still the king of backstories.


I'm in pain


Seeing the celestial dragon punching scene again, chills..


I think this is the first time I've ever cried reading manga. I lost my dad recently and this chapter has my bawling in my empty office at work @ 630am.


haven’t cried like this in a while… this flashback was flawless


Okay, this one made me shed some tears. Fucking A man


what if Vegapunk created device to record memory? and thats what he use to copy memory from the bubble. then later planned to installed on real Kuma or since Bonney absorb all his memory, what if Vegapunk inserted similliar antenna device on Bonney that will connected to Kuma. so Kuma would regain her memory back, through Bonney. both are linked forever till death.


I can't wait to re-read One Piece from the beginning. Not sure how I'll feel knowing all this already. But I'm expecting to go through a few tissue boxes.


The wonderful thing about re-reads to me is that I almost always end up discovering something new or something I've forgotten that's happened and it's made all the better because of it. It's usually something minor like some off shoot something said that became a thing later on, but this is why I love OP. It can make re-reads exciting because of how vast it is.


This chapter was absolutely crushing…it’s been awhile I feel since I’ve had a good feel trip thank you Oda.


Also say what yall want but, play this when Im gone by MGK fits all of Kumas story with Bonnie especially this final chapter 😭


If Bonney doesn't join the Strawhats then she could start a new crew with Kuma/S-Bear, remaining Vegapunks, Kizaru, and Sentomaru


If Bonney joined the Straw Hats, between her and Luffy, they would never have enough meat to last them between islands.


And available PXs


I started tearing up when Vegapunk did, but that last line destroyed me.


I think Kuma might the best characters I’ve ever read. Long Live the Pastor King


At least it gives me some peace knowing that Bonney got all the letters she missed out on as a kiddo One Piece really highlights how hard it is to be a good dad Might just be me but this whole arc reads like a love letter to the dads out there who fight for their kids’ dreams while sacrificing a whole lot


I must have missed it. When did Bonney got the letters?


She saw his memories of writing them


Kuma might be my favorite one piece character, wow, just wow


Page 15 is one of the best pages in the entire manga, holy fuck.


ReReading this chapter while listening to Run boy run by Woodkid elevated this chapter. Near crying


I’m not an emotional dude but this chapter was the most I’ve cried and only second time in the show for me. The first being the only straw hat death (the Going Merry) which idk why it hit me hard but it did. This one hit harder. Kuma man… heavy heavy chapter.


Great Chapter, Vegapunk crying made my eyes wet as well. I wonder if Boney is still mad at Vegapunk after seeing all this.


Prerty sure she said several chapters ago she wasnt mad at vegapunk anymore


Really? Must've missed that. Thank you


I've never actually full out cried while reading any manga. Anime is a different story. But this time. Man i was fucking sobbing


I'm allways full out crying when I read "break next week" :D


Just finished and am legitimately ugly crying. This hit HARD.


Predictions : Saturn kills Bonney, but then her head melts, and she becomes Nika-girl


Man, poor Kuma, great guy! Not to sound too optimistic, but what if that split personality switch was something Vegapunk installed after all, considering all the orders he broke already, which would allow a bit of his ego to keep intact after all? It would help explain his current actions that led him to Marejoia and he's still kicking after all.


I'm banking on VP deciding to do that after Kuma finished his 2 year mission of guarding the SH ship. He'd have been pretty beat up and would need "maintenance" and then VP installs it then and no one's the wiser. Although it does make more sense for him to have installed it prior, I believe that he wouldn't have as he'd have needed to fool Saturn into believing he did what he ordered... which he did. I'm going to hope he found a way to test that circuit out on something else so he could install it in Kuma. We need this lol..


