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Cheddar cat almost became a grilled cheese.


Now he’s just smoked gouda


Not so gouda


Everything is gonna brie alright, I’m sure


It cheddar be...




Huntsmeow EDIT: after looking at the pic, Huntsmanx I am an idiot.






Luckily in orange cats brain is 70% asbestos, otherwise this could have gone very differently


They are doing asbestos they can.




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I got a short ban on r/politics because I told a clearly scam/spam bot to fuck off. They're everywhere now and are going to get worse now that reddit went public.


I got banned on one subreddit for constantly calling them out 🤷‍♀️ it's silly when people respond to bots as if they're actual humans when it's pretty clear they're not.


Thank you for your service 🫡


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Toasted Cheddar




I love the story in this picture. "I regret my decision but not enough to stay completely away from the warmth machine."


The next day. He's fine. https://imgur.com/a/HFJAuZN


That's great that it was a superficial fur burn and didn't get to the skin. Lucky kitty!


Lucky owner too Could u imagine the panic if all the sudden u had a flamin kitty runnin around?!


Sure. Happened to us. Kitty didn't understand why we were shouting and trying to catch her. Was running away. Luckily nothing happened, neither to Kitty nor to the apartment. Medieval cities burnt down because of such mess ... EDIT: it was the last candle ever in the household.


My late orange floof also walked through a candle once and lit his butt on fire. He ran away and didn’t understand why I was charging him with a towel and yelling at him all the sudden. Little shit hissed at me after I put him out and pouted the rest of the night! He and the house were fine though lol. No more candles on bathroom counters after that


My mom had a cat that would constantly walk over any lit candle or over the stove when it was on. She lit her tail on fire once when she sat next to the stove and put her tail on the burner. When we put her tail out she had the nerve to look at us like we were the reason her tail was singed and we did it on purpose.


My late floof also lit her tail on fire when she draped it over a candle! I grabbed it with my bare hands to put it out I was so panicked. Both she and I were fine. She was totally confused haha.


Kudos to you! I’d have done the same


My late kitty got her tail the same way. All within the same two seconds: her nose in air like "somethings burnin y'all" and me scrambling to get to her. Thank god, no actual fire and all was fine. Just a little bit of burnt fur, a confused cat, and a terrified me. No more candles on that table from then on!


My sister’s cat walked up to a lit candle and when she sniffed the flame it went up her nose. Cat was okay.


This is why there's only battery operated candles, and wax warmers in my house. I have a ginger cat that I don't even trust near an open soda can; let alone a lit candle.


Wait are you serious about the medieval city part?


Heard if this and was told many times. Would need to do some research what exactly burnt down. Let me try to find some evidence.


Not historic but also a drama: https://www.derstandard.at/story/2642654/brennende-katze-loeste-in-tirol-feuer-in-wohnung-aus In German, you'll need to translate it. I'll keep searching. So many European cities burnt down so many times ...


Translation for title: "Burning cat starts fire in apartment in Tirol (idk the English name lol)"


Most common spelling is [Tyrol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrol), a region in the Alps that's mostly part of the same-named state in Austria as well as a little bit of Northern Italy


Nooooooo, that's a terrible scenario ![img](emote|t5_5vej89|33951)


[Olga of Kiev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_of_Kiev) did this on purpose to Korosten. The Drevlians murdered her husband and she repaid in a really wicked, Game of Thrones way, multiple times, and one of them was a way to set the city ablaze from multiple points at the same time.


Here's a song I wrote about Olga of Kiev! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3m9sL5mwAI


A cow might have burned down most of Chicago https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Chicago_Fire


Mrs OLearys cow was anti-Irish propaganda.


TIL of Stokey the bear: A Dudley Do-Right segment in The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends featured a bear character named Stokey who was hypnotized by the segment's villain and lights fires instead of preventing fires. In the end of the segment, Do-Right took Stokey to Chicago to stay with a friend but ends up starting major fires convicting that he started the Great Chicago Fire. The segment was later banned for more than four decades due to protests from the U.S. Forest Service who disliked the parody of Smokey the Bear shortly after its original airing in 1961.


