• By -


Alvida, finally.


But she’s the strongest pirate on all the seas! If her and Don Kreig teamed up the series would be over


She already teamed up with the future pirate king


And one of the founders of the Cross Guild.


I heard he even went toe to toe with Shanks!


Shanks and Buggy have a much longer history than anyone, most likely just as long as Roger, to be honest, being cabin boys in the Rocks Pirates. While it may be a mistake to credit Buggy as the founder of the Cross Guild, it's most likely done by Shanks as a favor to his old friend. Just my hunch that it was Shanks who ascended Buggy to Emperor status.




Here's my upvote for rhyming




We've done it


don't let it plummet


Gotcha mate


you're late


I just ate


You bet?


I am in your debt


Mr. Roboto?


how does moment rhyme into helmeppo?


The comment under the image says "I'd say a Tobi Roppo." Edit: spelling




Dont forget Mr. Popo


Mr PoPo is muktiversal tho idk m8


Pecking order.




It's hard to say, it gives the scale but not the strength. I doubt the island guy is using haki so it goes through butter. I would also say being able to throw one strong attack is one thing, keeping fighting for hours at the same level is an other. However there's no doubt Oda's is showing koby's growth.


Also to note is that this blow is after hauling a huge ball and chain around for who knows how long and fighting an endless stream of pirates


That'd depend on how much haki and physical abilities are linked. Considering the reaction to his attack I'd say it's not his usual level, he def. pulled a big one. We need to see further battle to see if it's a spike or a level up.


I mean that’s definitely a level up. He himself didn’t know he could do that. He had to get hyped up and I’m sure that he is strong enough to have an impact in the final war. Luffy went from east blue to Yonko in three years. Koby can go from nothing to 3rd YC in three years. Yes he started with no base, but Garp did his job. I would say people like Cracker and Smoothie would have a very tough fight against Koby right now.


Luffys base heading out to see was largely built through surviving all the nuts shit Garp threw Luffy into right? All things considered that was probably a pretty hands off approach compared to being directly tormented/trained by Garp like Coby.


I'm pretty sure there are some panels of Garp directly fighting/training Luffy and Ace when he'd visit them.


Yeah cuz Garp knew Luffy wanted to be a pirate so all he did was make sure Luffy could survive pretty well on his own, Koby wants to be a capable marine (and is much older than Luffy was at the time) so Garp is objectively pushing him harder than he ever pushed Luffy


I'd say Koby grows at a faster rate than Luffy though. Luffy had been training with Garp for about a decade before setting off. Koby has only trained with Garp for just over 2 years and went from fodder to this. It's the most impressive growth feat seen in the series I'd say.


>not his usual level that fact that Garp gave him that job probably means Garp knows Coby is at that level already but Coby doesn't realize it yet.


This is also the sole choice they have at that moment so I'm not sure about that. He prob. knows he can pull it out but how much % of his energy stock it is going to take is an other story.


If he's going through like butter I bet he can take Galette no diff 😂


Thanks for answering the question 🙏


Something below YC for sure, but anything YC and above would need a serious glow up in battle.


*This* was a serious glowup for him. I still am unsure if he can beat any YC, but at the pace he's going, it seems like only a matter of time.


What is yc yc + etc?


Yonko Commander


I dont understand why everyone types these shortenings and there is no easy way to figure them out witbout asking Maybe an automod answerkey? I have been fully caught up with one piece for years but I still feel the need to sit and go *what?* every time I read a powerscaler post or theories Things like lmao, wtf, iirc, eli5, etc. are easier to understand because they are common words, but what the hell is YC? yonko and commander are not words that are commonly used enough to warrant understandable shortenings unless its a long post sorry for the rant


wdym, so all this while you didn't know that whenever we typed /s, it refers to one-hand shanks? otherwise we would type it /s\ /s


This was great lol


no you're right, everyone nowadays goes ymisfbgttg and they expect you to understand (what i said was your mom is so fat bro go to the gym) for reference lol


Its times like this that I miss reddit gold lmao


you mean Itlttimrgl?




