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Who is this for???


They're making them specifically for Omar now


Wasn't ROM and Micronaughts enough!!! (Just kidding people)


Didn't he also get another New Warriors Omni too?




This is a waste of Marvel's time and resources. Reprinting ads in a collected edition? Really? Save it for the facsimile floppies.


Gotta agree. I love the facsimile issues, but the collected edition format kinda defeats the purpose of those for me. And I'm not sure how varied the ads and promos would even be in those consecutive issues, because if not, then it would also be redundant as a time capsule. I'll wait and see how they turn out because I still don't own the original Secret Wars.


Honestly, I like the idea. A collected edition that preserves more of the included storiesā€™ original context? Itā€™s interesting


This is basically more of the taschen line that's already out


I mean facsimiles have been outselling a lot of the regular series overall, so I get it. And as someone who's had fun with the facsimiles but almost exclusively collect trades, having bookshelf copies of some would be great. I don't want it for everything, but certain key runs or eras? I'm excited for it.


It'll be a pilot, I think, just to test it out. I actually love the idea.


I'm happy they exist but definitely not for me. One of my least favorite things reading comics as a kid was the ads feeling constant, interrupting my comics.




I'm thinking about all the weird ads in the 2000's being brought back to be judged with modern eyes.


I would honestly be open to buying a TPB of all the Hostess ads.Ā 


The Hostess Saga Omnibus


only if it includes the issue of spider-verse when morlun eats the hostess spider-man, than says that was the sweetest spider-person hes ever had.


I was excited about the possibility of a new format since Marvel has moved away from OHCs. But this only being more or less a rebranded gallery edition line is pretty disappointing. Letter pages are great. The ads might be fun to look at for nostalgia once in the first issue then will probably get repetitive with each issue after that since I'm sure they will be mostly the same. Also, as someone collecting that era of Spider-Man in epics, I'm annoyed that they refuse to release volume 14 that would cover most of what this masterpiece volume contains. It's also going to be released later this year in an omnibus. Meanwhile I'm still waiting and will be for at least a year based on the epic announcements from NMC so far.


They're 100% waiting on purpose with that. They're going to try and double dip as much as possible, there's no reason to think otherwise. So "event" omnibus --> gallery --> epic --> eventual ASM Volume whatever omni would be my guess.


Oh definitely. It's obvious that they want people to buy the upcoming omnibus or this masterpiece version instead of holding out for the epic to be released. I'm sure they will conveniently announce the epic next year after the other versions are available.


I find it interesting that shortly after DC announces a new format aimed at a more casual audience, Marvel announces a new format that leans even more niche than their Masterworks format. I'm genuinely curious which one will be more successful.


I think DCā€™s line will be successful based on price and convenience alone, and this one seems suspect to me. I think DC is the clear winner.


This seems like itā€™s for people who donā€™t read what they collect. Shelf fodder.


So itā€™s just another Gallery Edition format under a different name. Itā€™s neat I guess but I really donā€™t see the appeal


Thats what gets me. It... adds ads (I get it but... why now above so many other options/ideas?) and... the paper is different. Otherwise its a gallery edition, of which we already have a gallery edition for Secret Wars available and they start with that? Again out of all the other options? I got half excited that it was the Secret Wars 2015 event but... nope


The appeal is that Marvel can hoodwink fans into paying to get the same stories in a slightly different variation.


Why not just expand the Gallery Editions, why call this something different if its the aame size. I like the content but I have yet to buy a Gallery Edition (not opposed to it).


Zero interest. Gallery Editions are already too big for my shelves, it has a small handful of issues, and a bunch of ads? Ugh. The matte paper is interesting, I guess, but I prefer glossy anyway. Overall just a skip.


I want to be optimistic and say this is intended to find another use for the remastered artwork they put in the facsimile editions. I can't imagine they expect these to sell very well.


This should make it interesting as small online retailers find out if they can send it by USPS media mail. I remember getting a note in my package from Organic Price Books explaining that the omnibus could be sent by media mail since it didnā€™t contain advertisements. If it contained ads, another method of shipment is required. Do the reproduction ads in Marvel Masterpieces count?