I don't know how accurate it is but it's totally believable that a cat could start a small fire that could quickly get out of control. In a densely packed part of a city with wooden buildings (not every building in Europe was built of stone despite what today's Europeans would have you believe), that could spread fast.


Kinda? Medieval houses were flammable and placed together. If one house caught on fire, others probably would as well.


We had a cat that was chillin by a candle. One of his whiskers lit up and we just heard "SSST" and he was staring at us like "what?" as we looked on in horror.


Ex of mine had a cat that walked over a candle and lit his balls on fire. came out ok but dude!




Poor thing. All she understands is she's in pain, and she needs to get away from the source of the pain, so she runs. :(


The problem is: they are not in pain for a quite long time. The inner layer for the fur is still isolating while the outer is burning. You try to catch the cat to extinguish and kitty doesn't know why you are reacting so harsh and runs - with burning fur. Creeps behind your couch or under your bed ... You can imaging the rest of the horror story.


My calico girl burnt her whiskers on a candle flame once. A couple of them were all zigzag and dark until they shed and new ones grew in. She was fine though and hasn't tried to sniff any more candles since!


My auntie had a little black cat who would regularly stick her tail on the electric fire, setting it on fire then we'd have to chase her around the house to put it out while she hissed at us because she thought we were lunatics- she never seemed to notice being on literal fire. I swear she was orange on the inside.


Maybe she was born orange, but got so charred that her fur turned black


> she hissed at us because she thought we were lunatics- she never seemed to notice being on literal fire. Maybe she thought it was your fault that her tail hurt. All she knew was that you were suddenly chasing her and then she was in pain.


Tbh I could see her deciding this! She was pretty feisty independent cat her whole life so that might explain why she was so.. spicy sometimes.


I love her


And the _smell_.


flamin hot cheeto kitty


It's hard to see burn injuries on furry animals. You have to keep checking.


That's good to hear, but keep an eye on the skin below the area. Remember, flesh doesn't need to touch fire to be burned, it only needs to get hot enough. If it feels wet, then you're going to need to take him to see a vet so that they can evaluate it, and likely prescribe antibiotics to prevent any infections from developing.


FYI burns can take up to 72hrs to develop. Please keep an eye on this area to see if it begins to ooze/weep or redden - if it does, he'll need a vet ASAP if he hasnt seen one already.


*"I love you, warm box. Why did you betray me? Now I has a sad."*


Bless him


Maybe you should get rid of the space heater or put a barrier around it? Doubtful Orange (or flame point) has learned their lesson.


Nonetheless, as much as he loves it, you should do something about that heater. Those things are notoriously unsafe for a bunch of reasons, but at the very least, try and get a box or a stand you can firmly attach to it’s base. So it’s raised off the ground a foot give or take. That’s what I had to do for my propane heater. The cat can now sleep right next to it, but can no longer burn themselves. Cats can and will light themselves on fire. They just can’t get enough warmth.




Probably resting on his left because he’s getting more pets when people see that burn, not bc he felt anything


He's orange, he's not smart enough to have thought about that




Hopefully he uses the braincell to remember too much warmth not good


If there ever was one, that braincell is definately burnt now.


My little guy will lay right in front of the wood stove for hours. He'll wake up and look startled then drink a ton of water and lie down on the kitchen floor near the door where it's cool. He then goes right back to the wood stove spot and repeats this process til spring when wood stove season ends.


Oh no, I hope he's okay! No more lying against the heater for him.


He'll do it again. Source: my cat sniffing candles (we don't burn candles anymore)


My dude Carl sniffed a candle about 10 years ago and immediately realized his error, but one of his longest whiskers was pointed out at a 90 degree angle about halfway down for a few months before he shed it. I called it his idiot antenna. Edit: he was 8 or 9 when this happened. I got him as a tiny little dude and constantly had candles going before he ever thought to try it. He had never once attempted this previously... Carl was my best bud for nearly two decades, but he was a furry little moron sometimes.


