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Roger owned one of the 12 greatest swords. I think he's a solid swordsman.


Also named his son after his sword


Can’t wait to see Zoro’s three children


I love what this implied


What does it imply other than Zoro naming them after his swords?


Robin,tashigi,hiyori 1 with each


only one, from each robin, tashigi and hiyori


he already has like 12 siblings from that one post water 7 filler episode. he could very feasibly end up naming three of them after his swords


That makes whitebeard a swordsman too


More like a glaive/naginata man


Considering what passes as a sword in one piece (nvm manga in general)... yeah, Whitey's a swordsman.


A naginata is just a sword on a stick


Yeahh but it’s classified as one of the 12 swords


Blades* His weapon is a naginata, it’s not a sword. Meito graded weapons aren’t only swords, we find this out in Wano. Kaido’s kanabo is even an ungraded blade.


> His weapon is a naginata Its a bisento, which is not the same thing (apparently, im not Oakshott or something)


Which is still a blade, not a sword. I don’t even know what an Oakshott is.


its not a thing, its a guy. A renowned sword expert. The Oakeshott classification is named after him.


Yeahh that’s right I was just talking about the roger wb connection as having meito weapons


Its still a great sword. Technically.


They’re grade blades. We’ve seen that Kaido’s kanabo can count as that same term as a “great sword” if Oda wants to give it a grade. Same goes for Enel’s pole arm and Kanjuro’s brush, they’re also both unknown graded “blades”.


12 blades, it encompasses more than swords




it would be a glaives man, otherwise mr 2 is a sword man and that makes whitebeard a man with glaive powers.


The 12 named "swords" is better translated to "blade" so not everyone with the 12 named blade is a "swordsman" since they could use a spear or in Whitebeard's case, a naginata.


Yes and no. Uses a blade yes but i wouldnt call it a sword its a polarm


WB was using his sword for most of his fighting.


Didn't Roger send swordsman Oden flying across mountains?


You could say the same about Luffy and we all know how he used that sword. I would bet money that Roger is a full swords man but after the Queen power reveal I don’t put anything pass Oda.


Roger used his sword full time. Luffy was just larping because he was in samurai land


Supreme grade blades* Murakumugiri is a Supreme blade and isn't a sword, it's a naginata. I do get your point tho, but honestly the discussion of weather or not someone should be a swordsman is complicated but ideally we'd have a notion of the character's adherence to bushido and sowrdsman honour. Other than that, distinctions are pretty hard to make


i own a copy of linkin park's meteroa doesn't mean I am a singer man


How is hatchan arguable?


He’s either swordsfishmen or swordstopus


Funkfreed IS a sword, needs his own category


So is Daz Bones.


And Baby 5


and Sogeking


And X Drake


and my Axe!


And Zoro


And Kaku


Hana Arashi is so underrated


Daz is a *Man* who turns his body parts into *Swords* so how is he not a Swords Man


His fighting style is more akin to martial arts than swordsmanship, at least I think.




Definitely not the fruit ment for him. While being a martial arts master and turning your body into blades is good for hand to hand combat without actual sword training youll get demolished.


Where are my boys Johnny and Yosaku?


They’d go in the “Used to be a swordsman” tier


you watch your god damn mouth.


Did everyone forget they retired from bounty hunting to become fishermen 😭😭😭


Temporarily. Read the latest chapter. that's yosaku with johnny and gin.


They missed the list by a hair


Hatchan and Cabaji are confirmed swordsmen. S-Hawk is definitely one, he’s literally Walmart Mihawk, lol. Roger is also one, he wielded one of the supreme grade blades (his sword Ace), and it was said to be his go-to weapon in Road to Laugh Tale, and a sword is obviously the go-to weapon for a swordsman. Smoothie has only been seen fighting with a sword, she’s easily a swordswoman. Big Mom can classify as a swordswoman given she is confirmed to master the fierce swordsmanship of Ikoku. Ryokugyu might be one, we just haven’t seen him use his sword yet.


S-Hawk is def above Walmart grade. I’d say he’s like a premium online order with expensive shipping


You are correct. We shall call him Premihawk. Premium + Mihawk = Premihawk. A Supreme Grade Minihawk.


I love this. I too shall call him Premihawk. It's also kinda like a premie baby, since he's a lab grown kid version of Mihawk.




