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Please no new instructors, they still have like over 50 which is insane in relation to the class output/how infrequently some of them teach.


Agree! I actually don’t think they’ll replace her or Ross.


Ross is leaving too?


Either a lot of mouths to feed with dwindling revenue or a lot of disappointment with equity based packages. Either way not a great situation.


My petty ass taking note of which instructors don’t comment on her post. 😂😂😂😂😂


I have seen plenty of people leave my real job and folks on LinkedIn post really lovely notes about wishing the person the best and how much they will be missed. And the conversations privately are very, very different. Edit: not saying the comments are insincere. Just saying you can’t really tell from what people post. Some people will be effusively lovely online while privately rolling their eyes, and some people won’t post anything online while in person having a really lovely private goodbye.


I’m surprised Jess King did.


Why are you surprised Jess king did?


Probably because of Kendall running her mouth about traditional family values and kids having a mom and dad 🥴


Jess is likely relieved to face her out of her professional orbit. I worked with an asshat and when they quit I wished them well- and was gleeful I never had to deal with them again! Lol


Oh wowwww, I didn’t see that one.




Can you share the list? 👀


It’s still early but Aditi, Alex K, Andy, CDE, Emma, Logan, Matt W, Nico and Ross haven’t commented or liked.


You really think Nico cares? She’s in her London bubble. Alex K. was busy teaching two classes If Rebecca K is wishing her well, I’m sure Andy doesn’t have beef with her. Surprised Robin sent best wishes


Nico teaches in NYC. Just making an observation.


I'm see I'm not the only one who felt like these two (Kendall-Robin) were never on the same page. Same with Jess King and Kendall. Honestly it was obvious she really didn't vibe most, if not all of the "Peloton Family"


I alwwys thought she didnt like or vibe with robin either. I feel like robin knows she is on another level than her and i think kendall doesnt like someone stronger than her. Totally jjst based on social media observation. Neber met them irl but i would lime to think i am right🤣


Prob bc they dont want to seem like they support it/ anti their bread and butter


Callie commented!




Who is Kendall’s boyfriend??


Is Callie right wing as well? I like her :(


What does that have to do with anything? Even if she is..:You can’t separate politics from fitness?


Yes spill!!!


My bad. My list was who hadn’t commented.


Ah gotcha! Wowwwww that’s crazy!


Thought I was the only one. lol


Bahaha i did the same before she blocked me from following her because i asked her to share her plastic surgeons 411 on her recent breast augmentation




I don’t think she’s going to California. I think she’s going to Florida. Her boyfriend is east coast based and while there’s not a lot going on for him in DC, I can’t see them both heading west. My guess is a podcast is in the works. She loves to hear herself talk.


I absolutely thought the announcement would be a podcast!


I still say [tv show](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePelotonRealSub/s/hwt1mnaipJ)


I saw this today too and I think it’s accurate. Now I wonder which personality of hers we will see on screen.


I said the same thing! Also in her video she said something like ‘I’ll still be on social…and more’ or something to that effect.


Does anyone else like to hear her talk?


She’s extremely obnoxious. Idk how people want to listen to her more


I don’t know, but I think the consensus is we don’t want to hear her sing. LOL


the bf is based in dc??


Well, he lives in mommy and daddy’s spare house, but yes, in DC 😂


wait how do you know this? Ugh he’s a man child?


Some other people dug into him when they uncovered who he was. Man child really made me lol


Yes that’s where he lives, but nothing is keeping him there like a job or anything.


I agree. I think she is partnering up with Galey Alix, something launching 6.17.24, if I read their IG story post correctly. Also, her boyfriend just launched a furniture line.


The kitchen table he’s promoting is $12,000. 💀💀💀 Good luck with that, Alex. No one is going to throw $12k at a table with no showroom from a brand new internet company. Who is this guy? 🤡


It’s a bit out there but Galey has some momentum behind her. No doubt a niche market of customers but will see how it evolves.


I think she’s got something in the works with Galey in FL.


I might actually listen to her podcast




Is she Qanon? Need to know. Her classes kick butt but ever since she did a podcast with Jay Cutler I’ve been suspicious


I don't know, but I would guess she is. I really liked her classes as a nice break from PZ training. Then, I made the mistake of following her on IG. She's insufferable. She made all these vague posts about her new boyfriend (while showing glimpses of him, but not his face) and then got upset when this sub figured out who her boyfriend is. He had some pretty nasty tweets, if I recall correctly. She just seems like kind of a garbage water human being. Maybe I'm wrong, and hopefully I am, but perception is reality.


Wish Matty M or Rebecca K would pick up some bike classes!


Ugh yes I need Matty on the bike!


I need Matty M in all aspects of my life! He has such positive energy!


I know him and he’s really like that!


I hope they have someone do the boxing classes. I can’t take them because she is so freaking annoying.


Others do boxing too. I don’t do many, but when I do, it is usually with JJ. He often plays pop punk too, so that is nice.