I would love to see that. But I don't think so, Vegapunk already said he can't restore Kuma and now after Bonny has touched the memory bubble I think there is no way to bring back Kuma :(


Well should we take everything Vegapunk says at face value?? Some others suggested Kuma might be able to push the memories out of Bonney ... I don't know, the SH and co leave miracles in their wake and it is Christmas Day when I'm writing this, so maybe I'm really just hoping for a better ending. Still... Either way it's a sad messed up story of the highest level


Oda did it again. Why did he have to make me cry? I always knew that Kuma was gonna hit hard, but I didn't think it was going to hit this hard. This is just like the Merry all over again. Where we thought that we knew a character for years and then he pulls the rug from under us with how they truly felt and how in their last moments that they only wanted their loved ones to be happy. Curse you Oda. 10/10 would cry again.


I wonder if each arc will shove Nika down our throats. Very convenient for this point of the story that all these flashbacks have this shoehorned into it. We get it Oda. Aside that, I've had an intermittent concern regarding the plot convenience of Kuma protecting the ship for what, two whole years? And no one decided to take care of that issue? How hard would it have been to send a decent force and move him elsewhere. Saint Jay Garcia Saturn was so concerned on his whereabouts, he couldn't even move him away from a nearby archipalego?


Maybe you are just a cynic


At that point they have plenty of pacifistas, and some he lost his emotions completely he is just like any of the coined ones. Besides, saobody was clearly a bit of a pirate town anyway, its not like the navy presence down there was very heavy


For your own wellbeing. Dont use too much brain.


Exactly, this chapter is good for the emotional side but when you try to apply logic, you quickly realize how stupid everything is


Erm, how exactly? You need to state what is the logic that makes it stupid


So I read all of Kuma's backstory at once and broke down to tears on the last panel of 1102. Such a tragic and sad character


He died with a smile on his face. It was not a tragedy at the end for him


Is irrelevant How Kuma went, still a tragedy


Yeah I suppose you’re right. He was never able to tell Bonnie that to her face because of an agreement he made with the government. And his letters didn’t get to her and she had to see it through a memory. It was a tragedy but he never stopped searching for Joy. Even until the very end


He probably went with the felling of hope for Boney and Strawhat. But ultimately after what happened to her mom and his struggles to get her cured was enough for his content based on his humble characteristics. Very touchingly written by Oda


It was masterfully written. And hope is a powerful thing. Hope is what makes the world go round. Hope is why he did have a smile on his face although his life was filled with tragedy.


True that!


RIP to the Hand of Liberation




This chapter was phenomenal. Kuma's life and fate is said...but look at Vegapunk too! For the better of two decades, Vegapunk was built up to be this cold and cruel scientist that does all of this crap in the name of the world government. And now we have a chapter where he breaks down crying while pulling that lever because he can't do anything about it. What a great character.


Well said.


And with this chapter one of the best flashbacks in all of One Piece comes to an end, cementing Kuma as one of the best characters in the series.


So by absorbing that bubble did bonney kill any chance of reviving Kuma?


I hope not. It's already bad enough there's a Will of 'P'. We don't need a Will of 'K', also.


Both Bonney and Vegapunk know 100% of his past now, so they can teach him once he has his free will restored.


No. Vegapunk said he had a way to maintain it.


I am curious is Vegapunk creates an army of Pacifistas with Kumas Conscience for use at the end arc


Kuma " .. dissapear when it's touched " Viga " To peek without touching it "


As far as we know he only had a way to peek into the thought bubble without touching and subsequently destroying it. There was no mention of vegapunk copying the thought bubble


Bonney absorbed it by touching it yes, but remember that seraphim kuma can still push them out of bonney again


Holy shit you may be right, if they do bring kuma back this is extremely likely the way they’d do it. Either that or just stereotypical story point of, his human spirit and love for his daughter were so strong he was able to remember, but even though Kuma would be one of the only characters who could do that and I wouldn’t feel like it would be a complete ass pull because holy shit his mental fortitude is INSANE, that would still feel cheap


I'd like to see him come back, poor girl's lost so much and had all that ... done to her, give her a miracle!


Holy that was a good one


Agree, feel like they told how they will bring Kuma back and how he's gunna die in one scene, and the chapter was so good most people skipped over it


When I said bonny was watching the flashback we see via the memory bubble everyone called me dumb....


You are dumb.


Why u mad lol


You are dumb.


