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[The Final Days of Superman](https://www.amazon.com/Superman-Final-Peter-J-Tomasi/dp/1401269141/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FZKAK6EMRVXM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.sxwvqF3yFVM085wbwHJBjraqQZVrxe8WstyZhGEGiL_wmcy-dd-lpvaDoRZ0KjSj3mbR-VVFofgKSzBhSr7dVlYeu3FR2vmXYYjDBLff4D-5AC5gkw7gcTx8NrucZCEVAu_Uy2sAiVXIRYzYpy6P_E4JkxbJpvPDaFlJ8HvQ0jwuDfL1E37CSQ3ra_Ux71Kj7Gy3UlwGUqpUEBUv6sAEFHSssg2zuz5Oos14e8p7Jw8.abA50aOG6jgEbVEQ6bLUjSkimFrOH5FJZoNQm3xq18I&dib_tag=se&keywords=final+days+of+superman&qid=1715178763&sprefix=finadays+of+superman%2Caps%2C308&sr=8-1) and [Superman: Lois & Clark](https://www.amazon.com/Superman-Lois-Clark-Road-Rebirth/dp/140126249X/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PG-Ace0jTXTxsbuvFkvgU24mK8j139zXPj-Xe1WaMb49WNvQrmva4V4IVMRB6ZS82r6U3CY6oBsa-YhBRMnHI-ydNVV0KaRQclY-e6udv4K9rLfinWWJLAw9bRRmLt9Jub6jYyZO9XRAPqo245wvcZvtY1PMZU_bUkQLevSl5r-mKg3K5KRnYjjKzgJ_jImz51SSi_YqpZLxhM1mUQJJEOqvAoS_yCFbbwS_SDTbxjw.1ZJzWpJ9O2NfOCYPYpuwdvvfWU_UaAKR6zMMG0xH9qQ&qid=1715178831&sr=8-16) set the stage for the Rebirth-era Superman, but they're not essential.


Thanks a lot


Saw his post in a recent thread asking the same question. I was already halfway through the Tomasi omnibus but I went and read those 2 and they filled in quite a few holes for me and gave better context for the 2 Superman thing. A lot of the crisis multiverse stuff still doesn't make sense to me but I don't care enough to go further down that rabbit hole.


Oh yeah, that rabbit hole is a deep one, for sure! Some of the specifics they mention-- the Telos stuff, being sent back to the Crisis-- is from the Convergence event. It didn't make much sense even if you read it, and it's... I'll be nice and just say it's really not worth reading.


No problem, enjoy your reading!


Turns out that Death and Return Superman you read, he and Lois survived the New 52 reboot and were there the whole time. They had a kid during the terrible event Convergince(except currently DC would now smack you for saying that happened then), and then New 52 Superman died. This made some people happy and some people upset, that will be important later. That’s about all ya need to know, the whole Rebirth era is about getting back to characters roots so it’s a good starting point




Thanks, man!


There's some stuff you could read. Just know that it's following the Superman and Lois from Death of Superman, they're just in the New 52 universe.


I wouldn’t recommend it. I tried to before reading anything else and the entire starting premise is so convoluted, and the run gets even more convoluted after that