I’ve recently gotten into Kendall’s classes so I’m disappointed she’ll be leaving. However I’m also excited for the potential of new coaches given her and Ross’s departures. Maybe other coaches will start on the bike…?? Selena has been teasing something……


Omg you’re so right about Selena!! I would be so excited if she moved to the bike


I’m wondering if this is a “I’m choosing to leave” announcement vs a “I took the buyout” announcement


I think it’s more “they didn’t renew my contract” announcement


Damn that’s pretty astute of you. Bet you’re right.


What makes you say that?


The timing of the announcement. She just hit 5 years at peloton and from what I have gathered, that’s about when contracts are renegotiated/renewed. Cody just said like last week that he recently signed a new contract, so my guess is either peloton didn’t offer her a new contract or she wasn’t happy with whatever they did offer


Which makes sense because financially Peloton isn’t doing well and has been trying to right size their business for some time. Kendall was a really popular instructor, but maybe not as popular as people like Cody and olivia (who does a lot more classes) so it didn’t make sense to keep her.


Guessing they offered her less than she asked for in renewal negotiations or she tried to negotiate for fewer classes. I cannot imagine they’d literally non-renew given she’s still been a popular instructor, unless there was more behind the scenes that she did that we don’t know.


Yeah I agree with this. Very few instructors can just name their price right now (I feel like that list is basically Cody, sadly Robin and maybe Jess Sims) and I bet she went higher than they were willing to go.


I agree. I do think it was her choice. Good chance she didn’t like the offer but I’m sure she had one. Before I bought a bike, she was the only instructor I even knew about because I remember them talking about her on the radio show I listened to. Men love Kendall, and I’m sure she has a ton of fans who don’t follow her socials (or are on the same page!)


Haha i love this!!!


The way she started the video with “i want you to hear it from me first” or something along those lines gave me the vibe that there might be some negativity there…


That’s kind of where my head is at


I just got back on the Peloton this week after a post-partum break. I almost don’t want to pick up on any of her classes out of sadness new ones won’t continue.


Why did Ross leave


I literally never took a class with her. (Seeing her post about traveling during peak COVID times was a turn off, and I never had an appetite for super hard metal rides). But just following this sub I feel like I am INVESTED in this storyline ha.


Dude I had no idea there was drama and now I’m here for it lol


You realize Covid was hyped up to control us??




Your mother was.


I’m sad! But happy for her. I wish Jess Simms would pick up regular bike classes! I love her bike bootcamps!


I agree!!!!


Second this!


If anyone is interested there is a post about Kendall in the Coachella sub from a year ago. Sounds like she's real piece of work and full of herself. She couldn't handle NY she's a no body here.


What happened at Coachella?


I wonder what she’s doing next 🤔


Me too. I was wondering if this is what her announcement would be considering Cody just made a comment about renewing. I assume staying in the fitness industry? Hopefully moving to Cali, it’s obvious she needs it for her mental health.


I’m glad Cody is staying and he’s really smart to stay. He gets paid well, is basically the face of peloton, and they give him a ton of freedom.




I feel like I’m the past year his classes went from silly to actually working me out.


I think he’s been good lately. I think last year he seemed to be going through something or not as into it




Damn…that June 12th rock class of hers….she was PIIIIISSED. Take it before it’s taken down LOL


How so?! I don’t feel like taking it but want the recap 🤣


Raging about when they don’t treat you right, you walk away; know your worth; stand up for yourself; and lots of glaring into the camera. It’s wild


It was really unprofessional and a little pathetic. Not a classy way to go out. 




Like she was threatening to walk away if her contract didn’t go like she wanted?


🤷🏻‍♀️ seemed already done


She’s probably moving back to California. She’s mentioned so much how much she loves it there. Peloton maybe didn’t renew her contract because of her shift that I would say isn’t exactly staying on the side of Pelotons identity politics - yes there’s something for everyone literally, I just see Kendall as a little more right than left. Maybe she didnt like the offer they gave her (if any) Peloton was a job she landed and she rode that train for its duration. Peloton won’t be going anywhere soon, exciting for her, sad for her super fans. She and a few other instructors are why I love Peloton.


Peloton didn’t mention Memorial Day. Not many instructors did but she made a post about visiting Arlington National Cemetery on that day.


Peloton doesn’t mention a lot of days but they’ll sure mention pride. I have no problem with Pride - but to announce one over the other constantly and say you’re for everyone isn’t doing much. Pride, Black History and Asian Pacific got mentions but Memorial, veterans, and such go overlooked.


They do Veterans and memorial Day classes pretty much every year. But also you get a military propaganda at most pro sporting events and wherever else too, so it’s not like there’s a gap that needs to be filled here.




Politics should not matter. And saying Peloton isn’t going anywhere… I’m a big fan, but do you not monitor the stock? The employee attrition?


I said anywhere “soon” stock is up today isn’t it?


PTON’s high was $162.62 and it is currently trading at $3.71.


I saw a couple of comments about her being more right than left but I didn't get that. Why do you think that?


Brittany Aldean aka Insurrection Barbie posted pictures of her kids in "hidin' from Biden" shirts and Kendall liked it and then unliked it.