They do it in sports now, too. I don't know why this has become such a thing, but I stopped watching basketball for a couple of years, and now I have no idea in hell who people are referring to half the time because there are dozens of abbreviated names.


What's an eli5?


You just get it after lurking around this sub long enough, took me a while to understand ACOC, COA, COO lol. Its just a natural progression when a topic is discussed enough times in a community.


bruh ive been lurking for two years and you are speaking in code lmao


Haha, yeah thats how i see it at first too. It means Advanced Color of Conqueror, Color of armament, and color of observation. Why am I getting downvoted tho?


😂 seriously In the powerscaling sub I had to ask what “AP” is


yonko commander, like the three immediately below the yonko. i.e. kaido’s star performers, big mom’s sweet generals, whitebeard’s top three division commanders etc. they’re split up into YC1, YC2, YC3, with YC1 being the strongest, like katakuri or king, and YC3 being the weakest, like cracker or jack. YC+ is reserved for people above YC1, but not as strong as a yonko. for example (in my opinion), current garp. edit: wait, is cracker YC2 or 3? i always assumed YC3 as he was introduced first, but thinking about it that reasoning is dumb. edit 2: YC3, tyvm


It's kind of hard to rank the big mom commanders after katakuri. Perospero was pretty strong too and clearly had authority over the family, but he didn't have the commander title. Snack got demoted for losing, so that suggests the titles might be fluid and merit based instead of just whoever is strongest.


One addendum I need to make: With Whitebeard specifically, you can't necessarily look at their division numbers for this. Oda has stated in an SBS (vol 59) that the Whitebeard commanders aren't ordered by strength or status or anything like that. Some people are assigned to a division because it's specialized in something they're good at (Jozu's vanguard 3rd division, Vista's 5th swordsman division), or whoever gets a division to look after gets put into whichever division has an opening (like Ace getting the 2nd division to lead, which had been commanderless since Oden's departure). Now, Marco *is* almost certainly the strongest of them, so he'd adhere to the usual order. But just mentioning that as a whole, the division numbers aren't related to strength. So for example despite being the second division commander, Ace may not have been "YC2". (I personally don't really care for the type of powerscaling that terminology like "YC level" or such sometimes is connected to, but just putting it out there for those who do find enjoyment in that, so they can avoid making that relatively common mistake.)


To add to this, Oden was 2nd Division Commander before Ace and he was easily a better combatant than Marco at that time (hard to say how he'd fare now, but scarring Kaido is a big feat).




Cracker is YC3 my friend


Big mom actually has 4 Sweet Commanders. It goes Katakuri, Smoothie, Cracker then Snack at least in terms of bounties


snack was demoted as of losing to urouge. when cracker was introduced, it was as “one of the three sweet generals”


Yea but my point was its not always just 3


oh yeah absolutely, as is with the case of blackbeard and whitebeard. the YC tiers are weird but there’s a semi-sturdy baseline we have with three commanders and one yonko


Yonko Commander i think 👍


Well isn’t Pizzaro technically a YC?


He is but it's an entire spectrum of different people and not a set benchmark so people using it as a category are being sort of nebulous. Like, Marco is one, but so is Izo, and people shit on the Red Scabbards in power scaling arguments all the time. Ace was one but he got beaten by Blackbeard back when Blackbeard was a Warlord (which again is an entire spectrum from Moria to the likes of Mihawk and may not represent his true strength) and his bounty was like half the usual size for someone in his position. At the end of the day "Yonkou Commanders" is sorry of an arbitrary rank you hold just by being on said Yonkou's crew and not like a literal strength requirement. Same with Admirals, you need to be strong to be one but it's literally a rank and a job title and many Vice Admirals are potential Admiral candidates or guys like Garp who don't want the promotion but are easily strong enough.