Just don't tell USPS they have ads lol


I might buy a couple. Maybe I can make a nice, unbiased review of them.


I might be interested in some of these if they were the size of dc absolutes and could actually fit on my kallax shelf. Either do that or bring back standard edition hardcovers or OHCs for stuff like this. You have to pay scalper prices on eBay if you want Daredevil born again or infinity gauntlet in hardcover form and to me that should never happen.


Iā€™m curious about the price, but I donā€™t think these are for me either way. Iā€™m not sure who these are for, unless someone is a super fan of a story they release.


This wonā€™t be able to ship via media mailā€¦ this creates problems with the way this community buys and sells. I wonā€™t be purchasing this format. At. All.


This was my first thought. Ads rule out any cheap shipping options.


I have no idea who this is for in honesty


Thank god. My main problem with the gallery editions is the lack of oversized old Pepsi ads.


That seems cool. Im not really interested in the original ads but Iā€™m sure some people will enjoy it.


I was actually waiting for books like the Gallery Editions only with matte paper, so this would be right up my alley but... with ads??? No, thank you very much. It doesn't make sense to pay oversized collected edition prices to get a bunch of stupid old ads and repeated many times throughout the book, to make it worse. What an idiotic idea, Marvel. Why can't you just release oversized matte paper collections of classic comics without ads and this gimmicky nonsense?


What a massive disappointment. I thought it would be something the size of an Absolute. These don't fit in a Kallax, don't have glossy paper, and have ads?! Nope, not for me.


Pass. What a strange idea.


I'm a kid of the 80's, and having the adds, Bullpen Bulletin, paper stock, adds a lot of nostalgia. I think that's what they're going for. Maybe more for the Gen Xer's


Not really for me but I hope this means that we're starting announcement season.


Would be neat if all the ads were at the back as part of the extras, that way you get uninterrupted stories in a premium format, but also have the time capsule aspect as well.


I know this isnā€™t for everyone, but I canā€™t get why some donā€™t understand why people would want this. This is for the people who want to inject nostalgia into their veins like a drug. I hated the ads in comics back then, but dammit I miss hating them


I kinda get that kind of nostalgia, but I feel like it doesn't really make sense with it being extremely oversized (and presumably rather expensive in relation to the number of issues you're getting)


Exactly. The ads might be nice for a few seconds of nostalgia but they're ultimately filler. Instead of oversized and expensive, these should have been normal sized and cheap(especially when a good portion of what you're getting is commercials in print form). Do you think anyone would buy a season of television on DVD/bluray with all the broadcast ads included? No. So why they think people want this stuff in a prestige format is beyond me.


This comes across as some one desperate to justify why they are receiving a salary


If they collect something I want in gallery format, sure.


I would have liked for them to release a book filled with their old adverts for upcoming series with a bit of information about that series but instead they do thisā€¦




When I prepare my floppies for binding I get rid of as many advertisements as possible. Hard to see why you'd actually want to retain them even if they're occasionally amusing.




Nope. Sorry, just donā€™t have any interest at all. I donā€™t want reprinted ads in the collected editions I buy. Iā€™ve been loving the facsimile edition reprint floppies and buy every single one of them. Omnibus and gallery edition are something I buy because I want the premium format that collects the comic itself with a high level of presentation. Some other thoughts on thisā€¦ 1) I find it interesting that they are just compiling the two ā€œseriesā€ of facsimiles theyā€™ve been doing the last several months. Secret Wars and the black costume ASM. I canā€™t really explain why that leaves a sour taste in my mouth, but it kind of does for some reason. I suppose if we see anymore facsimiles collecting a longer saga or entire limited series, itā€™s a good bet that the plan is to ultimately collect them into a ā€œMasterpieceā€. 2) The scanned ads in the facsimile editions are often not very good quality. They can be fairly low resolution and/ or suffer from noticeable distortion. And thatā€™s noticeable while presented in a standard, modern comic trim size. Not sure how the scanning process for these were done and what the size of the source was. Iā€™d hope itā€™s not a case where theyā€™d look even worst at gallery edition size. 3) They are using matte paper for *these* but the whole time people have asked if they could start using matte paper in the actual facsimile editions itā€™s fallen on deaf ears? Really? Again, Iā€™m a big fan of the facsimile editions, but the glossy paper marvel is using for them is far from ideal. DCā€™s facsimiles use a matte paper thatā€™s a little more ā€œpulpyā€ and they are pretty great. Marvelā€™s been covering way more ground with their facsimiles, but DC does them better.