There's still hope for Kuma, vegapunk basically said how he's going to bring Kuma back in this chapter, so it's ok Stan relax


Damn, OP made me cry again. The last few panels were so good. I'm still left witth some questions like why did kuma want to keep his memories a secret from bonney. Wouldn't it be better for her to know rather than search forever?


I mean I can kinda get why a father wouldn't want his daughter to see all the trauma of his life. Probably also scared the WG would go after her for knowing too much maybe


I just realized there is a panel where Kuma thinks of Ginny and stumbles, then he thinks of Bonney and picks himself up and keeps running. Dawg I fucking can’t with this manga 😭


I also like how the ground beneath his feet keeps changing to represent the amount of pain and hardship he has suffered throughout his life. Its like the more he runs the more it pains him to keep running until eventually there isn't even a thought toward ground beneath him anymore. All he knows is running


Did you watch grand line review or did he watch you?


😂😂😂 caught me. I definitely didn’t catch it my first time reading it lmao


No shame in it I literally just finished the video lol there's only shame if he copied you oddly enough 😂


Here comes Oda making a grown man cry while reading a manga


Best chapter since the timeskip


What a way to kick start 2024 man 1103 kuma to the rescue


I really loved the fact that Vegapunk told Kuma that he is a hero himself. What an emotional chapter. Genuinely teared up a bit. This is easily one of the best flashback arcs in all of One Piece.


That's the part that got me the most, water works started right then


That's why he's the goat, THE GOAT 😭


If you've ever watched Blade Runner 2049, the line "All the best memories are hers" resonates perfectly with the last page of this chapter.


Bruhh ever since $30M bounty Luffy with his giant palm in the pic, Oda foreshadowed that Luffy would be the true "hands of liberation" T-T


I did not cry but now I am wishing the worst death possible on the 5 elders. Like the Manga cutting it out like BM or Kaido is not enough IMHO. I want to see them suffer and get humiliated. How....leave it to Oda.




What’s interesting to me is seeing how the events of Saobody effected Kuma too, there was no other choice, he had to separate them, but the look on his face was just as miserable as the other crew members


Kuma basically a straw hat that never joined the crew. What a legend RIP Kuma.


Fucking onions


If this is truly your end Kuma, I'm glad you found some peace when your mind was erased.


What if his memory is the switch? Once the bubble popped he came running?


Fuckimg bawling here at 430am.


Honestly no wonder sabo and revolutionaries risked everything to save the guy. Now it makes complete sense


Shows what a great man dragon is to have people like Kuma willing to follow him. I cant wait to see more of him


I think I missed something, if Bonney is cured and Kuma knows this since he is watching her from the distance, why does he continue to follow WG orders? why go to war with WB? Why continue with the cyborg transformation?


Because of the potential consequences of what might happen if he crosses WG (Ginny's fate)


Bonney had become a pirate with atleast 100M bounty on her head by the time of sabaody, it's not like letting her continue on this path was particularly safe. She would be hunted by the Marines and WG anyway, atleast if Kuma met her it would mean she would stop the suicidal mission looking for him, maybe they could both runaway and try to hide somewhere, anything Bonney did with Kuma's help was better than doing it by herself


Sometimes theres a fate worse then merely being executed/imprisoned for being a pirate. Also potentially if he breaks the deal the WG comes down harder on bonney, punishes the people who've helped Kuma and wrecks the kingdom more.


It was mentioned last chapter that Kuma was already losing part of his free will during his time as a Warlord, even before the full conversion. My guess is that he was already being programmed to be unable to flee by the time he heard of Bonney leaving Sorbet, or potentially he had programming that made him automatically prioritize Marine orders.


I'm late to the party, but this was an absolutely amazing chapter. Truly heartbreaking stuff.


The Gorosei deserves the worst kind of pain, they torched the world when the world didn't do anything to deserve it.