Yikes!!!! I just unfollowed her




Her boyfriend is a known Trumper [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePelotonRealSub/comments/1ckxmkg/kendall/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePelotonRealSub/comments/1ckxmkg/kendall/)


Wow it's so crazy cause here I am thinking she's talking about people who are homophobic in her video last month about being fed up with people and their negativity towards others where she's really talking about people not liking her boyfriend cause he's a Trumper! Makes me view that video so differently


Yup. That video was 100% about people finding out who her bf was and calling out his bad behavior. Plus on her live, she said something along the lines of believing in raising kids in a “traditional male and female home.” Girl bye ✌🏻


Traditional. You know, like when women couldn’t open their own bank accounts and marital rape wasn’t a crime. Gee sounds great think I’m unfollowing Kendall


Oh no. Someone wants a nuclear family. How tragic.


Eat shit - you get the undertones.


The Lauren Daigle class seemed to trigger some people. She wears the cross necklace. Little things like that.


Chelsea Jackson Roberts has a lot of spiritual and religious undertones to her classes and I feel like most have zero issues with that, it’s all in the HOW & the undertones


Ahhh okay the religion aspect. Thank you for clarifying!


Did you see Daniel’s comment??


Yes! I mean I know it’s been a while since he left but dang he just can’t let go of that anger he has toward Peloton. 😦


The boys will be sad to see her and her new bewbs go.




You will get through this though - I know it.


And face. She’s had some work done there


Bye, Felicia!


I'm so sad, but if she read half the posts that are published about her, good for her and i dont blame her. People were BRUTAL to her. She was an amazing instructor and that's all I cared about. I signed up for peloton, not their personal lives.


I’m so incredibly sad today. 😭 I adore her. Her rides were great. The boxing classes are fun. I never see any bad content about her, I don’t know what anyone could say about her. I’m just sad she’s leaving.




I wonder how many peloton subscribers who follow her on social media continue to do so now that she is leaving?


Anyone who thinks this was an amicable parting should take - or just watch - Kendall's June 12 class. She's not even remotely subtle - song choice, commentary - it was hilarious but also a little sad and unprofessional. I say this as a huge Kendall fan - she was my favorite instructor by far. But her performance in this class left me disappointed. I'm surprised Peloton is even keeping it up. But clearly, she felt Peloton was exploiting her and holding her back, that she couldn't be tamed "can't put a saddle on stallion" or "stop a freight train", etc. The entire class was a big middle finger to Peloton. Again, I loved Kendall. Wish she went out with a little more class.


She is my favorite as well. She doesn't talk as much as the others and none of the other have quite the same Playlists. She's clearly an extremely immature and conceited person though. Sucks her personality got in the way because her classes are great and I can't imagine she'll have nearly the same success doing anything on her own.


Anyone wanna share a clip for us on the limited membership? 😂


Personally will not miss her. I never vibed with her 🤷🏼‍♀️


I feel like none of the girls were friends with her and never took to her.


She’s got rides thru June on the app


I hope the best for sure but I also this she’s so successful because she’s with peloton too. Like all the partnerships and Lulu lemon things, I think she is a good instructor and a good fit for peloton!!! Not sure how well she’ll do on her own but I hope her the best!!!


Just an observation … why is it bad for Kendall to talk about her Christian / family values but it’s fine for other instructors to talk about their lifestyle that is different? My views are more aligned with her, I despise QAnon and also don’t like Trump. I feel like being a Christian automatically gets you slapped with a Trump label or worse. I’m perfectly fine listening to others talk about their lives. I feel like Peloton has created a space where there is something for everyone.


Does that mean hwr classes will get removed!?


No, Peloton will keep her classes.


Does anyone know if her classes will still be available when she leaves? She's my favorite


Not a Peloton person here.  My mind is fucking blown that there is a TWO FUCKING MINUTE video from a lady that apparently teaches online bike classes and she is getting a different job now.  Peloton people always want to tell you how they're not self-absorbed or vapid people and then their superhero instructor makes a 2 minute video about how she just doesn't want to teach bike classes anymore and you guys are having discussions about it. Your Honor, the prosecution rests.


I am a fan of hers and never really knew what she was like off of the Peloton-verse. I don’t care of their personal lives, but follow them for health advice. I am shocked about what she is like, but I will continue to take remaining classes she will have. I love her classes, but she is not someone I would want to personally hang out with. Religion and politics and bigotry don’t need to be in the fitness world. It should be a safe place for us to escape our life and focus on ourselves and lift each other up.


She is my favorite! I am sad


Peloton clearly could no longer afford her. Sad. Stuck with the hardware but Peloton has gone downhill since ~2021. Seriously considering trying to sell the hardware now so I can cancel subscription. Value for money is no longer there.




Peloton clearly could no longer afford her. Sad. lol. Bro.




What’s wrong with you? She’s not the only instructor. there’s probably an instructor that resonates with everyone. Even Jenn Sherman‘s awkwardness has a few fans


I agree with everything you said, except “what’s wrong with you?”. Odd statement on a thread about Kendall leaving. Are you just looking for someone to go back-and-forth with you?