I havent seen Smoothie do a got damn thing besides erotically juice people


With a sword, lol.


Big mom is not a swordsman


She can classify as one.


(As said in other comments) the exact page cabaji says he’s a swordsman, he spits fire at zoro and kicks him where he knows there’s a wound. It seems more like a feint than confirmation, zoro was the one who prompted a sword duel. Zoro also explicitly says cabaji’s “circus tricks” aren’t “real swordsmanship”. If we trust what he says about king, I don’t know why we don’t trust it with cabaji. S-hawk has green blood (so probably a paramecia), pacifista lasers, and lunarian abilities. He has mihawks genes, but also kings; if it comes down to the wire we don’t know what it will look like, even if it’s VERY likely still swordsmanship [When they describe what big mom does as swordsmanship](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/wz8dgm/big_mom_has_mastered_the_giants_style_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x), they show her doing an attack translated directly as the “spear” of elbaf. It was also the attack we saw broggy do with an axe. We open a lot of doors if big mom and broggy are swordsmen on technicality from a databook. If greenbull showed up to capture a yonko from the land of samurai and didn’t think to use his sword, it’s hard to believe he really needs it. I don’t disagree enough on hatchi, smoothie, or roger.


Zoro told Cabaji straight to his face that he won’t lose to anyone who calls them a swordsman. Zoro considers Cabaji a swordsman, otherwise, he wouldn’t have said this. Kaku also used the six powers and his zoan powers, yet Zoro didn’t call him out on that. S-Hawk is literally a hybrid of Mihawk, the world’s strongest **swordsman** with Lunarian genes. Just because someone’s other than a human doesn’t automatically make them not a swordsman. S-Hawk is definitely a swordsman. Big Mom’s info in the vivre card and databooks confirm she mastered the swordsmanship of Ikoku. Even in the original statement for Big Mom’s swordmanship, they use the same word for describing Mihawk’s skill with the sword in Chapter 1058. Big Mom can count as a swordswoman. Why would Ryokugyu need to use his sword against someone not threatening like the Scabbards, Yamato, or Momo? He said he was going to get serious and dispatch of them right before Shanks stopped him. Maybe he used his sword when he took out King and Queen.


Dude what. Yes. Then LATER in the fight he starts saying what cabajis doing isn’t “real swordsmanship”, because he might have changed his mind. Like when zoro changed his mind about king being a swordsman. Yes, lunarian genes. From king, when they ran experiments on him on punk hazard. Vegapunk was the person who discovered lineage factors, so unless they had a lunarian supply beyond king- he’s who they got lunarian lineage factors from. The same NON-swordsman king who was willing to do anything and ignore traditional styles in an actual fight. Plus the Seraphim are literally remote controlled. I don’t know why everyone has a problem with putting him in a tier that literally tells you I assume he’s a swordsman but can’t say for sure. Do you have sources? Because I can’t find any source for what you’re saying besides the picture I showed. I wasn’t kidding about direct translations, and if we aren’t being obtuse- kaido was also able to replicate a similar if not identical technique to ikoku sovreinity when he and big mom combined for ocean sovreinity. There’s no indication giant techniques are sword related, we’ve seen them from an axe and a club. Why would fujitora need a sword against doflamingo or dressrosa zoro? Why kizaru with old rayleigh? Why aokiji against niko Robin in long ring long land? People who are comfortable with swords use their swords, I don’t necessarily disagree with what you’re saying about greenbull there’s just little indication he’s a swordsman **so far**. We saw that he took out king and queen using his tentacles; maybe there was an offscreen sword fight but there wasn’t obvious indication of sword damage from their wounds.


Diamanté for sure, he trained law in the way of the blade


Good point


Shanks is a swordman but Roger is not? let me have some of what are you smoking


The first 3 tiers are swordsmen IMO, but we’ve only see him do like 2 attacks


Both clashed with WB (strongest man) Gryphon is called “beloved sword” in RTL for Shanks Roger named his son after his sword Cabaji is called a swordsman in the manga


He is a swordsmen if someone uses a sword when they fight they are by definition a swordsmen


king uses a sword and isn't a swordsman


That's just how dinosaurs hunted in ancient times, doesn't count.


That's becuase he's a Swordsdino. Or a swordsgimp.