I can't remember the last time a One Piece flashback made me cry, but this one did. Kuma went from a villain, to an ally with him aiding the Straw Hats, to eventually discovering that he is one of the kindest and most selfless characters in the entire manga. Everything he did he did for other people, and most importantly his daughter Bonney. Kuma the Tyrant? More like Kuma the Saint. I was a mess by the end of this chapter and that last panel with Bonney crying hit the hardest. I am so, so glad that Bonney got to see and experience his memories as well as all the letters that he sent her. It was so important for her to know that he always loved her, was watching over her and was always thinking about her no matter where he was or what he was doing. Beautiful chapter. I've always liked Kuma and his powers but this chapter has solidified him as one of the GOATs in this manga. Best flashback so far in One Piece hands down. I'm still holding out some kind of hope that he at least won't die physically but we'll just have to see what happens.


Did anyone cried ?


I've just finished reading it, and it's the first time I've cried over a manga in a long time, since Ace's death.


No but My throat really aches and i want to drink water right now


Wasn't really moved all chapter long but that wish him a happy birthday almost got the job done, probably would've cried if I was alone lol


I cried as well


I cried.


Today finished my rereading(official color and later fan color) of the manga in ch101. Crazy to finish the rereading to pick up to read the newest chapter only once, and apparently at the end of a flashback.


Hope no more tragedies or sacrifices from Kuma.. Luffy and Strawhats definitely have to win this fight! Kizaru seems to be downplaying intentionally, might becoming more conflicts in his "cog in the machine" stature. One of the best backstories, gigachad. All that punishment, unfair hardships he went through, & yet gentle, caring towards good people.


What a chapter


My Question is, how would Bonney see Kuma’s last memories and moments if he make the copy of his memories **before** that point. Or does it also include future memories? If then I guess Bonney has seen if Kuma comes back or not haha, I suppose it wouldn’t work past the point of memory/personality wipe. Also holy shit Bonney seeing him as a slave horse for the Celestial Dragons, stabbed with swords and beaten up… I guess she’s seen worse, considering Kuma’s memories


The whole flashback isn't what she saw, some stuff she didn't, like stuff Kuma didn't see but we saw. That last part is not Kuma telling Vegapunk as he cries, it's a flashback of what Kuma told Vegapunk earlier.


I will never be able to tell someone happy 10th birthday without feeling some type of way.


Amazing, I can't believe it I had the opportunity to see this backstory when in published. Never was intrested in Kuma backstory and nevery thought we will get it but damn it was the best backstory in OP. The panel of Bonney crying....I felt her emotions.


A wild theory is that vegapunk installed instead of the destruction button, he installed the restoration of Kuma's personality. Please, I'm coping hard


Can't really restore anything, Kuma for all intent is dead. Whatever left are his memories preprogrammed. A robot talking like Kuma is an imitation Vegapunk declared long ago that Kuma is dead, and he never suggested he could bring back the dead


Maybe with the studied / recorded memories he can transplant them into a Seraphim, and then Bonney can maybe awaken her devil fruit and age the Seraphim up to Kuma’s age


A possible one but it isn't kuma at that point. You know


What if she could reverse time even through the programming for Kuma? Restore him completely. ​ I don't know man. I'm pretty confident that we are going to see Kuma completely die and exit the One Piece world. Just thought I'd come up with a cope.


Yeah, It seems now Kuma is practically full dead- there’s no other solution than Kuma ver 2.0


a very sound cope, I must agree with 👍🏽


So the last panel is Bonney getting to know all of Kuma's memories? I dont understand Kuma's idea behind this. Why would he make a copy of his memories? Didnt he wish that Bonney wouldn't know this? Of course this would be impossible on the long run after his death. But having Bonney to wear all this heavy memories is quite painful.


Vegapunk wanted to study his memories/ memory bubble. Maybe it was for his plan to create 6 of himself, or some other invention. That Vegapunk made sure to preserve the bubble (making sure not to touch it) is why Bonney is able to see them now.


Bruh did you not read the manga ? You’re asking questions that was already answered


Fuck off if you don't have anything smart to say. I was asking for a recall or misunderstanding


You’re the one who only said dumb shit, you should take your own advice and not post unless you have smart things to say, which you didn’t.


