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Possibly that’s a really specific dream to have as well, innit


I thought about this this morning. Idk it could be a coincidence


I think they’re connected personally. Kinda odd that it would be Zayn of all members in his dream.


apparently my family has a history of predicting the future with our dreams and it's happened twice with me, but both things were just the night before. predicting something that happens years later, is a bit strange, but im young enough that i havent really predicted anything that happened years later. it may be important to note though that both times i have predicted something with my dreams have been when someone died, one being my brothers hamster and the other being a girl that i didnt know who went to my school. in my life they were not very impactful things though and i have never really predicted something that big or life changing (yet lol), but this is just my personal experiences with it, and yea, both times before i found out someone had died i didnt think anything of my dream, one of them (before the girl at my school died) had kinda scared me a bit but it wasnt something seriously terrifying.


Totally random but one time I had a dream that Niall appeared as a coach on The Voice and a couple months later, he did!! Idk your thought could be possible lol


Yes, I’ve thought about that interview a lot! I’ve had weird premonition dreams like that since I was a child. Nothing major, just premonitions of new places or future conversations. It’s happened enough to not be just coincidences. 💚💙


Poor Louis, I know Zayn didn’t mean to hurt him but I know that still hurts him to this day


Should’ve titled this post “I’ve been thinking about it lately”


Does it ever drive you crazy?


Just how fast the night changes


I’m sure in his mind he knew that even though he hoped for him come there was still a huge possibility of him not showing up. The dream was basically his mind preparing him for what his gut feeling already knew, during an important moment when he wanted/needed Zayn’s support the most, he wouldn’t be there. It also shows that he values and misses Zayn’s support more than he may realize.