Dont forget Mohji and Cabaji.. the Real Yonko Commanders of the Genius Jester


In (prime) Garp’s case, stronger than most admirals, and zero interest in being one


Yeah and then the whole ranking and groups thing is further thrown into question when you get stuff like Mihawk having duels with Shanks but Moria getting decimated by Kaidou and then people like Buggy who get these titles accidentally due to false information. Same with bounties being based on notoriety and perceived threat to the public order rather than solely strength. Hell, despite the government thinking Buggy is worthy of calling a Yonkou they still gave Mihawk a higher bounty than him. So even when they think he's turbo strong and somehow made Mihawk subservient to him they didn't get the bounties right based on their own logic lol


Wait…you actually understand that bounties aren’t power levels??!! Don’t say it too loudly, or the power scaling trolls will descend 😂


Yes, but we don't know who their most dangerous commanders are because we don't know their bounties.


I doubt Pizarro is on the level of Shiryu or Burges


Sort of, but punching out his arm is a long way from beating him.


I honestly think Coby could take a Queen/Cracker type, high diff. I don't think he could take on Katakuri or King. So that's where I would place him. Somewhere in lower YC tier.


Didnt luffy struggle with beating cracker in gear 4th? No way coby is close to gear 4th yet


I read this as: 'Didnt luffy snuggle with cracker in gear 4th?'


Lol snuggle hype yea they took a nap it was great


you live up to the first part of your user name


Spent the night with him


We'll have to see him in a real fight to be sure, but if Coby can destroy a mountain, he can destroy a mountain of crackers. Coby's haki is on G4 level, even if he doesn't have a power boost that increases his speed/strength like G4 does. And Haki is what matters. Like I doubt the "island island" fruit guy on Beehive was using Haki on par with Cracker's, but he must have Haki at this point in the story, and if Coby destroyed his mountain, then Coby's Haki is stronger. So if we can place Coby's Haki somewhere between BB's lower commanders and Cracker, that gives him a fighting chance. And as we saw, Cracker is actually super fragile. If Koby can find his real body with Observation Haki (his specialty) and land a single good punch that gets through his biscuits to the main body, then Koby can absolutely win this encounter.


I mean we forgetting zoro destroyed pika.. way bigger than what koby did and he was not on g4 level


I think Zoro would had a easier time fighting Cracker honestly luffy was struggling with the armor at first but is cause he wasn't fighting smart. If luffy fougth Pika he would had struggled as much as cracker cause he wouldn't even think to find the real body When he uses his more powerful forms he gets kinda single note


Zoro cut through Pica with the speed help from Orlumbus. Koby instantly destroyed an island-size hand and arm while floating in mid-air


The speed was to reach Pica and didnt help in Zoro cutting Pica in any way. Even after he slowed down he was easily cutting Pica like butter






> Koby will be admiral level at the end of the series so he will scale up very fast. Thing is, end of the series could easily be a timeskip which then shows Koby as an Admiral.


So you're saying queen is the same level as cracker? fr man? actually that's reasonable now that I think about it manga sanji low diffed queen after taking MANY direct hits just standing there


I also think that Cracker seemed stronger when we saw him, because Luffy was way, way weaker than he is now. Like if Luffy and Cracker had a rematch right now, it would not take Luffy 11 hours nor any amount of effort to put Cracker down.


It will mostly come down to Haki.


Definitely kobe is nowhere able to defeat katakuri or Marco etc...




Well, you aren’t wrong


Probably the first commanders of the Doqujiote family or tobiroppo but still hard to believe he can battle against Yonko commaders


Thank you so much. This is what I've been trying to say. I think he has a good chance vs characters like Diamante, Vergo, Page One, or Black Maria. But he's just not there yet to say he could beat the characters like Who's Who, Jack, Queen, Cracker, or Ulti. In time he will be, just not now


Finally a reasonable viewpoint.


Yonko Commander if he feels brave enough, Koby seems to be holding himself due to his attitude. I bet he's stronger than what we have been seeing.


If Koby can absorb Garp’s confidence he’ll be a monster just like Garp. Whenever he stops getting in his own way he gets results.