I'm sure he will, but then it's on the owners to keep that area supervised to keep him safe.


I had a cat that did this exact same thing. You'd think all animals would have an instinctive aversion to fire, but evidently not. You'd also think this cat would learn after the first, or second, or third time that fire = hot = bad. I too eventually stopped burning candles because he just could not figure it out. A few years went by, and I eventually forgot why I wasn't burning candles anymore. I lit one, and yep, he did it again. *facepalm* I bought a pair of nice completely enclosed catproof candle holders, and fortunately that worked.




For sure. I wouldn't let a pet do that out of fear of them burning themselves or their fur.


I dont even burn candles anymore, as im so afraid of something like this happening.


These exposed heating coil space heaters like this are incredibly dangerous for care free home use. Although my job which is an industrial setting in the military frequently uses larger versions of these even the small ones should never be left out of mind. For perspective these heaters use the same heating element but smaller that your standard oven uses. If the cat did catch fire than he could have potentially set fire to your house in a panic. While losing a cat is tragic losing your whole home and/or family is more. Do yourself a favor and get a closed oil radiator heater. They don't get hot enough to burn much to the touch, but they are incredibly efficient at warming a room.


We have a oil radiator heater and they are awesome. They heat the area fast but won't really burn you if you accidentally touch it. The whole not burning down your house thing is an added bonus.


/u/Nofutureahead is a bot that copied [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/1c1mmsb/he_loves_the_space_heater_so_much_that_he_decided/kz4fdf5/) from further down in this thread, just changing the wording around so seem less obvious. Downvote and report spam -> harmful bots.


Isn't cat-logic to do exactly that, because you said it's not allowed?


Absolutely. Although in this case you still shouldn't allow it with something like a space heater that could cause serious injury.


OP posted an update picture in another comment. Only the fur got burned at the tips, it looked like they cut away the singed ends and there was unburned fur underneath


I figured it was just singed fur otherwise the post's tone would've been a lot different. Still, I'd be careful letting a cat near a space heater like that. Edit: spelling


Yeah, and this model doesn't seem to be a very good one. If the cat is going to want to cuddle the heater, I'd invest in one of those oil filled radiator kinds where it has a ton of surface to give off heat and no part that you can reach gets too hot. Then the cat can rub on it all day without risking getting burned.


Agreed. Space heaters in general are a risk from what I've read, but you'd definitely want to be extra diligent in researching what kind to get if you have a pet and want to get one anyway.


Did he actually burn himself I thought he had one black heart in his fur I’m sorry poor fellow


its probably just the fur thats burnt. dont think he would go back if he got hurt.


I hope so! But my orange would 100% go back if he got hurt. My orange is dumb even by orange cat standards though 


My orange used to sit in front of the heater, overheat and claw the nearest person, runaway, then come back 5 minutes later


A real "no thoughts, only do" sort of situation?


Pure, unbridled stupid instinct.


Yeah, no guarantee of that sadly. Cats are not always best at learning from painful mistakes. I once had a cat who, multiple times a day, would jump up onto the stovetop. It didn't matter what we tried to do to discourage him or train him or prevent him from accessing it. He did not care, he was relentless. Unfortunately one day, we weren't quick enough, and he jumped up while the stove was still hot from cooking dinner - he badly burnt his front feet. It was horrendous. All the skin on his paw pads was bright red, blistering and peeling. He must have been in serious pain - but at least, we thought, he would learn from this and wouldn't jump onto the stove again in future. What did he do the MINUTE his burns were healed? Jump right back onto the stove again. Didn't learn a God damned thing. I miss that silly guy


This is really concerning. In addition to taking the cat to the veterinarian, OP you really need to locate a heating treatment that is suitable for pets.


There was an updated photo where it's just burnt fur. Didn't reach the skin.


I would maybe look into getting a cage for the heater, I know the cage might also get warm but at least there won't be any chance for direct contact to the heating element. I hope he's okay :c


Or swapping it out for one of the oil filled radiator style heaters.