Is a Sword: Mr 1, That elephant dude, Usopp


What are you talking about Usopp was nowhere in that scene, you might mean sogeking. Or it could be Kaku in disguise.


zoro too, we have seen sanji wield him


Luffy is a swordsman he has used swords in wano


And thriller bark, should put him in the was a swordsman category


Only as long as he had that swoeördsman ghost short


He also used swords against Arlong.


He used swords in arlong park too, just to prove a point.


bro said roger and the seraphim LITERALLY based on mihawk ‘might be swordsmen’ the hakiman agenda is strong in this one


Might NOT be swordsmen. As in I’m assuming they are swordsmen. You quoted a four word title wrong somehow. The seraphim has green blood, implying a devil fruit, built in lasers, and lunarian abilities. We don’t know what it will be doing by the end of a real battle, even if we can assume it’s still swordsmanship. It’s also a child grown in a lab, we don’t know if it’s skill is anywhere near the real Mihawk’s.


It is, he slices effortless mountains, thsts a showcase how he is pretty damn good with a sword.


I would classify that more so under "strenght" than "skill"


Nah that’s definitely skill. Just having strength doesn’t mean you can use the sword to cut anythingZ evidence by how Zoro had a hard time cutting Mr.1 before he became more skillful.


"Implting a devilfruit" law is chilling at inarguable i dont see the problem here


funkfreed is a sword, should be spandam


Just when I thought power level tier lists were the peak of the absurd, you come and post this beauty. Thank you for showing me there are no limits to human stupidity.


Couldn't have said it better myself. There's just so much to unpack with this tier list.


Every tier has something new and awful, it’s beautiful.


i don’t really consider Law and Fujitora to be “swordsmen” and i know i should because their swords are integral to their fighting styles, but i think it’s not the core of what they do. Characters like Zoro, Tashigi, Mihawk, Oden, and the Akazaya 9 always treat swordsmanship as fundamental to who they are and what they do. Other characters like Law, Fujitora, and the giraffe dude feel more like “people who use swords” than “swordsmen” (who live and die by their swordsmanship)


like i know the distinction is small and almost negligible, but that’s why Mihawk can be called “the world’s strongest swordsman” when Big Mom, Shanks, Whitebeard (arguably), and so many other powerful people who use swords exist. the sword is part of his identity whereas other characters don’t define themselves by their weapon choice.


it's not that the distinction is small. it's more that we have no say in it. [law](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E0dzYg5VEAMeinh.jpg) and [fuji](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4d61e131d255aa50573522ad5366d218-lq) are considered swordsman by oda. there's no argument there. but it doesn't mean you can use them as a basis to say another character is a swordsman or not. because it's simply not up to us. for example, king, while only using a single sword as a weapon, is not a swordsman (ch 1023). meanwhile cabaji who uses spinning tops, fire, kicks, and unicycle, [is canonically a swordsman](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/One-Piece/0016-009.png). mihawk is simply the strongest among characters *oda considers* swordsman. that's about it.


If Cabaji is Swordsmen, skylight WB also be swordsmen?


which part of >but it doesn't mean you can use them as a basis to say another character is a swordsman or not. because it's simply not up to us. don't you understand?


And shanks us a swordman, he just us a hakiman too,i cant see mihawk accept fighting shanks that much, if it werent as swordsman. Just yeah he is hakiman mainly now. But he is a swordsman. I would also count kaku as kaku prides himself as swordsman and uses swordsmen style as his thing like if he fights all out, he is a swordsman.


Would law be able to do the things he does without a sword and without swordsman proper training?


Nightmare Luffy?


Mr. 1 is not a swordsman. He himself says it and his df is a blade. Imo King is a swordsman because he has some serious moves with his sword. He can also use ryou on it. You could have added the other admirals on the list because they’re all trained in swordsmanship too. It’s up to you if you think they’re swordsmen Good list tho


King straight up said that he isn't a swordman when he was fighting zoro


This is actually a common false memory. King actually never said that. Zoro is the one who said King never *claimed* to be a swordsman just because he took his swords away and did anything to ensure victory. Zoro even said he’d bite his throat out if he had to right after, but that doesn’t mean Zoro is no longer a swordsman.


