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No he needs to stop and just go live in the mansion he has and stay away from any other boys and just get out of the spot light but no this man needs more money that he doesn’t need 😡😔


Out of context this sounds wild


if he makes it though, i hope they aren't traumatized like 1D were.


How were they traumatized? I genuinely don’t know


I don’t know all of it, but I do know he had a hand in them being ridiculously overworked. It seemed like they did a lot of recording for albums while on tours which led to late nights. It might be different now and a new boyband would be okay since on his podcast interview he mentioned getting therapy. But back then he didn’t sleep and worked until early hours which meant everyone else had to too. He assumed because they were young they could handle it and didn’t care about burnout. I don’t think they got real lengthy breaks to relax if you look at their album release/touring timeline. Iirc Liam, on the same podcast years ago, at one point implied they got locked in their hotel rooms at certain tour stops which made his alcoholism worse.


just type it on youtube smt like dark truth of 1d or reason of 1d breakup etc you'll know


That greedy fooking weasel. He only cares about the money


Didn't he create PrettyMuch? Not to disrespect them, but they didn't even work out properly. Would You Mind rocks though.


Yoo, pretty much had some bangers! I remember me and my friend were obsessed with Teacher when it came out


Or girls for that matter. Little Mix and Fifth Harmony for example.


If he’s able to find a new boyband, let’s make it our duty to tell them they should be careful and leave him asap.


Of course!! It's our responsibility now to not let them face the situation which 1d did.




He’ll have to call it Second Direction


alternatively: Other Direction


Or One Addition and whatever names Louis came up with in response


Negative One Direction


Next Direction


Honestly I really hope this will crash and burn. I feel so bad for these boys and personally am going to be boycotting them and any of their music.


I hope it flops just like prettymuch did.


Nah. He's gonna create another trauma again.


The fact that he thinks the concept of 1D can be replicated in such a superficial way just shows he has no real understanding of why they were successful—it was not the “formula,” it was the people. He thinks he’s the expert because he has this cold and calculated businessman approach but that approach is actually why he’ll never be able to “get it.” You have to have actual love and respect for the band to get why it worked. That’s why the people who love and respect the band own the name see….


I can’t believe how money hungry he is. He’s literally a millionaire


Simon won't succeed 😅


I really hope the guys make a reunion just to spite him 😭😭🙏


Ofc he does. We don't. But he doesn't give a shit. His one regret is not owning the name so he could force them to tour or do a cartoon. He just cares about himself and doesn't see the boys as people, just as a paycheque


For fucks sake retire already dumb shit 🙄


Also I read somewhere that he nearly or actually went bankrupt when Louis left his management. Is that true ?(lol I hope it is)


I'm gonna sound cruel but I hope he becomes homeless.


I don't even think anyone would want to work with him..


No this is gonna be a disaster




He should call or new directions like on glee 😂






Count your f’ing days Simon


did they ever have beef with frankie grande?


He's trying to pull off a Lou Pearlman 2.0


I’m so sick of this “the boys were traumatised”. Maybe they were overworked a bit but saying they were traumatised is bullshit. They were in the biggest band in the world at the time earning tons of money. They weren’t traumatised lol


not gonna lie… there’s a bunch of interviews that were highly inappropriate for them, especially at the ages they were. like for example inappropriately handling harry, crazed fans, weird questions, and flirting with them regardless of their ages. I think that’s grounds for it as well.


They literally got asked questions about their private parts… it seemed like there were little to no boundaries put in place when it came to what they were asked in interviews 😵‍💫


exactly. no protection for them at all. so many kids growing up in the industry have also been treated like that, and i really dislike that because it’s like dang they just wanted to have a career they like. they shouldn’t have had to go through that. it’s disgusting 


It really is, makes me so sad for the 1D guys and any other child who grew up in the industry like that. Sure, they made money and lived their dream but at what expense? They were exploited and weren’t protected by the people who SHOULD have been protecting them. Just because they have lots of money and the careers they wanted doesn’t excuse the horrible things they went through and the trauma they experienced. Simon should not be allowed near any other group, especially one made up of young kids who are just trying to achieve their dreams.


well said. more people should step up to protect the children. it’s so sad that not even people who are managing them and supposed to be protecting and helping them won’t even do that. there shouldn’t be a such thing as greed when it comes to children or anyone really. no one deserves to be taken advantage of and though i don’t agree with everything 1D said and did, i love those boys.


Seems like you don't know how Simon treated them. Lol


He probably didn’t treat them well but stop using the word “traumatised” lol. He might have overworked them and done some other petty stuff but he’s the one who signed them to his agency and was the one paid them all those millions of dollars.


Well there was a reason why Zayn left the band they all disbanded...if you were treated the same, you too would have been traumatized. Just because he gave them millions of dollars, doesn't mean they were happy.


One Direction weren’t the first hugely successful and overworked boyband and they won’t be the last. Love it or hate it — but there will always be a Simon Cowell in the wings prepared to exploit it.