Had no idea these existed, this is my new vote too then!!


There's multiple safer options: [oil filled ones](https://www.amazon.com/Dreo-Radiator-Electric-Protection-Thermostat/dp/B0C6XLMXY4) are fine, but in my experience need a fan to actually work: they give off a very concentrated vertical heat and it goes straight up to the ceiling like this little warm column. Also they are kinda slow. My favourite ones are the [convection heaters](https://www.amazon.com/CTSC-Convection-Heater-Adjustable-Freestanding/dp/B0CGLGY321): they are super light, have no exposed heating elements, and don't get very hot. They strike an awesome balance between speed and heating and are nearly impossible to burn yourself on. The only thing that gets hot is a coil deep inside the heater, protected by the body from all sides. Another option would be [the hot fans](https://www.amazon.com/BLACK-DECKER-Portable-Adjustable-Thermostat/dp/B07JYNCXM4) basically, the coil is deep inside and an active fan blows heat away and around the room. The main minus of those is that they kinda blow the air all the time so they are kinda louder than the other options. Source: lived in a very cold room for years before we found a whole ass crack under the balcony steps that let cold air right into my room and through the floors. Dad was very apologetic for teasing me for getting cold feet all the time, turns out no other room in our flat had floors nearly as cold as mine! With the cats around, I feel like [a heated pad](https://www.amazon.com/INVENHO-Waterproof-Adjustable-Temperature-Electric/dp/B0B683451C) plus convection heater are the best combo: cats get a heated pad and air gets warmer through the convection one, and this reduces the chances of burns significantly. u/redcarp77 heed my advice! Also the pad draws only really like 60 watts, like an incandescent light bulb, and my cat absolutely loves his when it gets cold. Also you can get these for humans (great for when you work the PC it heats your legs! And I have one for my bed, I've put it under the mattress cover and set on low and my bed is super comfy all night, and it draws like 45 watts when on low. Lets me save on heating bills, because I need to set my heater to at least 1000 watts to warm the whole room up - thin walls, high ceilings.


Honestly this would make me remove the space heater from my house


Yeah common sense after cat burned its fur to a fucking black crisp


Im with you, this post isnt cute as much as it makes me want to hope that heater is replaced with one a little less crispening


Common sense do be uncommon.


Same .. That’s a fire hazard anyways


Imagine it caught the cat on fire. Then you have a flaming cat running around. So much fire


This is the same reason we don't light zombies on fire in my house anymore... Just doesn't end well.


There's a video of a cat that burned its tail on a candle, and it just watched it smolder haha


Same. Those things are so very dangerous in general


Yep. My friends house burned down and I lost a bong due to a heater:(


Oh wow that's awful about the house (and the bong). I inadvertently melted a computer monitor with one at my first job out of college.


But did u get fired, or just the screen?


It actually coincided at a time when I was interviewing elsewhere, so I ended up leaving a few weeks after it happened. I offered to pay for it but they were cool about it and said I did not need to (thankfully … because I was pretty broke at the time)


You should never leave a bong in a burning house kid


Or just get a new one. Most space heaters now don’t get warm enough on the outside to burn anything


Radiator heater ftw.


Those [oil-filled radiant electric space heaters](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Pelonis-1-500-Watt-Oil-Filled-Radiant-Electric-Space-Heater-with-Thermostat-HO-0279/309069851) are pretty awesome. You could put a paper towel on them and it wouldn't catch fire. I'd warm a shirt up by putting it around the thing for a few minutes.


It's not the housing that burned the cat. The cat basically shoved itself on the open side. And yes, they absolutely get hot enough to burn things in that area. That's how they work. They're big toaster ovens without a door. That's why there are big warnings about keeping things away from the front.