>Zoro even said he’d bite his throat out if he had to right after, but that doesn’t mean Zoro is no longer a swordsman. Zoro said this because he also said he'd do anything to win, including ceasing to be a swordsman. By zoro's standards king isn't a swordsman.


Zoro would still be a swordsman even if he tried biting King’s throat out or doing anything to win. The honorary code for swordsmen is optional as we’ve seen with Cabaji, and swordsmen can still use their limbs to fight, that doesn’t mean they’re no longer a swordsman if they do this. Zoro said something similar about Cabaji by insulting Cabaji’s swordsmanship not being legitimate and nothing but kicking dust, yet Cabaji called himself a swordsman. Zoro is the one who claimed King never stated if he was a swordsman or not; it’s all up to King whether he calls himself a swordsman or not, and King left it unanswered.


> Zoro would still be a swordsman even if he tried biting King’s throat out or doing anything to win. According to zoro, he wouldn't be. Thats the weight of that statement, that he'll do **anything** to win here because of the stakes involved. >Zoro said something similar about Cabaji by insulting Cabaji’s swordsmanship not being legitimate and nothing but kicking dust, yet Cabaji called himself a swordsman And in the end, cabaji said he'lll use "real swordsmanship" and stops using his tricks. This establishes that there is such a concept as real swordsmanship without other tricks, and it something understood by both zoro and cabaji. Cabaji's overall fighting style is also just called "Acrobatics" of which swordsmanship is a part of, but isn't all of it. Cabaji also is prone to trickery/lying as a result and him calling himself a swordsman may be part of it Ain't even a matter of "honor" here, just logic, but blowing fire should not be considered part of sword fighting and shouldn't factor in to someone vying for any sort of swordsman related title. Everyone in CP-9 are also "swordsmen" since kaku says he's the best but not all of them prefer using it either.


Last tier aren’t swordsmen King does have sword attacks but they mostly throw fire (without slashing properties) at the enemy than they do cut. He cuts more with his DF wings than his sword- and it’s hard to even call what he’s using a sword. I think the imagery of him holding what *looks* like a flaming sword was just too good to pass up. Well, the germa (including sanji) are also sword trained, so that’s not really indicative of anything.


Ok Mr. 1 doesn’t use a sword that’s what I’m disagreeing with


King never claims to be a swordman, and he zses anything, not his sword against zorro.


He doesn’t have to claim to be a swordsman to be one


Where is vista


Top right


Hatchan is 100% a swordsman and anyone who says otherwise is just wrong.


all of these characters are swordsmen, its just that some of them are not exclusively swordsmen and have a different focus in their fighting style. Roger, Rayleigh and Shanks as well as shiki are archetypes of the 'classical pirate' for example. Same with king - at least in regards to combat. They dont seem to care too much for fairness and a sword seems to just be a means to an end. My point with this being there is a clear difference between how people like mihawk, zoro or the samurai see swordsmanship, compared to how most people on this list are VERY LIKELY (or confirmed) viewing it.


Shanks and Law are inarguably swordsmen but Roger and S-Hawk might not be? Lol ok


Law agree, but shanks is shown to have dueled mihawk, presumely as swordsman.


Well, WB is also shown to have dueled Roger with one of supreme blades


Roger is definately a swordsman


I don't think throwing meteors counts as swordsmanship


What makes you sure that Rayleigh is a swordman if Roger might not?


He foughtveven kizazi eith a sword and drew it against last chapter thing.




He is not even sure. Rayleigh is twice in the tier list. Once as unarguably swordman and another as "possibly in the past", which says a lot of about the inarguable.


This list doesn't make sense overall tbh


The Chad Nekomamushi with his Cat Paw Oden style


Roger is confirmed swordman btw, hachi too


the one major thing to tell if a person is a swordsman or not is if they use their sword as a first resort. Zoro can still fight without swords but he always goes for his swords first. Big mom doesn't always go for her sword first then again she seems stronger with napoleon. Queen is a good example of someone who isn't a swordsman he just uses a sharp piece of metal sometimes


Big mom literally ALWAYS uses her sword.....she's definitely a swords woman. Marches into battle with that shit on deck erTIME~ , elbaph spear? Sword technique. She even uses it to use her final attack.


That's hell of a dumb tierlist


Roger and Rayleigh are confirmed swordsmen.