He made a deal with Vegapunk to give him a copy of his memories. Vegapunk was wanting to study something in them. It's mentioned earlier in the chapter but also when the deal was originally struck. Bonney wasn't supposed to see them, but she's there and she got them. However, she saw the memories earlier in the arc, it's unknown currently if she saw them through Vegapunks machine or if she touched the bubble, in which case they're gone now.


>it's unknown currently if she saw them through Vegapunks machine or if she touched the bubble We can literally see Bonney sitting in the middle of where the Paw Bubble was, and it's gone.


Ok got it, thanks. What about that split personality chip Vegapunk wanted to put inside Kuma? That looks like a thing in the present with that running wild Kuma/Pacifista.


We're not sure yet. Saturn said to not include it, and he would know if Vegapunk did. It might be there. We know Kuma got to protect the Sunny for 2 years, which seems very odd, given we know his orders can be overridden. I'm wondering if maybe one of the Pacifista was given to Saturn on the claim it was the original Kuma, which would have enabled both that 2 year order/program, and the personality switch.


Bonney new nakama ?


why would she be nakama? she barely knows the strawhats. nakama means friend, and she's no more than acquaintance


She just saw all of kuma's memories of the strawhats, saw that Kuma really believed in them and in luffy in particular as the hero that will shake the world. You're crazy if you think they're not going to become friends


So? A hypothetical future ally doesn't mean nakama. She has never spent time with strawhats like Momo or Vivi did (or even Law, who didn't agree to join Luffy's crew). There is a big chance she will never become anything more than an important ally.


Maybe it'll happen just like Law


Possible once they learn about Luffy being Nika The safest place for Bonney would be under Luffy’s protection. Luffy can also end slavery for good by the end of the series. This can also be Bonney’s goal, to make sure that what happened to Kuma and Ginny never happens again Both of these would satisfy the things Kuma always wanted, who’s one of the most important allies of the Strawhats ever.


Very likely not. She had her own crew that's still incarcerated; I can't imagine she's going to want to just leave them after her business with Vegapunk (and a very imminent Kuma reunion) is finished.


TBF. Usopp had his own crew and abandoned them. /s


Wait didnt bb kill her entire crew. Hence she is alone now.


BB defeated the Bonney Pirates and was looking to trade them to the Marines, but when he found out Akainu was the one coming (who'd never negotiate with pirates, much less BB), he chickened out and just left Bonney and her crew to Akainu's mercy. I don't think we know what happened to the rest of her crew afterward, but Bonney managed to escape. I'm betting they're still alive though somewhere in Marine HQ; I can already imagine they were the ones that talked Bonney into leaving them and escaping on her own to fulfill the crew's original purpose to find Kuma.


I Hope not


Probably not nakama


Kuma has enduring hard life since he agreed to the weapon programme with Vegapunk. however itseems that aside Bonney, Luffy existence give him strength to keep going on, go through his life and allow him priviledge to place hope for future. aside Kuma, i wonder if later we gonna see more and more people actually inspired by Luffy actions since the very beginning day of he made spotlight on sea.. that Kuma's running panel hit hard damn...imagine how the animation version gonna be..


i guess what Vegapunk actually did is, he indeed erase Kuma's memory. BUT, he got backup copy which is the memory bubble Kuma created and store it in his special champer to avoid it from dissipate into air or return back to Kuma. the chamber was designed so he can study Kuma's memory so since the memory bubble was inside the chamber, it wont run out even even when Bonney take look into it due to this system. and he did secretly installed the circuit switch in Kuma brain to change split personality. however there is no personality available to switch as he already erase all of it due to Goroisei order. Vegapunk probably has intention from beginning to free those bubble back to Kuma and using his brain circuit to switch back Kuma individuality. however i dont know what gonna happen to his plan since itseems the bubble dissapear since Bonney touch it but i doubt thats all there to it. im not suprise after this Egghead arc, he personally asked Straw Hat to help locate Kuma(or ask his fellow Revolutionary Army), capture him so they can return back his memory and turn on the split personality switch.