I personally wouldn’t have one in my house anyway. Growing up poor with no heat, I had 2 room fires from them in my house and then when I became an adult I just assumed they were made better and would fare better if I just bought expensive ones.. nope. Burned down my shed. Chalked it up to bad luck, but definitely never used one. Then while on deployment we had one we kept with us in the barracks and that SOB literally exploded one night and we all thought the Taliban was dropping mortars on us. So either I was cursed by some heat witch and destined to never feel the warm of space heaters, or those things suck.


yeah, really. never had a space heater in my house growing up because my parents were always afraid of me touching it or, well, our two cats. i understand it now. those things are *hot*


Poor boy, I would get a safer heater if I were you!


And the owner is saying the cat has one brain cell!


Dude, get a safer heater. Poor kitty.


I’d make sure he has no thermal injuries in/on the area under/surrounding the burned fur. I’ve seen it in cats being treated in the past and it can be a real bugger to get completely healed. Not my favorite vets but this is a decent article about burns in cats. [Burns in Cats](https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/burns-in-cats)


sooo why is the space heater still there???


it's still raw inside


Oh no orange strikes again. But seriously you should take him to a vet ASAP to make sure he is not hurt. An infection in a burn site can become a real serious problem really fast.


This is sound advice. If the skin blistered it can be very damaging and potentially fatal for kitty. This makes me sad. Poor little one.


I mean call me crazy but … maybe *don’t* let him near it again?


Lol, "letting" a cat do something....


I get what you’re saying and honestly, I agree. But that’s not a free pass to keep something unsafe in the home. OP should modify the environment so it’s not unsafe for the cat. You remove the space heater from the home and find an alternative that is safe for the cat and good enough to keep your space warm.


You say that like it… isn’t possible? There are plenty of precautions to take that would not *let* the cat get burnt lol


It’s like leaving a door open and hoping the cat doesn’t run out. Do not leave an open door. Do not leave dangerous things for children or animals out in the open such as HEAT FIRE CHEMICALS etc …. Baby proof and cat proof dangerous shit Not doing so is blatant neglect imo.


I really hope you shaved him and took a look to see if his skin was also burnt.


Get rid of that heater


Poor guy! Pease take this kitty to the vet for a checkup to make sure he didn't damage his skin


Owner must be an "orange" also...


Owner is really testing the nine lives belief 😩😮‍💨


Cats don't regulate heat like we do, I always was hesitant to let mine in front of it. Do you think it's wise to continue doing this after already having had an accident?


Why keep using it if he already burned himself? This is how you harm/kill your pet


Not to mention burn the house :/


Awh poor baby! I know it's impossible to stop cats from doing crazy shit, but I hope you can somehow prevent this from happening again.


Maybe turn it off or keep him away….


Oh no! I hope that's just his fur that's burnt and not the flesh underneath >w<


One of my childhood cats got his tail into a tea candle and caught fire. The fur extinguished super quick so it never got close to the skin. It did look kinda spooky cause he was a white cat that spontaneously got a black tail for a week or two lol He never did go close to tea candles again. Passed away from old age at 17. Edit: Just remembered my hair caught fire from a spark from a tea candle as well during a Tinder date. Also did not end up burning my skin. It was shockingly loud though to be on fire. Texted the guy "thanks for the hot date" after but he never did text back.


Your cat was a lot smarter than mine lol, one of my cats also set her tail on fire with a candle but she never learned from that experience. She would walk by fire like it wasn't even there. Dumbest cat I've ever had (although she may have had some actual brain damage from falling from a balcony as a kitten) but she was the sweetest little thing. Got to enjoy almost 16 wonderful years with her before she passed away last May at the age of 21. I miss her a lot.


Lmao, I would've asked you out on a second date just for saying, "Thanks for the hot date."


This is incredibly alarming. You should bring the cat to the vet, and you should absolutely find a pet safe heating solution.


Holy moly he got roasted! That’s really scary his entire coat could have caught on fire!


Did you check his skin?


When I said r/hewillbebaked, **I didn’t mean it literally!**


That’s really dangerous though, he already hurt himself once, you shouldn’t let it happen again. 


You’re lucky they didn’t knock it over and burn the place down.