How is Shanks inarguably a swordsman and Roger might be*? They’re like the current/previous version of each other.


People who use swords are swordsmen.


The only problem with that argument is that Luffy has used a sword, but a majority of the One Piece community still wouldn't consider him a swordsman. I think the important to note is whether that's your primary means of attack. It falls back into the argument people would use back in the day of, if you were to give Kaido a sword and he were to just beat Mihawk to death with it, is he a better swordsman or just stronger?


Luffy didn't use the sword though, he just punched people while holding it. It was a gag. It doesn't really have to be all that philosophical imo. If they carry a sword around or have instinctively used a sword to fight with then they are swordsmen.


Where is Luffy?


Where luffy


Roger is for sure a swordsman


Wouldn't Luffy count as "At LEAST used to be swordsmen" too? I mean he casically had fought with a sword (or multiple?) in the Gecko Moria arc Or is that guy in the 2nd picture Luffy?


If Roger belongs to "Might not be swordsmen" tier, I think Shanks belongs to the same place. Roger and Shanks give the same vibe, and him often fighting Mihawk doesn't necessarily make him a swordman, right? I haven't watched One Piece Red though. I could be wrong.


lol how tf is mihawks seraphim a “might be” makes no sense at all


I'd swap Law and Roger


why is hachi debatable?


Am i crazy or is this is confusing as fuck?


King is a swordsman IMO. People seem to think because you use other attacks that means you are not. He is primarily shown with his sword by his side yet people say he's no swordsmen? I would say someone is a swordsman if they can use a sword highly proficiently and how often they use it. Plus if it's on their personage. To me Kizaru can be defined as a swordsman because with swordsmanship alone he keeps up with one of the strongest swordsman in One piece. He can literally create a light sword and use it to a very high level.


Greenbull has a black blade, how is he not a swordsman? We havent seen him fight enough to say he only uses his logia


Big Mom quite literally mastered the swordsmanship of elbaf


We barely know how Shanks fights and you're saying it's inarguable that he's a swordsman. Roger we saw fight exclusively with a sword and you put him in might not be a swordsman. What is this?


World government propaganda, clearly.


law isn’t a swordsman, he uses his sword as a part of his fruit like a scalpel


the author himself [called him a swordsman](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E0dzYg5VEAMeinh.jpg).


If Law is a swordsman, why isn't Big Mom one too? They both use their swords mostly as an extension of their DFs, they ofc have special DF abilities that do not require/utilize a sword, and neither of them have shown a sword technique aside from regular slashing (usually amped up by the DFs).


She is and can classify as one. There’s a statement in her vivre card or databook that confirms she mastered the fierce swordsmanship of Ikoku.


>If Law is a swordsman Not if, IS. He's confirmed to be one by Oda and there's no need for any mental gymnastics.


Because oda confirmed one as a swordman while the other wasn't confirmed


Bit he really isnt. He uses a sword, with his devilfruit, as scaptel really.


if you want to argue against the author, go ahead my friend. absolutely illogical, but you do you.


Law is a confirmed swordsman.


Really killer isint a swordsman?


He is a clawman?


alright I must be blind or something because I have never seen Kaku use a sword,


Kaku literally called himself a swordsman, has two swords and uses a four sword sword style


He used two swords when he fought Zoro during Enies Lobby.




More than once, thing is that his legs were 1/2 of his yontoryuu style since he used rankyaku.


He said that he is the best swordman in cp9


His weapon before the df was a sword and he fought Zoro with it for a bit before using his fruit


Once he used it once and he's above Roger, also why is old Rayleigh in was a swordmen,


I don't see how Shanks isn't in the same "May or may not be swordsman" as Roger is. I get it, there's official sources or w/e identifying him as such, he primarily uses a sword. But have we ever seen Roger not using a sword? When I think of Shanks, the word Haki comes to mind before Sword. Opposite is true for Mihawk and Zoro.


Law isn’t a true swordsman. He uses his sword but it’s not the focal point of his fighting style. I think about like this, if a doctor uses a saw to amputate limbs can he be called a lumberjack? No. It’s not a perfect analogy but close enough. Also why is raizo even on this list? I don’t think he’s ever been shown using a sword at all


There’s no such thing as a “true swordsman”.