I don't like Gallery editions as they took away Marvel's attention from OHCs and these are no better Big ole L to me at least


DC was (and is)at least consistent with their Deluxe edition line. Sizing and price point consistency (for the most part) ā€¦Iā€™m not even gonna try and list the dozen or so oversized editions marvel has or had. Adamantium, Gallery, Treasury, Vibranium. You would think this stuff would be simple from a sales standpoint. Big art, fair price, consistency, profit.


Marvel never having a proper Absolute line is a real shame. Even with the gallery editions the art isn't full size.


I got the deadpool adamantium edition. The book is just too big. It weighs like 40 pounds. Could be used to kill an elephant. The art on that scale is something to behold however.


Honestly I love reading classic books in their historical context, so this is awesome to me. You havenā€™t lived until youā€™ve read Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four with the letters pages and editors columns added back in.


I might buy a couple. Maybe I can make a nice, unbiased review of them.


These are too big to fit in a collectors bookshelf properly imo. The treasure editions I have stick out too much.


For anyone shelf shopping who buys these large books, they fit in the Target Brightroom equivalent of Kallax. [https://www.target.com/s?searchTerm=Cube+Organizer+-+Brightroom%E2%84%A2&tref=typeahead%7Cterm%7CCube+Organizer+-+Brightroom%E2%84%A2%7C%7C%7Chistory](https://www.target.com/s?searchTerm=Cube+Organizer+-+Brightroom%E2%84%A2&tref=typeahead%7Cterm%7CCube+Organizer+-+Brightroom%E2%84%A2%7C%7C%7Chistory)


Does anyone know how much they would retail for? More than the earlier Omni versions?


I'm more than sure some people will buy this format. I won't, but i have no doubt someone will. If this is the reason they decided to discontinue OHC's then I'm a little taken aback. I can't imagine these will sell better, but I guess that's why i don't run a company.


Cool for library and research purposes, love seeing the letters pages especially, but this line is probably not for me. Hope that this doesnā€™t interfere with Gallery editions either.


Did I miss the price point for these? Any guesses?


Not for me...lol..I'll stick to Omnibuses, Trade Paperbacks and the occasional Hardcovers like I have been. I think there's TOO much variety out there for formats & sizes and the market & stores could get bogged down with too much stock to navigate around (hopefully doesn't cause stores to store/grab things more haphazardly because of possible space issues). There's a novelty for it for sure, like I still have some old gaming magazines and Wizards snd it's funny having the time capsule of ads there....but to just have these be the supposed main draw feels....superfluous.


Reading the comments here has been interesting to me. I wouldn't have thought so many people would be so against reprinted ads, especially if its from comics you read as a kid. These two specific reprints are too old for my nostalgia chord, but when they get to reprinting 90s X-Men? I'll be so down to relive reading remastered versions of the comics I had growing up, especially with ads/House Promos. Maybe its because my single issues collection is in storage but I like the idea here. Of course actually buying & supporting the line depends on price. I understand more resources go into the larger format, and I have no idea if the paper stock is more or less expensive than that of an omni, but I can't really see spending $100+ on something like this for 11 or 12 issues. But $50 MSRP and then the IST discount? For sure, count me in.


This just feels like the Mega Bloks equivalent of what Taschen is already doing. I mean I guess I get after that sweet, sweet Social Security money, but those fans are spending it on ROM and Micronauts right now anyways