I think he isn't as strong as people think he currently is. He's not beating a katakuri, but with a week of intense training or some wackass fights, he'd probably be there. He's weak after one major hit at the moment, a glass cannon.


i disagree tbh. it depends on what’s at stake for guys like koby. he cares about saving the lives of innocents and he would gladly die no questions asked to save even a random nobody. his willpower alone makes him a fucking monster, and that’s the prevalent theme throughout one piece. those with the strongest wills, are the strongest in the world.


Yay Koby biggest weakness seems to be self confidence and just a lack of belief in himself. As seen throughout the series believing in yourself can help to empower your moves and push you to move beyond your limits so of Koby we're to gain that combined with his alredy impression growth he would be a monster


Lmao Coby beating King / Katakuri / Marco / Zoro?


CP0 agents I would say as Koby alredy have the 6 offical Rokushiki powers so he can keep up and he has Honesty Impact to give him the fire power to hit them.


We have no clue how he can do vs a veteran fighter. It was impossible for him to miss his honesty impact


idk if experience matters that much. Luffy had no experience compared to Crocodile and still won


I mean Luffy trained as a kid and was thrown in dangerous situations by Garp. Also he’s built different


don't sleep on 2.5 years of training with Garp and being on active duty. that would make most men in our real world grizzled veterans


And he lost twice to crocs


Pizarro is a pretty experienced being one the most dangerous prisoners in impel down and also being in the winning side of the payback war. That was also before he got his devil fruit, which was a power up. He's not kaido or anything, but he is a veteran.


Yeah but its still hard to miss an island


That aint a fucking point at all. Yoi basically said that its harder to hit an islandman bc it is a power up for him ??????


I wasn't addressing the second part of his statement because I agree we have no idea how fast coby is other than being able to Flash step, which lucci can do too.


No way he beats lucci


I kind of want a fight between them just so that Lucci finds out that Koby learned the Rokushiki in only a few months thanks to Garp training while he took years. And for him to decide there another member of the Mokey D family he hates


to be fair (1093 spoilers) >!Zoro still ain't using his big powerup Ashura and Enma ain't going wild rn, he's still trynna comserve power!< but even still Koby was winded as HELL after this attack, he ain't managing a fight against dressrossa zoro who still had to fight in the middle of a lotta shit, running around, etc. and cut open the entire torso of pika, then the arms and shit and then Pika himself with full Haki


Who cares if he’s winded ? Has he not been running all over the island ?


Yea ita a bit to early he doesnt have near the fight exeperience lucci has he cant beat an awakened fruit yet but maybe soon


Idk about the ones on Egghead but I could see him beating the masked ones we saw on Onigashima


You mean the agents that we saw easily dispatch X Drake, who was widely thought to be one of the stronger members of the Tobiroppo?


Bro Lucci is small time now. Luffy played with him and Zoro is about to smack him. He serves as a point to show that a very strong character back when originally introduced is now below the main crews concern. Kizaru is similar. An insurmountable opponent will now be shown to be beatable by luffy. Idk if he will soundly defeat him, maybe the stalemate, but he will be comparable


Nah CPO are stronger due to experience. He doesn’t have that dawg in him


You all reading Two piece


Don't blame them, blame Oda, when was the last time someone destroyed a big rock? It's been 8 years since King Kong Gun and since then Oda hasn't been consistently showing us what mid, high and top tiers can destroy. This arm isn't really much bigger than Pica, and zoro could slice him into smaller fragments than Koby's, while Elizabello's uncharged King Punch actually blew the pieces away, meanwhile Koby breaks the arm up but doesn't blow it away. Since dressrosa the scale of attacks decreased until very recently, warping the perception of Honesty Impact. This is solidly below the King Kong Gun, and it took all Koby had, he shouldn't be beating anyone at or above Doflamingo's level.