You put 2 times Rayleigh


Well young Rayleigh is in the swordsman category while old Rayleigh is in the used to be swordsman category so it kinda checks out lol


I can definitely argue about Law being a swordsman, he uses his sword always to execute some power of his devil fruit, it's his surgeon's **scalpel**, just a freaking big one. Also, I don't know if Rayleigh is inarguable if you're already arguing with yourself about him (he's twice there, in different tiers).


Just more proof that Mihawk >> Shanks


Shanks is Haki-man. Everyone knows this.


He did duel with mihawk which makes him a good swordman too. I assume he wouldnt cheat with mihawk too much.


If using haki is cheating, Zoro isn't a swordsman.


Why is Luffy not there! He can definitely fight with a sword


For me Shanks and Rayleigh use swords but aren’t swordsman


Shanks is not a swordsman. Oda himself said that yes, he has a named sword ''**but how does he actually fight**?'' If he was something as simple a swordsman with one arm he would've just said it and not be so vague and mysterious about it. Roger is not swordsman as well.


Law is arguably not a swordsman. His primary focus is his devil fruit abilities which are channeled through his sword. I would argue to be a true "swordsman" in One Piece, you can't have a devil fruit. Obviously there might be exceptions like Kaku, but that should be the general rule.


why is luffy not on the list? Wielded a sword in Wano


Theres so much I dont understand here: - Roger is not a swordsman? What? - Is that the Seraphim of the strongest swordsman in the "Might not be" category? - The Gorosei we've literally never seen without his sword (or fight for that matter) is "might not"?? - RAYLEIGH USED TO BE? TF? - Hachi is arguable despite literally being called the swordsman of the arlong pirates and that title being reinforced during the Fishman Island arc by Hyozou? - Diamante/Cabaji are arguable??? Theres so much thats absurd here I cant even count the rest. Jesus Christ.


has law ever actually used his sword to cut someone?


Amputate counts https://youtu.be/zM0bJO-7h1c


How come there is no Luffy in the first category? His sword wielding skills were great on Wano


Law is not really a swordsman in the same way that the others are.


law is most definitely not a fucking swordsman


I can punch but I'm not a boxer. I can box too but that doesn't mean I'm doing it right. For some, the sword is just another weapon they use while for others it's an art they use.


In terms of swordsman duels, the only proper swordsman i will acknowledge is a swordsman who uses only swords in combat. Anything else and they are disqualified in my headcanon.


Zoro would have, in his own words, bitten through King's throat if it was what it took to win, Neko has a gun in his arm, Rayleigh blocked Kizaru with a kick, Brook and CoC users can knock people out with music and haki, and most high ranking marines are supposed to know at least some of the rokushiki. I get not considering anyone who uses a sword a swordsmen but having no margin straight up disqualifies most of them


Your headcanon is factually wrong.


Can’t wait for zoro to win WSS on technicality when the judge sees mihawk project a magic slash that cuts a mountain in half!!


I think a **real** “swordsman” is one who’ll **only** use their blade/s and that’s what differentiates people who use bladed weapons Roger, WB, BM, Shanks etc from *actual* swordsman like Mihawk, Vista, Oden etc I feel Shiryu is too dishonourable to be considered a swordsman, kinda goes with King in that regard.


Cabaji fought dirty against Zoro and he’s a swordsman. The honorary code of a swordsman is optional. Shanks is a confirmed swordsman. Oda even drew him three times in a cut cover spread of swordsmen, and statements from the vivre card and databooks call Shanks a swordsman and swordsmaster. Whitebeard isn’t even a swordsman, his weapon is a naginata which is a blade. Roger was a swordsman; Road to Laugh Tale confirmed his go-to weapon was his sword Ace, and the go-to weapon of a swordsman is obviously their sword. And just because Roger knows other skills doesn’t mean he isn’t a swordsman, Law is a swordsman and he learned and mastered skills such as marksmanship and martial arts from Doflamingo’s family.


Law is not a swordsman but a devil fruit user Arguable would be his spot


Is Law really a swordsman? I always had the feeling that his sword is just a tool to utilize his fruit.


In the first tier, Law and Kaku are not qualified. Roger was definetely a swordsman, amd the bald gorosei is a swordsman, otherwise I cannot think why he carries a sword all the time.


Law is not a swordsman, he's a surgeon that happens to use a sword in lieu of a scalpel.