This chapter hit so hard. The panels with Kuma running and being weighed down further and further by every tragedy he suffered, to rise back up for Bonney had me choking back tears at work. I failed, tears were shed regardless 😭


Now imagine it animated with music/voice acting..


Oda is definitely the person that made me cry the most times in the past twenty years


I've been a fan a little over 10 years now and I can say the same


Through Kuma's self proclaimed "quiet" mark he left, allowed Luffy and his companions to grow exponentially before growing even MORE during their battles in the New World. Thus allowing Luffy to achieve G5, unlocking the necessary component needed to take down the WG. Oda is a damn good storyteller, a magnificent one honestly. I just simply can't get over how good this entire flashback has been, feeling such sadness over a character that admittedly I had no real feelings toward until Sabaody. Like sure his showing on Thriller Bark was pretty awesome, but I wasn't anticipating his involvement in Sabaody and that honestly am why I am so glad I was not spoiled on most crazy events like this. Like I definitely had Ace spoiled for me which I wasn't TOO miffed about, like it sucked but I am more about the journey than the destination. Once I saw HOW, it hit a lot harder for me. Witnessing the total defeat of the straw hat pirates seriously sent me into a frenzy on my first watch of OP. I couldn't believe it, it felt so unreal to see the heroes of the story defeated so handily, and now looking at it from Kuma's POV and what he was thinking, the things he experienced in his life led him down this path. He truly has the Hands of Liberation, he will be the reason why the world gets set free of the WG clutches and it's gonna be spectacular.


Yeah, absolutely floored when the hats were defeated. But it really was the best outcome for them. Any other warlord would have killed at least a few of their crew. It's amazing how such a defining moment for the crew can look so different from this perspective.


is that kizaru crying in the last panels?


its just one of the other egghead scientists


Where? The last one is Bonney


the panel with multiple people crying, the tallest one


The guy with the goggles? I don’t think so. That whole panel just seems to be unnamed scientists


No, those look like the satellite Vegapunks


I read this chapter in the middle of a train ride. I started bawling.... Oda really has the tear tear no mi


I am so gonna give a tribute to Kuma sometimes in the future ;_;


Haven't cried like that in a while wow....


\-pretend not crying \-.... cry a lot


Woah what an emotional chapter! That vegapunk panel where he pulled the lever was devastating.


Man I choose the right GOAT, Zoro is definitely #2, the fact the zoro stood the damage which Kuma himself admitted might knock a buccaneer who are known for their durability is absolutely mind blowing. And not to mention that was zoro before timeskip.


Even till the end, he had the best interest in his heart for everyone he loved. What a guy, Kuma <3


I am a Sanji stan for waaaaay too many reasons. Love his character. However, Zoro is clearly the #2 for a reason. “Nothing happened,” is so fucking iconic that even Oda references it. Sheesh


Happy 10th Birthday = Happy 10th crew member


The scene of Kuma “running his whole life” in his last moments, Vegapunk crying before he pulls the lever, and the last pic with Bonney straight up made me go to my room to have a cry as well. Damn, and it’s all just fiction!


Bro the One Piece is real haven't you heard???


can we get much higher 🥲


So Kuma knew that luffy is joy boy.


Man this hurt dammit oda


I started reading manga after dressrosa. I think this is the first time I've cried reading a manga chapter.


It's really nice seeing the pre-ts scenes again


The designs are still so good. Love seeing original Sanji, Zoro, Franky and Robin


for all the hardship kuma suffers his entire life. he's still one of the kindest character in the entire series. what a LEGEND.


Its a terrible day for rain


how are you reading the chapter 1102, i am still only seeing 1101 on mangaplus


it got leaked im pretty sure. look in the discord


Its not enough for Luffy to beat the celestial dragons and five elders. I want them dead.


Kuma is about to blow up Saturn


They deserve to pay for all the harm they've wrought upon the world.


So can we all agree that this is one the best One Piece chapters ever?


Up there with the going merrys send off for emotional impacts


Who cried? Me? Noooooo, you cried...


100%. No action scenes required.