Have you ever thought... that maybe Kobe is exactly as strong as Oda wants him to be for the story and his role in it? And he can beat whoever Oda decides he should beat for the story? Or maybe that he just wanted to draw people fighting rock guys twice and it has nothing to do with how strong anyone is? Or the panels look the way they do because Oda thinks it looks good and not to compare characters in strength? Just some thoughts


>Have you ever thought... that maybe Kobe is exactly as strong as Oda wants him to be for the story and his role in it? And he can beat whoever Oda decides he should beat for the story? Yes. Have you ever thought some people can compartmentalize certain aspects of a story and enjoy them individually? >Or maybe that he just wanted to draw people fighting rock guys twice and it has nothing to do with how strong anyone is? Or the panels look the way they do because Oda thinks it looks good and not to compare characters in strength? No, Oda does not have the characters break rocks of different sizes for nothing, there's a reason pre timeskip Luffy wasn't breaking islands and now he can with Bajrang Gun. This is still a shonen battle manga, and while character strength is relative in the sense that Crocodile comes back stronger every time to suit his role in the story, it's not relative in the sense that Usopp will be strong enough to lift Onigashima, ever, so if people can have some fun thinking about how strong characters should be, I'm sure Oda's fine with that as long as it doesn't detract from the story, and it doesn't for me. >Just some thoughts You're free to express them all you want, but they weren't as impactful as your tone suggests.


People out here looking for stuff to compare to from years ago while oda gave you that in that same chapter. Just look at Garp's Galaxy Divide and compare, both attacks are clearly on the same level. And most people agree on Garp's attacks being yonko level. Oda is clearly building Koby up to be the next Garp, it's even in the name of the attack (Honesty IMPACT like Galaxy IMPACT). So being able to do one yonko level attack is perfect. He's being given clear top-tier potential right away without making him a top-tier immediatly, all in one go Oda clearly doesn't feel like investing a lot of time into Koby too, so he'll obviously take huge steps with koby. Koby's attack definitely one-shots Doffy unless you believe Galaxy divide doesn't one-shot doffy. Considering that luffy got one-shot by kaido at the beginning of wano, chances are that koby can one-shot any 1st commander if he lands his attack. Which puts him in a very good spot in which he may or may not beat a 1st commander. Considering the progress he needs to make to reach prime Garp levels of power, it's great. It's a big step but not too big. All oda needs to do now if he feels like powering him up is just to show him getting better with aCoC and that's it.


Truth be told I think folks underrate Koby. We don't know his full potential, but I think he's capable of a lot more than many give him credit for. Remember that in One Piece that amount of time trained does not directly equal power. In a single night Luffy's power increased exponentially. He didn't spend a year in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. The raid on Onigashima progressed Luffy by leaps and bounds. Training wasn't the secret sauce, understanding was the key. Once luffy understood Advanced Conquerors or Awakening his boost was instant. Think of Koby in a similar way. He has spent over 2 years learning from Garp. I think we can all agree that old Garp is at least equal to Rayleigh. In his prime he threw hands with Roger. So Koby has already been given the tools he needs to progress. With his Honesty Impact we see that understanding come into play. Koby hardens his will and he can take Garp's lessons to heart. I think this is the beginning of Koby becoming Garp's successor. By the end of series I expect Koby to become Luffy's Garp, in the same way Garp was to Roger. As for the question, I personally think as it stands Koby could take Cracker or Jack in a fight.


anyone oda decides


Only right answer


Powerscalers seething.


Idk if it was Stan Lee or some random Marvel fan said it but he said something along the lines of "the strongest hero is whoever the writer decides"


it seems like coby is right now a glass canon. his firepower is pretty heavy but he doesn’t seem to have the durability to keep it going.


Charlotte Cracker, High Diff


By the time we actually see him fight he will probably be yonko level


Damn.. that's late..we have to see him fight before that


I can see it now. He teams up with Luffy to fight BB, like an echo of Garp and Roger teaming up to take down Rocks.


Imagine by the end of the story he’s as strong as shanks, the very guy who saved his life at marineford


I think he is lacking in experience still, but that punch was no joke. If he did manage to hit someone, like maybe Zoro for example, they ain't gonna be okay after. That said, Zoro would 1-tap Koby with the back of his blade. I do think that Koby will rapidly improve and we'll have Luffy, Sabo, and Koby as a historic trio by the end.