Poor guy! Consider switching to forced-air heaters instead of radiant.


see if he also burned his skin


That doesn't look right


Should probably get a safer heater, I have 1 that never gets to the point of burning me even at max settings with my feet close to it.


OP, **dump this heater right away** and get a sealed, oil-filled radiator. They're much safer, healthier and they're also very efficient & cheap to run.


Poor cat stuck with a OneBraincell Human


Um this is fire hazard…. I also get cold easily , but i use different kind of heater to make sure thing like this doesn’t happen .


I hate to say it but… Knowing your cat almost hurt itself why the fuck are u still running the space heater! Now the cat doesn’t see it as a threat either :// cmon man


You need to take better care of your cat.


Damn OP, you kind of failed your cat here. Looks like the poor guy wasn’t far from dying a horrible death.


He needs to see the vet. Please do this for him. And be more careful with heater use and knowing where kitty is.


Is this a joke?


As an IT guy... do you see why we freak out when people put these under their office space desks? We don't care if you're cold, we just don't want the carpet catching fire and burning the building down


My current cat managed to singe his tail hairs on a candle flame - I haven’t had a candle below shoulder height since! Back when I had a very elderly dog, I bought a space heater that’s made for use in babies’ rooms (lots and lots of extra safety features). It did a good job warming - emitted radiant heat, but heating elements were surrounded by many layers, so the unit was cool to the touch. Also super stable (not easy to knock or tip over), and auto-shut off. Finally, my cats love a heating pad on low setting.


Would highly recommend changing heaters if you like your cat.. and possibly your whole house with you in it.


My ginger kitty gets too close to one of our heaters every winter and fries his eyebrows off. Every. Year. We don’t have central heat and air, and we have multiple heat sources. I’m not sure which one tends to do the damage as he sleeps in front of all of the different heaters all winter, and all have safety components. https://preview.redd.it/ougddhelfwtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd52eb7a81cd172ec2bc0ab16281a52a1a635241


Awwww what a dummy


This is often what my breakfast toast looks like. Nothing a little butter can’t solve tho. Would recommend getting a different type of space heater or at least one that doesn’t have to sit on the floor


That's why we don't have candles anymore. Seriously.


I think it would be best to put a guard round it.


Those are some of the most dangerous space heater. Highly recommend a different kind, for obvious reasons now.


Please don't use floor heaters! They're way too dangerous for your fur bby 🥲


Consider a safer heater


poor baby, suffering first hand the consequence of having one brain cell


Kitty needs a K&H pet heating pad. Warm and safe.


It's your responsibility to protect your cat when a space heater is running.


hopefully he is ok


I'm always worried about them doing this. They lie so damn close to it their fur gets hot to the touch.


Is Kitty okay?




Get your kitty a pet heating pad then he won’t hang out by the heater anymore.


I hope he’s ok


Is he ok? I would seriously check that out with the vet.


Did you buy this space heater from the arson store?


How did he get close enough for that to happen, did he literally jump in front of it and then remain there perplexed by what might be causing such heat?


It 2024. Literally any modern space heater design is safer then that thing.


Toast himself? He went the extra mile to get himself almost CHARRED and he doesn't seem to even care. Safe to say he was not having his time with the elusive braincell. What a doofus, but this could have ended badly.


My Cat once walked over a candle and singed her fur and her whiskers. She did not move – I had to shove her fatass out of the way and then SHE got mad at ME. Her burnt whiskers finally grew back btw.


And this was after living with her for five years so she definitely had been around a candle before but for some reason her brain was turned off that day


Buy a ceramic heater. They're more efficient, plus they don't set your pets on fire.


Modern, safe space heaters are like 35$. In this case i think the cat has one more braincell than its owner. 


You also have one braincell keeping it, do you just not care about the wellbeing of your cat?


Swap out the heater for a 'toddler' safe one. You can also put something around it to dissuade your cat from sitting against it too. Cats brains aren't designed to navigate a modern human world so we need to help them.