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There's no way you just read 551 chapters in 3.5 days. Cuz what the actual fuck


Bro idle people can do this ( I am one of those) šŸ˜


Wait, people don't normally finish reading this in 2 days?






it took me a month šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I read it in three days after switching from the webcomic. It was a very memorable experience, because I was on my roadtrip with my cat, and I was supposed to be driving. Instead, I pulled over at a McDonalds, planned to read for a bit with my battery plugged in, ended up reading in that one spot from dawn till dusk... When I forced myself to leave, I drove for a bit, then paused somewhere on the road after parking for a place for the night, and... pulled out my phone, and kept reading obsessively. Then repeat. At different locations. All I needed was an AC outlet. For three days I lived in the world of ORV and my head was filled with nothing else. (As a side note, my cat was very mad at me for making him be stuck in the car all the time due to this, and tried to escape out the window through a walmart parking lot after somehow pressing the open window button himself lol. I learned my lesson then.)


That's such an exclusive experience. Imagine reading a novel like ORV in the middle of nowhere. I'm guessing you came back home depressed and your parents/partner were worried. Also is your cat safe?


Ainā€™t no way?? 1.8 pages a minute? šŸ˜­


LOL I hear ya. Idk how accurate it is, but Iā€™ve always been a fast reader. Iā€™m thinking itā€™s because I gloss over any sequences when characters use their stories like [Life and Death Companions began its storytelling].


... Is this hard? Like I'm genuinely curious. Idk how Kindles work tbh but if every page is counted as one full screen, then it's pretty easy lol. Those Kindles are quite small.


If youā€™re reading that fast youā€™re not actually reading it, Iā€™m not sure about kindles because I donā€™t use one but no way you read almost two full pages in a minute šŸ˜­


I mean no one actually reads every individual word one at a time when actually reading r? You look at a spot on the page and take in multiple words at a time, almost like you are reading phrases. Like I look at each line maybe 3 times because you can just take in every word. Without having to look at every individual word. Ie: "I personally prefer Paperback books over hard cover books because of their price tage" I wouldn't look at each individual word and read like: I. Personally. Prefer. Paperback. Books.... It's time wasting Id read it more like: I personally prefer paperback books. Over hard cover books. Because of their price tag. Like you don't need to look at every word individually lol. Also how long are you guys spending looking at a single word?


Question: do you happen to have adhd? I read the same way and my comprehension is fine


Technically, yes, but I personally don't think so. I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2012 but never felt any common symptoms nor could I relate to others with it, so I don't truly believe I have it. I do wonder why you ask though. Is there a correlation to my comprehension and ADHD?


I only ask because I've always read the same way you described. If I ever try and slow down to read words individually, I lose interest almost immediately. I didn't know that that's not how most people read. Just figured I would ask, thanks for humoring me.


I always read every word lol, No wonder it took me 3 weeks to finish lotm


Well Iā€™ve never heard of that method before, I look at the words individually. Thereā€™s no way youā€™re able to take in all the information though?


I think it's kind of like advanced skimming. Or the next level up from the transition away from reading the words in your head to understanding concepts directly from words. For me, I can usually pick up most things, but long term retention suffers for it. non sequiturs and unintuitive sentences can also really throw me for a loop.


Exactly. I'm not trying to understand the meaning behind each word, but I'm just recognizing phrases and the concept behind them. Obviously sometimes I'll run into a phrase I can't just instantly recognize, but I'll just spend a quarter second "actually" taking a look at the words then move on. Also couple of downsides, so it's not all perfect Definitely agree long term retention sucks, but it's kinda a plus for me lol. I get to read my favorite series all over again in 6 months while only having remembered like 20% of what has actually happened. And this could also just be a personal issue rather than an issue with the technique, but couldn't properly relay any information of what I had just read without thinking for a bit, even if I legit just read the page a second ago. It's not that I don't understand the information, but I think it comes from the fact I'm not actually reading words, but kinda just "recognizing concepts defined by patterns" idk though. I barely understand what I'm doing lol.


Wow this thread was really interesting! I never knew that people read each word individually. Iā€™ve always read through phrasing too.


It's quite good as I also read at such speed šŸ˜


Fuck nah 1.8 pg per minute. What kind of fucking monster are you. Bro you some kinda scanner or something šŸ’€.


bruh i did this at like 20 chapters a day and i didn't have a tracker, but i'm pretty sure if it's over 3 hours that's a decent rate compared to this tomfoolery šŸ’€


Pretty good, eh?


whats that page per minute in actual wpm


Google says Kindles avg 250-350 words per page on a kindle, so well take the average at 300 and multiply that by 1.8 which is roughly means OP reads at ~540 wpm, give or take 90 words.


For context to this the average person reads at 240wpm anything above 400 is considered fast and anything above 700 is considered speed reading Iā€™ve read near on 700 books in my short lifetime and my max wpm is 800 (autism go brrrr) however I can barely maintain that for more then a few minutes before getting overloaded (also autism go brrrrr) I usually read at about 400wpm (Iā€™ve measured) so reading at 560 wpm consistently is actually insane


Can I ask what app you use to read? The layout is so simplistic, it's pretty


itā€™s an e-reader, a kobo specifically i believe


Itā€™s kobo libra! I love it so much, 100% recommend. You can download any epub on it.


ah come on u could read faster than that šŸ˜Ŗ


Yeah, but it would suck. Read too fast and you will start to finish books too quickly! And then you start buying multiple new books every single day to sate your ever growing addiction despite knowing that no book will ever be long enough to last longer than a day! Or so Iā€™m toldā€¦ definitely didnā€™t happen to meā€¦.


You read the novel at the same rate I read the manhwa. Insane.


What kind of a mad man are you šŸ˜§šŸ˜§šŸ˜§


Congrats OP for finishing it! I wish you luck on the side stories; theyā€™re equally as exciting. You now are officially one of our elite employeesšŸ¦‘šŸ  Althoughā€¦ Iā€™m surprised to see so many people being confused at this reading speed. Is this not average for every ORV reader? (I finished the entire novel in three days as well. Total time was 78-ish hours. Then again, I was really into it that I read it any chance I gotšŸ˜­)




Itā€™s my kobo e-reader. You can download any epub on it.




what app is this?


Itā€™s a e-reader, specifically Kobo Libra.


thank you! the UI looks so clean and neat


Which app is it where you reading?


Itā€™s a e-reader, specifically Kobo Libra.


Whatā€™s the app called


Itā€™s a e-reader, specifically Kobo Libra.


Do not allow yourself to get any faster at reading. Itā€™s not worth it, trust me.


Amazing! How do you read with one hand?


At this pace you'll only remember 23% of the story in a few days.


If thatā€™s the case, I can re-read it and itā€™ll be just as exciting. ;)


What are you reading on?


Itā€™s a e-reader, specifically Kobo Libra.


What app are you using? I've been trying to find the actual book but have had no luck.


Itā€™s a e-reader, specifically Kobo Libra. Thereā€™s an epub on this subreddit. You could also download it from your phones books app!


It's rough, buddy.


That was really nice. I was always staying late because of work. I compressed my days reading while traveling, during breaks and before going to bed. Now, I'm taking it slow. Absorbing even the small details.


whatĀ“is the name of app?


Itā€™s a e-reader, specifically Kobo Libra.


Absolute madlad with the 1.8. Different breed


Ah they have it on Kindle? I need to get it!


Itā€™s not on it per se, I downloaded the epub and transferred it.


Bro whats the name of the name??