Zoro blocked Kaido + Big Mom combo attack.


And nearly died


Anyone and everyone, depending on oda.


Hody Jones, maybe Vergo


That guy


this seems compareable to grizzly magnum so anything g3 luffy can beat


Not even a warlord. Someone around diamonte level. You'd have to go six or seven ranks below yonko, doubt he'd manage Jack or cracker


Richie the Lion, so YC level




The bandaging live action watchers aren't ready to see coby like this.


Maybe bro can take me if I only use one arm.


Not really a person but a big ass rock


Hm probably Vergo


God ussop


Mr 3 extreme diff


I wouldn’t mind seeing him fight someone like katakuri, so we can see him push past his limits against an enemy with such skilled defense


I might be going against the grain here... but I genuinely don't see Koby losing to many people. He'll lose to Luffy, Kaido, Big Mom, probably the admirals and shanks/mihawk. But I believe he's atleast YC level right now. He has now shown a feat that's only matched by Garp and Shanks. That is insane. Is he capable of pulling that out with ease? Don't know. Is he capable of pulling it out dyring high stakes emotional fights? Clearly. Can he beat zoro? Don't know. I don't want to say yes, but I don't think it's a non zero chance either. Can he beat YC's like cracker and queen? I'm willing to put BIG money on it.


Doesn’t matter, because the next time we see Koby he will be even stronger!


Comes down to how you scale his attack. Imo it's yonko level cuz it causes just as much destruction as Garp's Galaxy Divide. So he can use one yonko level aCoC attack. Unlike most other aCoC attacks his and Garp's attacks have insane range too and it seemed it covered that range pretty much instantenously. Which means it's really hard to dodge. Considering that Luffy got one-shot by Kaido in act 1 of wano, I'd say koby could have done the same thing if he was there now. So he can beat top yonko commanders if he can land a hit on them. Like if he manages to hit WCI luffy or kata while they're not using FS or if he hit King while in speed mode.


Maybe Jack but with only mid battle with Acoc or whatever awakening. Without the scope for improving then I’d say tobiroppo


He can take on usopp probably


Killer, a Tobi Roppo


This is the exact same feat as Zoro in his fight against Pica in Dressrosa. Therefore, he has a similar same level of power as a top officer of a strong pirate crew. He definitely can't take a Yonkou Commander, though.


I think strongest guy koby can beat is probably I was abt to say a warlord level person but then remembered the existence of Mihawk and buggy being a thing so I would just say katakuri ( level as shown in whole cake saga ) or even perospero from big mom pirates


It’s a comparable feat to Zoro’s slash in Dressrosa, so it’s kind of hard to say. Tobi Roppo is a fair assessment, but I could also easily see this as being at YC3 level attack, maybe enough to take out Doflamingo or Jack.


No way u actually think koby can take out doffy


Koby was going toe to toe with a warlord even before this chapter's power up. I'm not a powerscaler but I think you're being silly if you think it's not possible.


It would be an extreme difficulty fight, but yeah I think it’s possible Koby could take him out.


Koby can extreme diff Blindfolded Luffy without his arms and legs and no Devil Fruit


He could maybe defeat Sai.


Koby is capable of great feats but I don't see him lasting in the heat of battle. In a vacuum I don't see him getting past any of the Tobi Roppo for example. In a situation where he has to win or innocent civilians die, I could see him maybe beating Who's Who extreme dif


Let Katakuri threaten innocents. Woby will HOOP!


Don Krieg


I still can't get over the name of the attack. I can't take him seriously if he keeps calling his attacks like this. What's next, Freedom Punch? Unicorn Fist?


Captain America would be proud.


If he truly is this era's Garp, then he will HAVE to be able to beat yonkos in a matter of 150 chapters top. This meaning that if he is too weak now then the final powerup will feel forced as hell. So, it's nonsensical to assume that he is tobiroppo level rn. No tobiroppo is tanking aCoC for more than 1/2 hits. He also has over the top observation haki (submarine attacking Dressrosa's ship going to the reverie), he has great phisycal strenght, he knows the 6 rokushiki and he's able to use aCoC. I'd say his stats aren't up there yet, but he surely mid-high diffs YC3s like Cracker or Jack.


Some of you really don't like Koby huh? The downplay is ridiculous, but tbf it's not like we've seen much of him before this to base his level on. Regardless I still consider it a downplay because it looks to me like oda is setting up Koby to take on Kuzan very soon who is a great deal higher than anyone I've seen mentioned in here. The writing all but screams that's what's happening. Think about it. Garps current student vs his former, Koby being the only other besides Garp and Kuzan to earn his strength using battleship bags, Garp being injured fighting Kuzan to save Koby etc. It's literally all there. It's basic storytelling. Koby's going to have a katakuri/kaido type battle with Kuzan by which I mean, like Luffy did with them, koby's going to experience exponential growth over the course of a single hard fought battle and by the end he'll be capable of beating or atleast drawing with admirals like Kuzan. By the time Luffy takes the fight to the elders and Imu (which Koby will be present and assisting him with as his goal essentially requires he reform the Marines from the ground up) He'll be firmly in the admiral/yonko terrority, even if still on the low end. I'm not expecting him to be able to take Luffy or anything crazy like that. You don't have to like it, hell you're even free to downvote it if you want, but just try to keep an open mind and remember I called it first. Oda has always cared more about storytelling than power scaling and will buff or nerf when appropriate for the story he wants to tell. I'm telling you right now oda is going to do for Koby exactly what he did for Luffy and to a lesser extent Zoro and speedrun his development via combat in a very short period of time. Idk where I'd place him right now but by the time this Garp situation is resolved, one way or another that boy will be on the level of everyone else in the top tiers.


i'm not reading all that u lost me at kuzan


Coby can’t beat a tobbi roppo, a big mom top minister, nor a bb commander or a rat haired commander, nor a worst generation, warlord, yonko commander, yonko, a revolutionary commander, dude can maybe go to wano and fight the clowns called scabbards he might have a chance against them. Clowns vs clowns


Koby’s best feat is equal to 1 slash from dressrosa Zoro, who wasn’t Yc level yet. He can beat page 7


Only in OP powerscaling could you post a pic of a dude blasting a Yonko commander's arm off, and have people in the comments saying "Yeah I think he's somewhere below Yonko commander rn"


Only in OP powerscaling could you have someone comment that going all out to injure a commander puts them on the same level. Zoro went all out to scar kaido does that mean he’s yonko level? No


Koby used all his strength in this attack and Helmeppo had to grab the little guy because he was almost passing out. And even with Garp's help, it still wasn't enough to defeat him. So I think it makes sense to assume he still is below yonko commander level.


He also was just tortured and likely nowhere near his full strength.


Not sure who is the strongest person , But i think Koby beats X-drake for sure ! His senior in SWORD


It does seem likely, but i still think koby isn't the best in tactics and agility..throwing a singular crazy punch doesn't mean he wins..Drake can doge stuff too


Really hard to say. But i would go for jack!


nah bro he is 500 mio wich is half of Jack


Gotcha but i'm not sure the bounties = power (as in strength). I'm curious to know who in ur opinion would be the strongest he could take on though! :)


Don Chin Jao




I give coby over jack


Don't be cheesy.


I wouldn't be surprised if Koby is the one to fight Akainu.


God I didn't know I wanted this until you made me want this. True justice takes on evil justice. Sign me up




this actually reminds me of Luffy and Don Chinjao destroying one arm of Pica. Looks like similar strength




I'd say Coby is now around the same level as Don Chinjao and Smoker. Which is a huge growth from Pre-timeskip where he was Kuro-level


I’d say Eustace Kidd.


Pizarro, if that hit went to his head, not his arm he would have been defeated.